path: root/usecaseui-common/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/view-models/reportdashboard-page/src/components/directives/widget/DashboardWidgetCtrl.spec.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'usecaseui-common/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/view-models/reportdashboard-page/src/components/directives/widget/DashboardWidgetCtrl.spec.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/usecaseui-common/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/view-models/reportdashboard-page/src/components/directives/widget/DashboardWidgetCtrl.spec.js b/usecaseui-common/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/view-models/reportdashboard-page/src/components/directives/widget/DashboardWidgetCtrl.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 55604646..00000000
--- a/usecaseui-common/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/scripts/view-models/reportdashboard-page/src/components/directives/widget/DashboardWidgetCtrl.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-describe('Controller: DashboardWidgetCtrl', function() {
- var $scope, $element, $timeout, injections;
- beforeEach(module('ui.dashboard'));
- beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller){
- $scope = $rootScope.$new();
- $element = angular.element('<div><div class="widget"></div></div>');
- $timeout = function timeout(fn) {
- fn();
- };
- injections = {
- $scope: $scope,
- $element: $element,
- $timeout: $timeout
- };
- spyOn(injections, '$timeout');
- $controller('DashboardWidgetCtrl', injections);
- }));
- describe('the makeTemplateString method', function() {
- it('should return a string', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- templateUrl: 'some/template.html'
- };
- expect(typeof $scope.makeTemplateString()).toEqual('string');
- });
- it('should use ng-include if templateUrl is specified on widget, despite any other options', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- templateUrl: 'some/template.html',
- template: 'not this one',
- directive: 'or-this',
- attrs: {
- something: 'awesome',
- other: 'thing'
- }
- };
- expect($scope.makeTemplateString()).toMatch(/ng-include="'some\/template\.html'"/);
- });
- it('should return widget.template if specified, regardless of presence of directive or attrs', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- template: '<div class="testing"></div>',
- directive: 'no-good'
- };
- expect($scope.makeTemplateString()).toEqual($scope.widget.template);
- });
- it('should use widget.directive as attribute directive', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- directive: 'ng-awesome'
- };
- expect($scope.makeTemplateString()).toEqual('<div ng-awesome></div>');
- });
- it('should attach attributes if provided', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- directive: 'ng-awesome',
- attrs: {
- 'ng-awesome': 'test1',
- other: 'attr',
- more: 'stuff'
- }
- };
- expect($scope.makeTemplateString()).toEqual('<div ng-awesome="test1" other="attr" more="stuff"></div>');
- });
- it('should place widgetData into dataAttrName attribute if specified', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- directive: 'ng-awesome',
- attrs: {
- 'ng-awesome': 'test1',
- other: 'attr',
- more: 'stuff'
- },
- dataAttrName: 'data'
- };
- expect($scope.makeTemplateString()).toEqual('<div ng-awesome="test1" other="attr" more="stuff" data="widgetData"></div>');
- });
- it('should add attrs to the widget object if it does not exist and dataAttrName is specified', function() {
- $scope.widget = {
- directive: 'ng-awesome',
- dataAttrName: 'data'
- };
- expect($scope.makeTemplateString()).toEqual('<div ng-awesome data="widgetData"></div>');
- });
- });
- describe('the grabResizer method', function() {
- var evt, widget, WidgetModel;
- beforeEach(inject(function (_WidgetModel_) {
- WidgetModel = _WidgetModel_;
- }));
- beforeEach(function() {
- evt = {
- stopPropagation: jasmine.createSpy('stopPropagation'),
- originalEvent: {
- preventDefault: jasmine.createSpy('preventDefault')
- },
- clientX: 100,
- which: 1
- };
- $scope.widget = widget = new WidgetModel({
- style: {
- width: '30%'
- }
- });
- });
- it('should do nothing if event.which is not 1 (left click)', function() {
- evt.which = 2;
- $scope.grabResizer(evt);
- expect(evt.stopPropagation).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('should call stopPropagation and preventDefault', function() {
- $scope.grabResizer(evt);
- expect(evt.stopPropagation).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(evt.originalEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('should add a .widget-resizer-marquee element to the .widget element', function() {
- $scope.grabResizer(evt);
- expect($element.find('.widget-resizer-marquee').length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
- });
- });
- describe('the editTitle method', function() {
- it('should set editingTitle=true on the widget object', function() {
- var widget = {};
- $scope.editTitle(widget);
- expect(widget.editingTitle).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('should call $timeout', function() {
- var widget = {};
- $scope.editTitle(widget);
- expect(injections.$timeout).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- });
- describe('the saveTitleEdit method', function() {
- it('should set editingTitle=false', function() {
- var widget = { editingTitle: true };
- $scope.saveTitleEdit(widget);
- expect(widget.editingTitle).toEqual(false);
- });
- });
-}); \ No newline at end of file