BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge "Adapt interface, modify menu name"Keguang He3 weeks
newdelhiMerge "fix docs config files for release" into newdelhiKeguang He9 months
montrealChange the release version to 13.0.0kaixiliu16 months
londonupdate london release-notes.crtkaixiliu20 months
kohnupdate usecase-ui release note to 5.1.2cmrizhangzhen2 years
jakartaComplete release notes.hekeguang3 years
istanbulAdd bounds to sphinx requirementCédric Ollivier3 years
honoluludoc: change release version to 4.0.1xuran4 years
newarcMerge "feat: add devtotal script" into newarcxu ran4 years
guilindocs: update the docscyuamber4 years
elaltofeat:add healModel component of services-list pagecyuamber5 years
dublinupdate usecase-ui documentguochuyicmri6 years
casablancaFix request body partially missing bugzhangab6 years
beijingMerge "Fix formatting issue" into beijingTao Shen7 years
2.0.0-ONAPDocument Security section of the Release Noteszhangab7 years
amsterdamBump patch versionJessica Wagantall7 years