path: root/usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js
diff options
authorshentao <shentao@chinamobile.com>2017-12-05 16:07:51 +0800
committershentao <shentao@chinamobile.com>2017-12-05 16:08:00 +0800
commit62430d66781234816d4eee66600380b915c04089 (patch)
tree9173411c78ffc6a44db6a75b0b8ab3545be212a1 /usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js
parent3caa21ed184ef2c75902896433d2ec485fd33f82 (diff)
Fix alarm and performance display bugs
Change-Id: I12b07d4252336de7e4a4c64ea578ef625873e432 Issue-ID: USECASEUI-62 Signed-off-by: shentao <shentao@chinamobile.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js b/usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js
index 80896c7c..b944a7ed 100644
--- a/usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js
+++ b/usecaseui-monitor/src/main/webapp/app/uui/fusion/scripts/controller/performanceController.js
@@ -15,180 +15,30 @@
var permanceId="";
-app.controller('perGridCtrl', ['$scope','$http', '$window', '$interval', 'uiGridConstants', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', '$window' ,
- function ($scope, $http , $window, $interval ) {
+app.controller('perGridCtrl', ['$scope','$http', '$window', '$interval', '$window',
+ function ($scope, $http , $window, $interval) {
$scope.jump = function(value){
var obj = $("#lm");
angular.element(obj).scope().currentTab = "app/uui/fusion/scripts/view-models/performance-details.html";
- $scope.selectedRows = new Array();
- $scope.seek1 = "";
- $scope.seek2 = "";
- $scope.seek3 = "";
- $scope.seek4 = "";
- $scope.seek5 = "";
- $scope.getSearch = function (){
- getPage(1, $scope.gridOptions.paginationPageSize, $scope.seek1===""?"null":$scope.seek1,
- $scope.seek2===""?"null":$scope.seek2, $scope.seek3===""?"null":$scope.seek3,
- $scope.seek4===""?"null":$scope.seek4, $scope.seek5===""?"null":$scope.seek5);
- };
+ $scope.itemsByPage = 15;
$scope.toChart = function () {
var obj = $("#lm");
angular.element(obj).scope().currentTab = "app/uui/fusion/scripts/view-models/performance-chart.html";
- $scope.gridOptions = {
- columnDefs: [{
- field: 'performanceHeader.eventName',
- displayName: 'Event Name',
- width: '10%',
- enableColumnMenu: false,
- enableHiding: false,
- suppressRemoveSort: true,
- enableCellEdit: false
- }, {
- field: "performanceHeader.eventId",
- enableCellEdit: false,
- displayName: 'Event Id',
- cellTemplate: '<a ng-click="grid.appScope.jump(row.entity.performanceHeader.sourceId)"; style="cursor:pointer" href="">{{row.entity.performanceHeader.sourceId}}</a>',
- },
- {field: "performanceHeader.sourceId", displayName: 'Source Id',enableCellEdit: false},
- {field: "performanceHeader.sourceName", displayName: 'Source Name',enableCellEdit: false},
- {field: "performanceHeader.reportingEntityId", displayName: 'Reporting Entity Id',enableCellEdit: false},
- {field: "performanceHeader.reportingEntityName", displayName: 'Reporting Entity Name',enableCellEdit: false},
- {field: "performanceHeader.priority", displayName: 'Priority',enableCellEdit: false},
- {field: "performanceHeader.createTime", displayName: 'Start Time',enableCellEdit: false},
- {field: "option",displayName: 'option', enableCellEdit: false ,
- cellTemplate: '<button ng-click="grid.appScope.jump(row.entity.performanceHeader.sourceId)" class="btn btn-primary" >Details</button>'}
- ],
- enableSorting: true,
- useExternalSorting: false,
- enableGridMenu: true,
- showGridFooter: true,
- enableHorizontalScrollbar: 1,
- enableVerticalScrollbar: 0,
- enableFiltering: true,
- //
- enablePagination: true,
- enablePaginationControls: true,
- paginationPageSizes: [10, 15, 20],
- paginationCurrentPage: 1,
- paginationPageSize: 10,
- //paginationTemplate:"<div></div>",
- totalItems: 0,
- useExternalPagination: true,
- enableFooterTotalSelected: true,
- enableFullRowSelection: true,
- enableRowHeaderSelection: true,
- enableRowSelection: false,
- enableSelectAll: true,
- enableSelectionBatchEvent: true,
- isRowSelectable: function (row) {
- if (row.entity.age > 45) {
- row.grid.api.selection.selectRow(row.entity);
- }
- },
- modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false,
- multiSelect: true,
- noUnselect: false,
- selectionRowHeaderWidth: 30,
- //---------------api---------------------
- onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
- $scope.gridApi = gridApi;
- gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged($scope, function (newPage, pageSize) {
- if (getPage) {
- getPage(newPage, pageSize);
- }
- });
- $scope.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row, event) {
- if (row) {
- var num = $.inArray(row.entity.performanceHeader.eventId, $scope.selectedRows);
- if (num == -1) {
- $scope.selectedRows.push(row.entity.performanceHeader.eventId);
- }
- else {
- $scope.selectedRows.splice(num, 1);
- }
- }
- });
- $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200);
- } };
- $scope.singleFilter = function (renderableRows) {
- var matcher = new RegExp($scope.selectedStatus);
- renderableRows.forEach(function (row) {
- var match = true;
- /*['State'].forEach(function (field) {
- if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) {
- match = true;
- }
- });*/
- if (!match) {
- row.visible = false;
- }
- });
- return renderableRows;
- };
$scope.menuState = {show: false}
$scope.toggleMenu = function () {
$scope.menuState.show = !$scope.menuState.show;
- $scope.singleModel = 1;
- $scope.radioModel = 'Middle';
- $scope.checkModel = {
- open: false,
- close: true
- };
$scope.checkResults = [];
- $scope.$watchCollection('checkModel', function () {
- $scope.checkResults = [];
- angular.forEach($scope.checkModel, function (value, key) {
- if (value) {
- $scope.checkResults.push(key);
- }
- });
- });
- var getPage = function (curPage, pageSize) {
- var firstRow = (curPage - 1) * pageSize;
- var url = global_url+'/performance/' + curPage + '/' + pageSize + '';
- url += arguments[2] === "" ? "/null" : "/" + arguments[2];
- url += arguments[3] === "" ? "/null" : "/" + arguments[3];
- url += arguments[4] === "" ? "/null" : "/" + arguments[4];
- url += arguments[5] === "null" ? "/null" : "/" + FormatDate(arguments[5]);
- url += arguments[6] === "null" ? "/null" : "/" + FormatDate(arguments[6]);
- $http.get(url, {
- headers: {
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': "*",
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa("usecase" + ':' + "usecase")
- }
- })
- .success(function (data) {
- $scope.gridOptions.totalItems = data.totalRecords;
- $scope.gridOptions.data = data.performances;
- });
- };
- getPage(1, $scope.gridOptions.paginationPageSize, $scope.seek1===""?"null":$scope.seek1,
- $scope.seek2===""?"null":$scope.seek2, $scope.seek3===""?"null":$scope.seek3,
- $scope.seek4===""?"null":$scope.seek4, $scope.seek5===""?"null":$scope.seek5);
- $interval(function () {
- getPage(1, $scope.gridOptions.paginationPageSize, $scope.seek1===""?"null":$scope.seek1,
- $scope.seek2===""?"null":$scope.seek2, $scope.seek3===""?"null":$scope.seek3,
- $scope.seek4===""?"null":$scope.seek4, $scope.seek5===""?"null":$scope.seek5);
- },10000)
- $scope.generateCsv = function () {
- if ($scope.selectedRows.length == 0){
- alert("please select row!");
- }else{
- $window.location = global_url+"/performance/genCsv/"+$scope.selectedRows;
- }
- };
- //input
$scope.menuState = {show: false}
$scope.toggleMenu = function () {
$scope.menuState.show = !$scope.menuState.show;
@@ -208,10 +58,102 @@ app.controller('perGridCtrl', ['$scope','$http', '$window', '$interval', 'uiGrid
$scope.popup2 = {
opened: false
+ }]);
+app.controller('pipeCtrl', ['$scope','Resource', function ($scope,service) {
+ $scope.seek1 = "";
+ $scope.seek2 = "";
+ $scope.seek3 = "";
+ $scope.seek4 = "";
+ $scope.seek5 = "";
+ var ctrl = this;
+ this.displayed = [];
+ this.callServer = function callServer(tableState) {
+ ctrl.isLoading = true;
+ $scope.tableState = tableState;
+ var pagination = tableState.pagination;
+ var start = pagination.start/pagination.number+1 || 0;
+ var number = pagination.number || 10;
+ service.getPage(start, number,$scope.seek1===""?"null":$scope.seek1,
+ $scope.seek2===""?"null":$scope.seek2, $scope.seek3===""?"null":$scope.seek3,
+ $scope.seek4===""?"null":$scope.seek4, $scope.seek5===""?"null":$scope.seek5).then(function (result) {
+ ctrl.displayed = result.data;
+ tableState.pagination.numberOfPages = result.numberOfPages;
+ ctrl.isLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ .factory('Resource', ['$q', '$filter', '$timeout','$http', function ($q, $filter, $timeout,$http) {
+ var randomsItems = [];
+ var totalCount = 0;
+ function getPage(start, number) {
+ var url = global_url+'/performance/' + start + '/' + number + '';
+ url += arguments[2] === "" ? "/null" : "/" + arguments[2];
+ url += arguments[3] === "" ? "/null" : "/" + arguments[3];
+ url += arguments[4] === "" ? "/null" : "/" + arguments[4];
+ url += arguments[5] === "null" ? "/null" : "/" + FormatDate(arguments[5]);
+ url += arguments[6] === "null" ? "/null" : "/" + FormatDate(arguments[6]);
+ $http({
+ url : url,
+ method : "GET"
+ }).then(function SuccessCallback(resp) {
+ if (resp.data.performances.length > 0){
+ randomsItems = resp.data.performances;
+ totalCount = resp.data.totalRecords;
+ }else{
+ randomsItems = [];
+ totalCount = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ var deferred = $q.defer();
+ $timeout(function () {
+ deferred.resolve({
+ data: randomsItems,
+ numberOfPages: Math.ceil(totalCount / number)
+ });
+ }, 1500);
+ return deferred.promise;
+ }
function FormatDate(strTime) {
var date = new Date(strTime);
return date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate() + " " + date.getHours() + ":" + date.getMinutes();
- }]);
- \ No newline at end of file
+ return {
+ getPage: getPage
+ };
+ }]).directive('stRatio',function(){
+ return {
+ link:function(scope, element, attr){
+ var ratio=+(attr.stRatio);
+ element.css('width',ratio+'%');
+ }
+ };
+}).directive('pageSelect', function() {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'E',
+ template: '<input type="text" class="select-page" ng-model="inputPage" ng-change="selectPage(inputPage)">',
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ scope.$watch('currentPage', function(c) {
+ scope.inputPage = c;
+ });
+ }
+ }