path: root/robotframework-onap/eteutils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'robotframework-onap/eteutils')
13 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..65ae68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import dns.message
+import dns.query
+class DNSUtils:
+ """ Utilities useful for DNS requests """
+ def dns_request(self, domain, ns):
+ """ return the ip address of the given domain name from the given nameserver """
+ request = dns.message.make_query(domain, dns.rdatatype.A);
+ request.flags |= dns.flags.AD;
+ request.find_rrset(request.additional,, 65535, dns.rdatatype.OPT, create=True, force_unique=True)
+ response = dns.query.udp(request, ns)
+ for answer in response.answer:
+ for item in answer.items:
+ return item \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..79c02b4
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+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import os.path
+import paramiko
+import logging
+from sys import stderr
+EteGatherDataListener implements the ROBOT listener API version 2 and is
+instantiated via the robot cammmand line option
+ --listener EteGatherDataListener:<jobbumber>:<key filename>
+The purpose is to gather and preserve debugging data from each of the application
+VMs when an ETE test fails.
+This listener counts the number of test
+cases that have failed and, if > 0 at then end of the robot exection (close()),
+will connect to each application vm and
+2. upload the
+2. execute
+3. Transfer the resulting zip file to the Robot reports folder
+This will enable the Jenkins job to retrieve the debug data along with the
+Robot logs and reports and archive it with the failed job for later retreival.
+Note that the depends upon the application providing
+a /opt/ on their respective VMs for the zip file
+to be created.
+class EteGatherDataListener(object):
+ "aai" : "",
+ "appc" : "",
+ "sdc" : "",
+ "dcae" : "",
+ "mso" : "",
+ "policy" : "",
+ "sdnc" : "",
+ "vid" : "",
+ "portal" : "",
+ "message_router" : "",
+ "dcae_pstg00" : "",
+ "dcae_coll00" : "",
+ "dcae_cdap00" : "",
+ "dcae_cdap01" : "",
+ "dcae_cdap02" : ""
+ }
+ keyfile = ""
+ local_gather_data_sh = ""
+ def __init__(self, job='10', keyfile='/share/config/key.pvt', shell=""):
+ self.tests_passed = 0
+ self.tests_failed = 0
+ self.output_folder = ''
+ self.job = job
+ self.folder= ''
+ self.keyfile = keyfile
+ self.local_gather_data_sh = shell
+ print "EteGatherDataListener instantiated"
+ def end_test(self, name, attrs):
+ if attrs['status'] == 'PASS':
+ self.tests_passed+=1
+ else:
+ self.tests_failed+=1
+ def output_file(self, path):
+ if (self.folder != ''):
+ return
+ self.folder = os.path.dirname(path)
+ print(self.folder)
+ def close(self):
+ print "EteGatherDataListener tests failed=" + str(self.tests_failed)
+ if (self.tests_failed > 0):
+ self.gather_debug_data()
+ def gather_debug_data(self):
+ for application in self.APPLICATIONS.keys():
+ self.gather_application_data(application, self.APPLICATIONS.get(application))
+ def gather_application_data(self, application, ip):
+ extra = {"_threadid" : 1}
+ paramiko.util.log_to_file(self.folder + "/paramiko.log", level=0)
+ log = logging.getLogger("paramiko")
+ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ try:
+ ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ ssh.connect(ip,username="root", key_filename=self.keyfile)
+ except paramiko.SSHException:
+ log.error("Connection Failed to " + ip, extra=extra)
+ return
+ try:
+ gather_data_sh = "/tmp/"
+ ftp = ssh.open_sftp()
+ ftp.put(self.local_gather_data_sh, gather_data_sh)
+ ftp.close()
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/bin/bash "+ gather_data_sh + " " + application + " " + self.job)
+ error =
+ if (error != ''):
+"stderr:" + error, extra=extra)
+ ssh.close()
+ return;
+ # No error? ASsume we have a file to download.
+ out =
+"stdout:" + out, extra=extra)
+ filename = application + "_" + self.job + ".tar.gz"
+ localzip = self.folder + "/" + filename
+ remotezip = "/tmp/gather_data/" + filename
+ ftp = ssh.open_sftp()
+ ftp.get(remotezip, localzip)
+ ftp.close()
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("rm -rf " + remotezip);
+ ssh.close()
+ except paramiko.SSHException:
+ ssh.close()
+ return
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index 0000000..15c5689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import json
+import yaml
+import StringIO
+import copy
+from hashlib import md5
+from paramiko import RSAKey
+from paramiko.ssh_exception import PasswordRequiredException
+class HEATUtils:
+ """ Utilities useful for constructing OpenStack HEAT requests """
+ def get_yaml(self, template_file):
+ """Template Yaml To Json reads a YAML Heat template file returns a JSON string that can be used included in an Openstack Add Stack Request"""
+ if isinstance(template_file, basestring):
+ fin = open(template_file, 'r')
+ yamlobj = yaml.load(fin)
+ return yamlobj
+ return None
+ def template_yaml_to_json(self, template_file):
+ """Template Yaml To Json reads a YAML Heat template file returns a JSON string that can be used included in an Openstack Add Stack Request"""
+ if isinstance(template_file, basestring):
+ fin = open(template_file, 'r')
+ yamlobj = yaml.load(fin)
+ fin.close()
+ if 'heat_template_version' in yamlobj:
+ datetime = yamlobj['heat_template_version']
+ yamlobj['heat_template_version'] = str(datetime)
+ fout = StringIO.StringIO()
+ json.dump(yamlobj, fout)
+ contents = fout.getvalue()
+ fout.close()
+ return contents
+ def env_yaml_to_json(self, template_file):
+ """Env Yaml To JSon reads a YAML Heat env file and returns a JSON string that can be used included in an Openstack Add Stack Request"""
+ if isinstance(template_file, basestring):
+ fin = open(template_file, 'r')
+ yamlobj = yaml.load(fin)
+ fin.close()
+ if 'parameters' in yamlobj:
+ fout = StringIO.StringIO()
+ json.dump(yamlobj['parameters'], fout)
+ contents = fout.getvalue()
+ fout.close()
+ return contents
+ return None
+ def stack_info_parse(self, stack_info):
+ """ returns a flattened version of the Openstack Find Stack results """
+ d = {}
+ if isinstance(stack_info, dict):
+ s = stack_info['stack']
+ p = s['parameters']
+ d = copy.deepcopy(p)
+ d['id'] = s['id']
+ d['name'] = s['stack_name']
+ d['stack_status'] = s['stack_status']
+ return d
+ def match_fingerprint(self, pvt_file, pw, fingerprint):
+ try:
+ sshKey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pvt_file, pw)
+ keybytes = md5(sshKey.asbytes()).hexdigest()
+ printableFingerprint = ':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(keybytes[::2], keybytes[1::2]))
+ return printableFingerprint == fingerprint.__str__()
+ except PasswordRequiredException:
+ return False
+ def match_private_key_file_to_keypair(self, files, keypair):
+ for keyfile in files:
+ if (self.match_fingerprint(keyfile, None, keypair['keypair']['fingerprint'])):
+ return keyfile
+ return None
+ def get_openstack_server_ip(self, server, network_name="public", ipversion=4):
+ ipaddr = None
+ try:
+ versions = server['addresses'][network_name]
+ for version in versions:
+ if version['version'] == ipversion:
+ ipaddr = version['addr']
+ break;
+ except ValueError:
+ return ipaddr
+ return ipaddr \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..9324af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import urllib
+import urllib3
+import urlparse
+class HTTPUtils:
+ """HTTPUtils is common resource for simple http helper keywords."""
+ def url_encode_string(self, barestring):
+ """URL Encode String takes in a string and converts into 'percent-encoded' string"""
+ return urllib.quote_plus(barestring)
+ def disable_warnings(self):
+ """ Disable the cert warnings when creating sessions for A&AI API Calls """
+ urllib3.disable_warnings()
+ def url_parse(self, url):
+ """ Get pieces of the URL """
+ return urlparse.urlparse(url) \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..de5da6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import json
+from deepdiff import DeepDiff
+class JSONUtils:
+ """JSONUtils is common resource for simple json helper keywords."""
+ def json_equals(self, left, right):
+ """JSON Equals takes in two strings or json objects, converts them into json if needed and then compares them, returning if they are equal or not."""
+ if isinstance(left, basestring):
+ left_json = json.loads(left);
+ else:
+ left_json = left;
+ if isinstance(right, basestring):
+ right_json = json.loads(right);
+ else:
+ right_json = right;
+ ddiff = DeepDiff(left_json, right_json, ignore_order=True);
+ if ddiff == {}:
+ return True;
+ else:
+ return False;
+ def make_list_into_dict(self, listOfDicts, key):
+ """ Converts a list of dicts that contains a field that has a unique key into a dict of dicts """
+ d = {}
+ if isinstance(listOfDicts, list):
+ for thisDict in listOfDicts:
+ v = thisDict[key]
+ d[v] = thisDict
+ return d
+ def find_element_in_array(self, searchedArray, key, value):
+ """ Takes in an array and a key value, it will return the items in the array that has a key and value that matches what you pass in """
+ elements = [];
+ for item in searchedArray:
+ if key in item:
+ if item[key] == value:
+ elements.append(item);
+ return elements; \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..78968f0
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+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from sys import platform
+class OSUtils:
+ """ Utilities useful for constructing OpenStack HEAT requests """
+ def get_normalized_os(self):
+ os = platform
+ if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
+ os = 'linux64'
+ elif platform == "darwin":
+ os = 'mac64'
+ elif platform == "win32":
+ os = platform
+ return os
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index 0000000..adb12db
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+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+import robot.utils
+import json
+class OpenstackLibrary:
+ """OpenstackLibrary manages the connection state and service catalog of an openstack instance."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._cache = robot.utils.ConnectionCache('No connections created')
+ self.builtin = BuiltIn()
+ def save_openstack_auth(self, alias, response,token, version='v2.0'):
+ """Save Openstack Auth takes in an openstack auth response and saves it to allow easy retrival of token and service catalog"""
+ self.builtin.log('Creating connection: %s' % alias, 'DEBUG')
+ jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
+ jsonResponse['auth_token'] = token
+ jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] = version
+ self._cache.register(jsonResponse, alias=alias)
+ def get_openstack_token(self, alias):
+ """Get Openstack auth token from the current alias"""
+ response = self._cache.switch(alias)
+ if isinstance(response, basestring):
+ jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
+ else:
+ jsonResponse = response;
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
+ return jsonResponse['access']['token']['id']
+ else:
+ return jsonResponse['auth_token']
+ def get_openstack_catalog(self, alias):
+ """Get Openstack service catalog from the current alias"""
+ response = self._cache.switch(alias)
+ if isinstance(response, basestring):
+ jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
+ else:
+ jsonResponse = response;
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
+ return jsonResponse['access']['serviceCatalog']
+ else:
+ return jsonResponse['token']['catalog']
+ def get_current_openstack_tenant(self, alias):
+ """Get Openstack tenant from the current alias"""
+ response = self._cache.switch(alias)
+ if isinstance(response, basestring):
+ jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
+ else:
+ jsonResponse = response;
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
+ return jsonResponse['access']['token']['tenant']
+ else:
+ return jsonResponse['token']['project']
+ def get_current_openstack_tenant_id(self, alias):
+ """Get Openstack tenant id from the current alias"""
+ tenant = self.get_current_openstack_tenant(alias);
+ return tenant['id']
+ def get_openstack_regions(self, alias):
+ """Get all Openstack regions from the current alias"""
+ response = self._cache.switch(alias)
+ if isinstance(response, basestring):
+ jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
+ else:
+ jsonResponse = response;
+ regions = [];
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
+ resp = jsonResponse['access']['serviceCatalog']
+ else:
+ resp = jsonResponse['token']['catalog']
+ for catalogEntry in resp:
+ listOfEndpoints = catalogEntry['endpoints'];
+ for endpoint in listOfEndpoints:
+ if 'region'in endpoint:
+ if endpoint['region'] not in regions:
+ regions.append(endpoint['region'])
+ return regions;
+ def get_openstack_service_url(self, alias, servicetype, region = None, tenant_id = None):
+ """Get Openstack service catalog from the current alias"""
+ response = self._cache.switch(alias)
+ if isinstance(response, basestring):
+ jsonResponse = json.loads(response);
+ else:
+ jsonResponse = response;
+ endPoint = None;
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
+ resp = jsonResponse['access']['serviceCatalog']
+ else:
+ resp = jsonResponse['token']['catalog']
+ for catalogEntry in resp:
+ if self.__determine_match(catalogEntry['type'], servicetype):
+ listOfEndpoints = catalogEntry['endpoints'];
+ # filter out non matching regions if provided
+ listOfEndpoints[:] = [x for x in listOfEndpoints if self.__determine_match(x['region'], region)];
+ # filter out non matching tenants if provided
+ # Only provide tenant id when authorizing without qualifying with tenant id
+ # WindRiver does not return the tenantId on the endpoint in this case.
+ if tenant_id is not None:
+ listOfEndpoints[:] = [y for y in listOfEndpoints if self.__determine_match(y['tenantId'], tenant_id)];
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v3':
+ listOfEndpoints[:] = [z for z in listOfEndpoints if self.__determine_match(z['interface'], 'public')];
+ if len(listOfEndpoints) > 0:
+ if jsonResponse['keystone_api_version'] == 'v2.0':
+ endPoint = listOfEndpoints[0]['publicURL'];
+ else:
+ endPoint = listOfEndpoints[0]['url'];
+ if endPoint == None:
+ self.builtin.should_not_be_empty("", "Service Endpoint Url should not be empty")
+ return endPoint;
+ def __determine_match(self, listItem, item):
+ if item is None:
+ return True;
+ elif listItem == item:
+ return True;
+ else:
+ return False; \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..e1fd66f
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+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class RequestsClientCert:
+ """RequestsClientCert allows adding a client cert to the Requests Robot Library."""
+ def add_client_cert(self, session, cert):
+ """Add Client Cert takes in a requests session object and a string path to the cert"""
+ session.cert = cert \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..43d107e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import json
+from string import Template
+class StringTemplater:
+ """StringTemplater is common resource for templating with strings."""
+ def template_string(self, template, values):
+ """Template String takes in a string and its values and converts it using the string.Template class"""
+ return Template(template).substitute(values) \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..0f579e7
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
+class TemplatingEngine:
+ """TemplateImporter is common resource for templating with strings."""
+ jinja_env = None
+ def __init__(self, templates_folder):
+ self.jinja_env = Environment(
+ loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_folder),
+ autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml'])
+ )
+ def apply_template(self, template_location, values):
+ """returns a string that is the jinja template in template_location filled in via the dictionary in values """
+ print
+ template = self.jinja_env.get_template(template_location)
+ return template.render(values) \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..35c26a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robotframework-onap/eteutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import uuid
+import time
+import datetime
+class UUID:
+ """UUID is a simple library that generates a uuid"""
+ def generate_UUID(self):
+ """generate a uuid"""
+ return uuid.uuid4()
+ def generate_MilliTimestamp_UUID(self):
+ """generate a millisecond timestamp uuid"""
+ then =
+ return int(time.mktime(then.timetuple())*1e3 + then.microsecond/1e3) \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..b38b4a5
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import csv
+class csvLibrary(object):
+ def read_csv_file(self, filename):
+ '''This creates a keyword named "Read CSV File"
+ This keyword takes one argument, which is a path to a .csv file. It
+ returns a list of rows, with each row being a list of the data in
+ each column.
+ '''
+ data = []
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
+ reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
+ for row in reader:
+ data.append(row)
+ return data