diff options
12 files changed, 1439 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b3110..0000000
--- a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from rest_framework import serializers
-class AdditionalParams(serializers.Serializer):
- sdncontroller = serializers.CharField(help_text="sdncontroller", required=False)
- NatIpRange = serializers.CharField(help_text="NatIpRange", required=False)
- m6000_mng_ip = serializers.CharField(help_text="m6000_mng_ip", required=False)
- externalPluginManageNetworkName = serializers.CharField(help_text="externalPluginManageNetworkName", required=False)
- location = serializers.CharField(help_text="location", required=False)
- externalManageNetworkName = serializers.CharField(help_text="externalManageNetworkName", required=False)
- sfc_data_network = serializers.CharField(help_text="sfc_data_network", required=False)
- externalDataNetworkName = serializers.CharField(help_text="externalDataNetworkName", required=False)
- inputs = serializers.DictField(
- help_text="inputs",
- child=serializers.CharField(help_text="but i needed to test these 2 fields somehow", allow_blank=True),
- required=False,
- allow_null=True
- )
-class VnfInstReqParamsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- vnfDescriptorId = serializers.CharField(
- help_text="Identifier that identifies the VNFD which defines the VNF instance to be created.",
- max_length=255,
- required=True,
- allow_null=True
- )
- vnfInstanceName = serializers.CharField(
- help_text="Human-readable name of the VNF instance to be created.",
- max_length=255,
- required=True,
- allow_null=False
- )
- vnfInstanceDescription = serializers.CharField(
- help_text="Human-readable description of the VNF instance to be created.",
- max_length=255,
- required=False,
- allow_null=True
- )
- additionalParam = AdditionalParams(
- help_text="Additional input parameters for the instantiation process,"
- " specific to the VNF being instantiated.",
- required=True
- )
-class ResponseSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
- jobId = serializers.CharField(help_text="Job ID.", required=True)
-class VnfTermReqSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(
- help_text="VNF instance identifier.",
- max_length=255,
- required=True,
- allow_null=True
- )
-class VnfInfo(serializers.Serializer):
- vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
- vnfStatus = serializers.CharField(help_text="The instantiation state of the VNF.", required=True)
- version = serializers.CharField(help_text="Version of the VNF.", required=True)
-class VnfQueryRespSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- vnfInfo = VnfInfo(
- help_text="The information items about the selected VNF instance(s) that are returned.",
- required=True
- )
-class ResponseDescriptor(serializers.Serializer):
- status = serializers.CharField(help_text="status.", required=True)
- responsehistorylist = serializers.CharField(help_text="History response messages.", required=True)
- responseid = serializers.IntegerField(help_text="Response identifier.", required=True)
- errorcode = serializers.CharField(help_text="Errorcode.", required=True)
- progress = serializers.IntegerField(help_text="Progress.", required=True)
- statusdescription = serializers.CharField(help_text="Status description.", required=True)
-class OperationStatusInfo(serializers.Serializer):
- responsedescriptor = ResponseDescriptor(help_text="Response descriptor.", required=True)
- jobid = serializers.CharField(help_text="Job ID.", required=True)
-class VnfOperRespSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- operationStatusInfo = OperationStatusInfo(
- help_text="Operation Status.",
- required=True
- )
-class VnfGrantReqSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- vnfmid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNFM identifier.", required=True)
- nfvoid = serializers.CharField(help_text="NFVO identifier.", required=True)
- vimid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VIM identifier.", required=True)
- exvimidlist = serializers.CharField(help_text="Extend VIM identifier list.", required=True)
- tenant = serializers.CharField(help_text="Tenant name.", required=True)
- vnfistanceid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
- operationright = serializers.CharField(help_text="Operation right.", required=True)
- vmlist = serializers.CharField(help_text="VM list.", required=True)
-class VnfGrantRespSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- vimid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VIM identifier.", required=True)
- tenant = serializers.CharField(help_text="Tenant name.", required=True)
-class VnfNotifyReqSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
- nfvoid = serializers.CharField(help_text="NFVO identifier.", required=True)
- vnfmid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNFM identifier.", required=True)
- vimid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VIM identifier.", required=True)
- timestamp = serializers.CharField(help_text="Timestamp.", required=True)
- vnfistanceid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
- eventtype = serializers.CharField(help_text="Event type.", required=True)
- vmlist = serializers.CharField(help_text="VM list.", required=True)
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..342c2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa5335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from import LinkSerializer
+from rest_framework import serializers
+class VimConnectionInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the VIM Connection. This identifier is managed by the NFVO.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vimId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the VIM instance. This identifier is managed by the NFVO.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimType = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ interfaceInfo = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Information about the interface or interfaces to the VIM.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="Interface Info", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False
+ )
+ accessInfo = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Authentication credentials for accessing the VIM.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="Access Info", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False
+ )
+ extra = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="VIM type specific additional information.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="Extra", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False
+ )
+class ZoneInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of this ZoneInfo instance, for the purpose of referencing it from other structures in the Grant structure.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ zoneId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the resource zone, as managed by the resource management layer(typically, the VIM).",
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the connection to the VIM that manages the resource zone.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifies the entity responsible for the management the resource zone.",
+ required=False
+ )
+class ZoneGroupInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ zoneId = serializers.ListSerializer(
+ help_text="References of identifiers of ZoneInfo structures.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="IdentifierLocal", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False
+ )
+class GrantInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ resourceDefinitionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the related ResourceDefinition from the related GrantRequest.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ reservationId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The reservation identifier applicable to the VNFC/VirtualLink/VirtualStorage.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VIM connection to be used to manage this resource.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ zoneId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Reference to the identifier of the ZoneInfo in the Grant.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceGroupId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the infrastructure resource group.",
+ required=False
+ )
+class VimComputeResourceFlavourSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VIM connection to access the flavour referenced in this structure.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+ vnfdVirtualComputeDescId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier which references the virtual compute descriptor in the VNFD that maps to this flavour.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimFlavourId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the compute resource flavour in the resource management layer (i.e. VIM).",
+ required=False
+ )
+class VimSoftwareImageSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VIM connection to access the flavour referenced in this structure.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ vnfdSoftwareImageId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier which references the software image descriptor in the VNFD.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimSoftwareImageId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the software image in the resource management layer (i.e. VIM).",
+ required=False
+ )
+class VimAssetsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ computeResourceFlavours = VimComputeResourceFlavourSerializer(
+ help_text="Mappings between virtual compute descriptors defined in the VNFD and compute resource flavours managed in the VIM.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ softwareImages = VimSoftwareImageSerializer(
+ help_text="Mappings between software images defined in the VNFD and software images managed in the VIM.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+class AddressRangeSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ minAddress = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Lowest IP address belonging to the range.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ maxAddress = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Highest IP address belonging to the range.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class IpAddresseSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ type = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The type of the IP addresses.",
+ choices=["IPV4", "IPV6"],
+ required=True
+ )
+ fixedAddresses = serializers.ListSerializer(
+ help_text="Fixed addresses to assign.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="IpAddress"),
+ required=False
+ )
+ numDynamicAddresses = serializers.IntegerField(
+ help_text="Number of dynamic addresses to assign.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ addressRange = AddressRangeSerializer(
+ help_text="An IP address range to be used, e.g. in case of egress connections.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ subnetId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the VIM.",
+ required=False
+ )
+class IpOverEthernetAddressDataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ macAddress = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="MAC address.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ ipAddresses = IpAddresseSerializer(
+ help_text="List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+class CpProtocolDataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ layerProtocol = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s).",
+ choices=["IP_OVER_ETHERNET"],
+ required=True
+ )
+ ipOverEthernet = IpOverEthernetAddressDataSerializer(
+ help_text="Network address data for IP over Ethernet to assign to the extCP instance.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+class VnfExtCpConfigSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ cpInstanceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the external CP instance to which this set of configuration parameters is requested to be applied.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ linkPortId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of a pre-configured link port to which the external CP will be associated.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ cpProtocolData = CpProtocolDataSerializer(
+ help_text="Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL.",
+ many=True
+ )
+class VnfExtCpDataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ cpdId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the CPD in the VNFD.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ cpConfig = VnfExtCpConfigSerializer(
+ help_text="List of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+class ExtLinkPortDataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ resourceHandle = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Reference to the virtualised resource realizing this link port.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class ExtVirtualLinkDataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the external VL instance.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ extCps = VnfExtCpDataSerializer(
+ help_text="External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ extLinkPorts = ExtLinkPortDataSerializer(
+ help_text="Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+class ExtManagedVirtualLinkDataSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the externally-managed internal VL instance.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ virtualLinkDescId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the VLD in the VNFD for this VL.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class GrantLinksSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ self = LinkSerializer(
+ help_text="URI of this resource.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vnfLcmOpOcc = LinkSerializer(
+ help_text="Related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vnfInstance = LinkSerializer(
+ help_text="Related VNF instance.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class GrantSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the grant.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the related VNF instance.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vnfLcmOpOccId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence.",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ vimConnections = VimConnectionInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="Provides information regarding VIM connections that are approved to be used by the VNFM to allocate resources.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ zones = ZoneInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be allocated by the VNFM.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ zoneGroups = ZoneGroupInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about groups of resource zones.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ computeReservationId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Information that identifies a reservation applicable to the compute resource requirements.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+ networkReservationId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Information that identifies a reservation applicable to the network resource requirements.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+ storageReservationId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Information that identifies a reservation applicable to the storage resource requirements.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+ addResources = GrantInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="List of resources that are approved to be added.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ tempResources = GrantInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="List of resources that are approved to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the lifecycle operation.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ removeResources = GrantInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="List of resources that are approved to be removed.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ updateResources = GrantInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="List of resources that are approved to be modified.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimAssets = VimAssetsSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about assets for the VNF that are managed by the NFVO in the VIM.",
+ required=False,
+ )
+ extVirtualLinks = ExtVirtualLinkDataSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ extManagedVirtualLinks = ExtManagedVirtualLinkDataSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ additionalParams = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Additional parameters passed by the NFVO, \
+ specific to the VNF and the LCM operation.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ )
+ _links = GrantLinksSerializer(
+ help_text="Links to resources related to this resource.",
+ required=True
+ )
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b93e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from import LinkSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.resource_handle import ResourceHandleSerializer
+from rest_framework import serializers
+class ResourceDefinitionSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of this ResourceDefinition, unique at least within the scope of the GrantRequest.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ type = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="Type of the resource definition referenced.",
+ choices=["COMPUTE", "VL", "STORAGE", "LINKPORT"],
+ required=True
+ )
+ vduId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Reference to the related VDU in the VNFD applicable to this resource.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ resourceTemplateId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Reference to a resource template(such as VnfVirtualLinkDesc) in the VNFD.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ resource = ResourceHandleSerializer(
+ help_text="Resource information for an existing resource.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+class ConstraintResourceRefSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ idType = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The type of the identifier.",
+ choices=["RES_MGMT", "GRANT"],
+ required=True
+ )
+ resourceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="An actual resource-management-level identifier(idType=RES_MGMT), or an identifier that references a ResourceDefinition(idType=GRANT).",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the resource provider. It shall only be present when idType = RES_MGMT.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+class PlacementConstraintSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ affinityOrAntiAffinity = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The type of the constraint.",
+ choices=["AFFINITY", "ANTI_AFFINITY"],
+ required=True
+ )
+ scope = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The scope of the placement constraint indicating the category of the place where the constraint applies.",
+ choices=["NFVI_POP", "ZONE", "ZONE_GROUP", "NFVI_NODE"],
+ required=True
+ )
+ resource = ConstraintResourceRefSerializer(
+ help_text="References to resources in the constraint rule.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+class VimConstraintSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ sameResourceGroup = serializers.BooleanField(
+ help_text="Set to true when the constraint applies not only to the same VIM connection, but also to the same infrastructure resource group.",
+ required=False
+ )
+ resource = ConstraintResourceRefSerializer(
+ help_text="References to resources in the constraint rule.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+class GrantRequestLinksSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfLcmOpOcc = LinkSerializer(
+ help_text="Related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vnfInstance = LinkSerializer(
+ help_text="Related VNF instance.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class GrantRequestSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VNF instance which this grant request is related to.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vnfLcmOpOccId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the GrantRequest.",
+ required=False, # TODO required
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ vnfdId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VNFD that defines the VNF for which the LCM operation is to be granted.",
+ required=False, # TODO required
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ flavourId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour of the VNFD that defines the VNF for which the LCM operation is to be granted.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ operation = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The lifecycle management operation for which granting is requested.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ isAutomaticInvocation = serializers.BooleanField(
+ help_text="Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered by an automated procedure inside the VNFM, set to false otherwise.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ instantiationLevelId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If operation=INSTANTIATE, the identifier of the instantiation level may be provided as an alternative way to define the resources to be added.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ addResources = ResourceDefinitionSerializer(
+ help_text="List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be added by the LCM operation.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ tempResources = ResourceDefinitionSerializer(
+ help_text="List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the LCM operation.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ removeResources = ResourceDefinitionSerializer(
+ help_text="Provides the definitions of resources to be removed by the LCM operation.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ updateResources = ResourceDefinitionSerializer(
+ help_text="Provides the definitions of resources to be modified by the LCM operation.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ placementConstraints = PlacementConstraintSerializer(
+ help_text="Placement constraints that the VNFM may send to the NFVO in order to influence the resource placement decision.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ vimConstraints = VimConstraintSerializer(
+ help_text="Used by the VNFM to require that multiple resources are managed through the same VIM connection.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ additionalParams = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Additional parameters passed by the VNFM.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+ _links = GrantRequestLinksSerializer(
+ help_text="Links to resources related to this request.",
+ required=False # TODO required
+ )
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f54425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from rest_framework import serializers
+class LinkSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ href = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="URI of the referenced resource.",
+ required=True
+ )
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..689c8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from rest_framework import serializers
+class ResourceHandleSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vimConnectionId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VIM connection to manage the resource.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ resourceProviderId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the entity responsible for the management of the resource.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
+ resourceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vimLevelResourceType = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True
+ )
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4936d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/serializers/
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+# Copyright 2018 ZTE Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from import LinkSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.resource_handle import ResourceHandleSerializer
+from rest_framework import serializers
+ "SCALE",
+ "HEAL",
+ "ADDED",
+ "ADDED",
+ "ADDED",
+class AdditionalParams(serializers.Serializer):
+ sdncontroller = serializers.CharField(help_text="sdncontroller", required=False)
+ NatIpRange = serializers.CharField(help_text="NatIpRange", required=False)
+ m6000_mng_ip = serializers.CharField(help_text="m6000_mng_ip", required=False)
+ externalPluginManageNetworkName = serializers.CharField(help_text="externalPluginManageNetworkName", required=False)
+ location = serializers.CharField(help_text="location", required=False)
+ externalManageNetworkName = serializers.CharField(help_text="externalManageNetworkName", required=False)
+ sfc_data_network = serializers.CharField(help_text="sfc_data_network", required=False)
+ externalDataNetworkName = serializers.CharField(help_text="externalDataNetworkName", required=False)
+ inputs = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="inputs",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="but i needed to test these 2 fields somehow", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+class VnfInstReqParamsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfDescriptorId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier that identifies the VNFD which defines the VNF instance to be created.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+ vnfInstanceName = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Human-readable name of the VNF instance to be created.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False
+ )
+ vnfInstanceDescription = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Human-readable description of the VNF instance to be created.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+ additionalParam = AdditionalParams(
+ help_text="Additional input parameters for the instantiation process,"
+ " specific to the VNF being instantiated.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class ResponseSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
+ jobId = serializers.CharField(help_text="Job ID.", required=True)
+class VnfTermReqSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="VNF instance identifier.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+class VnfInfo(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfInstanceId = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
+ vnfStatus = serializers.CharField(help_text="The instantiation state of the VNF.", required=True)
+ version = serializers.CharField(help_text="Version of the VNF.", required=True)
+class VnfQueryRespSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfInfo = VnfInfo(
+ help_text="The information items about the selected VNF instance(s) that are returned.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class ResponseDescriptor(serializers.Serializer):
+ status = serializers.CharField(help_text="status.", required=True)
+ responsehistorylist = serializers.CharField(help_text="History response messages.", required=True)
+ responseid = serializers.IntegerField(help_text="Response identifier.", required=True)
+ errorcode = serializers.CharField(help_text="Errorcode.", required=True)
+ progress = serializers.IntegerField(help_text="Progress.", required=True)
+ statusdescription = serializers.CharField(help_text="Status description.", required=True)
+class OperationStatusInfo(serializers.Serializer):
+ responsedescriptor = ResponseDescriptor(help_text="Response descriptor.", required=True)
+ jobid = serializers.CharField(help_text="Job ID.", required=True)
+class VnfOperRespSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ operationStatusInfo = OperationStatusInfo(
+ help_text="Operation Status.",
+ required=True
+ )
+class VnfGrantReqSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfmid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNFM identifier.", required=True)
+ nfvoid = serializers.CharField(help_text="NFVO identifier.", required=True)
+ vimid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VIM identifier.", required=True)
+ exvimidlist = serializers.CharField(help_text="Extend VIM identifier list.", required=True)
+ tenant = serializers.CharField(help_text="Tenant name.", required=True)
+ vnfistanceid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
+ operationright = serializers.CharField(help_text="Operation right.", required=True)
+ vmlist = serializers.CharField(help_text="VM list.", required=True)
+class VnfGrantRespSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vimid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VIM identifier.", required=True)
+ tenant = serializers.CharField(help_text="Tenant name.", required=True)
+class VnfNotifyReqSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ nfvoid = serializers.CharField(help_text="NFVO identifier.", required=True)
+ vnfmid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNFM identifier.", required=True)
+ vimid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VIM identifier.", required=True)
+ timestamp = serializers.CharField(help_text="Timestamp.", required=True)
+ vnfistanceid = serializers.CharField(help_text="VNF instance identifier.", required=True)
+ eventtype = serializers.CharField(help_text="Event type.", required=True)
+ vmlist = serializers.CharField(help_text="VM list.", required=True)
+class VimConnectionInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the VIM Connection. This identifier is managed by the NFVO.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False,
+ allow_blank=False)
+ vimId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The identifier of the VIM instance. This identifier is managed by the NFVO.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True)
+ vimType = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False,
+ allow_blank=False)
+ interfaceInfo = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Information about the interface or interfaces to the VIM",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ accessInfo = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Authentication credentials for accessing the VIM, and other access-related information",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ extra = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="VIM type specific additional information. \
+ The applicable structure, and whether or not this attribute is available, is dependent on the content of vimType.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+class ProblemDetailsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ type = serializers.CharField(help_text="Type", required=False, allow_null=True)
+ title = serializers.CharField(help_text="Title", required=False, allow_null=True)
+ status = serializers.IntegerField(help_text="Status", required=True)
+ detail = serializers.CharField(help_text="Detail", required=True, allow_null=True)
+ instance = serializers.CharField(help_text="Instance", required=False, allow_null=True)
+ additional_details = serializers.ListField(
+ help_text="Any number of additional attributes, as defined in a " +
+ "specification or by an implementation.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+class ExtlinkPortInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_blank=False,
+ allow_null=False)
+ resourceHandle = ResourceHandleSerializer(
+ help_text="Reference to the virtualised resource realizing this link port.",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False)
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the external CP of the VNF connected to this link port. \
+ There shall be at most one link port associated with any external connection point instance.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_blank=True,
+ allow_null=True)
+class ExtVirtualLinkInfoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the external VL and the related external VL information instance. \
+ The identifier is assigned by the NFV-MANO entity that manages this VL instance.",
+ required=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ allow_null=False,
+ allow_blank=False)
+ resourceHandle = ResourceHandleSerializer(
+ help_text="Reference to the resource realizing this VL.",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False)
+ extlinkPorts = ExtlinkPortInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="Link ports of this VL.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+class VnfInfoModificationsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ vnfInstanceName = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfInstanceName' attribute in 'VnfInstance'",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True)
+ vnfInstanceDescription = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfInstanceDescription' attribute in 'VnfInstance'",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True)
+ vnfdId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfdId' attribute in 'VnfInstance'",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True)
+ vnfProvider = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfProvider' attribute in 'VnfInstance'",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ vnfProductName = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfProductName' attribute in 'vnfInstance'",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True)
+ vnfSoftwareVersion = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfSoftwareVersion' attribute in 'VnfInstance'.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=True)
+ vnfdVersion = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfdVersion' attribute in 'VnfInstance'. ",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=False)
+ vnfPkgId = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfPkgId' attribute in 'VnfInstance'.",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,
+ allow_blank=False)
+ vnfConfigurableProperties = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of the " +
+ "'vnfConfigurableProperties' attribute in 'VnfInstance'. ",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True,)
+ vimConnectionInfo = VimConnectionInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of certain" +
+ "entries in the 'vimConnectionInfo'",
+ required=False,
+ many=True,
+ allow_null=True)
+ metadata = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of certain" +
+ "'metadata' attribute in 'vnfInstance'.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ extensions = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="If present, this attribute signals modifications of certain" +
+ "'extensions' attribute in 'vnfInstance'.",
+ child=serializers.CharField(help_text="KeyValue Pairs", allow_blank=True),
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+class LcmOpLinkSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ self = LinkSerializer(
+ help_text="URI of this resource.",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False)
+ vnfInstance = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Link to the VNF instance that the operation applies to.",
+ required=True)
+ grant = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Link to the grant for this operation, if one exists.",
+ required=False)
+ cancel = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'cancel' " +
+ "operation for this VNF LCM operation occurrence.",
+ required=False)
+ retry = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'retry' " +
+ "operation for this VNF LCM operation occurrence, if" +
+ " retrying is currently allowed",
+ required=False)
+ rollback = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'cancel' " +
+ "operation for this VNF LCM operation occurrence.",
+ required=False)
+ fail = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Link to the task resource that represents the 'fail' " +
+ "operation for this VNF LCM operation occurrence.",
+ required=False)
+class AffectedVnfcsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the Vnfc instance, identifying the " +
+ "applicable 'vnfcResourceInfo' entry in the 'VnfInstance' data type",
+ required=True
+ )
+ vduId = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the related VDU in the VNFD.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ changeType = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="Signals the type of change",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ affectedVnfcCpIds = serializers.ListField(
+ help_text="Identifiers of CP(s) of the VNFC instance that " +
+ "were affected by the change",
+ required=False,
+ child=serializers.UUIDField(required=True)
+ )
+ addedStorageResourceIds = serializers.ListField(
+ help_text="References to VirtualStorage resources that " +
+ "have been added",
+ required=False,
+ child=serializers.UUIDField()
+ )
+ removedStorageResourceIds = serializers.ListField(
+ help_text="References to VirtualStorage resources that " +
+ "have been removed.",
+ required=False,
+ child=serializers.UUIDField()
+ )
+ metadata = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Metadata about this resource. ",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ computeResource = ResourceHandleSerializer(
+ help_text="Reference to the VirtualCompute resource.",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False)
+class AffectedStoragesSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the Storage instance, identifying the " +
+ "applicable 'virtualStorageResourceInfo' entry in the 'VnfInstance' data type",
+ required=True
+ )
+ virtualStorageDescId = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the related VirtualStorage descriptor " +
+ "in the VNFD. ",
+ required=True
+ )
+ changeType = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="Signals the type of change",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ metadata = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Metadata about this resource. ",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ storageResource = ResourceHandleSerializer(
+ help_text="Reference to the VirtualStorage resource.",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False)
+class AffectedVLsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the virtual link instance, identifying " +
+ "the applicable 'vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo' ",
+ required=True
+ )
+ virtualLinkDescId = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the related VLD in the VNFD.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ changeType = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="Signals the type of change",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ metadata = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Metadata about this resource. ",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ networkResource = ResourceHandleSerializer(
+ help_text="Reference to the VirtualNetwork resource.",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False)
+class ResourceChangesSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ affectedVnfcs = AffectedVnfcsSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about VNFC instances that were affected " +
+ "during the lifecycle operation.",
+ required=False,
+ many=True
+ )
+ affectedVirtualLinks = AffectedVLsSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about VL instances that were affected " +
+ "during the lifecycle operation. ",
+ required=False,
+ many=True
+ )
+ affectedVirtualStorages = AffectedStoragesSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about virtualised storage instances that " +
+ "were affected during the lifecycle operation",
+ required=False,
+ many=True
+ )
+class VNFLCMOpOccSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
+ id = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Identifier of this VNF lifecycle management operation" +
+ "occurrence,",
+ max_length=255,
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False
+ )
+ operationState = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. ",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ stateEnteredTime = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Date-time when the current state was entered.",
+ max_length=50
+ )
+ startTime = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="Date-time of the start of the operation.",
+ max_length=50
+ )
+ vnfInstanceId = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the VNF instance to which the operation" +
+ "applies"
+ )
+ grantId = serializers.UUIDField(
+ help_text="Identifier of the grant related to this VNF LCM operation " +
+ "occurrence, if such grant exists.",
+ allow_null=True
+ )
+ operation = serializers.ChoiceField(
+ help_text="The lifecycle management operation",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ isAutomaticInvocation = serializers.BooleanField(
+ help_text="Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has " +
+ "been triggered by an automated procedure inside the VNFM. " +
+ "Set to False otherwise.",
+ default=False
+ )
+ operationParams = serializers.DictField(
+ help_text="Input parameters of the LCM operation. This attribute " +
+ "shall be formatted according to the request data type of the " +
+ "related LCM operation. The following mapping between operationType and the " +
+ "data type of this attribute shall apply: " +
+ "1. INSTANTIATE: InstantiateVnfRequest" +
+ "2. SCALE: ScaleVnfRequest " +
+ "3. SCALE_TO_LEVEL: ScaleVnfToLevelRequest " +
+ "4. CHANGE_FLAVOUR: ChangeVnfFlavourRequest " +
+ "5. OPERATE: OperateVnfRequest " +
+ "6. HEAL: HealVnfRequest " +
+ "7. CHANGE_EXT_CONN: ChangeExtVnfConnectivityRequest " +
+ "8. TERMINATE: TerminateVnfRequest " +
+ "9. MODIFY_INFO: VnfInfoModifications",
+ required=True,
+ allow_null=False
+ )
+ isCancelPending = serializers.BooleanField(
+ help_text="If the VNF LCM operation occurrence is in 'STARTING'" +
+ "'PROCESSING' or 'ROLLING_BACK' state and the operation is being" +
+ " cancelled, this attribute shall be set to True. Otherwise, " +
+ " it shall be set to False.",
+ required=True
+ )
+ cancelMode = serializers.CharField(
+ help_text="The mode of an ongoing cancellation. Shall be present " +
+ "when isCancelPending=true, and shall be None otherwise.",
+ allow_null=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ error = ProblemDetailsSerializer(
+ help_text="If 'operationState' is 'FAILED_TEMP' or 'FAILED' or " +
+ "'PROCESSING' or 'ROLLING_BACK' and previous value of 'operationState' " +
+ "was 'FAILED_TEMP' this attribute shall be present ",
+ allow_null=True,
+ required=False
+ )
+ resourceChanges = ResourceChangesSerializer(
+ help_text="It contains information about the cumulative changes " +
+ "to virtualised resources that were performed so far by the LCM " +
+ "operation since its start, if applicable.",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ changedInfo = VnfInfoModificationsSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about the changed VNF instance information, " +
+ "including VNF configurable properties",
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ changedExtConnectivity = ExtVirtualLinkInfoSerializer(
+ help_text="Information about changed external connectivity, if this " +
+ "notification represents the result of a lifecycle operation occurrence. " +
+ "Shall be present if the 'notificationStatus' is set to 'RESULT' and the " +
+ "'operation' is set to 'CHANGE_EXT_CONN'. Shall be absent otherwise.",
+ many=True,
+ required=False,
+ allow_null=True)
+ _links = LcmOpLinkSerializer(
+ help_text="Links to resources related to this resource.",
+ required=True)
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
index 2e73623..9c50466 100644
--- a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
@@ -286,31 +286,60 @@ class InterfacesTest(TestCase):
- grant_resp_data = {
- "id": "1",
- "vnfInstanceId": "1",
- "vnfLcmOpOccId": "2",
- "vimConnections": [
- {
- "id": "1",
- "vimId": "1"
- }
- ]
+ grant = {
+ 'id': 'Identifier of the garnt',
+ 'vnfInstanceId': 'Identifier of the related VNF instance',
+ 'vnfLcmOpOccId': 'Identifier of the related VNF LcmOpOcc',
+ # 'vimConnections': [],
+ # 'zones': [],
+ # 'zoneGroups': [],
+ # 'computeReservationId': None,
+ # 'networkReservationId': None,
+ # 'storageReservationId': None,
+ # 'addResources': None,
+ # 'tempResources': None,
+ # 'removeResource': None,
+ # 'updateResource': None,
+ # 'vimAssets': None,
+ # 'extVirtualLinks': None,
+ # 'extManagedVirtualLinks': None,
+ # 'additionalParams': None,
+ '_links': {
+ 'self': {'href': 'URI of this resource'},
+ 'vnfLcmOpOcc': {'href': 'Related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence'},
+ 'vnfInstance': {'href': 'Related VNF instance'}
+ }
- mock_call_req.return_value = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(grant_resp_data), '201']
+ mock_call_req.return_value = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(grant), '201']
response = self.client.put("/api/gvnfmdriver/v1/resource/grant",
data=json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json')
self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response.status_code)
expect_resp_data = {
- "id": "1",
- "vnfInstanceId": "1",
- "vnfLcmOpOccId": "2",
- "vimConnections": [
- {
- "id": "1",
- "vimId": "1"
- }
- ]
+ 'id': 'Identifier of the garnt',
+ 'vnfInstanceId': 'Identifier of the related VNF instance',
+ 'vnfLcmOpOccId': 'Identifier of the related VNF LcmOpOcc',
+ # 'vimConnections': [],
+ # 'zones': [],
+ # 'zoneGroups': [],
+ # 'computeReservationId': None,
+ # 'networkReservationId': None,
+ # 'storageReservationId': None,
+ # 'addResources': None,
+ # 'tempResources': None,
+ # 'removeResource': None,
+ # 'updateResource': None,
+ # 'vimAssets': None,
+ # 'extVirtualLinks': None,
+ # 'extManagedVirtualLinks': None,
+ # 'additionalParams': None,
+ '_links': {
+ 'self': {'href': 'URI of this resource'},
+ 'vnfLcmOpOcc': {'href': 'Related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence'},
+ 'vnfInstance': {'href': 'Related VNF instance'}
+ }
@@ -538,3 +567,69 @@ class InterfacesTest(TestCase):
mock_call_req.return_value = [1, json.JSONEncoder().encode(""), '200']
resp = self.client.get("/api/gvnfmdriver/v1/vnfpackages")
self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, resp.status_code)
+ @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req')
+ def test_get_vnflcmopocc_with_id(self, mock_call_req):
+ vnfLcmOpOccId = "99442b18-a5c7-11e8-998c-bf1755941f16"
+ vnfm_info = {
+ "vnfmId": "19ecbb3a-3242-4fa3-9926-8dfb7ddc29ee",
+ "name": "g_vnfm",
+ "type": "gvnfmdriver",
+ "vimId": "",
+ "vendor": "ZTE",
+ "version": "v1.0",
+ "description": "vnfm",
+ "certificateUrl": "",
+ "url": "",
+ "userName": "admin",
+ "password": "admin",
+ "createTime": "2016-07-06 15:33:18"
+ }
+ dummy_single_vnf_lcm_op = {
+ "id": vnfLcmOpOccId,
+ "operationState": "STARTING",
+ "stateEnteredTime": "2018-07-09",
+ "startTime": "2018-07-09",
+ "vnfInstanceId": "cd552c9c-ab6f-11e8-b354-236c32aa91a1",
+ "grantId": None,
+ "operation": "SCALE",
+ "isAutomaticInvocation": False,
+ "operationParams": {},
+ "isCancelPending": False,
+ "cancelMode": None,
+ "error": None,
+ "resourceChanges": None,
+ "changedInfo": None,
+ "changedExtConnectivity": None,
+ "_links": {
+ "self": {
+ "href": "dem1o"
+ },
+ "vnfInstance": "demo"
+ }
+ }
+ mock_call_req.return_value = [0, json.JSONEncoder().encode(dummy_single_vnf_lcm_op), status.HTTP_200_OK]
+ resp = self.client.get("/api/gvnfmdriver/v1/%s/vnf_lcm_op_occs/%s" % (vnfm_info['vnfmId'], vnfLcmOpOccId))
+ self.assertEqual(dummy_single_vnf_lcm_op,
+ self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_200_OK, resp.status_code)
+ @mock.patch.object(restcall, 'call_req')
+ def test_get_vnflcmopocc_failed(self, mock_call_req):
+ vnfLcmOpOccId = "99442b18-a5c7-11e8-998c-bf1755941f16"
+ vnfm_info = {
+ "vnfmId": "19ecbb3a-3242-4fa3-9926-8dfb7ddc29ee",
+ "name": "g_vnfm",
+ "type": "gvnfmdriver",
+ "vimId": "",
+ "vendor": "ZTE",
+ "version": "v1.0",
+ "description": "vnfm",
+ "certificateUrl": "",
+ "url": "",
+ "userName": "admin",
+ "password": "admin",
+ "createTime": "2016-07-06 15:33:18"
+ }
+ mock_call_req.return_value = [1, json.JSONEncoder().encode({}), status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR]
+ resp = self.client.get("/api/gvnfmdriver/v1/%s/vnf_lcm_op_occs/%s" % (vnfm_info['vnfmId'], vnfLcmOpOccId))
+ self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, resp.status_code)
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
index 446e3fa..6adb6f9 100644
--- a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
from django.conf.urls import url
from driver.interfaces.views import VnfInstInfo, VnfTermInfo, VnfQueryInfo, VnfOperInfo
-from driver.interfaces.views import VnfPkgsInfo, VnfGrantInfo, VnfNotifyInfo
+from driver.interfaces.views import VnfPkgsInfo, VnfGrantInfo, VnfNotifyInfo, QuerySingleVnfLcmOpOcc
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^api/(?P<vnfmtype>[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/v1/(?P<vnfmid>[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/vnfs$', VnfInstInfo.as_view()),
@@ -27,5 +27,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
url(r'^api/(?P<vnfmtype>[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/v1/vnfpackages$', VnfPkgsInfo.as_view()),
url(r'^api/(?P<vnfmtype>[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/v1/resource/grant$', VnfGrantInfo.as_view()),
- VnfNotifyInfo.as_view())
+ VnfNotifyInfo.as_view()),
+ url(r'^api/(?P<vnfmtype>[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/v1/(?P<vnfmid>[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)/vnf_lcm_op_occs/(?P<lcmopoccid>[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)$',
+ QuerySingleVnfLcmOpOcc.as_view()),
diff --git a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
index e3c107f..362fe12 100644
--- a/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
+++ b/gvnfmadapter/driver/interfaces/
@@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.serializers import VnfInstReqParamsSerializer, ResponseSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.serializers import VnfNotifyReqSerializer, VNFLCMOpOccSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.serializers import VnfOperRespSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.serializers import VnfTermReqSerializer, VnfQueryRespSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.grant_request import GrantRequestSerializer
+from driver.interfaces.serializers.grant import GrantSerializer
from import GvnfmDriverException
from import restcall
from import req_by_msb
-from driver.interfaces.serializers import VnfInstReqParamsSerializer, ResponseSerializer
-from driver.interfaces.serializers import VnfTermReqSerializer, VnfQueryRespSerializer
-from driver.interfaces.serializers import VnfOperRespSerializer, VnfGrantReqSerializer, VnfGrantRespSerializer
-from driver.interfaces.serializers import VnfNotifyReqSerializer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -233,9 +235,9 @@ class VnfOperInfo(APIView):
class VnfGrantInfo(APIView):
- request_body=VnfGrantReqSerializer(),
+ request_body=GrantRequestSerializer(), # TODO: not used
- status.HTTP_201_CREATED: VnfGrantRespSerializer(),
+ status.HTTP_201_CREATED: GrantSerializer(),
status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND: "The request body is wrong",
status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: "The url is invalid"
@@ -243,12 +245,18 @@ class VnfGrantInfo(APIView):
def put(self, request, vnfmtype):
logger.debug("[grantvnf] req_data = %s",
+ grant_request = GrantRequestSerializer(
+ if not grant_request.is_valid():
+ raise GvnfmDriverException(grant_request.error_messages)
ret = req_by_msb('api/nslcm/v2/grants', "POST", content=json.JSONEncoder().encode(
logger.debug("ret = %s", ret)
if ret[0] != 0:
logger.error("Status code is %s, detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1])
raise GvnfmDriverException('Failed to grant vnf.')
resp = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1])
+ grant = GrantSerializer(data=resp)
+ if not grant.is_valid():
+ raise GvnfmDriverException(grant.error_messages)
logger.debug("[%s]resp_data=%s", fun_name(), resp)
return Response(data=resp, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
except GvnfmDriverException as e:
@@ -268,7 +276,7 @@ class VnfNotifyInfo(APIView):
status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: "The url is invalid"
- def post(self, request, vnfmtype):
+ def post(self, request, vnfmtype): # TODO: not compatable with VnfIdentifierCreationNotification and VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification
logger.debug("[%s]req_data = %s", fun_name(),
vnfminstid = ignorcase_get(, 'vnfmInstId')
@@ -306,6 +314,36 @@ class VnfPkgsInfo(APIView):
return Response(data={'error': 'unexpected exception'}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+class QuerySingleVnfLcmOpOcc(APIView):
+ @swagger_auto_schema(
+ responses={
+ status.HTTP_200_OK: VNFLCMOpOccSerializer(),
+ }
+ )
+ def get(self, request, vnfmtype, vnfmid, lcmopoccid):
+ logger.debug("[%s]LCMOpOccId = %s", fun_name(), lcmopoccid)
+ try:
+ vnfm_info = get_vnfminfo_from_nslcm(vnfmid)
+ logger.debug("[get lcm op occ] vnfm_info=[%s]", vnfm_info)
+ ret = call_vnfm("api/vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/%s" % lcmopoccid, "GET", vnfm_info)
+ if ret[0] != 0:
+ logger.error("Status code is %s. detail is %s.", ret[2], ret[1])
+ raise GvnfmDriverException("Failed to query vnf lcm op occ %s" % lcmopoccid)
+ resp_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1])
+ vnf_lcm_op_occ_serializer = VNFLCMOpOccSerializer(data=resp_data)
+ if vnf_lcm_op_occ_serializer.is_valid():
+ logger.debug("[%s]resp_data=%s" % (fun_name(), resp_data))
+ return Response(, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ else:
+ raise GvnfmDriverException(vnf_lcm_op_occ_serializer.errors)
+ except GvnfmDriverException as e:
+ logger.error("Query vnflcmopocc failed, detail message: %s" % e.message)
+ return Response(data={'error': e.message}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ except:
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ return Response(data={'error': traceback.format_exc()}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
def call_vnfm(resource, method, vnfm_info, data=""):
ret = restcall.call_req(
diff --git a/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/common/ b/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/common/
index 3a8bc5c..7a178ca 100644
--- a/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/common/
+++ b/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/common/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public class FileUtils {
public static final String GBK = "GBK";
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileUtils.class);
+ private static final String OS_NAME = "";
private FileUtils(){
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ public class FileUtils {
* */
public static boolean isWindows() {
- String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
+ String os = System.getProperty(OS_NAME).toLowerCase();
// windows
return (os.indexOf("win") >= 0);
@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ public class FileUtils {
* */
public static boolean isMac() {
- String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
+ String os = System.getProperty(OS_NAME).toLowerCase();
// Mac
return (os.indexOf("mac") >= 0);
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ public class FileUtils {
* */
public static boolean isUnix() {
- String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
+ String os = System.getProperty(OS_NAME).toLowerCase();
// linux or unix
return (os.indexOf("nix") >= 0 || os.indexOf("nux") >= 0);
diff --git a/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/service/process/ b/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/service/process/
index d0a1f01..80d24d3 100644
--- a/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/service/process/
+++ b/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service/src/main/java/org/onap/vfc/nfvo/vnfm/gvnfm/jujuvnfmadapter/service/process/
@@ -211,8 +211,7 @@ public class VnfResourceMgr {
if(vnfmInfo != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(vnfmInfo.getExtend())){
JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(vnfmInfo.getExtend());
JSONObject extVirtualLinkLink = json.getJSONArray("extVirtualLinks").getJSONObject(0);
- String vimId = extVirtualLinkLink.getJSONObject("vim").getString("vimid");
- return vimId;
+ return extVirtualLinkLink.getJSONObject("vim").getString("vimid");
} catch(Exception e) {
LOG.error("vnfmInfo.getExtend() format error!please check it",e);