path: root/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies
diff options
authorChristopher Lott (cl778h) <clott@research.att.com>2017-05-09 14:24:20 -0400
committerChristopher Lott (cl778h) <clott@research.att.com>2017-05-09 14:44:09 -0400
commite2aefda183de4f1c1256d97f7ce09f8bee5477db (patch)
tree4b0eaf3f153df90591711daf081e63a8b20ace74 /dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies
parent472635713b7471b300a988db7e907bab0119eaee (diff)
[ONAP-rebase] Rebase as 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Consolidate into a single maven project; no more separate model and client jars. Change-Id: Ibbba982250b74c0dfd09ee1c65c0fb6c158dd632 Signed-off-by: Christopher Lott <cl778h@att.com> Signed-off-by: Christopher Lott (cl778h) <clott@research.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 10451 deletions
diff --git a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/Blob.js b/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/Blob.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b4dda85..0000000
--- a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/Blob.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-/* Blob.js
- * A Blob implementation.
- * 2014-07-24
- *
- * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
- * By Devin Samarin, https://github.com/dsamarin
- * License: X11/MIT
- * See https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md
- */
-/*global self, unescape */
-/*jslint bitwise: true, regexp: true, confusion: true, es5: true, vars: true, white: true,
- plusplus: true */
-/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/Blob.js/blob/master/Blob.js */
-(function (view) {
- "use strict";
- view.URL = view.URL || view.webkitURL;
- if (view.Blob && view.URL) {
- try {
- new Blob;
- return;
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- // Internally we use a BlobBuilder implementation to base Blob off of
- // in order to support older browsers that only have BlobBuilder
- var BlobBuilder = view.BlobBuilder || view.WebKitBlobBuilder || view.MozBlobBuilder || (function(view) {
- var
- get_class = function(object) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(object).match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1];
- }
- , FakeBlobBuilder = function BlobBuilder() {
- this.data = [];
- }
- , FakeBlob = function Blob(data, type, encoding) {
- this.data = data;
- this.size = data.length;
- this.type = type;
- this.encoding = encoding;
- }
- , FBB_proto = FakeBlobBuilder.prototype
- , FB_proto = FakeBlob.prototype
- , FileReaderSync = view.FileReaderSync
- , FileException = function(type) {
- this.code = this[this.name = type];
- }
- , file_ex_codes = (
- ).split(" ")
- , file_ex_code = file_ex_codes.length
- , real_URL = view.URL || view.webkitURL || view
- , real_create_object_URL = real_URL.createObjectURL
- , real_revoke_object_URL = real_URL.revokeObjectURL
- , URL = real_URL
- , btoa = view.btoa
- , atob = view.atob
- , ArrayBuffer = view.ArrayBuffer
- , Uint8Array = view.Uint8Array
- , origin = /^[\w-]+:\/*\[?[\w\.:-]+\]?(?::[0-9]+)?/
- ;
- FakeBlob.fake = FB_proto.fake = true;
- while (file_ex_code--) {
- FileException.prototype[file_ex_codes[file_ex_code]] = file_ex_code + 1;
- }
- // Polyfill URL
- if (!real_URL.createObjectURL) {
- URL = view.URL = function(uri) {
- var
- uri_info = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "a")
- , uri_origin
- ;
- uri_info.href = uri;
- if (!("origin" in uri_info)) {
- if (uri_info.protocol.toLowerCase() === "data:") {
- uri_info.origin = null;
- } else {
- uri_origin = uri.match(origin);
- uri_info.origin = uri_origin && uri_origin[1];
- }
- }
- return uri_info;
- };
- }
- URL.createObjectURL = function(blob) {
- var
- type = blob.type
- , data_URI_header
- ;
- if (type === null) {
- type = "application/octet-stream";
- }
- if (blob instanceof FakeBlob) {
- data_URI_header = "data:" + type;
- if (blob.encoding === "base64") {
- return data_URI_header + ";base64," + blob.data;
- } else if (blob.encoding === "URI") {
- return data_URI_header + "," + decodeURIComponent(blob.data);
- } if (btoa) {
- return data_URI_header + ";base64," + btoa(blob.data);
- } else {
- return data_URI_header + "," + encodeURIComponent(blob.data);
- }
- } else if (real_create_object_URL) {
- return real_create_object_URL.call(real_URL, blob);
- }
- };
- URL.revokeObjectURL = function(object_URL) {
- if (object_URL.substring(0, 5) !== "data:" && real_revoke_object_URL) {
- real_revoke_object_URL.call(real_URL, object_URL);
- }
- };
- FBB_proto.append = function(data/*, endings*/) {
- var bb = this.data;
- // decode data to a binary string
- if (Uint8Array && (data instanceof ArrayBuffer || data instanceof Uint8Array)) {
- var
- str = ""
- , buf = new Uint8Array(data)
- , i = 0
- , buf_len = buf.length
- ;
- for (; i < buf_len; i++) {
- str += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);
- }
- bb.push(str);
- } else if (get_class(data) === "Blob" || get_class(data) === "File") {
- if (FileReaderSync) {
- var fr = new FileReaderSync;
- bb.push(fr.readAsBinaryString(data));
- } else {
- // async FileReader won't work as BlobBuilder is sync
- throw new FileException("NOT_READABLE_ERR");
- }
- } else if (data instanceof FakeBlob) {
- if (data.encoding === "base64" && atob) {
- bb.push(atob(data.data));
- } else if (data.encoding === "URI") {
- bb.push(decodeURIComponent(data.data));
- } else if (data.encoding === "raw") {
- bb.push(data.data);
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof data !== "string") {
- data += ""; // convert unsupported types to strings
- }
- // decode UTF-16 to binary string
- bb.push(unescape(encodeURIComponent(data)));
- }
- };
- FBB_proto.getBlob = function(type) {
- if (!arguments.length) {
- type = null;
- }
- return new FakeBlob(this.data.join(""), type, "raw");
- };
- FBB_proto.toString = function() {
- return "[object BlobBuilder]";
- };
- FB_proto.slice = function(start, end, type) {
- var args = arguments.length;
- if (args < 3) {
- type = null;
- }
- return new FakeBlob(
- this.data.slice(start, args > 1 ? end : this.data.length)
- , type
- , this.encoding
- );
- };
- FB_proto.toString = function() {
- return "[object Blob]";
- };
- FB_proto.close = function() {
- this.size = 0;
- delete this.data;
- };
- return FakeBlobBuilder;
- }(view));
- view.Blob = function(blobParts, options) {
- var type = options ? (options.type || "") : "";
- var builder = new BlobBuilder();
- if (blobParts) {
- for (var i = 0, len = blobParts.length; i < len; i++) {
- if (Uint8Array && blobParts[i] instanceof Uint8Array) {
- builder.append(blobParts[i].buffer);
- }
- else {
- builder.append(blobParts[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- var blob = builder.getBlob(type);
- if (!blob.slice && blob.webkitSlice) {
- blob.slice = blob.webkitSlice;
- }
- return blob;
- };
- var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(object) {
- return object.__proto__;
- };
- view.Blob.prototype = getPrototypeOf(new view.Blob());
-}(typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || this.content || this)); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/base64.js b/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/base64.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9536a..0000000
--- a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/base64.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-* Base64 encode / decode
-* http://www.webtoolkit.info/
-var Base64 = {
- // private property
- _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
- // public method for encoding
- encode : function (input) {
- var output = "";
- var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
- var i = 0;
- input = Base64._utf8_encode(input);
- while (i < input.length) {
- chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
- chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
- chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
- enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
- enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
- enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
- enc4 = chr3 & 63;
- if (isNaN(chr2)) {
- enc3 = enc4 = 64;
- } else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
- enc4 = 64;
- }
- output = output +
- this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
- this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);
- }
- return output;
- },
- // public method for decoding
- decode : function (input) {
- var output = "";
- var chr1, chr2, chr3;
- var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
- var i = 0;
- input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
- while (i < input.length) {
- enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
- enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
- enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
- enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
- chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
- chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
- chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
- output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
- if (enc3 != 64) {
- output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
- }
- if (enc4 != 64) {
- output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
- }
- }
- output = Base64._utf8_decode(output);
- return output;
- },
- // private method for UTF-8 encoding
- _utf8_encode : function (string) {
- string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");
- var utftext = "";
- for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
- var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
- if (c < 128) {
- utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
- }
- else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
- utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
- utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
- }
- else {
- utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
- utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
- utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
- }
- }
- return utftext;
- },
- // private method for UTF-8 decoding
- _utf8_decode : function (utftext) {
- var string = "";
- var i = 0;
- var c = c1 = c2 = 0;
- while ( i < utftext.length ) {
- c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
- if (c < 128) {
- string += String.fromCharCode(c);
- i++;
- }
- else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
- c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
- string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
- i += 2;
- }
- else {
- c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
- c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2);
- string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
- i += 3;
- }
- }
- return string;
- }
diff --git a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/interact.js b/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/interact.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f11140d..0000000
--- a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/interact.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5963 +0,0 @@
- * interact.js v1.2.4
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Taye Adeyemi <dev@taye.me>
- * Open source under the MIT License.
- * https://raw.github.com/taye/interact.js/master/LICENSE
- */
-(function (realWindow) {
- 'use strict';
- var // get wrapped window if using Shadow DOM polyfill
- window = (function () {
- // create a TextNode
- var el = realWindow.document.createTextNode('');
- // check if it's wrapped by a polyfill
- if (el.ownerDocument !== realWindow.document
- && typeof realWindow.wrap === 'function'
- && realWindow.wrap(el) === el) {
- // return wrapped window
- return realWindow.wrap(realWindow);
- }
- // no Shadow DOM polyfil or native implementation
- return realWindow;
- }()),
- document = window.document,
- DocumentFragment = window.DocumentFragment || blank,
- SVGElement = window.SVGElement || blank,
- SVGSVGElement = window.SVGSVGElement || blank,
- SVGElementInstance = window.SVGElementInstance || blank,
- HTMLElement = window.HTMLElement || window.Element,
- PointerEvent = (window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent),
- pEventTypes,
- hypot = Math.hypot || function (x, y) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); },
- tmpXY = {}, // reduce object creation in getXY()
- documents = [], // all documents being listened to
- interactables = [], // all set interactables
- interactions = [], // all interactions
- dynamicDrop = false,
- // {
- // type: {
- // selectors: ['selector', ...],
- // contexts : [document, ...],
- // listeners: [[listener, useCapture], ...]
- // }
- // }
- delegatedEvents = {},
- defaultOptions = {
- base: {
- accept : null,
- actionChecker : null,
- styleCursor : true,
- preventDefault: 'auto',
- origin : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- deltaSource : 'page',
- allowFrom : null,
- ignoreFrom : null,
- _context : document,
- dropChecker : null
- },
- drag: {
- enabled: false,
- manualStart: true,
- max: Infinity,
- maxPerElement: 1,
- snap: null,
- restrict: null,
- inertia: null,
- autoScroll: null,
- axis: 'xy',
- },
- drop: {
- enabled: false,
- accept: null,
- overlap: 'pointer'
- },
- resize: {
- enabled: false,
- manualStart: false,
- max: Infinity,
- maxPerElement: 1,
- snap: null,
- restrict: null,
- inertia: null,
- autoScroll: null,
- square: false,
- axis: 'xy',
- // object with props left, right, top, bottom which are
- // true/false values to resize when the pointer is over that edge,
- // CSS selectors to match the handles for each direction
- // or the Elements for each handle
- edges: null,
- // a value of 'none' will limit the resize rect to a minimum of 0x0
- // 'negate' will alow the rect to have negative width/height
- // 'reposition' will keep the width/height positive by swapping
- // the top and bottom edges and/or swapping the left and right edges
- invert: 'none'
- },
- gesture: {
- manualStart: false,
- enabled: false,
- max: Infinity,
- maxPerElement: 1,
- restrict: null
- },
- perAction: {
- manualStart: false,
- max: Infinity,
- maxPerElement: 1,
- snap: {
- enabled : false,
- endOnly : false,
- range : Infinity,
- targets : null,
- offsets : null,
- relativePoints: null
- },
- restrict: {
- enabled: false,
- endOnly: false
- },
- autoScroll: {
- enabled : false,
- container : null, // the item that is scrolled (Window or HTMLElement)
- margin : 60,
- speed : 300 // the scroll speed in pixels per second
- },
- inertia: {
- enabled : false,
- resistance : 10, // the lambda in exponential decay
- minSpeed : 100, // target speed must be above this for inertia to start
- endSpeed : 10, // the speed at which inertia is slow enough to stop
- allowResume : true, // allow resuming an action in inertia phase
- zeroResumeDelta : true, // if an action is resumed after launch, set dx/dy to 0
- smoothEndDuration: 300 // animate to snap/restrict endOnly if there's no inertia
- }
- },
- _holdDuration: 600
- },
- // Things related to autoScroll
- autoScroll = {
- interaction: null,
- i: null, // the handle returned by window.setInterval
- x: 0, y: 0, // Direction each pulse is to scroll in
- // scroll the window by the values in scroll.x/y
- scroll: function () {
- var options = autoScroll.interaction.target.options[autoScroll.interaction.prepared.name].autoScroll,
- container = options.container || getWindow(autoScroll.interaction.element),
- now = new Date().getTime(),
- // change in time in seconds
- dt = (now - autoScroll.prevTime) / 1000,
- // displacement
- s = options.speed * dt;
- if (s >= 1) {
- if (isWindow(container)) {
- container.scrollBy(autoScroll.x * s, autoScroll.y * s);
- }
- else if (container) {
- container.scrollLeft += autoScroll.x * s;
- container.scrollTop += autoScroll.y * s;
- }
- autoScroll.prevTime = now;
- }
- if (autoScroll.isScrolling) {
- cancelFrame(autoScroll.i);
- autoScroll.i = reqFrame(autoScroll.scroll);
- }
- },
- edgeMove: function (event) {
- var interaction,
- target,
- doAutoscroll = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < interactions.length; i++) {
- interaction = interactions[i];
- if (interaction.interacting()
- && checkAutoScroll(interaction.target, interaction.prepared.name)) {
- target = interaction.target;
- doAutoscroll = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!doAutoscroll) { return; }
- var top,
- right,
- bottom,
- left,
- options = target.options[interaction.prepared.name].autoScroll,
- container = options.container || getWindow(interaction.element);
- if (isWindow(container)) {
- left = event.clientX < autoScroll.margin;
- top = event.clientY < autoScroll.margin;
- right = event.clientX > container.innerWidth - autoScroll.margin;
- bottom = event.clientY > container.innerHeight - autoScroll.margin;
- }
- else {
- var rect = getElementRect(container);
- left = event.clientX < rect.left + autoScroll.margin;
- top = event.clientY < rect.top + autoScroll.margin;
- right = event.clientX > rect.right - autoScroll.margin;
- bottom = event.clientY > rect.bottom - autoScroll.margin;
- }
- autoScroll.x = (right ? 1: left? -1: 0);
- autoScroll.y = (bottom? 1: top? -1: 0);
- if (!autoScroll.isScrolling) {
- // set the autoScroll properties to those of the target
- autoScroll.margin = options.margin;
- autoScroll.speed = options.speed;
- autoScroll.start(interaction);
- }
- },
- isScrolling: false,
- prevTime: 0,
- start: function (interaction) {
- autoScroll.isScrolling = true;
- cancelFrame(autoScroll.i);
- autoScroll.interaction = interaction;
- autoScroll.prevTime = new Date().getTime();
- autoScroll.i = reqFrame(autoScroll.scroll);
- },
- stop: function () {
- autoScroll.isScrolling = false;
- cancelFrame(autoScroll.i);
- }
- },
- // Does the browser support touch input?
- supportsTouch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch),
- // Does the browser support PointerEvents
- supportsPointerEvent = !!PointerEvent,
- // Less Precision with touch input
- margin = supportsTouch || supportsPointerEvent? 20: 10,
- pointerMoveTolerance = 1,
- // for ignoring browser's simulated mouse events
- prevTouchTime = 0,
- // Allow this many interactions to happen simultaneously
- maxInteractions = Infinity,
- // Check if is IE9 or older
- actionCursors = (document.all && !window.atob) ? {
- drag : 'move',
- resizex : 'e-resize',
- resizey : 's-resize',
- resizexy: 'se-resize',
- resizetop : 'n-resize',
- resizeleft : 'w-resize',
- resizebottom : 's-resize',
- resizeright : 'e-resize',
- resizetopleft : 'se-resize',
- resizebottomright: 'se-resize',
- resizetopright : 'ne-resize',
- resizebottomleft : 'ne-resize',
- gesture : ''
- } : {
- drag : 'move',
- resizex : 'ew-resize',
- resizey : 'ns-resize',
- resizexy: 'nwse-resize',
- resizetop : 'ns-resize',
- resizeleft : 'ew-resize',
- resizebottom : 'ns-resize',
- resizeright : 'ew-resize',
- resizetopleft : 'nwse-resize',
- resizebottomright: 'nwse-resize',
- resizetopright : 'nesw-resize',
- resizebottomleft : 'nesw-resize',
- gesture : ''
- },
- actionIsEnabled = {
- drag : true,
- resize : true,
- gesture: true
- },
- // because Webkit and Opera still use 'mousewheel' event type
- wheelEvent = 'onmousewheel' in document? 'mousewheel': 'wheel',
- eventTypes = [
- 'dragstart',
- 'dragmove',
- 'draginertiastart',
- 'dragend',
- 'dragenter',
- 'dragleave',
- 'dropactivate',
- 'dropdeactivate',
- 'dropmove',
- 'drop',
- 'resizestart',
- 'resizemove',
- 'resizeinertiastart',
- 'resizeend',
- 'gesturestart',
- 'gesturemove',
- 'gestureinertiastart',
- 'gestureend',
- 'down',
- 'move',
- 'up',
- 'cancel',
- 'tap',
- 'doubletap',
- 'hold'
- ],
- globalEvents = {},
- // Opera Mobile must be handled differently
- isOperaMobile = navigator.appName == 'Opera' &&
- supportsTouch &&
- navigator.userAgent.match('Presto'),
- // scrolling doesn't change the result of
- // getBoundingClientRect/getClientRects on iOS <=7 but it does on iOS 8
- isIOS7orLower = (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(navigator.platform)
- && /OS [1-7][^\d]/.test(navigator.appVersion)),
- // prefix matchesSelector
- prefixedMatchesSelector = 'matches' in Element.prototype?
- 'matches': 'webkitMatchesSelector' in Element.prototype?
- 'webkitMatchesSelector': 'mozMatchesSelector' in Element.prototype?
- 'mozMatchesSelector': 'oMatchesSelector' in Element.prototype?
- 'oMatchesSelector': 'msMatchesSelector',
- // will be polyfill function if browser is IE8
- ie8MatchesSelector,
- // native requestAnimationFrame or polyfill
- reqFrame = realWindow.requestAnimationFrame,
- cancelFrame = realWindow.cancelAnimationFrame,
- // Events wrapper
- events = (function () {
- var useAttachEvent = ('attachEvent' in window) && !('addEventListener' in window),
- addEvent = useAttachEvent? 'attachEvent': 'addEventListener',
- removeEvent = useAttachEvent? 'detachEvent': 'removeEventListener',
- on = useAttachEvent? 'on': '',
- elements = [],
- targets = [],
- attachedListeners = [];
- function add (element, type, listener, useCapture) {
- var elementIndex = indexOf(elements, element),
- target = targets[elementIndex];
- if (!target) {
- target = {
- events: {},
- typeCount: 0
- };
- elementIndex = elements.push(element) - 1;
- targets.push(target);
- attachedListeners.push((useAttachEvent ? {
- supplied: [],
- wrapped : [],
- useCount: []
- } : null));
- }
- if (!target.events[type]) {
- target.events[type] = [];
- target.typeCount++;
- }
- if (!contains(target.events[type], listener)) {
- var ret;
- if (useAttachEvent) {
- var listeners = attachedListeners[elementIndex],
- listenerIndex = indexOf(listeners.supplied, listener);
- var wrapped = listeners.wrapped[listenerIndex] || function (event) {
- if (!event.immediatePropagationStopped) {
- event.target = event.srcElement;
- event.currentTarget = element;
- event.preventDefault = event.preventDefault || preventDef;
- event.stopPropagation = event.stopPropagation || stopProp;
- event.stopImmediatePropagation = event.stopImmediatePropagation || stopImmProp;
- if (/mouse|click/.test(event.type)) {
- event.pageX = event.clientX + getWindow(element).document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
- event.pageY = event.clientY + getWindow(element).document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- }
- listener(event);
- }
- };
- ret = element[addEvent](on + type, wrapped, Boolean(useCapture));
- if (listenerIndex === -1) {
- listeners.supplied.push(listener);
- listeners.wrapped.push(wrapped);
- listeners.useCount.push(1);
- }
- else {
- listeners.useCount[listenerIndex]++;
- }
- }
- else {
- ret = element[addEvent](type, listener, useCapture || false);
- }
- target.events[type].push(listener);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- function remove (element, type, listener, useCapture) {
- var i,
- elementIndex = indexOf(elements, element),
- target = targets[elementIndex],
- listeners,
- listenerIndex,
- wrapped = listener;
- if (!target || !target.events) {
- return;
- }
- if (useAttachEvent) {
- listeners = attachedListeners[elementIndex];
- listenerIndex = indexOf(listeners.supplied, listener);
- wrapped = listeners.wrapped[listenerIndex];
- }
- if (type === 'all') {
- for (type in target.events) {
- if (target.events.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
- remove(element, type, 'all');
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (target.events[type]) {
- var len = target.events[type].length;
- if (listener === 'all') {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- remove(element, type, target.events[type][i], Boolean(useCapture));
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (target.events[type][i] === listener) {
- element[removeEvent](on + type, wrapped, useCapture || false);
- target.events[type].splice(i, 1);
- if (useAttachEvent && listeners) {
- listeners.useCount[listenerIndex]--;
- if (listeners.useCount[listenerIndex] === 0) {
- listeners.supplied.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
- listeners.wrapped.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
- listeners.useCount.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (target.events[type] && target.events[type].length === 0) {
- target.events[type] = null;
- target.typeCount--;
- }
- }
- if (!target.typeCount) {
- targets.splice(elementIndex);
- elements.splice(elementIndex);
- attachedListeners.splice(elementIndex);
- }
- }
- function preventDef () {
- this.returnValue = false;
- }
- function stopProp () {
- this.cancelBubble = true;
- }
- function stopImmProp () {
- this.cancelBubble = true;
- this.immediatePropagationStopped = true;
- }
- return {
- add: add,
- remove: remove,
- useAttachEvent: useAttachEvent,
- _elements: elements,
- _targets: targets,
- _attachedListeners: attachedListeners
- };
- }());
- function blank () {}
- function isElement (o) {
- if (!o || (typeof o !== 'object')) { return false; }
- var _window = getWindow(o) || window;
- return (/object|function/.test(typeof _window.Element)
- ? o instanceof _window.Element //DOM2
- : o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === "string");
- }
- function isWindow (thing) { return !!(thing && thing.Window) && (thing instanceof thing.Window); }
- function isDocFrag (thing) { return !!thing && thing instanceof DocumentFragment; }
- function isArray (thing) {
- return isObject(thing)
- && (typeof thing.length !== undefined)
- && isFunction(thing.splice);
- }
- function isObject (thing) { return !!thing && (typeof thing === 'object'); }
- function isFunction (thing) { return typeof thing === 'function'; }
- function isNumber (thing) { return typeof thing === 'number' ; }
- function isBool (thing) { return typeof thing === 'boolean' ; }
- function isString (thing) { return typeof thing === 'string' ; }
- function trySelector (value) {
- if (!isString(value)) { return false; }
- // an exception will be raised if it is invalid
- document.querySelector(value);
- return true;
- }
- function extend (dest, source) {
- for (var prop in source) {
- dest[prop] = source[prop];
- }
- return dest;
- }
- function copyCoords (dest, src) {
- dest.page = dest.page || {};
- dest.page.x = src.page.x;
- dest.page.y = src.page.y;
- dest.client = dest.client || {};
- dest.client.x = src.client.x;
- dest.client.y = src.client.y;
- dest.timeStamp = src.timeStamp;
- }
- function setEventXY (targetObj, pointer, interaction) {
- if (!pointer) {
- if (interaction.pointerIds.length > 1) {
- pointer = touchAverage(interaction.pointers);
- }
- else {
- pointer = interaction.pointers[0];
- }
- }
- getPageXY(pointer, tmpXY, interaction);
- targetObj.page.x = tmpXY.x;
- targetObj.page.y = tmpXY.y;
- getClientXY(pointer, tmpXY, interaction);
- targetObj.client.x = tmpXY.x;
- targetObj.client.y = tmpXY.y;
- targetObj.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
- }
- function setEventDeltas (targetObj, prev, cur) {
- targetObj.page.x = cur.page.x - prev.page.x;
- targetObj.page.y = cur.page.y - prev.page.y;
- targetObj.client.x = cur.client.x - prev.client.x;
- targetObj.client.y = cur.client.y - prev.client.y;
- targetObj.timeStamp = new Date().getTime() - prev.timeStamp;
- // set pointer velocity
- var dt = Math.max(targetObj.timeStamp / 1000, 0.001);
- targetObj.page.speed = hypot(targetObj.page.x, targetObj.page.y) / dt;
- targetObj.page.vx = targetObj.page.x / dt;
- targetObj.page.vy = targetObj.page.y / dt;
- targetObj.client.speed = hypot(targetObj.client.x, targetObj.page.y) / dt;
- targetObj.client.vx = targetObj.client.x / dt;
- targetObj.client.vy = targetObj.client.y / dt;
- }
- // Get specified X/Y coords for mouse or event.touches[0]
- function getXY (type, pointer, xy) {
- xy = xy || {};
- type = type || 'page';
- xy.x = pointer[type + 'X'];
- xy.y = pointer[type + 'Y'];
- return xy;
- }
- function getPageXY (pointer, page, interaction) {
- page = page || {};
- if (pointer instanceof InteractEvent) {
- if (/inertiastart/.test(pointer.type)) {
- interaction = interaction || pointer.interaction;
- extend(page, interaction.inertiaStatus.upCoords.page);
- page.x += interaction.inertiaStatus.sx;
- page.y += interaction.inertiaStatus.sy;
- }
- else {
- page.x = pointer.pageX;
- page.y = pointer.pageY;
- }
- }
- // Opera Mobile handles the viewport and scrolling oddly
- else if (isOperaMobile) {
- getXY('screen', pointer, page);
- page.x += window.scrollX;
- page.y += window.scrollY;
- }
- else {
- getXY('page', pointer, page);
- }
- return page;
- }
- function getClientXY (pointer, client, interaction) {
- client = client || {};
- if (pointer instanceof InteractEvent) {
- if (/inertiastart/.test(pointer.type)) {
- extend(client, interaction.inertiaStatus.upCoords.client);
- client.x += interaction.inertiaStatus.sx;
- client.y += interaction.inertiaStatus.sy;
- }
- else {
- client.x = pointer.clientX;
- client.y = pointer.clientY;
- }
- }
- else {
- // Opera Mobile handles the viewport and scrolling oddly
- getXY(isOperaMobile? 'screen': 'client', pointer, client);
- }
- return client;
- }
- function getScrollXY (win) {
- win = win || window;
- return {
- x: win.scrollX || win.document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
- y: win.scrollY || win.document.documentElement.scrollTop
- };
- }
- function getPointerId (pointer) {
- return isNumber(pointer.pointerId)? pointer.pointerId : pointer.identifier;
- }
- function getActualElement (element) {
- return (element instanceof SVGElementInstance
- ? element.correspondingUseElement
- : element);
- }
- function getWindow (node) {
- if (isWindow(node)) {
- return node;
- }
- var rootNode = (node.ownerDocument || node);
- return rootNode.defaultView || rootNode.parentWindow || window;
- }
- function getElementRect (element) {
- var scroll = isIOS7orLower
- ? { x: 0, y: 0 }
- : getScrollXY(getWindow(element)),
- clientRect = (element instanceof SVGElement)?
- element.getBoundingClientRect():
- element.getClientRects()[0];
- return clientRect && {
- left : clientRect.left + scroll.x,
- right : clientRect.right + scroll.x,
- top : clientRect.top + scroll.y,
- bottom: clientRect.bottom + scroll.y,
- width : clientRect.width || clientRect.right - clientRect.left,
- height: clientRect.heigh || clientRect.bottom - clientRect.top
- };
- }
- function getTouchPair (event) {
- var touches = [];
- // array of touches is supplied
- if (isArray(event)) {
- touches[0] = event[0];
- touches[1] = event[1];
- }
- // an event
- else {
- if (event.type === 'touchend') {
- if (event.touches.length === 1) {
- touches[0] = event.touches[0];
- touches[1] = event.changedTouches[0];
- }
- else if (event.touches.length === 0) {
- touches[0] = event.changedTouches[0];
- touches[1] = event.changedTouches[1];
- }
- }
- else {
- touches[0] = event.touches[0];
- touches[1] = event.touches[1];
- }
- }
- return touches;
- }
- function touchAverage (event) {
- var touches = getTouchPair(event);
- return {
- pageX: (touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX) / 2,
- pageY: (touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY) / 2,
- clientX: (touches[0].clientX + touches[1].clientX) / 2,
- clientY: (touches[0].clientY + touches[1].clientY) / 2
- };
- }
- function touchBBox (event) {
- if (!event.length && !(event.touches && event.touches.length > 1)) {
- return;
- }
- var touches = getTouchPair(event),
- minX = Math.min(touches[0].pageX, touches[1].pageX),
- minY = Math.min(touches[0].pageY, touches[1].pageY),
- maxX = Math.max(touches[0].pageX, touches[1].pageX),
- maxY = Math.max(touches[0].pageY, touches[1].pageY);
- return {
- x: minX,
- y: minY,
- left: minX,
- top: minY,
- width: maxX - minX,
- height: maxY - minY
- };
- }
- function touchDistance (event, deltaSource) {
- deltaSource = deltaSource || defaultOptions.deltaSource;
- var sourceX = deltaSource + 'X',
- sourceY = deltaSource + 'Y',
- touches = getTouchPair(event);
- var dx = touches[0][sourceX] - touches[1][sourceX],
- dy = touches[0][sourceY] - touches[1][sourceY];
- return hypot(dx, dy);
- }
- function touchAngle (event, prevAngle, deltaSource) {
- deltaSource = deltaSource || defaultOptions.deltaSource;
- var sourceX = deltaSource + 'X',
- sourceY = deltaSource + 'Y',
- touches = getTouchPair(event),
- dx = touches[0][sourceX] - touches[1][sourceX],
- dy = touches[0][sourceY] - touches[1][sourceY],
- angle = 180 * Math.atan(dy / dx) / Math.PI;
- if (isNumber(prevAngle)) {
- var dr = angle - prevAngle,
- drClamped = dr % 360;
- if (drClamped > 315) {
- angle -= 360 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
- }
- else if (drClamped > 135) {
- angle -= 180 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
- }
- else if (drClamped < -315) {
- angle += 360 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
- }
- else if (drClamped < -135) {
- angle += 180 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
- }
- }
- return angle;
- }
- function getOriginXY (interactable, element) {
- var origin = interactable
- ? interactable.options.origin
- : defaultOptions.origin;
- if (origin === 'parent') {
- origin = parentElement(element);
- }
- else if (origin === 'self') {
- origin = interactable.getRect(element);
- }
- else if (trySelector(origin)) {
- origin = closest(element, origin) || { x: 0, y: 0 };
- }
- if (isFunction(origin)) {
- origin = origin(interactable && element);
- }
- if (isElement(origin)) {
- origin = getElementRect(origin);
- }
- origin.x = ('x' in origin)? origin.x : origin.left;
- origin.y = ('y' in origin)? origin.y : origin.top;
- return origin;
- }
- // http://stackoverflow.com/a/5634528/2280888
- function _getQBezierValue(t, p1, p2, p3) {
- var iT = 1 - t;
- return iT * iT * p1 + 2 * iT * t * p2 + t * t * p3;
- }
- function getQuadraticCurvePoint(startX, startY, cpX, cpY, endX, endY, position) {
- return {
- x: _getQBezierValue(position, startX, cpX, endX),
- y: _getQBezierValue(position, startY, cpY, endY)
- };
- }
- // http://gizma.com/easing/
- function easeOutQuad (t, b, c, d) {
- t /= d;
- return -c * t*(t-2) + b;
- }
- function nodeContains (parent, child) {
- while (child) {
- if (child === parent) {
- return true;
- }
- child = child.parentNode;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function closest (child, selector) {
- var parent = parentElement(child);
- while (isElement(parent)) {
- if (matchesSelector(parent, selector)) { return parent; }
- parent = parentElement(parent);
- }
- return null;
- }
- function parentElement (node) {
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- if (isDocFrag(parent)) {
- // skip past #shado-root fragments
- while ((parent = parent.host) && isDocFrag(parent)) {}
- return parent;
- }
- return parent;
- }
- function inContext (interactable, element) {
- return interactable._context === element.ownerDocument
- || nodeContains(interactable._context, element);
- }
- function testIgnore (interactable, interactableElement, element) {
- var ignoreFrom = interactable.options.ignoreFrom;
- if (!ignoreFrom || !isElement(element)) { return false; }
- if (isString(ignoreFrom)) {
- return matchesUpTo(element, ignoreFrom, interactableElement);
- }
- else if (isElement(ignoreFrom)) {
- return nodeContains(ignoreFrom, element);
- }
- return false;
- }
- function testAllow (interactable, interactableElement, element) {
- var allowFrom = interactable.options.allowFrom;
- if (!allowFrom) { return true; }
- if (!isElement(element)) { return false; }
- if (isString(allowFrom)) {
- return matchesUpTo(element, allowFrom, interactableElement);
- }
- else if (isElement(allowFrom)) {
- return nodeContains(allowFrom, element);
- }
- return false;
- }
- function checkAxis (axis, interactable) {
- if (!interactable) { return false; }
- var thisAxis = interactable.options.drag.axis;
- return (axis === 'xy' || thisAxis === 'xy' || thisAxis === axis);
- }
- function checkSnap (interactable, action) {
- var options = interactable.options;
- if (/^resize/.test(action)) {
- action = 'resize';
- }
- return options[action].snap && options[action].snap.enabled;
- }
- function checkRestrict (interactable, action) {
- var options = interactable.options;
- if (/^resize/.test(action)) {
- action = 'resize';
- }
- return options[action].restrict && options[action].restrict.enabled;
- }
- function checkAutoScroll (interactable, action) {
- var options = interactable.options;
- if (/^resize/.test(action)) {
- action = 'resize';
- }
- return options[action].autoScroll && options[action].autoScroll.enabled;
- }
- function withinInteractionLimit (interactable, element, action) {
- var options = interactable.options,
- maxActions = options[action.name].max,
- maxPerElement = options[action.name].maxPerElement,
- activeInteractions = 0,
- targetCount = 0,
- targetElementCount = 0;
- for (var i = 0, len = interactions.length; i < len; i++) {
- var interaction = interactions[i],
- otherAction = interaction.prepared.name,
- active = interaction.interacting();
- if (!active) { continue; }
- activeInteractions++;
- if (activeInteractions >= maxInteractions) {
- return false;
- }
- if (interaction.target !== interactable) { continue; }
- targetCount += (otherAction === action.name)|0;
- if (targetCount >= maxActions) {
- return false;
- }
- if (interaction.element === element) {
- targetElementCount++;
- if (otherAction !== action.name || targetElementCount >= maxPerElement) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return maxInteractions > 0;
- }
- // Test for the element that's "above" all other qualifiers
- function indexOfDeepestElement (elements) {
- var dropzone,
- deepestZone = elements[0],
- index = deepestZone? 0: -1,
- parent,
- deepestZoneParents = [],
- dropzoneParents = [],
- child,
- i,
- n;
- for (i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
- dropzone = elements[i];
- // an element might belong to multiple selector dropzones
- if (!dropzone || dropzone === deepestZone) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!deepestZone) {
- deepestZone = dropzone;
- index = i;
- continue;
- }
- // check if the deepest or current are document.documentElement or document.rootElement
- // - if the current dropzone is, do nothing and continue
- if (dropzone.parentNode === dropzone.ownerDocument) {
- continue;
- }
- // - if deepest is, update with the current dropzone and continue to next
- else if (deepestZone.parentNode === dropzone.ownerDocument) {
- deepestZone = dropzone;
- index = i;
- continue;
- }
- if (!deepestZoneParents.length) {
- parent = deepestZone;
- while (parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode !== parent.ownerDocument) {
- deepestZoneParents.unshift(parent);
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- }
- // if this element is an svg element and the current deepest is
- // an HTMLElement
- if (deepestZone instanceof HTMLElement
- && dropzone instanceof SVGElement
- && !(dropzone instanceof SVGSVGElement)) {
- if (dropzone === deepestZone.parentNode) {
- continue;
- }
- parent = dropzone.ownerSVGElement;
- }
- else {
- parent = dropzone;
- }
- dropzoneParents = [];
- while (parent.parentNode !== parent.ownerDocument) {
- dropzoneParents.unshift(parent);
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- n = 0;
- // get (position of last common ancestor) + 1
- while (dropzoneParents[n] && dropzoneParents[n] === deepestZoneParents[n]) {
- n++;
- }
- var parents = [
- dropzoneParents[n - 1],
- dropzoneParents[n],
- deepestZoneParents[n]
- ];
- child = parents[0].lastChild;
- while (child) {
- if (child === parents[1]) {
- deepestZone = dropzone;
- index = i;
- deepestZoneParents = [];
- break;
- }
- else if (child === parents[2]) {
- break;
- }
- child = child.previousSibling;
- }
- }
- return index;
- }
- function Interaction () {
- this.target = null; // current interactable being interacted with
- this.element = null; // the target element of the interactable
- this.dropTarget = null; // the dropzone a drag target might be dropped into
- this.dropElement = null; // the element at the time of checking
- this.prevDropTarget = null; // the dropzone that was recently dragged away from
- this.prevDropElement = null; // the element at the time of checking
- this.prepared = { // action that's ready to be fired on next move event
- name : null,
- axis : null,
- edges: null
- };
- this.matches = []; // all selectors that are matched by target element
- this.matchElements = []; // corresponding elements
- this.inertiaStatus = {
- active : false,
- smoothEnd : false,
- startEvent: null,
- upCoords: {},
- xe: 0, ye: 0,
- sx: 0, sy: 0,
- t0: 0,
- vx0: 0, vys: 0,
- duration: 0,
- resumeDx: 0,
- resumeDy: 0,
- lambda_v0: 0,
- one_ve_v0: 0,
- i : null
- };
- if (isFunction(Function.prototype.bind)) {
- this.boundInertiaFrame = this.inertiaFrame.bind(this);
- this.boundSmoothEndFrame = this.smoothEndFrame.bind(this);
- }
- else {
- var that = this;
- this.boundInertiaFrame = function () { return that.inertiaFrame(); };
- this.boundSmoothEndFrame = function () { return that.smoothEndFrame(); };
- }
- this.activeDrops = {
- dropzones: [], // the dropzones that are mentioned below
- elements : [], // elements of dropzones that accept the target draggable
- rects : [] // the rects of the elements mentioned above
- };
- // keep track of added pointers
- this.pointers = [];
- this.pointerIds = [];
- this.downTargets = [];
- this.downTimes = [];
- this.holdTimers = [];
- // Previous native pointer move event coordinates
- this.prevCoords = {
- page : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- client : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- timeStamp: 0
- };
- // current native pointer move event coordinates
- this.curCoords = {
- page : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- client : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- timeStamp: 0
- };
- // Starting InteractEvent pointer coordinates
- this.startCoords = {
- page : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- client : { x: 0, y: 0 },
- timeStamp: 0
- };
- // Change in coordinates and time of the pointer
- this.pointerDelta = {
- page : { x: 0, y: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0, speed: 0 },
- client : { x: 0, y: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0, speed: 0 },
- timeStamp: 0
- };
- this.downEvent = null; // pointerdown/mousedown/touchstart event
- this.downPointer = {};
- this._eventTarget = null;
- this._curEventTarget = null;
- this.prevEvent = null; // previous action event
- this.tapTime = 0; // time of the most recent tap event
- this.prevTap = null;
- this.startOffset = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 };
- this.restrictOffset = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 };
- this.snapOffsets = [];
- this.gesture = {
- start: { x: 0, y: 0 },
- startDistance: 0, // distance between two touches of touchStart
- prevDistance : 0,
- distance : 0,
- scale: 1, // gesture.distance / gesture.startDistance
- startAngle: 0, // angle of line joining two touches
- prevAngle : 0 // angle of the previous gesture event
- };
- this.snapStatus = {
- x : 0, y : 0,
- dx : 0, dy : 0,
- realX : 0, realY : 0,
- snappedX: 0, snappedY: 0,
- targets : [],
- locked : false,
- changed : false
- };
- this.restrictStatus = {
- dx : 0, dy : 0,
- restrictedX: 0, restrictedY: 0,
- snap : null,
- restricted : false,
- changed : false
- };
- this.restrictStatus.snap = this.snapStatus;
- this.pointerIsDown = false;
- this.pointerWasMoved = false;
- this.gesturing = false;
- this.dragging = false;
- this.resizing = false;
- this.resizeAxes = 'xy';
- this.mouse = false;
- interactions.push(this);
- }
- Interaction.prototype = {
- getPageXY : function (pointer, xy) { return getPageXY(pointer, xy, this); },
- getClientXY: function (pointer, xy) { return getClientXY(pointer, xy, this); },
- setEventXY : function (target, ptr) { return setEventXY(target, ptr, this); },
- pointerOver: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
- if (this.prepared.name || !this.mouse) { return; }
- var curMatches = [],
- curMatchElements = [],
- prevTargetElement = this.element;
- this.addPointer(pointer);
- if (this.target
- && (testIgnore(this.target, this.element, eventTarget)
- || !testAllow(this.target, this.element, eventTarget))) {
- // if the eventTarget should be ignored or shouldn't be allowed
- // clear the previous target
- this.target = null;
- this.element = null;
- this.matches = [];
- this.matchElements = [];
- }
- var elementInteractable = interactables.get(eventTarget),
- elementAction = (elementInteractable
- && !testIgnore(elementInteractable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
- && testAllow(elementInteractable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
- && validateAction(
- elementInteractable.getAction(pointer, this, eventTarget),
- elementInteractable));
- if (elementAction && !withinInteractionLimit(elementInteractable, eventTarget, elementAction)) {
- elementAction = null;
- }
- function pushCurMatches (interactable, selector) {
- if (interactable
- && inContext(interactable, eventTarget)
- && !testIgnore(interactable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
- && testAllow(interactable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
- && matchesSelector(eventTarget, selector)) {
- curMatches.push(interactable);
- curMatchElements.push(eventTarget);
- }
- }
- if (elementAction) {
- this.target = elementInteractable;
- this.element = eventTarget;
- this.matches = [];
- this.matchElements = [];
- }
- else {
- interactables.forEachSelector(pushCurMatches);
- if (this.validateSelector(pointer, curMatches, curMatchElements)) {
- this.matches = curMatches;
- this.matchElements = curMatchElements;
- this.pointerHover(pointer, event, this.matches, this.matchElements);
- events.add(eventTarget,
- PointerEvent? pEventTypes.move : 'mousemove',
- listeners.pointerHover);
- }
- else if (this.target) {
- if (nodeContains(prevTargetElement, eventTarget)) {
- this.pointerHover(pointer, event, this.matches, this.matchElements);
- events.add(this.element,
- PointerEvent? pEventTypes.move : 'mousemove',
- listeners.pointerHover);
- }
- else {
- this.target = null;
- this.element = null;
- this.matches = [];
- this.matchElements = [];
- }
- }
- }
- },
- // Check what action would be performed on pointerMove target if a mouse
- // button were pressed and change the cursor accordingly
- pointerHover: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, matches, matchElements) {
- var target = this.target;
- if (!this.prepared.name && this.mouse) {
- var action;
- // update pointer coords for defaultActionChecker to use
- this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, pointer);
- if (matches) {
- action = this.validateSelector(pointer, matches, matchElements);
- }
- else if (target) {
- action = validateAction(target.getAction(this.pointers[0], this, this.element), this.target);
- }
- if (target && target.options.styleCursor) {
- if (action) {
- target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = getActionCursor(action);
- }
- else {
- target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
- }
- }
- }
- else if (this.prepared.name) {
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
- }
- },
- pointerOut: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
- if (this.prepared.name) { return; }
- // Remove temporary event listeners for selector Interactables
- if (!interactables.get(eventTarget)) {
- events.remove(eventTarget,
- PointerEvent? pEventTypes.move : 'mousemove',
- listeners.pointerHover);
- }
- if (this.target && this.target.options.styleCursor && !this.interacting()) {
- this.target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
- }
- },
- selectorDown: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
- var that = this,
- // copy event to be used in timeout for IE8
- eventCopy = events.useAttachEvent? extend({}, event) : event,
- element = eventTarget,
- pointerIndex = this.addPointer(pointer),
- action;
- this.holdTimers[pointerIndex] = setTimeout(function () {
- that.pointerHold(events.useAttachEvent? eventCopy : pointer, eventCopy, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- }, defaultOptions._holdDuration);
- this.pointerIsDown = true;
- // Check if the down event hits the current inertia target
- if (this.inertiaStatus.active && this.target.selector) {
- // climb up the DOM tree from the event target
- while (isElement(element)) {
- // if this element is the current inertia target element
- if (element === this.element
- // and the prospective action is the same as the ongoing one
- && validateAction(this.target.getAction(pointer, this, this.element), this.target).name === this.prepared.name) {
- // stop inertia so that the next move will be a normal one
- cancelFrame(this.inertiaStatus.i);
- this.inertiaStatus.active = false;
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
- return;
- }
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- }
- // do nothing if interacting
- if (this.interacting()) {
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
- return;
- }
- function pushMatches (interactable, selector, context) {
- var elements = ie8MatchesSelector
- ? context.querySelectorAll(selector)
- : undefined;
- if (inContext(interactable, element)
- && !testIgnore(interactable, element, eventTarget)
- && testAllow(interactable, element, eventTarget)
- && matchesSelector(element, selector, elements)) {
- that.matches.push(interactable);
- that.matchElements.push(element);
- }
- }
- // update pointer coords for defaultActionChecker to use
- this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, pointer);
- while (isElement(element) && !action) {
- this.matches = [];
- this.matchElements = [];
- interactables.forEachSelector(pushMatches);
- action = this.validateSelector(pointer, this.matches, this.matchElements);
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- if (action) {
- this.prepared.name = action.name;
- this.prepared.axis = action.axis;
- this.prepared.edges = action.edges;
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
- return this.pointerDown(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, action);
- }
- else {
- // do these now since pointerDown isn't being called from here
- this.downTimes[pointerIndex] = new Date().getTime();
- this.downTargets[pointerIndex] = eventTarget;
- this.downEvent = event;
- extend(this.downPointer, pointer);
- copyCoords(this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
- this.pointerWasMoved = false;
- }
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
- },
- // Determine action to be performed on next pointerMove and add appropriate
- // style and event Listeners
- pointerDown: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, forceAction) {
- if (!forceAction && !this.inertiaStatus.active && this.pointerWasMoved && this.prepared.name) {
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, this.target, this.element);
- return;
- }
- this.pointerIsDown = true;
- var pointerIndex = this.addPointer(pointer),
- action;
- // If it is the second touch of a multi-touch gesture, keep the target
- // the same if a target was set by the first touch
- // Otherwise, set the target if there is no action prepared
- if ((this.pointerIds.length < 2 && !this.target) || !this.prepared.name) {
- var interactable = interactables.get(curEventTarget);
- if (interactable
- && !testIgnore(interactable, curEventTarget, eventTarget)
- && testAllow(interactable, curEventTarget, eventTarget)
- && (action = validateAction(forceAction || interactable.getAction(pointer, this, curEventTarget), interactable, eventTarget))
- && withinInteractionLimit(interactable, curEventTarget, action)) {
- this.target = interactable;
- this.element = curEventTarget;
- }
- }
- var target = this.target,
- options = target && target.options;
- if (target && !this.interacting()) {
- action = action || validateAction(forceAction || target.getAction(pointer, this, curEventTarget), target, this.element);
- this.setEventXY(this.startCoords);
- if (!action) { return; }
- if (options.styleCursor) {
- target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = getActionCursor(action);
- }
- this.resizeAxes = action.name === 'resize'? action.axis : null;
- if (action === 'gesture' && this.pointerIds.length < 2) {
- action = null;
- }
- this.prepared.name = action.name;
- this.prepared.axis = action.axis;
- this.prepared.edges = action.edges;
- this.snapStatus.snappedX = this.snapStatus.snappedY =
- this.restrictStatus.restrictedX = this.restrictStatus.restrictedY = NaN;
- this.downTimes[pointerIndex] = new Date().getTime();
- this.downTargets[pointerIndex] = eventTarget;
- this.downEvent = event;
- extend(this.downPointer, pointer);
- this.setEventXY(this.prevCoords);
- this.pointerWasMoved = false;
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
- }
- // if inertia is active try to resume action
- else if (this.inertiaStatus.active
- && curEventTarget === this.element
- && validateAction(target.getAction(pointer, this, this.element), target).name === this.prepared.name) {
- cancelFrame(this.inertiaStatus.i);
- this.inertiaStatus.active = false;
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
- }
- },
- setModifications: function (coords, preEnd) {
- var target = this.target,
- shouldMove = true,
- shouldSnap = checkSnap(target, this.prepared.name) && (!target.options[this.prepared.name].snap.endOnly || preEnd),
- shouldRestrict = checkRestrict(target, this.prepared.name) && (!target.options[this.prepared.name].restrict.endOnly || preEnd);
- if (shouldSnap ) { this.setSnapping (coords); } else { this.snapStatus .locked = false; }
- if (shouldRestrict) { this.setRestriction(coords); } else { this.restrictStatus.restricted = false; }
- if (shouldSnap && this.snapStatus.locked && !this.snapStatus.changed) {
- shouldMove = shouldRestrict && this.restrictStatus.restricted && this.restrictStatus.changed;
- }
- else if (shouldRestrict && this.restrictStatus.restricted && !this.restrictStatus.changed) {
- shouldMove = false;
- }
- return shouldMove;
- },
- setStartOffsets: function (action, interactable, element) {
- var rect = interactable.getRect(element),
- origin = getOriginXY(interactable, element),
- snap = interactable.options[this.prepared.name].snap,
- restrict = interactable.options[this.prepared.name].restrict,
- width, height;
- if (rect) {
- this.startOffset.left = this.startCoords.page.x - rect.left;
- this.startOffset.top = this.startCoords.page.y - rect.top;
- this.startOffset.right = rect.right - this.startCoords.page.x;
- this.startOffset.bottom = rect.bottom - this.startCoords.page.y;
- if ('width' in rect) { width = rect.width; }
- else { width = rect.right - rect.left; }
- if ('height' in rect) { height = rect.height; }
- else { height = rect.bottom - rect.top; }
- }
- else {
- this.startOffset.left = this.startOffset.top = this.startOffset.right = this.startOffset.bottom = 0;
- }
- this.snapOffsets.splice(0);
- var snapOffset = snap && snap.offset === 'startCoords'
- ? {
- x: this.startCoords.page.x - origin.x,
- y: this.startCoords.page.y - origin.y
- }
- : snap && snap.offset || { x: 0, y: 0 };
- if (rect && snap && snap.relativePoints && snap.relativePoints.length) {
- for (var i = 0; i < snap.relativePoints.length; i++) {
- this.snapOffsets.push({
- x: this.startOffset.left - (width * snap.relativePoints[i].x) + snapOffset.x,
- y: this.startOffset.top - (height * snap.relativePoints[i].y) + snapOffset.y
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- this.snapOffsets.push(snapOffset);
- }
- if (rect && restrict.elementRect) {
- this.restrictOffset.left = this.startOffset.left - (width * restrict.elementRect.left);
- this.restrictOffset.top = this.startOffset.top - (height * restrict.elementRect.top);
- this.restrictOffset.right = this.startOffset.right - (width * (1 - restrict.elementRect.right));
- this.restrictOffset.bottom = this.startOffset.bottom - (height * (1 - restrict.elementRect.bottom));
- }
- else {
- this.restrictOffset.left = this.restrictOffset.top = this.restrictOffset.right = this.restrictOffset.bottom = 0;
- }
- },
- /*\
- * Interaction.start
- [ method ]
- *
- * Start an action with the given Interactable and Element as tartgets. The
- * action must be enabled for the target Interactable and an appropriate number
- * of pointers must be held down – 1 for drag/resize, 2 for gesture.
- *
- * Use it with `interactable.<action>able({ manualStart: false })` to always
- * [start actions manually](https://github.com/taye/interact.js/issues/114)
- *
- - action (object) The action to be performed - drag, resize, etc.
- - interactable (Interactable) The Interactable to target
- - element (Element) The DOM Element to target
- = (object) interact
- **
- | interact(target)
- | .draggable({
- | // disable the default drag start by down->move
- | manualStart: true
- | })
- | // start dragging after the user holds the pointer down
- | .on('hold', function (event) {
- | var interaction = event.interaction;
- |
- | if (!interaction.interacting()) {
- | interaction.start({ name: 'drag' },
- | event.interactable,
- | event.currentTarget);
- | }
- | });
- \*/
- start: function (action, interactable, element) {
- if (this.interacting()
- || !this.pointerIsDown
- || this.pointerIds.length < (action.name === 'gesture'? 2 : 1)) {
- return;
- }
- // if this interaction had been removed after stopping
- // add it back
- if (indexOf(interactions, this) === -1) {
- interactions.push(this);
- }
- this.prepared.name = action.name;
- this.prepared.axis = action.axis;
- this.prepared.edges = action.edges;
- this.target = interactable;
- this.element = element;
- this.setStartOffsets(action.name, interactable, element);
- this.setModifications(this.startCoords.page);
- this.prevEvent = this[this.prepared.name + 'Start'](this.downEvent);
- },
- pointerMove: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, preEnd) {
- this.recordPointer(pointer);
- this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, (pointer instanceof InteractEvent)
- ? this.inertiaStatus.startEvent
- : undefined);
- var duplicateMove = (this.curCoords.page.x === this.prevCoords.page.x
- && this.curCoords.page.y === this.prevCoords.page.y
- && this.curCoords.client.x === this.prevCoords.client.x
- && this.curCoords.client.y === this.prevCoords.client.y);
- var dx, dy,
- pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
- // register movement greater than pointerMoveTolerance
- if (this.pointerIsDown && !this.pointerWasMoved) {
- dx = this.curCoords.client.x - this.startCoords.client.x;
- dy = this.curCoords.client.y - this.startCoords.client.y;
- this.pointerWasMoved = hypot(dx, dy) > pointerMoveTolerance;
- }
- if (!duplicateMove && (!this.pointerIsDown || this.pointerWasMoved)) {
- if (this.pointerIsDown) {
- clearTimeout(this.holdTimers[pointerIndex]);
- }
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'move');
- }
- if (!this.pointerIsDown) { return; }
- if (duplicateMove && this.pointerWasMoved && !preEnd) {
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, this.target, this.element);
- return;
- }
- // set pointer coordinate, time changes and speeds
- setEventDeltas(this.pointerDelta, this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
- if (!this.prepared.name) { return; }
- if (this.pointerWasMoved
- // ignore movement while inertia is active
- && (!this.inertiaStatus.active || (pointer instanceof InteractEvent && /inertiastart/.test(pointer.type)))) {
- // if just starting an action, calculate the pointer speed now
- if (!this.interacting()) {
- setEventDeltas(this.pointerDelta, this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
- // check if a drag is in the correct axis
- if (this.prepared.name === 'drag') {
- var absX = Math.abs(dx),
- absY = Math.abs(dy),
- targetAxis = this.target.options.drag.axis,
- axis = (absX > absY ? 'x' : absX < absY ? 'y' : 'xy');
- // if the movement isn't in the axis of the interactable
- if (axis !== 'xy' && targetAxis !== 'xy' && targetAxis !== axis) {
- // cancel the prepared action
- this.prepared.name = null;
- // then try to get a drag from another ineractable
- var element = eventTarget;
- // check element interactables
- while (isElement(element)) {
- var elementInteractable = interactables.get(element);
- if (elementInteractable
- && elementInteractable !== this.target
- && !elementInteractable.options.drag.manualStart
- && elementInteractable.getAction(this.downPointer, this, element).name === 'drag'
- && checkAxis(axis, elementInteractable)) {
- this.prepared.name = 'drag';
- this.target = elementInteractable;
- this.element = element;
- break;
- }
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- // if there's no drag from element interactables,
- // check the selector interactables
- if (!this.prepared.name) {
- var getDraggable = function (interactable, selector, context) {
- var elements = ie8MatchesSelector
- ? context.querySelectorAll(selector)
- : undefined;
- if (interactable === this.target) { return; }
- if (inContext(interactable, eventTarget)
- && !interactable.options.drag.manualStart
- && !testIgnore(interactable, element, eventTarget)
- && testAllow(interactable, element, eventTarget)
- && matchesSelector(element, selector, elements)
- && interactable.getAction(this.downPointer, this, element).name === 'drag'
- && checkAxis(axis, interactable)
- && withinInteractionLimit(interactable, element, 'drag')) {
- return interactable;
- }
- };
- element = eventTarget;
- while (isElement(element)) {
- var selectorInteractable = interactables.forEachSelector(getDraggable);
- if (selectorInteractable) {
- this.prepared.name = 'drag';
- this.target = selectorInteractable;
- this.element = element;
- break;
- }
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var starting = !!this.prepared.name && !this.interacting();
- if (starting
- && (this.target.options[this.prepared.name].manualStart
- || !withinInteractionLimit(this.target, this.element, this.prepared))) {
- this.stop();
- return;
- }
- if (this.prepared.name && this.target) {
- if (starting) {
- this.start(this.prepared, this.target, this.element);
- }
- var shouldMove = this.setModifications(this.curCoords.page, preEnd);
- // move if snapping or restriction doesn't prevent it
- if (shouldMove || starting) {
- this.prevEvent = this[this.prepared.name + 'Move'](event);
- }
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, this.target, this.element);
- }
- }
- copyCoords(this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
- if (this.dragging || this.resizing) {
- autoScroll.edgeMove(event);
- }
- },
- dragStart: function (event) {
- var dragEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'drag', 'start', this.element);
- this.dragging = true;
- this.target.fire(dragEvent);
- // reset active dropzones
- this.activeDrops.dropzones = [];
- this.activeDrops.elements = [];
- this.activeDrops.rects = [];
- if (!this.dynamicDrop) {
- this.setActiveDrops(this.element);
- }
- var dropEvents = this.getDropEvents(event, dragEvent);
- if (dropEvents.activate) {
- this.fireActiveDrops(dropEvents.activate);
- }
- return dragEvent;
- },
- dragMove: function (event) {
- var target = this.target,
- dragEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'drag', 'move', this.element),
- draggableElement = this.element,
- drop = this.getDrop(dragEvent, draggableElement);
- this.dropTarget = drop.dropzone;
- this.dropElement = drop.element;
- var dropEvents = this.getDropEvents(event, dragEvent);
- target.fire(dragEvent);
- if (dropEvents.leave) { this.prevDropTarget.fire(dropEvents.leave); }
- if (dropEvents.enter) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.enter); }
- if (dropEvents.move ) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.move ); }
- this.prevDropTarget = this.dropTarget;
- this.prevDropElement = this.dropElement;
- return dragEvent;
- },
- resizeStart: function (event) {
- var resizeEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'resize', 'start', this.element);
- if (this.prepared.edges) {
- var startRect = this.target.getRect(this.element);
- if (this.target.options.resize.square) {
- var squareEdges = extend({}, this.prepared.edges);
- squareEdges.top = squareEdges.top || (squareEdges.left && !squareEdges.bottom);
- squareEdges.left = squareEdges.left || (squareEdges.top && !squareEdges.right );
- squareEdges.bottom = squareEdges.bottom || (squareEdges.right && !squareEdges.top );
- squareEdges.right = squareEdges.right || (squareEdges.bottom && !squareEdges.left );
- this.prepared._squareEdges = squareEdges;
- }
- else {
- this.prepared._squareEdges = null;
- }
- this.resizeRects = {
- start : startRect,
- current : extend({}, startRect),
- restricted: extend({}, startRect),
- previous : extend({}, startRect),
- delta : {
- left: 0, right : 0, width : 0,
- top : 0, bottom: 0, height: 0
- }
- };
- resizeEvent.rect = this.resizeRects.restricted;
- resizeEvent.deltaRect = this.resizeRects.delta;
- }
- this.target.fire(resizeEvent);
- this.resizing = true;
- return resizeEvent;
- },
- resizeMove: function (event) {
- var resizeEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'resize', 'move', this.element);
- var edges = this.prepared.edges,
- invert = this.target.options.resize.invert,
- invertible = invert === 'reposition' || invert === 'negate';
- if (edges) {
- var dx = resizeEvent.dx,
- dy = resizeEvent.dy,
- start = this.resizeRects.start,
- current = this.resizeRects.current,
- restricted = this.resizeRects.restricted,
- delta = this.resizeRects.delta,
- previous = extend(this.resizeRects.previous, restricted);
- if (this.target.options.resize.square) {
- var originalEdges = edges;
- edges = this.prepared._squareEdges;
- if ((originalEdges.left && originalEdges.bottom)
- || (originalEdges.right && originalEdges.top)) {
- dy = -dx;
- }
- else if (originalEdges.left || originalEdges.right) { dy = dx; }
- else if (originalEdges.top || originalEdges.bottom) { dx = dy; }
- }
- // update the 'current' rect without modifications
- if (edges.top ) { current.top += dy; }
- if (edges.bottom) { current.bottom += dy; }
- if (edges.left ) { current.left += dx; }
- if (edges.right ) { current.right += dx; }
- if (invertible) {
- // if invertible, copy the current rect
- extend(restricted, current);
- if (invert === 'reposition') {
- // swap edge values if necessary to keep width/height positive
- var swap;
- if (restricted.top > restricted.bottom) {
- swap = restricted.top;
- restricted.top = restricted.bottom;
- restricted.bottom = swap;
- }
- if (restricted.left > restricted.right) {
- window.negativeWidth = true;
- swap = restricted.left;
- window.prevNegativeWidth = window.negativeWidth;
- window.negtiveWidth = true;
- restricted.left = restricted.right;
- restricted.right = swap;
- }
- else {
- window.prevNegativeWidth = window.negativeWidth;
- window.negativeWidth = false;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // if not invertible, restrict to minimum of 0x0 rect
- restricted.top = Math.min(current.top, start.bottom);
- restricted.bottom = Math.max(current.bottom, start.top);
- restricted.left = Math.min(current.left, start.right);
- restricted.right = Math.max(current.right, start.left);
- }
- restricted.width = restricted.right - restricted.left;
- restricted.height = restricted.bottom - restricted.top ;
- for (var edge in restricted) {
- delta[edge] = restricted[edge] - previous[edge];
- }
- resizeEvent.edges = this.prepared.edges;
- resizeEvent.rect = restricted;
- resizeEvent.deltaRect = delta;
- }
- this.target.fire(resizeEvent);
- return resizeEvent;
- },
- gestureStart: function (event) {
- var gestureEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'gesture', 'start', this.element);
- gestureEvent.ds = 0;
- this.gesture.startDistance = this.gesture.prevDistance = gestureEvent.distance;
- this.gesture.startAngle = this.gesture.prevAngle = gestureEvent.angle;
- this.gesture.scale = 1;
- this.gesturing = true;
- this.target.fire(gestureEvent);
- return gestureEvent;
- },
- gestureMove: function (event) {
- if (!this.pointerIds.length) {
- return this.prevEvent;
- }
- var gestureEvent;
- gestureEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'gesture', 'move', this.element);
- gestureEvent.ds = gestureEvent.scale - this.gesture.scale;
- this.target.fire(gestureEvent);
- this.gesture.prevAngle = gestureEvent.angle;
- this.gesture.prevDistance = gestureEvent.distance;
- if (gestureEvent.scale !== Infinity &&
- gestureEvent.scale !== null &&
- gestureEvent.scale !== undefined &&
- !isNaN(gestureEvent.scale)) {
- this.gesture.scale = gestureEvent.scale;
- }
- return gestureEvent;
- },
- pointerHold: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'hold');
- },
- pointerUp: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
- var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
- clearTimeout(this.holdTimers[pointerIndex]);
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'up' );
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'tap');
- this.pointerEnd(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- this.removePointer(pointer);
- },
- pointerCancel: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
- var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
- clearTimeout(this.holdTimers[pointerIndex]);
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'cancel');
- this.pointerEnd(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- this.removePointer(pointer);
- },
- // http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/click.html
- // >Events leading to dblclick
- //
- // IE8 doesn't fire down event before dblclick.
- // This workaround tries to fire a tap and doubletap after dblclick
- ie8Dblclick: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
- if (this.prevTap
- && event.clientX === this.prevTap.clientX
- && event.clientY === this.prevTap.clientY
- && eventTarget === this.prevTap.target) {
- this.downTargets[0] = eventTarget;
- this.downTimes[0] = new Date().getTime();
- this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'tap');
- }
- },
- // End interact move events and stop auto-scroll unless inertia is enabled
- pointerEnd: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
- var endEvent,
- target = this.target,
- options = target && target.options,
- inertiaOptions = options && this.prepared.name && options[this.prepared.name].inertia,
- inertiaStatus = this.inertiaStatus;
- if (this.interacting()) {
- if (inertiaStatus.active) { return; }
- var pointerSpeed,
- now = new Date().getTime(),
- inertiaPossible = false,
- inertia = false,
- smoothEnd = false,
- endSnap = checkSnap(target, this.prepared.name) && options[this.prepared.name].snap.endOnly,
- endRestrict = checkRestrict(target, this.prepared.name) && options[this.prepared.name].restrict.endOnly,
- dx = 0,
- dy = 0,
- startEvent;
- if (this.dragging) {
- if (options.drag.axis === 'x' ) { pointerSpeed = Math.abs(this.pointerDelta.client.vx); }
- else if (options.drag.axis === 'y' ) { pointerSpeed = Math.abs(this.pointerDelta.client.vy); }
- else /*options.drag.axis === 'xy'*/{ pointerSpeed = this.pointerDelta.client.speed; }
- }
- else {
- pointerSpeed = this.pointerDelta.client.speed;
- }
- // check if inertia should be started
- inertiaPossible = (inertiaOptions && inertiaOptions.enabled
- && this.prepared.name !== 'gesture'
- && event !== inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- inertia = (inertiaPossible
- && (now - this.curCoords.timeStamp) < 50
- && pointerSpeed > inertiaOptions.minSpeed
- && pointerSpeed > inertiaOptions.endSpeed);
- if (inertiaPossible && !inertia && (endSnap || endRestrict)) {
- var snapRestrict = {};
- snapRestrict.snap = snapRestrict.restrict = snapRestrict;
- if (endSnap) {
- this.setSnapping(this.curCoords.page, snapRestrict);
- if (snapRestrict.locked) {
- dx += snapRestrict.dx;
- dy += snapRestrict.dy;
- }
- }
- if (endRestrict) {
- this.setRestriction(this.curCoords.page, snapRestrict);
- if (snapRestrict.restricted) {
- dx += snapRestrict.dx;
- dy += snapRestrict.dy;
- }
- }
- if (dx || dy) {
- smoothEnd = true;
- }
- }
- if (inertia || smoothEnd) {
- copyCoords(inertiaStatus.upCoords, this.curCoords);
- this.pointers[0] = inertiaStatus.startEvent = startEvent =
- new InteractEvent(this, event, this.prepared.name, 'inertiastart', this.element);
- inertiaStatus.t0 = now;
- target.fire(inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- if (inertia) {
- inertiaStatus.vx0 = this.pointerDelta.client.vx;
- inertiaStatus.vy0 = this.pointerDelta.client.vy;
- inertiaStatus.v0 = pointerSpeed;
- this.calcInertia(inertiaStatus);
- var page = extend({}, this.curCoords.page),
- origin = getOriginXY(target, this.element),
- statusObject;
- page.x = page.x + inertiaStatus.xe - origin.x;
- page.y = page.y + inertiaStatus.ye - origin.y;
- statusObject = {
- useStatusXY: true,
- x: page.x,
- y: page.y,
- dx: 0,
- dy: 0,
- snap: null
- };
- statusObject.snap = statusObject;
- dx = dy = 0;
- if (endSnap) {
- var snap = this.setSnapping(this.curCoords.page, statusObject);
- if (snap.locked) {
- dx += snap.dx;
- dy += snap.dy;
- }
- }
- if (endRestrict) {
- var restrict = this.setRestriction(this.curCoords.page, statusObject);
- if (restrict.restricted) {
- dx += restrict.dx;
- dy += restrict.dy;
- }
- }
- inertiaStatus.modifiedXe += dx;
- inertiaStatus.modifiedYe += dy;
- inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundInertiaFrame);
- }
- else {
- inertiaStatus.smoothEnd = true;
- inertiaStatus.xe = dx;
- inertiaStatus.ye = dy;
- inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.sy = 0;
- inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundSmoothEndFrame);
- }
- inertiaStatus.active = true;
- return;
- }
- if (endSnap || endRestrict) {
- // fire a move event at the snapped coordinates
- this.pointerMove(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, true);
- }
- }
- if (this.dragging) {
- endEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'drag', 'end', this.element);
- var draggableElement = this.element,
- drop = this.getDrop(endEvent, draggableElement);
- this.dropTarget = drop.dropzone;
- this.dropElement = drop.element;
- var dropEvents = this.getDropEvents(event, endEvent);
- if (dropEvents.leave) { this.prevDropTarget.fire(dropEvents.leave); }
- if (dropEvents.enter) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.enter); }
- if (dropEvents.drop ) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.drop ); }
- if (dropEvents.deactivate) {
- this.fireActiveDrops(dropEvents.deactivate);
- }
- target.fire(endEvent);
- }
- else if (this.resizing) {
- endEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'resize', 'end', this.element);
- target.fire(endEvent);
- }
- else if (this.gesturing) {
- endEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'gesture', 'end', this.element);
- target.fire(endEvent);
- }
- this.stop(event);
- },
- collectDrops: function (element) {
- var drops = [],
- elements = [],
- i;
- element = element || this.element;
- // collect all dropzones and their elements which qualify for a drop
- for (i = 0; i < interactables.length; i++) {
- if (!interactables[i].options.drop.enabled) { continue; }
- var current = interactables[i],
- accept = current.options.drop.accept;
- // test the draggable element against the dropzone's accept setting
- if ((isElement(accept) && accept !== element)
- || (isString(accept)
- && !matchesSelector(element, accept))) {
- continue;
- }
- // query for new elements if necessary
- var dropElements = current.selector? current._context.querySelectorAll(current.selector) : [current._element];
- for (var j = 0, len = dropElements.length; j < len; j++) {
- var currentElement = dropElements[j];
- if (currentElement === element) {
- continue;
- }
- drops.push(current);
- elements.push(currentElement);
- }
- }
- return {
- dropzones: drops,
- elements: elements
- };
- },
- fireActiveDrops: function (event) {
- var i,
- current,
- currentElement,
- prevElement;
- // loop through all active dropzones and trigger event
- for (i = 0; i < this.activeDrops.dropzones.length; i++) {
- current = this.activeDrops.dropzones[i];
- currentElement = this.activeDrops.elements [i];
- // prevent trigger of duplicate events on same element
- if (currentElement !== prevElement) {
- // set current element as event target
- event.target = currentElement;
- current.fire(event);
- }
- prevElement = currentElement;
- }
- },
- // Collect a new set of possible drops and save them in activeDrops.
- // setActiveDrops should always be called when a drag has just started or a
- // drag event happens while dynamicDrop is true
- setActiveDrops: function (dragElement) {
- // get dropzones and their elements that could receive the draggable
- var possibleDrops = this.collectDrops(dragElement, true);
- this.activeDrops.dropzones = possibleDrops.dropzones;
- this.activeDrops.elements = possibleDrops.elements;
- this.activeDrops.rects = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.activeDrops.dropzones.length; i++) {
- this.activeDrops.rects[i] = this.activeDrops.dropzones[i].getRect(this.activeDrops.elements[i]);
- }
- },
- getDrop: function (event, dragElement) {
- var validDrops = [];
- if (dynamicDrop) {
- this.setActiveDrops(dragElement);
- }
- // collect all dropzones and their elements which qualify for a drop
- for (var j = 0; j < this.activeDrops.dropzones.length; j++) {
- var current = this.activeDrops.dropzones[j],
- currentElement = this.activeDrops.elements [j],
- rect = this.activeDrops.rects [j];
- validDrops.push(current.dropCheck(this.pointers[0], this.target, dragElement, currentElement, rect)
- ? currentElement
- : null);
- }
- // get the most appropriate dropzone based on DOM depth and order
- var dropIndex = indexOfDeepestElement(validDrops),
- dropzone = this.activeDrops.dropzones[dropIndex] || null,
- element = this.activeDrops.elements [dropIndex] || null;
- return {
- dropzone: dropzone,
- element: element
- };
- },
- getDropEvents: function (pointerEvent, dragEvent) {
- var dropEvents = {
- enter : null,
- leave : null,
- activate : null,
- deactivate: null,
- move : null,
- drop : null
- };
- if (this.dropElement !== this.prevDropElement) {
- // if there was a prevDropTarget, create a dragleave event
- if (this.prevDropTarget) {
- dropEvents.leave = {
- target : this.prevDropElement,
- dropzone : this.prevDropTarget,
- relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
- draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
- dragEvent : dragEvent,
- interaction : this,
- timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
- type : 'dragleave'
- };
- dragEvent.dragLeave = this.prevDropElement;
- dragEvent.prevDropzone = this.prevDropTarget;
- }
- // if the dropTarget is not null, create a dragenter event
- if (this.dropTarget) {
- dropEvents.enter = {
- target : this.dropElement,
- dropzone : this.dropTarget,
- relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
- draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
- dragEvent : dragEvent,
- interaction : this,
- timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
- type : 'dragenter'
- };
- dragEvent.dragEnter = this.dropElement;
- dragEvent.dropzone = this.dropTarget;
- }
- }
- if (dragEvent.type === 'dragend' && this.dropTarget) {
- dropEvents.drop = {
- target : this.dropElement,
- dropzone : this.dropTarget,
- relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
- draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
- dragEvent : dragEvent,
- interaction : this,
- timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
- type : 'drop'
- };
- }
- if (dragEvent.type === 'dragstart') {
- dropEvents.activate = {
- target : null,
- dropzone : null,
- relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
- draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
- dragEvent : dragEvent,
- interaction : this,
- timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
- type : 'dropactivate'
- };
- }
- if (dragEvent.type === 'dragend') {
- dropEvents.deactivate = {
- target : null,
- dropzone : null,
- relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
- draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
- dragEvent : dragEvent,
- interaction : this,
- timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
- type : 'dropdeactivate'
- };
- }
- if (dragEvent.type === 'dragmove' && this.dropTarget) {
- dropEvents.move = {
- target : this.dropElement,
- dropzone : this.dropTarget,
- relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
- draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
- dragEvent : dragEvent,
- interaction : this,
- dragmove : dragEvent,
- timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
- type : 'dropmove'
- };
- dragEvent.dropzone = this.dropTarget;
- }
- return dropEvents;
- },
- currentAction: function () {
- return (this.dragging && 'drag') || (this.resizing && 'resize') || (this.gesturing && 'gesture') || null;
- },
- interacting: function () {
- return this.dragging || this.resizing || this.gesturing;
- },
- clearTargets: function () {
- if (this.target && !this.target.selector) {
- this.target = this.element = null;
- }
- this.dropTarget = this.dropElement = this.prevDropTarget = this.prevDropElement = null;
- },
- stop: function (event) {
- if (this.interacting()) {
- autoScroll.stop();
- this.matches = [];
- this.matchElements = [];
- var target = this.target;
- if (target.options.styleCursor) {
- target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
- }
- // prevent Default only if were previously interacting
- if (event && isFunction(event.preventDefault)) {
- this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
- }
- if (this.dragging) {
- this.activeDrops.dropzones = this.activeDrops.elements = this.activeDrops.rects = null;
- }
- this.clearTargets();
- }
- this.pointerIsDown = this.snapStatus.locked = this.dragging = this.resizing = this.gesturing = false;
- this.prepared.name = this.prevEvent = null;
- this.inertiaStatus.resumeDx = this.inertiaStatus.resumeDy = 0;
- // remove pointers if their ID isn't in this.pointerIds
- for (var i = 0; i < this.pointers.length; i++) {
- if (indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(this.pointers[i])) === -1) {
- this.pointers.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- // delete interaction if it's not the only one
- if (interactions.length > 1) {
- interactions.splice(indexOf(interactions, this), 1);
- }
- },
- inertiaFrame: function () {
- var inertiaStatus = this.inertiaStatus,
- options = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].inertia,
- lambda = options.resistance,
- t = new Date().getTime() / 1000 - inertiaStatus.t0;
- if (t < inertiaStatus.te) {
- var progress = 1 - (Math.exp(-lambda * t) - inertiaStatus.lambda_v0) / inertiaStatus.one_ve_v0;
- if (inertiaStatus.modifiedXe === inertiaStatus.xe && inertiaStatus.modifiedYe === inertiaStatus.ye) {
- inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.xe * progress;
- inertiaStatus.sy = inertiaStatus.ye * progress;
- }
- else {
- var quadPoint = getQuadraticCurvePoint(
- 0, 0,
- inertiaStatus.xe, inertiaStatus.ye,
- inertiaStatus.modifiedXe, inertiaStatus.modifiedYe,
- progress);
- inertiaStatus.sx = quadPoint.x;
- inertiaStatus.sy = quadPoint.y;
- }
- this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundInertiaFrame);
- }
- else {
- inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.modifiedXe;
- inertiaStatus.sy = inertiaStatus.modifiedYe;
- this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- inertiaStatus.active = false;
- this.pointerEnd(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- }
- },
- smoothEndFrame: function () {
- var inertiaStatus = this.inertiaStatus,
- t = new Date().getTime() - inertiaStatus.t0,
- duration = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].inertia.smoothEndDuration;
- if (t < duration) {
- inertiaStatus.sx = easeOutQuad(t, 0, inertiaStatus.xe, duration);
- inertiaStatus.sy = easeOutQuad(t, 0, inertiaStatus.ye, duration);
- this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundSmoothEndFrame);
- }
- else {
- inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.xe;
- inertiaStatus.sy = inertiaStatus.ye;
- this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- inertiaStatus.active = false;
- inertiaStatus.smoothEnd = false;
- this.pointerEnd(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
- }
- },
- addPointer: function (pointer) {
- var id = getPointerId(pointer),
- index = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, id);
- if (index === -1) {
- index = this.pointerIds.length;
- }
- this.pointerIds[index] = id;
- this.pointers[index] = pointer;
- return index;
- },
- removePointer: function (pointer) {
- var id = getPointerId(pointer),
- index = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, id);
- if (index === -1) { return; }
- if (!this.interacting()) {
- this.pointers.splice(index, 1);
- }
- this.pointerIds .splice(index, 1);
- this.downTargets.splice(index, 1);
- this.downTimes .splice(index, 1);
- this.holdTimers .splice(index, 1);
- },
- recordPointer: function (pointer) {
- // Do not update pointers while inertia is active.
- // The inertia start event should be this.pointers[0]
- if (this.inertiaStatus.active) { return; }
- var index = this.mouse? 0: indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
- if (index === -1) { return; }
- this.pointers[index] = pointer;
- },
- collectEventTargets: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, eventType) {
- var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
- // do not fire a tap event if the pointer was moved before being lifted
- if (eventType === 'tap' && (this.pointerWasMoved
- // or if the pointerup target is different to the pointerdown target
- || !(this.downTargets[pointerIndex] && this.downTargets[pointerIndex] === eventTarget))) {
- return;
- }
- var targets = [],
- elements = [],
- element = eventTarget;
- function collectSelectors (interactable, selector, context) {
- var els = ie8MatchesSelector
- ? context.querySelectorAll(selector)
- : undefined;
- if (interactable._iEvents[eventType]
- && isElement(element)
- && inContext(interactable, element)
- && !testIgnore(interactable, element, eventTarget)
- && testAllow(interactable, element, eventTarget)
- && matchesSelector(element, selector, els)) {
- targets.push(interactable);
- elements.push(element);
- }
- }
- while (element) {
- if (interact.isSet(element) && interact(element)._iEvents[eventType]) {
- targets.push(interact(element));
- elements.push(element);
- }
- interactables.forEachSelector(collectSelectors);
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- // create the tap event even if there are no listeners so that
- // doubletap can still be created and fired
- if (targets.length || eventType === 'tap') {
- this.firePointers(pointer, event, eventTarget, targets, elements, eventType);
- }
- },
- firePointers: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, targets, elements, eventType) {
- var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(getPointerId(pointer)),
- pointerEvent = {},
- i,
- // for tap events
- interval, createNewDoubleTap;
- // if it's a doubletap then the event properties would have been
- // copied from the tap event and provided as the pointer argument
- if (eventType === 'doubletap') {
- pointerEvent = pointer;
- }
- else {
- extend(pointerEvent, event);
- if (event !== pointer) {
- extend(pointerEvent, pointer);
- }
- pointerEvent.preventDefault = preventOriginalDefault;
- pointerEvent.stopPropagation = InteractEvent.prototype.stopPropagation;
- pointerEvent.stopImmediatePropagation = InteractEvent.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation;
- pointerEvent.interaction = this;
- pointerEvent.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
- pointerEvent.originalEvent = event;
- pointerEvent.type = eventType;
- pointerEvent.pointerId = getPointerId(pointer);
- pointerEvent.pointerType = this.mouse? 'mouse' : !supportsPointerEvent? 'touch'
- : isString(pointer.pointerType)
- ? pointer.pointerType
- : [,,'touch', 'pen', 'mouse'][pointer.pointerType];
- }
- if (eventType === 'tap') {
- pointerEvent.dt = pointerEvent.timeStamp - this.downTimes[pointerIndex];
- interval = pointerEvent.timeStamp - this.tapTime;
- createNewDoubleTap = !!(this.prevTap && this.prevTap.type !== 'doubletap'
- && this.prevTap.target === pointerEvent.target
- && interval < 500);
- pointerEvent.double = createNewDoubleTap;
- this.tapTime = pointerEvent.timeStamp;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
- pointerEvent.currentTarget = elements[i];
- pointerEvent.interactable = targets[i];
- targets[i].fire(pointerEvent);
- if (pointerEvent.immediatePropagationStopped
- ||(pointerEvent.propagationStopped && elements[i + 1] !== pointerEvent.currentTarget)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (createNewDoubleTap) {
- var doubleTap = {};
- extend(doubleTap, pointerEvent);
- doubleTap.dt = interval;
- doubleTap.type = 'doubletap';
- this.collectEventTargets(doubleTap, event, eventTarget, 'doubletap');
- this.prevTap = doubleTap;
- }
- else if (eventType === 'tap') {
- this.prevTap = pointerEvent;
- }
- },
- validateSelector: function (pointer, matches, matchElements) {
- for (var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) {
- var match = matches[i],
- matchElement = matchElements[i],
- action = validateAction(match.getAction(pointer, this, matchElement), match);
- if (action && withinInteractionLimit(match, matchElement, action)) {
- this.target = match;
- this.element = matchElement;
- return action;
- }
- }
- },
- setSnapping: function (pageCoords, status) {
- var snap = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].snap,
- targets = [],
- target,
- page,
- i;
- status = status || this.snapStatus;
- if (status.useStatusXY) {
- page = { x: status.x, y: status.y };
- }
- else {
- var origin = getOriginXY(this.target, this.element);
- page = extend({}, pageCoords);
- page.x -= origin.x;
- page.y -= origin.y;
- }
- status.realX = page.x;
- status.realY = page.y;
- page.x = page.x - this.inertiaStatus.resumeDx;
- page.y = page.y - this.inertiaStatus.resumeDy;
- var len = snap.targets? snap.targets.length : 0;
- for (var relIndex = 0; relIndex < this.snapOffsets.length; relIndex++) {
- var relative = {
- x: page.x - this.snapOffsets[relIndex].x,
- y: page.y - this.snapOffsets[relIndex].y
- };
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (isFunction(snap.targets[i])) {
- target = snap.targets[i](relative.x, relative.y, this);
- }
- else {
- target = snap.targets[i];
- }
- if (!target) { continue; }
- targets.push({
- x: isNumber(target.x) ? (target.x + this.snapOffsets[relIndex].x) : relative.x,
- y: isNumber(target.y) ? (target.y + this.snapOffsets[relIndex].y) : relative.y,
- range: isNumber(target.range)? target.range: snap.range
- });
- }
- }
- var closest = {
- target: null,
- inRange: false,
- distance: 0,
- range: 0,
- dx: 0,
- dy: 0
- };
- for (i = 0, len = targets.length; i < len; i++) {
- target = targets[i];
- var range = target.range,
- dx = target.x - page.x,
- dy = target.y - page.y,
- distance = hypot(dx, dy),
- inRange = distance <= range;
- // Infinite targets count as being out of range
- // compared to non infinite ones that are in range
- if (range === Infinity && closest.inRange && closest.range !== Infinity) {
- inRange = false;
- }
- if (!closest.target || (inRange
- // is the closest target in range?
- ? (closest.inRange && range !== Infinity
- // the pointer is relatively deeper in this target
- ? distance / range < closest.distance / closest.range
- // this target has Infinite range and the closest doesn't
- : (range === Infinity && closest.range !== Infinity)
- // OR this target is closer that the previous closest
- || distance < closest.distance)
- // The other is not in range and the pointer is closer to this target
- : (!closest.inRange && distance < closest.distance))) {
- if (range === Infinity) {
- inRange = true;
- }
- closest.target = target;
- closest.distance = distance;
- closest.range = range;
- closest.inRange = inRange;
- closest.dx = dx;
- closest.dy = dy;
- status.range = range;
- }
- }
- var snapChanged;
- if (closest.target) {
- snapChanged = (status.snappedX !== closest.target.x || status.snappedY !== closest.target.y);
- status.snappedX = closest.target.x;
- status.snappedY = closest.target.y;
- }
- else {
- snapChanged = true;
- status.snappedX = NaN;
- status.snappedY = NaN;
- }
- status.dx = closest.dx;
- status.dy = closest.dy;
- status.changed = (snapChanged || (closest.inRange && !status.locked));
- status.locked = closest.inRange;
- return status;
- },
- setRestriction: function (pageCoords, status) {
- var target = this.target,
- restrict = target && target.options[this.prepared.name].restrict,
- restriction = restrict && restrict.restriction,
- page;
- if (!restriction) {
- return status;
- }
- status = status || this.restrictStatus;
- page = status.useStatusXY
- ? page = { x: status.x, y: status.y }
- : page = extend({}, pageCoords);
- if (status.snap && status.snap.locked) {
- page.x += status.snap.dx || 0;
- page.y += status.snap.dy || 0;
- }
- page.x -= this.inertiaStatus.resumeDx;
- page.y -= this.inertiaStatus.resumeDy;
- status.dx = 0;
- status.dy = 0;
- status.restricted = false;
- var rect, restrictedX, restrictedY;
- if (isString(restriction)) {
- if (restriction === 'parent') {
- restriction = parentElement(this.element);
- }
- else if (restriction === 'self') {
- restriction = target.getRect(this.element);
- }
- else {
- restriction = closest(this.element, restriction);
- }
- if (!restriction) { return status; }
- }
- if (isFunction(restriction)) {
- restriction = restriction(page.x, page.y, this.element);
- }
- if (isElement(restriction)) {
- restriction = getElementRect(restriction);
- }
- rect = restriction;
- if (!restriction) {
- restrictedX = page.x;
- restrictedY = page.y;
- }
- // object is assumed to have
- // x, y, width, height or
- // left, top, right, bottom
- else if ('x' in restriction && 'y' in restriction) {
- restrictedX = Math.max(Math.min(rect.x + rect.width - this.restrictOffset.right , page.x), rect.x + this.restrictOffset.left);
- restrictedY = Math.max(Math.min(rect.y + rect.height - this.restrictOffset.bottom, page.y), rect.y + this.restrictOffset.top );
- }
- else {
- restrictedX = Math.max(Math.min(rect.right - this.restrictOffset.right , page.x), rect.left + this.restrictOffset.left);
- restrictedY = Math.max(Math.min(rect.bottom - this.restrictOffset.bottom, page.y), rect.top + this.restrictOffset.top );
- }
- status.dx = restrictedX - page.x;
- status.dy = restrictedY - page.y;
- status.changed = status.restrictedX !== restrictedX || status.restrictedY !== restrictedY;
- status.restricted = !!(status.dx || status.dy);
- status.restrictedX = restrictedX;
- status.restrictedY = restrictedY;
- return status;
- },
- checkAndPreventDefault: function (event, interactable, element) {
- if (!(interactable = interactable || this.target)) { return; }
- var options = interactable.options,
- prevent = options.preventDefault;
- if (prevent === 'auto' && element && !/^input$|^textarea$/i.test(element.nodeName)) {
- // do not preventDefault on pointerdown if the prepared action is a drag
- // and dragging can only start from a certain direction - this allows
- // a touch to pan the viewport if a drag isn't in the right direction
- if (/down|start/i.test(event.type)
- && this.prepared.name === 'drag' && options.drag.axis !== 'xy') {
- return;
- }
- // with manualStart, only preventDefault while interacting
- if (options[this.prepared.name] && options[this.prepared.name].manualStart
- && !this.interacting()) {
- return;
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- if (prevent === 'always') {
- event.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- },
- calcInertia: function (status) {
- var inertiaOptions = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].inertia,
- lambda = inertiaOptions.resistance,
- inertiaDur = -Math.log(inertiaOptions.endSpeed / status.v0) / lambda;
- status.x0 = this.prevEvent.pageX;
- status.y0 = this.prevEvent.pageY;
- status.t0 = status.startEvent.timeStamp / 1000;
- status.sx = status.sy = 0;
- status.modifiedXe = status.xe = (status.vx0 - inertiaDur) / lambda;
- status.modifiedYe = status.ye = (status.vy0 - inertiaDur) / lambda;
- status.te = inertiaDur;
- status.lambda_v0 = lambda / status.v0;
- status.one_ve_v0 = 1 - inertiaOptions.endSpeed / status.v0;
- },
- _updateEventTargets: function (target, currentTarget) {
- this._eventTarget = target;
- this._curEventTarget = currentTarget;
- }
- };
- function getInteractionFromPointer (pointer, eventType, eventTarget) {
- var i = 0, len = interactions.length,
- mouseEvent = (/mouse/i.test(pointer.pointerType || eventType)
- || pointer.pointerType === 4),
- interaction;
- var id = getPointerId(pointer);
- // try to resume inertia with a new pointer
- if (/down|start/i.test(eventType)) {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- interaction = interactions[i];
- var element = eventTarget;
- if (interaction.inertiaStatus.active && interaction.target.options[interaction.prepared.name].inertia.allowResume
- && (interaction.mouse === mouseEvent)) {
- while (element) {
- // if the element is the interaction element
- if (element === interaction.element) {
- // update the interaction's pointer
- if (interaction.pointers[0]) {
- interaction.removePointer(interaction.pointers[0]);
- }
- interaction.addPointer(pointer);
- return interaction;
- }
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if it's a mouse interaction
- if (mouseEvent || !(supportsTouch || supportsPointerEvent)) {
- // find a mouse interaction that's not in inertia phase
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (interactions[i].mouse && !interactions[i].inertiaStatus.active) {
- return interactions[i];
- }
- }
- // find any interaction specifically for mouse.
- // if the eventType is a mousedown, and inertia is active
- // ignore the interaction
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (interactions[i].mouse && !(/down/.test(eventType) && interactions[i].inertiaStatus.active)) {
- return interaction;
- }
- }
- // create a new interaction for mouse
- interaction = new Interaction();
- interaction.mouse = true;
- return interaction;
- }
- // get interaction that has this pointer
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (contains(interactions[i].pointerIds, id)) {
- return interactions[i];
- }
- }
- // at this stage, a pointerUp should not return an interaction
- if (/up|end|out/i.test(eventType)) {
- return null;
- }
- // get first idle interaction
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- interaction = interactions[i];
- if ((!interaction.prepared.name || (interaction.target.options.gesture.enabled))
- && !interaction.interacting()
- && !(!mouseEvent && interaction.mouse)) {
- interaction.addPointer(pointer);
- return interaction;
- }
- }
- return new Interaction();
- }
- function doOnInteractions (method) {
- return (function (event) {
- var interaction,
- eventTarget = getActualElement(event.path
- ? event.path[0]
- : event.target),
- curEventTarget = getActualElement(event.currentTarget),
- i;
- if (supportsTouch && /touch/.test(event.type)) {
- prevTouchTime = new Date().getTime();
- for (i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; i++) {
- var pointer = event.changedTouches[i];
- interaction = getInteractionFromPointer(pointer, event.type, eventTarget);
- if (!interaction) { continue; }
- interaction._updateEventTargets(eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- interaction[method](pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!supportsPointerEvent && /mouse/.test(event.type)) {
- // ignore mouse events while touch interactions are active
- for (i = 0; i < interactions.length; i++) {
- if (!interactions[i].mouse && interactions[i].pointerIsDown) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // try to ignore mouse events that are simulated by the browser
- // after a touch event
- if (new Date().getTime() - prevTouchTime < 500) {
- return;
- }
- }
- interaction = getInteractionFromPointer(event, event.type, eventTarget);
- if (!interaction) { return; }
- interaction._updateEventTargets(eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- interaction[method](event, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
- }
- });
- }
- function InteractEvent (interaction, event, action, phase, element, related) {
- var client,
- page,
- target = interaction.target,
- snapStatus = interaction.snapStatus,
- restrictStatus = interaction.restrictStatus,
- pointers = interaction.pointers,
- deltaSource = (target && target.options || defaultOptions).deltaSource,
- sourceX = deltaSource + 'X',
- sourceY = deltaSource + 'Y',
- options = target? target.options: defaultOptions,
- origin = getOriginXY(target, element),
- starting = phase === 'start',
- ending = phase === 'end',
- coords = starting? interaction.startCoords : interaction.curCoords;
- element = element || interaction.element;
- page = extend({}, coords.page);
- client = extend({}, coords.client);
- page.x -= origin.x;
- page.y -= origin.y;
- client.x -= origin.x;
- client.y -= origin.y;
- var relativePoints = options[action].snap && options[action].snap.relativePoints ;
- if (checkSnap(target, action) && !(starting && relativePoints && relativePoints.length)) {
- this.snap = {
- range : snapStatus.range,
- locked : snapStatus.locked,
- x : snapStatus.snappedX,
- y : snapStatus.snappedY,
- realX : snapStatus.realX,
- realY : snapStatus.realY,
- dx : snapStatus.dx,
- dy : snapStatus.dy
- };
- if (snapStatus.locked) {
- page.x += snapStatus.dx;
- page.y += snapStatus.dy;
- client.x += snapStatus.dx;
- client.y += snapStatus.dy;
- }
- }
- if (checkRestrict(target, action) && !(starting && options[action].restrict.elementRect) && restrictStatus.restricted) {
- page.x += restrictStatus.dx;
- page.y += restrictStatus.dy;
- client.x += restrictStatus.dx;
- client.y += restrictStatus.dy;
- this.restrict = {
- dx: restrictStatus.dx,
- dy: restrictStatus.dy
- };
- }
- this.pageX = page.x;
- this.pageY = page.y;
- this.clientX = client.x;
- this.clientY = client.y;
- this.x0 = interaction.startCoords.page.x;
- this.y0 = interaction.startCoords.page.y;
- this.clientX0 = interaction.startCoords.client.x;
- this.clientY0 = interaction.startCoords.client.y;
- this.ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- this.altKey = event.altKey;
- this.shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- this.metaKey = event.metaKey;
- this.button = event.button;
- this.target = element;
- this.t0 = interaction.downTimes[0];
- this.type = action + (phase || '');
- this.interaction = interaction;
- this.interactable = target;
- var inertiaStatus = interaction.inertiaStatus;
- if (inertiaStatus.active) {
- this.detail = 'inertia';
- }
- if (related) {
- this.relatedTarget = related;
- }
- // end event dx, dy is difference between start and end points
- if (ending) {
- if (deltaSource === 'client') {
- this.dx = client.x - interaction.startCoords.client.x;
- this.dy = client.y - interaction.startCoords.client.y;
- }
- else {
- this.dx = page.x - interaction.startCoords.page.x;
- this.dy = page.y - interaction.startCoords.page.y;
- }
- }
- else if (starting) {
- this.dx = 0;
- this.dy = 0;
- }
- // copy properties from previousmove if starting inertia
- else if (phase === 'inertiastart') {
- this.dx = interaction.prevEvent.dx;
- this.dy = interaction.prevEvent.dy;
- }
- else {
- if (deltaSource === 'client') {
- this.dx = client.x - interaction.prevEvent.clientX;
- this.dy = client.y - interaction.prevEvent.clientY;
- }
- else {
- this.dx = page.x - interaction.prevEvent.pageX;
- this.dy = page.y - interaction.prevEvent.pageY;
- }
- }
- if (interaction.prevEvent && interaction.prevEvent.detail === 'inertia'
- && !inertiaStatus.active
- && options[action].inertia && options[action].inertia.zeroResumeDelta) {
- inertiaStatus.resumeDx += this.dx;
- inertiaStatus.resumeDy += this.dy;
- this.dx = this.dy = 0;
- }
- if (action === 'resize' && interaction.resizeAxes) {
- if (options.resize.square) {
- if (interaction.resizeAxes === 'y') {
- this.dx = this.dy;
- }
- else {
- this.dy = this.dx;
- }
- this.axes = 'xy';
- }
- else {
- this.axes = interaction.resizeAxes;
- if (interaction.resizeAxes === 'x') {
- this.dy = 0;
- }
- else if (interaction.resizeAxes === 'y') {
- this.dx = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (action === 'gesture') {
- this.touches = [pointers[0], pointers[1]];
- if (starting) {
- this.distance = touchDistance(pointers, deltaSource);
- this.box = touchBBox(pointers);
- this.scale = 1;
- this.ds = 0;
- this.angle = touchAngle(pointers, undefined, deltaSource);
- this.da = 0;
- }
- else if (ending || event instanceof InteractEvent) {
- this.distance = interaction.prevEvent.distance;
- this.box = interaction.prevEvent.box;
- this.scale = interaction.prevEvent.scale;
- this.ds = this.scale - 1;
- this.angle = interaction.prevEvent.angle;
- this.da = this.angle - interaction.gesture.startAngle;
- }
- else {
- this.distance = touchDistance(pointers, deltaSource);
- this.box = touchBBox(pointers);
- this.scale = this.distance / interaction.gesture.startDistance;
- this.angle = touchAngle(pointers, interaction.gesture.prevAngle, deltaSource);
- this.ds = this.scale - interaction.gesture.prevScale;
- this.da = this.angle - interaction.gesture.prevAngle;
- }
- }
- if (starting) {
- this.timeStamp = interaction.downTimes[0];
- this.dt = 0;
- this.duration = 0;
- this.speed = 0;
- this.velocityX = 0;
- this.velocityY = 0;
- }
- else if (phase === 'inertiastart') {
- this.timeStamp = interaction.prevEvent.timeStamp;
- this.dt = interaction.prevEvent.dt;
- this.duration = interaction.prevEvent.duration;
- this.speed = interaction.prevEvent.speed;
- this.velocityX = interaction.prevEvent.velocityX;
- this.velocityY = interaction.prevEvent.velocityY;
- }
- else {
- this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
- this.dt = this.timeStamp - interaction.prevEvent.timeStamp;
- this.duration = this.timeStamp - interaction.downTimes[0];
- if (event instanceof InteractEvent) {
- var dx = this[sourceX] - interaction.prevEvent[sourceX],
- dy = this[sourceY] - interaction.prevEvent[sourceY],
- dt = this.dt / 1000;
- this.speed = hypot(dx, dy) / dt;
- this.velocityX = dx / dt;
- this.velocityY = dy / dt;
- }
- // if normal move or end event, use previous user event coords
- else {
- // speed and velocity in pixels per second
- this.speed = interaction.pointerDelta[deltaSource].speed;
- this.velocityX = interaction.pointerDelta[deltaSource].vx;
- this.velocityY = interaction.pointerDelta[deltaSource].vy;
- }
- }
- if ((ending || phase === 'inertiastart')
- && interaction.prevEvent.speed > 600 && this.timeStamp - interaction.prevEvent.timeStamp < 150) {
- var angle = 180 * Math.atan2(interaction.prevEvent.velocityY, interaction.prevEvent.velocityX) / Math.PI,
- overlap = 22.5;
- if (angle < 0) {
- angle += 360;
- }
- var left = 135 - overlap <= angle && angle < 225 + overlap,
- up = 225 - overlap <= angle && angle < 315 + overlap,
- right = !left && (315 - overlap <= angle || angle < 45 + overlap),
- down = !up && 45 - overlap <= angle && angle < 135 + overlap;
- this.swipe = {
- up : up,
- down : down,
- left : left,
- right: right,
- angle: angle,
- speed: interaction.prevEvent.speed,
- velocity: {
- x: interaction.prevEvent.velocityX,
- y: interaction.prevEvent.velocityY
- }
- };
- }
- }
- InteractEvent.prototype = {
- preventDefault: blank,
- stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
- this.immediatePropagationStopped = this.propagationStopped = true;
- },
- stopPropagation: function () {
- this.propagationStopped = true;
- }
- };
- function preventOriginalDefault () {
- this.originalEvent.preventDefault();
- }
- function getActionCursor (action) {
- var cursor = '';
- if (action.name === 'drag') {
- cursor = actionCursors.drag;
- }
- if (action.name === 'resize') {
- if (action.axis) {
- cursor = actionCursors[action.name + action.axis];
- }
- else if (action.edges) {
- var cursorKey = 'resize',
- edgeNames = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'];
- for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (action.edges[edgeNames[i]]) {
- cursorKey += edgeNames[i];
- }
- }
- cursor = actionCursors[cursorKey];
- }
- }
- return cursor;
- }
- function checkResizeEdge (name, value, page, element, interactableElement, rect) {
- // false, '', undefined, null
- if (!value) { return false; }
- // true value, use pointer coords and element rect
- if (value === true) {
- // if dimensions are negative, "switch" edges
- var width = isNumber(rect.width)? rect.width : rect.right - rect.left,
- height = isNumber(rect.height)? rect.height : rect.bottom - rect.top;
- if (width < 0) {
- if (name === 'left' ) { name = 'right'; }
- else if (name === 'right') { name = 'left' ; }
- }
- if (height < 0) {
- if (name === 'top' ) { name = 'bottom'; }
- else if (name === 'bottom') { name = 'top' ; }
- }
- if (name === 'left' ) { return page.x < ((width >= 0? rect.left: rect.right ) + margin); }
- if (name === 'top' ) { return page.y < ((height >= 0? rect.top : rect.bottom) + margin); }
- if (name === 'right' ) { return page.x > ((width >= 0? rect.right : rect.left) - margin); }
- if (name === 'bottom') { return page.y > ((height >= 0? rect.bottom: rect.top ) - margin); }
- }
- // the remaining checks require an element
- if (!isElement(element)) { return false; }
- return isElement(value)
- // the value is an element to use as a resize handle
- ? value === element
- // otherwise check if element matches value as selector
- : matchesUpTo(element, value, interactableElement);
- }
- function defaultActionChecker (pointer, interaction, element) {
- var rect = this.getRect(element),
- shouldResize = false,
- action = null,
- resizeAxes = null,
- resizeEdges,
- page = extend({}, interaction.curCoords.page),
- options = this.options;
- if (!rect) { return null; }
- if (actionIsEnabled.resize && options.resize.enabled) {
- var resizeOptions = options.resize;
- resizeEdges = {
- left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false
- };
- // if using resize.edges
- if (isObject(resizeOptions.edges)) {
- for (var edge in resizeEdges) {
- resizeEdges[edge] = checkResizeEdge(edge,
- resizeOptions.edges[edge],
- page,
- interaction._eventTarget,
- element,
- rect);
- }
- resizeEdges.left = resizeEdges.left && !resizeEdges.right;
- resizeEdges.top = resizeEdges.top && !resizeEdges.bottom;
- shouldResize = resizeEdges.left || resizeEdges.right || resizeEdges.top || resizeEdges.bottom;
- }
- else {
- var right = options.resize.axis !== 'y' && page.x > (rect.right - margin),
- bottom = options.resize.axis !== 'x' && page.y > (rect.bottom - margin);
- shouldResize = right || bottom;
- resizeAxes = (right? 'x' : '') + (bottom? 'y' : '');
- }
- }
- action = shouldResize
- ? 'resize'
- : actionIsEnabled.drag && options.drag.enabled
- ? 'drag'
- : null;
- if (actionIsEnabled.gesture
- && interaction.pointerIds.length >=2
- && !(interaction.dragging || interaction.resizing)) {
- action = 'gesture';
- }
- if (action) {
- return {
- name: action,
- axis: resizeAxes,
- edges: resizeEdges
- };
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Check if action is enabled globally and the current target supports it
- // If so, return the validated action. Otherwise, return null
- function validateAction (action, interactable) {
- if (!isObject(action)) { return null; }
- var actionName = action.name,
- options = interactable.options;
- if (( (actionName === 'resize' && options.resize.enabled )
- || (actionName === 'drag' && options.drag.enabled )
- || (actionName === 'gesture' && options.gesture.enabled))
- && actionIsEnabled[actionName]) {
- if (actionName === 'resize' || actionName === 'resizeyx') {
- actionName = 'resizexy';
- }
- return action;
- }
- return null;
- }
- var listeners = {},
- interactionListeners = [
- 'dragStart', 'dragMove', 'resizeStart', 'resizeMove', 'gestureStart', 'gestureMove',
- 'pointerOver', 'pointerOut', 'pointerHover', 'selectorDown',
- 'pointerDown', 'pointerMove', 'pointerUp', 'pointerCancel', 'pointerEnd',
- 'addPointer', 'removePointer', 'recordPointer',
- ];
- for (var i = 0, len = interactionListeners.length; i < len; i++) {
- var name = interactionListeners[i];
- listeners[name] = doOnInteractions(name);
- }
- // bound to the interactable context when a DOM event
- // listener is added to a selector interactable
- function delegateListener (event, useCapture) {
- var fakeEvent = {},
- delegated = delegatedEvents[event.type],
- eventTarget = getActualElement(event.path
- ? event.path[0]
- : event.target),
- element = eventTarget;
- useCapture = useCapture? true: false;
- // duplicate the event so that currentTarget can be changed
- for (var prop in event) {
- fakeEvent[prop] = event[prop];
- }
- fakeEvent.originalEvent = event;
- fakeEvent.preventDefault = preventOriginalDefault;
- // climb up document tree looking for selector matches
- while (isElement(element)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < delegated.selectors.length; i++) {
- var selector = delegated.selectors[i],
- context = delegated.contexts[i];
- if (matchesSelector(element, selector)
- && nodeContains(context, eventTarget)
- && nodeContains(context, element)) {
- var listeners = delegated.listeners[i];
- fakeEvent.currentTarget = element;
- for (var j = 0; j < listeners.length; j++) {
- if (listeners[j][1] === useCapture) {
- listeners[j][0](fakeEvent);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- element = parentElement(element);
- }
- }
- function delegateUseCapture (event) {
- return delegateListener.call(this, event, true);
- }
- interactables.indexOfElement = function indexOfElement (element, context) {
- context = context || document;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- var interactable = this[i];
- if ((interactable.selector === element
- && (interactable._context === context))
- || (!interactable.selector && interactable._element === element)) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- };
- interactables.get = function interactableGet (element, options) {
- return this[this.indexOfElement(element, options && options.context)];
- };
- interactables.forEachSelector = function (callback) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- var interactable = this[i];
- if (!interactable.selector) {
- continue;
- }
- var ret = callback(interactable, interactable.selector, interactable._context, i, this);
- if (ret !== undefined) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- };
- /*\
- * interact
- [ method ]
- *
- * The methods of this variable can be used to set elements as
- * interactables and also to change various default settings.
- *
- * Calling it as a function and passing an element or a valid CSS selector
- * string returns an Interactable object which has various methods to
- * configure it.
- *
- - element (Element | string) The HTML or SVG Element to interact with or CSS selector
- = (object) An @Interactable
- *
- > Usage
- | interact(document.getElementById('draggable')).draggable(true);
- |
- | var rectables = interact('rect');
- | rectables
- | .gesturable(true)
- | .on('gesturemove', function (event) {
- | // something cool...
- | })
- | .autoScroll(true);
- \*/
- function interact (element, options) {
- return interactables.get(element, options) || new Interactable(element, options);
- }
- /*\
- * Interactable
- [ property ]
- **
- * Object type returned by @interact
- \*/
- function Interactable (element, options) {
- this._element = element;
- this._iEvents = this._iEvents || {};
- var _window;
- if (trySelector(element)) {
- this.selector = element;
- var context = options && options.context;
- _window = context? getWindow(context) : window;
- if (context && (_window.Node
- ? context instanceof _window.Node
- : (isElement(context) || context === _window.document))) {
- this._context = context;
- }
- }
- else {
- _window = getWindow(element);
- if (isElement(element, _window)) {
- if (PointerEvent) {
- events.add(this._element, pEventTypes.down, listeners.pointerDown );
- events.add(this._element, pEventTypes.move, listeners.pointerHover);
- }
- else {
- events.add(this._element, 'mousedown' , listeners.pointerDown );
- events.add(this._element, 'mousemove' , listeners.pointerHover);
- events.add(this._element, 'touchstart', listeners.pointerDown );
- events.add(this._element, 'touchmove' , listeners.pointerHover);
- }
- }
- }
- this._doc = _window.document;
- if (!contains(documents, this._doc)) {
- listenToDocument(this._doc);
- }
- interactables.push(this);
- this.set(options);
- }
- Interactable.prototype = {
- setOnEvents: function (action, phases) {
- if (action === 'drop') {
- if (isFunction(phases.ondrop) ) { this.ondrop = phases.ondrop ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.ondropactivate) ) { this.ondropactivate = phases.ondropactivate ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.ondropdeactivate)) { this.ondropdeactivate = phases.ondropdeactivate; }
- if (isFunction(phases.ondragenter) ) { this.ondragenter = phases.ondragenter ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.ondragleave) ) { this.ondragleave = phases.ondragleave ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.ondropmove) ) { this.ondropmove = phases.ondropmove ; }
- }
- else {
- action = 'on' + action;
- if (isFunction(phases.onstart) ) { this[action + 'start' ] = phases.onstart ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.onmove) ) { this[action + 'move' ] = phases.onmove ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.onend) ) { this[action + 'end' ] = phases.onend ; }
- if (isFunction(phases.oninertiastart)) { this[action + 'inertiastart' ] = phases.oninertiastart ; }
- }
- return this;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.draggable
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets or sets whether drag actions can be performed on the
- * Interactable
- *
- = (boolean) Indicates if this can be the target of drag events
- | var isDraggable = interact('ul li').draggable();
- * or
- - options (boolean | object) #optional true/false or An object with event listeners to be fired on drag events (object makes the Interactable draggable)
- = (object) This Interactable
- | interact(element).draggable({
- | onstart: function (event) {},
- | onmove : function (event) {},
- | onend : function (event) {},
- |
- | // the axis in which the first movement must be
- | // for the drag sequence to start
- | // 'xy' by default - any direction
- | axis: 'x' || 'y' || 'xy',
- |
- | // max number of drags that can happen concurrently
- | // with elements of this Interactable. Infinity by default
- | max: Infinity,
- |
- | // max number of drags that can target the same element+Interactable
- | // 1 by default
- | maxPerElement: 2
- | });
- \*/
- draggable: function (options) {
- if (isObject(options)) {
- this.options.drag.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
- this.setPerAction('drag', options);
- this.setOnEvents('drag', options);
- if (/^x$|^y$|^xy$/.test(options.axis)) {
- this.options.drag.axis = options.axis;
- }
- else if (options.axis === null) {
- delete this.options.drag.axis;
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (isBool(options)) {
- this.options.drag.enabled = options;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.drag;
- },
- setPerAction: function (action, options) {
- // for all the default per-action options
- for (var option in options) {
- // if this option exists for this action
- if (option in defaultOptions[action]) {
- // if the option in the options arg is an object value
- if (isObject(options[option])) {
- // duplicate the object
- this.options[action][option] = extend(this.options[action][option] || {}, options[option]);
- if (isObject(defaultOptions.perAction[option]) && 'enabled' in defaultOptions.perAction[option]) {
- this.options[action][option].enabled = options[option].enabled === false? false : true;
- }
- }
- else if (isBool(options[option]) && isObject(defaultOptions.perAction[option])) {
- this.options[action][option].enabled = options[option];
- }
- else if (options[option] !== undefined) {
- // or if it's not undefined, do a plain assignment
- this.options[action][option] = options[option];
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.dropzone
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets whether elements can be dropped onto this
- * Interactable to trigger drop events
- *
- * Dropzones can receive the following events:
- * - `dropactivate` and `dropdeactivate` when an acceptable drag starts and ends
- * - `dragenter` and `dragleave` when a draggable enters and leaves the dropzone
- * - `dragmove` when a draggable that has entered the dropzone is moved
- * - `drop` when a draggable is dropped into this dropzone
- *
- * Use the `accept` option to allow only elements that match the given CSS selector or element.
- *
- * Use the `overlap` option to set how drops are checked for. The allowed values are:
- * - `'pointer'`, the pointer must be over the dropzone (default)
- * - `'center'`, the draggable element's center must be over the dropzone
- * - a number from 0-1 which is the `(intersection area) / (draggable area)`.
- * e.g. `0.5` for drop to happen when half of the area of the
- * draggable is over the dropzone
- *
- - options (boolean | object | null) #optional The new value to be set.
- | interact('.drop').dropzone({
- | accept: '.can-drop' || document.getElementById('single-drop'),
- | overlap: 'pointer' || 'center' || zeroToOne
- | }
- = (boolean | object) The current setting or this Interactable
- \*/
- dropzone: function (options) {
- if (isObject(options)) {
- this.options.drop.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
- this.setOnEvents('drop', options);
- this.accept(options.accept);
- if (/^(pointer|center)$/.test(options.overlap)) {
- this.options.drop.overlap = options.overlap;
- }
- else if (isNumber(options.overlap)) {
- this.options.drop.overlap = Math.max(Math.min(1, options.overlap), 0);
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (isBool(options)) {
- this.options.drop.enabled = options;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.drop;
- },
- dropCheck: function (pointer, draggable, draggableElement, dropElement, rect) {
- var dropped = false;
- // if the dropzone has no rect (eg. display: none)
- // call the custom dropChecker or just return false
- if (!(rect = rect || this.getRect(dropElement))) {
- return (this.options.dropChecker
- ? this.options.dropChecker(pointer, dropped, this, dropElement, draggable, draggableElement)
- : false);
- }
- var dropOverlap = this.options.drop.overlap;
- if (dropOverlap === 'pointer') {
- var page = getPageXY(pointer),
- origin = getOriginXY(draggable, draggableElement),
- horizontal,
- vertical;
- page.x += origin.x;
- page.y += origin.y;
- horizontal = (page.x > rect.left) && (page.x < rect.right);
- vertical = (page.y > rect.top ) && (page.y < rect.bottom);
- dropped = horizontal && vertical;
- }
- var dragRect = draggable.getRect(draggableElement);
- if (dropOverlap === 'center') {
- var cx = dragRect.left + dragRect.width / 2,
- cy = dragRect.top + dragRect.height / 2;
- dropped = cx >= rect.left && cx <= rect.right && cy >= rect.top && cy <= rect.bottom;
- }
- if (isNumber(dropOverlap)) {
- var overlapArea = (Math.max(0, Math.min(rect.right , dragRect.right ) - Math.max(rect.left, dragRect.left))
- * Math.max(0, Math.min(rect.bottom, dragRect.bottom) - Math.max(rect.top , dragRect.top ))),
- overlapRatio = overlapArea / (dragRect.width * dragRect.height);
- dropped = overlapRatio >= dropOverlap;
- }
- if (this.options.dropChecker) {
- dropped = this.options.dropChecker(pointer, dropped, this, dropElement, draggable, draggableElement);
- }
- return dropped;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.dropChecker
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets or sets the function used to check if a dragged element is
- * over this Interactable. See @Interactable.dropCheck.
- *
- - checker (function) #optional
- * The checker is a function which takes a mouseUp/touchEnd event as a
- * parameter and returns true or false to indicate if the the current
- * draggable can be dropped into this Interactable
- *
- - checker (function) The function that will be called when checking for a drop
- * The checker function takes the following arguments:
- *
- - pointer (MouseEvent | PointerEvent | Touch) The pointer/event that ends a drag
- - dropped (boolean) The value from the default drop check
- - dropzone (Interactable) The dropzone interactable
- - dropElement (Element) The dropzone element
- - draggable (Interactable) The Interactable being dragged
- - draggableElement (Element) The actual element that's being dragged
- *
- = (Function | Interactable) The checker function or this Interactable
- \*/
- dropChecker: function (checker) {
- if (isFunction(checker)) {
- this.options.dropChecker = checker;
- return this;
- }
- if (checker === null) {
- delete this.options.getRect;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.dropChecker;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.accept
- [ method ]
- *
- * Deprecated. add an `accept` property to the options object passed to
- * @Interactable.dropzone instead.
- *
- * Gets or sets the Element or CSS selector match that this
- * Interactable accepts if it is a dropzone.
- *
- - newValue (Element | string | null) #optional
- * If it is an Element, then only that element can be dropped into this dropzone.
- * If it is a string, the element being dragged must match it as a selector.
- * If it is null, the accept options is cleared - it accepts any element.
- *
- = (string | Element | null | Interactable) The current accept option if given `undefined` or this Interactable
- \*/
- accept: function (newValue) {
- if (isElement(newValue)) {
- this.options.drop.accept = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- // test if it is a valid CSS selector
- if (trySelector(newValue)) {
- this.options.drop.accept = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- if (newValue === null) {
- delete this.options.drop.accept;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.drop.accept;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.resizable
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets or sets whether resize actions can be performed on the
- * Interactable
- *
- = (boolean) Indicates if this can be the target of resize elements
- | var isResizeable = interact('input[type=text]').resizable();
- * or
- - options (boolean | object) #optional true/false or An object with event listeners to be fired on resize events (object makes the Interactable resizable)
- = (object) This Interactable
- | interact(element).resizable({
- | onstart: function (event) {},
- | onmove : function (event) {},
- | onend : function (event) {},
- |
- | edges: {
- | top : true, // Use pointer coords to check for resize.
- | left : false, // Disable resizing from left edge.
- | bottom: '.resize-s',// Resize if pointer target matches selector
- | right : handleEl // Resize if pointer target is the given Element
- | },
- |
- | // a value of 'none' will limit the resize rect to a minimum of 0x0
- | // 'negate' will allow the rect to have negative width/height
- | // 'reposition' will keep the width/height positive by swapping
- | // the top and bottom edges and/or swapping the left and right edges
- | invert: 'none' || 'negate' || 'reposition'
- |
- | // limit multiple resizes.
- | // See the explanation in the @Interactable.draggable example
- | max: Infinity,
- | maxPerElement: 1,
- | });
- \*/
- resizable: function (options) {
- if (isObject(options)) {
- this.options.resize.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
- this.setPerAction('resize', options);
- this.setOnEvents('resize', options);
- if (/^x$|^y$|^xy$/.test(options.axis)) {
- this.options.resize.axis = options.axis;
- }
- else if (options.axis === null) {
- this.options.resize.axis = defaultOptions.resize.axis;
- }
- if (isBool(options.square)) {
- this.options.resize.square = options.square;
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (isBool(options)) {
- this.options.resize.enabled = options;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.resize;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.squareResize
- [ method ]
- *
- * Deprecated. Add a `square: true || false` property to @Interactable.resizable instead
- *
- * Gets or sets whether resizing is forced 1:1 aspect
- *
- = (boolean) Current setting
- *
- * or
- *
- - newValue (boolean) #optional
- = (object) this Interactable
- \*/
- squareResize: function (newValue) {
- if (isBool(newValue)) {
- this.options.resize.square = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- if (newValue === null) {
- delete this.options.resize.square;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.resize.square;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.gesturable
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets or sets whether multitouch gestures can be performed on the
- * Interactable's element
- *
- = (boolean) Indicates if this can be the target of gesture events
- | var isGestureable = interact(element).gesturable();
- * or
- - options (boolean | object) #optional true/false or An object with event listeners to be fired on gesture events (makes the Interactable gesturable)
- = (object) this Interactable
- | interact(element).gesturable({
- | onstart: function (event) {},
- | onmove : function (event) {},
- | onend : function (event) {},
- |
- | // limit multiple gestures.
- | // See the explanation in @Interactable.draggable example
- | max: Infinity,
- | maxPerElement: 1,
- | });
- \*/
- gesturable: function (options) {
- if (isObject(options)) {
- this.options.gesture.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
- this.setPerAction('gesture', options);
- this.setOnEvents('gesture', options);
- return this;
- }
- if (isBool(options)) {
- this.options.gesture.enabled = options;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.gesture;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.autoScroll
- [ method ]
- **
- * Deprecated. Add an `autoscroll` property to the options object
- * passed to @Interactable.draggable or @Interactable.resizable instead.
- *
- * Returns or sets whether dragging and resizing near the edges of the
- * window/container trigger autoScroll for this Interactable
- *
- = (object) Object with autoScroll properties
- *
- * or
- *
- - options (object | boolean) #optional
- * options can be:
- * - an object with margin, distance and interval properties,
- * - true or false to enable or disable autoScroll or
- = (Interactable) this Interactable
- \*/
- autoScroll: function (options) {
- if (isObject(options)) {
- options = extend({ actions: ['drag', 'resize']}, options);
- }
- else if (isBool(options)) {
- options = { actions: ['drag', 'resize'], enabled: options };
- }
- return this.setOptions('autoScroll', options);
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.snap
- [ method ]
- **
- * Deprecated. Add a `snap` property to the options object passed
- * to @Interactable.draggable or @Interactable.resizable instead.
- *
- * Returns or sets if and how action coordinates are snapped. By
- * default, snapping is relative to the pointer coordinates. You can
- * change this by setting the
- * [`elementOrigin`](https://github.com/taye/interact.js/pull/72).
- **
- = (boolean | object) `false` if snap is disabled; object with snap properties if snap is enabled
- **
- * or
- **
- - options (object | boolean | null) #optional
- = (Interactable) this Interactable
- > Usage
- | interact(document.querySelector('#thing')).snap({
- | targets: [
- | // snap to this specific point
- | {
- | x: 100,
- | y: 100,
- | range: 25
- | },
- | // give this function the x and y page coords and snap to the object returned
- | function (x, y) {
- | return {
- | x: x,
- | y: (75 + 50 * Math.sin(x * 0.04)),
- | range: 40
- | };
- | },
- | // create a function that snaps to a grid
- | interact.createSnapGrid({
- | x: 50,
- | y: 50,
- | range: 10, // optional
- | offset: { x: 5, y: 10 } // optional
- | })
- | ],
- | // do not snap during normal movement.
- | // Instead, trigger only one snapped move event
- | // immediately before the end event.
- | endOnly: true,
- |
- | relativePoints: [
- | { x: 0, y: 0 }, // snap relative to the top left of the element
- | { x: 1, y: 1 }, // and also to the bottom right
- | ],
- |
- | // offset the snap target coordinates
- | // can be an object with x/y or 'startCoords'
- | offset: { x: 50, y: 50 }
- | }
- | });
- \*/
- snap: function (options) {
- var ret = this.setOptions('snap', options);
- if (ret === this) { return this; }
- return ret.drag;
- },
- setOptions: function (option, options) {
- var actions = options && isArray(options.actions)
- ? options.actions
- : ['drag'];
- var i;
- if (isObject(options) || isBool(options)) {
- for (i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
- var action = /resize/.test(actions[i])? 'resize' : actions[i];
- if (!isObject(this.options[action])) { continue; }
- var thisOption = this.options[action][option];
- if (isObject(options)) {
- extend(thisOption, options);
- thisOption.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
- if (option === 'snap') {
- if (thisOption.mode === 'grid') {
- thisOption.targets = [
- interact.createSnapGrid(extend({
- offset: thisOption.gridOffset || { x: 0, y: 0 }
- }, thisOption.grid || {}))
- ];
- }
- else if (thisOption.mode === 'anchor') {
- thisOption.targets = thisOption.anchors;
- }
- else if (thisOption.mode === 'path') {
- thisOption.targets = thisOption.paths;
- }
- if ('elementOrigin' in options) {
- thisOption.relativePoints = [options.elementOrigin];
- }
- }
- }
- else if (isBool(options)) {
- thisOption.enabled = options;
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- var ret = {},
- allActions = ['drag', 'resize', 'gesture'];
- for (i = 0; i < allActions.length; i++) {
- if (option in defaultOptions[allActions[i]]) {
- ret[allActions[i]] = this.options[allActions[i]][option];
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.inertia
- [ method ]
- **
- * Deprecated. Add an `inertia` property to the options object passed
- * to @Interactable.draggable or @Interactable.resizable instead.
- *
- * Returns or sets if and how events continue to run after the pointer is released
- **
- = (boolean | object) `false` if inertia is disabled; `object` with inertia properties if inertia is enabled
- **
- * or
- **
- - options (object | boolean | null) #optional
- = (Interactable) this Interactable
- > Usage
- | // enable and use default settings
- | interact(element).inertia(true);
- |
- | // enable and use custom settings
- | interact(element).inertia({
- | // value greater than 0
- | // high values slow the object down more quickly
- | resistance : 16,
- |
- | // the minimum launch speed (pixels per second) that results in inertia start
- | minSpeed : 200,
- |
- | // inertia will stop when the object slows down to this speed
- | endSpeed : 20,
- |
- | // boolean; should actions be resumed when the pointer goes down during inertia
- | allowResume : true,
- |
- | // boolean; should the jump when resuming from inertia be ignored in event.dx/dy
- | zeroResumeDelta: false,
- |
- | // if snap/restrict are set to be endOnly and inertia is enabled, releasing
- | // the pointer without triggering inertia will animate from the release
- | // point to the snaped/restricted point in the given amount of time (ms)
- | smoothEndDuration: 300,
- |
- | // an array of action types that can have inertia (no gesture)
- | actions : ['drag', 'resize']
- | });
- |
- | // reset custom settings and use all defaults
- | interact(element).inertia(null);
- \*/
- inertia: function (options) {
- var ret = this.setOptions('inertia', options);
- if (ret === this) { return this; }
- return ret.drag;
- },
- getAction: function (pointer, interaction, element) {
- var action = this.defaultActionChecker(pointer, interaction, element);
- if (this.options.actionChecker) {
- return this.options.actionChecker(pointer, action, this, element, interaction);
- }
- return action;
- },
- defaultActionChecker: defaultActionChecker,
- /*\
- * Interactable.actionChecker
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets or sets the function used to check action to be performed on
- * pointerDown
- *
- - checker (function | null) #optional A function which takes a pointer event, defaultAction string, interactable, element and interaction as parameters and returns an object with name property 'drag' 'resize' or 'gesture' and optionally an `edges` object with boolean 'top', 'left', 'bottom' and right props.
- = (Function | Interactable) The checker function or this Interactable
- *
- | interact('.resize-horiz').actionChecker(function (defaultAction, interactable) {
- | return {
- | // resize from the top and right edges
- | name: 'resize',
- | edges: { top: true, right: true }
- | };
- | });
- \*/
- actionChecker: function (checker) {
- if (isFunction(checker)) {
- this.options.actionChecker = checker;
- return this;
- }
- if (checker === null) {
- delete this.options.actionChecker;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.actionChecker;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.getRect
- [ method ]
- *
- * The default function to get an Interactables bounding rect. Can be
- * overridden using @Interactable.rectChecker.
- *
- - element (Element) #optional The element to measure.
- = (object) The object's bounding rectangle.
- o {
- o top : 0,
- o left : 0,
- o bottom: 0,
- o right : 0,
- o width : 0,
- o height: 0
- o }
- \*/
- getRect: function rectCheck (element) {
- element = element || this._element;
- if (this.selector && !(isElement(element))) {
- element = this._context.querySelector(this.selector);
- }
- return getElementRect(element);
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.rectChecker
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets the function used to calculate the interactable's
- * element's rectangle
- *
- - checker (function) #optional A function which returns this Interactable's bounding rectangle. See @Interactable.getRect
- = (function | object) The checker function or this Interactable
- \*/
- rectChecker: function (checker) {
- if (isFunction(checker)) {
- this.getRect = checker;
- return this;
- }
- if (checker === null) {
- delete this.options.getRect;
- return this;
- }
- return this.getRect;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.styleCursor
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets whether the action that would be performed when the
- * mouse on the element are checked on `mousemove` so that the cursor
- * may be styled appropriately
- *
- - newValue (boolean) #optional
- = (boolean | Interactable) The current setting or this Interactable
- \*/
- styleCursor: function (newValue) {
- if (isBool(newValue)) {
- this.options.styleCursor = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- if (newValue === null) {
- delete this.options.styleCursor;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.styleCursor;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.preventDefault
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets whether to prevent the browser's default behaviour
- * in response to pointer events. Can be set to:
- * - `'always'` to always prevent
- * - `'never'` to never prevent
- * - `'auto'` to let interact.js try to determine what would be best
- *
- - newValue (string) #optional `true`, `false` or `'auto'`
- = (string | Interactable) The current setting or this Interactable
- \*/
- preventDefault: function (newValue) {
- if (/^(always|never|auto)$/.test(newValue)) {
- this.options.preventDefault = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- if (isBool(newValue)) {
- this.options.preventDefault = newValue? 'always' : 'never';
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.preventDefault;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.origin
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets or sets the origin of the Interactable's element. The x and y
- * of the origin will be subtracted from action event coordinates.
- *
- - origin (object | string) #optional An object eg. { x: 0, y: 0 } or string 'parent', 'self' or any CSS selector
- * OR
- - origin (Element) #optional An HTML or SVG Element whose rect will be used
- **
- = (object) The current origin or this Interactable
- \*/
- origin: function (newValue) {
- if (trySelector(newValue)) {
- this.options.origin = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- else if (isObject(newValue)) {
- this.options.origin = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.origin;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.deltaSource
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets the mouse coordinate types used to calculate the
- * movement of the pointer.
- *
- - newValue (string) #optional Use 'client' if you will be scrolling while interacting; Use 'page' if you want autoScroll to work
- = (string | object) The current deltaSource or this Interactable
- \*/
- deltaSource: function (newValue) {
- if (newValue === 'page' || newValue === 'client') {
- this.options.deltaSource = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.deltaSource;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.restrict
- [ method ]
- **
- * Deprecated. Add a `restrict` property to the options object passed to
- * @Interactable.draggable, @Interactable.resizable or @Interactable.gesturable instead.
- *
- * Returns or sets the rectangles within which actions on this
- * interactable (after snap calculations) are restricted. By default,
- * restricting is relative to the pointer coordinates. You can change
- * this by setting the
- * [`elementRect`](https://github.com/taye/interact.js/pull/72).
- **
- - options (object) #optional an object with keys drag, resize, and/or gesture whose values are rects, Elements, CSS selectors, or 'parent' or 'self'
- = (object) The current restrictions object or this Interactable
- **
- | interact(element).restrict({
- | // the rect will be `interact.getElementRect(element.parentNode)`
- | drag: element.parentNode,
- |
- | // x and y are relative to the the interactable's origin
- | resize: { x: 100, y: 100, width: 200, height: 200 }
- | })
- |
- | interact('.draggable').restrict({
- | // the rect will be the selected element's parent
- | drag: 'parent',
- |
- | // do not restrict during normal movement.
- | // Instead, trigger only one restricted move event
- | // immediately before the end event.
- | endOnly: true,
- |
- | // https://github.com/taye/interact.js/pull/72#issue-41813493
- | elementRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1, right: 1 }
- | });
- \*/
- restrict: function (options) {
- if (!isObject(options)) {
- return this.setOptions('restrict', options);
- }
- var actions = ['drag', 'resize', 'gesture'],
- ret;
- for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
- var action = actions[i];
- if (action in options) {
- var perAction = extend({
- actions: [action],
- restriction: options[action]
- }, options);
- ret = this.setOptions('restrict', perAction);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.context
- [ method ]
- *
- * Gets the selector context Node of the Interactable. The default is `window.document`.
- *
- = (Node) The context Node of this Interactable
- **
- \*/
- context: function () {
- return this._context;
- },
- _context: document,
- /*\
- * Interactable.ignoreFrom
- [ method ]
- *
- * If the target of the `mousedown`, `pointerdown` or `touchstart`
- * event or any of it's parents match the given CSS selector or
- * Element, no drag/resize/gesture is started.
- *
- - newValue (string | Element | null) #optional a CSS selector string, an Element or `null` to not ignore any elements
- = (string | Element | object) The current ignoreFrom value or this Interactable
- **
- | interact(element, { ignoreFrom: document.getElementById('no-action') });
- | // or
- | interact(element).ignoreFrom('input, textarea, a');
- \*/
- ignoreFrom: function (newValue) {
- if (trySelector(newValue)) { // CSS selector to match event.target
- this.options.ignoreFrom = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- if (isElement(newValue)) { // specific element
- this.options.ignoreFrom = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.ignoreFrom;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.allowFrom
- [ method ]
- *
- * A drag/resize/gesture is started only If the target of the
- * `mousedown`, `pointerdown` or `touchstart` event or any of it's
- * parents match the given CSS selector or Element.
- *
- - newValue (string | Element | null) #optional a CSS selector string, an Element or `null` to allow from any element
- = (string | Element | object) The current allowFrom value or this Interactable
- **
- | interact(element, { allowFrom: document.getElementById('drag-handle') });
- | // or
- | interact(element).allowFrom('.handle');
- \*/
- allowFrom: function (newValue) {
- if (trySelector(newValue)) { // CSS selector to match event.target
- this.options.allowFrom = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- if (isElement(newValue)) { // specific element
- this.options.allowFrom = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- return this.options.allowFrom;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.element
- [ method ]
- *
- * If this is not a selector Interactable, it returns the element this
- * interactable represents
- *
- = (Element) HTML / SVG Element
- \*/
- element: function () {
- return this._element;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.fire
- [ method ]
- *
- * Calls listeners for the given InteractEvent type bound globally
- * and directly to this Interactable
- *
- - iEvent (InteractEvent) The InteractEvent object to be fired on this Interactable
- = (Interactable) this Interactable
- \*/
- fire: function (iEvent) {
- if (!(iEvent && iEvent.type) || !contains(eventTypes, iEvent.type)) {
- return this;
- }
- var listeners,
- i,
- len,
- onEvent = 'on' + iEvent.type,
- funcName = '';
- // Interactable#on() listeners
- if (iEvent.type in this._iEvents) {
- listeners = this._iEvents[iEvent.type];
- for (i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len && !iEvent.immediatePropagationStopped; i++) {
- funcName = listeners[i].name;
- listeners[i](iEvent);
- }
- }
- // interactable.onevent listener
- if (isFunction(this[onEvent])) {
- funcName = this[onEvent].name;
- this[onEvent](iEvent);
- }
- // interact.on() listeners
- if (iEvent.type in globalEvents && (listeners = globalEvents[iEvent.type])) {
- for (i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len && !iEvent.immediatePropagationStopped; i++) {
- funcName = listeners[i].name;
- listeners[i](iEvent);
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.on
- [ method ]
- *
- * Binds a listener for an InteractEvent or DOM event.
- *
- - eventType (string | array | object) The types of events to listen for
- - listener (function) The function to be called on the given event(s)
- - useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for addEventListener
- = (object) This Interactable
- \*/
- on: function (eventType, listener, useCapture) {
- var i;
- if (isString(eventType) && eventType.search(' ') !== -1) {
- eventType = eventType.trim().split(/ +/);
- }
- if (isArray(eventType)) {
- for (i = 0; i < eventType.length; i++) {
- this.on(eventType[i], listener, useCapture);
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (isObject(eventType)) {
- for (var prop in eventType) {
- this.on(prop, eventType[prop], listener);
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (eventType === 'wheel') {
- eventType = wheelEvent;
- }
- // convert to boolean
- useCapture = useCapture? true: false;
- if (contains(eventTypes, eventType)) {
- // if this type of event was never bound to this Interactable
- if (!(eventType in this._iEvents)) {
- this._iEvents[eventType] = [listener];
- }
- else {
- this._iEvents[eventType].push(listener);
- }
- }
- // delegated event for selector
- else if (this.selector) {
- if (!delegatedEvents[eventType]) {
- delegatedEvents[eventType] = {
- selectors: [],
- contexts : [],
- listeners: []
- };
- // add delegate listener functions
- for (i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
- events.add(documents[i], eventType, delegateListener);
- events.add(documents[i], eventType, delegateUseCapture, true);
- }
- }
- var delegated = delegatedEvents[eventType],
- index;
- for (index = delegated.selectors.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
- if (delegated.selectors[index] === this.selector
- && delegated.contexts[index] === this._context) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index === -1) {
- index = delegated.selectors.length;
- delegated.selectors.push(this.selector);
- delegated.contexts .push(this._context);
- delegated.listeners.push([]);
- }
- // keep listener and useCapture flag
- delegated.listeners[index].push([listener, useCapture]);
- }
- else {
- events.add(this._element, eventType, listener, useCapture);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.off
- [ method ]
- *
- * Removes an InteractEvent or DOM event listener
- *
- - eventType (string | array | object) The types of events that were listened for
- - listener (function) The listener function to be removed
- - useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for removeEventListener
- = (object) This Interactable
- \*/
- off: function (eventType, listener, useCapture) {
- var i;
- if (isString(eventType) && eventType.search(' ') !== -1) {
- eventType = eventType.trim().split(/ +/);
- }
- if (isArray(eventType)) {
- for (i = 0; i < eventType.length; i++) {
- this.off(eventType[i], listener, useCapture);
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (isObject(eventType)) {
- for (var prop in eventType) {
- this.off(prop, eventType[prop], listener);
- }
- return this;
- }
- var eventList,
- index = -1;
- // convert to boolean
- useCapture = useCapture? true: false;
- if (eventType === 'wheel') {
- eventType = wheelEvent;
- }
- // if it is an action event type
- if (contains(eventTypes, eventType)) {
- eventList = this._iEvents[eventType];
- if (eventList && (index = indexOf(eventList, listener)) !== -1) {
- this._iEvents[eventType].splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- // delegated event
- else if (this.selector) {
- var delegated = delegatedEvents[eventType],
- matchFound = false;
- if (!delegated) { return this; }
- // count from last index of delegated to 0
- for (index = delegated.selectors.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
- // look for matching selector and context Node
- if (delegated.selectors[index] === this.selector
- && delegated.contexts[index] === this._context) {
- var listeners = delegated.listeners[index];
- // each item of the listeners array is an array: [function, useCaptureFlag]
- for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var fn = listeners[i][0],
- useCap = listeners[i][1];
- // check if the listener functions and useCapture flags match
- if (fn === listener && useCap === useCapture) {
- // remove the listener from the array of listeners
- listeners.splice(i, 1);
- // if all listeners for this interactable have been removed
- // remove the interactable from the delegated arrays
- if (!listeners.length) {
- delegated.selectors.splice(index, 1);
- delegated.contexts .splice(index, 1);
- delegated.listeners.splice(index, 1);
- // remove delegate function from context
- events.remove(this._context, eventType, delegateListener);
- events.remove(this._context, eventType, delegateUseCapture, true);
- // remove the arrays if they are empty
- if (!delegated.selectors.length) {
- delegatedEvents[eventType] = null;
- }
- }
- // only remove one listener
- matchFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (matchFound) { break; }
- }
- }
- }
- // remove listener from this Interatable's element
- else {
- events.remove(this._element, eventType, listener, useCapture);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.set
- [ method ]
- *
- * Reset the options of this Interactable
- - options (object) The new settings to apply
- = (object) This Interactablw
- \*/
- set: function (options) {
- if (!isObject(options)) {
- options = {};
- }
- this.options = extend({}, defaultOptions.base);
- var i,
- actions = ['drag', 'drop', 'resize', 'gesture'],
- methods = ['draggable', 'dropzone', 'resizable', 'gesturable'],
- perActions = extend(extend({}, defaultOptions.perAction), options[action] || {});
- for (i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
- var action = actions[i];
- this.options[action] = extend({}, defaultOptions[action]);
- this.setPerAction(action, perActions);
- this[methods[i]](options[action]);
- }
- var settings = [
- 'accept', 'actionChecker', 'allowFrom', 'deltaSource',
- 'dropChecker', 'ignoreFrom', 'origin', 'preventDefault',
- 'rectChecker'
- ];
- for (i = 0, len = settings.length; i < len; i++) {
- var setting = settings[i];
- this.options[setting] = defaultOptions.base[setting];
- if (setting in options) {
- this[setting](options[setting]);
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- /*\
- * Interactable.unset
- [ method ]
- *
- * Remove this interactable from the list of interactables and remove
- * it's drag, drop, resize and gesture capabilities
- *
- = (object) @interact
- \*/
- unset: function () {
- events.remove(this, 'all');
- if (!isString(this.selector)) {
- events.remove(this, 'all');
- if (this.options.styleCursor) {
- this._element.style.cursor = '';
- }
- }
- else {
- // remove delegated events
- for (var type in delegatedEvents) {
- var delegated = delegatedEvents[type];
- for (var i = 0; i < delegated.selectors.length; i++) {
- if (delegated.selectors[i] === this.selector
- && delegated.contexts[i] === this._context) {
- delegated.selectors.splice(i, 1);
- delegated.contexts .splice(i, 1);
- delegated.listeners.splice(i, 1);
- // remove the arrays if they are empty
- if (!delegated.selectors.length) {
- delegatedEvents[type] = null;
- }
- }
- events.remove(this._context, type, delegateListener);
- events.remove(this._context, type, delegateUseCapture, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- this.dropzone(false);
- interactables.splice(indexOf(interactables, this), 1);
- return interact;
- }
- };
- function warnOnce (method, message) {
- var warned = false;
- return function () {
- if (!warned) {
- window.console.warn(message);
- warned = true;
- }
- return method.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- Interactable.prototype.snap = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.snap,
- 'Interactable#snap is deprecated. See the new documentation for snapping at http://interactjs.io/docs/snapping');
- Interactable.prototype.restrict = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.restrict,
- 'Interactable#restrict is deprecated. See the new documentation for resticting at http://interactjs.io/docs/restriction');
- Interactable.prototype.inertia = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.inertia,
- 'Interactable#inertia is deprecated. See the new documentation for inertia at http://interactjs.io/docs/inertia');
- Interactable.prototype.autoScroll = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.autoScroll,
- 'Interactable#autoScroll is deprecated. See the new documentation for autoScroll at http://interactjs.io/docs/#autoscroll');
- /*\
- * interact.isSet
- [ method ]
- *
- * Check if an element has been set
- - element (Element) The Element being searched for
- = (boolean) Indicates if the element or CSS selector was previously passed to interact
- \*/
- interact.isSet = function(element, options) {
- return interactables.indexOfElement(element, options && options.context) !== -1;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.on
- [ method ]
- *
- * Adds a global listener for an InteractEvent or adds a DOM event to
- * `document`
- *
- - type (string | array | object) The types of events to listen for
- - listener (function) The function to be called on the given event(s)
- - useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for addEventListener
- = (object) interact
- \*/
- interact.on = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (isString(type) && type.search(' ') !== -1) {
- type = type.trim().split(/ +/);
- }
- if (isArray(type)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
- interact.on(type[i], listener, useCapture);
- }
- return interact;
- }
- if (isObject(type)) {
- for (var prop in type) {
- interact.on(prop, type[prop], listener);
- }
- return interact;
- }
- // if it is an InteractEvent type, add listener to globalEvents
- if (contains(eventTypes, type)) {
- // if this type of event was never bound
- if (!globalEvents[type]) {
- globalEvents[type] = [listener];
- }
- else {
- globalEvents[type].push(listener);
- }
- }
- // If non InteractEvent type, addEventListener to document
- else {
- events.add(document, type, listener, useCapture);
- }
- return interact;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.off
- [ method ]
- *
- * Removes a global InteractEvent listener or DOM event from `document`
- *
- - type (string | array | object) The types of events that were listened for
- - listener (function) The listener function to be removed
- - useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for removeEventListener
- = (object) interact
- \*/
- interact.off = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (isString(type) && type.search(' ') !== -1) {
- type = type.trim().split(/ +/);
- }
- if (isArray(type)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
- interact.off(type[i], listener, useCapture);
- }
- return interact;
- }
- if (isObject(type)) {
- for (var prop in type) {
- interact.off(prop, type[prop], listener);
- }
- return interact;
- }
- if (!contains(eventTypes, type)) {
- events.remove(document, type, listener, useCapture);
- }
- else {
- var index;
- if (type in globalEvents
- && (index = indexOf(globalEvents[type], listener)) !== -1) {
- globalEvents[type].splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- return interact;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.enableDragging
- [ method ]
- *
- * Deprecated.
- *
- * Returns or sets whether dragging is enabled for any Interactables
- *
- - newValue (boolean) #optional `true` to allow the action; `false` to disable action for all Interactables
- = (boolean | object) The current setting or interact
- \*/
- interact.enableDragging = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
- if (newValue !== null && newValue !== undefined) {
- actionIsEnabled.drag = newValue;
- return interact;
- }
- return actionIsEnabled.drag;
- }, 'interact.enableDragging is deprecated and will soon be removed.');
- /*\
- * interact.enableResizing
- [ method ]
- *
- * Deprecated.
- *
- * Returns or sets whether resizing is enabled for any Interactables
- *
- - newValue (boolean) #optional `true` to allow the action; `false` to disable action for all Interactables
- = (boolean | object) The current setting or interact
- \*/
- interact.enableResizing = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
- if (newValue !== null && newValue !== undefined) {
- actionIsEnabled.resize = newValue;
- return interact;
- }
- return actionIsEnabled.resize;
- }, 'interact.enableResizing is deprecated and will soon be removed.');
- /*\
- * interact.enableGesturing
- [ method ]
- *
- * Deprecated.
- *
- * Returns or sets whether gesturing is enabled for any Interactables
- *
- - newValue (boolean) #optional `true` to allow the action; `false` to disable action for all Interactables
- = (boolean | object) The current setting or interact
- \*/
- interact.enableGesturing = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
- if (newValue !== null && newValue !== undefined) {
- actionIsEnabled.gesture = newValue;
- return interact;
- }
- return actionIsEnabled.gesture;
- }, 'interact.enableGesturing is deprecated and will soon be removed.');
- interact.eventTypes = eventTypes;
- /*\
- * interact.debug
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns debugging data
- = (object) An object with properties that outline the current state and expose internal functions and variables
- \*/
- interact.debug = function () {
- var interaction = interactions[0] || new Interaction();
- return {
- interactions : interactions,
- target : interaction.target,
- dragging : interaction.dragging,
- resizing : interaction.resizing,
- gesturing : interaction.gesturing,
- prepared : interaction.prepared,
- matches : interaction.matches,
- matchElements : interaction.matchElements,
- prevCoords : interaction.prevCoords,
- startCoords : interaction.startCoords,
- pointerIds : interaction.pointerIds,
- pointers : interaction.pointers,
- addPointer : listeners.addPointer,
- removePointer : listeners.removePointer,
- recordPointer : listeners.recordPointer,
- snap : interaction.snapStatus,
- restrict : interaction.restrictStatus,
- inertia : interaction.inertiaStatus,
- downTime : interaction.downTimes[0],
- downEvent : interaction.downEvent,
- downPointer : interaction.downPointer,
- prevEvent : interaction.prevEvent,
- Interactable : Interactable,
- interactables : interactables,
- pointerIsDown : interaction.pointerIsDown,
- defaultOptions : defaultOptions,
- defaultActionChecker : defaultActionChecker,
- actionCursors : actionCursors,
- dragMove : listeners.dragMove,
- resizeMove : listeners.resizeMove,
- gestureMove : listeners.gestureMove,
- pointerUp : listeners.pointerUp,
- pointerDown : listeners.pointerDown,
- pointerMove : listeners.pointerMove,
- pointerHover : listeners.pointerHover,
- events : events,
- globalEvents : globalEvents,
- delegatedEvents : delegatedEvents
- };
- };
- // expose the functions used to calculate multi-touch properties
- interact.getTouchAverage = touchAverage;
- interact.getTouchBBox = touchBBox;
- interact.getTouchDistance = touchDistance;
- interact.getTouchAngle = touchAngle;
- interact.getElementRect = getElementRect;
- interact.matchesSelector = matchesSelector;
- interact.closest = closest;
- /*\
- * interact.margin
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets the margin for autocheck resizing used in
- * @Interactable.getAction. That is the distance from the bottom and right
- * edges of an element clicking in which will start resizing
- *
- - newValue (number) #optional
- = (number | interact) The current margin value or interact
- \*/
- interact.margin = function (newvalue) {
- if (isNumber(newvalue)) {
- margin = newvalue;
- return interact;
- }
- return margin;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.supportsTouch
- [ method ]
- *
- = (boolean) Whether or not the browser supports touch input
- \*/
- interact.supportsTouch = function () {
- return supportsTouch;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.supportsPointerEvent
- [ method ]
- *
- = (boolean) Whether or not the browser supports PointerEvents
- \*/
- interact.supportsPointerEvent = function () {
- return supportsPointerEvent;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.stop
- [ method ]
- *
- * Cancels all interactions (end events are not fired)
- *
- - event (Event) An event on which to call preventDefault()
- = (object) interact
- \*/
- interact.stop = function (event) {
- for (var i = interactions.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
- interactions[i].stop(event);
- }
- return interact;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.dynamicDrop
- [ method ]
- *
- * Returns or sets whether the dimensions of dropzone elements are
- * calculated on every dragmove or only on dragstart for the default
- * dropChecker
- *
- - newValue (boolean) #optional True to check on each move. False to check only before start
- = (boolean | interact) The current setting or interact
- \*/
- interact.dynamicDrop = function (newValue) {
- if (isBool(newValue)) {
- //if (dragging && dynamicDrop !== newValue && !newValue) {
- //calcRects(dropzones);
- //}
- dynamicDrop = newValue;
- return interact;
- }
- return dynamicDrop;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.pointerMoveTolerance
- [ method ]
- * Returns or sets the distance the pointer must be moved before an action
- * sequence occurs. This also affects tolerance for tap events.
- *
- - newValue (number) #optional The movement from the start position must be greater than this value
- = (number | Interactable) The current setting or interact
- \*/
- interact.pointerMoveTolerance = function (newValue) {
- if (isNumber(newValue)) {
- pointerMoveTolerance = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- return pointerMoveTolerance;
- };
- /*\
- * interact.maxInteractions
- [ method ]
- **
- * Returns or sets the maximum number of concurrent interactions allowed.
- * By default only 1 interaction is allowed at a time (for backwards
- * compatibility). To allow multiple interactions on the same Interactables
- * and elements, you need to enable it in the draggable, resizable and
- * gesturable `'max'` and `'maxPerElement'` options.
- **
- - newValue (number) #optional Any number. newValue <= 0 means no interactions.
- \*/
- interact.maxInteractions = function (newValue) {
- if (isNumber(newValue)) {
- maxInteractions = newValue;
- return this;
- }
- return maxInteractions;
- };
- interact.createSnapGrid = function (grid) {
- return function (x, y) {
- var offsetX = 0,
- offsetY = 0;
- if (isObject(grid.offset)) {
- offsetX = grid.offset.x;
- offsetY = grid.offset.y;
- }
- var gridx = Math.round((x - offsetX) / grid.x),
- gridy = Math.round((y - offsetY) / grid.y),
- newX = gridx * grid.x + offsetX,
- newY = gridy * grid.y + offsetY;
- return {
- x: newX,
- y: newY,
- range: grid.range
- };
- };
- };
- ///////////////////////////
- interact.createLifelineSnapGrid = function () {
- return function (x, y) {
- var firstRun = true;
- getLifelines(); //Returns lifelineX[]
- for (i = 0; i<lifelineX.length; i++){
- var lifelineCorrected = lifelineX[i][0]-12;
- var delta = Math.abs(lifelineCorrected-rightX);
- if (firstRun == true) {
- var snapToMe = lifelineCorrected //Corrected lifeline assigned as snap value
- firstRun = false;
- var snapDelta = delta; //stores delta for the snap value
- }
- else {
- if (delta < snapDelta) {
- snapToMe = lifelineCorrected; //Corrected lifeline assigned as snap value
- var snapDelta = delta; //stores delta for the snap value
- }
- }
- }
- //console.log(snapToMe);
- if (snapToMe - rightX<0){ //Right of lifeline
- var oldWide = $("#"+currentArrow).width();
- var newWide = oldWide-snapDelta;
- //console.log(oldWide);
- //console.log(newWide);
- $("#"+currentArrow).width(newWide);
- }
- if (snapToMe - rightX>0){ //Left of lifeline
- var oldWide = $("#"+currentArrow).width();
- var newWide = oldWide+snapDelta;
- //console.log(oldWide);
- //console.log(newWide);
- $("#"+currentArrow).width(newWide);
- }
- ///////
- var firstRun = true;
- for (i = 0; i<lifelineX.length; i++){
- var lifelineCorrected = lifelineX[i][0]; //-12
- var delta = Math.abs(lifelineCorrected-leftX);
- if (firstRun == true) {
- var snapToMe = lifelineCorrected //Corrected lifeline assigned as snap value
- firstRun = false;
- var snapDelta = delta; //stores delta for the snap value
- var newX = lifelineCorrected
- }
- else {
- if (delta < snapDelta) {
- snapToMe = lifelineCorrected; //Corrected lifeline assigned as snap value
- var snapDelta = delta; //stores delta for the snap value
- newX = lifelineCorrected
- }
- }
- }
- //console.log(snapToMe);
- if (snapToMe - leftX<0){ //Right of lifeline
- var oldWide = $("#"+currentArrow).width();
- var newWide = oldWide+snapDelta;
- //console.log(oldWide);
- //console.log(newWide);
- $("#"+currentArrow).width(newWide);
- document.getElementById(currentArrow).style.webkitTransform = document.getElementById(currentArrow).style.transform =
- 'translate(' + newX + 'px,' + currentY + 'px)';
- document.getElementById(currentArrow).setAttribute('data_x', newX);
- }
- if (snapToMe - leftX>0){ //Left of lifeline
- var oldWide = $("#"+currentArrow).width();
- var newWide = oldWide-snapDelta;
- //console.log(oldWide);
- //console.log(newWide);
- $("#"+currentArrow).width(newWide);
- document.getElementById(currentArrow).style.webkitTransform = document.getElementById(currentArrow).style.transform =
- 'translate(' + newX + 'px,' + currentY + 'px)';
- document.getElementById(currentArrow).setAttribute('data_x', newX);
- }
- //////
- window.resized = true;
- return {
- };
- };
- };
- //////////////////MY CUSTOM FUNCTION/////////////// Kevin G, AT&T
- interact.createHorizontalSnapGrid = function (grid) {
- return function (x, y) {
- var offsetX = 0,
- offsetY = 0;
- if (isObject(grid.offset)) {
- offsetX = grid.offset.x;
- offsetY = grid.offset.y;
- }
- var gridx = Math.round((x - offsetX) / grid.x),
- gridy = Math.round((y - offsetY) / grid.y),
- newX = gridx * grid.x + offsetX,
- newY = gridy * grid.y + offsetY;
- return {
- x: newX,
- y: grid.y,
- range: grid.range
- };
- };
- };
- function endAllInteractions (event) {
- for (var i = 0; i < interactions.length; i++) {
- interactions[i].pointerEnd(event, event);
- }
- }
- function listenToDocument (doc) {
- if (contains(documents, doc)) { return; }
- var win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
- // add delegate event listener
- for (var eventType in delegatedEvents) {
- events.add(doc, eventType, delegateListener);
- events.add(doc, eventType, delegateUseCapture, true);
- }
- if (PointerEvent) {
- if (PointerEvent === win.MSPointerEvent) {
- pEventTypes = {
- up: 'MSPointerUp', down: 'MSPointerDown', over: 'mouseover',
- out: 'mouseout', move: 'MSPointerMove', cancel: 'MSPointerCancel' };
- }
- else {
- pEventTypes = {
- up: 'pointerup', down: 'pointerdown', over: 'pointerover',
- out: 'pointerout', move: 'pointermove', cancel: 'pointercancel' };
- }
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.down , listeners.selectorDown );
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.move , listeners.pointerMove );
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.over , listeners.pointerOver );
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.out , listeners.pointerOut );
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.up , listeners.pointerUp );
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.cancel, listeners.pointerCancel);
- // autoscroll
- events.add(doc, pEventTypes.move, autoScroll.edgeMove);
- }
- else {
- events.add(doc, 'mousedown', listeners.selectorDown);
- events.add(doc, 'mousemove', listeners.pointerMove );
- events.add(doc, 'mouseup' , listeners.pointerUp );
- events.add(doc, 'mouseover', listeners.pointerOver );
- events.add(doc, 'mouseout' , listeners.pointerOut );
- events.add(doc, 'touchstart' , listeners.selectorDown );
- events.add(doc, 'touchmove' , listeners.pointerMove );
- events.add(doc, 'touchend' , listeners.pointerUp );
- events.add(doc, 'touchcancel', listeners.pointerCancel);
- // autoscroll
- events.add(doc, 'mousemove', autoScroll.edgeMove);
- events.add(doc, 'touchmove', autoScroll.edgeMove);
- }
- events.add(win, 'blur', endAllInteractions);
- try {
- if (win.frameElement) {
- var parentDoc = win.frameElement.ownerDocument,
- parentWindow = parentDoc.defaultView;
- events.add(parentDoc , 'mouseup' , listeners.pointerEnd);
- events.add(parentDoc , 'touchend' , listeners.pointerEnd);
- events.add(parentDoc , 'touchcancel' , listeners.pointerEnd);
- events.add(parentDoc , 'pointerup' , listeners.pointerEnd);
- events.add(parentDoc , 'MSPointerUp' , listeners.pointerEnd);
- events.add(parentWindow, 'blur' , endAllInteractions );
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- interact.windowParentError = error;
- }
- if (events.useAttachEvent) {
- // For IE's lack of Event#preventDefault
- events.add(doc, 'selectstart', function (event) {
- var interaction = interactions[0];
- if (interaction.currentAction()) {
- interaction.checkAndPreventDefault(event);
- }
- });
- // For IE's bad dblclick event sequence
- events.add(doc, 'dblclick', doOnInteractions('ie8Dblclick'));
- }
- documents.push(doc);
- }
- listenToDocument(document);
- function indexOf (array, target) {
- for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
- if (array[i] === target) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- function contains (array, target) {
- return indexOf(array, target) !== -1;
- }
- function matchesSelector (element, selector, nodeList) {
- if (ie8MatchesSelector) {
- return ie8MatchesSelector(element, selector, nodeList);
- }
- // remove /deep/ from selectors if shadowDOM polyfill is used
- if (window !== realWindow) {
- selector = selector.replace(/\/deep\//g, ' ');
- }
- return element[prefixedMatchesSelector](selector);
- }
- function matchesUpTo (element, selector, limit) {
- while (isElement(element)) {
- if (matchesSelector(element, selector)) {
- return true;
- }
- element = parentElement(element);
- if (element === limit) {
- return matchesSelector(element, selector);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // For IE8's lack of an Element#matchesSelector
- // taken from http://tanalin.com/en/blog/2012/12/matches-selector-ie8/ and modified
- if (!(prefixedMatchesSelector in Element.prototype) || !isFunction(Element.prototype[prefixedMatchesSelector])) {
- ie8MatchesSelector = function (element, selector, elems) {
- elems = elems || element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
- for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {
- if (elems[i] === element) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- }
- // requestAnimationFrame polyfill
- (function() {
- var lastTime = 0,
- vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
- for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !realWindow.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
- reqFrame = realWindow[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
- cancelFrame = realWindow[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || realWindow[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
- }
- if (!reqFrame) {
- reqFrame = function(callback) {
- var currTime = new Date().getTime(),
- timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)),
- id = setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
- timeToCall);
- lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
- return id;
- };
- }
- if (!cancelFrame) {
- cancelFrame = function(id) {
- clearTimeout(id);
- };
- }
- }());
- /* global exports: true, module, define */
- // http://documentcloud.github.io/underscore/docs/underscore.html#section-11
- if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
- if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
- exports = module.exports = interact;
- }
- exports.interact = interact;
- }
- // AMD
- else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define('interact', function() {
- return interact;
- });
- }
- else {
- realWindow.interact = interact;
- }
-} (window)); \ No newline at end of file
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RegExp(L+"+","g"),R=new RegExp("^"+L+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)"+L+"+$","g"),S=new RegExp("^"+L+"*,"+L+"*"),T=new RegExp("^"+L+"*([>+~]|"+L+")"+L+"*"),U=new RegExp("="+L+"*([^\\]'\"]*?)"+L+"*\\]","g"),V=new RegExp(P),W=new RegExp("^"+N+"$"),X={ID:new RegExp("^#("+M+")"),CLASS:new RegExp("^\\.("+M+")"),TAG:new RegExp("^("+M.replace("w","w*")+")"),ATTR:new RegExp("^"+O),PSEUDO:new RegExp("^"+P),CHILD:new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\("+L+"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)"+L+"*(?:([+-]|)"+L+"*(\\d+)|))"+L+"*\\)|)","i"),bool:new RegExp("^(?:"+K+")$","i"),needsContext:new RegExp("^"+L+"*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\("+L+"*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)"+L+"*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)","i")},Y=/^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,Z=/^h\d$/i,$=/^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,_=/^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,aa=/[+~]/,ba=/'|\\/g,ca=new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}"+L+"?|("+L+")|.)","ig"),da=function(a,b,c){var d="0x"+b-65536;return d!==d||c?b:0>d?String.fromCharCode(d+65536):String.fromCharCode(d>>10|55296,1023&d|56320)},ea=function(){m()};try{H.apply(E=I.call(v.childNodes),v.childNodes),E[v.childNodes.length].nodeType}catch(fa){H={apply:E.length?function(a,b){G.apply(a,I.call(b))}:function(a,b){var c=a.length,d=0;while(a[c++]=b[d++]);a.length=c-1}}}function ga(a,b,d,e){var f,h,j,k,l,o,r,s,w,x;if((b?b.ownerDocument||b:v)!==n&&m(b),b=b||n,d=d||[],k=b.nodeType,"string"!=typeof a||!a||1!==k&&9!==k&&11!==k)return d;if(!e&&p){if(11!==k&&(f=_.exec(a)))if(j=f[1]){if(9===k){if(h=b.getElementById(j),!h||!h.parentNode)return d;if(h.id===j)return d.push(h),d}else if(b.ownerDocument&&(h=b.ownerDocument.getElementById(j))&&t(b,h)&&h.id===j)return d.push(h),d}else{if(f[2])return H.apply(d,b.getElementsByTagName(a)),d;if((j=f[3])&&c.getElementsByClassName)return 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a)if(d=n.camelCase(c),e=b[d],f=a[c],n.isArray(f)&&(e=f[1],f=a[c]=f[0]),c!==d&&(a[d]=f,delete a[c]),g=n.cssHooks[d],g&&"expand"in g){f=g.expand(f),delete a[d];for(c in f)c in a||(a[c]=f[c],b[c]=e)}else b[d]=e}function Xa(a,b,c){var d,e,f=0,g=Qa.length,h=n.Deferred().always(function(){delete i.elem}),i=function(){if(e)return!1;for(var b=La||Sa(),c=Math.max(0,j.startTime+j.duration-b),d=c/j.duration||0,f=1-d,g=0,i=j.tweens.length;i>g;g++)j.tweens[g].run(f);return h.notifyWith(a,[j,f,c]),1>f&&i?c:(h.resolveWith(a,[j]),!1)},j=h.promise({elem:a,props:n.extend({},b),opts:n.extend(!0,{specialEasing:{}},c),originalProperties:b,originalOptions:c,startTime:La||Sa(),duration:c.duration,tweens:[],createTween:function(b,c){var d=n.Tween(a,j.opts,b,c,j.opts.specialEasing[b]||j.opts.easing);return j.tweens.push(d),d},stop:function(b){var c=0,d=b?j.tweens.length:0;if(e)return this;for(e=!0;d>c;c++)j.tweens[c].run(1);return b?h.resolveWith(a,[j,b]):h.rejectWith(a,[j,b]),this}}),k=j.props;for(Wa(k,j.opts.specialEasing);g>f;f++)if(d=Qa[f].call(j,a,k,j.opts))return d;return n.map(k,Ua,j),n.isFunction(j.opts.start)&&j.opts.start.call(a,j),n.fx.timer(n.extend(i,{elem:a,anim:j,queue:j.opts.queue})),j.progress(j.opts.progress).done(j.opts.done,j.opts.complete).fail(j.opts.fail).always(j.opts.always)}n.Animation=n.extend(Xa,{tweener:function(a,b){n.isFunction(a)?(b=a,a=["*"]):a=a.split(" ");for(var c,d=0,e=a.length;e>d;d++)c=a[d],Ra[c]=Ra[c]||[],Ra[c].unshift(b)},prefilter:function(a,b){b?Qa.unshift(a):Qa.push(a)}}),n.speed=function(a,b,c){var d=a&&"object"==typeof a?n.extend({},a):{complete:c||!c&&b||n.isFunction(a)&&a,duration:a,easing:c&&b||b&&!n.isFunction(b)&&b};return d.duration=n.fx.off?0:"number"==typeof d.duration?d.duration:d.duration in 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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3960 +0,0 @@
-/* js-yaml 3.3.1 https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml */(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.jsyaml = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
-'use strict';
-var loader = require('./js-yaml/loader');
-var dumper = require('./js-yaml/dumper');
-function deprecated(name) {
- return function () {
- throw new Error('Function ' + name + ' is deprecated and cannot be used.');
- };
-module.exports.Type = require('./js-yaml/type');
-module.exports.Schema = require('./js-yaml/schema');
-module.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/failsafe');
-module.exports.JSON_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/json');
-module.exports.CORE_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/core');
-module.exports.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/default_safe');
-module.exports.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/default_full');
-module.exports.load = loader.load;
-module.exports.loadAll = loader.loadAll;
-module.exports.safeLoad = loader.safeLoad;
-module.exports.safeLoadAll = loader.safeLoadAll;
-module.exports.dump = dumper.dump;
-module.exports.safeDump = dumper.safeDump;
-module.exports.YAMLException = require('./js-yaml/exception');
-// Deprecared schema names from JS-YAML 2.0.x
-module.exports.MINIMAL_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/failsafe');
-module.exports.SAFE_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/default_safe');
-module.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA = require('./js-yaml/schema/default_full');
-// Deprecated functions from JS-YAML 1.x.x
-module.exports.scan = deprecated('scan');
-module.exports.parse = deprecated('parse');
-module.exports.compose = deprecated('compose');
-module.exports.addConstructor = deprecated('addConstructor');
-'use strict';
-function isNothing(subject) {
- return (typeof subject === 'undefined') || (null === subject);
-function isObject(subject) {
- return (typeof subject === 'object') && (null !== subject);
-function toArray(sequence) {
- if (Array.isArray(sequence)) {
- return sequence;
- } else if (isNothing(sequence)) {
- return [];
- }
- return [ sequence ];
-function extend(target, source) {
- var index, length, key, sourceKeys;
- if (source) {
- sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
- for (index = 0, length = sourceKeys.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- key = sourceKeys[index];
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- return target;
-function repeat(string, count) {
- var result = '', cycle;
- for (cycle = 0; cycle < count; cycle += 1) {
- result += string;
- }
- return result;
-function isNegativeZero(number) {
- return (0 === number) && (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / number);
-module.exports.isNothing = isNothing;
-module.exports.isObject = isObject;
-module.exports.toArray = toArray;
-module.exports.repeat = repeat;
-module.exports.isNegativeZero = isNegativeZero;
-module.exports.extend = extend;
-'use strict';
-/*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/
-var common = require('./common');
-var YAMLException = require('./exception');
-var DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default_full');
-var DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default_safe');
-var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var CHAR_TAB = 0x09; /* Tab */
-var CHAR_LINE_FEED = 0x0A; /* LF */
-var CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D; /* CR */
-var CHAR_SPACE = 0x20; /* Space */
-var CHAR_EXCLAMATION = 0x21; /* ! */
-var CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x22; /* " */
-var CHAR_SHARP = 0x23; /* # */
-var CHAR_PERCENT = 0x25; /* % */
-var CHAR_AMPERSAND = 0x26; /* & */
-var CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x27; /* ' */
-var CHAR_ASTERISK = 0x2A; /* * */
-var CHAR_COMMA = 0x2C; /* , */
-var CHAR_MINUS = 0x2D; /* - */
-var CHAR_COLON = 0x3A; /* : */
-var CHAR_GREATER_THAN = 0x3E; /* > */
-var CHAR_QUESTION = 0x3F; /* ? */
-var CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT = 0x40; /* @ */
-var CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5B; /* [ */
-var CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5D; /* ] */
-var CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT = 0x60; /* ` */
-var CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7B; /* { */
-var CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE = 0x7C; /* | */
-var CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7D; /* } */
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x00] = '\\0';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x07] = '\\a';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x08] = '\\b';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x09] = '\\t';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0A] = '\\n';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0B] = '\\v';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0C] = '\\f';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0D] = '\\r';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x1B] = '\\e';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x22] = '\\"';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x5C] = '\\\\';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x85] = '\\N';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0xA0] = '\\_';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2028] = '\\L';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2029] = '\\P';
- 'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON',
- 'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF'
-function compileStyleMap(schema, map) {
- var result, keys, index, length, tag, style, type;
- if (null === map) {
- return {};
- }
- result = {};
- keys = Object.keys(map);
- for (index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- tag = keys[index];
- style = String(map[tag]);
- if ('!!' === tag.slice(0, 2)) {
- tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tag.slice(2);
- }
- type = schema.compiledTypeMap[tag];
- if (type && _hasOwnProperty.call(type.styleAliases, style)) {
- style = type.styleAliases[style];
- }
- result[tag] = style;
- }
- return result;
-function encodeHex(character) {
- var string, handle, length;
- string = character.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- if (character <= 0xFF) {
- handle = 'x';
- length = 2;
- } else if (character <= 0xFFFF) {
- handle = 'u';
- length = 4;
- } else if (character <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
- handle = 'U';
- length = 8;
- } else {
- throw new YAMLException('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF');
- }
- return '\\' + handle + common.repeat('0', length - string.length) + string;
-function State(options) {
- this.schema = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA;
- this.indent = Math.max(1, (options['indent'] || 2));
- this.skipInvalid = options['skipInvalid'] || false;
- this.flowLevel = (common.isNothing(options['flowLevel']) ? -1 : options['flowLevel']);
- this.styleMap = compileStyleMap(this.schema, options['styles'] || null);
- this.sortKeys = options['sortKeys'] || false;
- this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;
- this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit;
- this.tag = null;
- this.result = '';
- this.duplicates = [];
- this.usedDuplicates = null;
-function indentString(string, spaces) {
- var ind = common.repeat(' ', spaces),
- position = 0,
- next = -1,
- result = '',
- line,
- length = string.length;
- while (position < length) {
- next = string.indexOf('\n', position);
- if (next === -1) {
- line = string.slice(position);
- position = length;
- } else {
- line = string.slice(position, next + 1);
- position = next + 1;
- }
- if (line.length && line !== '\n') {
- result += ind;
- }
- result += line;
- }
- return result;
-function generateNextLine(state, level) {
- return '\n' + common.repeat(' ', state.indent * level);
-function testImplicitResolving(state, str) {
- var index, length, type;
- for (index = 0, length = state.implicitTypes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- type = state.implicitTypes[index];
- if (type.resolve(str)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-function StringBuilder(source) {
- this.source = source;
- this.result = '';
- this.checkpoint = 0;
-StringBuilder.prototype.takeUpTo = function (position) {
- var er;
- if (position < this.checkpoint) {
- er = new Error('position should be > checkpoint');
- er.position = position;
- er.checkpoint = this.checkpoint;
- throw er;
- }
- this.result += this.source.slice(this.checkpoint, position);
- this.checkpoint = position;
- return this;
-StringBuilder.prototype.escapeChar = function () {
- var character, esc;
- character = this.source.charCodeAt(this.checkpoint);
- esc = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[character] || encodeHex(character);
- this.result += esc;
- this.checkpoint += 1;
- return this;
-StringBuilder.prototype.finish = function () {
- if (this.source.length > this.checkpoint) {
- this.takeUpTo(this.source.length);
- }
-function writeScalar(state, object, level) {
- var simple, first, spaceWrap, folded, literal, single, double,
- sawLineFeed, linePosition, longestLine, indent, max, character,
- position, escapeSeq, hexEsc, previous, lineLength, modifier,
- trailingLineBreaks, result;
- if (0 === object.length) {
- state.dump = "''";
- return;
- }
- if (-1 !== DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(object)) {
- state.dump = "'" + object + "'";
- return;
- }
- simple = true;
- first = object.length ? object.charCodeAt(0) : 0;
- spaceWrap = (CHAR_SPACE === first ||
- CHAR_SPACE === object.charCodeAt(object.length - 1));
- // Simplified check for restricted first characters
- // http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#ns-plain-first%28c%29
- if (CHAR_MINUS === first ||
- CHAR_QUESTION === first ||
- CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT === first ||
- CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT === first) {
- simple = false;
- }
- // can only use > and | if not wrapped in spaces.
- if (spaceWrap) {
- simple = false;
- folded = false;
- literal = false;
- } else {
- folded = true;
- literal = true;
- }
- single = true;
- double = new StringBuilder(object);
- sawLineFeed = false;
- linePosition = 0;
- longestLine = 0;
- indent = state.indent * level;
- max = 80;
- if (indent < 40) {
- max -= indent;
- } else {
- max = 40;
- }
- for (position = 0; position < object.length; position++) {
- character = object.charCodeAt(position);
- if (simple) {
- // Characters that can never appear in the simple scalar
- if (!simpleChar(character)) {
- simple = false;
- } else {
- // Still simple. If we make it all the way through like
- // this, then we can just dump the string as-is.
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (single && character === CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- single = false;
- }
- escapeSeq = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[character];
- hexEsc = needsHexEscape(character);
- if (!escapeSeq && !hexEsc) {
- continue;
- }
- if (character !== CHAR_LINE_FEED &&
- character !== CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE &&
- character !== CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- folded = false;
- literal = false;
- } else if (character === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {
- sawLineFeed = true;
- single = false;
- if (position > 0) {
- previous = object.charCodeAt(position - 1);
- if (previous === CHAR_SPACE) {
- literal = false;
- folded = false;
- }
- }
- if (folded) {
- lineLength = position - linePosition;
- linePosition = position;
- if (lineLength > longestLine) {
- longestLine = lineLength;
- }
- }
- }
- if (character !== CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
- single = false;
- }
- double.takeUpTo(position);
- double.escapeChar();
- }
- if (simple && testImplicitResolving(state, object)) {
- simple = false;
- }
- modifier = '';
- if (folded || literal) {
- trailingLineBreaks = 0;
- if (object.charCodeAt(object.length - 1) === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {
- trailingLineBreaks += 1;
- if (object.charCodeAt(object.length - 2) === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {
- trailingLineBreaks += 1;
- }
- }
- if (trailingLineBreaks === 0) {
- modifier = '-';
- } else if (trailingLineBreaks === 2) {
- modifier = '+';
- }
- }
- if (literal && longestLine < max) {
- folded = false;
- }
- // If it's literally one line, then don't bother with the literal.
- // We may still want to do a fold, though, if it's a super long line.
- if (!sawLineFeed) {
- literal = false;
- }
- if (simple) {
- state.dump = object;
- } else if (single) {
- state.dump = '\'' + object + '\'';
- } else if (folded) {
- result = fold(object, max);
- state.dump = '>' + modifier + '\n' + indentString(result, indent);
- } else if (literal) {
- if (!modifier) {
- object = object.replace(/\n$/, '');
- }
- state.dump = '|' + modifier + '\n' + indentString(object, indent);
- } else if (double) {
- double.finish();
- state.dump = '"' + double.result + '"';
- } else {
- throw new Error('Failed to dump scalar value');
- }
- return;
-// The `trailing` var is a regexp match of any trailing `\n` characters.
-// There are three cases we care about:
-// 1. One trailing `\n` on the string. Just use `|` or `>`.
-// This is the assumed default. (trailing = null)
-// 2. No trailing `\n` on the string. Use `|-` or `>-` to "chomp" the end.
-// 3. More than one trailing `\n` on the string. Use `|+` or `>+`.
-// In the case of `>+`, these line breaks are *not* doubled (like the line
-// breaks within the string), so it's important to only end with the exact
-// same number as we started.
-function fold(object, max) {
- var result = '',
- position = 0,
- length = object.length,
- trailing = /\n+$/.exec(object),
- newLine;
- if (trailing) {
- length = trailing.index + 1;
- }
- while (position < length) {
- newLine = object.indexOf('\n', position);
- if (newLine > length || newLine === -1) {
- if (result) {
- result += '\n\n';
- }
- result += foldLine(object.slice(position, length), max);
- position = length;
- } else {
- if (result) {
- result += '\n\n';
- }
- result += foldLine(object.slice(position, newLine), max);
- position = newLine + 1;
- }
- }
- if (trailing && trailing[0] !== '\n') {
- result += trailing[0];
- }
- return result;
-function foldLine(line, max) {
- if (line === '') {
- return line;
- }
- var foldRe = /[^\s] [^\s]/g,
- result = '',
- prevMatch = 0,
- foldStart = 0,
- match = foldRe.exec(line),
- index,
- foldEnd,
- folded;
- while (match) {
- index = match.index;
- // when we cross the max len, if the previous match would've
- // been ok, use that one, and carry on. If there was no previous
- // match on this fold section, then just have a long line.
- if (index - foldStart > max) {
- if (prevMatch !== foldStart) {
- foldEnd = prevMatch;
- } else {
- foldEnd = index;
- }
- if (result) {
- result += '\n';
- }
- folded = line.slice(foldStart, foldEnd);
- result += folded;
- foldStart = foldEnd + 1;
- }
- prevMatch = index + 1;
- match = foldRe.exec(line);
- }
- if (result) {
- result += '\n';
- }
- // if we end up with one last word at the end, then the last bit might
- // be slightly bigger than we wanted, because we exited out of the loop.
- if (foldStart !== prevMatch && line.length - foldStart > max) {
- result += line.slice(foldStart, prevMatch) + '\n' +
- line.slice(prevMatch + 1);
- } else {
- result += line.slice(foldStart);
- }
- return result;
-// Returns true if character can be found in a simple scalar
-function simpleChar(character) {
- return CHAR_TAB !== character &&
- CHAR_LINE_FEED !== character &&
- CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN !== character &&
- CHAR_COMMA !== character &&
- CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET !== character &&
- CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET !== character &&
- CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET !== character &&
- CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET !== character &&
- CHAR_SHARP !== character &&
- CHAR_AMPERSAND !== character &&
- CHAR_ASTERISK !== character &&
- CHAR_EXCLAMATION !== character &&
- CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE !== character &&
- CHAR_GREATER_THAN !== character &&
- CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE !== character &&
- CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE !== character &&
- CHAR_PERCENT !== character &&
- CHAR_COLON !== character &&
- !ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[character] &&
- !needsHexEscape(character);
-// Returns true if the character code needs to be escaped.
-function needsHexEscape(character) {
- return !((0x00020 <= character && character <= 0x00007E) ||
- (0x00085 === character) ||
- (0x000A0 <= character && character <= 0x00D7FF) ||
- (0x0E000 <= character && character <= 0x00FFFD) ||
- (0x10000 <= character && character <= 0x10FFFF));
-function writeFlowSequence(state, level, object) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- index,
- length;
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- // Write only valid elements.
- if (writeNode(state, level, object[index], false, false)) {
- if (0 !== index) {
- _result += ', ';
- }
- _result += state.dump;
- }
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = '[' + _result + ']';
-function writeBlockSequence(state, level, object, compact) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- index,
- length;
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- // Write only valid elements.
- if (writeNode(state, level + 1, object[index], true, true)) {
- if (!compact || 0 !== index) {
- _result += generateNextLine(state, level);
- }
- _result += '- ' + state.dump;
- }
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = _result || '[]'; // Empty sequence if no valid values.
-function writeFlowMapping(state, level, object) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
- index,
- length,
- objectKey,
- objectValue,
- pairBuffer;
- for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pairBuffer = '';
- if (0 !== index) {
- pairBuffer += ', ';
- }
- objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
- objectValue = object[objectKey];
- if (!writeNode(state, level, objectKey, false, false)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key;
- }
- if (state.dump.length > 1024) {
- pairBuffer += '? ';
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump + ': ';
- if (!writeNode(state, level, objectValue, false, false)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump;
- // Both key and value are valid.
- _result += pairBuffer;
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = '{' + _result + '}';
-function writeBlockMapping(state, level, object, compact) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
- index,
- length,
- objectKey,
- objectValue,
- explicitPair,
- pairBuffer;
- // Allow sorting keys so that the output file is deterministic
- if (state.sortKeys === true) {
- // Default sorting
- objectKeyList.sort();
- } else if (typeof state.sortKeys === 'function') {
- // Custom sort function
- objectKeyList.sort(state.sortKeys);
- } else if (state.sortKeys) {
- // Something is wrong
- throw new YAMLException('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function');
- }
- for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pairBuffer = '';
- if (!compact || 0 !== index) {
- pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
- }
- objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
- objectValue = object[objectKey];
- if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectKey, true, true)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key.
- }
- explicitPair = (null !== state.tag && '?' !== state.tag) ||
- (state.dump && state.dump.length > 1024);
- if (explicitPair) {
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
- pairBuffer += '?';
- } else {
- pairBuffer += '? ';
- }
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump;
- if (explicitPair) {
- pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
- }
- if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectValue, true, explicitPair)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
- }
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
- pairBuffer += ':';
- } else {
- pairBuffer += ': ';
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump;
- // Both key and value are valid.
- _result += pairBuffer;
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = _result || '{}'; // Empty mapping if no valid pairs.
-function detectType(state, object, explicit) {
- var _result, typeList, index, length, type, style;
- typeList = explicit ? state.explicitTypes : state.implicitTypes;
- for (index = 0, length = typeList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- type = typeList[index];
- if ((type.instanceOf || type.predicate) &&
- (!type.instanceOf || (('object' === typeof object) && (object instanceof type.instanceOf))) &&
- (!type.predicate || type.predicate(object))) {
- state.tag = explicit ? type.tag : '?';
- if (type.represent) {
- style = state.styleMap[type.tag] || type.defaultStyle;
- if ('[object Function]' === _toString.call(type.represent)) {
- _result = type.represent(object, style);
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty.call(type.represent, style)) {
- _result = type.represent[style](object, style);
- } else {
- throw new YAMLException('!<' + type.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + style + '" style');
- }
- state.dump = _result;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// Serializes `object` and writes it to global `result`.
-// Returns true on success, or false on invalid object.
-function writeNode(state, level, object, block, compact) {
- state.tag = null;
- state.dump = object;
- if (!detectType(state, object, false)) {
- detectType(state, object, true);
- }
- var type = _toString.call(state.dump);
- if (block) {
- block = (0 > state.flowLevel || state.flowLevel > level);
- }
- if ((null !== state.tag && '?' !== state.tag) || (2 !== state.indent && level > 0)) {
- compact = false;
- }
- var objectOrArray = '[object Object]' === type || '[object Array]' === type,
- duplicateIndex,
- duplicate;
- if (objectOrArray) {
- duplicateIndex = state.duplicates.indexOf(object);
- duplicate = duplicateIndex !== -1;
- }
- if (duplicate && state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {
- state.dump = '*ref_' + duplicateIndex;
- } else {
- if (objectOrArray && duplicate && !state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {
- state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex] = true;
- }
- if ('[object Object]' === type) {
- if (block && (0 !== Object.keys(state.dump).length)) {
- writeBlockMapping(state, level, state.dump, compact);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + (0 === level ? '\n' : '') + state.dump;
- }
- } else {
- writeFlowMapping(state, level, state.dump);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
- }
- }
- } else if ('[object Array]' === type) {
- if (block && (0 !== state.dump.length)) {
- writeBlockSequence(state, level, state.dump, compact);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + (0 === level ? '\n' : '') + state.dump;
- }
- } else {
- writeFlowSequence(state, level, state.dump);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
- }
- }
- } else if ('[object String]' === type) {
- if ('?' !== state.tag) {
- writeScalar(state, state.dump, level);
- }
- } else {
- if (state.skipInvalid) {
- return false;
- }
- throw new YAMLException('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type);
- }
- if (null !== state.tag && '?' !== state.tag) {
- state.dump = '!<' + state.tag + '> ' + state.dump;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function getDuplicateReferences(object, state) {
- var objects = [],
- duplicatesIndexes = [],
- index,
- length;
- inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes);
- for (index = 0, length = duplicatesIndexes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- state.duplicates.push(objects[duplicatesIndexes[index]]);
- }
- state.usedDuplicates = new Array(length);
-function inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {
- var type = _toString.call(object),
- objectKeyList,
- index,
- length;
- if (null !== object && 'object' === typeof object) {
- index = objects.indexOf(object);
- if (-1 !== index) {
- if (-1 === duplicatesIndexes.indexOf(index)) {
- duplicatesIndexes.push(index);
- }
- } else {
- objects.push(object);
- if (Array.isArray(object)) {
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- inspectNode(object[index], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
- }
- } else {
- objectKeyList = Object.keys(object);
- for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- inspectNode(object[objectKeyList[index]], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-function dump(input, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var state = new State(options);
- getDuplicateReferences(input, state);
- if (writeNode(state, 0, input, true, true)) {
- return state.dump + '\n';
- }
- return '';
-function safeDump(input, options) {
- return dump(input, common.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA }, options));
-module.exports.dump = dump;
-module.exports.safeDump = safeDump;
-'use strict';
-function YAMLException(reason, mark) {
- this.name = 'YAMLException';
- this.reason = reason;
- this.mark = mark;
- this.message = this.toString(false);
-YAMLException.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {
- var result;
- result = 'JS-YAML: ' + (this.reason || '(unknown reason)');
- if (!compact && this.mark) {
- result += ' ' + this.mark.toString();
- }
- return result;
-module.exports = YAMLException;
-'use strict';
-/*eslint-disable max-len,no-use-before-define*/
-var common = require('./common');
-var YAMLException = require('./exception');
-var Mark = require('./mark');
-var DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default_safe');
-var DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = require('./schema/default_full');
-var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
-var PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/;
-var PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS = /[,\[\]\{\}]/;
-var PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i;
-var PATTERN_TAG_URI = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
-function is_EOL(c) {
- return (c === 0x0A/* LF */) || (c === 0x0D/* CR */);
-function is_WHITE_SPACE(c) {
- return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) || (c === 0x20/* Space */);
-function is_WS_OR_EOL(c) {
- return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ||
- (c === 0x20/* Space */) ||
- (c === 0x0A/* LF */) ||
- (c === 0x0D/* CR */);
-function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(c) {
- return 0x2C/* , */ === c ||
- 0x5B/* [ */ === c ||
- 0x5D/* ] */ === c ||
- 0x7B/* { */ === c ||
- 0x7D/* } */ === c;
-function fromHexCode(c) {
- var lc;
- if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {
- return c - 0x30;
- }
- /*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
- lc = c | 0x20;
- if ((0x61/* a */ <= lc) && (lc <= 0x66/* f */)) {
- return lc - 0x61 + 10;
- }
- return -1;
-function escapedHexLen(c) {
- if (c === 0x78/* x */) { return 2; }
- if (c === 0x75/* u */) { return 4; }
- if (c === 0x55/* U */) { return 8; }
- return 0;
-function fromDecimalCode(c) {
- if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {
- return c - 0x30;
- }
- return -1;
-function simpleEscapeSequence(c) {
- return (c === 0x30/* 0 */) ? '\x00' :
- (c === 0x61/* a */) ? '\x07' :
- (c === 0x62/* b */) ? '\x08' :
- (c === 0x74/* t */) ? '\x09' :
- (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ? '\x09' :
- (c === 0x6E/* n */) ? '\x0A' :
- (c === 0x76/* v */) ? '\x0B' :
- (c === 0x66/* f */) ? '\x0C' :
- (c === 0x72/* r */) ? '\x0D' :
- (c === 0x65/* e */) ? '\x1B' :
- (c === 0x20/* Space */) ? ' ' :
- (c === 0x22/* " */) ? '\x22' :
- (c === 0x2F/* / */) ? '/' :
- (c === 0x5C/* \ */) ? '\x5C' :
- (c === 0x4E/* N */) ? '\x85' :
- (c === 0x5F/* _ */) ? '\xA0' :
- (c === 0x4C/* L */) ? '\u2028' :
- (c === 0x50/* P */) ? '\u2029' : '';
-function charFromCodepoint(c) {
- if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
- return String.fromCharCode(c);
- }
- // Encode UTF-16 surrogate pair
- // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16#Code_points_U.2B010000_to_U.2B10FFFF
- return String.fromCharCode(((c - 0x010000) >> 10) + 0xD800,
- ((c - 0x010000) & 0x03FF) + 0xDC00);
-var simpleEscapeCheck = new Array(256); // integer, for fast access
-var simpleEscapeMap = new Array(256);
-for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- simpleEscapeCheck[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i) ? 1 : 0;
- simpleEscapeMap[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i);
-function State(input, options) {
- this.input = input;
- this.filename = options['filename'] || null;
- this.schema = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA;
- this.onWarning = options['onWarning'] || null;
- this.legacy = options['legacy'] || false;
- this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;
- this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap;
- this.length = input.length;
- this.position = 0;
- this.line = 0;
- this.lineStart = 0;
- this.lineIndent = 0;
- this.documents = [];
- /*
- this.version;
- this.checkLineBreaks;
- this.tagMap;
- this.anchorMap;
- this.tag;
- this.anchor;
- this.kind;
- this.result;*/
-function generateError(state, message) {
- return new YAMLException(
- message,
- new Mark(state.filename, state.input, state.position, state.line, (state.position - state.lineStart)));
-function throwError(state, message) {
- throw generateError(state, message);
-function throwWarning(state, message) {
- var error = generateError(state, message);
- if (state.onWarning) {
- state.onWarning.call(null, error);
- } else {
- throw error;
- }
-var directiveHandlers = {
- YAML: function handleYamlDirective(state, name, args) {
- var match, major, minor;
- if (null !== state.version) {
- throwError(state, 'duplication of %YAML directive');
- }
- if (1 !== args.length) {
- throwError(state, 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument');
- }
- match = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(args[0]);
- if (null === match) {
- throwError(state, 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive');
- }
- major = parseInt(match[1], 10);
- minor = parseInt(match[2], 10);
- if (1 !== major) {
- throwError(state, 'unacceptable YAML version of the document');
- }
- state.version = args[0];
- state.checkLineBreaks = (minor < 2);
- if (1 !== minor && 2 !== minor) {
- throwWarning(state, 'unsupported YAML version of the document');
- }
- },
- TAG: function handleTagDirective(state, name, args) {
- var handle, prefix;
- if (2 !== args.length) {
- throwError(state, 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments');
- }
- handle = args[0];
- prefix = args[1];
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(handle)) {
- throwError(state, 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive');
- }
- if (_hasOwnProperty.call(state.tagMap, handle)) {
- throwError(state, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + handle + '" tag handle');
- }
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(prefix)) {
- throwError(state, 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive');
- }
- state.tagMap[handle] = prefix;
- }
-function captureSegment(state, start, end, checkJson) {
- var _position, _length, _character, _result;
- if (start < end) {
- _result = state.input.slice(start, end);
- if (checkJson) {
- for (_position = 0, _length = _result.length;
- _position < _length;
- _position += 1) {
- _character = _result.charCodeAt(_position);
- if (!(0x09 === _character ||
- 0x20 <= _character && _character <= 0x10FFFF)) {
- throwError(state, 'expected valid JSON character');
- }
- }
- }
- state.result += _result;
- }
-function mergeMappings(state, destination, source) {
- var sourceKeys, key, index, quantity;
- if (!common.isObject(source)) {
- throwError(state, 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable');
- }
- sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
- for (index = 0, quantity = sourceKeys.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
- key = sourceKeys[index];
- if (!_hasOwnProperty.call(destination, key)) {
- destination[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
-function storeMappingPair(state, _result, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode) {
- var index, quantity;
- keyNode = String(keyNode);
- if (null === _result) {
- _result = {};
- }
- if ('tag:yaml.org,2002:merge' === keyTag) {
- if (Array.isArray(valueNode)) {
- for (index = 0, quantity = valueNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
- mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode[index]);
- }
- } else {
- mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode);
- }
- } else {
- _result[keyNode] = valueNode;
- }
- return _result;
-function readLineBreak(state) {
- var ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x0A/* LF */ === ch) {
- state.position++;
- } else if (0x0D/* CR */ === ch) {
- state.position++;
- if (0x0A/* LF */ === state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) {
- state.position++;
- }
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'a line break is expected');
- }
- state.line += 1;
- state.lineStart = state.position;
-function skipSeparationSpace(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {
- var lineBreaks = 0,
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (0 !== ch) {
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (allowComments && 0x23/* # */ === ch) {
- do {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } while (ch !== 0x0A/* LF */ && ch !== 0x0D/* CR */ && 0 !== ch);
- }
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- readLineBreak(state);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- lineBreaks++;
- state.lineIndent = 0;
- while (0x20/* Space */ === ch) {
- state.lineIndent++;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (-1 !== checkIndent && 0 !== lineBreaks && state.lineIndent < checkIndent) {
- throwWarning(state, 'deficient indentation');
- }
- return lineBreaks;
-function testDocumentSeparator(state) {
- var _position = state.position,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);
- // Condition state.position === state.lineStart is tested
- // in parent on each call, for efficiency. No needs to test here again.
- if ((0x2D/* - */ === ch || 0x2E/* . */ === ch) &&
- state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 1) === ch &&
- state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 2) === ch) {
- _position += 3;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);
- if (ch === 0 || is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-function writeFoldedLines(state, count) {
- if (1 === count) {
- state.result += ' ';
- } else if (count > 1) {
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', count - 1);
- }
-function readPlainScalar(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
- var preceding,
- following,
- captureStart,
- captureEnd,
- hasPendingContent,
- _line,
- _lineStart,
- _lineIndent,
- _kind = state.kind,
- _result = state.result,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) ||
- is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch) ||
- 0x23/* # */ === ch ||
- 0x26/* & */ === ch ||
- 0x2A/* * */ === ch ||
- 0x21/* ! */ === ch ||
- 0x7C/* | */ === ch ||
- 0x3E/* > */ === ch ||
- 0x27/* ' */ === ch ||
- 0x22/* " */ === ch ||
- 0x25/* % */ === ch ||
- 0x40/* @ */ === ch ||
- 0x60/* ` */ === ch) {
- return false;
- }
- if (0x3F/* ? */ === ch || 0x2D/* - */ === ch) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- hasPendingContent = false;
- while (0 !== ch) {
- if (0x3A/* : */ === ch) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {
- break;
- }
- } else if (0x23/* # */ === ch) {
- preceding = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position - 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(preceding)) {
- break;
- }
- } else if ((state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- break;
- } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- _line = state.line;
- _lineStart = state.lineStart;
- _lineIndent = state.lineIndent;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, false, -1);
- if (state.lineIndent >= nodeIndent) {
- hasPendingContent = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- continue;
- } else {
- state.position = captureEnd;
- state.line = _line;
- state.lineStart = _lineStart;
- state.lineIndent = _lineIndent;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (hasPendingContent) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
- writeFoldedLines(state, state.line - _line);
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- hasPendingContent = false;
- }
- if (!is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- captureEnd = state.position + 1;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
- if (state.result) {
- return true;
- }
- state.kind = _kind;
- state.result = _result;
- return false;
-function readSingleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
- var ch,
- captureStart, captureEnd;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x27/* ' */ !== ch) {
- return false;
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- state.position++;
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- while (0 !== (ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position))) {
- if (0x27/* ' */ === ch) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (0x27/* ' */ === ch) {
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- state.position++;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
- writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar');
- } else {
- state.position++;
- captureEnd = state.position;
- }
- }
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar');
-function readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
- var captureStart,
- captureEnd,
- hexLength,
- hexResult,
- tmp, tmpEsc,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x22/* " */ !== ch) {
- return false;
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- state.position++;
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- while (0 !== (ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position))) {
- if (0x22/* " */ === ch) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
- state.position++;
- return true;
- } else if (0x5C/* \ */ === ch) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent);
- // TODO: rework to inline fn with no type cast?
- } else if (ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck[ch]) {
- state.result += simpleEscapeMap[ch];
- state.position++;
- } else if ((tmp = escapedHexLen(ch)) > 0) {
- hexLength = tmp;
- hexResult = 0;
- for (; hexLength > 0; hexLength--) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if ((tmp = fromHexCode(ch)) >= 0) {
- hexResult = (hexResult << 4) + tmp;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'expected hexadecimal character');
- }
- }
- state.result += charFromCodepoint(hexResult);
- state.position++;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'unknown escape sequence');
- }
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
- writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar');
- } else {
- state.position++;
- captureEnd = state.position;
- }
- }
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar');
-function readFlowCollection(state, nodeIndent) {
- var readNext = true,
- _line,
- _tag = state.tag,
- _result,
- _anchor = state.anchor,
- following,
- terminator,
- isPair,
- isExplicitPair,
- isMapping,
- keyNode,
- keyTag,
- valueNode,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === 0x5B/* [ */) {
- terminator = 0x5D;/* ] */
- isMapping = false;
- _result = [];
- } else if (ch === 0x7B/* { */) {
- terminator = 0x7D;/* } */
- isMapping = true;
- _result = {};
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- while (0 !== ch) {
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === terminator) {
- state.position++;
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- state.kind = isMapping ? 'mapping' : 'sequence';
- state.result = _result;
- return true;
- } else if (!readNext) {
- throwError(state, 'missed comma between flow collection entries');
- }
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- isPair = isExplicitPair = false;
- if (0x3F/* ? */ === ch) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
- isPair = isExplicitPair = true;
- state.position++;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- }
- }
- _line = state.line;
- composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);
- keyTag = state.tag;
- keyNode = state.result;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if ((isExplicitPair || state.line === _line) && 0x3A/* : */ === ch) {
- isPair = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);
- valueNode = state.result;
- }
- if (isMapping) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode);
- } else if (isPair) {
- _result.push(storeMappingPair(state, null, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode));
- } else {
- _result.push(keyNode);
- }
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x2C/* , */ === ch) {
- readNext = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else {
- readNext = false;
- }
- }
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection');
-function readBlockScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
- var captureStart,
- folding,
- chomping = CHOMPING_CLIP,
- detectedIndent = false,
- textIndent = nodeIndent,
- emptyLines = 0,
- atMoreIndented = false,
- tmp,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === 0x7C/* | */) {
- folding = false;
- } else if (ch === 0x3E/* > */) {
- folding = true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- while (0 !== ch) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (0x2B/* + */ === ch || 0x2D/* - */ === ch) {
- if (CHOMPING_CLIP === chomping) {
- chomping = (0x2B/* + */ === ch) ? CHOMPING_KEEP : CHOMPING_STRIP;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier');
- }
- } else if ((tmp = fromDecimalCode(ch)) >= 0) {
- if (tmp === 0) {
- throwError(state, 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one');
- } else if (!detectedIndent) {
- textIndent = nodeIndent + tmp - 1;
- detectedIndent = true;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'repeat of an indentation width identifier');
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch));
- if (0x23/* # */ === ch) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (!is_EOL(ch) && (0 !== ch));
- }
- }
- while (0 !== ch) {
- readLineBreak(state);
- state.lineIndent = 0;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while ((!detectedIndent || state.lineIndent < textIndent) &&
- (0x20/* Space */ === ch)) {
- state.lineIndent++;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (!detectedIndent && state.lineIndent > textIndent) {
- textIndent = state.lineIndent;
- }
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- emptyLines++;
- continue;
- }
- // End of the scalar.
- if (state.lineIndent < textIndent) {
- // Perform the chomping.
- if (chomping === CHOMPING_KEEP) {
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines);
- } else if (chomping === CHOMPING_CLIP) {
- if (detectedIndent) { // i.e. only if the scalar is not empty.
- state.result += '\n';
- }
- }
- // Break this `while` cycle and go to the funciton's epilogue.
- break;
- }
- // Folded style: use fancy rules to handle line breaks.
- if (folding) {
- // Lines starting with white space characters (more-indented lines) are not folded.
- if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- atMoreIndented = true;
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines + 1);
- // End of more-indented block.
- } else if (atMoreIndented) {
- atMoreIndented = false;
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines + 1);
- // Just one line break - perceive as the same line.
- } else if (0 === emptyLines) {
- if (detectedIndent) { // i.e. only if we have already read some scalar content.
- state.result += ' ';
- }
- // Several line breaks - perceive as different lines.
- } else {
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines);
- }
- // Literal style: just add exact number of line breaks between content lines.
- } else if (detectedIndent) {
- // If current line isn't the first one - count line break from the last content line.
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines + 1);
- } else {
- // In case of the first content line - count only empty lines.
- }
- detectedIndent = true;
- emptyLines = 0;
- captureStart = state.position;
- while (!is_EOL(ch) && (0 !== ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, false);
- }
- return true;
-function readBlockSequence(state, nodeIndent) {
- var _line,
- _tag = state.tag,
- _anchor = state.anchor,
- _result = [],
- following,
- detected = false,
- ch;
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (0 !== ch) {
- if (0x2D/* - */ !== ch) {
- break;
- }
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
- break;
- }
- detected = true;
- state.position++;
- if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
- if (state.lineIndent <= nodeIndent) {
- _result.push(null);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- continue;
- }
- }
- _line = state.line;
- composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN, false, true);
- _result.push(state.result);
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (0 !== ch)) {
- throwError(state, 'bad indentation of a sequence entry');
- } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (detected) {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- state.kind = 'sequence';
- state.result = _result;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-function readBlockMapping(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
- var following,
- allowCompact,
- _line,
- _tag = state.tag,
- _anchor = state.anchor,
- _result = {},
- keyTag = null,
- keyNode = null,
- valueNode = null,
- atExplicitKey = false,
- detected = false,
- ch;
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (0 !== ch) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- _line = state.line; // Save the current line.
- //
- // Explicit notation case. There are two separate blocks:
- // first for the key (denoted by "?") and second for the value (denoted by ":")
- //
- if ((0x3F/* ? */ === ch || 0x3A/* : */ === ch) && is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
- if (0x3F/* ? */ === ch) {
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, keyTag, keyNode, null);
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- }
- detected = true;
- atExplicitKey = true;
- allowCompact = true;
- } else if (atExplicitKey) {
- // i.e. 0x3A/* : */ === character after the explicit key.
- atExplicitKey = false;
- allowCompact = true;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed');
- }
- state.position += 1;
- ch = following;
- //
- // Implicit notation case. Flow-style node as the key first, then ":", and the value.
- //
- } else if (composeNode(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT, false, true)) {
- if (state.line === _line) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (0x3A/* : */ === ch) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- throwError(state, 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping');
- }
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, keyTag, keyNode, null);
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- }
- detected = true;
- atExplicitKey = false;
- allowCompact = false;
- keyTag = state.tag;
- keyNode = state.result;
- } else if (detected) {
- throwError(state, 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed');
- } else {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
- }
- } else if (detected) {
- throwError(state, 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key');
- } else {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
- }
- } else {
- break; // Reading is done. Go to the epilogue.
- }
- //
- // Common reading code for both explicit and implicit notations.
- //
- if (state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) {
- if (composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, true, allowCompact)) {
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- keyNode = state.result;
- } else {
- valueNode = state.result;
- }
- }
- if (!atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode);
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- }
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- }
- if (state.lineIndent > nodeIndent && (0 !== ch)) {
- throwError(state, 'bad indentation of a mapping entry');
- } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // Epilogue.
- //
- // Special case: last mapping's node contains only the key in explicit notation.
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, keyTag, keyNode, null);
- }
- // Expose the resulting mapping.
- if (detected) {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- state.kind = 'mapping';
- state.result = _result;
- }
- return detected;
-function readTagProperty(state) {
- var _position,
- isVerbatim = false,
- isNamed = false,
- tagHandle,
- tagName,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x21/* ! */ !== ch) {
- return false;
- }
- if (null !== state.tag) {
- throwError(state, 'duplication of a tag property');
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (0x3C/* < */ === ch) {
- isVerbatim = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else if (0x21/* ! */ === ch) {
- isNamed = true;
- tagHandle = '!!';
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else {
- tagHandle = '!';
- }
- _position = state.position;
- if (isVerbatim) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (0 !== ch && 0x3E/* > */ !== ch);
- if (state.position < state.length) {
- tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag');
- }
- } else {
- while (0 !== ch && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- if (0x21/* ! */ === ch) {
- if (!isNamed) {
- tagHandle = state.input.slice(_position - 1, state.position + 1);
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(tagHandle)) {
- throwError(state, 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters');
- }
- isNamed = true;
- _position = state.position + 1;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks');
- }
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- if (PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(tagName)) {
- throwError(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters');
- }
- }
- if (tagName && !PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(tagName)) {
- throwError(state, 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + tagName);
- }
- if (isVerbatim) {
- state.tag = tagName;
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty.call(state.tagMap, tagHandle)) {
- state.tag = state.tagMap[tagHandle] + tagName;
- } else if ('!' === tagHandle) {
- state.tag = '!' + tagName;
- } else if ('!!' === tagHandle) {
- state.tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tagName;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'undeclared tag handle "' + tagHandle + '"');
- }
- return true;
-function readAnchorProperty(state) {
- var _position,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x26/* & */ !== ch) {
- return false;
- }
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- throwError(state, 'duplication of an anchor property');
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- _position = state.position;
- while (0 !== ch && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (state.position === _position) {
- throwError(state, 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character');
- }
- state.anchor = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- return true;
-function readAlias(state) {
- var _position, alias,
- len = state.length,
- input = state.input,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (0x2A/* * */ !== ch) {
- return false;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- _position = state.position;
- while (0 !== ch && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (state.position === _position) {
- throwError(state, 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character');
- }
- alias = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- if (!state.anchorMap.hasOwnProperty(alias)) {
- throwError(state, 'unidentified alias "' + alias + '"');
- }
- state.result = state.anchorMap[alias];
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- return true;
-function composeNode(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompact) {
- var allowBlockStyles,
- allowBlockScalars,
- allowBlockCollections,
- indentStatus = 1, // 1: this>parent, 0: this=parent, -1: this<parent
- atNewLine = false,
- hasContent = false,
- typeIndex,
- typeQuantity,
- type,
- flowIndent,
- blockIndent,
- _result;
- state.tag = null;
- state.anchor = null;
- state.kind = null;
- state.result = null;
- allowBlockStyles = allowBlockScalars = allowBlockCollections =
- CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext ||
- CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN === nodeContext;
- if (allowToSeek) {
- if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
- atNewLine = true;
- if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 1;
- } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 0;
- } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (1 === indentStatus) {
- while (readTagProperty(state) || readAnchorProperty(state)) {
- if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
- atNewLine = true;
- allowBlockCollections = allowBlockStyles;
- if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 1;
- } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 0;
- } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = -1;
- }
- } else {
- allowBlockCollections = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (allowBlockCollections) {
- allowBlockCollections = atNewLine || allowCompact;
- }
- if (1 === indentStatus || CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext) {
- if (CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext || CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT === nodeContext) {
- flowIndent = parentIndent;
- } else {
- flowIndent = parentIndent + 1;
- }
- blockIndent = state.position - state.lineStart;
- if (1 === indentStatus) {
- if (allowBlockCollections &&
- (readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent) ||
- readBlockMapping(state, blockIndent, flowIndent)) ||
- readFlowCollection(state, flowIndent)) {
- hasContent = true;
- } else {
- if ((allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar(state, flowIndent)) ||
- readSingleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent) ||
- readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent)) {
- hasContent = true;
- } else if (readAlias(state)) {
- hasContent = true;
- if (null !== state.tag || null !== state.anchor) {
- throwError(state, 'alias node should not have any properties');
- }
- } else if (readPlainScalar(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext)) {
- hasContent = true;
- if (null === state.tag) {
- state.tag = '?';
- }
- }
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- }
- } else if (0 === indentStatus) {
- // Special case: block sequences are allowed to have same indentation level as the parent.
- // http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2799784
- hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent);
- }
- }
- if (null !== state.tag && '!' !== state.tag) {
- if ('?' === state.tag) {
- for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = state.implicitTypes.length;
- typeIndex < typeQuantity;
- typeIndex += 1) {
- type = state.implicitTypes[typeIndex];
- // Implicit resolving is not allowed for non-scalar types, and '?'
- // non-specific tag is only assigned to plain scalars. So, it isn't
- // needed to check for 'kind' conformity.
- if (type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
- state.result = type.construct(state.result);
- state.tag = type.tag;
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty.call(state.typeMap, state.tag)) {
- type = state.typeMap[state.tag];
- if (null !== state.result && type.kind !== state.kind) {
- throwError(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + state.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + type.kind + '", not "' + state.kind + '"');
- }
- if (!type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
- throwError(state, 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + state.tag + '> explicit tag');
- } else {
- state.result = type.construct(state.result);
- if (null !== state.anchor) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- }
- } else {
- throwWarning(state, 'unknown tag !<' + state.tag + '>');
- }
- }
- return null !== state.tag || null !== state.anchor || hasContent;
-function readDocument(state) {
- var documentStart = state.position,
- _position,
- directiveName,
- directiveArgs,
- hasDirectives = false,
- ch;
- state.version = null;
- state.checkLineBreaks = state.legacy;
- state.tagMap = {};
- state.anchorMap = {};
- while (0 !== (ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position))) {
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (state.lineIndent > 0 || 0x25/* % */ !== ch) {
- break;
- }
- hasDirectives = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- _position = state.position;
- while (0 !== ch && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- directiveName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- directiveArgs = [];
- if (directiveName.length < 1) {
- throwError(state, 'directive name must not be less than one character in length');
- }
- while (0 !== ch) {
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (0x23/* # */ === ch) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (0 !== ch && !is_EOL(ch));
- break;
- }
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- break;
- }
- _position = state.position;
- while (0 !== ch && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- directiveArgs.push(state.input.slice(_position, state.position));
- }
- if (0 !== ch) {
- readLineBreak(state);
- }
- if (_hasOwnProperty.call(directiveHandlers, directiveName)) {
- directiveHandlers[directiveName](state, directiveName, directiveArgs);
- } else {
- throwWarning(state, 'unknown document directive "' + directiveName + '"');
- }
- }
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- if (0 === state.lineIndent &&
- 0x2D/* - */ === state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) &&
- 0x2D/* - */ === state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1) &&
- 0x2D/* - */ === state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 2)) {
- state.position += 3;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- } else if (hasDirectives) {
- throwError(state, 'directives end mark is expected');
- }
- composeNode(state, state.lineIndent - 1, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, false, true);
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- if (state.checkLineBreaks &&
- PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(state.input.slice(documentStart, state.position))) {
- throwWarning(state, 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content');
- }
- state.documents.push(state.result);
- if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
- if (0x2E/* . */ === state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) {
- state.position += 3;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {
- throwError(state, 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected');
- } else {
- return;
- }
-function loadDocuments(input, options) {
- input = String(input);
- options = options || {};
- if (input.length !== 0) {
- // Add tailing `\n` if not exists
- if (0x0A/* LF */ !== input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) &&
- 0x0D/* CR */ !== input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1)) {
- input += '\n';
- }
- // Strip BOM
- if (input.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {
- input = input.slice(1);
- }
- }
- var state = new State(input, options);
- if (PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(state.input)) {
- throwError(state, 'the stream contains non-printable characters');
- }
- // Use 0 as string terminator. That significantly simplifies bounds check.
- state.input += '\0';
- while (0x20/* Space */ === state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) {
- state.lineIndent += 1;
- state.position += 1;
- }
- while (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {
- readDocument(state);
- }
- return state.documents;
-function loadAll(input, iterator, options) {
- var documents = loadDocuments(input, options), index, length;
- for (index = 0, length = documents.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- iterator(documents[index]);
- }
-function load(input, options) {
- var documents = loadDocuments(input, options), index, length;
- if (0 === documents.length) {
- /*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
- return undefined;
- } else if (1 === documents.length) {
- return documents[0];
- }
- throw new YAMLException('expected a single document in the stream, but found more');
-function safeLoadAll(input, output, options) {
- loadAll(input, output, common.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA }, options));
-function safeLoad(input, options) {
- return load(input, common.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA }, options));
-module.exports.loadAll = loadAll;
-module.exports.load = load;
-module.exports.safeLoadAll = safeLoadAll;
-module.exports.safeLoad = safeLoad;
-'use strict';
-var common = require('./common');
-function Mark(name, buffer, position, line, column) {
- this.name = name;
- this.buffer = buffer;
- this.position = position;
- this.line = line;
- this.column = column;
-Mark.prototype.getSnippet = function getSnippet(indent, maxLength) {
- var head, start, tail, end, snippet;
- if (!this.buffer) {
- return null;
- }
- indent = indent || 4;
- maxLength = maxLength || 75;
- head = '';
- start = this.position;
- while (start > 0 && -1 === '\x00\r\n\x85\u2028\u2029'.indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(start - 1))) {
- start -= 1;
- if (this.position - start > (maxLength / 2 - 1)) {
- head = ' ... ';
- start += 5;
- break;
- }
- }
- tail = '';
- end = this.position;
- while (end < this.buffer.length && -1 === '\x00\r\n\x85\u2028\u2029'.indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(end))) {
- end += 1;
- if (end - this.position > (maxLength / 2 - 1)) {
- tail = ' ... ';
- end -= 5;
- break;
- }
- }
- snippet = this.buffer.slice(start, end);
- return common.repeat(' ', indent) + head + snippet + tail + '\n' +
- common.repeat(' ', indent + this.position - start + head.length) + '^';
-Mark.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {
- var snippet, where = '';
- if (this.name) {
- where += 'in "' + this.name + '" ';
- }
- where += 'at line ' + (this.line + 1) + ', column ' + (this.column + 1);
- if (!compact) {
- snippet = this.getSnippet();
- if (snippet) {
- where += ':\n' + snippet;
- }
- }
- return where;
-module.exports = Mark;
-'use strict';
-/*eslint-disable max-len*/
-var common = require('./common');
-var YAMLException = require('./exception');
-var Type = require('./type');
-function compileList(schema, name, result) {
- var exclude = [];
- schema.include.forEach(function (includedSchema) {
- result = compileList(includedSchema, name, result);
- });
- schema[name].forEach(function (currentType) {
- result.forEach(function (previousType, previousIndex) {
- if (previousType.tag === currentType.tag) {
- exclude.push(previousIndex);
- }
- });
- result.push(currentType);
- });
- return result.filter(function (type, index) {
- return -1 === exclude.indexOf(index);
- });
-function compileMap(/* lists... */) {
- var result = {}, index, length;
- function collectType(type) {
- result[type.tag] = type;
- }
- for (index = 0, length = arguments.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- arguments[index].forEach(collectType);
- }
- return result;
-function Schema(definition) {
- this.include = definition.include || [];
- this.implicit = definition.implicit || [];
- this.explicit = definition.explicit || [];
- this.implicit.forEach(function (type) {
- if (type.loadKind && 'scalar' !== type.loadKind) {
- throw new YAMLException('There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.');
- }
- });
- this.compiledImplicit = compileList(this, 'implicit', []);
- this.compiledExplicit = compileList(this, 'explicit', []);
- this.compiledTypeMap = compileMap(this.compiledImplicit, this.compiledExplicit);
-Schema.DEFAULT = null;
-Schema.create = function createSchema() {
- var schemas, types;
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 1:
- schemas = Schema.DEFAULT;
- types = arguments[0];
- break;
- case 2:
- schemas = arguments[0];
- types = arguments[1];
- break;
- default:
- throw new YAMLException('Wrong number of arguments for Schema.create function');
- }
- schemas = common.toArray(schemas);
- types = common.toArray(types);
- if (!schemas.every(function (schema) { return schema instanceof Schema; })) {
- throw new YAMLException('Specified list of super schemas (or a single Schema object) contains a non-Schema object.');
- }
- if (!types.every(function (type) { return type instanceof Type; })) {
- throw new YAMLException('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');
- }
- return new Schema({
- include: schemas,
- explicit: types
- });
-module.exports = Schema;
-// Standard YAML's Core schema.
-// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923
-// NOTE: JS-YAML does not support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions.
-// So, Core schema has no distinctions from JSON schema is JS-YAML.
-'use strict';
-var Schema = require('../schema');
-module.exports = new Schema({
- include: [
- require('./json')
- ]
-// JS-YAML's default schema for `load` function.
-// It is not described in the YAML specification.
-// This schema is based on JS-YAML's default safe schema and includes
-// JavaScript-specific types: !!js/undefined, !!js/regexp and !!js/function.
-// Also this schema is used as default base schema at `Schema.create` function.
-'use strict';
-var Schema = require('../schema');
-module.exports = Schema.DEFAULT = new Schema({
- include: [
- require('./default_safe')
- ],
- explicit: [
- require('../type/js/undefined'),
- require('../type/js/regexp'),
- require('../type/js/function')
- ]
-// JS-YAML's default schema for `safeLoad` function.
-// It is not described in the YAML specification.
-// This schema is based on standard YAML's Core schema and includes most of
-// extra types described at YAML tag repository. (http://yaml.org/type/)
-'use strict';
-var Schema = require('../schema');
-module.exports = new Schema({
- include: [
- require('./core')
- ],
- implicit: [
- require('../type/timestamp'),
- require('../type/merge')
- ],
- explicit: [
- require('../type/binary'),
- require('../type/omap'),
- require('../type/pairs'),
- require('../type/set')
- ]
-// Standard YAML's Failsafe schema.
-// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2802346
-'use strict';
-var Schema = require('../schema');
-module.exports = new Schema({
- explicit: [
- require('../type/str'),
- require('../type/seq'),
- require('../type/map')
- ]
-// Standard YAML's JSON schema.
-// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2803231
-// NOTE: JS-YAML does not support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions.
-// So, this schema is not such strict as defined in the YAML specification.
-// It allows numbers in binary notaion, use `Null` and `NULL` as `null`, etc.
-'use strict';
-var Schema = require('../schema');
-module.exports = new Schema({
- include: [
- require('./failsafe')
- ],
- implicit: [
- require('../type/null'),
- require('../type/bool'),
- require('../type/int'),
- require('../type/float')
- ]
-'use strict';
-var YAMLException = require('./exception');
- 'kind',
- 'resolve',
- 'construct',
- 'instanceOf',
- 'predicate',
- 'represent',
- 'defaultStyle',
- 'styleAliases'
- 'scalar',
- 'sequence',
- 'mapping'
-function compileStyleAliases(map) {
- var result = {};
- if (null !== map) {
- Object.keys(map).forEach(function (style) {
- map[style].forEach(function (alias) {
- result[String(alias)] = style;
- });
- });
- }
- return result;
-function Type(tag, options) {
- options = options || {};
- Object.keys(options).forEach(function (name) {
- if (-1 === TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(name)) {
- throw new YAMLException('Unknown option "' + name + '" is met in definition of "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
- }
- });
- // TODO: Add tag format check.
- this.tag = tag;
- this.kind = options['kind'] || null;
- this.resolve = options['resolve'] || function () { return true; };
- this.construct = options['construct'] || function (data) { return data; };
- this.instanceOf = options['instanceOf'] || null;
- this.predicate = options['predicate'] || null;
- this.represent = options['represent'] || null;
- this.defaultStyle = options['defaultStyle'] || null;
- this.styleAliases = compileStyleAliases(options['styleAliases'] || null);
- if (-1 === YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind)) {
- throw new YAMLException('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
- }
-module.exports = Type;
-'use strict';
-/*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
-// A trick for browserified version.
-// Since we make browserifier to ignore `buffer` module, NodeBuffer will be undefined
-var NodeBuffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
-var Type = require('../type');
-// [ 64, 65, 66 ] -> [ padding, CR, LF ]
-var BASE64_MAP = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r';
-function resolveYamlBinary(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- var code, idx, bitlen = 0, len = 0, max = data.length, map = BASE64_MAP;
- // Convert one by one.
- for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
- code = map.indexOf(data.charAt(idx));
- // Skip CR/LF
- if (code > 64) { continue; }
- // Fail on illegal characters
- if (code < 0) { return false; }
- bitlen += 6;
- }
- // If there are any bits left, source was corrupted
- return (bitlen % 8) === 0;
-function constructYamlBinary(data) {
- var code, idx, tailbits,
- input = data.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ''), // remove CR/LF & padding to simplify scan
- max = input.length,
- map = BASE64_MAP,
- bits = 0,
- result = [];
- // Collect by 6*4 bits (3 bytes)
- for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
- if ((idx % 4 === 0) && idx) {
- result.push((bits >> 16) & 0xFF);
- result.push((bits >> 8) & 0xFF);
- result.push(bits & 0xFF);
- }
- bits = (bits << 6) | map.indexOf(input.charAt(idx));
- }
- // Dump tail
- tailbits = (max % 4) * 6;
- if (tailbits === 0) {
- result.push((bits >> 16) & 0xFF);
- result.push((bits >> 8) & 0xFF);
- result.push(bits & 0xFF);
- } else if (tailbits === 18) {
- result.push((bits >> 10) & 0xFF);
- result.push((bits >> 2) & 0xFF);
- } else if (tailbits === 12) {
- result.push((bits >> 4) & 0xFF);
- }
- // Wrap into Buffer for NodeJS and leave Array for browser
- if (NodeBuffer) {
- return new NodeBuffer(result);
- }
- return result;
-function representYamlBinary(object /*, style*/) {
- var result = '', bits = 0, idx, tail,
- max = object.length,
- map = BASE64_MAP;
- // Convert every three bytes to 4 ASCII characters.
- for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
- if ((idx % 3 === 0) && idx) {
- result += map[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];
- result += map[bits & 0x3F];
- }
- bits = (bits << 8) + object[idx];
- }
- // Dump tail
- tail = max % 3;
- if (tail === 0) {
- result += map[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];
- result += map[bits & 0x3F];
- } else if (tail === 2) {
- result += map[(bits >> 10) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 4) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits << 2) & 0x3F];
- result += map[64];
- } else if (tail === 1) {
- result += map[(bits >> 2) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits << 4) & 0x3F];
- result += map[64];
- result += map[64];
- }
- return result;
-function isBinary(object) {
- return NodeBuffer && NodeBuffer.isBuffer(object);
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:binary', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlBinary,
- construct: constructYamlBinary,
- predicate: isBinary,
- represent: representYamlBinary
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-function resolveYamlBoolean(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- var max = data.length;
- return (max === 4 && (data === 'true' || data === 'True' || data === 'TRUE')) ||
- (max === 5 && (data === 'false' || data === 'False' || data === 'FALSE'));
-function constructYamlBoolean(data) {
- return data === 'true' ||
- data === 'True' ||
- data === 'TRUE';
-function isBoolean(object) {
- return '[object Boolean]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(object);
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:bool', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlBoolean,
- construct: constructYamlBoolean,
- predicate: isBoolean,
- represent: {
- lowercase: function (object) { return object ? 'true' : 'false'; },
- uppercase: function (object) { return object ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; },
- camelcase: function (object) { return object ? 'True' : 'False'; }
- },
- defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-'use strict';
-var common = require('../common');
-var Type = require('../type');
-var YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN = new RegExp(
- '^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)\\.[0-9_]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?' +
- '|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?' +
- '|[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\\.[0-9_]*' +
- '|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)' +
- '|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$');
-function resolveYamlFloat(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- var value, sign, base, digits;
- if (!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(data)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlFloat(data) {
- var value, sign, base, digits;
- value = data.replace(/_/g, '').toLowerCase();
- sign = '-' === value[0] ? -1 : 1;
- digits = [];
- if (0 <= '+-'.indexOf(value[0])) {
- value = value.slice(1);
- }
- if ('.inf' === value) {
- return (1 === sign) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- } else if ('.nan' === value) {
- return NaN;
- } else if (0 <= value.indexOf(':')) {
- value.split(':').forEach(function (v) {
- digits.unshift(parseFloat(v, 10));
- });
- value = 0.0;
- base = 1;
- digits.forEach(function (d) {
- value += d * base;
- base *= 60;
- });
- return sign * value;
- }
- return sign * parseFloat(value, 10);
-function representYamlFloat(object, style) {
- if (isNaN(object)) {
- switch (style) {
- case 'lowercase':
- return '.nan';
- case 'uppercase':
- return '.NAN';
- case 'camelcase':
- return '.NaN';
- }
- } else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === object) {
- switch (style) {
- case 'lowercase':
- return '.inf';
- case 'uppercase':
- return '.INF';
- case 'camelcase':
- return '.Inf';
- }
- } else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === object) {
- switch (style) {
- case 'lowercase':
- return '-.inf';
- case 'uppercase':
- return '-.INF';
- case 'camelcase':
- return '-.Inf';
- }
- } else if (common.isNegativeZero(object)) {
- return '-0.0';
- }
- return object.toString(10);
-function isFloat(object) {
- return ('[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(object)) &&
- (0 !== object % 1 || common.isNegativeZero(object));
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:float', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlFloat,
- construct: constructYamlFloat,
- predicate: isFloat,
- represent: representYamlFloat,
- defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-'use strict';
-var common = require('../common');
-var Type = require('../type');
-function isHexCode(c) {
- return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) ||
- ((0x41/* A */ <= c) && (c <= 0x46/* F */)) ||
- ((0x61/* a */ <= c) && (c <= 0x66/* f */));
-function isOctCode(c) {
- return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x37/* 7 */));
-function isDecCode(c) {
- return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */));
-function resolveYamlInteger(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- var max = data.length,
- index = 0,
- hasDigits = false,
- ch;
- if (!max) { return false; }
- ch = data[index];
- // sign
- if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') {
- ch = data[++index];
- }
- if (ch === '0') {
- // 0
- if (index + 1 === max) { return true; }
- ch = data[++index];
- // base 2, base 8, base 16
- if (ch === 'b') {
- // base 2
- index++;
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') { continue; }
- if (ch !== '0' && ch !== '1') {
- return false;
- }
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- return hasDigits;
- }
- if (ch === 'x') {
- // base 16
- index++;
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') { continue; }
- if (!isHexCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) {
- return false;
- }
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- return hasDigits;
- }
- // base 8
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') { continue; }
- if (!isOctCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) {
- return false;
- }
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- return hasDigits;
- }
- // base 10 (except 0) or base 60
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') { continue; }
- if (ch === ':') { break; }
- if (!isDecCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) {
- return false;
- }
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- if (!hasDigits) { return false; }
- // if !base60 - done;
- if (ch !== ':') { return true; }
- // base60 almost not used, no needs to optimize
- return /^(:[0-5]?[0-9])+$/.test(data.slice(index));
-function constructYamlInteger(data) {
- var value = data, sign = 1, ch, base, digits = [];
- if (value.indexOf('_') !== -1) {
- value = value.replace(/_/g, '');
- }
- ch = value[0];
- if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') {
- if (ch === '-') { sign = -1; }
- value = value.slice(1);
- ch = value[0];
- }
- if ('0' === value) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (ch === '0') {
- if (value[1] === 'b') {
- return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 2);
- }
- if (value[1] === 'x') {
- return sign * parseInt(value, 16);
- }
- return sign * parseInt(value, 8);
- }
- if (value.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
- value.split(':').forEach(function (v) {
- digits.unshift(parseInt(v, 10));
- });
- value = 0;
- base = 1;
- digits.forEach(function (d) {
- value += (d * base);
- base *= 60;
- });
- return sign * value;
- }
- return sign * parseInt(value, 10);
-function isInteger(object) {
- return ('[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(object)) &&
- (0 === object % 1 && !common.isNegativeZero(object));
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:int', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlInteger,
- construct: constructYamlInteger,
- predicate: isInteger,
- represent: {
- binary: function (object) { return '0b' + object.toString(2); },
- octal: function (object) { return '0' + object.toString(8); },
- decimal: function (object) { return object.toString(10); },
- hexadecimal: function (object) { return '0x' + object.toString(16).toUpperCase(); }
- },
- defaultStyle: 'decimal',
- styleAliases: {
- binary: [ 2, 'bin' ],
- octal: [ 8, 'oct' ],
- decimal: [ 10, 'dec' ],
- hexadecimal: [ 16, 'hex' ]
- }
-'use strict';
-var esprima;
-// Browserified version does not have esprima
-// 1. For node.js just require module as deps
-// 2. For browser try to require mudule via external AMD system.
-// If not found - try to fallback to window.esprima. If not
-// found too - then fail to parse.
-try {
- esprima = require('esprima');
-} catch (_) {
- /*global window */
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { esprima = window.esprima; }
-var Type = require('../../type');
-function resolveJavascriptFunction(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- try {
- var source = '(' + data + ')',
- ast = esprima.parse(source, { range: true }),
- params = [],
- body;
- if ('Program' !== ast.type ||
- 1 !== ast.body.length ||
- 'ExpressionStatement' !== ast.body[0].type ||
- 'FunctionExpression' !== ast.body[0].expression.type) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } catch (err) {
- return false;
- }
-function constructJavascriptFunction(data) {
- /*jslint evil:true*/
- var source = '(' + data + ')',
- ast = esprima.parse(source, { range: true }),
- params = [],
- body;
- if ('Program' !== ast.type ||
- 1 !== ast.body.length ||
- 'ExpressionStatement' !== ast.body[0].type ||
- 'FunctionExpression' !== ast.body[0].expression.type) {
- throw new Error('Failed to resolve function');
- }
- ast.body[0].expression.params.forEach(function (param) {
- params.push(param.name);
- });
- body = ast.body[0].expression.body.range;
- // Esprima's ranges include the first '{' and the last '}' characters on
- // function expressions. So cut them out.
- /*eslint-disable no-new-func*/
- return new Function(params, source.slice(body[0] + 1, body[1] - 1));
-function representJavascriptFunction(object /*, style*/) {
- return object.toString();
-function isFunction(object) {
- return '[object Function]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(object);
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:js/function', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveJavascriptFunction,
- construct: constructJavascriptFunction,
- predicate: isFunction,
- represent: representJavascriptFunction
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../../type');
-function resolveJavascriptRegExp(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- if (0 === data.length) {
- return false;
- }
- var regexp = data,
- tail = /\/([gim]*)$/.exec(data),
- modifiers = '';
- // if regexp starts with '/' it can have modifiers and must be properly closed
- // `/foo/gim` - modifiers tail can be maximum 3 chars
- if ('/' === regexp[0]) {
- if (tail) {
- modifiers = tail[1];
- }
- if (modifiers.length > 3) { return false; }
- // if expression starts with /, is should be properly terminated
- if (regexp[regexp.length - modifiers.length - 1] !== '/') { return false; }
- regexp = regexp.slice(1, regexp.length - modifiers.length - 1);
- }
- try {
- var dummy = new RegExp(regexp, modifiers);
- return true;
- } catch (error) {
- return false;
- }
-function constructJavascriptRegExp(data) {
- var regexp = data,
- tail = /\/([gim]*)$/.exec(data),
- modifiers = '';
- // `/foo/gim` - tail can be maximum 4 chars
- if ('/' === regexp[0]) {
- if (tail) {
- modifiers = tail[1];
- }
- regexp = regexp.slice(1, regexp.length - modifiers.length - 1);
- }
- return new RegExp(regexp, modifiers);
-function representJavascriptRegExp(object /*, style*/) {
- var result = '/' + object.source + '/';
- if (object.global) {
- result += 'g';
- }
- if (object.multiline) {
- result += 'm';
- }
- if (object.ignoreCase) {
- result += 'i';
- }
- return result;
-function isRegExp(object) {
- return '[object RegExp]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(object);
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:js/regexp', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveJavascriptRegExp,
- construct: constructJavascriptRegExp,
- predicate: isRegExp,
- represent: representJavascriptRegExp
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../../type');
-function resolveJavascriptUndefined() {
- return true;
-function constructJavascriptUndefined() {
- /*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
- return undefined;
-function representJavascriptUndefined() {
- return '';
-function isUndefined(object) {
- return 'undefined' === typeof object;
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:js/undefined', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveJavascriptUndefined,
- construct: constructJavascriptUndefined,
- predicate: isUndefined,
- represent: representJavascriptUndefined
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:map', {
- kind: 'mapping',
- construct: function (data) { return null !== data ? data : {}; }
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-function resolveYamlMerge(data) {
- return '<<' === data || null === data;
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:merge', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlMerge
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-function resolveYamlNull(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return true;
- }
- var max = data.length;
- return (max === 1 && data === '~') ||
- (max === 4 && (data === 'null' || data === 'Null' || data === 'NULL'));
-function constructYamlNull() {
- return null;
-function isNull(object) {
- return null === object;
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:null', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlNull,
- construct: constructYamlNull,
- predicate: isNull,
- represent: {
- canonical: function () { return '~'; },
- lowercase: function () { return 'null'; },
- uppercase: function () { return 'NULL'; },
- camelcase: function () { return 'Null'; }
- },
- defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-function resolveYamlOmap(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return true;
- }
- var objectKeys = [], index, length, pair, pairKey, pairHasKey,
- object = data;
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pair = object[index];
- pairHasKey = false;
- if ('[object Object]' !== _toString.call(pair)) {
- return false;
- }
- for (pairKey in pair) {
- if (_hasOwnProperty.call(pair, pairKey)) {
- if (!pairHasKey) {
- pairHasKey = true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!pairHasKey) {
- return false;
- }
- if (-1 === objectKeys.indexOf(pairKey)) {
- objectKeys.push(pairKey);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlOmap(data) {
- return null !== data ? data : [];
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:omap', {
- kind: 'sequence',
- resolve: resolveYamlOmap,
- construct: constructYamlOmap
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-function resolveYamlPairs(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return true;
- }
- var index, length, pair, keys, result,
- object = data;
- result = new Array(object.length);
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pair = object[index];
- if ('[object Object]' !== _toString.call(pair)) {
- return false;
- }
- keys = Object.keys(pair);
- if (1 !== keys.length) {
- return false;
- }
- result[index] = [ keys[0], pair[keys[0]] ];
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlPairs(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return [];
- }
- var index, length, pair, keys, result,
- object = data;
- result = new Array(object.length);
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pair = object[index];
- keys = Object.keys(pair);
- result[index] = [ keys[0], pair[keys[0]] ];
- }
- return result;
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs', {
- kind: 'sequence',
- resolve: resolveYamlPairs,
- construct: constructYamlPairs
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:seq', {
- kind: 'sequence',
- construct: function (data) { return null !== data ? data : []; }
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-function resolveYamlSet(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return true;
- }
- var key, object = data;
- for (key in object) {
- if (_hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) {
- if (null !== object[key]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlSet(data) {
- return null !== data ? data : {};
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:set', {
- kind: 'mapping',
- resolve: resolveYamlSet,
- construct: constructYamlSet
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- construct: function (data) { return null !== data ? data : ''; }
-'use strict';
-var Type = require('../type');
- '^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
- '-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [2] month
- '-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [3] day
- '(?:(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)' + // ...
- '([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [4] hour
- ':([0-9][0-9])' + // [5] minute
- ':([0-9][0-9])' + // [6] second
- '(?:\\.([0-9]*))?' + // [7] fraction
- '(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour
- '(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?)?$'); // [11] tz_minute
-function resolveYamlTimestamp(data) {
- if (null === data) {
- return false;
- }
- var match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction = 0,
- delta = null, tz_hour, tz_minute, date;
- match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data);
- if (null === match) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlTimestamp(data) {
- var match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction = 0,
- delta = null, tz_hour, tz_minute, date;
- match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data);
- if (null === match) {
- throw new Error('Date resolve error');
- }
- // match: [1] year [2] month [3] day
- year = +(match[1]);
- month = +(match[2]) - 1; // JS month starts with 0
- day = +(match[3]);
- if (!match[4]) { // no hour
- return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));
- }
- // match: [4] hour [5] minute [6] second [7] fraction
- hour = +(match[4]);
- minute = +(match[5]);
- second = +(match[6]);
- if (match[7]) {
- fraction = match[7].slice(0, 3);
- while (fraction.length < 3) { // milli-seconds
- fraction += '0';
- }
- fraction = +fraction;
- }
- // match: [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour [11] tz_minute
- if (match[9]) {
- tz_hour = +(match[10]);
- tz_minute = +(match[11] || 0);
- delta = (tz_hour * 60 + tz_minute) * 60000; // delta in mili-seconds
- if ('-' === match[9]) {
- delta = -delta;
- }
- }
- date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction));
- if (delta) {
- date.setTime(date.getTime() - delta);
- }
- return date;
-function representYamlTimestamp(object /*, style*/) {
- return object.toISOString();
-module.exports = new Type('tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlTimestamp,
- construct: constructYamlTimestamp,
- instanceOf: Date,
- represent: representYamlTimestamp
-'use strict';
-var yaml = require('./lib/js-yaml.js');
-module.exports = yaml;
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/saveSvgAsPng.js b/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/saveSvgAsPng.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f2141c8..0000000
--- a/dcae_dmaapbc_webapp/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/ase/scripts/dependencies/saveSvgAsPng.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
- var out$ = typeof exports != 'undefined' && exports || this;
- var doctype = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">';
- function isExternal(url) {
- return url && url.lastIndexOf('http',0) == 0 && url.lastIndexOf(window.location.host) == -1;
- }
- function inlineImages(el, callback) {
- var images = el.querySelectorAll('image');
- var left = images.length;
- if (left == 0) {
- callback();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
- (function(image) {
- var href = image.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href");
- if (href) {
- if (isExternal(href.value)) {
- console.warn("Cannot render embedded images linking to external hosts: "+href.value);
- return;
- }
- }
- var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- var img = new Image();
- href = href || image.getAttribute('href');
- img.src = href;
- img.onload = function() {
- canvas.width = img.width;
- canvas.height = img.height;
- ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
- image.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", canvas.toDataURL('image/png'));
- left--;
- if (left == 0) {
- callback();
- }
- }
- img.onerror = function() {
- console.log("Could not load "+href);
- left--;
- if (left == 0) {
- callback();
- }
- }
- })(images[i]);
- }
- }
- function styles(el, selectorRemap) {
- var css = "";
- var sheets = document.styleSheets;
- for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
- if (isExternal(sheets[i].href)) {
- console.warn("Cannot include styles from other hosts: "+sheets[i].href);
- continue;
- }
- var rules = sheets[i].cssRules;
- if (rules != null) {
- for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) {
- var rule = rules[j];
- if (typeof(rule.style) != "undefined") {
- var match = null;
- try {
- match = el.querySelector(rule.selectorText);
- } catch(err) {
- console.warn('Invalid CSS selector "' + rule.selectorText + '"', err);
- }
- if (match) {
- var selector = selectorRemap ? selectorRemap(rule.selectorText) : rule.selectorText;
- css += selector + " { " + rule.style.cssText + " }\n";
- } else if(rule.cssText.match(/^@font-face/)) {
- css += rule.cssText + '\n';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return css;
- }
- out$.svgAsDataUri = function(el, options, cb) {
- options = options || {};
- options.scale = options.scale || 1;
- var xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";
- inlineImages(el, function() {
- var outer = document.createElement("div");
- var clone = el.cloneNode(true);
- var width, height;
- if(el.tagName == 'svg') {
- var box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
- width = parseInt(clone.getAttribute('width') ||
- box.width ||
- clone.style.width ||
- out$.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('width'));
- height = parseInt(clone.getAttribute('height') ||
- box.height ||
- clone.style.height ||
- out$.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('height'));
- if (width === undefined ||
- width === null ||
- isNaN(parseFloat(width))) {
- width = 0;
- }
- if (height === undefined ||
- height === null ||
- isNaN(parseFloat(height))) {
- height = 0;
- }
- } else {
- var box = el.getBBox();
- width = box.x + box.width;
- height = box.y + box.height;
- clone.setAttribute('transform', clone.getAttribute('transform').replace(/translate\(.*?\)/, ''));
- var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','svg')
- svg.appendChild(clone)
- clone = svg;
- }
- clone.setAttribute("version", "1.1");
- clone.setAttributeNS(xmlns, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
- clone.setAttributeNS(xmlns, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
- clone.setAttribute("width", width * options.scale);
- clone.setAttribute("height", height * options.scale);
- clone.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height);
- outer.appendChild(clone);
- var css = styles(el, options.selectorRemap);
- var s = document.createElement('style');
- s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
- s.innerHTML = "<![CDATA[\n" + css + "\n]]>";
- var defs = document.createElement('defs');
- defs.appendChild(s);
- clone.insertBefore(defs, clone.firstChild);
- var svg = doctype + outer.innerHTML;
- var uri = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(svg)));
- if (cb) {
- cb(uri);
- }
- });
- }
- out$.saveSvgAsPng = function(el, name, options) {
- options = options || {};
- out$.svgAsDataUri(el, options, function(uri) {
- var image = new Image();
- image.onload = function() {
- var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- canvas.width = image.width;
- canvas.height = image.height;
- var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
- var a = document.createElement('a');
- a.download = name;
- a.href = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
- a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
- });
- a.click();
- }
- image.src = uri;
- });
- }
-})(); \ No newline at end of file