path: root/robot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'robot')
7 files changed, 175 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/robot/resources/aai/aai_interface.robot b/robot/resources/aai/aai_interface.robot
index 11979f0b..49f98f0c 100644
--- a/robot/resources/aai/aai_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/aai/aai_interface.robot
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation The main interface for interacting with A&AI. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and A&AI required fields
Library RequestsLibrary
-Library UUID
+Library UUID
+Library HTTPUtils
Resource ../global_properties.robot
*** Variables ***
@@ -11,12 +12,13 @@ ${VERSIONED_INDEX_PATH} /aai/v8
*** Keywords ***
Run A&AI Health Check
[Documentation] Runs an A&AI health check
- ${resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${AAI_HEALTH_PATH}
+ ${resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${AAI_HEALTH_PATH}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Run A&AI Get Request
[Documentation] Runs an A&AI get request
[Arguments] ${data_path}
+ Disable Warnings
${session}= Create Session aai ${GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_URL} auth=${auth}
${uuid}= Generate UUID
@@ -24,10 +26,11 @@ Run A&AI Get Request
${resp}= Get Request aai ${data_path} headers=${headers}
Log Received response from aai ${resp.text}
[Return] ${resp}
Run A&AI Put Request
[Documentation] Runs an A&AI put request
[Arguments] ${data_path} ${data}
+ Disable Warnings
${session}= Create Session aai ${GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_URL} auth=${auth}
${uuid}= Generate UUID
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@ Run A&AI Put Request
Run A&AI Post Request
[Documentation] Runs an A&AI Post request
[Arguments] ${data_path} ${data}
+ Disable Warnings
${session}= Create Session aai ${GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_URL} auth=${auth}
${uuid}= Generate UUID
@@ -46,10 +50,11 @@ Run A&AI Post Request
${resp}= Post Request aai ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log Received response from aai ${resp.text}
[Return] ${resp}
Run A&AI Delete Request
[Documentation] Runs an A&AI delete request
[Arguments] ${data_path} ${resource_version}
+ Disable Warnings
${session}= Create Session aai ${GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_URL} auth=${auth}
${uuid}= Generate UUID
@@ -59,15 +64,14 @@ Run A&AI Delete Request
[Return] ${resp}
Delete A&AI Entity
- [Documentation] Deletes an entity in A&AI
+ [Documentation] Deletes an entity in A&AI
[Arguments] ${uri}
- ${get_resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${VERSIONED_INDEX PATH}${uri}
+ ${get_resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${VERSIONED_INDEX PATH}${uri}
Run Keyword If '${get_resp.status_code}' == '200' Delete A&AI Entity Exists ${uri} ${get_resp.json()['resource-version']}
Delete A&AI Entity Exists
[Documentation] Deletes an A&AI entity
- [Arguments] ${uri} ${resource_version_id}
+ [Arguments] ${uri} ${resource_version_id}
${put_resp}= Run A&AI Delete Request ${VERSIONED_INDEX PATH}${uri} ${resource_version_id}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${put_resp.status_code} 204
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${put_resp.status_code} 204
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot/resources/dcae_interface.robot b/robot/resources/dcae_interface.robot
index 1c1ba44a..e023a7e6 100644
--- a/robot/resources/dcae_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/dcae_interface.robot
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation The main interface for interacting with DCAE. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and DCAE required fields
Library RequestsLibrary
-Library UUID
+Library UUID
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
Resource global_properties.robot
@@ -18,40 +18,40 @@ Run DCAE Health Check
${session}= Create Session dcae ${GLOBAL_DCAE_SERVER} auth=${auth}
${uuid}= Generate UUID
${data}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${DCAE_HEALTH_CHECK_BODY}
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary action=getTable Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ECOMP-Client-Version=ONAP-R2 action=getTable Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
${resp}= Put Request dcae ${DCAE_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log Received response from dcae ${resp.json()}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Check DCAE Results ${resp.json()}
Check DCAE Results
[Documentation] Parse DCAE JSON response and make sure all rows have healthTestStatus=GREEN
[Arguments] ${json}
@{rows}= Get From Dictionary ${json['returns']} rows
@{headers}= Get From Dictionary ${json['returns']} columns
# Retrieve column names from headers
${columns}= Create List
:for ${header} in @{headers}
- \ ${colName}= Get From Dictionary ${header} colName
+ \ ${colName}= Get From Dictionary ${header} colName
\ Append To List ${columns} ${colName}
- # Process each row making sure status=GREEN
+ # Process each row making sure status=GREEN
:for ${row} in @{rows}
\ ${cells}= Get From Dictionary ${row} cells
- \ ${dict}= Make A Dictionary ${cells} ${columns}
+ \ ${dict}= Make A Dictionary ${cells} ${columns}
\ Dictionary Should Contain Item ${dict} healthTestStatus GREEN
Make A Dictionary
[Documentation] Given a list of column names and a list of dictionaries, map columname=value
[Arguments] ${columns} ${names} ${valuename}=value
${dict}= Create Dictionary
- ${collength}= Get Length ${columns}
- ${namelength}= Get Length ${names}
+ ${collength}= Get Length ${columns}
+ ${namelength}= Get Length ${names}
:for ${index} in range 0 ${collength}
\ ${name}= Evaluate ${names}[${index}]
\ ${valued}= Evaluate ${columns}[${index}]
\ ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${valued} ${valueName}
- \ Set To Dictionary ${dict} ${name} ${value}
- [Return] ${dict} \ No newline at end of file
+ \ Set To Dictionary ${dict} ${name} ${value}
+ [Return] ${dict} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot/resources/demo_preload.robot b/robot/resources/demo_preload.robot
index 02e4ce69..00671baa 100644
--- a/robot/resources/demo_preload.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/demo_preload.robot
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
Library ExtendedSelenium2Library
+Library RequestsLibrary
*** Variables ***
@@ -22,20 +23,27 @@ ${FILE_CACHE} /share/
Load Customer And Models
[Documentation] Use openECOMP to Orchestrate a service.
[Arguments] ${customer_name}
+ Load Customer ${customer_name}
+ Load Models ${customer_name}
+Load Customer
+ [Documentation] Use openECOMP to Orchestrate a service.
+ [Arguments] ${customer_name}
Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
Set Test Variable ${CUSTOMER_NAME} ${customer_name}
- ${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vFW demoVFW
- ${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vLB demoVLB
- ## MSO polling is 60 second intervals
- Sleep 60s
${region}= Get Openstack Region
+Load Models
+ [Documentation] Use openECOMP to Orchestrate a service.
+ [Arguments] ${customer_name}
+ Set Test Variable ${CUSTOMER_NAME} ${customer_name}
+ ${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vFW demoVFW
+ ${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vLB demoVLB
Distribute Model
[Arguments] ${service} ${modelName}
${service_model_type} ${vnf_type} ${vf_modules}= Model Distribution For Directory ${service} ${modelName}
- ${jsonString}= Evaluate json.dumps(${vf_modules}) json
- OperatingSystem.Create File ${FILE_CACHE}${service}${VF_MODULES_NAME} ${jsonString}
Create Customer For VNF Demo
[Documentation] Create demo customer for the demo
@@ -44,32 +52,38 @@ Create Customer For VNF Demo
${arguments}= Create Dictionary subscriber_name=${customer_name} global_customer_id=${customer_id} subscriber_type=${customer_type} cloud_owner=${clouder_owner} cloud_region_id=${cloud_region_id} tenant_id=${tenant_id}
Set To Dictionary ${arguments} service1=vFW service2=vLB
${data}= Fill JSON Template ${data_template} ${arguments}
- ${put_resp}= Run A&AI Put Request ${INDEX PATH}${ROOT_CUSTOMER_PATH}${customer_id} ${data}
+ ${put_resp}= Run A&AI Put Request ${INDEX PATH}${ROOT_CUSTOMER_PATH}${customer_id} ${data}
${status_string}= Convert To String ${put_resp.status_code}
Should Match Regexp ${status_string} ^(201|412)$
Create Service If Not Exists vFW
Create Service If Not Exists vLB
-Preload Demo
+Preload User Model
+ [Documentation] Preload the demo data for the passed VNF with the passed module name
[Arguments] ${vnf_name} ${vf_module_name}
- ${vf_modules}= Create List
+ # Go to A&AI and get information about the VNF we need to preload
${status} ${generic_vnf}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get Service Instance ${vnf_name}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' FAIL VNF Name: ${vnf_name} is not found.
${vnf_type}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['vnf-type']}
${relationships}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['relationship-list']['relationship']}
${relationship_data}= Get Relationship Data ${relationships}
+ ${customer_id}= Catenate
:for ${r} in @{relationship_data}
\ ${service}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-subscription.service-type' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service}
\ ${service_instance_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-instance.service-instance-id' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service_instance_id}
- ${data}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${FILE_CACHE}${service}${VF_MODULES_NAME}
- ${vf_modules}= Evaluate json.loads('''${data}''') json
+ \ ${customer_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'customer.global-customer-id' ${r['relationship-value']} ${customer_id}
+ ${invariantUUID}= Get Persona Model Id ${service_instance_id} ${service} ${customer_id}
+ # We still need the vf module names. We can get them from VID using the persona_model_id (invariantUUID) from A&AI
+ Setup Browser
+ Login To VID GUI
+ ${vf_modules}= Get Module Names from VID ${invariantUUID}
Log ${generic_vnf}
Log ${service_instance_id},${vnf_name},${vnf_type},${vf_module_name},${vf_modules},${service}
- Setup Browser
Preload Vnf ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_modules} ${service} demo
[Teardown] Close All Browsers
Get Relationship Data
[Arguments] ${relationships}
:for ${r} in @{relationships}
@@ -83,6 +97,58 @@ Get Service Instance
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
[Return] ${resp.json()}
+Get Persona Model Id
+ [Documentation] Query and Validates A&AI Service Instance
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${service_type} ${customer_id}
+ ${resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX PATH}${CUSTOMER SPEC PATH}${customer_id}${SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS}${service_type}${SERVICE INSTANCE}${service_instance_id}
+ ${persona_model_id}= Get From DIctionary ${resp.json()['service-instance'][0]} persona-model-id
+ [Return] ${persona_model_id}
+Get Model UUID from VID
+ [Documentation] Must use UI since rest call get redirect to portal and get DNS error
+ ... Search all services and match on the invariantUUID
+ [Arguments] ${invariantUUID}
+ Go To ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/rest/models/services
+ ${resp}= Get Text xpath=//body/pre
+ ${json}= To Json ${resp}
+ :for ${dict} in @{json}
+ \ ${uuid}= Get From DIctionary ${dict} uuid
+ \ ${inv}= Get From DIctionary ${dict} invariantUUID
+ \ Return From Keyword If "${invariantUUID}" == "${inv}" ${uuid}
+ [Return] ""
+Get Module Names from VID
+ [Documentation] Must use UI since rest call get redirect to portal and get DNS error
+ ... Given the invariantUUID of the model, mock up the vf_modules list passed to Preload VNF
+ [Arguments] ${invariantUUID}
+ ${id}= Get Model UUID from VID ${invariantUUID}
+ Go To ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/rest/models/services/${id}
+ ${resp}= Get Text xpath=//body/pre
+ ${json}= To Json ${resp}
+ ${modules}= Create List
+ ${vnfs}= Get From Dictionary ${json} vnfs
+ ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${vnfs}
+ :for ${key} in @{keys}
+ \ Add VFModule ${vnfs['${key}']} ${modules}
+ [Return] ${modules}
+Add VFModule
+ [Documentation] Dig the vf module names from the VID service model
+ [Arguments] ${vnf} ${modules}
+ ${vfModules}= Get From Dictionary ${vnf} vfModules
+ ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${vfModules}
+ :for ${key} in @{keys}
+ \ ${module}= Get From Dictionary ${vfModules} ${key}
+ \ ${dict}= Create Dictionary name=${module['name']}
+ \ Append to List ${modules} ${dict}
APPC Mount Point
[Arguments] ${vf_module_name}
Run Openstack Auth Request auth
@@ -94,3 +160,43 @@ APPC Mount Point
${vpg_public_ip}= Get Server Ip ${server_list} ${stack_info} vpg_name_0 network_name=public
${vpg_oam_ip}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} vpg_private_ip_1
${appc}= Create Mount Point In APPC ${vpg_name_0} ${vpg_oam_ip}
+Instantiate VNF
+ [Arguments] ${service}
+ Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
+ ${vf_module_name} ${service}= Orchestrate VNF DemoCust ${service} ${service} ${TENANT_NAME}
+ Save For Delete
+ Log to Console Customer Name=${CUSTOMER_NAME}
+ Log to Console VNF Module Name=${vf_module_name}
+Save For Delete
+ [Documentation] Create a variable file to be loaded for save for delete
+ ${dict}= Create Dictionary
+ Set To Dictionary ${dict} TENANT_NAME=${TENANT_NAME}
+ Set To Dictionary ${dict} TENANT_ID=${TENANT_ID}
+ Set To Dictionary ${dict} CUSTOMER_NAME=${CUSTOMER_NAME}
+ Set To Dictionary ${dict} STACK_NAME=${STACK_NAME}
+ Set To Dictionary ${dict} SERVICE=${SERVICE}
+ Set To Dictionary ${dict} VVG_SERVER_ID=${VVG_SERVER_ID}
+ ${vars}= Catenate
+ ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${dict}
+ :for ${key} in @{keys}
+ \ ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${dict} ${key}
+ \ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}${key} = "${value}"\n
+ ${comma}= Catenate
+ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}CATALOG_RESOURCE_IDS = [
+ :for ${id} in @{CATALOG_RESOURCE_IDS}
+ \ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}${comma} "${id}"
+ \ ${comma}= Catenate ,
+ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}]\n
+ OperatingSystem.Create File ${FILE_CACHE}/${STACK_NAME}.py ${vars}
diff --git a/robot/resources/openstack/keystone_interface.robot b/robot/resources/openstack/keystone_interface.robot
index 63f72451..6bf1d1e7 100644
--- a/robot/resources/openstack/keystone_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/openstack/keystone_interface.robot
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Run Openstack Auth Request
${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
Log Sending authenticate post request ${data_path} with headers ${headers} and data ${data}
${resp}= Post Request keystone ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers}
+ Should Be True 200 <= ${resp.status_code} < 300
Save Openstack Auth ${alias} ${resp.text}
Log Received response from keystone ${resp.text}
diff --git a/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot b/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
index 9138c94b..ed847c21 100644
--- a/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
@@ -165,8 +165,4 @@ Teardown Stack
Clean A&AI Inventory
[Documentation] Clean up Tenant in A&AI, Create Customer, Create Service and related relationships
- :FOR ${region} IN @{REGIONS}
- \ Delete Tenant ${TENANT_ID} ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} ${region}
- \ Delete Cloud Region ${TENANT_ID} ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} ${region}
Delete Customer ${CUSTOMER_NAME}
- Delete Service If Exists ${SERVICE}
diff --git a/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot b/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot
index 1a450711..cb625d47 100644
--- a/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Resource ../browser_setup.robot
*** Variables ***
${VID_ENV} /vid
${VID_LOGIN_URL} ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/login_external.htm
+${VID_HEALTHCHECK_PATH} ${VID_ENV}/api/v2/users
*** Keywords ***
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/demo.robot b/robot/testsuites/demo.robot
index 5c8f415b..74a78d45 100644
--- a/robot/testsuites/demo.robot
+++ b/robot/testsuites/demo.robot
@@ -1,25 +1,44 @@
*** Settings ***
Documentation Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases including setup and teardown
+Library Collections
Resource ../resources/demo_preload.robot
*** Variables ***
${MODULE_NAME} DemoModuleName
-*** Test Cases ***
+*** Test Cases ***
Initialize Customer And Models
- [Tags] InitDemo
- Load Customer And Models Demonstration
+ [Tags] InitDemo
+ Load Customer And Models Demonstration
+Initialize Customer
+ [Tags] InitCustomer
+ Load Customer Demonstration
+Initialize Models
+ [Tags] InitDistribution
+ Load Models Demonstration
Preload VNF
- [Tags] PreloadDemo
- Preload Demo ${VNF_NAME} ${MODULE_NAME}
+ [Tags] PreloadDemo
+ Preload User Model ${VNF_NAME} ${MODULE_NAME}
Create APPC Mount Point
- [Tags] APPCMountPointDemo
- APPC Mount Point ${MODULE_NAME}
+ [Tags] APPCMountPointDemo
+ APPC Mount Point ${MODULE_NAME}
+Instantiate VFW
+ [Tags] instantiateVFW
+ Instantiate VNF vFW
+Delete Instantiated VNF
+ [Documentation] This test assumes all necessary variables are loaded via the variable file create in Save For Delete
+ ... The Teardown VNF needs to be in the teardown step of the test case...
+ [Tags] deleteVNF
+ Setup Browser
+ Login To VID GUI
+ Delete VNF
+ [Teardown] Teardown VNF