BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFix zip file for cds-resource-resolutionAndreas Geissler12 hours
newdelhiMerge "Refactor code a bit to make status test able running on multiple names...Marek Szwa?kiewicz11 months
montrealMove msb k8s override values configuration on the top settings levelMichal Jagiello17 months
londonFix wrong template of kubeconfig fileLukasz Rajewski20 months
kohn[INTEGRATION] Update committers listMichal Jagiello2 years
jakarta[INTEGRATION] Add one more conditional statement during service onboardingMichal Jagiello3 years
istanbul[TEST] Fix cds-resource-resolution testMichal Jagiello3 years
guilinMerge "[TEST] Use the newest ONAP SDK version for guilin" into guilinMorgan Richomme4 years
honolulu[TEST] Check if cds blueprintsprocessor service type is 'NodePort'Michal Jagiello4 years
developAdd Lasse as Integration committermrichomme4 years
frankfurtAdd properties for new Clamp casemrichomme4 years