path: root/docs
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diff --git a/docs/architecture/architecture.rst b/docs/architecture/architecture.rst
index d59429a366..7cfb276cf7 100644
--- a/docs/architecture/architecture.rst
+++ b/docs/architecture/architecture.rst
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SO - Architecture
SO Functional View
-.. image:: ../images/SO_Architecture_1.png
+.. image:: ../images/SO_Architecture_2.png
SO Deployment View
@@ -110,9 +110,22 @@ SO Sub-Components
* Create, Instantiate, Terminate and Delete VNF, including Granting, Subscription and Lifecycle Notifications
* Tracking capability which VNFM instance has handled with which VNF instance
* BPMN Building Block workflows and Java-based recipes for VNF LCM
+ * Conformance of SOL001 VNFD and SOL004 VNF package specifications
+ * Interfacing with the ETSI Catalog Manager (a.k.a. etsicatalog) for retrieving ETSI VNF descriptors and artifacts
* VNFM Simulator for validating SO VNFM Adapter NBI and SBI for integration testing
- * The SO ETSI CSIT Tests and running them, https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/SO+ETSI+CSIT
- * Testing the SO ETSI Alignment manually (Instantiate VNF using SVNFM), https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=68524128
+.. image:: ../images/SO-SOL003-Adapter-Architecture-1.png
+ Support ETSI NFVO functions which manages Network Service LCM
+ * Create, Instantiate, Terminate and Delete NS
+ * Decomposing an NS request into associated VNF request(s) and managing VNF LCM (Create, Instantiate, Terminate, Delete VNF) through SO VNFMN Adapter
+ * Leveraging SOL005 for its NBI and SOl003 for its SBI
+ * Conformance of SOL001 NSD and SOL007 NS package specifications
+ * Interfacing with the ETSI Catalog Manager (a.k.a. etsicatalog) for retrieving ETSI NS descriptors and artifacts
+.. image:: ../images/SO-NFVO-Architecture-1.png
Third Party and Open Source
diff --git a/docs/developer_info/ETSI_CSIT_NFVO_VNFM.rst b/docs/developer_info/ETSI_CSIT_NFVO_VNFM.rst
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index 0000000000..3bc8393d56
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. Copyright 2022 Ericsson Software Technologies
+This guide will go through the CSIT of the ETSI NFVO and VNFM.
+Ensure you have a healthy ONAP Deployment running. The following components will be required/used as part of this guide:
+- SO
+- SDC
+- AAI
+- Modeling
+What is ETSI?
+The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) produces globally-applicable standards
+for Information and Communications Technologies. ETSI set out standards covering the functionalities
+of the interfaces specified on the reference points, which use the acronym NFV-SOL
+(standing for “NFV Solutions”). As of ONAPs Dublin release the SO SVNFM adapter supports
+SOL003 standards for Create, Instantiate, Terminate and Delete operations with Granting, Subscription
+and Notification. As of ONAP Honolulu release, the SO ETSI NFVO sub-component supports
+SOL005 (NBI) and SOL003 (SBI) standards for Create, Instantiate, Terminate and Delete NS and VNF
+(through the SOL003 Adapter) operations.
+How to Run CSIT Tests
+The follow steps are to install and run on an Ubuntu 18.04 (desktop) installation.
+Later versions of Ubuntu and Java may work for the tests.
+First pull the CSIT repo from Gerrit, either with or without the hooks
+.. code-block::
+ git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/integration/csit"
+.. code-block::
+ git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/integration/csit" && (cd "csit" && mkdir -p .git/hooks && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg https://gerrit.onap.org/r/tools/hooks/commit-msg; chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)
+Once this is downloaded a few more installations are required.
+Install pip (if required)
+.. code-block::
+ sudo apt install python-pip
+Install Robot Framework through pip
+.. code-block::
+ pip install robotframework
+Run Script
+Once all of this is done, then the tests should be run by calling the run-csit.sh script and giving it the location of our test folder (csit/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing).
+From the csit projects root folder run the following command:
+.. code-block::
+ ./run-csit.sh plans/so/integration-etsi-testing
+This should successfully run the ETSI CSIT suite
+How to run tests againt specific SO versions
+It is possible to run the ETSI CSIT suite against local docker images although it is not the default.
+Through this method specific versions of SO can be tested.
+There are two changes required to make this work.
+The env file, located at [containing folder]/csit/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/config/env,
+first needs to be changed. The DOCKER_ENVIROMENT needs to be changed from "remote" to "local".
+Also the TAG value might need to be changed. This Tag relates to the version of images being used.
+Secondly all of the required docker images must be present on system.
+This should be enough to run the ETSI CSIT test suite locally.
+ETSI NFVO Automated CSIT Tests High Level Scenarios
+**Step 1:**
+Perform Configuration / Setup Steps prior to running tests
+**Step 2:**
+Onboard SOL004 Package and SOL007 directly into ETSI Catalog using ROBOT framework
+**Step 3:**
+ETSI Catalog Gets Package from SDC Simulator (New: ETSI Catalog and Modeling ETSI Catalog DB will need to be set up and spun up for CSIT. May be some impact on SDC Simulator here)
+**Step 4:**
+ETSI Catalog Stores Package in its Modeling ETSI Catalog DB
+**Step 5:**
+ROBOT framework used to trigger NS LCM requests, e.g., INSTANTIATE NS
+**Step 6:**
+ETSI NFVO NS LCM gets required data from ETSI Catalog, e.g., Get and Parse NSD
+**Step 7:**
+If e.g., a CREATE NS task, ETSI NFVO NS LCM checks to see if already exists in ETSI NFVO DB
+**Step 8:**
+Create Generic VNF and connect to Service Instance in A&AI Simulator (May be some impact on A&AI Simulator here)
+**Step 9:**
+Instantiate VNF through SOL003 Adapter
+**Step 10:**
+SOL003 Adapter processes requests through A&AI and (May be some impact on A&AI Simulator here)
+**Step 11:**
+SOL003 Adapter processes requests through ETSI-Catalog
+**Step 12:**
+SOL003 Adapter sends notification to SOL003 NBI, etc.
+What are the tests doing?
+There are three tests currently being run "Distribute Service Template", "Invoke Service Instantiation",
+"Invoke NS Instantiation", "Delete NS Instance", "Invoke VNF Instantiation", "Delete VNF Instance" and
+"Delete Service Instance".
+Distribute Service Template
+As the name would suggest the aim for the "Distribute Service Template" test is to distribute a service
+template within the SDC controller pod. Once a http session of the SDC controller is created a post request
+can be made to it. This post requests sends binary data from "distributeServiceTemplate.json".
+This json file contains resources and artifacts required to distribute a service. Once this post request
+is sent, the response status code is checked to see if it is 200. If the code is not equal to 200 then
+the test is thought to be a failure.
+Invoke Service Instantiation
+The aim of the "Invoke Service Instantiation" test is to invoke the service distributed to the sdc controller
+in the previous test. A http session of the api handler pod is created. This session is sent a post request
+containing "serviceInstantiationRequest.json". Once this request is made the response is checked if it
+a valid code is returned. A for loop is used to continually make calls to check the orchestration request,
+to check the status of service instantiation. Only once this orchestration returns either a fail or success,
+will we break out of the for loop.Once outside the for loop a final statement is used to check if service
+has been successfully instantiated.
+Invoke NS Instance
+The aim of "Invoke NS Instantiation" test is to now instantiate the NS that relates to service in the
+previous test. This test requires the ID of the service instance created in the previous test. If this is
+not provided then the test will fail from the get go. Once again a http session of the api handler pod is
+created. Similarly a post request using the json data within "nsInstantiationRequest.json".
+Once this request is made if it returns a success code then the test moves on to a for loop. Within this
+for a loop an orchestration request is made each time, when this request signals that either the instantiation
+request has failed or fully succeeded then the loop is escaped. The test will either be a pass or fail depending
+on this final orchestration request.
+Delete NS Instance
+This test will delete the NS Instance created in the previous test. Both the ID of the NS instance created
+in the previous test and the service instance created in the test before that. If either of these values is
+not provided then the test will fail. This test once again makes use of a session of the api handler pod.
+A post request is made using the data from "nsDeleteRequest.json". Once this request is made if it returns
+a success code then the test moves on to a for loop. Within this for a loop an orchestration request is made
+each time, when this request signals that either the instantiation request has failed or fully succeeded
+then the loop is escaped. The test will either be a pass or fail depending on this final orchestration request.
+Invoke VNF Instance
+The aim of "Invoke VNF Instantiation" test is to now instantiate the VNF that relates to service in
+the previous test. This test requires the ID of the service instance created in the previous test.
+If this is not provided then the test will fail from the get go. Once again a http session of the
+api handler pod is created. Similarly a post request using the json data within "vnfInstantiationRequest.json".
+Once this request is made if it returns a success code then the test moves on to a for loop. Within this
+for a loop an orchestration request is made each time, when this request signals that either the instantiation
+request has failed or fully succeeded then the loop is escaped. The test will either be a pass or fail
+depending on this final orchestration request.
+Delete VNF Instance
+This test will delete the VNF Instance created in the previous test. Both the ID of the vnf instance created
+in the previous test and the service instance created in the test before that. If either of these values is
+not provided then the test will fail. This test once again makes use of a session of the api handler pod.
+A post request is made using the data from "vnfDeleteRequest.json". Once this request is made if it returns
+a success code then the test moves on to a for loop. Within this for a loop an orchestration request is made
+each time, when this request signals that either the instantiation request has failed or fully succeeded then
+the loop is escaped. The test will either be a pass or fail depending on this final orchestration request.
+Delete Service Instance
+This test will delete the service instance created in earlier test. To delete the service the ID of previously
+ created Service Instance is required, if this is not supplied then the test will fail before starting.
+ A post request is then made to the API handler containing data from "serviceDeleteRquest.json".
+ Once this request is made if it returns a success code then the test moves on to a for loop.
+ Within this for a loop an orchestration request is made each time, when this request signals that either
+ the instantiation request has failed or fully succeeded then the loop is escaped. The test will either be
+ a pass or fail depending on this final orchestration request.
+There are a number of simple issues relating from Python and its libraries
+A correct installation of the robot framework to run our tests requiring python and the following pip libraries.
+- robotframework
+- robotframework-extendedselenium2library
+- robotframework-httplibrary
+- robotframework-onap
+- robotframework-requests
+- robotframework-selenium2library
+To make sure each of the previous libraries is installed run the following command
+.. code-block::
+ pip -list \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/images/SO-NFVO-Architecture-1.png b/docs/images/SO-NFVO-Architecture-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd04a7b2e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/images/SO-NFVO-Architecture-1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/images/SO-SOL003-Adapter-Architecture-1.png b/docs/images/SO-SOL003-Adapter-Architecture-1.png
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index 0000000000..932d5d1bcd
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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index 0000000000..45ffd953e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/images/SO_Architecture_2.png
Binary files differ