path: root/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org')
1 files changed, 925 insertions, 925 deletions
diff --git a/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/E2EServiceInstancesTest.java b/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/E2EServiceInstancesTest.java
index c0f6ccc730..831a789711 100644
--- a/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/E2EServiceInstancesTest.java
+++ b/mso-api-handlers/mso-api-handler-infra/src/test/java/org/openecomp/mso/apihandlerinfra/E2EServiceInstancesTest.java
@@ -1,925 +1,925 @@
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * ONAP - SO
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.mso.apihandlerinfra;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
-import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
-import org.apache.http.ProtocolVersion;
-import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
-import org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity;
-import org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpResponse;
-import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
-import org.hibernate.Session;
-import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
-import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
-import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.mockito.Mockito;
-import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.CamundaClient;
-import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.RequestClient;
-import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.RequestClientFactory;
-import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.CatalogDatabase;
-import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.Service;
-import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.ServiceRecipe;
-import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoDatabaseException;
-import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoJavaProperties;
-import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoPropertiesFactory;
-import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.InfraActiveRequests;
-import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.OperationStatus;
-import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.RequestsDatabase;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-public class E2EServiceInstancesTest {
- String jsonBody = "{" +
- "\"service\": {" +
- "\"name\": \"so_test4\"," +
- "\"description\": \"so_test2\"," +
- "\"serviceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561519\"," +
- "\"serviceUuid\": \"592f9437-a9c0-4303-b9f6-c445bb7e9814\"," +
- "\"globalSubscriberId\": \"123457\"," +
- "\"serviceType\": \"voLTE\"," +
- "\"parameters\": {" +
- "\"resources\": [" +
- "{" +
- "\"resourceName\": \"vIMS\"," +
- "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561516\"," +
- "\"resourceUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561512\"," +
- "\"parameters\": {" +
- "\"locationConstraints\": [" +
- "{" +
- "\"vnfProfileId\": \"zte-vBAS-1.0\"," +
- "\"locationConstraints\": {" +
- "\"vimId\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad0\"" +
- "}" +
- "}," +
- "{" +
- "\"vnfProfileId\": \"zte-vMME-1.0\"," +
- "\"locationConstraints\": {" +
- "\"vimId\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad0\"" +
- "}" +
- "}" +
- "]" +
- "}" +
- "}," +
- "{" +
- "\"resourceName\": \"vEPC\"," +
- "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"61c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561516\"," +
- "\"resourceUuid\": \"62c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561512\"," +
- "\"parameters\": {" +
- "\"locationConstraints\": [" +
- "{" +
- "\"vnfProfileId\": \"zte-CSCF-1.0\"," +
- "\"locationConstraints\": {" +
- "\"vimId\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad1\"" +
- "}" +
- "}" +
- "]" +
- "}" +
- "}," +
- "{" +
- "\"resourceName\": \"underlayvpn\"," +
- "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561513\"," +
- "\"resourceUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561514\"," +
- "\"parameters\": {" +
- "\"locationConstraints\": []" +
- "}" +
- "}," +
- "{" +
- "\"resourceName\": \"overlayvpn\"," +
- "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561517\"," +
- "\"resourceUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561518\"," +
- "\"parameters\": {" +
- "\"locationConstraints\": []" +
- "}" +
- "}" +
- "]," +
- "\"requestInputs\": {" +
- "\"externalDataNetworkName\": \"Flow_out_net\"," +
- "\"m6000_mng_ip\": \"\"," +
- "\"externalCompanyFtpDataNetworkName\": \"Flow_out_net\"," +
- "\"externalPluginManageNetworkName\": \"plugin_net_2014\"," +
- "\"externalManageNetworkName\": \"mng_net_2017\"," +
- "\"sfc_data_network\": \"sfc_data_net_2016\"," +
- "\"NatIpRange\": \"\"," +
- "\"location\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad0\"," +
- "\"sdncontroller\": \"9b9f02c0-298b-458a-bc9c-be3692e4f35e\"" +
- "}" +
- "}" +
- "}" +
- "}";
- private final String compareModelsRequest = "{" +
- "\"globalSubscriberId\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561519\"," +
- "\"serviceType\": \"vnf\"," +
- "\"modelInvariantIdTarget\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de1234567\"," +
- "\"modelVersionIdTarget\": \"modelVersionIdTarget\"" +
- "}";
- @BeforeClass
- public static void setUp() throws Exception {
- MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory = new MsoPropertiesFactory();
- msoPropertiesFactory.removeAllMsoProperties();
- msoPropertiesFactory.initializeMsoProperties(Constants.MSO_PROP_APIHANDLER_INFRA, "src/test/resources/mso.apihandler-infra.properties");
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestSuccess() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
- String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
- String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
- String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
- ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
- HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
- "test response");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
- InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
- entity.setContent(instream);
- resp.setEntity(entity);
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestBpelHTTPException() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
- String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
- String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
- String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
- ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
- HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 500,
- "test response");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
- InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
- entity.setContent(instream);
- resp.setEntity(entity);
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestBpelHTTPExceptionWithNullREsponseBody() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
- String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
- String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
- String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
- ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
- HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 500,
- "test response");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- String body = "{\"response\":\"\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
- InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
- entity.setContent(instream);
- resp.setEntity(entity);
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullBPELResponse() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
- String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
- String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
- String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
- HttpResponse resp = null;
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestBPMNNullREsponse() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String camundaReqXML, String requestId,
- String requestTimeout, String schemaVersion,
- String serviceInstanceId, String action) {
- HttpResponse resp = null;
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullBpmn() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullReceipe() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullDBResponse() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestInvalidRequest() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestEmptyDBQuery() {
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- // assertTrue(true);
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestDBQueryFail() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
- String serviceName) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestForEmptyRequest() {
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = "";
- Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr
- .contains("Mapping of request to JSON object failed. No content to map due to end-of-input"));
- }
- @Ignore // 1802 merge
- @Test
- public void deleteE2EServiceInstanceTestNormal() {
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = "{\"globalSubscriberId\":\"299392392\",\"serviceType\":\"VoLTE\"}";
- Response resp = instance.deleteE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3",
- "12345678");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC1000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void getE2EServiceInstanceTest() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatus(String serviceId,
- String operationId) {
- OperationStatus os = new OperationStatus();
- os.setOperation("");
- os.setOperationContent("");
- os.setOperationId("123456");
- os.setProgress("");
- os.setServiceId("12345");
- os.setServiceName("VoLTE");
- os.setReason("");
- os.setResult("");
- os.setUserId("");
- return os;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- Response resp = instance
- .getE2EServiceInstances("12345", "v3", "123456");
- }
- @Test
- public void updateE2EServiceInstanceTestNormal() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceId(
- String serviceID) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- operationStatus.setProgress("100");
- operationStatus.setResult("finish");
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
- String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
- String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
- String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
- ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
- HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
- "test response");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
- InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
- entity.setContent(instream);
- resp.setEntity(entity);
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.updateE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3", "12345");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("success"));
- }
- @Test
- public void updateE2EServiceInstanceTestChkStatusFalse() {
- new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceId(
- String serviceID) {
- OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
- operationStatus.setResult("processing");
- return operationStatus;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
- @Mock
- private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
- String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
- Service svc = new Service();
- return svc;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
- @Mock
- public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
- String action) {
- ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
- return rec;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
- @Mock
- public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
- MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
- RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
- client.setUrl("/test/url");
- return client;
- }
- };
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
- String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
- String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
- String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
- ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
- HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
- "test response");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
- InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
- entity.setContent(instream);
- resp.setEntity(entity);
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- String request = jsonBody;
- Response resp = instance.updateE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3", "12345");
- String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
- assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
- }
- @Test
- public void compareModelwithTargetVersionBadRequest(){
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- Response response = instance.compareModelwithTargetVersion("", "12345", "v3");
- assertNotNull(response);
- assertTrue(response.getEntity().toString().contains("Mapping of request to JSON object failed."));
- }
- @Test
- public void compareModelwithTargetVersionFailedBPMNCall(){
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,
- String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId,
- String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd)
- throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
- throw new ClientProtocolException();
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- Response response = instance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(compareModelsRequest, "12345", "v3");
- assertNotNull(response);
- assertTrue(response.getEntity().toString().contains("Failed calling bpmn"));
- }
- @Test
- public void compareModelwithTargetVersionSuccess(){
- new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
- @Mock
- public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
- int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,
- String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId,
- String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
- String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd)
- throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
- ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
- HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
- "compareModelwithTargetVersion, test response");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
- InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
- entity.setContent(instream);
- resp.setEntity(entity);
- return resp;
- }
- };
- E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
- Response response = instance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(compareModelsRequest, "12345", "v3");
- assertNotNull(response);
- assertTrue(response.getStatus()==202);
- }
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ONAP - SO
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.mso.apihandlerinfra;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
+import org.apache.http.ProtocolVersion;
+import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
+import org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity;
+import org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpResponse;
+import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
+import org.hibernate.Session;
+import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
+import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
+import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.CamundaClient;
+import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.RequestClient;
+import org.openecomp.mso.apihandler.common.RequestClientFactory;
+import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.CatalogDatabase;
+import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.Service;
+import org.openecomp.mso.db.catalog.beans.ServiceRecipe;
+import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoDatabaseException;
+import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoJavaProperties;
+import org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoPropertiesFactory;
+import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.InfraActiveRequests;
+import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.OperationStatus;
+import org.openecomp.mso.requestsdb.RequestsDatabase;
+import mockit.Mock;
+import mockit.MockUp;
+public class E2EServiceInstancesTest {
+ String jsonBody = "{" +
+ "\"service\": {" +
+ "\"name\": \"so_test4\"," +
+ "\"description\": \"so_test2\"," +
+ "\"serviceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561519\"," +
+ "\"serviceUuid\": \"592f9437-a9c0-4303-b9f6-c445bb7e9814\"," +
+ "\"globalSubscriberId\": \"123457\"," +
+ "\"serviceType\": \"voLTE\"," +
+ "\"parameters\": {" +
+ "\"resources\": [" +
+ "{" +
+ "\"resourceName\": \"vIMS\"," +
+ "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561516\"," +
+ "\"resourceUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561512\"," +
+ "\"parameters\": {" +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": [" +
+ "{" +
+ "\"vnfProfileId\": \"zte-vBAS-1.0\"," +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": {" +
+ "\"vimId\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad0\"" +
+ "}" +
+ "}," +
+ "{" +
+ "\"vnfProfileId\": \"zte-vMME-1.0\"," +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": {" +
+ "\"vimId\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad0\"" +
+ "}" +
+ "}" +
+ "]" +
+ "}" +
+ "}," +
+ "{" +
+ "\"resourceName\": \"vEPC\"," +
+ "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"61c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561516\"," +
+ "\"resourceUuid\": \"62c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561512\"," +
+ "\"parameters\": {" +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": [" +
+ "{" +
+ "\"vnfProfileId\": \"zte-CSCF-1.0\"," +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": {" +
+ "\"vimId\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad1\"" +
+ "}" +
+ "}" +
+ "]" +
+ "}" +
+ "}," +
+ "{" +
+ "\"resourceName\": \"underlayvpn\"," +
+ "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561513\"," +
+ "\"resourceUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561514\"," +
+ "\"parameters\": {" +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": []" +
+ "}" +
+ "}," +
+ "{" +
+ "\"resourceName\": \"overlayvpn\"," +
+ "\"resourceInvariantUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561517\"," +
+ "\"resourceUuid\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561518\"," +
+ "\"parameters\": {" +
+ "\"locationConstraints\": []" +
+ "}" +
+ "}" +
+ "]," +
+ "\"requestInputs\": {" +
+ "\"externalDataNetworkName\": \"Flow_out_net\"," +
+ "\"m6000_mng_ip\": \"\"," +
+ "\"externalCompanyFtpDataNetworkName\": \"Flow_out_net\"," +
+ "\"externalPluginManageNetworkName\": \"plugin_net_2014\"," +
+ "\"externalManageNetworkName\": \"mng_net_2017\"," +
+ "\"sfc_data_network\": \"sfc_data_net_2016\"," +
+ "\"NatIpRange\": \"\"," +
+ "\"location\": \"4050083f-465f-4838-af1e-47a545222ad0\"," +
+ "\"sdncontroller\": \"9b9f02c0-298b-458a-bc9c-be3692e4f35e\"" +
+ "}" +
+ "}" +
+ "}" +
+ "}";
+ private final String compareModelsRequest = "{" +
+ "\"globalSubscriberId\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de7561519\"," +
+ "\"serviceType\": \"vnf\"," +
+ "\"modelInvariantIdTarget\": \"60c3e96e-0970-4871-b6e0-3b6de1234567\"," +
+ "\"modelVersionIdTarget\": \"modelVersionIdTarget\"" +
+ "}";
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void setUp() throws Exception {
+ MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory = new MsoPropertiesFactory();
+ msoPropertiesFactory.removeAllMsoProperties();
+ msoPropertiesFactory.initializeMsoProperties(Constants.MSO_PROP_APIHANDLER_INFRA, "src/test/resources/mso.apihandler-infra.properties");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestSuccess() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
+ String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
+ String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
+ ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
+ HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
+ "test response");
+ BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
+ String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
+ InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
+ entity.setContent(instream);
+ resp.setEntity(entity);
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestBpelHTTPException() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
+ String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
+ String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
+ ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
+ HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 500,
+ "test response");
+ BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
+ String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
+ InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
+ entity.setContent(instream);
+ resp.setEntity(entity);
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestBpelHTTPExceptionWithNullREsponseBody() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
+ String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
+ String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
+ ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
+ HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 500,
+ "test response");
+ BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
+ String body = "{\"response\":\"\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
+ InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
+ entity.setContent(instream);
+ resp.setEntity(entity);
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullBPELResponse() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
+ String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
+ String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
+ HttpResponse resp = null;
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestBPMNNullREsponse() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String camundaReqXML, String requestId,
+ String requestTimeout, String schemaVersion,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String action) {
+ HttpResponse resp = null;
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullBpmn() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullReceipe() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestNullDBResponse() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestInvalidRequest() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestEmptyDBQuery() {
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ // assertTrue(true);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestDBQueryFail() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceName(
+ String serviceName) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createE2EServiceInstanceTestForEmptyRequest() {
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = "";
+ Response resp = instance.createE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr
+ .contains("Mapping of request to JSON object failed. No content to map due to end-of-input"));
+ }
+ @Ignore // 1802 merge
+ @Test
+ public void deleteE2EServiceInstanceTestNormal() {
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = "{\"globalSubscriberId\":\"299392392\",\"serviceType\":\"VoLTE\"}";
+ Response resp = instance.deleteE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3",
+ "12345678");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC1000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getE2EServiceInstanceTest() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatus(String serviceId,
+ String operationId) {
+ OperationStatus os = new OperationStatus();
+ os.setOperation("");
+ os.setOperationContent("");
+ os.setOperationId("123456");
+ os.setProgress("");
+ os.setServiceId("12345");
+ os.setServiceName("VoLTE");
+ os.setReason("");
+ os.setResult("");
+ os.setUserId("");
+ return os;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ Response resp = instance
+ .getE2EServiceInstances("12345", "v3", "123456");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void updateE2EServiceInstanceTestNormal() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceId(
+ String serviceID) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ operationStatus.setProgress("100");
+ operationStatus.setResult("finish");
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
+ String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
+ String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
+ ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
+ HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
+ "test response");
+ BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
+ String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
+ InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
+ entity.setContent(instream);
+ resp.setEntity(entity);
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.updateE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3", "12345");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("success"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void updateE2EServiceInstanceTestChkStatusFalse() {
+ new MockUp<RequestsDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public OperationStatus getOperationStatusByServiceId(
+ String serviceID) {
+ OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus();
+ operationStatus.setResult("processing");
+ return operationStatus;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<E2EServiceInstances>() {
+ @Mock
+ private void createOperationStatusRecordForError(Action action,
+ String requestId) throws MsoDatabaseException {
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public Service getServiceByModelName(String modelName) {
+ Service svc = new Service();
+ return svc;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CatalogDatabase>() {
+ @Mock
+ public ServiceRecipe getServiceRecipeByModelUUID(String modelUUID,
+ String action) {
+ ServiceRecipe rec = new ServiceRecipe();
+ return rec;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<RequestClientFactory>() {
+ @Mock
+ public RequestClient getRequestClient(String orchestrationURI,
+ MsoJavaProperties props) throws IllegalStateException {
+ RequestClient client = new CamundaClient();
+ client.setUrl("/test/url");
+ return client;
+ }
+ };
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction,
+ String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String vfModuleId,
+ String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId, String serviceType,
+ String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd) {
+ ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
+ HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
+ "test response");
+ BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
+ String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
+ InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
+ entity.setContent(instream);
+ resp.setEntity(entity);
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ String request = jsonBody;
+ Response resp = instance.updateE2EServiceInstance(request, "v3", "12345");
+ String respStr = resp.getEntity().toString();
+ assertTrue(respStr.contains("SVC2000"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void compareModelwithTargetVersionBadRequest(){
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ Response response = instance.compareModelwithTargetVersion("", "12345", "v3");
+ assertNotNull(response);
+ assertTrue(response.getEntity().toString().contains("Mapping of request to JSON object failed."));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void compareModelwithTargetVersionFailedBPMNCall(){
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,
+ String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId,
+ String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd)
+ throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
+ throw new ClientProtocolException();
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ Response response = instance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(compareModelsRequest, "12345", "v3");
+ assertNotNull(response);
+ assertTrue(response.getEntity().toString().contains("Failed calling bpmn"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void compareModelwithTargetVersionSuccess(){
+ new MockUp<CamundaClient>() {
+ @Mock
+ public HttpResponse post(String requestId, boolean isBaseVfModule,
+ int recipeTimeout, String requestAction, String serviceInstanceId,
+ String vnfId, String vfModuleId, String volumeGroupId, String networkId, String configurationId,
+ String serviceType, String vnfType, String vfModuleType, String networkType,
+ String requestDetails, String recipeParamXsd)
+ throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
+ ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1);
+ HttpResponse resp = new BasicHttpResponse(pv, 202,
+ "compareModelwithTargetVersion, test response");
+ BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
+ String body = "{\"response\":\"success\",\"message\":\"success\"}";
+ InputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes());
+ entity.setContent(instream);
+ resp.setEntity(entity);
+ return resp;
+ }
+ };
+ E2EServiceInstances instance = new E2EServiceInstances();
+ Response response = instance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(compareModelsRequest, "12345", "v3");
+ assertNotNull(response);
+ assertTrue(response.getStatus()==202);
+ }