path: root/robot/resources/test_templates
diff options
authorJerry Flood <jf9860@att.com>2017-12-01 12:39:10 -0500
committerJerry Flood <jf9860@att.com>2017-12-01 12:54:09 -0500
commit3a169a30cdcd9e890e07fdaaad154d104f565e94 (patch)
treee18e8a6d18d3364d7552b73245080c2b99829639 /robot/resources/test_templates
parent3d07a8d83995a41545064442fa5d8bad1a872db6 (diff)
Add support for vFWCL - multiple VNFs
Issue-ID: TEST-72 Change-Id: Ic6fe176ca5fdeac00cd5018aecf7824ec4eca287 Signed-off-by: Jerry Flood <jf9860@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'robot/resources/test_templates')
3 files changed, 63 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/robot/resources/test_templates/closedloop_test_template.robot b/robot/resources/test_templates/closedloop_test_template.robot
index 6930e56d..1a136130 100644
--- a/robot/resources/test_templates/closedloop_test_template.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/test_templates/closedloop_test_template.robot
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Orchestrate VNF vFW closedloop
[Documentation] VNF Orchestration for vFW
Log VNF Orchestration flow TEST NAME=${TEST NAME}
Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
- ${stack_name} ${service}= Orchestrate VNF ETE_CLP vFW vFW ${TENANT_NAME}
+ ${stack_name} ${service}= Orchestrate VNF ETE_CLP vFWCL vFWCL ${TENANT_NAME}
[Return] ${stack_name}
Orchestrate VNF vDNS closedloop
diff --git a/robot/resources/test_templates/model_test_template.robot b/robot/resources/test_templates/model_test_template.robot
index 4dce50a7..98b3b1cf 100644
--- a/robot/resources/test_templates/model_test_template.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/test_templates/model_test_template.robot
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Documentation The main interface for interacting with ASDC. It handles low l
Library OperatingSystem
Library ArchiveLibrary
Library Collections
-Library String
+Library String
Resource ../asdc_interface.robot
Variables ../../assets/service_mappings.py
@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ Model Distribution For Directory
${directory_list}= Get From Dictionary ${GLOBAL_SERVICE_FOLDER_MAPPING} ${service}
${ziplist}= Create List
:for ${directory} in @{directory_list}
- \ ${zipname}= Replace String ${directory} / _
+ \ ${zipname}= Replace String ${directory} / _
\ ${zip}= Catenate ${ASDC_ZIP_DIRECTORY}/${zipname}.zip
\ ${folder}= Catenate ${ASDC_ASSETS_DIRECTORY}/${directory}
\ OperatingSystem.Create Directory ${ASDC_ASSETS_DIRECTORY}/temp
\ Create Zip From Files In Directory ${folder} ${zip}
\ Append To List ${ziplist} ${zip}
- ${catalog_service_name} ${catalog_resource_name} ${vf_modules} ${catalog_resource_ids} ${catalog_service_id} Distribute Model From ASDC ${ziplist} ${catalog_service_name}
+ ${catalog_service_name} ${catalog_resource_name} ${vf_modules} ${catalog_resource_ids} ${catalog_service_id} ${catalog_resources} Distribute Model From ASDC ${ziplist} ${catalog_service_name}
Set Test Variable ${CATALOG_RESOURCE_IDS} ${catalog_resource_ids}
Set Test Variable ${CATALOG_SERVICE_ID} ${catalog_service_id}
- [Return] ${catalog_service_name} ${catalog_resource_name} ${vf_modules}
+ Set Test Variable ${CATALOG_RESOURCES} ${catalog_resources}
+ [Return] ${catalog_service_name} ${catalog_resource_name} ${vf_modules} ${catalog_resources}
diff --git a/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot b/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
index 1e3bd76b..807647db 100644
--- a/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
+++ b/robot/resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ ${TENANT_ID}
@@ -51,11 +52,11 @@ Orchestrate VNF
${uuid}= Generate UUID
Set Test Variable ${CUSTOMER_NAME} ${customer_name}_${uuid}
Set Test Variable ${SERVICE} ${service}
- ${vnf_name}= Catenate Vnf_Ete_Name${uuid}
+ ${list}= Create List
+ Set Test Variable ${STACK_NAMES} ${list}
${service_name}= Catenate Service_Ete_Name${uuid}
${service_type}= Set Variable ${service}
- ${vf_module_name}= Catenate Vfmodule_Ete_Name${uuid}
- ${service_model_type} ${vnf_type} ${vf_modules} = Model Distribution For Directory ${service}
+ ${service_model_type} ${vnf_type} ${vf_modules} ${catalog_resources}= Model Distribution For Directory ${service}
Run Keyword If '${service}' == 'vVG' Create VVG Server ${uuid}
Setup Browser
@@ -63,17 +64,62 @@ Orchestrate VNF
${service_instance_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 5s Create VID Service Instance ${customer_name} ${service_model_type} ${service} ${service_name}
Set Test Variable ${SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID} ${service_instance_id}
Validate Service Instance ${service_instance_id} ${service} ${customer_name}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 5s Create VID VNF ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${product_family} ${lcp_region} ${tenant} ${vnf_type} ${CUSTOMER_NAME}
- ${vf_module_type} ${closedloop_vf_module}= Preload Vnf ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_modules} ${service} ${uuid}
- ${vf_module_id}= Create VID VNF module ${service_instance_id} ${vf_module_name} ${lcp_region} ${tenant} ${vf_module_type} ${CUSTOMER_NAME}
- ${generic_vnf}= Validate Generic VNF ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${service_instance_id}
- VLB Closed Loop Hack ${service} ${generic_vnf} ${closedloop_vf_module}
- Set Test Variable ${STACK_NAME} ${vf_module_name}
- Execute Heatbridge ${vf_module_name} ${service_instance_id} ${service}
- Validate VF Module ${vf_module_name} ${service}
+ ${vnflist}= Get From Dictionary ${GLOBAL_SERVICE_VNF_MAPPING} ${service}
+ :for ${vnf} in @{vnflist}
+ \ ${vnf_name}= Catenate Ete_${vnf}_${uuid}
+ \ ${vf_module_name}= Catenate Vfmodule_Ete_${vnf}_${uuid}
+ \ ${vnf_type}= Get VNF Type ${catalog_resources} ${vnf}
+ \ ${vf_module}= Get VF Module ${catalog_resources} ${vnf}
+ \ Append To List ${STACK_NAMES} ${vf_module_name}
+ \ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 5s Create VID VNF ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${product_family} ${lcp_region} ${tenant} ${vnf_type} ${CUSTOMER_NAME}
+ \ ${vf_module_type} ${closedloop_vf_module}= Preload Vnf ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_module} ${vnf} ${uuid}
+ \ ${vf_module_id}= Create VID VNF module ${service_instance_id} ${vf_module_name} ${lcp_region} ${tenant} ${vf_module_type} ${CUSTOMER_NAME} ${vnf_name}
+ \ ${generic_vnf}= Validate Generic VNF ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${service_instance_id}
+ \ VLB Closed Loop Hack ${service} ${generic_vnf} ${closedloop_vf_module}
+ \ Set Test Variable ${STACK_NAME} ${vf_module_name}
+ \ Append To List ${STACK_NAMES} ${STACK_NAME}
+ \ Execute Heatbridge ${vf_module_name} ${service_instance_id} ${vnf}
+ \ Validate VF Module ${vf_module_name} ${vnf}
[Return] ${vf_module_name} ${service}
+Get VNF Type
+ [Documentation] To support services with multiple VNFs, we need to dig the vnf type out of the SDC catalog resources to select in the VID UI
+ [Arguments] ${resources} ${vnf}
+ ${cr}= Get Catalog Resource ${resources} ${vnf}
+ ${vnf_type}= Get From Dictionary ${cr} name
+ [Return] ${vnf_type}
+Get VF Module
+ [Documentation] To support services with multiple VNFs, we need to dig the vnf type out of the SDC catalog resources to select in the VID UI
+ [Arguments] ${resources} ${vnf}
+ ${cr}= Get Catalog Resource ${resources} ${vnf}
+ ${vf_module}= Find Element In Array ${cr['groups']} type org.openecomp.groups.VfModule
+ [Return] ${vf_module}
+Get Catalog Resource
+ [Documentation] To support services with multiple VNFs, we need to dig the vnf type out of the SDC catalog resources to select in the VID UI
+ [Arguments] ${resources} ${vnf}
+ ${base_name}= Get Name Pattern ${vnf}
+ ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${resources}
+ :for ${key} in @{keys}
+ \ ${cr}= Get From Dictionary ${resources} ${key}
+ \ Return From Keyword If '${base_name}' in '${cr['allArtifacts']['heat1']['artifactDisplayName']}' ${cr}
+ Fail Unable to find catalog resource for ${vnf} ${base_name}
+Get Name Pattern
+ [Documentation] To support services with multiple VNFs, we need to dig the vnf type out of the SDC catalog resources to select in the VID UI
+ [Arguments] ${vnf}
+ ${list}= Get From Dictionary ${GLOBAL_SERVICE_TEMPLATE_MAPPING} ${vnf}
+ :for ${dict} in @{list}
+ \ ${base_name}= Get From Dictionary ${dict} name_pattern
+ \ Return From Keyword If '${dict['isBase']}' == 'true' ${base_name}
+ Fail Unable to locate base name pattern
Create Customer For VNF
[Documentation] VNF Orchestration Test setup....
... Create Tenant if not exists, Create Customer, Create Service and related relationships