blob: 715801330bab131e1a79ef7bb015fdf480131669 (
ofs | hex dump | ascii |
0000 | 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 04 8a 00 00 03 0f 08 06 00 00 00 ba cb 3e | .PNG........IHDR...............> |
0020 | 10 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 00 ae ce 1c e9 00 00 00 04 67 41 4d 41 00 00 b1 8f 0b fc 61 05 00 00 | .....sRGB.........gAMA......a... |
0040 | 00 09 70 48 59 73 00 00 0e c4 00 00 0e c4 01 95 2b 0e 1b 00 00 ff a5 49 44 41 54 78 5e ec dd 09 | ..pHYs..........+......IDATx^... |
0060 | 60 54 e5 dd fe fd 8b b0 27 61 11 64 49 d8 14 90 4d 10 05 c4 56 d1 22 28 b8 4b 83 56 ab 05 2c d4 | `T......'a.dI...M...V."(.K.V..,. |
0080 | d6 56 ab 8f 56 a0 5a 97 56 fd d7 57 e1 d1 a7 ad b6 5a 05 15 aa 75 81 14 c5 05 51 31 5a 45 51 76 | .V..V.Z.V..W.....Z...u....Q1ZEQv |
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00c0 | 39 f7 35 f7 52 e3 48 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 f7 12 fc 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 e2 1c 2d 8a 00 00 88 | 9.5.R.H...........%........-.... |
00e0 | 65 87 e6 69 7a 97 3e 9a bf ca bf 5c 88 da e3 e6 6a ec 9d bd 55 d3 bf 1c d3 b2 d2 f5 6c ea 50 6d | e..iz.>....\....j...U.......l.Pm |
0100 | f4 2f 1e af 83 5a 4d fd 50 bf 48 6b e3 5f 06 80 68 1c d0 8e 79 6f ea 93 bf de af f9 93 be 0e 5e | ./...ZM.P.Hk._..h...yo.........^ |
0120 | 95 32 5c bd fe fa 73 f5 be e8 3c a5 26 f3 fb 38 00 44 2b 8e 83 a2 3c e5 ae f8 58 8b be de 1e 58 | .2\...s...<.&..8.D+...<...*** Settings ***
Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library json
Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
Library Selenium2Library
Library XvfbRobot
*** Test Cases ***
Get Requests health check ok
CreateSession clamp http://localhost:8080
${resp}= Get Request clamp /restservices/clds/v1/clds/healthcheck
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Open Browser
# Next line is to be enabled for Headless tests only (jenkins?). To see the tests desable the line.
Start Virtual Display 1920 1080
Open Browser http://localhost:8080/designer/index.html browser=firefox
Set Window Size 1920 1080
${title}= Get Title
Should Be Equal CLDS ${title}
Bad Login to Clamp UI and Verify not logged in
Input Text locator=username text=bad_login
Input Text locator=password text=This_is_bad_password
Press Key locator=password key=\\13
Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=username timeout=5
Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] expected=*Hello:admin*
Good Login to Clamp UI and Verify logged in
Input Text locator=username text=admin
Input Text locator=password text=password
Press Key locator=password key=\\13
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] timeout=60
Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] expected=Hello:admin
Create Template from Menu
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a timeout=60
Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a
Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Create Template timeout=60
Click Element locator=Create Template
Input Text locator=modelName text=template1
Click Button locator=OK
Close Browser
Close Browser