Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
fixed unit test after changing how entities are read
remove payload logging from metric/audit side
Change-Id: Ibfe7cf96c76920926e9ae9ce5041389324d09b46
Issue-ID: SO-1564
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
enhanced custom support of objects in client
simplified the way objects are added to the type map
attempt to search all packages with ClasspathHelper
do not allow reflections to log so much
former enums are now serializable again
added the ability to create custom object types for A&AI client
Change-Id: I47aae99bc42ccb0ab3d60d4d5d1fe0558cd1a273
Issue-ID: SO-1429
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
remove deobfuscate as crypto is already used.
update based on the feedback to use crypto utils to decrypt
Re-Factor DMAAP Credentials to use encrypted auth credential
Change-Id: I2ac5be84594d84f0f24ae554d99cef274dbb6c16
Issue-ID: SO-1425
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
sorted vfmodules by base last for negative action reqs
store Response in execution as String on network delete
added functionality to skip rollback based on flag # Conflicts: #
require XML in the header for delete network request
Update APP-C LCM Client library version to 1.7.0.
replaced wiremock style test with mockito test
Handle AAIClient Exps in CreateCustomerV1 getServiceInstance()
changed default status code to be configurable
Replace vnfType by nfRole in the healthcheck request to SDNO.
updated error messages in sdnc handler and flow status
updated flow status message on completion of flow
Send GenericVnf object for AAI VNF update for vnf-api updates
Add a JUnit test file for
Set nodeType on the inner SDNO request as per update from SDNO.
updated rollbackToAssigned logic to remove unassign flows
updated sdnc handler error message for client error
added exception handling for httpclienterror in sdnc
out map workflow exception so error is reported
throws sdnc error message on bad response from sdnc
add catalog entries for TRANSPORT service delete flows
change script number that was duplicate
add find method to NorthBoundRequestRepository
include serviceType in hash code
use asterisk for all non-TRANSPORT flow db entries
alacart true, rm not needed transport srvc model steps
correct insert query syntax for orchestration_flow
support serviceType (TRANSPORT) process flow
fix SDNCAdapterException causing no callback to bpmn
use JsonAlias for alternate case when deserializing
GRM client will accept both "serviceEndPointList" and
"ServiceEndPointList" root node in the JSON response.
AAIRestClient now uses getSystemName in headers
finishtime should not be returned in requeststatus
Change-Id: I81a185252b057020f7f36f125c85c3357756da88
Issue-ID: SO-1403
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
corrected typo in CloudConfiguration class
removed files which should not have been merged
updated gr api test cases with dynamic cloud owner
updated groovy files to allow for dynamic cloud owner values
moved VFModularity folder to mso-infrastructure bpmn
updated GR API layer to include cloud owner
added enum for default cloud owner
- fixing junit test cases for using catalogDb client r2
- fixing junit test cases for using catalogDb client
- Internal review comments incorporated for merging mocking into
- Internal review comments incorporated for removing direct repo calls
- CLONE - Key Management Hardcoded encryption key | fixing junits
- CLONE - Key Management Hardcoded encryption key
Updated builder to use String.format
Added exception specifically for issues interacting with
Updated exception message and added junit test case
removed useless error handling test case from workflow
changed method name and added junit coverage to errors
added max retry and success status after completed bb
Added case to handle when homing is not called during assign vnf.
Fixing fortify issues | Implementing review comments
- Key Management Hardcoded encryption key - fixing prop files
- Key Management Hardcoded encryption key
include network ID for completion handler
Added exception handling for saving to requestdb
- Adding a check on the predicate availability on the repository before
firing the query with default conditions. This ensures that the api
returns data only when there is an input against which it was able to
form some conditions
Modify UT to show that the API does not behave
- adding negative test case for checkInstanceNameDuplicate
added assertion that global count var was reset to 0
updated rollback to reset current sequence count var
workflowaction calls rollback is complete before error
workflowaction will set failure on successful rollback
added check for isrollback to know which complete to call
removed file which should not have been added
add fabric check before running vf module a la carte
Enhance UCPEMigrateService junits and add them to Jenkins build..
Added back removed test case for ManualTasks
Added test case for response error
Added rainy day test cases for ManualTasks
revert the other change and fix the rollback logic instead
fixed current sequence and updated rollback code
added network cloud heat template parameters to mapper
Generate a unique subRequestId for each request to APP-C.
reverted conditional logic for determining fabric
Fix Bean scanning so it picks up the resttemplate
removed unnecessary RestTemplate Bean configurations
removed file which should not have been added
workflowaction calls rollback is complete before error
workflowaction will set failure on successful rollback
added check for isrollback to know which complete to call
add fabric check before running vf module a la carte
added assertion that global count var was reset to 0
updated rollback to reset current sequence count var
include network ID for completion handler
Revert Application.yaml change accidentally checked in
Added exception handling for saving to requestdb
Added case to handle when homing is not called during assign vnf.
removed useless error handling test case from workflow
changed method name and added junit coverage to errors
add cloud owner variable to camunda in mapping
Revert "Pass cloudOwner to subflow DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2. Added
juint test to verify variables are set in the execution. Set default
cloudOwner in main module CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV2"
updated cloud configuration pojo to inlcude defaults
Revert "Test to verify ServiceInstance object mapping"
Test to verify ServiceInstance object mapping
Pass cloudOwner to subflow DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2. Added juint test
to verify variables are set in the execution. Set default cloudOwner in
main module CreateVfModuleVolumeInfraV2
Pass cloudOwner to subflow DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2. Set default
cloudOwner 'att-aic' if null per old requirements.
removed references to att-aic from BBInputSetup
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | used
DelegateExecutionFake in Tests
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | used
DelegateExecutionFake in Tests
Changes done in encryption decryption logic
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | removed Default Auth
Constant as per the comments
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Fixed UT
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Added XmlComparator
assertion for verifying XML
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Reverted as per the
review comment
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Fixed UTs
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | Fixed UTs
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | modified related
encrypted properties in test yaml files
Changes done in encryption decryption logic for fortify issue
resolution | Fixed UTs
Changes done in encryption decryption logic | modified related
encrypted properties in yaml files
Changes done in encryption decryption logic for fortify issue
Fixed Property fetching issue in required file
Added TasksBeansTest using openpojo
Removed renamed test file from tasksbeans
Updated imports on TasksBeansTest
Added openpojo test to replace the individual tests
Removed tests that provided no coverage
script clean up -Update reference data to support distinct recreate and
replace requests with their own sequences
Update reference data to support distinct recreate and replace requests
with their own sequences- Fix seq number
Update reference data to support distinct recreate and replace requests
with their own sequences
added null check to mdc and interceptors to sdnc cxf
validations can now match against multiple BBs
reverted changes to BBInputSetup class
added support for pre and post validation for BBs
initial commit of generic building block validator
converted test to no longer be a springboot test
Remove cosmetic changes from BPMN files to be consistent.
Remove minor changes that are not related to functionality.
Rework to implement the functionality as part of Validator
Combine the verification methods into one based on the flow's name;
change the logging.
Add verification of status of other VF Modules in the VNF for the
added network-technology validation for CreateNetworkBB
Sonar Issue Fix | Changes done in encryption decryption logic |
Changes done in encryption decryption logic| Used AES/GCM/NoPadding
algorithm | fixed sonar issues
added network-type and network-technology to mapper
Continue the fight to make JUNITS work properly
Update ASDC ATT to be springboot 2.0 compliant
Continue to fix Unit tests for springboot 2.0 port
removed autowired from workflowactionbbtaskstest
fixed workflowactiontest and reduced size by 500 lines
Update last of UT for mockito upgrade to 2.0
Fix more JUNITS due to mockito 2.0 upgrade
Unit Test fixes to use proper mockito not spring
Update Base Test to import proper packages for compile
Additional Springboot 2.0 changes, for tests
Additional springboot 2.0 fixes and upgrades
Update Migration to be Flyway 5 Compliant
Fix MSOBPMN Infrastructure common tests
Fix Groovy Unit Tests in CommonBPMN Project
Update MSO common BPMN to Springboot 2.0
Upgrade ASDC controller to SpringBoot 2.0
Port Openstack adapters to springboot 2.0
Fix VFC Adapter to be springboot 2 compatible
Port CatalogDB adapter code to springboot 2
Port SDNC Adapter to Springboot 2.0
added update scripts to macro data instead of v12 sql
added secondarypolicy to rainy day handling table
confirm subnet map is not null in adapter response
shallow copy subnet before AAI udpate
update AAIObjectType to use uriTemplate
extract subnet data from adapter response
update correct AAIObjectType for subnet query
update subnet(s) in AAI on network create completion
confirm subnet map is not null in adapter response
shallow copy subnet before AAI udpate
update AAIObjectType to use uriTemplate
extract subnet data from adapter response
update correct AAIObjectType for subnet query
update subnet(s) in AAI on network create completion
fixed test http entity unit test to remove testing appid and
transaction id
added unit test for querySubsystemHealth method. also added
resttemplate mock to implement healthcheck endpoint
fixed unit test to use mock instead of actually goes out to health
check endpoint
added code to extend globalhealthcheck to include pinging other
components and consolidate the responses
converted test to no longer be a springboot test
Remove cosmetic changes from BPMN files to be consistent.
Remove minor changes that are not related to functionality.
added update scripts to macro data instead of v12 sql
Rework to implement the functionality as part of Validator
added secondarypolicy to rainy day handling table
added network-type and network-technology to mapper
Combine the verification methods into one based on the flow's name;
change the logging.
Add verification of status of other VF Modules in the VNF for the
updated how request db is set to failure in workflowA
corrected code to match existing unit tests
corrected tests after springboot 2 upgrade
Added Required UTs in UpdateConfigurationStateTest and also fixed some
added in missing parenthesis on method call
added back execution variable for allotted uri
addressed comments on pull request
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy files - Changes as per review
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Fixing AAIResourceClient.update call
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy files - UpdateConfiguration
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy file - DeleteConfiguration
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy file - UpdateConfiguration
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy file - CreateConfiguration &
refactor AAI Rest calls from groovy files - Fix getARByID issue
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Adding Junits
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Adding few more classes
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2
checkin to refactor AAI rest | Update junit
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 | Adding junits
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 | Adding junits
checkin to refactor AAI rest of DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy
updated in and out mapping to be generalBuildingBlock
change source out mapping to generalBuildingBlock
Change-Id: I122f1ebe3e15b77da0a55af201d89d47e326bf83
Issue-ID: SO-1098
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Set non-custom health diagnostic check code to a default value.
created custom java serialization for SimpleUri
changed property value for cloud-owner in unit test
converted aai call to use the AAI Client
Correct a JUnit data file to include userParams values that are
expected to be set.
Set userParams on requestContext to parameters that need to be passed
to downstream systems.
Change-Id: I3974691875ef967f90a15f076ae27bc0cd76ee8e
Issue-ID: SO-1169
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
remove att-aic cloud owner from ONAP files
Change-Id: Ifba8ef6f53194ddca12d11973817f6d85e2fa7e3
Issue-ID: SO-1161
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
default cloud owner can now be set via a property
Change-Id: I9b900cb2a5c7176a78e889ad2ce31a4ed9d38585
Issue-ID: SO-1158
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
fixed marshalling when issuing a patch request
added support for single transaction api in A&AI
Change-Id: Icf755f547523cc7dbf931e198177847a5a1c6ea1
Issue-ID: SO-1060
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Fix Autoincrement of ID field in table
Fix accidental removal of method
Update usage of requestdb client
removed unused imports in common tasks and test
Fix broken branch, have unit tests pass
the Epic branch
Fix broken branch from compiling
committing classpath for vfc adapter cause its not going away
added in the fail case for when there are no profiles
removed second set of adapters in application test yml
removed double adapters in request db application test
added jpa repo dependency to the so bpmn folder pom
add creation timestamp column to the table
added in null checks for Config returned from policy
switched to string in requestprocess with jenerate
switched to string in requestprocess with jenerate
updated aai version in common pom to 605 from 591
renamed the db scripts for flyway sync to register
added endpoint to application test yml for failing test
Change-Id: I800f837ea75d7cdff740dc3a387e4d7654cfd085
Issue-ID: SO-972
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Update Client Logging to use interceptor
Move CXF to own project due to dependency hell
Issue-ID: SO-947
Change-Id: I2597ff6d32231b8625b04ef63ab5e8f589e2545c
Signed-off-by: Smokowski, Steve (ss835w) <>
Change-Id: I95381232eeefcd247a66a5cec370a8ce1c288e18
Issue-ID: SO-670
Signed-off-by: Benjamin, Max (mb388a) <>
Adding support for Basic Auth in the AAI Rest Clients because
ONAP uses this (whereas ECOMP uses 2-way SSL).
In general, each AAI client will allow the user to configure
properties called "aai.auth" and "mso.msoKey". If these are
set, then the client will add the Authorization header to every
Change-Id: I7c81ec05d2ec4a7dca131f2e9e19d341ac89b09f
Issue-ID: SO-576
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
This is code from AT&T's 1712 and 1802 releases.
Change-Id: Ie1e85851e94bc66c4d9514a0226c221939531a04
Issue-ID: SO-425
Signed-off-by: Rob Daugherty <>
IssueId: SO-120
Change-Id: I6d54eeeb34d8d46c588fd09c417aba3e1f5173b0
Signed-off-by: Seshu-Kumar-M <>
Change-Id: Ia6a7574859480717402cc2f22534d9973a78fa6d
Signed-off-by: ChrisC <>