path: root/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/common/topologycompletion/nodeTemplateSelector.tag
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/common/topologycompletion/nodeTemplateSelector.tag')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/common/topologycompletion/nodeTemplateSelector.tag b/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/common/topologycompletion/nodeTemplateSelector.tag
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d09fd3..0000000
--- a/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/common/topologycompletion/nodeTemplateSelector.tag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Pascal Hirmer.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * and the Apache License 2.0 which both accompany this distribution,
- * and are available at
- * and
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Pascal Hirmer - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-<%@tag language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" description="This tag is used to render Node and Relationship Templates for selection in a dialog."%>
-<%-- attributes for the NodeTemplate selection --%>
-<%@attribute name="templateURL" type="java.lang.String"%>
-<%@attribute name="topologyName" type="java.lang.String"%>
-<%@attribute name="topologyNamespace" type="java.lang.String"%>
-<%@attribute name="repositoryURL" type="java.lang.String" %>
-<%@attribute name="stName" type="java.lang.String" %>
-<%@attribute name="choices" type="java.util.Map<org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TNodeTemplate, java.util.Map<org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TNodeTemplate, java.util.List<org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TEntityTemplate>>>"%>
-<%@tag import="java.util.ArrayList"%>
-<%@tag import="java.util.HashMap"%>
-<%@tag import="java.util.List"%>
-<%@tag import="java.util.Map"%>
-<%@tag import="java.util.UUID"%>
-<%@tag import="javax.xml.namespace.QName"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TEntityTemplate"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TNodeTemplate"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TRelationshipTemplate"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TRelationshipType"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.repository.client.WineryRepositoryClientFactory"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.repository.client.IWineryRepositoryClient"%>
-<%@tag import="org.eclipse.winery.common.Util"%>
-<%@taglib prefix="ntrq" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/common/templates/nodetemplates/reqscaps" %>
-<%@taglib prefix="nt" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/common/templates/nodetemplates" %>
-<div id="nodeTemplateSelector">
- <p> There are several possible Node Templates to be inserted. <br> Please select your desired NodeTemplate: </p>
- <%
- // the pixel distance between the displayed NodeTemplates
- final int NODE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE = 150;
- IWineryRepositoryClient client = WineryRepositoryClientFactory.getWineryRepositoryClient();
- client.addRepository(repositoryURL);
- // instantiate variables
- Map<String, String> idMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
- List<TRelationshipTemplate> possibleConnections = new ArrayList<TRelationshipTemplate>();
- String sourceId = "";
- String randomId = "";
- String id = "";
- // a counter used for an ID
- int counter = 0;
- // used for the position of the NodeTemplate in the EditorArea
- int topCounter = 0;
- %>
- <script>
- // array to collect the created IDs
- IDs = new Array();
- // save all created connections in an array to be able to detach them after the selection
- Connections = new Array();
- </script>
- <%
- // render a topology for every choice to be displayed in the dialog
- for (TNodeTemplate nt: choices.keySet()) {
- Map<TNodeTemplate, List<TEntityTemplate>> entityTemplates = choices.get(nt);
- for (TNodeTemplate choice: entityTemplates.keySet()) {
- id = "choice" + Integer.toString(counter);
- %>
- <div id="proposalEditorArea">
- <div id="proposaldrawingarea">
- <%
- topCounter = 0;
- %>
- <nt:nodeTemplateRenderer client="<%=client%>" relationshipTypes="<%=client.getAllTypes(TRelationshipType.class)%>" repositoryURL='<%=repositoryURL%>' nodeTemplate="<%=nt%>" top="<%=Integer.toString(topCounter)%>" left='<%="0"%>'/>
- <script>
- //Map IDs here. ID mapping is necessary to avoid conflict with the modelled NodeTemplates in the background.
- <%
- randomId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
- %>
- document.getElementById("<%=nt.getId()%>").id = "<%=randomId%>";
- IDs.push("<%=randomId%>");
- <%
- idMap.put(nt.getId(), randomId);
- %>
- </script>
- <%
- topCounter = topCounter + NODE_TEMPLATE_DISTANCE;
- %>
- <!-- use the nodeTemplateRenderer tag to render NodeTemplates-->
- <nt:nodeTemplateRenderer client="<%=client%>" relationshipTypes="<%=client.getAllTypes(TRelationshipType.class)%>" repositoryURL='<%=repositoryURL%>' nodeTemplate="<%=choice%>" top="<%=Integer.toString(topCounter)%>" left='<%="0"%>'/>
- <script>
- //Map IDs here
- <%
- randomId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
- %>
- document.getElementById("<%=choice.getId()%>").id = "<%=randomId%>";
- IDs.push("<%=randomId%>");
- <%
- idMap.put(choice.getId(), randomId);
- %>
- </script>
- </div>
- </div>
- <% if (entityTemplates.get(choice).size() > 1) { %>
- <p> There are several possible Relationship Templates to connect the Node Templates <%=nt.getName()%> and <%=choice.getName()%>. Please choose at least one connection: </p>
- <%}
- for (TEntityTemplate rtChoice: entityTemplates.get(choice)) {
- TRelationshipTemplate connector = (TRelationshipTemplate) rtChoice;
- if (entityTemplates.get(choice).size() > 1) {
- %>
- <input checked="checked" id="<%=connector.getName()%>" name="<%=connector.getName()%>" type="checkbox" value="<%=connector.getName()%>"> <%=connector.getName()%> <br/>
- <%
- }
- sourceId = ((TNodeTemplate) connector.getSourceElement().getRef()).getId();
- String targetId = ((TNodeTemplate) connector.getTargetElement().getRef()).getId();
- QName type = connector.getType();
- String visualSourceId = idMap.get(sourceId);
- String visualTargetId = idMap.get(targetId);
- %>
- <script>
- // connect the rendered NodeTemplates
- require(["winery-common-topologyrendering"], function(wct) {
- wct.initNodeTemplate(jsPlumb.getSelector(".NodeTemplateShape:not('.hidden')"), true);
- });
- var c;
- require(["jsplumb"], function(_jsPlumb) {
- _jsPlumb.ready(function() {
- c = _jsPlumb.connect({
- source:"<%=visualSourceId%>",
- target:"<%=visualTargetId%>",
- endpoint:"Blank",
- type: "<%=type%>"
- });
- Connections.push(c);
- })
- });
- </script>
- <%}
- %>
- <br>
- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" id="<%=id%>" value='<%=choice.getName()%>' onclick="onSelected<%=choice.getName()%>()">Use Template: <%=choice.getName()%></button>
- <script>
- /**
- * Handles a click on the "Select" button.
- *
- * This selection handler method is created for every NodeTemplate that can be chosen by the user.
- * This is realized by inserting the unique names of the NodeTemplate choices in the method name via JSP scriptlet.
- */
- function onSelected<%=choice.getName()%>() {
- SelectedRTs = new Array();
- for (var i = 0; i < Connections.length; i++) {
- jsPlumb.detach(Connections[i]);
- }
- <%
- if (entityTemplates.get(choice).size() == 1) {
- %>
- SelectedRTs.push("<%=((TRelationshipTemplate) entityTemplates.get(choice).get(0)).getName()%>");
- <%
- } else if (entityTemplates.get(choice).size() > 1) {
- for (TEntityTemplate rtChoice: entityTemplates.get(choice)) {
- TRelationshipTemplate connector = (TRelationshipTemplate) rtChoice;
- %>
- if (document.getElementById("<%=connector.getName()%>").checked) {
- SelectedRTs.push(document.getElementById("<%=connector.getName()%>").value);
- }
- <%
- }}
- %>
- SelectedItems = new Array();
- SelectedItems.push(document.getElementById("<%=id%>").value);
- if (SelectedItems.length == 0) {
- vShowError("Please selected at least one Relationship Template.");
- } else {
- // add the selected Templates to the topology and restart the completion
- var selectedNodeTemplates = JSON.stringify(SelectedItems);
- var selectedRelationshipTemplates = JSON.stringify(SelectedRTs);
- $.post("jsp/topologyCompletion/selectionHandler.jsp", {topology: topology, allChoices: choices, selectedNodeTemplates: selectedNodeTemplates, selectedRelationshipTemplates: selectedRelationshipTemplates},
- function(data){
- require(["winery-topologycompletion"], function(completer) {
- completer.restartCompletion(data, document.getElementById('overwriteTopology').checked,document.getElementById('openInNewWindow').checked,
- document.getElementById('topologyName').value, document.getElementById('topologyNamespace').value, true, "<%=stName%>",
- "<%=templateURL%>", "<%=repositoryURL%>");
- });
- }
- );
- }
- }
- </script>
- <%
- counter++;
- }
- }%>
- <br>
- <br>
- <br>
- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" id="cancel" onclick="onSelectedCancel()">Cancel Automatic Completion</button>
- <p><i> Press this button if you want to continue the completion manually.</i> </p>
- <script>
- // save topology and refresh the page
- function onSelectedCancel() {
- $.post("jsp/topologyCompletion/topologySaver.jsp", {topology: topology, templateURL: "<%=templateURL%>", repositoryURL: "<%=repositoryURL%>", topologyName: "<%=topologyName%>", topologyNamespace: "<%=topologyNamespace%>", overwriteTopology: "true"},
- function(callback){
- document.location.reload(true);
- }
- );
- }
- </script>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file