Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Removed version check as not necessary for setting boolean
Change-Id: I7243f0b80df6766c9d681889ee5205fed4efbbcb
Issue-ID: SO-1280
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Remove Swagger UI due to security scan concerns
Change-Id: I8c8a0f57f0e91af13280bbb260a67877017b6513
Issue-ID: SO-1227
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Fix broken UT from removing alarm logger
fixed compilation and merge issues
Remove all usage of AlarmLogger
Change-Id: Ic87abd51423274570bfca0ed976d9642a91a843d
Issue-ID: SO-1229
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
fix failing junit when heatID not available
provide name if ID is not present on delete op
removed logic to skip unassign sdnc in rollback flows
Move default settings to CrVfModRequest pojo.
Check for null backout and failIfExists params - 1810.
Updated exception message and test
Added tests for networkCustomization not found
Added tests for delete and update network
Separated networkResourceCustomization and networkResource lookups
Removed version check as not necessary for setting boolean
Change-Id: Ia4b409244dc5ebdbb163d4a178713115719366ca
Issue-ID: SO-1231
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Update javax.servlet
Issue-ID: SO-1171
Change-Id: I063cefdb3ad405045b3d6f1ea301da83a1cc2361
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Updated postBPELRequest to accept RequestClientParameter
Switched to using .toString rather than .name for enum
Added source to fix failing test
Added action to fix failing apih tests
Removed unused headers from test
Removed unused import from RequestClientParameter
Updated to use instanceGroupId constant
Removed defaulting source in requestInfo
Added validation for mandatory headers
Added test case for modelVersionId in service related instance
Added relatedInstance validation for create instanceGroup
Added unit test cases for MembersValidation
Added test cases for relatedInstances validation
Added tests for add/remove member validation
Added updates for deleteInstanceGroups
Removed serviceProxy from test resource file
Removed ServiceProxy as it is no longer needed
Changed action to be removeMembers in endpoint
Added removeMembers endpoint and validation
Updated validation for create instanceGroups
Change-Id: I12b14d6d81dd0690eea33dfcbf1be17c509f9832
Issue-ID: SO-1207
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Updated schema.sql to include new columns
Added groupInstanceId and groupInstanceName columns
Change-Id: I6dab9acea9bb4954c8b113034d70f01bbd9437db
Issue-ID: SO-1206
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Re-ordered statuses, capitalized, and added delimiters
added retrystatusmessage to to string in infrarequests
Added retryStatusMessage to OrchestrationRequests
removed the word min from retry status message string
added retry status message to infra active requests
Began adding retryStatusMessage
Added rollback status and flow status to status message
added flow status table to separate errors from status
Change-Id: If756fa4523955e4e4b6bfd10aad730b715892b62
Issue-ID: SO-1205
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
added property for retry timer multiplier for testing
Infra APIH table, fixed test assertNull condition.
Infra APIH table, added tests for request-url = null.
Infra APIH should write request_url to infra_active_requests.
Return SelfLink URL on ServiceInstantiation SyncResponse.
Added JUNITS. Added helper method to get AAI ResourceUri to faciliate
unit test. Fixed code to correctly extract related generic vnf or vce
updated unit test coverage for update network
Handle REST NotFoundException for serviceInstance nodes query. Process
should continue for new order request and throw exception only for SUPP
Added disconnect functionality to the gw vnf test tool.
Added conversion of vnf management option to dhv change speed
sync subnet status with network update
updated macroData vol assigned delete continue script
Correct the name of DeleteVfModuleBB subprocess.
fix the custom resolver to not convert int in string to int
Write the returned value from Homing to gBBInput
Use explicit conversion to JSON to read cloudConfiguration settings.
added property for retry timer multiplier for testing
avoid storing AAI yang models in execution
added handlingCode to rollback test in workflowactionbb
passed in alacarte flag to execute layer for rainy day
added test cases for RollbackToAssigned rainy day hand
added rollback to assign in catalog db rainy day hand
Updated vnf adapter delete stubs to be a post for test.
Added a javadoc to basic auth override method
Added a check to not add blank headers to the headerMap in httpClient.
Added check for if entity exist before calling readEntity.
Fixed failing junits and updated way the body is obtained
Added missing import statement for http client.
Fixed mistakes and made updates caught during review.
Removed post and httpPost methods from RESTClient and refactored
Refactored multiple http post references to use httpClient instead.
Removed close connection method and randomized port in unit test
Added http client unit test, coverage is currently at 90 percent
Resolve conflict in sdnc adapter reste v1 method
Began removing http delete and delete methods from RESTClient and
Removed http put method and executeput method, refactored references.
fixed broken tests in the branch in jenkins build
Fix Springboot 2.0 start up issues, and other issues
added in implementation to generate self link if there isnt one
removed dbcp2 from poms that still had them
added rollbackstatusmessage to stub in testprocess
added rollback_status_message to the schema sql file
Added variable for rollbackStatusMessage
Added rollbackStatusMessage to get response
added rollback status message to archived infra request
set rollback status message to successful on boolean
added logic to split rollback and regular error message
added rollback status message to infra active requests
pushing the cloud config changes as well
Added media type and fixed cast plural issue.
Made various updated and fixes to code that was changed.
Removed all no longer used RESTClient imports from classes
Removed and refactored references for aaiUtil methods and all remaining
RESTClient methods, removed RESTClient project and updated poms.
Return canonical stack id on multicloud create
Fix OOF Config Ingestion
Fix variable to retrieve sdnc endpoint
Prepare resources for service uuid req
Fix swapped parameters for multicloud DELETE
Update msb-java-sdk to resolve license issues
cloud owner support for SDNC interface
correlationId is now read from userParams
Fix up request body of multicloud adapter body
removed LinkedHashMap<?,?> from java classes
Cut over logging project to release not snapshot
Update unit tests, revert test code, fix comments
Fix remaining number of Unit Tests, on avpn flow
Fix JUNITS add callback url, fix BPMN issues
Update SDNC interaction to support a-sync
updated bpm assert import and corrected tests
updated test case to be mockito 2 compliant
additional changes to import statements and tests
Change the place where the data for multistage gets set
Update treatment of PENDING_ACTIVATION VF_MODULE CREATE entries to
SILENT_SUCCESS to support first stage of multistage.
Implement second stage of multistage design VF Module Creation
removed LinkedHashMap<?,?> from java classes
Removed SNAPSHOT from dependency
Cut over logging project to release not snapshot
Fixed failing BBInputSetup tests
Update unit tests, revert test code, fix comments
Updated apih tests to use networkInstanceGroup
Updated ModelType enum and fixed compilation issues
Fix remaining number of Unit Tests, on avpn flow
Fix JUNITS add callback url, fix BPMN issues
Implementation of the first stage of multistage design for VF Module
Update SDNC interaction to support a-sync
no longer leave modified files after test runs
Remove generated CSAR, that occurs during JUNIT
Update Camunda Pods to use Flyway Migration in 1902
Updated hashcode method and removed comment.
Added aggregate routes to the sdnw request and updated pom sdnw
Began to set aggreagate route information for vrf configuration.
modified remaining files with att-aic references
Correct rollbackData setting and protect against potential null objects.
correct AAIObjectPlurals enum value name
Update POJO to use type URL for selfLink.
Optional<URL> - construct SelfLink Url format.
Construct SelfLink Url format from full Url.
added missing properties to application-test.yaml
fixed compliation error after merge of unit test
restored files which should not have been deleted
Fix SO vulnerabilities with cxf
Fixing bpmn infra endpoint in so-monitoring yaml
removed att-aic from codebase
default cloud owner now configurable
Set homingService in WorkflowAction
Fix Java Ex in Homing
Version should be 1.3.1 to release new dockers
Pnf Spring Environment correction
test property now has dynamic wiremock port
removed test specific wiremock rule that was causing problems
re-enabled and corrected integration tests for so-bpmn-tasks
Test to get sniro homing v2 test working by splitting test suites for
each spring application
Reverted changes to old migration scripts..
Fixed spring context issue with test HomingV2.
Removed unused import to fix compilation errors
Fixed onap changes to homing, migrated homingV2 to homingBB, fixed
broken junits again.
- Updated isUseHttpsWithDmaapTest to check assertTrue rather than
- Upgraded code to make the isUseHttpsWithDmaap configurable. It will
default to true if no value is found in the config file.
moved workflowaction test class to the test section
added status message update for retry and rollback
beefed up error message debug logging and req db msg
added debug lines to workflowactionbbtasks reqdbcall
Issue-ID: SO-1187
Change-Id: Iec1aff4ed30a43c0e0b2cdb06c28d8db8a99a830
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
corrected typo in CloudConfiguration class
removed files which should not have been merged
updated gr api test cases with dynamic cloud owner
updated groovy files to allow for dynamic cloud owner values
moved VFModularity folder to mso-infrastructure bpmn
updated GR API layer to include cloud owner
added enum for default cloud owner
- fixing junit test cases for using catalogDb client r2
- fixing junit test cases for using catalogDb client
- Internal review comments incorporated for merging mocking into
- Internal review comments incorporated for removing direct repo calls
- CLONE - Key Management Hardcoded encryption key | fixing junits
- CLONE - Key Management Hardcoded encryption key
Updated builder to use String.format
Added exception specifically for issues interacting with
Updated exception message and added junit test case
removed useless error handling test case from workflow
changed method name and added junit coverage to errors
added max retry and success status after completed bb
Added case to handle when homing is not called during assign vnf.
Fixing fortify issues | Implementing review comments
- Key Management Hardcoded encryption key - fixing prop files
- Key Management Hardcoded encryption key
include network ID for completion handler
Added exception handling for saving to requestdb
- Adding a check on the predicate availability on the repository before
firing the query with default conditions. This ensures that the api
returns data only when there is an input against which it was able to
form some conditions
Modify UT to show that the API does not behave
- adding negative test case for checkInstanceNameDuplicate
added assertion that global count var was reset to 0
updated rollback to reset current sequence count var
workflowaction calls rollback is complete before error
workflowaction will set failure on successful rollback
added check for isrollback to know which complete to call
removed file which should not have been added
add fabric check before running vf module a la carte
Enhance UCPEMigrateService junits and add them to Jenkins build..
Added back removed test case for ManualTasks
Added test case for response error
Added rainy day test cases for ManualTasks
revert the other change and fix the rollback logic instead
fixed current sequence and updated rollback code
added network cloud heat template parameters to mapper
Generate a unique subRequestId for each request to APP-C.
reverted conditional logic for determining fabric
Fix Bean scanning so it picks up the resttemplate
removed unnecessary RestTemplate Bean configurations
removed file which should not have been added
workflowaction calls rollback is complete before error
workflowaction will set failure on successful rollback
added check for isrollback to know which complete to call
add fabric check before running vf module a la carte
added assertion that global count var was reset to 0
updated rollback to reset current sequence count var
include network ID for completion handler
Revert Application.yaml change accidentally checked in
Added exception handling for saving to requestdb
Added case to handle when homing is not called during assign vnf.
removed useless error handling test case from workflow
changed method name and added junit coverage to errors
add cloud owner variable to camunda in mapping
Revert "Pass cloudOwner to subflow DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2. Added
juint test to verify variables are set in the execution. Set default
cloudOwner in main module CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV2"
updated cloud configuration pojo to inlcude defaults
Revert "Test to verify ServiceInstance object mapping"
Test to verify ServiceInstance object mapping
Pass cloudOwner to subflow DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2. Added juint test
to verify variables are set in the execution. Set default cloudOwner in
main module CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV2
Pass cloudOwner to subflow DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2. Set default
cloudOwner 'att-aic' if null per old requirements.
removed references to att-aic from BBInputSetup
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | used
DelegateExecutionFake in Tests
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | used
DelegateExecutionFake in Tests
Changes done in encryption decryption logic
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | removed Default Auth
Constant as per the comments
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Fixed UT
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Added XmlComparator
assertion for verifying XML
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Reverted as per the
review comment
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Fixed UTs
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Fixed UTs
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | modified related
encrypted properties in test yaml files
Changes done in encryption decryption logic for fortify issue
resolution | Fixed UTs
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | modified related
encrypted properties in yaml files
Changes done in encryption decryption logic for fortify issue
Fixed Property fetching issue in required file
Added TasksBeansTest using openpojo
Removed renamed test file from tasksbeans
Updated imports on TasksBeansTest
Added openpojo test to replace the individual tests
Removed tests that provided no coverage
script clean up -Update reference data to support distinct recreate and
replace requests with their own sequences
Update reference data to support distinct recreate and replace requests
with their own sequences- Fix seq number
Update reference data to support distinct recreate and replace requests
with their own sequences
added null check to mdc and interceptors to sdnc cxf
validations can now match against multiple BBs
reverted changes to BBInputSetup class
added support for pre and post validation for BBs
initial commit of generic building block validator
converted test to no longer be a springboot test
Remove cosmetic changes from BPMN files to be consistent.
Remove minor changes that are not related to functionality.
Rework to implement the functionality as part of Validator
Combine the verification methods into one based on the flow's name;
change the logging.
Add verification of status of other VF Modules in the VNF for the
added network-technology validation for CreateNetworkBB
Sonar Issue Fix | Changes done in encryption decryption logic |
Changes done in encryption decryption logic| Used AES/GCM/NoPadding
algorithm | fixed sonar issues
added network-type and network-technology to mapper
Continue the fight to make JUNITS work properly
Update ASDC ATT to be springboot 2.0 compliant
Continue to fix Unit tests for springboot 2.0 port
removed autowired from workflowactionbbtaskstest
fixed workflowactiontest and reduced size by 500 lines
Update last of UT for mockito upgrade to 2.0
Fix more JUNITS due to mockito 2.0 upgrade
Unit Test fixes to use proper mockito not spring
Update Base Test to import proper packages for compile
Additional Springboot 2.0 changes, for tests
Additional springboot 2.0 fixes and upgrades
Update Migration to be Flyway 5 Compliant
Fix MSOBPMN Infrastructure common tests
Fix Groovy Unit Tests in CommonBPMN Project
Update MSO common BPMN to Springboot 2.0
Upgrade ASDC controller to SpringBoot 2.0
Port Openstack adapters to springboot 2.0
Fix VFC Adapter to be springboot 2 compatible
Port CatalogDB adapter code to springboot 2
Port SDNC Adapter to Springboot 2.0
added update scripts to macro data instead of v12 sql
added secondarypolicy to rainy day handling table
confirm subnet map is not null in adapter response
shallow copy subnet before AAI udpate
update AAIObjectType to use uriTemplate
extract subnet data from adapter response
update correct AAIObjectType for subnet query
update subnet(s) in AAI on network create completion
confirm subnet map is not null in adapter response
shallow copy subnet before AAI udpate
update AAIObjectType to use uriTemplate
extract subnet data from adapter response
update correct AAIObjectType for subnet query
update subnet(s) in AAI on network create completion
fixed test http entity unit test to remove testing appid and
transaction id
added unit test for querySubsystemHealth method. also added
resttemplate mock to implement healthcheck endpoint
fixed unit test to use mock instead of actually goes out to health
check endpoint
added code to extend globalhealthcheck to include pinging other
components and consolidate the responses
converted test to no longer be a springboot test
Remove cosmetic changes from BPMN files to be consistent.
Remove minor changes that are not related to functionality.
added update scripts to macro data instead of v12 sql
Rework to implement the functionality as part of Validator
added secondarypolicy to rainy day handling table
added network-type and network-technology to mapper
Combine the verification methods into one based on the flow's name;
change the logging.
Add verification of status of other VF Modules in the VNF for the
updated how request db is set to failure in workflowA
corrected code to match existing unit tests
corrected tests after springboot 2 upgrade
Added Required UTs in UpdateConfigurationStateTest and also fixed some
added in missing parenthesis on method call
added back execution variable for allotted uri
addressed comments on pull request
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy files - Changes as per review
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Fixing AAIResourceClient.update call
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy files - UpdateConfiguration
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy file - DeleteConfiguration
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy file - UpdateConfiguration
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy file - CreateConfiguration &
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy files - Fix getARByID issue
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Adding Junits
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Adding few more classes
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Update junit
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 | Adding junits
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 | Adding junits
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy
updated in and out mapping to be generalBuildingBlock
change source out mapping to generalBuildingBlock
Change-Id: I122f1ebe3e15b77da0a55af201d89d47e326bf83
Issue-ID: SO-1098
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Change-Id: I0a73fbedf8c6f22e0a37cd8f0505ddcf83250341
Issue-ID: SO-1160
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
fixed the db status not being updated on delete SI
added a default sequence flow to isAsync_Gateway
Removed @Before and organized imports
Added check to prevent db query with only requestStatus
correct AAIObjectPlurals enum value name
Correct rollbackData setting and protect against null
Change-Id: Ic7c47dc968a29987c3d576da9aa50c7ddc8f28ee
Issue-ID: SO-1162
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
default cloud owner can now be set via a property
Change-Id: I9b900cb2a5c7176a78e889ad2ce31a4ed9d38585
Issue-ID: SO-1158
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Fixed issue with resource version being added twice.
added silent success to orch validation when unassign is not found
Removed SNAPSHOT from dependency
Fixed failing BBInputSetup tests
Updated apih tests to use networkInstanceGroup
Updated ModelType enum and fixed compilation issues
Change the place where the data for multistage gets set
Update treatment of PENDING_ACTIVATION VF_MODULE CREATE entries to
SILENT_SUCCESS to support first stage of multistage.
Implement second stage of multistage design VF Module Creation
Implementation of the first stage of multistage design for VF Module
Change-Id: I6d76282d1f37c081355cee72797d8e13da4e3cb0
Issue-ID: SO-1149
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
Henceforth, the master branch will be for Dublin work.
Change-Id: I269fd8f227e37afdab9c633f45488c643e5e765e
Issue-ID: SO-1151
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
Updated builder to use String.format
Added exception specifically for issues interacting with
Updated exception message and added junit test case
Added case to handle when homing is not called during assign vnf.
include network ID for completion handler
Added exception handling for saving to requestdb
added null check to mdc and interceptors to sdnc cxf
confirm subnet map is not null in adapter response
shallow copy subnet before AAI udpate
update AAIObjectType to use uriTemplate
extract subnet data from adapter response
update correct AAIObjectType for subnet query
update subnet(s) in AAI on network create completion
updated how request db is set to failure in workflowA
updated in and out mapping to be generalBuildingBlock
change source out mapping to generalBuildingBlock
Use explicit conversion to JSON to read cloudConfiguration settings.
Use explicit conversion to JSON to read cloudConfiguration settings.
Correct the name of DeleteVfModuleBB subprocess.
Write the returned value from Homing to gBBInput
updated unit test coverage for update network
sync subnet status with network update
Added WorkflowException to out mapping which will trigger an exception
to be thrown when populated.
Correct the payload for HealthCheck APP-C Action to remove escaping and
change parameter name.
Added WorkflowException to out mapping which will trigger an exception
to be thrown when populated.
Commit a change that was not staged in previous commit
updated arguments to getConstructor method
forgot to extract throwable from Optional object
added throwable constructor to createException
fixed broken unit test and added a new test and method
set the network technology in the network request
remove namespace from added networkId payload element
- Updated SDWan test case to check the database to make sure the
VNFCustomization object exist.
- Updated code to only loop in iNotif.getResources() for VF resources,
all others are unnecessary and were causing issues with the Service
- Removed modifiedHeatTemplate variable since this isn't needed in the
ONAP code base.
Make sure vnfResponseCode variable is set to 200 when VNF is correctly
retrieved from A&AI.
VRR VRRCreateVfModule - send availability_zone to SDNC Infra Assign
Safeguard the retrieval of Boolean setting for isRollbackEnabled.
Set isRollbackEnabled to opposite of suppressRollback early on in the
Reverse suppressRollback value to pass as backout parameter to VNF
Add the exceptions to the calls to aai client queries
Correct retrieval of the object from Optional for A&AI queries.
Change-Id: I7d22e621b0316c14ce61bd51a9d5753473622697
Issue-ID: SO-1134
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Change-Id: I92c6caad1370fde7daf067addbf39e45469e08aa
Issue-ID: SO-1116
Signed-off-by: biniek <>
added in cloud configuration object to request params
Fix Bean scanning so it picks up the resttemplate
removed unnecessary RestTemplate Bean configurations
corrected typo in CloudConfiguration class
updated gr api test cases with dynamic cloud owner
updated groovy files to allow for dynamic cloud owner values
updated GR API layer to include cloud owner
added enum for default cloud owner
add cloud owner variable to camunda in mapping
removed references to att-aic from BBInputSetup
updated aai schema dependency to 1.3.1 from 1.3.0
Fixed incorrect type AAIUri and updated logging in the method.
use existing service instance id instead of generating
Pass cloudOwner to process to propagate to subprocesses.
NOTE: our aai-schema dependency is 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT to be
compatible with the cloud owner changes here. The
releaesed 1.3.0 version is NOT compatible.
Change-Id: I43b46774b77981d1c8bfe7c7a79b9434889e62ae
Issue-ID: SO-1128
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
Fix Bean scanning so it picks up the resttemplate
removed unnecessary RestTemplate Bean configurations
Change-Id: I094bec8e9513a2e02ebf00215291136ed6d54a18
Issue-ID: SO-1080
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
fixed unit tests after addition of A&AI edge label
added option for edgelabel between vnf inst group
added belongs to in connecting a vnf to instance group
- Adding test for
dWorkStep method in the catalogdb client
correct default RainyDay table search input
updated custom resolver to include float and added comment to explain
timestamp configuration
added a custom resolver and updated snake yaml version
Replacing bowman client with | Add Accept and
Content-Type to headers
Removing the unused imports as well
Implementing some review comments for hte tests being ignored
Replacing bowman client with |Fixing Junits
Replacing bowman client with | Making Data
inserts to go specifically in requestDB
Replacing bowman client with | Adding Junits
Replacing bowman client with | Adding Junits
Replacing bowman client with | Adding Junits
Replacing bowman client with
- Updated tosca parser version to 1.4.3 and upgraded vnfc test case
with new csar to pass with latest parser code.
added test case for when workflow has not called all flows
fixed issue with rollback and retry in workflowaction
Reverted homing changes and changes assign vnf to use the homing
produced GeneralBuildingBlock.
fixed unit test to build the correct format hashmap
reverted extraction back to LinkedHashMap
marshal sdnc output to an object
removed unused variables and imports
extract response code/message from embedded map
add junits to parse SDNC assign response
removed missed org.openecomp.mso imports from bpmn
Change-Id: Ib2b6591a744ecb5b08c522494cdf1ad7dae18a08
Issue-ID: SO-1069
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Update logging to meet Casablanca Spec
Change-Id: I029d6c63765992d6f091d96e2b4c34c60d30c484
Issue-ID: SO-947
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Change-Id: Idaa55084f5ecb0dd3636c232cebc14fa70000021
Issue-ID: SO-683
Signed-off-by: Yulian Han <>
Change-Id: Iba07a1b11853177697f32ac14cef912b9691bfd9
Issue-ID: SO-1067
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
Change-Id: Idaa55084f5ecb0dd3536c232cebc14fb50000007
Issue-ID: SO-1013
Signed-off-by: <>
to increase code coverage
Issue-ID: SO-153
Change-Id: I0829b1c49756eb5f30a618d3ef7d22dbb242126d
Signed-off-by: Sandeep J <>
This artifact is not actually used by SO.
Removed it from the poms.
Change-Id: Icfeb3026581996bc980a223232a305c488a01fb2
Issue-ID: SO-1065
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
added accept headers to http entity request
mappers were looking at "Content-Type" and not "Accept"
modified test to no longer share global headers
added additional tests and corrected comparison errors
Fixing issue with comparing media types, the equals method in
MediaType.class uses parameters as well to compare, added a method to
just compare the type and subtype and get done with it
Fixing test failures, getMEdiaType would come as null in most cases,
this causes the defautl serialization mode to be picked which is xml.
tests now pass with exception providers in place
exception providers now handle JSON and XML
Dumy push to re-trigger the build which failed at sonar evaluation
Trying to fix the build by removing different spy's
Returning XML instead of JSON in cases of error for
endpoints. Removed exceptions and its generic handler which is a good
thought, however given that the exceptionhandlers are generic it gets
tough to return to handle exceptions which require different namesaces
in response amongst other problems.
Change-Id: I684fe3b0047693093a99aa999faf261d7713f404
Issue-ID: SO-1058
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Updated nfRole in sample catdb json response
Added gr-api-default recipe for recreate
Updated description in catdb response json
Updated catdb response file to have the correct action
Added action to common package
Removed requestor ids and source from test requests
Began adding recreate endpoint and tests
Began adding validation for recreate and junit tests
Change-Id: I60c588be104b82b2d0dfb8587069e04f7b4710be
Issue-ID: SO-1057
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
to increase code coverage
Issue-ID: SO-1053
Change-Id: I34f287041f5f09cf0c37a0c9babe9719a6d5ce97
Signed-off-by: Sandeep J <>
sdnc now logs the full response message as a json
removed erroneous encoding of variables with full XML
Return created network from getVirtualLinkL3Network
added exception logger to workflowaction aai check
Check for null value for vnfcPorts before referencing it
Added test case for invalid camunda response
Changed to use updateStatus method
Added saving for currentActiveReq and test for 401 resp
Change JUnit to use expectedException and clean up unused items.
Add vfModuleId to the exception message for missing model info.
Report an error if VF Module model info is expected but is null.
- Just renamed the Cvnfc and Vnfc set names
- Updated code to check for duplicate VNFC's across multiple modules in
the same VNF.
- Removed commented out if statement line for ALLOTTED_RESOURCE
- Reinitialize the Cvnfc and Vnfc Sets each time we iterate the
VFModule loop. This will avoid the concurrent modification exception.
Eliminated Ben from the sample request
Changed to use else if for null check
Added null check before catdb call and test case
Fix implementation of a call to VNF Adapter for DeleteVolumeGroupBB.
Update the method to no call save and do a put
Revert usage of PUT method, use save instead
Change-Id: I9f69fb68d0639c23b8e1de6931938119bd3ac54b
Issue-ID: SO-1032
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Disable Flakey tests, that do not run well
Resolve bean conflict, move to common project
Fix port in properties file for replacement
Fix threading problems in requestdbclient
Change-Id: I12d145863152d302da4fa0854db1c85286266e02
Issue-ID: SO-1034
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
RequestsDbClient Junits and some fixes for RequestsDbClient
Change-Id: Icc2185030220d7bf973be5a23a51b6b5e313a360
Issue-ID: SO-1033
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Widen the test time range to avoid time zone issue
Change-Id: I1f69fdff4c6a92728fab068eea415adc8bf4937e
Issue-ID: SO-1023
Signed-off-by: byungwoojun<>
Upgrade to fasterxml.jackson 2.8.10. This is the latest version
that seems to work with our code on springboot 1.5.13.RELEASE.
Change-Id: I734f84c18e53218f111fb08c959a67ee0a2e6014
Issue-ID: SO-856
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
Seperate out Beans and repositories for RequestDB
Change-Id: I67d6597d580e9828b6bb8faafaea7e09cc6467c0
Issue-ID: SO-999
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
fixed sonar issue as detailed in SO-993
Issue-ID: SO-993
Change-Id: I614cf8add2e056b18f1e4926b658b4ea716afd86
Signed-off-by: Sandeep J <>
-Missed oen file from the previous commit
- Removing any left out repository imports and dependencies from the
api handle
Change-Id: I5447d1a9f20b2e50243432e4570dec7aa27c7061
Issue-ID: SO-996
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Removed ID from sample request JSON
Added null check to fix null query value parameter error
Change-Id: I1bf427b7864560bbbd577972763be439edad6ec0
Issue-ID: SO-943
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Fix Autoincrement of ID field in table
Fix accidental removal of method
Update usage of requestdb client
removed unused imports in common tasks and test
Fix broken branch, have unit tests pass
the Epic branch
Fix broken branch from compiling
committing classpath for vfc adapter cause its not going away
added in the fail case for when there are no profiles
removed second set of adapters in application test yml
removed double adapters in request db application test
added jpa repo dependency to the so bpmn folder pom
add creation timestamp column to the table
added in null checks for Config returned from policy
switched to string in requestprocess with jenerate
switched to string in requestprocess with jenerate
updated aai version in common pom to 605 from 591
renamed the db scripts for flyway sync to register
added endpoint to application test yml for failing test
Change-Id: I800f837ea75d7cdff740dc3a387e4d7654cfd085
Issue-ID: SO-972
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Change-Id: I9dac918998901d54b3cbc5477cc9c057c3019cb3
Issue-ID: SO-724
Signed-off-by: waqas.ikram <>
Update Client Logging to use interceptor
Move CXF to own project due to dependency hell
Issue-ID: SO-947
Change-Id: I2597ff6d32231b8625b04ef63ab5e8f589e2545c
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
fixed sonar issue detailed in SO-965
Issue-ID: SO-965
Change-Id: Iae43c4d053b14586670c0f0f7c3a8701c32288bb
Signed-off-by: Sandeep J <>