path: root/winery/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'winery/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/winery/ b/winery/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d3a95e..0000000
--- a/winery/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# Winery
-Winery is a Web-based environment to graphically model TOSCA topologies and plans managing these topologies.
-It is an Eclipse project and thus support is available through its project page
-Winery is also part of the OpenTOSCA ecosystem where more information is available at
-**The code and the linked libraries are NOT approved by Eclipse Legal. Dependencies are fetched from external mirrors and not from an Eclipse repository.**
-## Runtime Requirements
-* Java 7
-* Servlet 3.0 capable container (e.g., Tomcat 7)
-## Development Information
-Winery uses maven and [bower] for fetching dependencies and building.
-Bower has to be installed manually as described in the next section.
-## Install bower
-1. Install [nodejs]. Just use the latest version to get the latest node package manager (npm).
-1. Run `npm install -g bower`
-1. Ensure that `git` is in your path: Some javascript libraries are fetched via git.
-## Make models available
-The models are versioned aside from the main project.
-Go into each model directory (`org.eclipse.winery.model.csar.toscametafile`, `org.eclipse.winery.model.selfservice`, `org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca`) and do a `mvn install`.
-## Making the wars
-Run `mvn clean package`.
-In case [bower] fails, try to investigate using `mvn package -X`.
-You can start bower manually in `org.eclipse.winery.repository` and `org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler` by issuing `bower install`.
-There are two WARs generated:
-* `org.eclipse.winery.repository/target/winery.war` and
-* `org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/target/winery-topologymodeler.war`
-They can be deployed on a Tomcat runtime environment.
-## Branches
-The `master` branch is always compiling and all tests should go through.
-It contains the most recent improvements.
-All other branches are real development branches and might event not compile.
-There are no explicit branches for stable versions as winery is currently in development-only mode.
-## Projects
-### Model projects
-Each of these projects are versioned separately.
-* org.eclipse.winery.model.csar.toscametafile: model for TOSCA meta files contained in a CSAR
-* org.eclipse.winery.model.selfservice: model for the self service portal
-* org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca: model for TOCSA
-### Support projects
-* org.eclipse.winery.highlevelrestapi: support library to REST calls.
-### Winery itself
-Versioned together to ease development.
-* org.eclipse.winery.common: Used in repository and topology modeler
-* org.eclipse.winery.generators.ia: Implementation Artifact Generator, used as component in the repository
-* org.eclipse.winery.repository: the repository including a JSP-based UI
-* org.eclipse.winery.repository.client: Java-client for the repository
-* org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler: Graph-based modeler for topology templates
-## Next steps
-Winery currently is far from being a production ready modeling tool.
-The next steps are:
-* UI design improvements
- * Have Orion support `XML` as language. See also [Bug 421284][bug421284]
-* Add more usability features to the topology modeler
-* Remove non-required files from components/ directory to reduce the file size of the WAR file
- * This has to be done by submitting patches to `bower.json` of the upstream libraries
-* Develop a plugin-system for user-defined editors. For instance, a constraint has a type. If a type is known to Winery, it can present a specific plugin to edit the type content instead of a generic XML editor.
-* Rework file storage. Currently, files are stored along with their definitions. A new storage should store all files in one place and use an SHA1 id to uniquely identify the file. Then, it does not make any difference if storing a WAR, an XSD, or an WSDL.
-* Add a real DAO layer to enable querying the available TOSCA contents using SQL or similar query language
-Currently, `.jsp` files package HTML and JS.
-We plan to use frameworks such as [TerrificJS] to provide a better modularity.
-This follows Nicholas Zakas' "[Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture]".
-## Known issues
-* XSD Type declarations are not directly supported
-** Declared types are converted to imports during a CSAR Import
-** Editing of XSDs is not possible
-* **The XSD of OASIS TOSCA v1.0 has been modified**
-** An Implementation Artifact may carry a `name` attribute
-** The contents of properties of Boundary Definitions are processed in `lax` mode
-## Eclipse setup
-This howto is based on [Eclipse Standard 4.3].
-First of all, generate a war to have all dependencies fetched by maven.
-### Required plugins
-* JST Server Adapters Extensions
-* Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
-* Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
-* [m2e-wtp]: Maven Integration for WTP
-* [AnyEdit]( for ensuring that tabs are always used
-** Configure: Window -> Preferences -> General / Editors / AnyEdit Tools -> "Auto - Convert EXCLUSION file list" -> "Add filter" -> "*.java", "Convert...": 4 spaces for a tab
-### Optional plugins
-* [Eclipse Code Recommenders](
-* [VJET JavaScript IDE](
-### Make Winery projects known to Eclipse
-1. Import all projects
- * Use "Existing Maven Projects". `mvn eclips:m2eclipse` currently does not enable "maven" in eclipse.
-2. For each project: right click, –> Team –> Share Project –> Git –> Next –> check "Use or create repository in parent folder of project" –> Finish
-3. At `org.eclipse.winery.repository` and ` org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler`:
- * Right click -> Properties -> JavaScript -> Include Path -> Source -> Expand folder -> Select "Excluded" -> "Edit..."
- * Exclusion Patterns: Add multiple -> Select "3rd party" -> "OK"
- * Exclusion Patterns: Add multiple -> Select "components" -> "OK"
- * "Finish" -> "OK"
-### Setup Tomcat
-1. Open servers window: Window -> Show View -> Other -> Server -> Servers
-2. New server wizard... -> Apache -> Tomcat v7.0 Server -> Next -> Winery -> Add -> Finish
-3. Rename the Server to "Apache Tomcat v7.0"
-Now you can see the Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost [Stopped, Republish] in your server window.
-Select it and click on the green play button in the window.
-Now winery can be viewed at http://localhost:8080/winery/
-### Configure Winery (optional)
-The repository location can be changed:
-Copy `` to `path-to-workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\winery`.
-### Trouble shooting
-* In case some JavaScript libraries cannot be found by the browser, execute `bower prune`, `bower install`, `bower update` in both `org.eclipse.winery.repository` and `org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler`.
-* See [ of the repository](org.eclipse.winery.repository/
-* See [ of the topology modeler](org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/
-#### Libraries
-* Do NOT update to jQuery 2.1.0. When using with firefox, line 5571 in jquery.js fails: `divStyle is null`. That means `window.getComputedStyle( div, null );` returned null, too.
-* Do NOT update to jsPlumb 1.5.5. The new connection type determination does not play well together with Winery's usage of jsPlumb.
-## Acknowledgements
-The initial code contribution has been supported by the [Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology] as part of the [CloudCycle project] (01MD11023).
-## License
-Copyright (c) 2012-2014 University of Stuttgart.
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are made available under the terms of the [Eclipse Public License v1.0]
-and the [Apache License v2.0] which both accompany this distribution,
-and are available at
-* Oliver Kopp - initial API and implementation
-## Literature
-### About TOSCA
-* Binz, T., Breiter, G., Leymann, F., Spatzier, T.: Portable Cloud Services Using TOSCA. IEEE Internet Computing 16(03), 80--85 (May 2012). [DOI:10.1109/MIC.2012.43]
-* Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications Version 1.0. 25 November 2013. OASIS Standard.
-* OASIS: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Primer Version 1.0 (2013)
-See for a list of publications in the OpenTOSCA ecosystem.
-### Programming
-* Joshua Bloch. Effective Java, 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley
- [bug421284]:
- [bower]:
- [DOI:10.1109/MIC.2012.43]:
- [nodejs]:
- [Eclipse Public License v1.0]:
- [Eclipse Standard 4.3]:
- [Apache License v2.0]:
- [Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology]:
- [CloudCycle project]:
- [m2eclipse]:
- [m2e-wtp]:
- [Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture]:
- [TerrificJS]: