path: root/robot/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'robot/resources')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/robot/resources/dcaemod_interface.robot b/robot/resources/dcaemod_interface.robot
index d018af4f..04aa6ae1 100644
--- a/robot/resources/dcaemod_interface.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/dcaemod_interface.robot
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Get Pod Yaml
Get Content Of Mounted Folder Inside Container
[Arguments] ${compSpecName} ${volumeMountPath}
- ${mountedFolderContent} = Run And Return Rc And Output kubectl -n onap exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${compSpecName} | awk '{print $1}') -- ls ${volumeMountPath}
+ ${mountedFolderContent} = Run And Return Rc And Output kubectl -n onap exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${compSpecName} | awk '{print $1}') -c ${compSpecName} -- ls ${volumeMountPath}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${mountedFolderContent[0]} 0
${mountedFolderContent} = Set Variable ${mountedFolderContent[1]}
@@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ Verify If Mounted Folder Is Empty
Verify If Mounted Folder Contains File
[Arguments] ${compSpecName} ${fileName} ${configMapDir}
- ${dirContent} = Run And Return Rc And Output kubectl -n onap exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${compSpecName} | awk '{print $1}') -- ls ${configMapDir}
+ ${dirContent} = Run And Return Rc And Output kubectl -n onap exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${compSpecName} | awk '{print $1}') -c ${compSpecName} -- ls ${configMapDir}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${dirContent[0]} 0
Should Contain ${dirContent[1]} ${fileName}
Verify File Content
[Arguments] ${compSpecName} ${configMapFilePath} ${content}
- ${fileContent} = Run And Return Rc And Output kubectl -n onap exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${compSpecName} | awk '{print $1}') -- cat ${configMapFilePath}
+ ${fileContent} = Run And Return Rc And Output kubectl -n onap exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep ${compSpecName} | awk '{print $1}') -c ${compSpecName} -- cat ${configMapFilePath}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${fileContent[0]} 0
Should Contain ${fileContent[1]} ${content}