diff options
author | 2018-03-05 14:46:15 +0000 | |
committer | 2018-03-05 14:46:15 +0000 | |
commit | 51f4f8eb9cfaa582ab2a6780cee762b0a98912b2 (patch) | |
tree | e88aff4e177157f6affc6a96ebab8923f2c45ccf /bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main | |
parent | f8af1e81377ee6e3257a695b5b7ed8d176081204 (diff) | |
parent | 2698d1d945e589a5ed6e349a45f937fd104689c9 (diff) |
Merge "Removed unreachable log"
Diffstat (limited to 'bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main')
-rw-r--r-- | bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/ExceptionUtil.groovy | 794 |
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/ExceptionUtil.groovy b/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/ExceptionUtil.groovy index d97a304e16..121e0c8ccb 100644 --- a/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/ExceptionUtil.groovy +++ b/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/ExceptionUtil.groovy @@ -1,398 +1,396 @@ -/*-
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * ONAP - SO
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts
-import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.*
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.*
-import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.BpmnError
-import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution
-import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.WorkflowException
- * @version 1.0
- */
-class ExceptionUtil extends AbstractServiceTaskProcessor {
- /**
- * This error handling method maps an AAI Exception response to a
- * WorkflowException Object. It then sets the WorkflowException Object
- * on the execution as "WorkflowException".
- *
- * This method formats the exception from AAI into the WorkflowException's
- * errorMessage that CCD expects.
- *
- * @param execution the execution
- * @param response the aai exception
- */
- WorkflowException MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException(String response, Execution execution)
- {
- def utils=new MsoUtils()
- def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
- def prefix=execution.getVariable("prefix")
- def errorMsg = execution.getVariable(prefix+"ErrorResponse")
- utils.log("DEBUG","=========== Begin MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException ===========",isDebugEnabled)
- String text = null
- def variables
- String errorCode = '5000'
- WorkflowException wfex
- utils.log("DEBUG","response: " + response, isDebugEnabled)
- try{
- try {
- //String msg = utils.getNodeXml(response, "Fault")
- variables = utils.getMultNodes(response, "variable")
- text = utils.getNodeText1(response, "text")
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- //Ignore the exception - cases include non xml payload
- utils.log("DEBUG","error mapping error, ignoring: " + ex,isDebugEnabled)
- }
- if(text != null) {
- if(variables.size()>=4){
- text = text.replaceFirst("%1", variables[0])
- text = text.replaceFirst("%2", variables[1])
- text = text.replaceFirst("%3", variables[2])
- text = text.replaceFirst("%4", variables[3])
- }
- String modifiedErrorMessage = 'Received error from A&AI (' + text +')'
- utils.log("DEBUG", "ModifiedErrorMessage " + modifiedErrorMessage, isDebugEnabled)
- // let $ModifiedErrorMessage := concat( 'Received error from A',$exceptionaai:ampersand,'AI (' ,functx:replace-multi($ErrorMessage,$from,$Variables ),')')
- buildWorkflowException(execution, 5000, modifiedErrorMessage)
- wfex = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException")
- utils.log("ERROR","Fault:"+ wfex)
- return wfex
- } else {
- try {
- errorCode = MapErrorCode(errorMsg)
- String mappedErrorMessage = MapErrorMessage(errorMsg, errorCode)
- int errorCodeInt = Integer.parseInt(errorCode)
- buildWorkflowException(execution, errorCodeInt, mappedErrorMessage)
- utils.log("DEBUG", "mappedErrorMessage " + mappedErrorMessage, isDebugEnabled)
- wfex = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException")
- utils.log("ERROR","Fault:"+ wfex, isDebugEnabled)
- return wfex
- } catch(Exception ex) {
- utils.log("DEBUG","error mapping error, return null: " + ex, isDebugEnabled)
- return null
- }
- }
- }catch(Exception e){
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Exception occured during MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException: " + e, isDebugEnabled)
- buildWorkflowException(execution, 5000, "Error mapping AAI Response to WorkflowException")
- }
- }
- /**
- * This error handling method maps an AAI Exception response to a
- * WorkflowException Object. It then sets the WorkflowException Object
- * on the execution as "WorkflowException".
- *
- * This method takes the exact exception inside the <Fault> tags from AAI Response
- * and puts it into the WorkflowException's errorMessage.
- *
- * @param execution the execution
- * @param response the aai exception
- */
- WorkflowException MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric(Execution execution, String response, int resCode){
- def utils=new MsoUtils()
- def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Start MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric Process", isDebugLogEnabled)
- WorkflowException wfex
- try {
- if(utils.nodeExists(response, "Fault")){
- String fault = utils.getNodeXml(response, "Fault")
- fault = utils.removeXmlPreamble(fault)
- fault = fault.replace("<Fault>", "").replace("</Fault>", "")
- fault = fault.replaceAll("\\s+\\s+", "") // Removes extra white spaces
- buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, fault)
- }else if(utils.nodeExists(response, "RESTFault")){
- String rFault = utils.getNodeXml(response, "RESTFault")
- buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, rFault)
- }else{
- buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, "Received a bad response from AAI")
- }
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Exception Occured during MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric: " + ex, isDebugLogEnabled)
- buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, "Internal Error - Occured in MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric")
- }
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Outgoing WorkflowException is: " + execution.getVariable("WorkflowException"), isDebugLogEnabled)
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric Process", isDebugLogEnabled)
- }
- /**
- * This method takes a WorkflowException Object and builds
- * WorkflowException Xml. This method should only be used
- * for the purpose of sending a sync error response or for
- * creating a FalloutHandler request.
- *
- *@param - WorkflowException Object
- *
- *@return - String WorkflowException Xml
- *
- *
- */
- String buildErrorResponseXml(WorkflowException wfex) {
- String xml
- if(wfex != null){
- String mes = wfex.getErrorMessage()
- int code = wfex.getErrorCode()
- xml =
- """<aetgt:WorkflowException xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1">
- <aetgt:ErrorMessage>${mes}</aetgt:ErrorMessage>
- <aetgt:ErrorCode>${code}</aetgt:ErrorCode>
- </aetgt:WorkflowException>"""
- }else{
- xml =
- """<aetgt:WorkflowException xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1">
- <aetgt:ErrorMessage>Internal Error</aetgt:ErrorMessage>
- <aetgt:ErrorCode>2500</aetgt:ErrorCode>
- </aetgt:WorkflowException>"""
- }
- return xml
- }
- /*
- 5000 Received error from A&AI ($A&AI_ERROR) Asynchronous During orchestration of the recipe, A&AI returned an error. The error returned by A&AI is passed through in $A&AI_ERROR.
- 5010 Could not communicate with A&AI Asynchronous During orchestration of the recipe, a connection with A&AI could not be established.
- 5020 No response from A&AI Asynchronous During orchestration of the recipe, communication was established with A&AI, but no response was received within the configured timeout.
- */
- /**
- *
- * Utility Method for MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException
- *
- *@param - String ErrorMessage
- *
- *@return - String ErrorCode
- *
- */
- private String MapErrorCode(String errorMessage)
- {
- if(errorMessage==null){
- return '5000'
- }
- errorMessage = errorMessage.toLowerCase();
- if(errorMessage.contains('timed out') || errorMessage.contains('timeout'))
- return '5020'
- else if (errorMessage.contains('connection'))
- return '5010'
- else
- return '5000'
- }
- /**
- *
- * Utility Method for MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException
- *
- *@param - String ErrorMessage
- *@param - String ErrorCode
- *
- *@return - String ErrorMessage
- *
- */
- private String MapErrorMessage(String errorMessage, String errorCode)
- {
- if(errorMessage == null){
- errorMessage=""
- }
- if( errorCode.equals('5010')){
- return 'Could not communicate with A&AI'
- }else if (errorCode.equals('5020')){
- return 'No response from A&AI'
- }else{
- errorMessage = errorMessage.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">")
- return 'Received error from A&AI (' +errorMessage +')'
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * Utility Method for Mapping SDNC
- * Adapter Response Codes
- *
- *@param - String sdncResponseCode
- *
- *@return - String code
- *
- */
- String MapSDNCResponseCodeToErrorCode(String sdncResponseCode)
- {
- if (sdncResponseCode == '500') {
- return '5310'
- } else if ( sdncResponseCode == '408') {
- return '5320'
- } else if ( sdncResponseCode == '60010') {
- return '5350'
- } else {
- return '5300'
- }
- }
- /**
- * This error handling method builds a WorkflowException Object. It sets it on
- * the execution as "WorkflowException".
- *
- * @param execution the execution
- * @param errorCode the error code
- * @param errorMessage the error message
- */
- public void buildWorkflowException(Execution execution, int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
- MsoUtils utils = new MsoUtils()
- def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled')
- String processKey = getProcessKey(execution);
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Building a WorkflowException for " + processKey, isDebugLogEnabled)
- WorkflowException exception = new WorkflowException(processKey, errorCode, errorMessage);
- execution.setVariable("WorkflowException", exception);
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Outgoing WorkflowException is " + exception, isDebugLogEnabled)
- }
- /**
- * This error handling method builds a WorkflowException Object and throws a
- * MSOWorkflowException. It throws a "MSOWorkflowException" BpmnError after
- * setting the WorkflowException Object on the execution as "WorkflowException".
- *
- * @param execution the execution
- * @param errorCode the error code
- * @param errorMessage the error message
- */
- public void buildAndThrowWorkflowException(Execution execution, int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
- def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled')
- String processKey = getProcessKey(execution);
- utils.log("Building a WorkflowException for Subflow " + processKey, isDebugLogEnabled)
- WorkflowException exception = new WorkflowException(processKey, errorCode, errorMessage);
- execution.setVariable("WorkflowException", exception);
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Outgoing WorkflowException is " + exception, isDebugLogEnabled)
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Throwing MSOWorkflowException", isDebugLogEnabled)
- throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException")
- }
- /**
- * This method is executed after an MSOWorkflowException is caught by a
- * subflow (during subflows "Error Handling Sub Process").
- * It ensures the WorkflowException variable is populated before ending the
- * subflow and also logs the subflows outgoing WorkflowException Variable.
- *
- * @param - execution
- *
- */
- public void processSubflowsBPMNException(Execution execution){
- def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
- String processKey = getProcessKey(execution)
- try{
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Started ProcessSubflowsBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled)
- if(execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") == null){
- buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Internal Error - Occured During " + processKey)
- }
- utils.log("DEBUG", processKey + " Outgoing WorkflowException is: " + execution.getVariable("WorkflowException"), isDebugEnabled)
- }catch(Exception e){
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught Exception during ProcessSubflowsBPMNException Method: " + e, isDebugEnabled)
- }
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed ProcessSubflowsBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled)
- }
- /**
- * This method is executed after an MSOWorkflowException is caught by a
- * Mainflow. It builds and returns a FalloutHandler Request. It also
- * verifies the WorkflowException variable is populated.
- *
- * @param - execution
- * @param - requestInfo
- *
- * @return - falloutHandlerRequest
- *
- */
- public String processMainflowsBPMNException(Execution execution, String requestInfo){
- def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
- String processKey = getProcessKey(execution)
- try{
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Started ProcessMainflowBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled)
- if(execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") == null || isBlank(requestInfo)){
- buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Internal Error - WorkflowException Object and/or RequestInfo is null! " + processKey)
- }
- requestInfo = utils.removeXmlPreamble(requestInfo)
- WorkflowException wfex = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException")
- String errorMessage = wfex.getErrorMessage()
- int errorCode = wfex.getErrorCode()
- String falloutHandlerRequest =
- """<aetgt:FalloutHandlerRequest xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1"
- xmlns:ns="http://org.openecomp/mso/request/types/v1"
- xmlns:wfsch="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1">
- ${requestInfo}
- <aetgt:WorkflowException xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1">
- <aetgt:ErrorMessage>${errorMessage}</aetgt:ErrorMessage>
- <aetgt:ErrorCode>${errorCode}</aetgt:ErrorCode>
- </aetgt:WorkflowException>
- </aetgt:FalloutHandlerRequest>"""
- utils.log("DEBUG", processKey + " Outgoing WorkflowException is: " + execution.getVariable("WorkflowException"), isDebugEnabled)
- utils.log("DEBUG", processKey + " Outgoing FalloutHandler Request is: " + falloutHandlerRequest, isDebugEnabled)
- return falloutHandlerRequest
- }catch(Exception e){
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught Exception during ProcessMainflowBPMNException Method: " + e, isDebugEnabled)
- return null
- }
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed ProcessMainflowBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled)
- }
- /**
- *
- * This method is executed after an Java Exception is caught
- * It sets the WorkflowException variable. The method can be used in either mainflow or subflows.
- *
- * @param - execution
- *
- */
- public void processJavaException(Execution execution){
- def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled")
- String processKey = getProcessKey(execution)
- try{
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught a Java Exception in " + processKey, isDebugEnabled)
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Started processJavaException Method", isDebugEnabled)
- buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Catch a Java Lang Exception in " + processKey)
- }catch(BpmnError b){
- throw b
- }catch(Exception e){
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught Exception during processJavaException Method: " + e, isDebugEnabled)
- buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Internal Error - During Process Java Exception")
- }
- utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed processJavaException Method", isDebugEnabled)
- }
- public void preProcessRequest(Execution execution) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- }
+/*- + * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= + * ONAP - SO + * ================================================================================ + * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. + * ================================================================================ + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= + */ + +package org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts + +import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.* + +import org.apache.commons.lang3.* +import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.BpmnError +import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution +import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.WorkflowException + +/** + * @version 1.0 + */ +class ExceptionUtil extends AbstractServiceTaskProcessor { + + + /** + * This error handling method maps an AAI Exception response to a + * WorkflowException Object. It then sets the WorkflowException Object + * on the execution as "WorkflowException". + * + * This method formats the exception from AAI into the WorkflowException's + * errorMessage that CCD expects. + * + * @param execution the execution + * @param response the aai exception + */ + WorkflowException MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException(String response, Execution execution) + { + def utils=new MsoUtils() + def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled") + def prefix=execution.getVariable("prefix") + def errorMsg = execution.getVariable(prefix+"ErrorResponse") + utils.log("DEBUG","=========== Begin MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException ===========",isDebugEnabled) + String text = null + def variables + String errorCode = '5000' + WorkflowException wfex + utils.log("DEBUG","response: " + response, isDebugEnabled) + try{ + try { + //String msg = utils.getNodeXml(response, "Fault") + variables = utils.getMultNodes(response, "variable") + text = utils.getNodeText1(response, "text") + } catch (Exception ex) { + //Ignore the exception - cases include non xml payload + utils.log("DEBUG","error mapping error, ignoring: " + ex,isDebugEnabled) + } + + if(text != null) { + if(variables.size()>=4){ + text = text.replaceFirst("%1", variables[0]) + text = text.replaceFirst("%2", variables[1]) + text = text.replaceFirst("%3", variables[2]) + text = text.replaceFirst("%4", variables[3]) + } + String modifiedErrorMessage = 'Received error from A&AI (' + text +')' + utils.log("DEBUG", "ModifiedErrorMessage " + modifiedErrorMessage, isDebugEnabled) + // let $ModifiedErrorMessage := concat( 'Received error from A',$exceptionaai:ampersand,'AI (' ,functx:replace-multi($ErrorMessage,$from,$Variables ),')') + buildWorkflowException(execution, 5000, modifiedErrorMessage) + + wfex = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") + utils.log("ERROR","Fault:"+ wfex) + return wfex + } else { + try { + errorCode = MapErrorCode(errorMsg) + String mappedErrorMessage = MapErrorMessage(errorMsg, errorCode) + + int errorCodeInt = Integer.parseInt(errorCode) + buildWorkflowException(execution, errorCodeInt, mappedErrorMessage) + + utils.log("DEBUG", "mappedErrorMessage " + mappedErrorMessage, isDebugEnabled) + wfex = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") + utils.log("ERROR","Fault:"+ wfex, isDebugEnabled) + return wfex + } catch(Exception ex) { + utils.log("DEBUG","error mapping error, return null: " + ex, isDebugEnabled) + return null + + } + } + }catch(Exception e){ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Exception occured during MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException: " + e, isDebugEnabled) + buildWorkflowException(execution, 5000, "Error mapping AAI Response to WorkflowException") + } + } + + /** + * This error handling method maps an AAI Exception response to a + * WorkflowException Object. It then sets the WorkflowException Object + * on the execution as "WorkflowException". + * + * This method takes the exact exception inside the <Fault> tags from AAI Response + * and puts it into the WorkflowException's errorMessage. + * + * @param execution the execution + * @param response the aai exception + */ + WorkflowException MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric(Execution execution, String response, int resCode){ + def utils=new MsoUtils() + def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled") + utils.log("DEBUG", "Start MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric Process", isDebugLogEnabled) + + WorkflowException wfex + try { + if(utils.nodeExists(response, "Fault")){ + String fault = utils.getNodeXml(response, "Fault") + fault = utils.removeXmlPreamble(fault) + fault = fault.replace("<Fault>", "").replace("</Fault>", "") + fault = fault.replaceAll("\\s+\\s+", "") // Removes extra white spaces + buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, fault) + }else if(utils.nodeExists(response, "RESTFault")){ + String rFault = utils.getNodeXml(response, "RESTFault") + buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, rFault) + }else{ + buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, "Received a bad response from AAI") + } + } catch (Exception ex) { + utils.log("DEBUG", "Exception Occured during MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric: " + ex, isDebugLogEnabled) + buildWorkflowException(execution, resCode, "Internal Error - Occured in MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric") + + } + utils.log("DEBUG", "Outgoing WorkflowException is: " + execution.getVariable("WorkflowException"), isDebugLogEnabled) + utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowExceptionGeneric Process", isDebugLogEnabled) + } + + /** + * This method takes a WorkflowException Object and builds + * WorkflowException Xml. This method should only be used + * for the purpose of sending a sync error response or for + * creating a FalloutHandler request. + * + *@param - WorkflowException Object + * + *@return - String WorkflowException Xml + * + * + */ + String buildErrorResponseXml(WorkflowException wfex) { + String xml + if(wfex != null){ + String mes = wfex.getErrorMessage() + int code = wfex.getErrorCode() + xml = + """<aetgt:WorkflowException xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1"> + <aetgt:ErrorMessage>${mes}</aetgt:ErrorMessage> + <aetgt:ErrorCode>${code}</aetgt:ErrorCode> + </aetgt:WorkflowException>""" + + }else{ + xml = + """<aetgt:WorkflowException xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1"> + <aetgt:ErrorMessage>Internal Error</aetgt:ErrorMessage> + <aetgt:ErrorCode>2500</aetgt:ErrorCode> + </aetgt:WorkflowException>""" + } + return xml + } + + /* + 5000 Received error from A&AI ($A&AI_ERROR) Asynchronous During orchestration of the recipe, A&AI returned an error. The error returned by A&AI is passed through in $A&AI_ERROR. + 5010 Could not communicate with A&AI Asynchronous During orchestration of the recipe, a connection with A&AI could not be established. + 5020 No response from A&AI Asynchronous During orchestration of the recipe, communication was established with A&AI, but no response was received within the configured timeout. + */ + /** + * + * Utility Method for MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException + * + *@param - String ErrorMessage + * + *@return - String ErrorCode + * + */ + private String MapErrorCode(String errorMessage) + { + if(errorMessage==null){ + return '5000' + } + errorMessage = errorMessage.toLowerCase(); + if(errorMessage.contains('timed out') || errorMessage.contains('timeout')) + return '5020' + else if (errorMessage.contains('connection')) + return '5010' + else + return '5000' + } + + /** + * + * Utility Method for MapAAIExceptionToWorkflowException + * + *@param - String ErrorMessage + *@param - String ErrorCode + * + *@return - String ErrorMessage + * + */ + private String MapErrorMessage(String errorMessage, String errorCode) + { + if(errorMessage == null){ + errorMessage="" + } + if( errorCode.equals('5010')){ + return 'Could not communicate with A&AI' + }else if (errorCode.equals('5020')){ + return 'No response from A&AI' + }else{ + errorMessage = errorMessage.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") + return 'Received error from A&AI (' +errorMessage +')' + } + } + + /** + * + * Utility Method for Mapping SDNC + * Adapter Response Codes + * + *@param - String sdncResponseCode + * + *@return - String code + * + */ + String MapSDNCResponseCodeToErrorCode(String sdncResponseCode) + { + if (sdncResponseCode == '500') { + return '5310' + } else if ( sdncResponseCode == '408') { + return '5320' + } else if ( sdncResponseCode == '60010') { + return '5350' + } else { + return '5300' + } + } + + /** + * This error handling method builds a WorkflowException Object. It sets it on + * the execution as "WorkflowException". + * + * @param execution the execution + * @param errorCode the error code + * @param errorMessage the error message + */ + public void buildWorkflowException(Execution execution, int errorCode, String errorMessage) { + MsoUtils utils = new MsoUtils() + def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') + String processKey = getProcessKey(execution); + utils.log("DEBUG", "Building a WorkflowException for " + processKey, isDebugLogEnabled) + + WorkflowException exception = new WorkflowException(processKey, errorCode, errorMessage); + execution.setVariable("WorkflowException", exception); + utils.log("DEBUG", "Outgoing WorkflowException is " + exception, isDebugLogEnabled) + } + + /** + * This error handling method builds a WorkflowException Object and throws a + * MSOWorkflowException. It throws a "MSOWorkflowException" BpmnError after + * setting the WorkflowException Object on the execution as "WorkflowException". + * + * @param execution the execution + * @param errorCode the error code + * @param errorMessage the error message + */ + public void buildAndThrowWorkflowException(Execution execution, int errorCode, String errorMessage) { + def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') + String processKey = getProcessKey(execution); + utils.log("Building a WorkflowException for Subflow " + processKey, isDebugLogEnabled) + + WorkflowException exception = new WorkflowException(processKey, errorCode, errorMessage); + execution.setVariable("WorkflowException", exception); + utils.log("DEBUG", "Outgoing WorkflowException is " + exception, isDebugLogEnabled) + utils.log("DEBUG", "Throwing MSOWorkflowException", isDebugLogEnabled) + throw new BpmnError("MSOWorkflowException") + } + + /** + * This method is executed after an MSOWorkflowException is caught by a + * subflow (during subflows "Error Handling Sub Process"). + * It ensures the WorkflowException variable is populated before ending the + * subflow and also logs the subflows outgoing WorkflowException Variable. + * + * @param - execution + * + */ + public void processSubflowsBPMNException(Execution execution){ + def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled") + String processKey = getProcessKey(execution) + try{ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Started ProcessSubflowsBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled) + if(execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") == null){ + buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Internal Error - Occured During " + processKey) + } + + utils.log("DEBUG", processKey + " Outgoing WorkflowException is: " + execution.getVariable("WorkflowException"), isDebugEnabled) + }catch(Exception e){ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught Exception during ProcessSubflowsBPMNException Method: " + e, isDebugEnabled) + } + utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed ProcessSubflowsBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled) + } + + /** + * This method is executed after an MSOWorkflowException is caught by a + * Mainflow. It builds and returns a FalloutHandler Request. It also + * verifies the WorkflowException variable is populated. + * + * @param - execution + * @param - requestInfo + * + * @return - falloutHandlerRequest + * + */ + public String processMainflowsBPMNException(Execution execution, String requestInfo){ + def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled") + String processKey = getProcessKey(execution) + try{ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Started ProcessMainflowBPMNException Method", isDebugEnabled) + if(execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") == null || isBlank(requestInfo)){ + buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Internal Error - WorkflowException Object and/or RequestInfo is null! " + processKey) + } + requestInfo = utils.removeXmlPreamble(requestInfo) + WorkflowException wfex = execution.getVariable("WorkflowException") + String errorMessage = wfex.getErrorMessage() + int errorCode = wfex.getErrorCode() + + String falloutHandlerRequest = + """<aetgt:FalloutHandlerRequest xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1" + xmlns:ns="http://org.openecomp/mso/request/types/v1" + xmlns:wfsch="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1"> + ${requestInfo} + <aetgt:WorkflowException xmlns:aetgt="http://org.openecomp/mso/workflow/schema/v1"> + <aetgt:ErrorMessage>${errorMessage}</aetgt:ErrorMessage> + <aetgt:ErrorCode>${errorCode}</aetgt:ErrorCode> + </aetgt:WorkflowException> + </aetgt:FalloutHandlerRequest>""" + + utils.log("DEBUG", processKey + " Outgoing WorkflowException is: " + execution.getVariable("WorkflowException"), isDebugEnabled) + utils.log("DEBUG", processKey + "Completed ProcessMainflowBPMNException Outgoing FalloutHandler Request is: " + falloutHandlerRequest, isDebugEnabled) + return falloutHandlerRequest + + }catch(Exception e){ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught Exception during ProcessMainflowBPMNException Method: " + e, isDebugEnabled) + return null + } + } + + /** + * + * This method is executed after an Java Exception is caught + * It sets the WorkflowException variable. The method can be used in either mainflow or subflows. + * + * @param - execution + * + */ + public void processJavaException(Execution execution){ + def isDebugEnabled=execution.getVariable("isDebugLogEnabled") + String processKey = getProcessKey(execution) + try{ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught a Java Exception in " + processKey, isDebugEnabled) + utils.log("DEBUG", "Started processJavaException Method", isDebugEnabled) + buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Catch a Java Lang Exception in " + processKey) + + }catch(BpmnError b){ + throw b + }catch(Exception e){ + utils.log("DEBUG", "Caught Exception during processJavaException Method: " + e, isDebugEnabled) + buildWorkflowException(execution, 2500, "Internal Error - During Process Java Exception") + } + utils.log("DEBUG", "Completed processJavaException Method", isDebugEnabled) + } + + + public void preProcessRequest(Execution execution) { + // TODO Auto-generated method stub + + } +} |