path: root/robot/resources/usecases/5gbulkpm_interface.robot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'robot/resources/usecases/5gbulkpm_interface.robot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/robot/resources/usecases/5gbulkpm_interface.robot b/robot/resources/usecases/5gbulkpm_interface.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d73065..00000000
--- a/robot/resources/usecases/5gbulkpm_interface.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation The main interface for interacting with 5G Bulkpm.
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library String
-Library JSONLibrary
-Resource ../dcae/deployment.robot
-Resource ../dcae/inventory.robot
-Resource ../mr_interface.robot
-Resource ../dr_interface.robot
-Resource ../consul_interface.robot
-*** Variables ***
-${MR_PUBLISH_TEMPLATE} mr/mr_publish.jinja
-${INVENTORY_ENDPOINT} /dcae-service-types
-${XNF_SFTP_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/k8s-sftp.yaml
-${XNF_HTTPS_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/k8s-https.yaml
-${BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/blueprintTemplate.json
-${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT} dcae-deployments
-${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH} /internal/prov
-${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/
-${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} /webapi/mr_clients
-${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLUSTER_PATH} /webapi/mr_clusters
-${JSON_DATA_FILE} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/Notification.json
-${VES_LISTENER_PATH} /eventListener/v7
-${PMMAPPER_SUB_ROLE_DATA} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/sub.json
-${PMMAPPER_MR_CLUSTER_DATA} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/mr_clusters.json
-${SET_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH} kubectl set env deployment/$(kubectl get deployment -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH=/home/datafile/.ssh/known_hosts -n onap
-${CHECK_ENV_SET} kubectl set env pod/$(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') --list -n onap
-${GET_RSA_KEY} kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep sftpserver | awk '{print $1}') -n onap -- ssh-keyscan -t rsa sftpserver > /tmp/known_hosts
-${COPY_RSA_KEY} kubectl cp /tmp/known_hosts $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}'):/home/datafile/.ssh/known_hosts -n onap
-${CHECK_DFC_LOGS} kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') -n onap --tail=4
-${EXPECTED_PRINT} StrictHostKeyChecking is enabled but environment variable KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH is not set or points to not existing file
-${MONGO_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-mongo.yaml
-${PNF_SIMULATOR_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-pnf-simulator.yaml
-${MONGO_VES_CLIENT_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-mongo-ves-client.yaml
-${VES_CLIENT_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/cmpv2/k8s-ves-client.yaml
-${VES_INPUTS} deployment/VesTlsCmpv2Inputs.jinja
-${pm_notification_event} dfc/notification.jinja
-${consul_change_event} dfc/consul.jinja
-${ves_client_single_event}= ves/pnf_simulator_single_event.jinja
-*** Keywords ***
-Check Next Event From Topic
- [Documentation]
- ... This keyword checks if on MR topic there is no existing messageses.
- ... If there is no more messageses then it reports success and finish "Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 1 s Check Next Event From Topic" step from "xNF PM File Validate" keyword
- ... In other case it triggers "Get Next Event From Topic".
- ... NOTE: Keyword "Get Next Event From Topic" will always fails in order to not finsh "Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 1 s Check Next Event From Topic" step from "xNF PM File Validate" keyword
- Run keyword If ${resp.text} == @{EMPTY} Log Event is empty! There is no more events on topic!
- ... ELSE Get Next Event From Topic ${resp}
-Get Next Event From Topic
- [Documentation]
- ... This keyword adds new events from MR topic to list ${all_event_json_list} in a recursive way and sets ${all_event_json_list} as a suite variable in order to be able to add new items/evnts in a next iteration
- ... NOTE: Keyword "Get Next Event From Topic" will always fails in order to not finish "Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 1 s Check Next Event From Topic" step from "xNF PM File Validate" keyword
- [Arguments] ${resp}
- ${resp_list}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- Log ${resp_list}
- ${combained_list}= Combine Lists ${all_event_json_list} ${resp_list}
- ${all_event_json_list}= Set Variable ${combained_list}
- Set Suite Variable ${all_event_json_list}
- Fail
-xNF PM File Validate
- [Documentation]
- ... This keyword gathers all events from message router topic and validates if in recived data is present an expected string: "${expected_pm_str}" .
- ... Only in custom mode it saves a response as a json file "${PM_FILE}-${timestamp}.json" located in "${expected_event_json_path}"
- [Arguments] ${bulk_pm_mode} ${expected_pm_str} ${expected_event_json_path}
- Run Keyword If '${bulk_pm_mode}' == 'custom' Set Log Level ${PM_LOG_LEVEL}
- ${timestamp}= Get Time epoch
- Run keyword If ${resp.text} == @{EMPTY} Fail msg=Event is empty!
- ${all_event_json_list}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- Set Suite Variable ${all_event_json_list}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec Check Next Event From Topic
- ${all_event_json_string}= Convert To String ${all_event_json_list}
- Should Contain ${all_event_json_string} ${expected_pm_str}
- Run Keyword If '${bulk_pm_mode}' == 'custom' Print Evnets From Topic to JSON file ${expected_event_json_path} ${all_event_json_string}
- Run Keyword If '${bulk_pm_mode}' == 'custom' Set Log Level TRACE
-Print Evnets From Topic to JSON file
- [Arguments] ${expected_event_json_path} ${all_event_json_string}
- ${str}= Replace String ${all_event_json_string} '{ {
- ${str2}= Replace String ${str} }' }
- ${all_event_json_string}= Replace String ${str2} u{ {
- ${json}= To Json ${all_event_json_string} pretty_print=True
- ${timestamp}= Get Time epoch
- Create File ${expected_event_json_path}/${PM_FILE}-${timestamp}.json ${json}
-Topic Validate
- [Arguments] ${value}
- ${timestamp}= Get Current Date
- ${dict}= Create Dictionary timestamp=${timestamp}
- Templating.Create Environment mr ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
- ${data}= Templating.Apply Template mr ${MR_PUBLISH_TEMPLATE} ${dict}
- ${resp}= Run MR Auth Post Request (User And Pass) ${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH_FOR_POST} ${GLOBAL_DCAE_USERNAME} ${GLOBAL_DCAE_PASSWORD} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- Should Contain ${resp.text} ${value}
-Send File Ready Event to VES Collector and Deploy all DCAE Applications
- [Arguments] ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version}
- Disable Warnings
- Send File Ready Event to VES Collector ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version}
- Setting Global Variables
- Log To Console Deploying Data File Collector
- Deploying Data File Collector
- Log To Console Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
- Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
- Log To Console Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
- Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
- Checking PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic In Message Router
- DR Bulk PM Feed Check
- DR PM Mapper Subscriber Check
- Log To Console Deploying VES collector with CMPv2 for bulkpm over https
- Deploying VES collector with CMPv2 for bulkpm over https
- Log To Console Deploying HTTPS server with correct CMPv2 certificates
- Deploying HTTPS server with correct certificates
- Log To Console Deploying HTTPS server with wrong CMPv2 certificates - wrong SAN-s
- Deploying HTTPS server with wrong certificates - wrong SAN-s
- Log To Console Deploying VES Client with CMPv2 certificates
- Deploying VES Client with correct certificates
- Log To Console Checking status of deployed applictions
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 20 sec Checking Status Of Deployed Applictions
-Usecase Teardown
- Disable Warnings
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check datafile
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check pmmapper
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check sftpserver
- Delete Blueprint From Inventory ${serviceTypeId-Sftp}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check https-server-dep
- Delete Blueprint From Inventory ${serviceTypeId-Https}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check https-server-wrong-sans-dep
- Delete Blueprint From Inventory ${serviceTypeId-Https-wrong-sans}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check mongo-dep-5gbulkpm
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 20 sec Undeploy Service With Check ves-rest-client-dep
- Delete Blueprint From Inventory ${serviceTypeIdMongo}
- Delete Blueprint From Inventory ${serviceTypeIdVesClient}
-Undeploy Service With Check
- [Arguments] ${deployment_name}
- ${resp} Undeploy Service ${deployment_name}
- Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 400
-Setting Global Variables
- [Documentation]
- ... This test case checks suite if it is working in default or custom mode and sets proper variables depended on used mode.
- ... Default mode is based on a previous version of 5gbulkpm test case which it test PM file available in robot image.
- ... Custom mode is used only in xtesing. Can be executed only as k8s job described in;a=blob_plain;f=smoke-usecases-robot/;hb=refs/heads/master
- ... Custom mode is used to validate custom PM files. All details how to provide custom PM files are described in documentation above.
- ... By default in custom mode all PM details are not logged to robot log files, so they are not send to community name: TEST_DB_URL
- ${env_variables} = Get Environment Variables
- ${bulk_pm_mode}= Get Variable Value ${env_variables["BULK_PM_MODE"]} default
- ${pm_log_level}= Get Variable Value ${env_variables["PM_LOG_LEVEL"]} NONE
- ${test_variables} = Create Dictionary
- Run Keyword If "${bulk_pm_mode}" == "custom" Set To Dictionary ${test_variables} FILE_FORMAT_TYPE=${env_variables["FILE_FORMAT_TYPE"]}
- ... PM_FILE_PATH=${env_variables["PM_FILE_PATH"]}
- ... EXPECTED_PM_STR=${env_variables["EXPECTED_PM_STR"]}
- ... ELSE Set To Dictionary ${test_variables} FILE_FORMAT_TYPE=org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec
- ... PM_FILE_PATH=${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/pmfiles/A20181002.0000-1000-0015-1000_5G.xml.gz
- ... EXPECTED_PM_STR=perf3gpp_RnNode-Ericsson_pmMeasResult
- Set Global Variable ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES} ${test_variables}
- Set Global Variable ${BULK_PM_MODE} ${bulk_pm_mode}
- Set Global Variable ${PM_LOG_LEVEL} ${pm_log_level}
-Send File Ready Event to VES Collector
- [Arguments] ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version}
- Disable Warnings
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
- ${fileready}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${JSON_DATA_FILE}
- ${session}= Create Session ves ${VES_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} auth=${auth}
- ${resp}= Post Request ves ${VES_LISTENER_PATH} data=${fileready} headers=${headers}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202
- ${VES_FILE_READY_NOTIFICATION} Set Variable {"event":{"commonEventHeader":{"version":"4.0.1","vesEventListenerVersion":"7.0.1","domain":"notification","eventName":"Noti_RnNode-Ericsson_FileReady","eventId":"FileReady_1797490e-10ae-4d48-9ea7-3d7d790b25e1","lastEpochMicrosec":8745745764578,"priority":"Normal","reportingEntityName":"otenb5309","sequence":0,"sourceName":"oteNB5309","startEpochMicrosec":8745745764578,"timeZoneOffset":"UTC+05.30"},"notificationFields":{"changeIdentifier":"PM_MEAS_FILES","changeType":"FileReady","notificationFieldsVersion":"2.0","arrayOfNamedHashMap":[{"name":"${pm_file}","hashMap":{"location":"sftp://bulkpm:bulkpm@sftpserver:22/upload/${pm_file}","compression":"gzip","fileFormatType":"${file_format_type}","fileFormatVersion":"${file_format_version}"}}]}}}
- ${resp}= Post Request ves ${VES_LISTENER_PATH} data=${VES_FILE_READY_NOTIFICATION} headers=${headers}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202
-Send File Ready Event to VES Collector Over VES Client
- [Arguments] ${pm_file} ${file_format_type} ${file_format_version} ${https_server_host} ${http_reposnse_code}
- Disable Warnings
- ${pm_event} Create Dictionary https_server_host=${https_server_host} pm_file=${pm_file} fileFormatType=${file_format_type} fileFormatVersion=${file_format_version}
- Templating.Create Environment pm ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
- ${event}= Templating.Apply Template pm ${pm_notification_event} ${pm_event}
- ${ves_client_endpoint}= Set Variable http://ves-client:5000
- ${ves_url}= Set Variable ${GLOBAL_DCAE_VES_HTTPS_PROTOCOL}://dcae-ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https:${GLOBAL_DCAE_VES_HTTPS_SERVER_PORT}/eventListener/v7
- ${single_event}= Create Dictionary event=${event} ves_url=${ves_url}
- Templating.Create Environment ves ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
- ${data}= Templating.Apply Template ves ${ves_client_single_event} ${single_event}
- ${session}= Create Session ves_client ${ves_client_endpoint}
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
- ${post_resp}= Post Request ves_client /simulator/event data=${data} headers=${headers}
- Log PM notification ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${post_resp.status_code} ${http_reposnse_code}
-Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server
- [Arguments] ${pm_file_path} ${bulk_pm_mode}
- Open Connection sftpserver
- Login bulkpm bulkpm
- ${epoch}= Get Current Date result_format=epoch
- ${pm_file} = Run Keyword If "${bulk_pm_mode}" == "custom" Fetch From Right ${pm_file_path} marker=/
- ... ELSE Set Variable A${epoch}.xml.gz
- Put File ${pm_file_path} upload/${pm_file}
- [Return] ${pm_file}
-Upload PM Files to xNF HTTPS Server
- [Arguments] ${pm_file_path} ${bulk_pm_mode} ${https_server}
- ${epoch}= Get Current Date result_format=epoch
- ${pm_file} = Run Keyword If "${bulk_pm_mode}" == "custom" Fetch From Right ${pm_file_path} marker=/
- ... ELSE Set Variable A${epoch}.xml.gz
- Copy File ${pm_file_path} tmp/${pm_file}
- ${fileData}= Get Binary File tmp/${pm_file}
- ${file_part}= Create List ${pm_file} ${fileData} application/octet-stream
- ${fileParts}= Create Dictionary
- Set to Dictionary ${fileParts} uploaded_file=${file_part}
- ${auth}= Create List demo demo123456!
- ${session}= Create Session https http://${https_server}:80 auth=${auth}
- ${resp}= Post Request https /upload.php files=${fileParts}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${pm_file}
-Check Given Print In DFC Log
- [Arguments] ${check_dfc_logs}
- ${dfc_logs}= Run Given Command On DFC Container ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
- Should Contain ${dfc_logs} HostKey has been changed
-Run Given Command On DFC Container
- [Arguments] ${user_command}
- ${run_command} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${user_command}
- ${command_output} = Set Variable ${run_command[1]}
- ${regexp_matches} = Get Regexp Matches ${command_output} .*(\\s|\\[)+(.+-datafile-collector).* 2
- ${dfc_container_name} = Set Variable ${regexp_matches[0]}
- ${new_command} = Set Variable ${user_command} ${dfc_container_name}
- ${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${new_command}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0
- ${log} = Set Variable ${command_output[1]}
- [Return] ${log}
-Check Known Hosts In Env
- [Arguments] ${CHECK_KNOWN_HOSTS}
- ${check} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${CHECK_KNOWN_HOSTS}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${check[0]} 0
- ${env} = Set Variable ${check[1]}
- ${string_matches} = Get Lines Containing String ${env} KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH=/home/datafile/.ssh/known_host case_insensitive=True
- ${output} = Should Not Be Empty ${string_matches}
- [Return] ${output}
-Deploying Data File Collector
- ${resp}= Get Blueprint From Inventory k8s-datafile
- ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- ${serviceTypeId-Dfc} Set Variable ${json['items'][0]['typeId']}
- ${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\\")
- ${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Dfc}", "inputs": {"tag_version": "${image}", "external_cert_use_external_tls": true}}
- Deploy Service ${deployment_data} datafile 4 minutes
-Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
- ${clusterdata}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${PMMAPPER_MR_CLUSTER_DATA}
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
- ${session}= Create Session dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_SERVER}
- ${resp}= Post Request dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLUSTER_PATH} data=${clusterdata} headers=${headers}
- ${resp}= Get Blueprint From Inventory k8s-pm-mapper
- ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- ${serviceTypeId-Pmmapper} Set Variable ${json['items'][0]['typeId']}
- ${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\')
- ${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"inputs":{"client_password": "${GLOBAL_DCAE_PASSWORD}", "tag_version": "${image}"},"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Pmmapper}"}
- ${pmMapperOperationId}= Deploy Service ${deployment_data} pmmapper check_deployment_status=false
- Set Global Variable ${pmMapperOperationId}
-Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
- ${serviceTypeId-Sftp} Load Blueprint To Inventory ${XNF_SFTP_BLUEPRINT_PATH} sftp
- Set Global Variable ${serviceTypeId-Sftp}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Sftp}"}
- ${sftpServerOperationId}= Deploy Service ${deployment_data} sftpserver check_deployment_status=false
- Set Global Variable ${sftpServerOperationId}
-Deploying HTTPS server with correct certificates
- ${serviceTypeId-Https} Load Blueprint To Inventory ${XNF_HTTPS_BLUEPRINT_PATH} https
- Set Global Variable ${serviceTypeId-Https}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Https}"}
- ${resp}= Get Blueprint From Inventory https
- ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- ${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\')
- ${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Https}", "inputs": {"tag_version": "${image}", "service_component_type": "https-server", "service_component_name_override": "https-server", "external_cert_sans": "https-server"}}
- ${httpsServerOperationId}= Deploy Service ${deployment_data} https-server-dep check_deployment_status=false
- Set Global Variable ${httpsServerOperationId}
-Deploying HTTPS server with wrong certificates - wrong SAN-s
- ${serviceTypeId-Https-wrong-sans} Load Blueprint To Inventory ${XNF_HTTPS_BLUEPRINT_PATH} https-wrong-sans
- Set Global Variable ${serviceTypeId-Https-wrong-sans}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Https-wrong-sans}"}
- ${resp}= Get Blueprint From Inventory https-wrong-sans
- ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- ${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\')
- ${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Https-wrong-sans}", "inputs": {"tag_version": "${image}", "service_component_type": "https-server-wrong-sans", "service_component_name_override": "https-server-wrong-sans", "external_cert_sans": "wrong-cert"}}
- ${httpsServerWrongSansOperationId}= Deploy Service ${deployment_data} https-server-wrong-sans-dep check_deployment_status=false
- Set Global Variable ${httpsServerWrongSansOperationId}
-Deploying VES Client with correct certificates
- ${serviceTypeIdMongo} Load Blueprint To Inventory ${MONGO_VES_CLIENT_BLUEPRINT_PATH} mongo-5g-bulk-pm
- ${serviceTypeIdVesClient} Load Blueprint To Inventory ${VES_CLIENT_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ves-rest-client
- Set Suite Variable ${serviceTypeIdMongo}
- Set Suite Variable ${serviceTypeIdVesClient}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeIdMongo}", "inputs": {"service_component_type": "mongo-ves-client", "service_component_name_override": "mongo-ves-client"}}
- Deploy Service ${deployment_data} mongo-dep-5gbulkpm 2 minutes
- ${resp}= Get Blueprint From Inventory ves-rest-client
- ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- ${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\')
- ${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
- ${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeIdVesClient}", "inputs": {"tag_version": "${image}", "service_component_type": "ves-client", "service_component_name_override": "ves-client"}}
- ${vesRestClientOperationId}= Deploy Service ${deployment_data} ves-rest-client-dep check_deployment_status=false
- Set Global Variable ${vesRestClientOperationId}
-Deploying VES collector with CMPv2 for bulkpm over https
- ${resp}= Get Blueprint From Inventory k8s-ves
- ${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
- ${serviceTypeIdVes} Set Variable ${json['items'][0]['typeId']}
- ${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\")
- ${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
- ${arguments}= Create Dictionary serviceTypeId=${serviceTypeIdVes}
- Set To Dictionary ${arguments} image ${image}
- Set To Dictionary ${arguments} external_port_tls 32419
- Set To Dictionary ${arguments} service_component_name_override dcae-ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https
- Set To Dictionary ${arguments} external_cert_sans dcae-ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https,ves-collector-cmpv2-cert,ves-cmpv2-cert
- Templating.Create Environment deployment ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
- ${deployment_data}= Templating.Apply Template deployment ${VES_INPUTS} ${arguments}
- ${vesCollectorForBulkpmOverHttpsOperationId}= Deploy Service ${deployment_data} ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https check_deployment_status=false
- Set Global Variable ${vesCollectorForBulkpmOverHttpsOperationId}
-Checking Status Of Deployed Applictions
- ${statusDict}= Create Dictionary
- ${status} ${value} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Deployment Status pmmapper ${pmMapperOperationId}
- Set To Dictionary ${statusDict} pmmapper ${status}
- ${status} ${value} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Deployment Status ves-rest-client-dep ${vesRestClientOperationId}
- Set To Dictionary ${statusDict} ves-rest-client-dep ${status}
- ${status} ${value} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Deployment Status ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https ${vesCollectorForBulkpmOverHttpsOperationId}
- Set To Dictionary ${statusDict} ves-collector-for-bulkpm-over-https ${status}
- ${status} ${value} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Deployment Status https-server-dep ${httpsServerOperationId}
- Set To Dictionary ${statusDict} https-server-dep ${status}
- ${status} ${value} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Deployment Status https-server-wrong-sans-dep ${httpsServerWrongSansOperationId}
- Set To Dictionary ${statusDict} https-server-wrong-sans-dep ${status}
- Dictionary Should Not Contain Value ${statusDict} FAIL
-Checking PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic In Message Router
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
- ${subdata}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${PMMAPPER_SUB_ROLE_DATA}
- ${session}= Create Session dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_SERVER}
- ${resp}= Post Request dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} data=${subdata} headers=${headers}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 minute 5 sec Topic Validate success
- ${resp}= Run MR Get Request ${MR_TOPIC_CHECK_PATH}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- ${topics}= Set Variable ${resp.json().get('topics')}
- List Should Contain Value ${topics}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
-DR Bulk PM Feed Check
- ${resp}= Run DR Get Request ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH}
- Should Contain ${resp.text} bulk_pm_feed
-DR PM Mapper Subscriber Check
- ${resp}= Run DR Get Request ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH}
- Should Contain ${resp.text} https://dcae-pm-mapper:8443/delivery
-Setting KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH Environment Variable in DFC
- ${rc}= Run and Return RC ${SET_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 10s Check Known Hosts In Env ${CHECK_ENV_SET}
- ${rc}= Run and Return RC ${GET_RSA_KEY}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
- ${rc}= Run and Return RC ${COPY_RSA_KEY}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
-Uploading PM Files to xNF SFTP Server
- ${pm_file}= Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["PM_FILE_PATH"]} ${BULK_PM_MODE}
- Set Global Variable ${PM_FILE} ${pm_file}
-Uploading PM Files to xNF HTTPS Server
- [Arguments] ${https-server_host}
- ${pm_file}= Upload PM Files to xNF HTTPS Server ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["PM_FILE_PATH"]} ${BULK_PM_MODE} ${https-server_host}
- Set Global Variable ${PM_FILE} ${pm_file}
-Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector
-Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector Over VES Client
- [Arguments] ${https-server_host}
- Send File Ready Event to VES Collector Over VES Client ${PM_FILE} ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["FILE_FORMAT_TYPE"]} ${GLOBAL_TEST_VARIABLES["FILE_FORMAT_VERSION"]} ${https-server_host} 202
-Changing SFTP Server RSA Key in DFC
- ${get_known_hosts_file}= OperatingSystem.Get File /tmp/known_hosts
- ${change_rsa_key}= Replace String ${get_known_hosts_file} A a
- Create File /tmp/known_hosts ${change_rsa_key}
- ${rc}= Run and Return RC ${COPY_RSA_KEY}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
-Checking DFC Logs After KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH Env Variable Added
- ${dfc_logs}= Run Given Command On DFC Container ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
- Should Not Contain ${dfc_logs} ${EXPECTED_PRINT}
-Checking DFC Logs After SFTP Server RSA Key Changed
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 30 sec Check Given Print In DFC LOG ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
-Check DFC logs
- [Arguments] ${DFC_LOG_CHECK}
- ${rc} = Run and Return RC ${DFC_LOG_CHECK}
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
-Change DFC httpsHostnameVerify configuration in Consul
- [Documentation] Changes DFC httpsHostnameVerify config.
- [Arguments] ${httpsHostnameVerify}
- ${httpsHostnameVerify_conf} Create Dictionary httpsHostnameVerify=${httpsHostnameVerify}
- Templating.Create Environment pm ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
- ${event}= Templating.Apply Template pm ${consul_change_event} ${httpsHostnameVerify_conf}
- ${rc} ${container_name} = Run and Return RC and Output kubectl get pods -n onap | grep datafile-collector | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME | awk -F'-' '{print $2}'
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
- ${resp}= Run Consul Put Request /v1/kv/${container_name}-datafile-collector?dc=dc1 ${event}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- ${rc} = Run and Return RC kubectl delete pods -n onap $(kubectl get pods -n onap | grep datafile-collector | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME)
- Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 sec 5 sec Check DFC logs kubectl logs -n onap $(kubectl get pods -n onap | grep datafile-collector | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME) ${container_name}-datafile-collector