path: root/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap
diff options
authorElaine_Han <elaine.hanyulian@huawei.com>2018-08-03 20:04:55 +0800
committerElaine_Han <elaine.hanyulian@huawei.com>2018-08-06 16:15:34 +0800
commit0753a8356806f40f77a7f1444b655efba1a654c9 (patch)
tree9ba67d21b63cedcc5b4b6a58b770e6374f1e4497 /bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap
parent7bc08300d69bdbd3512be206128b3ee344ca8b7b (diff)
Add SPPaterner resource procss
Change-Id: Idaa55084f5ecb0dd3636c232cebc14fa70000001 Issue-ID: SO-683 Signed-off-by: Yulian Han <elaine.hanyulian@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap')
3 files changed, 592 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/Create3rdONAPE2EServiceInstance.groovy b/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/Create3rdONAPE2EServiceInstance.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2f4e35df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/Create3rdONAPE2EServiceInstance.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts;
+import org.json.JSONObject
+import org.json.XML;
+import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.*;
+import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
+import groovy.json.*
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.AbstractServiceTaskProcessor
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.ExceptionUtil
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.ExternalAPIUtil
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.AaiUtil
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.MsoUtils
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.recipe.ResourceInput;
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.resource.ResourceRequestBuilder
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.WorkflowException
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.json.JsonUtils
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.workflow.serviceTask.client.builder.AbstractBuilder
+import org.onap.so.rest.APIResponse
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.SDNCAdapterUtils
+import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.workflow.service.ServicePluginFactory
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution
+import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.BpmnError
+import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.*
+import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
+import org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils
+import org.onap.so.rest.RESTClient
+import org.onap.so.rest.RESTConfig
+ * This groovy class supports the <class>Create3rdONAPE2EServiceInstance.bpmn</class> process.
+ * flow for Create E2EServiceInstance in 3rdONAP
+ */
+public class Create3rdONAPE2EServiceInstance extends AbstractServiceTaskProcessor {
+ String Prefix="CRE3rdONAPESI_"
+ ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil()
+ JsonUtils jsonUtil = new JsonUtils()
+ public void checkSPPartnerInfo (DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started checkSPPartnerInfo *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ try {
+ //get bpmn inputs from resource request.
+ String requestId = execution.getVariable("mso-request-id")
+ String requestAction = execution.getVariable("requestAction")
+ utils.log("INFO","The requestAction is: " + requestAction, isDebugEnabled)
+ String recipeParamsFromRequest = execution.getVariable("recipeParams")
+ utils.log("INFO","The recipeParams is: " + recipeParamsFromRequest, isDebugEnabled)
+ String resourceInput = execution.getVariable("resourceInput")
+ utils.log("INFO","The resourceInput is: " + resourceInput, isDebugEnabled)
+ //Get ResourceInput Object
+ ResourceInput resourceInputObj = ResourceRequestBuilder.getJsonObject(resourceInput, ResourceInput.class)
+ String resourceInputPrameters = resourceInputObj.getResourceParameters()
+ String inputParametersJson = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(resourceInputPrameters, "requestInputs")
+ JSONObject inputParameters = new JSONObject(customizeResourceParam(inputParametersJson))
+ // set local resourceInput
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "resourceInput", resourceInputObj)
+ boolean is3rdONAPExist = false
+ if(inputParameters.has("id"))
+ {
+ String sppartnerId = inputParameters.get("id")
+ }
+ if(inputParameters.has("url"))
+ {
+ String sppartnerUrl = inputParameters.get("url")
+ if(!isBlank(sppartnerUrl)) {
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "sppartnerUrl", sppartnerUrl)
+ is3rdONAPExist = true
+ }
+ else {
+ is3rdONAPExist = false
+ String msg = "sppartner Url is blank."
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ }
+ if(inputParameters.has("providingServiceInvarianteUuid"))
+ {
+ String sppartnerInvarianteUUID = inputParameters.get("providingServiceInvarianteUuid")
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "sppartnerInvarianteUUID", sppartnerInvarianteUUID)
+ is3rdONAPExist = true
+ }
+ else {
+ is3rdONAPExist = false
+ String msg = "sppartner providingServiceInvarianteUuid is blank."
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ if(inputParameters.has("providingServiceUuid"))
+ {
+ String sppartnerUUID = inputParameters.get("providingServiceUuid")
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "sppartnerUUID", sppartnerUUID)
+ is3rdONAPExist = true
+ }
+ else {
+ is3rdONAPExist = false
+ String msg = "sppartner providingServiceUuid is blank."
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ if(inputParameters.has("handoverMode"))
+ {
+ String handoverMode = inputParameters.get("handoverMode")
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "handoverMode", handoverMode)
+ is3rdONAPExist = true
+ }
+ else {
+ is3rdONAPExist = false
+ String msg = "sppartner handoverMode is blank."
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ execution.setVariable("Is3rdONAPExist", is3rdONAPExist)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "serviceInstanceId", resourceInputObj.getServiceInstanceId())
+ execution.setVariable("mso-request-id", requestId)
+ execution.setVariable("mso-service-instance-id", resourceInputObj.getServiceInstanceId())
+ } catch (BpmnError e) {
+ throw e;
+ } catch (Exception ex){
+ String msg = "Exception in checkSPPartnerInfo " + ex.getMessage()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 7000, msg)
+ }
+ }
+ public void checkLocallCall (DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started checkLocallCall *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ try {
+ //Get ResourceInput Object
+ ResourceInput resourceInputObj = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "resourceInput")
+ //uuiRequest
+ String incomingRequest = resourceInputObj.getRequestsInputs()
+ String serviceParameters = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(incomingRequest, "service.parameters")
+ JSONObject inputParameters = new JSONObject(customizeResourceParam(serviceParameters))
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "serviceParameters", inputParameters)
+ // CallSource is added only when ONAP SO calling 3rdONAP SO(Remote call)
+ boolean isLocalCall = true
+ if(inputParameters.has("CallSource"))
+ {
+ String callSource = inputParameters.get("CallSource")
+ if("3rdONAP".equalsIgnoreCase(callSource)) {
+ isLocalCall = false
+ }
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "CallSource", callSource)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "callSource is: " + callSource , isDebugEnabled)
+ isLocalCall = true
+ }
+ execution.setVariable("IsLocalCall", isLocalCall)
+ } catch (BpmnError e) {
+ throw e;
+ } catch (Exception ex){
+ String msg = "Exception in checkLocallCall " + ex.getMessage()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 7000, msg)
+ }
+ }
+ public void preProcessRequest(DelegateExecution execution){
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started preProcessRequest *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ try {
+ ResourceInput resourceInputObj = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "resourceInput")
+ String msg = ""
+ String globalSubscriberId = resourceInputObj.getGlobalSubscriberId()
+ if (isBlank(globalSubscriberId)) {
+ msg = "Input globalSubscriberId is null"
+ utils.log("INFO", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 500, msg)
+ }
+ //set local variable
+ execution.setVariable("globalSubscriberId", globalSubscriberId);
+ utils.log("INFO", "globalSubscriberId:" + globalSubscriberId, isDebugEnabled)
+ String serviceType = resourceInputObj.getServiceType()
+ if (isBlank(serviceType)) {
+ msg = "Input serviceType is null"
+ utils.log("INFO", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 500, msg)
+ }
+ execution.setVariable("serviceType", serviceType)
+ utils.log("INFO", "serviceType:" + serviceType, isDebugEnabled)
+ String resourceName = resourceInputObj.getResourceInstanceName();
+ if (isBlank(resourceName)) {
+ msg = "Input resourceName is null"
+ utils.log("INFO", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 500, msg)
+ }
+ execution.setVariable("resourceName", resourceName)
+ utils.log("INFO", "resourceName:" + resourceName, isDebugEnabled)
+ int beginIndex = resourceName.indexOf("_") + 1
+ String serviceInstanceName = resourceName.substring(beginIndex)
+ execution.setVariable("serviceInstanceName", serviceInstanceName)
+ String serviceInstanceId = resourceInputObj.getServiceInstanceId();
+ if (isBlank(serviceInstanceId)) {
+ msg = "Input serviceInstanceId is null"
+ utils.log("INFO", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 500, msg)
+ }
+ execution.setVariable("serviceInstanceId", serviceInstanceId)
+ utils.log("INFO", "serviceInstanceId:" + serviceInstanceId, isDebugEnabled)
+ } catch (BpmnError e) {
+ throw e;
+ } catch (Exception ex){
+ String msg = "Exception in preProcessRequest " + ex.getMessage()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 7000, msg)
+ }
+ }
+ public void prepareUpdateProgress(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started prepareUpdateProgress *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ ResourceInput resourceInputObj = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "resourceInput")
+ String operType = resourceInputObj.getOperationType()
+ String resourceCustomizationUuid = resourceInputObj.getResourceModelInfo().getModelCustomizationUuid()
+ String ServiceInstanceId = resourceInputObj.getServiceInstanceId()
+ String modelName = resourceInputObj.getResourceModelInfo().getModelName()
+ String operationId = resourceInputObj.getOperationId()
+ String progress = execution.getVariable("progress")
+ String status = execution.getVariable("status")
+ String statusDescription = execution.getVariable("statusDescription")
+ String body = """
+ <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:ns="http://org.openecomp.mso/requestsdb">
+ <soapenv:Header/>
+ <soapenv:Body>
+ <ns:updateResourceOperationStatus>
+ <operType>${operType}</operType>
+ <operationId>${operationId}</operationId>
+ <progress>${progress}</progress>
+ <resourceTemplateUUID>${resourceCustomizationUuid}</resourceTemplateUUID>
+ <serviceId>${ServiceInstanceId}</serviceId>
+ <status>${status}</status>
+ <statusDescription>${statusDescription}</statusDescription>
+ </ns:updateResourceOperationStatus>
+ </soapenv:Body>
+ </soapenv:Envelope>""";
+ setProgressUpdateVariables(execution, body)
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** End prepareUpdateProgress *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ public void allocateCrossONAPResource(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started allocateCrossONAPResource *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ //get TP links from AAI for SOTN handoverMode only
+ String handoverMode = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "handoverMode")
+ if("SOTN".equalsIgnoreCase(handoverMode)) {
+ //to do get tp link in AAI
+ // Put TP Link info into serviceParameters
+ String accessProviderId = ""
+ String accessClientId = ""
+ String accessTopologyId = ""
+ String accessNodeId = ""
+ String accessLtpId = ""
+ JSONObject inputParameters = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "serviceParameters")
+ inputParameters.put("access-provider-id", accessProviderId)
+ inputParameters.put("access-client-id", accessClientId)
+ inputParameters.put("access-topology-id", accessTopologyId)
+ inputParameters.put("access-node-id", accessNodeId)
+ inputParameters.put("access-ltp-id", accessLtpId)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "serviceParameters", inputParameters)
+ }
+ utils.log("INFO", "Exited " + allocateCrossONAPResource, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ public void prepare3rdONAPRequest(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started prepare3rdONAPRequest *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ String sppartnerUrl = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "sppartnerUrl")
+ String extAPIPath = sppartnerUrl + 'serviceOrder'
+ execution.setVariable("ExternalAPIURL", extAPIPath)
+ // ExternalAPI message format
+ String externalId = execution.getVariable("resourceName")
+ String category = "Network Service"
+ String description = "Service Order from SPPartner"
+ String requestedStartDate = utils.generateCurrentTimeInUtc()
+ String requestedCompletionDate = utils.generateCurrentTimeInUtc()
+ String priority = "1" // 0-4 0:highest
+ String subscriberId = execution.getVariable("globalSubscriberId")
+ String customerRole = ""
+ String subscriberName = ""
+ String referredType = execution.getVariable("serviceType")
+ String orderItemId = "1"
+ String action = "add" //for create
+ String serviceState = "active"
+ String serviceName = execution.getVariable("serviceInstanceName")
+ String serviceId = execution.getVariable("serviceInstanceId")
+ Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<>()
+ valueMap.put("externalId", '"' + externalId + '"')
+ valueMap.put("category", '"' + category + '"')
+ valueMap.put("description", '"' + description + '"')
+ valueMap.put("requestedStartDate", '"' + requestedStartDate + '"')
+ valueMap.put("requestedCompletionDate", '"' + requestedCompletionDate + '"')
+ valueMap.put("priority", '"'+ priority + '"')
+ valueMap.put("subscriberId", '"' + subscriberId + '"')
+ valueMap.put("customerRole", '"' + customerRole + '"')
+ valueMap.put("subscriberName", '"' + subscriberName + '"')
+ valueMap.put("referredType", '"' + referredType + '"')
+ valueMap.put("orderItemId", '"' + orderItemId + '"')
+ valueMap.put("action", '"' + action + '"')
+ valueMap.put("serviceState", '"' + serviceState + '"')
+ valueMap.put("serviceName", '"' + serviceName + '"')
+ valueMap.put("serviceId", '"' + serviceId + '"')
+ ExternalAPIUtil externalAPIUtil = new ExternalAPIUtil(this)
+ // insert CallSource='3rdONAP' to uuiRequest
+ Map<String, String> callSourceMap = new HashMap<>()
+ callSourceMap.put("inputName", "CallSource")
+ callSourceMap.put("inputValue", "3rdONAP")
+ String _requestInputs_ = externalAPIUtil.setTemplate(ExternalAPIUtil.RequestInputsTemplate, callSourceMap)
+ // Transfer all uuiRequest incomeParameters to ExternalAPI format
+ JSONObject inputParameters = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "serviceParameters")
+ for(String key : inputParameters.keySet()) {
+ String inputName = key;
+ String inputValue = inputParameters.opt(key);
+ Map<String, String> requestInputsMap = new HashMap<>()
+ requestInputsMap.put("inputName", '"' + inputName+ '"')
+ requestInputsMap.put("inputValue", '"' + inputValue + '"')
+ _requestInputs_ += ",\n" + externalAPIUtil.setTemplate(ExternalAPIUtil.RequestInputsTemplate, requestInputsMap)
+ }
+ valueMap.put("_requestInputs_", _requestInputs_)
+ String payload = externalAPIUtil.setTemplate(ExternalAPIUtil.PostServiceOrderRequestsTemplate, valueMap)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "payload", payload)
+ utils.log("INFO", "Exited " + prepare3rdONAPRequest, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ public void doCreateE2ESIin3rdONAP(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started doCreateE2ESIin3rdONAP *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ String extAPIPath = execution.getVariable("ExternalAPIURL")
+ String payload = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "payload")
+ ExternalAPIUtil externalAPIUtil = new ExternalAPIUtil(this)
+ APIResponse response = externalAPIUtil.executeExternalAPIPostCall(execution, extAPIPath, payload)
+ int responseCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "postServiceOrderResponseCode", responseCode)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Post ServiceOrder response code is: " + responseCode, isDebugEnabled)
+ String extApiResponse = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(extApiResponse)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "postServiceOrderResponse", extApiResponse)
+ //Process Response
+ if(responseCode == 200 || responseCode == 201 || responseCode == 202 )
+ //200 OK 201 CREATED 202 ACCEPTED
+ {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Post ServiceOrder Received a Good Response", isDebugEnabled)
+ String serviceOrderId = responseObj.get("ServiceOrderId")
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "SuccessIndicator", true)
+ execution.setVariable("serviceOrderId", serviceOrderId)
+ }
+ else{
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Post ServiceOrder Received a Bad Response Code. Response Code is: " + responseCode, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 500, "Post ServiceOrder Received a bad response from 3rdONAP External API")
+ }
+ utils.log("INFO", "Exited " + doCreateE2ESIin3rdONAP, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ public void getE2ESIProgressin3rdONAP(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started getE2ESIProgressin3rdONAP *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ String extAPIPath = execution.getVariable("ExternalAPIURL")
+ extAPIPath += "/" + execution.getVariable("ServiceOrderId")
+ ExternalAPIUtil externalAPIUtil = new ExternalAPIUtil(this)
+ APIResponse response = externalAPIUtil.executeExternalAPIGetCall(execution, extAPIPath)
+ int responseCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "getServiceOrderResponseCode", responseCode)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Get ServiceOrder response code is: " + responseCode, isDebugEnabled)
+ String extApiResponse = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(extApiResponse)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "getServiceOrderResponse", extApiResponse)
+ //Process Response //200 OK 201 CREATED 202 ACCEPTED
+ if(responseCode == 200 || responseCode == 201 || responseCode == 202 )
+ {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Get ServiceOrder Received a Good Response", isDebugEnabled)
+ String serviceOrderState = responseObj.get("State")
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "SuccessIndicator", true)
+ execution.setVariable("serviceOrderState", serviceOrderState)
+ // Get serviceOrder State and process progress
+ if("ACKNOWLEDGED".equalsIgnoreCase(serviceOrderState)) {
+ execution.setVariable("progress", 15)
+ execution.setVariable("status", "processing")
+ }
+ if("INPROGRESS".equalsIgnoreCase(serviceOrderState)) {
+ execution.setVariable("progress", 40)
+ execution.setVariable("status", "processing")
+ }
+ if("COMPLETED".equalsIgnoreCase(serviceOrderState)) {
+ execution.setVariable("progress", 100)
+ execution.setVariable("status", "finished")
+ }
+ if("FAILED".equalsIgnoreCase(serviceOrderState)) {
+ execution.setVariable("progress", 100)
+ execution.setVariable("status", "error")
+ }
+ else {
+ execution.setVariable("progress", 100)
+ execution.setVariable("status", "error")
+ execution.setVariable("statusDescription", "Create Service Order Status is unknown")
+ }
+ execution.setVariable("statusDescription", "Create Service Order Status is " + serviceOrderState)
+ }
+ else{
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Get ServiceOrder Received a Bad Response Code. Response Code is: " + responseCode, isDebugEnabled)
+ execution.setVariable("progress", 100)
+ execution.setVariable("status", "error")
+ execution.setVariable("statusDescription", "Get ServiceOrder Received a bad response")
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 500, "Get ServiceOrder Received a bad response from 3rdONAP External API")
+ }
+ utils.log("INFO", "Exited " + getE2ESIProgressin3rdONAP, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ /**
+ * delay 5 sec
+ */
+ public void timeDelay(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled= execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(5000);
+ } catch(InterruptedException e) {
+ utils.log("ERROR", "Time Delay exception" + e , isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveSPPartnerInAAI(DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started postCreateE2ESIin3rdONAP *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ String sppartnerId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
+ String sppartnerUrl = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "sppartnerUrl")
+ String serviceInstanceId = execution.getVariable("serviceInstanceId")
+ AaiUtil aaiUriUtil = new AaiUtil(this)
+ String aai_uri = aaiUriUtil.getBusinessSPPartnerUri(execution)
+ String namespace = aaiUriUtil.getNamespaceFromUri(aai_uri)
+ String payload =
+ """<sp-partner xmlns=\"${namespace}\">
+ <id>${sppartnerId}</id>
+ <url>${sppartnerUrl}</url>
+ <service-instance>
+ <service-instance-id>${serviceInstanceId}</service-instance-id>
+ </service-instance>
+ </sp-partner>""".trim()
+ utils.logAudit(payload)
+ String aai_endpoint = execution.getVariable("URN_aai_endpoint")
+ String serviceAaiPath = "${aai_endpoint}${aai_uri}/" + UriUtils.encode(sppartnerId,"UTF-8")
+ APIResponse response = aaiUriUtil.executeAAIPutCall(execution, serviceAaiPath, payload)
+ int responseCode = response.getStatusCode()
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "putSppartnerResponseCode", responseCode)
+ utils.log("DEBUG", " Put sppartner response code is: " + responseCode, isDebugEnabled)
+ String aaiResponse = response.getResponseBodyAsString()
+ aaiResponse = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(aaiResponse)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "putSppartnerResponse", aaiResponse)
+ //Process Response
+ if(responseCode == 200 || responseCode == 201 || responseCode == 202 )
+ //200 OK 201 CREATED 202 ACCEPTED
+ {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "PUT sppartner Received a Good Response", isDebugEnabled)
+ execution.setVariable(Prefix + "SuccessIndicator", true)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ utils.log("DEBUG", "Put sppartner Received a Bad Response Code. Response Code is: " + responseCode, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric(execution, aaiResponse, responseCode)
+ throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
+ }
+ utils.log("INFO", "Exited " + saveSPPartnerInAAI, isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ private void setProgressUpdateVariables(DelegateExecution execution, String body) {
+ def dbAdapterEndpoint = execution.getVariable("URN_mso_adapters_openecomp_db_endpoint")
+ execution.setVariable("CVFMI_dbAdapterEndpoint", dbAdapterEndpoint)
+ execution.setVariable("CVFMI_updateResOperStatusRequest", body)
+ }
+ public void postProcess(DelegateExecution execution){
+ def isDebugEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Started postProcess *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ String responseCode = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "putSppartnerResponseCode")
+ String responseObj = execution.getVariable(Prefix + "putSppartnerResponse")
+ utils.log("INFO","response from AAI for put sppartner, response code :" + responseCode + " response object :" + responseObj, isDebugEnabled)
+ utils.log("INFO"," ***** Exit postProcess *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ public void sendSyncResponse (DelegateExecution execution) {
+ def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
+ utils.log("DEBUG", " *** sendSyncResponse *** ", isDebugEnabled)
+ try {
+ String operationStatus = "finished"
+ // RESTResponse for main flow
+ String resourceOperationResp = """{"operationStatus":"${operationStatus}"}""".trim()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", " sendSyncResponse to APIH:" + "\n" + resourceOperationResp, isDebugEnabled)
+ sendWorkflowResponse(execution, 202, resourceOperationResp)
+ execution.setVariable("sentSyncResponse", true)
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ String msg = "Exceptuion in sendSyncResponse:" + ex.getMessage()
+ utils.log("DEBUG", msg, isDebugEnabled)
+ exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 7000, msg)
+ }
+ utils.log("DEBUG"," ***** Exit sendSyncResopnse *****", isDebugEnabled)
+ }
+ String customizeResourceParam(String inputParametersJson) {
+ List<Map<String, Object>> paramList = new ArrayList();
+ JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(inputParametersJson);
+ Iterator iterator = jsonObject.keys();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ String key = iterator.next();
+ HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap();
+ hashMap.put("name", key);
+ hashMap.put("value", jsonObject.get(key))
+ paramList.add(hashMap)
+ }
+ Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> paramMap = new HashMap();
+ paramMap.put("param", paramList);
+ return new JSONObject(paramMap).toString();
+ }
diff --git a/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateResources.groovy b/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateResources.groovy
index f7c5c1b83d..9da8a90ca7 100644
--- a/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateResources.groovy
+++ b/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateResources.groovy
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ public class DoCreateResources extends AbstractServiceTaskProcessor{
String serviceParameters = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(incomingRequest, "service.parameters")
String resourceParameters = ResourceRequestBuilder.buildResourceRequestParameters(execution, serviceModelUuid, resourceCustomizationUuid, serviceParameters)
+ resourceInput.setRequestsInputs(incomingRequest)
execution.setVariable("resourceInput", resourceInput)
msoLogger.trace("COMPLETED prepareResourceRecipeRequest Process ")
diff --git a/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoDeleteResources.groovy b/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoDeleteResources.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index f6dd0cad16..0000000000
--- a/bpmn/so-bpmn-infrastructure-flows/src/main/groovy/org/onap/so/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoDeleteResources.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * ONAP - SO
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts
-import org.json.JSONArray;
-import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.*;
-import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
-import groovy.json.*
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.domain.ModelInfo
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.domain.Resource
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.domain.ServiceInstance
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.json.JsonUtils
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.AbstractServiceTaskProcessor
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.ExceptionUtil
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.common.scripts.SDNCAdapterUtils
-import org.onap.so.bpmn.core.WorkflowException
-import org.onap.so.rest.APIResponse;
-import org.onap.so.rest.RESTClient
-import org.onap.so.rest.RESTConfig
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
-import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.BpmnError
-import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution
-import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.*
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document
-import org.w3c.dom.Element
-import org.w3c.dom.Node
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList
-import org.xml.sax.InputSource
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.annotation.JSONP.Def;
-import org.onap.so.logger.MessageEnum
-import org.onap.so.logger.MsoLogger
- * This groovy class supports the <class>DoDeleteResources.bpmn</class> process.
- *
- * Inputs:
- * @param - msoRequestId
- * @param - globalSubscriberId - O
- * @param - subscriptionServiceType - O
- * @param - serviceInstanceId
- * @param - serviceInstanceName - O
- * @param - serviceInputParams (should contain aic_zone for serviceTypes TRANSPORT,ATM)
- * @param - sdncVersion
- * @param - failNotFound - TODO
- * @param - serviceInputParams - TODO
- *
- * @param - delResourceList
- * @param - serviceRelationShip
- *
- * Outputs:
- * @param - WorkflowException
- *
- * Rollback - Deferred
- */
-public class DoDeleteResources extends AbstractServiceTaskProcessor {
- private static final MsoLogger msoLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL, DoDeleteResources.class);
- String Prefix="DDELR_"
- ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil()
- JsonUtils jsonUtil = new JsonUtils()
- public void preProcessRequest (DelegateExecution execution) {
- msoLogger.trace("preProcessRequest ")
- String msg = ""
- List<ServiceInstance> realNSRessources = new ArrayList<ServiceInstance>()
- // related ns from AAI
- String serviceRelationShip = execution.getVariable("serviceRelationShip")
- def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
- def jsonOutput = new JsonOutput()
- List<String> nsSequence = new ArrayList<String>()
- List relationShipList = jsonSlurper.parseText(serviceRelationShip)
- if (relationShipList != null) {
- relationShipList.each {
- String resourceType = it.resourceType
- nsSequence.add(resourceType)
- }
- }
- execution.setVariable("currentNSIndex", 0)
- execution.setVariable("nsSequence", nsSequence)
- execution.setVariable("realNSRessources", realNSRessources)
- msoLogger.info("nsSequence: " + nsSequence)
- msoLogger.trace("Exit preProcessRequest ")
- }
- public void getCurrentNS(execution){
- msoLogger.trace("Start getCurrentNS Process ")
- def currentIndex = execution.getVariable("currentNSIndex")
- List<String> nsSequence = execution.getVariable("nsSequence")
- String nsResourceType = nsSequence.get(currentIndex)
- // GET AAI by Name, not ID, for process convenient
- execution.setVariable("GENGS_type", "service-instance")
- execution.setVariable("GENGS_serviceInstanceId", "")
- execution.setVariable("GENGS_serviceInstanceName", nsResourceType)
- msoLogger.trace("COMPLETED getCurrentNS Process ")
- }
- public void postProcessAAIGET(DelegateExecution execution) {
- msoLogger.trace("postProcessAAIGET2 ")
- String msg = ""
- try {
- String nsResourceName = execution.getVariable("GENGS_serviceInstanceName")
- boolean succInAAI = execution.getVariable("GENGS_SuccessIndicator")
- if(!succInAAI){
- msoLogger.info("Error getting Service-instance from AAI in postProcessAAIGET", + nsResourceName)
- WorkflowException workflowException = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException")
- msoLogger.debug("workflowException: " + workflowException)
- if(workflowException != null){
- exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, workflowException.getErrorCode(), workflowException.getErrorMessage())
- }
- else
- {
- msg = "Failure in postProcessAAIGET GENGS_SuccessIndicator:" + succInAAI
- msoLogger.info(msg)
- exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 2500, msg)
- }
- }
- else
- {
- boolean foundInAAI = execution.getVariable("GENGS_FoundIndicator")
- if(foundInAAI){
- String aaiService = execution.getVariable("GENGS_service")
- if (!isBlank(aaiService)) {
- String svcId = utils.getNodeText(aaiService, "service-instance-id")
- //String mn = utils.getNodeText(aaiService, "model-name")
- String mIuuid = utils.getNodeText(aaiService, "model-invariant-id")
- String muuid = utils.getNodeText(aaiService, "model-version-id")
- String mCuuid = utils.getNodeText(aaiService, "model-customization-uuid")
- ServiceInstance rc = new ServiceInstance()
- ModelInfo modelInfo = new ModelInfo()
- //modelInfo.setModelName(mn)
- modelInfo.setModelUuid(muuid)
- modelInfo.setModelInvariantUuid(mIuuid)
- modelInfo.getModelCustomizationUuid(mCuuid)
- rc.setModelInfo(modelInfo)
- rc.setInstanceId(svcId)
- rc.setInstanceName(nsResourceName)
- List<ServiceInstance> realNSRessources = execution.getVariable("realNSRessources")
- realNSRessources.add(rc)
- execution.setVariable("realNSRessources", realNSRessources)
- msoLogger.info("Found Service-instance in AAI.serviceInstanceName:" + execution.getVariable("serviceInstanceName"))
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (BpmnError e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- msg = "Exception in DoDeleteResources.postProcessAAIGET " + ex.getMessage()
- msoLogger.info(msg)
- exceptionUtil.buildAndThrowWorkflowException(execution, 7000, msg)
- }
- msoLogger.trace("Exit postProcessAAIGET ")
- }
- public void parseNextNS(execution){
- msoLogger.trace("Start parseNextNS Process ")
- def currentIndex = execution.getVariable("currentNSIndex")
- def nextIndex = currentIndex + 1
- execution.setVariable("currentNSIndex", nextIndex)
- List<String> nsSequence = execution.getVariable("nsSequence")
- if(nextIndex >= nsSequence.size()){
- execution.setVariable("allNsFinished", "true")
- }else{
- execution.setVariable("allNsFinished", "false")
- }
- msoLogger.trace("COMPLETED parseNextNS Process ")
- }
- public void sequenceResource(execution){
- msoLogger.trace("STARTED sequenceResource Process ")
- List<String> nsResources = new ArrayList<String>()
- List<String> wanResources = new ArrayList<String>()
- List<String> resourceSequence = new ArrayList<String>()
- // get delete resource list and order list
- List<Resource> delResourceList = execution.getVariable("delResourceList")
- // existing resource list
- List<ServiceInstance> existResourceList = execution.getVariable("realNSRessources")
- for(ServiceInstance rc_e : existResourceList){
- String muuid = rc_e.getModelInfo().getModelUuid()
- String mIuuid = rc_e.getModelInfo().getModelInvariantUuid()
- String mCuuid = rc_e.getModelInfo().getModelCustomizationUuid()
- rcType = rc_e.getInstanceName()
- for(Resource rc_d : delResourceList){
- if(rc_d.getModelInfo().getModelUuid() == muuid
- && rc_d.getModelInfo().getModelInvariantUuid() == mIuuid
- && rc_d.getModelInfo().getModelCustomizationUuid() == mCuuid) {
- if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(rcType, "overlay")
- || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(rcType, "underlay")){
- wanResources.add(rcType)
- }else{
- nsResources.add(rcType)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- resourceSequence.addAll(wanResources)
- resourceSequence.addAll(nsResources)
- String isContainsWanResource = wanResources.isEmpty() ? "false" : "true"
- execution.setVariable("isContainsWanResource", isContainsWanResource)
- execution.setVariable("currentResourceIndex", 0)
- execution.setVariable("resourceSequence", resourceSequence)
- msoLogger.info("resourceSequence: " + resourceSequence)
- execution.setVariable("wanResources", wanResources)
- msoLogger.trace("END sequenceResource Process ")
- }
- public void getCurrentResource(execution){
- msoLogger.trace("Start getCurrentResoure Process ")
- def currentIndex = execution.getVariable("currentResourceIndex")
- List<String> resourceSequence = execution.getVariable("resourceSequence")
- List<String> wanResources = execution.getVariable("wanResources")
- String resourceName = resourceSequence.get(currentIndex)
- execution.setVariable("resourceType",resourceName)
- if(wanResources.contains(resourceName)){
- execution.setVariable("controllerInfo", "SDN-C")
- }else{
- execution.setVariable("controllerInfo", "VF-C")
- }
- msoLogger.trace("COMPLETED getCurrentResoure Process ")
- }
- /**
- * prepare delete parameters
- */
- public void preResourceDelete(execution, resourceName){
- msoLogger.trace("STARTED preResourceDelete Process ")
- List<ServiceInstance> existResourceList = execution.getVariable("realNSRessources")
- for(ServiceInstance rc_e : existResourceList){
- if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(rc_e.getInstanceName(), resourceName)) {
- String resourceInstanceUUID = rc_e.getInstanceId()
- String resourceTemplateUUID = rc_e.getModelInfo().getModelUuid()
- execution.setVariable("resourceInstanceId", resourceInstanceUUID)
- execution.setVariable("resourceTemplateId", resourceTemplateUUID)
- execution.setVariable("resourceType", resourceName)
- msoLogger.info("Delete Resource Info resourceTemplate Id :" + resourceTemplateUUID + " resourceInstanceId: " + resourceInstanceUUID + " resourceType: " + resourceName)
- }
- }
- msoLogger.trace("END preResourceDelete Process ")
- }
- public void parseNextResource(execution){
- msoLogger.trace("Start parseNextResource Process ")
- def currentIndex = execution.getVariable("currentResourceIndex")
- def nextIndex = currentIndex + 1
- execution.setVariable("currentResourceIndex", nextIndex)
- List<String> resourceSequence = execution.getVariable("resourceSequence")
- if(nextIndex >= resourceSequence.size()){
- execution.setVariable("allResourceFinished", "true")
- }else{
- execution.setVariable("allResourceFinished", "false")
- }
- msoLogger.trace("COMPLETED parseNextResource Process ")
- }
- /**
- * post config request.
- */
- public void postConfigRequest(execution){
- //to do
- }
- \ No newline at end of file