Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
fixed unit tests after addition of A&AI edge label
added option for edgelabel between vnf inst group
added belongs to in connecting a vnf to instance group
- Adding test for
dWorkStep method in the catalogdb client
correct default RainyDay table search input
updated custom resolver to include float and added comment to explain
timestamp configuration
added a custom resolver and updated snake yaml version
Replacing bowman client with | Add Accept and
Content-Type to headers
Removing the unused imports as well
Implementing some review comments for hte tests being ignored
Replacing bowman client with |Fixing Junits
Replacing bowman client with | Making Data
inserts to go specifically in requestDB
Replacing bowman client with | Adding Junits
Replacing bowman client with | Adding Junits
Replacing bowman client with | Adding Junits
Replacing bowman client with
- Updated tosca parser version to 1.4.3 and upgraded vnfc test case
with new csar to pass with latest parser code.
added test case for when workflow has not called all flows
fixed issue with rollback and retry in workflowaction
Reverted homing changes and changes assign vnf to use the homing
produced GeneralBuildingBlock.
fixed unit test to build the correct format hashmap
reverted extraction back to LinkedHashMap
marshal sdnc output to an object
removed unused variables and imports
extract response code/message from embedded map
add junits to parse SDNC assign response
removed missed org.openecomp.mso imports from bpmn
Change-Id: Ib2b6591a744ecb5b08c522494cdf1ad7dae18a08
Issue-ID: SO-1069
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Update logging to meet Casablanca Spec
Change-Id: I029d6c63765992d6f091d96e2b4c34c60d30c484
Issue-ID: SO-947
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Change-Id: Iba07a1b11853177697f32ac14cef912b9691bfd9
Issue-ID: SO-1067
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
added accept headers to http entity request
mappers were looking at "Content-Type" and not "Accept"
modified test to no longer share global headers
added additional tests and corrected comparison errors
Fixing issue with comparing media types, the equals method in
MediaType.class uses parameters as well to compare, added a method to
just compare the type and subtype and get done with it
Fixing test failures, getMEdiaType would come as null in most cases,
this causes the defautl serialization mode to be picked which is xml.
tests now pass with exception providers in place
exception providers now handle JSON and XML
Dumy push to re-trigger the build which failed at sonar evaluation
Trying to fix the build by removing different spy's
Returning XML instead of JSON in cases of error for
endpoints. Removed exceptions and its generic handler which is a good
thought, however given that the exceptionhandlers are generic it gets
tough to return to handle exceptions which require different namesaces
in response amongst other problems.
Change-Id: I684fe3b0047693093a99aa999faf261d7713f404
Issue-ID: SO-1058
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Updated nfRole in sample catdb json response
Added gr-api-default recipe for recreate
Updated description in catdb response json
Updated catdb response file to have the correct action
Added action to common package
Removed requestor ids and source from test requests
Began adding recreate endpoint and tests
Began adding validation for recreate and junit tests
Change-Id: I60c588be104b82b2d0dfb8587069e04f7b4710be
Issue-ID: SO-1057
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
sdnc now logs the full response message as a json
removed erroneous encoding of variables with full XML
Return created network from getVirtualLinkL3Network
added exception logger to workflowaction aai check
Check for null value for vnfcPorts before referencing it
Added test case for invalid camunda response
Changed to use updateStatus method
Added saving for currentActiveReq and test for 401 resp
Change JUnit to use expectedException and clean up unused items.
Add vfModuleId to the exception message for missing model info.
Report an error if VF Module model info is expected but is null.
- Just renamed the Cvnfc and Vnfc set names
- Updated code to check for duplicate VNFC's across multiple modules in
the same VNF.
- Removed commented out if statement line for ALLOTTED_RESOURCE
- Reinitialize the Cvnfc and Vnfc Sets each time we iterate the
VFModule loop. This will avoid the concurrent modification exception.
Eliminated Ben from the sample request
Changed to use else if for null check
Added null check before catdb call and test case
Fix implementation of a call to VNF Adapter for DeleteVolumeGroupBB.
Update the method to no call save and do a put
Revert usage of PUT method, use save instead
Change-Id: I9f69fb68d0639c23b8e1de6931938119bd3ac54b
Issue-ID: SO-1032
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
RequestsDbClient Junits and some fixes for RequestsDbClient
Change-Id: Icc2185030220d7bf973be5a23a51b6b5e313a360
Issue-ID: SO-1033
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
-Missed oen file from the previous commit
- Removing any left out repository imports and dependencies from the
api handle
Change-Id: I5447d1a9f20b2e50243432e4570dec7aa27c7061
Issue-ID: SO-996
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Removed ID from sample request JSON
Added null check to fix null query value parameter error
Change-Id: I1bf427b7864560bbbd577972763be439edad6ec0
Issue-ID: SO-943
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Fix Autoincrement of ID field in table
Fix accidental removal of method
Update usage of requestdb client
removed unused imports in common tasks and test
Fix broken branch, have unit tests pass
the Epic branch
Fix broken branch from compiling
committing classpath for vfc adapter cause its not going away
added in the fail case for when there are no profiles
removed second set of adapters in application test yml
removed double adapters in request db application test
added jpa repo dependency to the so bpmn folder pom
add creation timestamp column to the table
added in null checks for Config returned from policy
switched to string in requestprocess with jenerate
switched to string in requestprocess with jenerate
updated aai version in common pom to 605 from 591
renamed the db scripts for flyway sync to register
added endpoint to application test yml for failing test
Change-Id: I800f837ea75d7cdff740dc3a387e4d7654cfd085
Issue-ID: SO-972
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Add CXF interceptor for SOAP based logging
Clean up extra logging statements
Add UT to ensure MDC properly populated
Change package name on Jax-RS Filter to be more accurate
Issue-ID: SO-947
Change-Id: I3a2afc58de3bf370675658ce3d19cf899b90def7
Change-Id: I3a2afc58de3bf370675658ce3d19cf899b90def7
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
- Fixed issues related to created Date Format, enabled required Test
- Fixed issues related to queryParam names, enabled required Test
- Fixed issues related to queryParam names
- Improving coverage for catalogDbClient by another 10% (its 78% now)
- Improving coverage for catalogDbClient by another 10%. There is a
failing test which will be explored shortly
- Improving coverage for catalogDbClient, adding some tests and their
basic asserts
- merging with dev and resolving the compilation issue arising due to it
- Removing some TODO introduced in code for incremental pushes
- Fixing failing unit test cases with the build
- Refactoring done for code change in catalogDBClient
- merged changes with development branch
- Modified unit tests for Catalogdb Client related code
- Modified unit tests for Catalogdb Client related code
- Fixed some of the repository code for retrieving single resource
- Modified unit tests for Catalogdb Client related code
- Modified unit tests for Catalogdb Client related code
- Modified unit tests for Catalogdb Client related code
- Removed @Param from repositories and added -Parameters argument in
maven compile plugin
Change-Id: Ieeb7bcc21a573465e485fedfbbe771c8b89db3f8
Issue-ID: SO-925
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Minor refactoring
Add request DB Config to ATT specific ASDC controller test yaml
Adding requestDB Endpoint to yaml so as to pass the tests of asdc
Adding requestDB Endpoint to yaml so as to pass the tests
Adding requestDB Endpoint to yaml so as to pass the tests
Handling the build failure due to mock mismatch
Handling the build failure due to conflicting beans and additional
minor refactoring
Handling the build failure due to conflicting beans
Adding RequestDB endpoint to yaml files for running tests
Removing non-entity classes from ClassURLMapper class
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Fixing minor Bug
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Fixing junits
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Fixing
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Fixing Junits
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for RequestsDBHelper
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Moving RequestsDbClient to requestdb
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Fixing Junits
Marking JPARepositories as Remote Rest repositories for
TenantIsolationRunnable class | Initial Checkin
Change-Id: I4053919e98afb8db962511be0a3318b1bf8af88a
Issue-ID: SO-903
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Issue-ID: SO-764
Change-Id: I6fc983ed6bc9d9c410406db1f2355c27e201b4f4
Signed-off-by: Brittany Plummer (bp896r) <>
Update CatalogDB Logging to remove MSO Logger, remove useless log lines,
clean up minor sonar issues while working in the file
Issue-ID: SO-847
Change-Id: Icab5d8cf2885d2193bb55f495b3230dde0f5af54
Change-Id: I2d2b2fa919074c439b6c9039aa7ed5e45a792781
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
If Camunda returns a non-auth error, or invalid JSON. APIH was not
logging the error or properly updating the request database record
Issue-ID: SO-818
Change-Id: I8b164002132ca6c25f95e1fa2b194e6cb4c3be03
Change-Id: If6e06de0fb8a01a00ef06ade915dd7c13623047b
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Fixing Junits
Making MSO requests free from direct repository calls
Add @Param annotation so as to fix JPA methods with query parameters
Fix createE2EServiceInstance Test
Add Unit Tests for Sunny day scenarios
revert import auto-alignment
Issue-ID: SO-811
Change-Id: I9f69d817622b0807642a783311d6959817a77970
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Fixing issue while persisting data into the infra active requests table
Changing a URL to make it more consistent
Removing MSORequest Dependency from all classes but E2EServiceInstance
rename the yaml configuration key to something which is already present
in d2d
Issue-ID: SO-790
Change-Id: I4535a13e2b86ee0eb8c4b0e34aa02f522c0c1a3a
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
rather than direct
Change-Id: I0cd3d3902e32249263298f91263401ce05c34be3
Issue-ID: SO-790
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Change-Id: I95381232eeefcd247a66a5cec370a8ce1c288e18
Issue-ID: SO-670
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
service instance id is now correctly passed in case of delete instance operation
Change-Id: Ifb5c27194d6a588852051df0aa391b559b484ac0
Issue-ID: SO-640
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Muszkieta <>
This reverts commit c40b51651eff7997eb1bc823644a059b5406868c.
Change-Id: I99e03cf9be05110ca7b4609a35ce7106f3c30b3b
Issue-ID: SO-640
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Muszkieta <>
This commit adds some robustness to the interface between the
API-H and BPMN, specifically, in how the response is handled.
I don't have proof, but there appears to be some randomness to
the json provider behavior when used with the jax-rs. Sometimes,
the serializer is adding the root element, and sometimes it
is not. Maybe there's something wrong with the configuration.
Maybe we have competing json providers. I couldn't pin this
I'm almost certain it is the presence of the root element in
the content that causes the API-H code to fail parsing of the
BPMN response. This doesn't kill the request, as you might
expect, but rather, the API-H passes the BPMN response through
to the client (VID, or policy, or whatever).
The original problem (SO-586) was "fixed" by "removing the
wrapper". This "wrapper" is a needed feature of the interface
between BPMN and the API-H. We shouldn't have removed it.
The fact that the "fix" appeared to work is due to the
behavior I described in the previous paragraph. The API-H
chokes on the message, and it passes it through unchanged.
Not really what we want.
So, I don't know why the jackson/json behavior is flaky and
different now, but I can (and did) modify the API-H so it can
parse a json message whether or not it has a root element.
Note that (in BPMN) and
(in the API-H) are basically the same bean representing the
message format. Seems less than ideal to have two different
Also note that I changed the name of the "response" attribute
of the WorkflowResponse and CamundaResponse classes to "content".
Got tired of seeing this nonsense everywhere in the code:
Change-Id: Icaf70f8457de99e493cf882170fe778c620308c9
Issue-ID: SO-586
Issue-ID: SO-618
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
Change-Id: I04144bbd22773dfda08d7b13f16080930b7edb3a
Issue-ID: SO-621
Signed-off-by: Arthur Martella <>
Change-Id: Ia38fa1234f7b89c0574c74efe62d7b270c8ff987
Issue-ID: SO-596
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Muszkieta <>
Remove operation status set in api-handler
Change-Id: I579d25044130b0701231c0a2d42534e8c63e3ebd
Issue-ID: SO-587
Signed-off-by: c00149107 <>
Change-Id: Idaa55084f5ecb0dd3636c232cebc14fa5f064305
Issue-ID: SO-578
Signed-off-by: Yulian Han <>
Change-Id: Ifd792d5739394c29555c9b2a3447d7088d865a07
Issue-ID: SO-549
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Change-Id: I4fc23794cc96092ca4144bd847de91cff4bdb02b
Issue-ID: SO-548
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Change-Id: I2c983c233ad71379e412de0b75356aec9f38492d
Issue-ID: SO-547
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Repairing a number of tests in ServiceInstancesTest.
Change-Id: Ic74015fb092433a0aa26d22ea726321d1c98efe3
Issue-ID: SO-489
Signed-off-by: Arthur Martella <>
1. E2EServiceInstances
Change-Id: I2516352a237a2b1dbec152d6886c9974a1b10054
Issue-ID: SO-369
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Junit for:
Sonar Link:
Change-Id: Id2eea3ba913651d30bd8d5535c48d09dbea0d892
Issue-ID: SO-539
Signed-off-by: Sumapriya <>
1. VnfMsoInfraRequest
2. MsoRequest
3. NetworkRequestHandler
4. OrchestrationRequests
Change-Id: Id85e5bd157bb491287ffb229f7b87c501554ca0f
Issue-ID: SO-369
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Shekhar <>
Change-Id: Idaa55084f5ecb0dd3636c232cebc14fa5f0641f8
Issue-ID: SO-419
Signed-off-by: Yulian Han <>
1. NetworkRequestHandler
2. VolumeInfoHandler
Change-Id: I2b04effcdc9cd8e5ff0af5a73c2fcbfba580f645
Issue-ID: SO-369
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Shekhar <>
Upgrade org.codehaus.jackson : jackson-mapper-asl : 1.9.13 to com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-databind : 2.8.7
Change Jackson error message in test to new error message.
Change-Id: I719166bcf71d171c2e2ba721790eb87fcda8f305
Issue-ID: SO-537
Signed-off-by: Arthur Martella <>
Change-Id: I7bde5bf105ecda5404875edd8de953e3d1f9d1ff
Issue-ID: SO-369
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Shekhar <>
UT coverage for pojo classes in api handler module.
Change-Id: I73b0ef63b2758d45902c62c7362f54086b31b4fc
Issue-ID: SO-369
Signed-off-by: Sindhu A <>
Change-Id: Ib1774a23282da8b45465235cd362002fbfd13b78
Issue-ID: SO-523
Change-Id: Ib1774a23282da8b45465235cd362002fbfd13b78
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Issue-ID: SO-522
Change-Id: Id984d3834a822d8b6de8ee4771009dad3eee4689
Change-Id: Id984d3834a822d8b6de8ee4771009dad3eee4689
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
UT Coverage for SO
Issue-ID: SO-369
Change-Id: I1708ed331d07386ce85bf1f448085acdc2915fea
Signed-off-by: Sindhu A <>
Changed folder name from taskbean to tasksbean
Issue-ID: SO-369
Change-Id: I2e0d81b2ec4714e8f499bf1ba4639b4c9be1d5e8
Signed-off-by: Sindhu A <>
Update e2e models.
Change-Id: Ifc64a394670a7edcd01d2e4ec78f96a113913bbc
Issue-ID: SO-368
Signed-off-by: subhash kumar singh <>