path: root/asdc-controller/README
blob: cc342884c812987de274ed2570cf13a7587fc2d9 (plain)
This package contains the Catalog Database hibernate configuration and supporting classes.
nstance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
Node-RED Install

## Install node.js

You can get the latest version from <http://nodejs.org/download/>.

Or, you may want to use a version from your operating system's package manager:

## Get Node-RED

Clone the repository from GitHub:

    $ git clone git@github.com:node-red/node-red.git

## Install the pre-requisite modules

From the top-level directory of Node-RED, run:

    $ npm install

This will install the core pre-requisite modules.

## Run Node-RED

From the top-level directory, run:

    $ node red.js

You can then access Node-RED at <http://localhost:1880>.

Online documentation is available at <http://nodered.org/docs>.

## Installing individual node dependencies

When Node-RED starts, it attempts to load the nodes from the `nodes/` directory.
Each will have its own set of dependencies that will need to be installed before
the node is available in the palette.

To help identify the dependencies, Node-RED logs any modules it fails to find
for a particular node. You don't have to install these unless you want or need
that node to appear.

Alternatively, a node's `.js` file can be examined to identify the modules it
explicitly requires. For example, the Twitter node is defined in
`nodes/social/27-twitter.js` and contains:

	var RED = require("../../red/red");
	var ntwitter = require('ntwitter');
	var OAuth= require('oauth').OAuth;

Of these, `ntwitter` and `oauth` are neither built-in modules nor ones provided
by Node-RED itself. They can subsequently be installed by running:

    $ npm install ntwitter oauth