path: root/robot/resources/vid
diff options
authorDR695H <dr695h@att.com>2017-02-17 18:44:24 -0500
committerDR695H <dr695h@att.com>2017-02-17 18:44:41 -0500
commitccff30b6e325f359879595998e83bbfe6624c851 (patch)
treec98f950f33baa71d21b091b6b10ca3ffb7700467 /robot/resources/vid
parent234c2226d8cb3368a7af3d280a5ec280782bed63 (diff)
Initial checkin of EopenECOMP testsuite
Change-Id: I64a2b6d8cf66169829866b73b3d26a4ff59b0a42 Signed-off-by: DR695H <dr695h@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'robot/resources/vid')
4 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/robot/resources/vid/create_service_instance.robot b/robot/resources/vid/create_service_instance.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ea01ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/resources/vid/create_service_instance.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Creates VID Service Instance
+... Creates VID Service Instance
+Library ExtendedSelenium2Library
+Library UUID
+Library String
+Library DateTime
+Resource ../mso_interface.robot
+Resource vid_interface.robot
+*** Keywords ***
+Create VID Service Instance
+ [Documentation] Creates a service instance using VID
+ [Arguments] ${customer_name} ${service_model_type} ${service_type} ${service_name}
+ Click Element partial link=Browse SDC Service
+ Page Should Contain Element xpath=//div/h1[text() = 'Browse SDC Service Models']
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//button[text() = 'Deploy'] 240s
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@ng-model='searchString'] ${service_model_type}
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//tr[td/span/text() = '${service_model_type}']/td/button[contains(text(),'Deploy')] 300000
+ Press Key xpath=//tr[td/span/text() = '${service_model_type}']/td/button[text() = 'Deploy' and not(@disabled)] \\13
+ ${uuid}= Generate UUID
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] 120s
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] 120s
+ Xpath Should Match X Times //input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] 1
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] ${service_name}
+ Select From List When Enabled //select[@prompt='Select Subscriber Name'] ${customer_name}
+ Select From List WHen Enabled //select[@prompt='Select Service Type'] ${service_type}
+ Click On Button When Enabled //div[@class = 'buttonRow']/button[text() = 'Confirm']
+ Wait Until Element Contains xpath=//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] requestId timeout=120s
+ ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding']
+ Click On Button When Enabled //div[@class = 'buttonRow']/button[text() = 'Close']
+ ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text}
+ ${service_instance_id}= Parse Instance Id ${response text}
+ Poll MSO Get Request ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} COMPLETE
+ [return] ${service_instance_id}
+Delete Service Instance By GUI
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${customer_name}
+ Click On Element When Visible xpath=//a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove']
+ Click On Button When Visible xpath=//div[@class='buttonRow']/button[@ngx-enabled='true']
+ Wait Until Element Contains xpath=//div[@ng-controller='deletionDialogController']//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] requestId timeout=120s
+ ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller='deletionDialogController']//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding']
+ ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text}
+ Poll MSO Get Request ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} COMPLETE
+Search Service Instance
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${customer_name}
+ Click Link xpath=//div[@heading = 'Search for Existing Service Instances']/a
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@name='selectedServiceInstance'] ${service_instance_id}
+ Click On Button When Enabled //button[text() = 'Submit']
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot/resources/vid/create_vid_vnf.robot b/robot/resources/vid/create_vid_vnf.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a306637e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/resources/vid/create_vid_vnf.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Creates VID VNF Instance
+Library ExtendedSelenium2Library 60
+Library UUID
+Library String
+Library DateTime
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../mso_interface.robot
+Resource vid_interface.robot
+*** Keywords ***
+Create VID VNF
+ [Documentation] Creates a VNF instance using VID for passed instance id with the passed service instance name
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${service_instance_name} ${product_family} ${lcp_region} ${tenant} ${vnf_type}
+ Click Link xpath=//div[@heading = 'Search for Existing Service Instances']/a
+ Wait Until Page Contains Please search by timeout=60s
+ #Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ #Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ # If we don't wait for this control to be enabled, the submit results in a 'not found' pop-up (UnexpectedAlertPresentException)
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@name='selectedServiceInstance'] ${service_instance_id}
+ Click Button button=Submit
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element link=View/Edit timeout=60s
+ Click Element xpath=//a[contains(text(), 'View/Edit')]
+ Wait Until Page Contains View/Edit Service Instance timeout=60s
+ #Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiVisible'] timeout=120s
+ #Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiVisible'] timeout=60s
+ Click Element button=Add VNF
+ # This is where firefox breaks. Th elink never becomes visible when run with the script.
+ Click Element link=${vnf_type}
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//input[@parameter-id='instanceName'] 20s
+ Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=//input[@parameter-id='instanceName'] 20s
+ ## Without this sleep, the input text below gets immediately wiped out.
+ ## Wait Until Angular Ready just sleeps for its timeout value
+ Sleep 10s
+ Input Text xpath=//input[@parameter-id='instanceName'] ${service_instance_name}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='productFamily'] ${product_family}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='lcpRegion'] ${lcp_region}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='tenant'] ${tenant}
+ Click Element button=Confirm
+ Wait Until Element Contains xpath=//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] Status: OK (200) timeout=120
+ ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding']
+ Should Not Contain ${response text} FAILED
+ Click Element button=Close
+ ${instance_id}= Parse Instance Id ${response text}
+ Wait Until Page Contains ${service_instance_name} 60s
+ [Return] ${instance_id}
+Delete VID VNF
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${lcp_region} ${tenant} ${vnf_instance_id}
+ Click Link xpath=//div[@heading = 'Search for Existing Service Instances']/a
+ Wait Until Page Contains Please search by timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ # If we don't wait for this control to be enabled, the submit results in a 'not found' pop-up (UnexpectedAlertPresentException)
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@name='selectedServiceInstance'] ${service_instance_id}
+ Click Button button=Submit
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element link=View/Edit timeout=60s
+ Click Element link=View/Edit
+ Wait Until Page Contains View/Edit Service Instance timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine'] timeout=120s
+ Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ Click On Element When Visible xpath=//li/div[contains(.,'${vnf_instance_id}')]/a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'] timeout=120s
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='lcpRegion'] ${lcp_region}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='tenant'] ${tenant}
+ Click Element xpath=//div[@class='buttonRow']/button[@ngx-enabled='true']
+ #//*[@id="mContent"]/div/div/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[5]/button[1]
+ ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller='deletionDialogController']//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding']
+ ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text}
+ Poll MSO Get Request ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} COMPLETE
+Create VID VNF module
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${vf_module_name} ${LCP_REGION} ${TENANT} ${VNF_TYPE}
+ Click Link xpath=//div[@heading = 'Search for Existing Service Instances']/a
+ Wait Until Page Contains Please search by timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ # If we don't wait for this control to be enabled, the submit results in a 'not found' pop-up (UnexpectedAlertPresentException)
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@name='selectedServiceInstance'] ${service_instance_id}
+ Click Button button=Submit
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element link=View/Edit timeout=60s
+ Click Element link=View/Edit
+ Wait Until Page Contains View/Edit Service Instance timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine'] timeout=120s
+ Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=120s
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible button=Add VF-Module timeout=120s
+ Click Element button=Add VF-Module
+ # This is where firefox breaks. Th elink never becomes visible when run with the script.
+ Click Element link=${vnf_type}
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//input[@parameter-id='instanceName'] 20s
+ Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=//input[@parameter-id='instanceName'] 20s
+ ## Without this sleep, the input text below gets immediately wiped out.
+ ## Wait Until Angular Ready just sleeps for its timeout value
+ Sleep 10s
+ Input Text xpath=//input[@parameter-id='instanceName'] ${vf_module_name}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='lcpRegion'] ${lcp_region}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='tenant'] ${tenant}
+ Click Element button=Confirm
+ Wait Until Element Contains xpath=//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] requestId timeout=120
+ ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding']
+ Click Element button=Close
+ ${instance_id}= Parse Instance Id ${response text}
+ ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text}
+ Poll MSO Get Request ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} COMPLETE
+ [Return] ${instance_id} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot/resources/vid/teardown_vid.robot b/robot/resources/vid/teardown_vid.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50b50518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/resources/vid/teardown_vid.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation The main interface for interacting with VID. It handles low level stuff like managing the selenium request library and VID required steps
+Library ExtendedSelenium2Library
+Library Collections
+Library String
+Library StringTemplater
+Library UUID
+Resource vid_interface.robot
+Resource create_vid_vnf.robot
+Resource create_service_instance.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${VID_ENV} /vid
+${VID_SERVICE_MODELS_SEARCH_URL} ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/serviceModels.htm#/instances/subdetails?selectedSubscriber=\${customer_id}
+*** Keywords ***
+Teardown VID
+ [Documentation] Teardown the VID This assumes that the any runnign stacks have been torn down
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${lcp_region} ${tenant}
+ # Keep going to the VID service instance until all of the remove icons are goe
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 1s Delete VID ${service_instance_id} ${lcp_region} ${tenant}
+Delete VID
+ [Documentation] Teardown the next VID entity that has a Remove icon.
+ [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${lcp_region} ${tenant}
+ Wait Until Page Contains Please search by timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//div[@class='statusLine aaiHidden'] timeout=60s
+ # If we don't wait for this control to be enabled, the submit results in a 'not found' pop-up (UnexpectedAlertPresentException)
+ Input Text When Enabled //input[@name='selectedServiceInstance'] ${service_instance_id}
+ Click Button button=Submit
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element link=View/Edit timeout=60s
+ Click Element link=View/Edit
+ Wait Until Page Contains View/Edit Service Instance timeout=60s
+ ${status} ${data}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//li/div/a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'] timeout=120s
+ Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ # At least one more Remove!
+ # This list is a bit ogf a hack to determine the order of removal if there is more than one remove icon.
+ # Cannot tell how this will hold up once all of the VID removes are working for all conditions.
+ ${remove_order}= Create List Vfmodule_Ete
+ :for ${remove_first} in @{remove_order}
+ \ ${status} ${data}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Page Should Contain Element xpath=//li/div[contains(.,'${remove_first}')]/a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove']
+ \ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Click On Element When Visible xpath=//li/div[contains(.,'${remove_first}')]/a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'] timeout=120s
+ \ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Click On Element When Visible xpath=//li/div/a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'] timeout=120s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//select[@parameter-id='lcpRegion']
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='lcpRegion'] ${lcp_region}
+ Select From List By Label xpath=//select[@parameter-id='tenant'] ${tenant}
+ Click Element xpath=//div[@class='buttonRow']/button[@ngx-enabled='true']
+ #//*[@id="mContent"]/div/div/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[5]/button[1]
+ Wait Until Page Contains Status:COMPLETE - 300s
+ ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller='deletionDialogController']//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding']
+ ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text}
+ Click Element button=Close
+ Poll MSO Get Request ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} COMPLETE
+ Fail Successful VID Delete - continue with next delete
diff --git a/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot b/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78b81484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/resources/vid/vid_interface.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation The main interface for interacting with VID. It handles low level stuff like managing the selenium request library and VID required steps
+Library ExtendedSelenium2Library
+Library Collections
+Library String
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library UUID
+Resource ../global_properties.robot
+Resource ../browser_setup.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${VID_ENV} /vid
+${VID_LOGIN_URL} ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/login_external.htm
+*** Keywords ***
+Run VID Health Check
+ [Documentation] Logs in to VID GUI
+ ${resp}= Run VID Get Request ${VID_HEALTHCHECK_PATH}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Should Be String ${resp.json()[0]['loginId']}
+Run VID Get Request
+ [Documentation] Runs an VID get request
+ [Arguments] ${data_path}
+ Log Creating session ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}
+ ${session}= Create Session vid ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER} auth=${auth}
+ ${uuid}= Generate UUID
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary username=${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_USERNAME} password=${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_PASSWORD} Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
+ ${resp}= Get Request vid ${data_path} headers=${headers}
+ Log Received response from vid ${resp.text}
+ [Return] ${resp}
+Login To VID GUI
+ [Documentation] Logs in to VID GUI
+ # Setup Browser Now being managed by test case
+ ##Setup Browser
+ Maximize Browser Window
+ Set Selenium Speed ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_DELAY}
+ Log Logging in to ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}
+ Handle Proxy Warning
+ Title Should Be VID Login
+ Input Text xpath=//input[@ng-model='loginId'] ${GLOBAL_VID_USERNAME}
+ Input Password xpath=//input[@ng-model='password'] ${GLOBAL_VID_PASSWORD}
+ Click Button xpath=//input[@id='loginBtn']
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='applicationWindow'] ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
+ Log Logged in to ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}
+ [Documentation] Naviage to VID Home
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='applicationWindow'] ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
+Click On Button When Enabled
+ [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Click Button xpath=${xpath}
+Click On Button When Visible
+ [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Click Button xpath=${xpath}
+Click On Element When Visible
+ [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Click Element xpath=${xpath}
+Select From List When Enabled
+ [Arguments] ${xpath} ${value} ${timeout}=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Select From List xpath=${xpath} ${value}
+Input Text When Enabled
+ [Arguments] ${xpath} ${value} ${timeout}=60s
+ Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout}
+ Input Text xpath=${xpath} ${value}
+Parse Request Id
+ [Arguments] ${mso_response_text}
+ ${request_list}= Split String ${mso_response_text} 202)\n 1
+ ${clean_string}= Replace String ${request_list[1]} \n ${empty}
+ ${json}= To Json ${clean_string}
+ ${request_id}= Catenate ${json['requestReferences']['requestId']}
+ [Return] ${request_id}
+Parse Instance Id
+ [Arguments] ${mso_response_text}
+ ${request_list}= Split String ${mso_response_text} 202)\n 1
+ ${json}= To Json ${request_list[1]}
+ ${request_id}= Catenate ${json['requestReferences']['instanceId']}
+ [Return] ${request_id} \ No newline at end of file