path: root/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy')
1 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy b/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d004b88ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+package org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts
+import static org.camunda.spin.Spin.XML;
+import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+import groovy.lang.GroovyInterceptable;
+import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts.AaiUtil
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts.ExceptionUtil
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts.NetworkUtils
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts.VfModuleBase;
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.RollbackData
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.WorkflowException
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.json.JsonUtils;
+import org.openecomp.mso.rest.APIResponse
+import org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.BpmnError
+import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.*
+import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
+class DoCreateVfModuleVolumeV2 extends VfModuleBase {
+ String prefix='DCVFMODVOLV2_'
+ JsonUtils jsonUtil = new JsonUtils()
+ /**
+ * Perform initial processing, such as request validation, initialization of variables, etc.
+ * * @param execution
+ */
+ public void preProcessRequest(Execution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ preProcessRequest(execution, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ public void preProcessRequest(Execution execution, isDebugLogEnabled) {
+ execution.setVariable("prefix",prefix)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+'SuccessIndicator', false)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+'isPONR', false)
+ displayInput(execution, isDebugLogEnabled)
+ setRollbackData(execution, isDebugLogEnabled)
+ setRollbackEnabled(execution, isDebugLogEnabled)
+ def tenantId = execution.getVariable("tenantId")
+ if (tenantId == null) {
+ String cloudConfiguration = execution.getVariable("cloudConfiguration")
+ tenantId = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(cloudConfiguration, "cloudConfiguration.tenantId")
+ execution.setVariable("tenantId", tenantId)
+ }
+ def cloudSiteId = execution.getVariable("lcpCloudRegionId")
+ if (cloudSiteId == null) {
+ String cloudConfiguration = execution.getVariable("cloudConfiguration")
+ cloudSiteId = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(cloudConfiguration, "cloudConfiguration.lcpCloudRegionId")
+ execution.setVariable("lcpCloudRegionId", cloudSiteId)
+ }
+ // Extract attributes from modelInfo
+ String vfModuleModelInfo = execution.getVariable("vfModuleModelInfo")
+ //modelCustomizationUuid
+ def modelCustomizationUuid = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(vfModuleModelInfo, "modelCustomizationUuid")
+ execution.setVariable("modelCustomizationId", modelCustomizationUuid)
+ logDebug("modelCustomizationId: " + modelCustomizationUuid, isDebugLogEnabled)
+ //modelName
+ def modelName = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(vfModuleModelInfo, "modelName")
+ execution.setVariable("modelName", modelName)
+ logDebug("modelName: " + modelName, isDebugLogEnabled)
+ // The following is used on the get Generic Service Instance call
+ execution.setVariable('GENGS_type', 'service-instance')
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display input variables
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugLogEnabled
+ */
+ public void displayInput(Execution execution, isDebugLogEnabled) {
+ def input = ['mso-request-id', 'msoRequestId', 'isDebugLogEnabled', 'disableRollback', 'failIfExists', 'serviceInstanceId',
+ 'vnfId', 'vnfName', 'tenantId', 'volumeGroupId', 'volumeGroupName', 'lcpCloudRegionId', 'vnfType', 'vfModuleModelInfo', 'asdcServiceModelVersion',
+ 'test-volume-group-name', 'test-volume-group-id', 'vfModuleInputParams']
+ logDebug('Begin input: ', isDebugLogEnabled)
+ input.each {
+ logDebug(it + ': ' + execution.getVariable(it), isDebugLogEnabled)
+ }
+ logDebug('End input.', isDebugLogEnabled)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Define and set rollbackdata object
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void setRollbackData(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def rollbackData = execution.getVariable("rollbackData")
+ if (rollbackData == null) {
+ rollbackData = new RollbackData()
+ }
+ def volumeGroupName = execution.getVariable('volumeGroupName')
+ rollbackData.put("DCVFMODULEVOL", "volumeGroupName", volumeGroupName)
+ execution.setVariable("rollbackData", rollbackData)
+ }
+ /**
+ * validate getServiceInstance response
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void validateGetServiceInstanceCall(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def found = execution.getVariable('GENGS_FoundIndicator')
+ def success = execution.getVariable('GENGS_SuccessIndicator')
+ def serviceInstanceId = execution.getVariable('serviceInstanceId')
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "getServiceInstance success: " + success, isDebugEnabled)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "getServiceInstance found: " + found, isDebugEnabled)
+ if(!found || !success) {
+ String errorMessage = "Service instance id not found in AAI: ${serviceInstanceId}."
+ utils.log("DEBUG", errorMessage, isDebugEnabled)
+ (new ExceptionUtil()).buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, errorMessage)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get cloud region
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void callRESTQueryAAICloudRegion (Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def cloudRegion = execution.getVariable("lcpCloudRegionId")
+ utils.log("DEBUG", 'Request cloud region is: ' + cloudRegion, isDebugEnabled)
+ AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this)
+ String aaiEndpoint = aaiUtil.getCloudInfrastructureCloudRegionEndpoint(execution)
+ String queryCloudRegionRequest = aaiEndpoint + '/' + cloudRegion
+ utils.logAudit(queryCloudRegionRequest)
+ cloudRegion = aaiUtil.getAAICloudReqion(execution, queryCloudRegionRequest, "PO", cloudRegion)
+ def aaiCloudRegion = aaiUtil.getAAICloudReqion(execution, queryCloudRegionRequest, "AAI", cloudRegion)
+ if ((aaiCloudRegion != "ERROR")) {
+ execution.setVariable("lcpCloudRegionId", aaiCloudRegion)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "AIC Cloud Region for AAI: " + aaiCloudRegion, isDebugEnabled)
+ } else {
+ String errorMessage = "AAI Query Cloud Region Unsuccessful. Return Code: " + execution.getVariable(prefix+"queryCloudRegionReturnCode")
+ utils.log("DEBUG", errorMessage, isDebugEnabled)
+ (new ExceptionUtil()).buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, errorMessage)
+ }
+ def poCloudRegion = aaiUtil.getAAICloudReqion(execution, queryCloudRegionRequest, "PO", cloudRegion)
+ if ((poCloudRegion != "ERROR")) {
+ execution.setVariable("poLcpCloudRegionId", poCloudRegion)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "AIC Cloud Region for PO: " + poCloudRegion, isDebugEnabled)
+ } else {
+ String errorMessage = "AAI Query Cloud Region Unsuccessful. Return Code: " + execution.getVariable(prefix+"queryCloudRegionReturnCode")
+ utils.log("DEBUG", errorMessage, isDebugEnabled)
+ (new ExceptionUtil()).buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, errorMessage)
+ }
+ def rollbackData = execution.getVariable("rollbackData")
+ rollbackData.put("DCVFMODULEVOL", "aiccloudregion", cloudRegion)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Query AAI volume group by name
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void callRESTQueryAAIVolGrpName(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def volumeGroupName = execution.getVariable('volumeGroupName')
+ def cloudRegion = execution.getVariable('lcpCloudRegionId')
+ // This is for stub testing
+ def testVolumeGroupName = execution.getVariable('test-volume-group-name')
+ if (testVolumeGroupName != null && testVolumeGroupName.length() > 0) {
+ volumeGroupName = testVolumeGroupName
+ }
+ AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this)
+ String aaiEndpoint = aaiUtil.getCloudInfrastructureCloudRegionEndpoint(execution)
+ String queryAAIVolumeNameRequest = aaiEndpoint + '/' + cloudRegion + "/volume-groups" + "?volume-group-name=" + UriUtils.encode(volumeGroupName, 'UTF-8')
+ utils.logAudit('Query AAI volume group by name: ' + queryAAIVolumeNameRequest)
+ APIResponse response = aaiUtil.executeAAIGetCall(execution, queryAAIVolumeNameRequest)
+ String returnCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ String aaiResponseAsString = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ aaiResponseAsString = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(aaiResponseAsString)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI query volume group by name return code: " + returnCode)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI query volume group by name response: " + aaiResponseAsString)
+ ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil()
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"queryAAIVolGrpNameResponse", aaiResponseAsString)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+'AaiReturnCode', returnCode)
+ if (returnCode=='200') {
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+'queryAAIVolGrpNameResponse', aaiResponseAsString)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Volume Group Name $volumeGroupName exists in AAI.", isDebugEnabled)
+ } else {
+ if (returnCode=='404') {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Volume Group Name $volumeGroupName does not exist in AAI.", isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Volume group $volumeGroupName not found in AAI. Response code: 404")
+ } else {
+ WorkflowException aWorkflowException = exceptionUtil.MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException(aaiResponseAsString, execution)
+ throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a WorkflowException
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void buildWorkflowException(Execution execution, int errorCode, errorMessage, isDebugEnabled) {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", errorMessage, isDebugEnabled)
+ (new ExceptionUtil()).buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, errorMessage)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a WorkflowException
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void handleError(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ WorkflowException we = execution.getVariable('WorkflowException')
+ if (we == null) {
+ (new ExceptionUtil()).buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Enexpected error encountered!")
+ }
+ throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create volume group in AAI
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void callRESTCreateAAIVolGrpName(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def vnfId = execution.getVariable('vnfId')
+ def volumeGroupId = execution.getVariable('volumeGroupId')
+ def volumeName = execution.getVariable("volumeGroupName")
+ def modelCustomizationId = execution.getVariable("modelCustomizationId")
+ def vnfType = execution.getVariable("vnfType")
+ def tenantId = execution.getVariable("tenantId")
+ def cloudRegion = execution.getVariable('lcpCloudRegionId')
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "volumeGroupId: " + volumeGroupId, isDebugEnabled)
+ def testGroupId = execution.getVariable('test-volume-group-id')
+ if (testGroupId != null && testGroupId.trim() != '') {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "test volumeGroupId is present: " + testGroupId, isDebugEnabled)
+ volumeGroupId = testGroupId
+ execution.setVariable("test-volume-group-name", "MSOTESTVOL101a-vSAMP12_base_vol_module-0")
+ }
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "volumeGroupId to be used: " + volumeGroupId, isDebugEnabled)
+ AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this)
+ String aaiEndpoint = aaiUtil.getCloudInfrastructureCloudRegionEndpoint(execution)
+ String createAAIVolumeGrpNameUrlRequest = aaiEndpoint + '/' + cloudRegion + "/volume-groups/volume-group/" + UriUtils.encode(volumeGroupId, "UTF-8")
+ String namespace = aaiUtil.getNamespaceFromUri(aaiUtil.getCloudInfrastructureCloudRegionUri(execution))
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "AAI namespace is: " + namespace, isDebugEnabled)
+ utils.logAudit("Request URL for PUT: " + createAAIVolumeGrpNameUrlRequest)
+ NetworkUtils networkUtils = new NetworkUtils()
+ String payload = networkUtils.createCloudRegionVolumeRequest(volumeGroupId, volumeName, vnfType, vnfId, tenantId, cloudRegion, namespace, modelCustomizationId)
+ String payloadXml = utils.formatXml(payload)
+ utils.logAudit("Request payload for PUT: " + payloadXml)
+ APIResponse response = aaiUtil.executeAAIPutCall(execution, createAAIVolumeGrpNameUrlRequest, payloadXml)
+ String returnCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ String aaiResponseAsString = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ aaiResponseAsString = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(aaiResponseAsString)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI create volume group return code: " + returnCode)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI create volume group response: " + aaiResponseAsString)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"createAAIVolumeGrpNameReturnCode", returnCode)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"createAAIVolumeGrpNameResponse", aaiResponseAsString)
+ ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil()
+ if (returnCode =='201') {
+ RollbackData rollbackData = execution.getVariable("rollbackData")
+ rollbackData.put("DCVFMODULEVOL", "isAAIRollbackNeeded", "true")
+ } else {
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"isErrorMessageException", true)
+ if (returnCode=='404') {
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Unable to create volume group in AAI. Response code: 404")
+ } else {
+ WorkflowException aWorkflowException = exceptionUtil.MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException(aaiResponseAsString, execution)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", " AAI Adapter Query Failed. WorkflowException - " + "\n" + aWorkflowException, isDebugEnabled)
+ throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare VNF adapter create request XML
+ * @param execution
+ */
+ public void prepareVnfAdapterCreateRequest(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def aaiGenericVnfResponse = execution.getVariable(prefix+'AAIQueryGenericVfnResponse')
+ def vnfId = utils.getNodeText1(aaiGenericVnfResponse, 'vnf-id')
+ def vnfName = utils.getNodeText1(aaiGenericVnfResponse, 'vnf-name')
+ def vnfType = utils.getNodeText1(aaiGenericVnfResponse, "vnf-type")
+ def requestId = execution.getVariable('msoRequestId')
+ def serviceId = execution.getVariable('serviceInstanceId')
+ def cloudSiteId = execution.getVariable('poLcpCloudRegionId')
+ def tenantId = execution.getVariable('tenantId')
+ def volumeGroupId = execution.getVariable('volumeGroupId')
+ def volumeGroupnName = execution.getVariable('volumeGroupName')
+ def vnfVersion = execution.getVariable("asdcServiceModelVersion")
+ def vnfModuleType = execution.getVariable("modelName")
+ def modelCustomizationId = execution.getVariable("modelCustomizationId")
+ // for testing
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "volumeGroupId: " + volumeGroupId, isDebugEnabled)
+ def testGroupId = execution.getVariable('test-volume-group-id')
+ if (testGroupId != null && testGroupId.trim() != '') {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "test volumeGroupId is present: " + testGroupId, isDebugEnabled)
+ volumeGroupId = testGroupId
+ execution.setVariable("test-volume-group-name", "MSOTESTVOL101a-vSAMP12_base_vol_module-0")
+ }
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "volumeGroupId to be used: " + volumeGroupId, isDebugEnabled)
+ // volume group parameters
+ String volumeGroupParams = ''
+ StringBuilder sbParams = new StringBuilder()
+ Map<String, String> paramsMap = execution.getVariable("vfModuleInputParams")
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : paramsMap.entrySet()) {
+ String paramsXml
+ String paramName = entry.getKey();
+ String paramValue = entry.getValue()
+ paramsXml =
+ """ <entry>
+ <key>${paramName}</key>
+ <value>${paramValue}</value>
+ </entry>
+ """
+ sbParams.append(paramsXml)
+ }
+ volumeGroupParams = sbParams.toString()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "volumeGroupParams: "+ volumeGroupParams, isDebugEnabled)
+ def backoutOnFailure = execution.getVariable(prefix+"backoutOnFailure")
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "backoutOnFailure: "+ backoutOnFailure, isDebugEnabled)
+ def failIfExists = execution.getVariable("failIfExists")
+ if(failIfExists == null) {
+ failIfExists = 'true'
+ }
+ String messageId = UUID.randomUUID()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "messageId to be used is generated: " + messageId, isDebugEnabled)
+ def notificationUrl = createCallbackURL(execution, "VNFAResponse", messageId)
+ def useQualifiedHostName = execution.getVariable("URN_mso_use_qualified_host")
+ if ('true'.equals(useQualifiedHostName)) {
+ notificationUrl = utils.getQualifiedHostNameForCallback(notificationUrl)
+ }
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "CreateVfModuleVolume - notificationUrl: "+ notificationUrl, isDebugEnabled)
+ // build request
+ String vnfSubCreateWorkflowRequest =
+ """
+ <createVolumeGroupRequest>
+ <cloudSiteId>${cloudSiteId}</cloudSiteId>
+ <tenantId>${tenantId}</tenantId>
+ <vnfId>${vnfId}</vnfId>
+ <vnfName>${vnfName}</vnfName>
+ <volumeGroupId>${volumeGroupId}</volumeGroupId>
+ <volumeGroupName>${volumeGroupnName}</volumeGroupName>
+ <vnfType>${vnfType}</vnfType>
+ <vnfVersion>${vnfVersion}</vnfVersion>
+ <vfModuleType>${vnfModuleType}</vfModuleType>
+ <modelCustomizationUuid>${modelCustomizationId}</modelCustomizationUuid>
+ <volumeGroupParams>
+ <entry>
+ <key>vnf_id</key>
+ <value>${vnfId}</value>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <key>vnf_name</key>
+ <value>${vnfName}</value>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <key>vf_module_id</key>
+ <value>${volumeGroupId}</value>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <key>vf_module_name</key>
+ <value>${volumeGroupnName}</value>
+ </entry>
+ ${volumeGroupParams}
+ </volumeGroupParams>
+ <skipAAI>true</skipAAI>
+ <backout>${backoutOnFailure}</backout>
+ <failIfExists>${failIfExists}</failIfExists>
+ <msoRequest>
+ <requestId>${requestId}</requestId>
+ <serviceInstanceId>${serviceId}</serviceInstanceId>
+ </msoRequest>
+ <messageId>${messageId}</messageId>
+ <notificationUrl>${notificationUrl}</notificationUrl>
+ </createVolumeGroupRequest>
+ """
+ String vnfSubCreateWorkflowRequestAsString = utils.formatXml(vnfSubCreateWorkflowRequest)
+ utils.logAudit(vnfSubCreateWorkflowRequestAsString)
+ utils.log('DEBUG', vnfSubCreateWorkflowRequestAsString, isDebugEnabled)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"createVnfARequest", vnfSubCreateWorkflowRequestAsString)
+ // build rollback request for use later if needed
+ String vnfSubRollbackWorkflowRequest =
+ """<rollbackVolumeGroupRequest>
+ <cloudSiteId>${cloudSiteId}</cloudSiteId>
+ <tenantId>${tenantId}</tenantId>
+ <volumeGroupId>${volumeGroupId}</volumeGroupId>
+ <skipAAI>true</skipAAI>
+ <volumeGroupCreated>true</volumeGroupCreated>
+ <msoRequest>
+ <requestId>${requestId}</requestId>
+ <serviceInstanceId>${serviceId}</serviceInstanceId>
+ </msoRequest>
+ <messageId>${messageId}</messageId>
+ <notificationUrl>${notificationUrl}</notificationUrl>
+ </rollbackVolumeGroupRequest>"""
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Sub Vnf flow rollback request: vnfSubRollbackWorkflowRequest " + "\n" + vnfSubRollbackWorkflowRequest, isDebugEnabled)
+ String vnfSubRollbackWorkflowRequestAsString = utils.formatXml(vnfSubRollbackWorkflowRequest)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"rollbackVnfARequest", vnfSubRollbackWorkflowRequestAsString)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate VNF adapter response
+ * @param execution
+ */
+ public void validateVnfResponse(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def vnfSuccess = execution.getVariable('VNFREST_SuccessIndicator')
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "vnfAdapterSuccessIndicator: "+ vnfSuccess, isDebugEnabled)
+ if(vnfSuccess==true) {
+ def vnfRollbackRequest = execution.getVariable(prefix+"rollbackVnfARequest")
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "vnfAdapter rollback request: "+ vnfRollbackRequest, isDebugEnabled)
+ RollbackData rollbackData = execution.getVariable("rollbackData")
+ rollbackData.put("DCVFMODULEVOL", "rollbackVnfARequest", vnfRollbackRequest)
+ rollbackData.put("DCVFMODULEVOL", "isCreateVnfRollbackNeeded", "true")
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update voulume group in AAI
+ * @TODO: Can we re-use the create method??
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void callRESTUpdateCreatedVolGrpName(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ String requeryAAIVolGrpNameResponse = execution.getVariable(prefix+"queryAAIVolGrpNameResponse")
+ String volumeGroupId = utils.getNodeText1(requeryAAIVolGrpNameResponse, "volume-group-id")
+ String modelCustomizationId = execution.getVariable("modelCustomizationId")
+ String cloudRegion = execution.getVariable("lcpCloudRegionId")
+ AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this)
+ String aaiEndpoint = aaiUtil.getCloudInfrastructureCloudRegionEndpoint(execution)
+ String updateAAIVolumeGroupUrlRequest = aaiEndpoint + '/' + cloudRegion + "/volume-groups/volume-group/" + UriUtils.encode(volumeGroupId, 'UTF-8')
+ String namespace = aaiUtil.getNamespaceFromUri(aaiUtil.getCloudInfrastructureCloudRegionUri(execution))
+ utils.logAudit(updateAAIVolumeGroupUrlRequest)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "updateAAIVolumeGroupUrlRequest - " + updateAAIVolumeGroupUrlRequest, isDebugEnabled)
+ String createVnfAResponse = execution.getVariable(prefix+"createVnfAResponse")
+ def heatStackID = utils.getNodeText1(createVnfAResponse, "volumeGroupStackId")
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"heatStackId", heatStackID)
+ NetworkUtils networkUtils = new NetworkUtils()
+ String payload = networkUtils.updateCloudRegionVolumeRequest(requeryAAIVolGrpNameResponse, heatStackID, namespace, modelCustomizationId)
+ String payloadXml = utils.formatXml(payload)
+ utils.logAudit("Payload to Update Created VolumeGroupName - " + "\n" + payloadXml)
+ APIResponse response = aaiUtil.executeAAIPutCall(execution, updateAAIVolumeGroupUrlRequest, payloadXml)
+ String returnCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ String aaiResponseAsString = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ aaiResponseAsString = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(aaiResponseAsString)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI create volume group return code: " + returnCode)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI create volume group response: " + aaiResponseAsString)
+ ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil()
+ if (returnCode =='200') {
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"updateCreatedAAIVolumeGrpNameResponse", aaiResponseAsString)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"isPONR", true)
+ } else {
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+"isErrorMessageException", true)
+ if (returnCode=='404') {
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Unable to update volume group in AAI. Response code: 404")
+ } else {
+ WorkflowException aWorkflowException = exceptionUtil.MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException(aaiResponseAsString, execution)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", " AAI Adapter Query Failed. WorkflowException - " + "\n" + aWorkflowException, isDebugEnabled)
+ throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Query AAI Generic VNF
+ * @param execution
+ * @param isDebugEnabled
+ */
+ public void callRESTQueryAAIGenericVnf(Execution execution, isDebugEnabled) {
+ def vnfId = execution.getVariable('vnfId')
+ AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this)
+ String aaiEndpoint = aaiUtil.getNetworkGenericVnfEndpoint(execution)
+ def String queryAAIRequest = aaiEndpoint + "/" + UriUtils.encode(vnfId, "UTF-8")
+ utils.logAudit("AAI query generic vnf request: " + queryAAIRequest)
+ APIResponse response = aaiUtil.executeAAIGetCall(execution, queryAAIRequest)
+ String returnCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ String aaiResponseAsString = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ aaiResponseAsString = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(aaiResponseAsString)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI query generic vnf return code: " + returnCode)
+ utils.logAudit("AAI query generic vnf response: " + aaiResponseAsString)
+ ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil()
+ if (returnCode=='200') {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", 'Generic vnf ' + vnfId + ' found in AAI.', isDebugEnabled)
+ execution.setVariable(prefix+'AAIQueryGenericVfnResponse', aaiResponseAsString)
+ } else {
+ if (returnCode=='404') {
+ def message = 'Generic vnf ' + vnfId + ' was not found in AAI. Return code: 404.'
+ utils.log("DEBUG", message, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, message)
+ } else {
+ WorkflowException aWorkflowException = exceptionUtil.MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException(aaiResponseAsString, execution)
+ throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
+ }
+ }
+ }