diff options
author | 2020-01-01 10:23:16 +0200 | |
committer | 2020-01-01 11:08:20 +0200 | |
commit | 51d9784740b2fa457fe39046de222930d07da0c1 (patch) | |
tree | 06ed94c35c03fc1c162967d733ae7e2933176bdf /vid-app-common/src | |
parent | e2404a51b7bc747f12f922afef0254e66efa3250 (diff) |
Show Templates popup when deploying from "SDC Catalog"
Issue-ID: VID-739
Signed-off-by: Yoav Schneiderman <yoav.schneiderman@intl.att.com>
Change-Id: I99fe7eff025341da9b8f8555c8fda4528c2c1426
Signed-off-by: Yoav Schneiderman <yoav.schneiderman@intl.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'vid-app-common/src')
3 files changed, 374 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/ServiceModelController.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/ServiceModelController.js index b29680f9d..1b6457308 100755 --- a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/ServiceModelController.js +++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/ServiceModelController.js @@ -1,360 +1,361 @@ -/*-
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * VID
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
- * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 IBM.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- appDS2.controller("ServiceModelController",function ($uibModal, $scope, $http, $location, COMPONENT, VIDCONFIGURATION, FIELD, DataService, vidService,
- PropertyService, UtilityService, AsdcService, $timeout, featureFlags) {
- $scope.popup = {};
- var defaultViewPerPage = 10;
- // var baseEndpoint = "vid";
- }
- window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
- function receiveMessage(event){
- if(event.data == 'navigateTo') {
- $location.path('/models/services').search({});
- $scope.$apply();
- $scope.rememberFilter = true;
- }
- if(event.data == 'navigateToInstantiationStatus') {
- $location.path('/instantiationStatus').search({});
- $scope.$apply();
- }
- }
- $scope.getServiceModels = function() {
- $http.get(pathQuery)
- .then(function (response) {
- $scope.services = [];
- if (response.data && angular.isArray(response.data.services)) {
- wholeData = response.data.services;
- $scope.services = $scope.filterDataWithHigherVersion(wholeData);
- $scope.viewPerPage = defaultViewPerPage;
- $scope.totalPage=$scope.services.length/$scope.viewPerPage;
- $scope.sortBy=COMPONENT.NAME;
- $scope.scrollViewPerPage=2;
- $scope.currentPage=1;
- $scope.currentPageNum=1;
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
- $scope.isProgressVisible = false;
- var searchKey = sessionStorage.getItem("searchKey");
- if (searchKey != 'undefined' && searchKey!=null && ($scope.rememberFilter)) {
- var searchKey = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("searchKey"));
- $scope.searchString = searchKey.searchString || '';
- $scope.viewPerPage = searchKey.viewPerPage || defaultViewPerPage;
- $scope.totalPage = $scope.services.length / $scope.viewPerPage;
- $timeout(function () {
- // the table controller handles the current page once
- // data is loaded, therefore we're delying the paging
- // override
- $scope.currentPage = $scope.currentPageNum = searchKey.currentPage ? parseInt(searchKey.currentPage) : 1;
- }, 0);
- $scope.rememberFilter = false;
- }
- } else {
- $scope.error = true;
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
- }
- $scope.deployButtonType = response.data.readOnly ? 'disabled' : 'primary';
- }, function (response) {
- console.log("Error: " + response);
- });
- };
- $scope.isShowOrchestrationType = function() {
- };
- var wholeData=[];
- $scope.filterDataWithHigherVersion = function(serviceData){
- var delimiter = '$$';
- var fiterDataServices = {};
- for(var i=0;i<serviceData.length;i++) {
- var index = serviceData[i].invariantUUID.trim() + delimiter + serviceData[i].name.trim();
- if(!fiterDataServices[index]) {
- var hasPreviousVersion = false;
- fiterDataServices[index] = {
- service: serviceData[i],
- hasPreviousVersion: false
- };
- }
- else {
- fiterDataServices[index].hasPreviousVersion = true;
- if(parseFloat(serviceData[i].version.trim())>parseFloat(fiterDataServices[index].service.version.trim())) {
- fiterDataServices[index].service = serviceData[i];
- }
- }
- }
- return Object.keys(fiterDataServices).map(function(key) {
- var service = fiterDataServices[key].service;
- service.hasPreviousVersion = fiterDataServices[key].hasPreviousVersion;
- return service;
- });
- };
- $scope.init = function() {
- var msecs = PropertyService.retrieveMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec();
- PropertyService.setMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(msecs);
- var polls = PropertyService.retrieveMsoMaxPolls();
- PropertyService.setMsoMaxPolls(polls);
- };
- $scope.prevPage = function() {
- $scope.currentPage--;
- };
- $scope.nextPage = function() {
- $scope.currentPage++;
- };
- $scope.showReportWindow = function() {
- const modalWindow = $uibModal.open({
- templateUrl: 'app/vid/scripts/modals/report-modal/report-modal.html',
- controller: 'reportModalController',
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- resolve: {
- errorMsg: function () {
- return $scope.status;
- }
- }
- });
- };
- $scope.isShowErrorReport = function() {
- };
- $scope.createType = COMPONENT.A_LA_CARTE;
- $scope.deployService = function(service) {
- var searchKey = {
- searchString: $scope.searchString,
- viewPerPage: $scope.viewPerPage,
- currentPage: $scope.currentPage
- };
- sessionStorage.setItem("searchKey",JSON.stringify(searchKey));
- console.log("Instantiating SDC service " + service.uuid);
- $http.get(COMPONENT.SERVICES_PATH + service.uuid)
- .then(function (getServiceResponse) {
- var serviceModel = getServiceResponse.data;
- //VID-233 bug fix when models doesn't exists
- if(typeof(serviceModel)==="string"){ //not an object
- $scope.error = true;
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
- $scope.isProgressVisible = true;
- return;
- } else{ //clean error message
- $scope.status = "";
- $scope.error = false;
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
- $scope.isProgressVisible = false;
- }
- DataService.setServiceName(serviceModel.service.name);
- //VOLTE services need input list generated and macro style
- DataService.setE2EService(false);
- if(serviceModel.service.category === 'E2E Service') {
- DataService.setE2EService(true);
- DataService.setHideServiceFields(false);
- VIDCONFIGURATION.MACRO_SERVICES.push(serviceModel.service.invariantUuid);
- }
- DataService.setModelInfo(COMPONENT.SERVICE, {
- "modelInvariantId": serviceModel.service.invariantUuid,
- "modelVersion": serviceModel.service.version,
- "serviceType" : serviceModel.service.serviceType,
- "serviceRole": serviceModel.service.serviceRole,
- "modelNameVersionId": serviceModel.service.uuid,
- "modelName": serviceModel.service.name,
- "description": serviceModel.service.description,
- "category":serviceModel.service.category
- });
- var shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow = AsdcService.shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow(serviceModel);
- DataService.setShouldIncludeInAsyncInstantiationFlow(shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow);
- DataService.setALaCarte (true);
- DataService.setPnf(!angular.equals(serviceModel.pnfs, {}));
- $scope.createType = COMPONENT.A_LA_CARTE;
- if (AsdcService.isMacro(serviceModel) || DataService.getE2EService()) {
- DataService.setALaCarte(false);
- if(!shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow){
- $scope.createType = COMPONENT.MACRO;
- var convertedAsdcModel = UtilityService.convertModel(serviceModel);
- DataService.setModelInfo(COMPONENT.SERVICE, {
- "modelInvariantId": serviceModel.service.invariantUuid,
- "modelVersion": serviceModel.service.version,
- "modelNameVersionId": serviceModel.service.uuid,
- "modelName": serviceModel.service.name,
- "description": serviceModel.service.description,
- "category": serviceModel.service.category,
- "serviceEcompNaming": serviceModel.service.serviceEcompNaming,
- "inputs": serviceModel.service.inputs,
- "serviceType": serviceModel.service.serviceType,
- "serviceRole": serviceModel.service.serviceRole,
- "displayInputs": convertedAsdcModel.completeDisplayInputs
- });
- }
- }
- $scope.$broadcast(broadcastType, {
- componentId : COMPONENT.SERVICE,
- modelNameVersionId: serviceModel.service.uuid,
- callbackFunction : function(response) {
- if (response.isSuccessful) {
- vidService.setModel(serviceModel);
- var subscriberId = FIELD.STATUS.NOT_FOUND;
- var serviceType = FIELD.STATUS.NOT_FOUND;
- var serviceInstanceId = response.instanceId;
- for (var i = 0; i < response.control.length; i++) {
- if (response.control[i].id == COMPONENT.SUBSCRIBER_NAME) {
- subscriberId = response.control[i].value;
- } else if (response.control[i].id == FIELD.ID.SERVICE_TYPE) {
- serviceType = response.control[i].value;
- }
- }
- $scope.refreshSubs(subscriberId,serviceType,serviceInstanceId);
- }
- }
- });
- }, function (response) {
- console.log("Error: " + response);
- });
- };
- $scope.tableData=[];
- var oldData=[];
- $scope.loadPreviousVersionData=function(invariantUUID , name, version){
- $scope.tableData =[];
- oldData=[];
- for(var i=0;i<wholeData.length;i++){
- if(wholeData[i].invariantUUID == invariantUUID && wholeData[i].name == name && version!=wholeData[i].version){
- oldData.push(wholeData[i]);
- }
- }
- $scope.tableData = oldData;
- $scope.createType = "Previous Version";
- var broadcastType = "createTableComponent";
- $scope.componentName = name;
- $scope.$broadcast(broadcastType, {
- callbackFunction : function(response) {
- }
- });
- };
- $scope.refreshSubs = function(subscriberId, serviceType, serviceInstanceId) {
- $scope.init();
- },{
- timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
- }).then(function(response){
- if (response.data.status < 200 || response.data.status > 202) {
- $scope.showError(FIELD.ERROR.MSO);
- return;
- }
- $scope.customer = response.data.customer; // get data from json
- $scope.customerList = [];
- $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer = [];
- angular.forEach($scope.customer, function(subVal, subKey) {
- var cust = { "globalCustomerId": subVal[FIELD.ID.GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID], "subscriberName": subVal[FIELD.ID.SUBNAME] };
- $scope.customerList.push(cust);
- angular.forEach(subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTIONS][FIELD.ID.SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION], function(serviceSubscription, key) {
- $scope.serviceInstanceId = [];
- if (serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICETYPE] != null) {
- $scope.serviceType = serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICETYPE];
- } else {
- }
- if (serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCES] != null) {
- angular.forEach(serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCES][FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCE], function(instValue, instKey) {
- var foo = { "serviceInstanceId": instValue[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID],
- "globalCustomerId": subVal[FIELD.ID.GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID],
- "subscriberName": subVal[FIELD.ID.SUBNAME] };
- $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer.push(foo);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- DataService.setServiceInstanceToCustomer($scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer);
- var serviceIdList = [];
- },{
- timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec
- }).then(function(response) {
- angular.forEach(response.data, function(value, key) {
- angular.forEach(value, function(subVal, key) {
- var newVal = { "id" : subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_ID], "description" : subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION] ,"isPermitted" : subVal[FIELD.ID.IS_PERMITTED] };
- serviceIdList.push(newVal);
- DataService.setServiceIdList(serviceIdList);
- $location.search({
- "subscriberId": subscriberId,
- "serviceType": serviceType,
- "serviceInstanceId": serviceInstanceId,
- "isPermitted": newVal.isPermitted.toString()
- });
- });
- });
- });
- })
- ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError);
- };
- });
+/*- + * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= + * VID + * ================================================================================ + * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. + * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 IBM. + * ================================================================================ + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= + */ + +(function () { + 'use strict'; + + appDS2.controller("ServiceModelController",function ($uibModal, $scope, $http, $location, COMPONENT, VIDCONFIGURATION, FIELD, DataService, vidService, + PropertyService, UtilityService, AsdcService, $timeout, featureFlags) { + + $scope.popup = {}; + var defaultViewPerPage = 10; + // var baseEndpoint = "vid"; + var pathQuery = COMPONENT.SERVICES_DIST_STATUS_PATH + VIDCONFIGURATION.ASDC_MODEL_STATUS; + + if ( VIDCONFIGURATION.ASDC_MODEL_STATUS === FIELD.STATUS.ALL) { + pathQuery = COMPONENT.SERVICES_PATH; + } + window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); + + function receiveMessage(event){ + if(event.data == 'navigateTo') { + $location.path('/models/services').search({}); + $scope.$apply(); + $scope.rememberFilter = true; + } + if(event.data == 'navigateToInstantiationStatus') { + $location.path('/instantiationStatus').search({}); + $scope.$apply(); + } + } + + $scope.getServiceModels = function() { + $scope.status = FIELD.STATUS.FETCHING_SERVICE_CATALOG_ASDC; + + $http.get(pathQuery) + .then(function (response) { + $scope.services = []; + if (response.data && angular.isArray(response.data.services)) { + wholeData = response.data.services; + $scope.services = $scope.filterDataWithHigherVersion(wholeData); + $scope.viewPerPage = defaultViewPerPage; + $scope.totalPage=$scope.services.length/$scope.viewPerPage; + $scope.sortBy=COMPONENT.NAME; + $scope.scrollViewPerPage=2; + $scope.currentPage=1; + $scope.currentPageNum=1; + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false; + $scope.isProgressVisible = false; + var searchKey = sessionStorage.getItem("searchKey"); + if (searchKey != 'undefined' && searchKey!=null && ($scope.rememberFilter)) { + var searchKey = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("searchKey")); + $scope.searchString = searchKey.searchString || ''; + $scope.viewPerPage = searchKey.viewPerPage || defaultViewPerPage; + $scope.totalPage = $scope.services.length / $scope.viewPerPage; + $timeout(function () { + // the table controller handles the current page once + // data is loaded, therefore we're delying the paging + // override + $scope.currentPage = $scope.currentPageNum = searchKey.currentPage ? parseInt(searchKey.currentPage) : 1; + }, 0); + $scope.rememberFilter = false; + } + } else { + $scope.status = FIELD.STATUS.FAILED_SERVICE_MODELS_ASDC; + $scope.error = true; + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false; + } + $scope.deployButtonType = response.data.readOnly ? 'disabled' : 'primary'; + }, function (response) { + console.log("Error: " + response); + }); + }; + + $scope.isShowOrchestrationType = function() { + return featureFlags.isOn(COMPONENT.FEATURE_FLAGS.FLAG_SHOW_ORCHESTRATION_TYPE); + }; + + var wholeData=[]; + + $scope.filterDataWithHigherVersion = function(serviceData){ + var delimiter = '$$'; + var fiterDataServices = {}; + for(var i=0;i<serviceData.length;i++) { + var index = serviceData[i].invariantUUID.trim() + delimiter + serviceData[i].name.trim(); + if(!fiterDataServices[index]) { + var hasPreviousVersion = false; + fiterDataServices[index] = { + service: serviceData[i], + hasPreviousVersion: false + }; + } + else { + fiterDataServices[index].hasPreviousVersion = true; + if(parseFloat(serviceData[i].version.trim())>parseFloat(fiterDataServices[index].service.version.trim())) { + fiterDataServices[index].service = serviceData[i]; + } + } + } + return Object.keys(fiterDataServices).map(function(key) { + var service = fiterDataServices[key].service; + service.hasPreviousVersion = fiterDataServices[key].hasPreviousVersion; + return service; + }); + }; + + $scope.init = function() { + var msecs = PropertyService.retrieveMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(); + PropertyService.setMsoMaxPollingIntervalMsec(msecs); + + var polls = PropertyService.retrieveMsoMaxPolls(); + PropertyService.setMsoMaxPolls(polls); + }; + + $scope.prevPage = function() { + $scope.currentPage--; + }; + + $scope.nextPage = function() { + $scope.currentPage++; + }; + + $scope.showReportWindow = function() { + + const modalWindow = $uibModal.open({ + templateUrl: 'app/vid/scripts/modals/report-modal/report-modal.html', + controller: 'reportModalController', + controllerAs: 'vm', + resolve: { + errorMsg: function () { + return $scope.status; + } + } + }); + + }; + + $scope.isShowErrorReport = function() { + return featureFlags.isOn(COMPONENT.FEATURE_FLAGS.FLAG_CREATE_ERROR_REPORTS); + }; + + $scope.createType = COMPONENT.A_LA_CARTE; + $scope.deployService = function(service) { + var searchKey = { + searchString: $scope.searchString, + viewPerPage: $scope.viewPerPage, + currentPage: $scope.currentPage + }; + DataService.setHasTemplate(service.hasTemplate); + sessionStorage.setItem("searchKey",JSON.stringify(searchKey)); + + console.log("Instantiating SDC service " + service.uuid); + + $http.get(COMPONENT.SERVICES_PATH + service.uuid) + .then(function (getServiceResponse) { + + var serviceModel = getServiceResponse.data; + + //VID-233 bug fix when models doesn't exists + if(typeof(serviceModel)==="string"){ //not an object + $scope.status = FIELD.STATUS.FAILED_SERVICE_MODELS_ASDC; + $scope.error = true; + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false; + $scope.isProgressVisible = true; + return; + } else{ //clean error message + $scope.status = ""; + $scope.error = false; + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false; + $scope.isProgressVisible = false; + } + + DataService.setServiceName(serviceModel.service.name); + + //VOLTE services need input list generated and macro style + DataService.setE2EService(false); + if(serviceModel.service.category === 'E2E Service') { + DataService.setE2EService(true); + DataService.setHideServiceFields(false); + VIDCONFIGURATION.MACRO_SERVICES.push(serviceModel.service.invariantUuid); + } + + DataService.setModelInfo(COMPONENT.SERVICE, { + "modelInvariantId": serviceModel.service.invariantUuid, + "modelVersion": serviceModel.service.version, + "serviceType" : serviceModel.service.serviceType, + "serviceRole": serviceModel.service.serviceRole, + "modelNameVersionId": serviceModel.service.uuid, + "modelName": serviceModel.service.name, + "description": serviceModel.service.description, + "category":serviceModel.service.category + }); + + var shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow = AsdcService.shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow(serviceModel); + DataService.setShouldIncludeInAsyncInstantiationFlow(shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow); + + DataService.setALaCarte (true); + DataService.setPnf(!angular.equals(serviceModel.pnfs, {})); + $scope.createType = COMPONENT.A_LA_CARTE; + var broadcastType = COMPONENT.CREATE_COMPONENT; + if (AsdcService.isMacro(serviceModel) || DataService.getE2EService()) { + DataService.setALaCarte(false); + if(!shouldTakeTheAsyncInstantiationFlow){ + $scope.createType = COMPONENT.MACRO; + var convertedAsdcModel = UtilityService.convertModel(serviceModel); + + DataService.setModelInfo(COMPONENT.SERVICE, { + "modelInvariantId": serviceModel.service.invariantUuid, + "modelVersion": serviceModel.service.version, + "modelNameVersionId": serviceModel.service.uuid, + "modelName": serviceModel.service.name, + "description": serviceModel.service.description, + "category": serviceModel.service.category, + "serviceEcompNaming": serviceModel.service.serviceEcompNaming, + "inputs": serviceModel.service.inputs, + "serviceType": serviceModel.service.serviceType, + "serviceRole": serviceModel.service.serviceRole, + "displayInputs": convertedAsdcModel.completeDisplayInputs + }); + } + } + + $scope.$broadcast(broadcastType, { + componentId : COMPONENT.SERVICE, + modelNameVersionId: serviceModel.service.uuid, + callbackFunction : function(response) { + if (response.isSuccessful) { + vidService.setModel(serviceModel); + + var subscriberId = FIELD.STATUS.NOT_FOUND; + var serviceType = FIELD.STATUS.NOT_FOUND; + + var serviceInstanceId = response.instanceId; + + for (var i = 0; i < response.control.length; i++) { + if (response.control[i].id == COMPONENT.SUBSCRIBER_NAME) { + subscriberId = response.control[i].value; + } else if (response.control[i].id == FIELD.ID.SERVICE_TYPE) { + serviceType = response.control[i].value; + } + } + + + $scope.refreshSubs(subscriberId,serviceType,serviceInstanceId); + + } + } + }); + }, function (response) { + console.log("Error: " + response); + }); + }; + + $scope.tableData=[]; + var oldData=[]; + $scope.loadPreviousVersionData=function(invariantUUID , name, version){ + $scope.tableData =[]; + oldData=[]; + for(var i=0;i<wholeData.length;i++){ + if(wholeData[i].invariantUUID == invariantUUID && wholeData[i].name == name && version!=wholeData[i].version){ + oldData.push(wholeData[i]); + } + } + $scope.tableData = oldData; + $scope.createType = "Previous Version"; + var broadcastType = "createTableComponent"; + $scope.componentName = name; + $scope.$broadcast(broadcastType, { + componentId : COMPONENT.OLDVERSION, + callbackFunction : function(response) { + } + }); + }; + + $scope.refreshSubs = function(subscriberId, serviceType, serviceInstanceId) { + $scope.status = FIELD.STATUS.FETCHING_SUBSCRIBER_LIST_AAI; + $scope.init(); + $http.get( FIELD.ID.AAI_REFRESH_FULL_SUBSCRIBERS, { + + },{ + timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec + }).then(function(response){ + + if (response.data.status < 200 || response.data.status > 202) { + $scope.showError(FIELD.ERROR.MSO); + return; + } + + $scope.customer = response.data.customer; // get data from json + + $scope.customerList = []; + + $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer = []; + + angular.forEach($scope.customer, function(subVal, subKey) { + var cust = { "globalCustomerId": subVal[FIELD.ID.GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID], "subscriberName": subVal[FIELD.ID.SUBNAME] }; + $scope.customerList.push(cust); + if (subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTIONS] != null) { + angular.forEach(subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTIONS][FIELD.ID.SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION], function(serviceSubscription, key) { + $scope.serviceInstanceId = []; + if (serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICETYPE] != null) { + $scope.serviceType = serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICETYPE]; + } else { + $scope.serviceType = FIELD.STATUS.NO_SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_FOUND; + } + if (serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCES] != null) { + angular.forEach(serviceSubscription[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCES][FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCE], function(instValue, instKey) { + var foo = { "serviceInstanceId": instValue[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID], + "globalCustomerId": subVal[FIELD.ID.GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID], + "subscriberName": subVal[FIELD.ID.SUBNAME] }; + $scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer.push(foo); + }); + } + }); + } + }); + DataService.setServiceInstanceToCustomer($scope.serviceInstanceToCustomer); + var serviceIdList = []; + $http.get( FIELD.ID.AAI_GET_SERVICES, { + },{ + timeout: $scope.responseTimeoutMsec + }).then(function(response) { + angular.forEach(response.data, function(value, key) { + angular.forEach(value, function(subVal, key) { + var newVal = { "id" : subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_ID], "description" : subVal[FIELD.ID.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION] ,"isPermitted" : subVal[FIELD.ID.IS_PERMITTED] }; + serviceIdList.push(newVal); + DataService.setServiceIdList(serviceIdList); + + $location.search({ + "subscriberId": subscriberId, + "serviceType": serviceType, + "serviceInstanceId": serviceInstanceId, + "isPermitted": newVal.isPermitted.toString() + }); + + $location.path(COMPONENT.INSTANTIATE_PATH); + }); + }); + }); + }) + ["catch"]($scope.handleServerError); + }; + }); +})(); diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js index a35411dd1..002bcb95a 100755 --- a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js +++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js @@ -93,9 +93,13 @@ var creationDialogController = function (COMPONENT, FIELD, PARAMETER, $scope, $h if (!$scope.shouldShowOldPopup()) { - $scope.url = COMPONENT.SERVICE_POPUP_IFRAME_URL + request.modelNameVersionId + "&isCreate=true&r=" + Math.random(); - window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); - + if(DataService.getHasTemplate()){ + $scope.url = COMPONENT.INSTANTIATION_TEMPLATES_IFRAME_URL + request.modelNameVersionId; + window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); + }else { + $scope.url = COMPONENT.SERVICE_POPUP_IFRAME_URL + request.modelNameVersionId + "&isCreate=true&r=" + Math.random(); + window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); + } } else { callbackFunction = request.callbackFunction; diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/services/dataService.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/services/dataService.js index 56729f2d3..10c4277ca 100755 --- a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/services/dataService.js +++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/services/dataService.js @@ -319,6 +319,12 @@ var DataService = function($log, DataService) { }, setOwningEntityProperties: function (properties) { _this.owningEntityProperties = properties; + }, + getHasTemplate: function () { + return _this.hasTemplate; + }, + setHasTemplate: function (hasTemplate) { + _this.hasTemplate = hasTemplate; } }; }; |