path: root/lcm/ns/vnfs/notify_lcm.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lcm/ns/vnfs/notify_lcm.py')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lcm/ns/vnfs/notify_lcm.py b/lcm/ns/vnfs/notify_lcm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6342f7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lcm/ns/vnfs/notify_lcm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Copyright 2016 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import uuid
+import logging
+import traceback
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from lcm.ns.vnfs.const import INST_TYPE
+from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException
+from lcm.pub.database.models import VNFCInstModel, VLInstModel, NfInstModel, PortInstModel, CPInstModel, VmInstModel
+from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class NotifyLcm(object):
+ def __init__(self, vnfmid, vnfInstanceId, data):
+ logger.debug("[Notify LCM] vnfmid=%s, vnfInstanceId=%s, data=%s" % (vnfmid, vnfInstanceId, data))
+ self.vnf_instid = ''
+ self.vnfmid = vnfmid
+ self.m_vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId
+ self.status = ignore_case_get(data, 'status')
+ self.operation = ignore_case_get(data, 'operation')
+ self.lcm_jobid = ignore_case_get(data, 'jobId')
+ self.vnfdmodule = ignore_case_get(data, 'vnfdmodule')
+ self.affectedVnfc = ignore_case_get(data, 'affectedVnfc')
+ self.affectedVl = ignore_case_get(data, 'affectedVl')
+ self.affectedCp = ignore_case_get(data, 'affectedCp')
+ self.affectedVirtualStorage = ignore_case_get(data, 'affectedVirtualStorage')
+ def do_biz(self):
+ try:
+ self.vnf_instid = self.get_vnfinstid(self.m_vnfInstanceId, self.vnfmid)
+ self.update_Vnfc()
+ self.update_Vl()
+ self.update_Cp()
+ self.update_Storage()
+ #self.update_vnf_by_vnfdmodule()
+ logger.debug("notify lcm end")
+ except NSLCMException as e:
+ self.exception(e.message)
+ except Exception:
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ self.exception('unexpected exception')
+ def get_vnfinstid(self, mnfinstid, vnfm_inst_id):
+ nfinst = NfInstModel.objects.filter(mnfinstid=mnfinstid, vnfm_inst_id=vnfm_inst_id).first()
+ if nfinst:
+ return nfinst.nfinstid
+ else:
+ self.exception('vnfinstid not exist')
+ def exception(self, error_msg):
+ logger.error('Notify Lcm failed, detail message: %s' % error_msg)
+ return Response(data={'error': '%s' % error_msg}, status=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT)
+ def update_Vnfc(self):
+ for vnfc in self.affectedVnfc:
+ vnfcInstanceId = ignore_case_get(vnfc, 'vnfcInstanceId')
+ vduId = ignore_case_get(vnfc, 'vduId')
+ changeType = ignore_case_get(vnfc, 'changeType')
+ vimId = ignore_case_get(vnfc, 'vimid')
+ vmId = ignore_case_get(vnfc, 'vmid')
+ vmName = ignore_case_get(vnfc, 'vmname')
+ # resourceType = ignore_case_get(vmResource, 'resourceType')
+ # resourceId = ignore_case_get(vmId, 'resourceId')
+ # if resourceType != 'vm':
+ # self.exception('affectedVnfc struct error: resourceType not euqal vm')
+ if changeType == 'added':
+ VNFCInstModel(vnfcinstanceid=vnfcInstanceId, vduid=vduId,
+ nfinstid=self.vnf_instid, vmid=vmId).save()
+ VmInstModel(vmid=vmId, vimid=vimId, resouceid=vmId, insttype=INST_TYPE.VNF,
+ instid=self.vnf_instid, vmname=vmName, hostid='1').save()
+ elif changeType == 'removed':
+ VNFCInstModel.objects.filter(vnfcinstanceid=vnfcInstanceId).delete()
+ elif changeType == 'modified':
+ VNFCInstModel.objects.filter(vnfcinstanceid=vnfcInstanceId).update(vduid=vduId,
+ nfinstid=self.vnf_instid,
+ vmid=vmId)
+ else:
+ self.exception('affectedVnfc struct error: changeType not in {added,removed,modified}')
+ def update_Vl(self):
+ for vl in self.affectedVl:
+ vlInstanceId = ignore_case_get(vl, 'vlInstanceId')
+ vldid = ignore_case_get(vl, 'vldid')
+ changeType = ignore_case_get(vl, 'changeType')
+ networkResource = ignore_case_get(vl, 'networkResource')
+ resourceType = ignore_case_get(networkResource, 'resourceType')
+ resourceId = ignore_case_get(networkResource, 'resourceId')
+ if resourceType != 'network':
+ self.exception('affectedVl struct error: resourceType not euqal network')
+ ownerId = self.vnf_instid
+ ownerId = self.get_vnfinstid(self.vnf_instid, self.vnfmid)
+ if changeType == 'added':
+ VLInstModel(vlInstanceId=vlInstanceId, vldId=vldid, ownerType=0, ownerId=ownerId,
+ relatedNetworkId=resourceId, vlType=0).save()
+ elif changeType == 'removed':
+ VLInstModel.objects.filter(vlInstanceId=vlInstanceId).delete()
+ elif changeType == 'modified':
+ VLInstModel.objects.filter(vlInstanceId=vlInstanceId)\
+ .update(vldId=vldid, ownerType=0, ownerId=ownerId, relatedNetworkId=resourceId, vlType=0)
+ else:
+ self.exception('affectedVl struct error: changeType not in {added,removed,modified}')
+ def update_Cp(self):
+ for cp in self.affectedCp:
+ virtualLinkInstanceId = ignore_case_get(cp, 'virtualLinkInstanceId')
+ #ownerid = ignore_case_get(cp, 'ownerid')
+ ownertype = ignore_case_get(cp, 'ownertype')
+ if not ownertype:
+ ownertype = 0
+ ownerid = self.vnf_instid if str(ownertype) == "0" else ignore_case_get(cp, 'ownerid')
+ cpInstanceId = ignore_case_get(cp, 'cpinstanceid')
+ cpdId = ignore_case_get(cp, 'cpdid')
+ changeType = ignore_case_get(cp, 'changetype')
+ relatedportId = ''
+ portResource = ignore_case_get(cp, 'portResource')
+ if portResource:
+ vimId = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'vimid')
+ resourceId = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'resourceid')
+ resourceName = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'resourceName')
+ tenant = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'tenant')
+ ipAddress = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'ipAddress')
+ macAddress = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'macAddress')
+ sfcEncapsulation = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'sfcEncapsulation')
+ instId = ignore_case_get(portResource, 'instId')
+ portid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ PortInstModel(portid=portid, networkid='unknown', subnetworkid='unknown', vimid=vimId,
+ resourceid=resourceId, name=resourceName, instid=instId, cpinstanceid=cpInstanceId,
+ bandwidth='unknown', operationalstate='active', ipaddress=ipAddress, macaddress=macAddress,
+ floatipaddress='unknown', serviceipaddress='unknown', typevirtualnic='unknown',
+ sfcencapsulation='gre', direction='unknown', tenant=tenant).save()
+ relatedportId = portid
+ if changeType == 'added':
+ CPInstModel(cpinstanceid=cpInstanceId, cpdid=cpdId, ownertype=ownertype, ownerid=ownerid,
+ relatedtype=2, relatedport=relatedportId, status='active').save()
+ elif changeType == 'removed':
+ CPInstModel.objects.filter(cpinstanceid=cpInstanceId).delete()
+ elif changeType == 'changed':
+ CPInstModel.objects.filter(cpinstanceid=cpInstanceId).update(cpdid=cpdId, ownertype=ownertype,
+ ownerid=ownerid,
+ vlinstanceid=virtualLinkInstanceId,
+ relatedtype=2, relatedport=relatedportId)
+ else:
+ self.exception('affectedVl struct error: changeType not in {added,removed,modified}')
+ def update_Storage(self):
+ pass
+ def update_vnf_by_vnfdmodule(self):
+ NfInstModel.objects.filter(nfinstid=self.vnf_instid).update(vnfd_model=self.vnfdmodule)