path: root/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1565912c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Getting Started
+## Development Environment Setup
+### Python Installation
+You should install 2.7.12: [https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2712](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2712)
+### Pip Install
+Install pip with the get-pip.py file from [https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py](https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py)
+once downloaded run
+python get-pip.py
+let it install.
+From the desktop, right click the Computer icon.
+Choose Properties from the context menu.
+Click the Advanced system settings link.
+Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, click New.
+In the New System Variable window, set the name as 'HTTPS\_PROXY' then specify the value of the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable as your proxy.
+Click OK.
+Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
+### Robot Install
+Reopen Command prompt window, and run below code to install robot.
+pip install robotframework
+### IDE Install
+Most further documents will use the RED environment for Robot.
+Once you install that IDE you probably will want to have a python editor to edit python files better.
+Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace and search for PyDev and click install on PyDev for Eclipse 5.2.0
+Once you install that IDE you will need EGit to check in git code.
+Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace and search for Egit git team provider and click install on EGit Git Team Provider 4.5.0
+Once you install that IDE you will probably want a json editor to edit json better.
+Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace and search for Json Tools and click install on Json Tools 1.1.0
+### Project Setup
+Note: You do not need to run these commands every time, only on a library update or initial checkout.
+Note that this script will download the chromedriver for the current OS. The default is linux64 which will download the appropriate chromedriver to /usr/local/bin so that it will be in the execution PATH.
+Windows and Mac hosts will download into the current working directory. Windows and MAC users will need to ensure that the driver is
+in the execution PATH.
+## Robot Project Structure
+### Overview
+ProjectName - robot
+`-- robot
+ |-- assets - put anything you need as input like json files, cert keys, heat templates
+ | |-- templates - put any json templates in here, you can include subfolders for each component
+ |-- library - put any python libraries need to run tests in here
+ | |-- OpenECOMP - put any python code libraries we write in here
+ |-- resources - put any robot resource files aka libraries we write in here
+ | |-- aai
+ | `-- vid
+ `-- testsuites - put any robot test suites we write in here
+### Tag Strucutre
+Robot uses tags to seperate out test cases to run. below are the tags we use
+* garbage - use this for test cases that should be cleaned up before go live date
+* health - use this for test cases that perform a health check of the environment
+* smoke - use this for test cases that perform a basic check of a component
+* ete - use this for the test cases that are perofrming an end to end test
+## Branching Structure
+### Overview
+Repository Name: testsuite
+Branching strategy:
+`-- testsuite
+ |-- master - the main branch and always the latest deployable code. Send a pull to here from feature and Dan or Jerry will approve.
+ |-- feature-[XXXXXX] - when you want to make changes you make them here, when you are satisfied send pull request to master
+## Executing ETE Testcases
+### Overview
+Two scripts have been provided in the root of the ete-testsuite project to enable test exectution
+* runTags.sh - This shell uses Robot [Tags] to drive which tests are executed and is designed for automated testing.
+* oneTest.sh - This shell is designed for unit testing of individual .robot files. It accepts a single argument identifying the .robot file in robot/testsuites to execute.
+#### runTags.sh
+For further information on using Robot [Tags], see [http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#configuring-execution] and [http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#simple-patterns]
+When executing tests via tags, all of the robot files in the project are scanned for tests cases with the specified tags.
+There are 3 flavors of runTags.sh
+* runTags.sh with no arguments. This defaults to the default tag or runTags.sh -i health
+* runTags.sh with a single include tag. In this case the -i or --include may be omitted. So runTags.sh ete is the same as runTags.sh -i ete
+* runTags.sh with multiple tags. In this case, tags must be accompanied by a -i/--include or -e/--exclude to properly identify the disposition of the tagged testcase.
+runTags.sh -i health -i ete -e garbage