path: root/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common
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authorSeshu Kumar M <seshu.kumar.m@huawei.com>2017-08-10 06:48:03 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2017-08-10 06:48:03 +0000
commitb2356570d9aa82f9e8ea259f9e282499c98efcbc (patch)
treeebccf8677dcc645ef1c27a09a646acd013fb033e /aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common
parentd48b750fc08b11a758b4c71ac71fe6cd2a2437d3 (diff)
parent9981f55920a6f1c1f20396d42e35b075b22f6a8f (diff)
Merge "ARIA multivim plugin initial checkin"
Diffstat (limited to 'aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common')
7 files changed, 2204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/__init__.py b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..353b2be03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+from functools import wraps, partial
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+from IPy import IP
+from keystoneauth1 import loading, session
+import cinderclient.client as cinder_client
+import cinderclient.exceptions as cinder_exceptions
+import keystoneclient.v3.client as keystone_client
+import keystoneclient.exceptions as keystone_exceptions
+import neutronclient.v2_0.client as neutron_client
+import neutronclient.common.exceptions as neutron_exceptions
+import novaclient.client as nova_client
+import novaclient.exceptions as nova_exceptions
+import glanceclient.client as glance_client
+import glanceclient.exc as glance_exceptions
+import cloudify
+from cloudify import context, ctx
+from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError, RecoverableError
+# properties
+USE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_PROPERTY = 'use_external_resource'
+CREATE_IF_MISSING_PROPERTY = 'create_if_missing'
+CONFIG_PROPERTY = 'openstack_config'
+# runtime properties
+OPENSTACK_AZ_PROPERTY = 'availability_zone'
+OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY = 'external_id' # resource's openstack id
+OPENSTACK_TYPE_PROPERTY = 'external_type' # resource's openstack type
+OPENSTACK_NAME_PROPERTY = 'external_name' # resource's openstack name
+CONDITIONALLY_CREATED = 'conditionally_created' # resource was
+# conditionally created
+# operation inputs
+# runtime properties which all types use
+MISSING_RESOURCE_MESSAGE = "Couldn't find a resource of " \
+ "type {0} with the name or id {1}"
+class ProviderContext(object):
+ def __init__(self, provider_context):
+ self._provider_context = provider_context or {}
+ self._resources = self._provider_context.get('resources', {})
+ @property
+ def agents_keypair(self):
+ return self._resources.get('agents_keypair')
+ @property
+ def agents_security_group(self):
+ return self._resources.get('agents_security_group')
+ @property
+ def ext_network(self):
+ return self._resources.get('ext_network')
+ @property
+ def floating_ip(self):
+ return self._resources.get('floating_ip')
+ @property
+ def int_network(self):
+ return self._resources.get('int_network')
+ @property
+ def management_keypair(self):
+ return self._resources.get('management_keypair')
+ @property
+ def management_security_group(self):
+ return self._resources.get('management_security_group')
+ @property
+ def management_server(self):
+ return self._resources.get('management_server')
+ @property
+ def router(self):
+ return self._resources.get('router')
+ @property
+ def subnet(self):
+ return self._resources.get('subnet')
+ def __repr__(self):
+ info = json.dumps(self._provider_context)
+ return '<' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + info + '>'
+def provider(ctx):
+ return ProviderContext(ctx.provider_context)
+def assign_payload_as_runtime_properties(ctx, resource_name, payload={}):
+ """
+ In general Openstack API objects have create, update, and delete
+ functions. Each function normally receives a payload that describes
+ the desired configuration of the object.
+ This makes sure to store that configuration in the runtime
+ properties and cleans any potentially sensitive data.
+ :param ctx: The Cloudify NodeInstanceContext
+ :param resource_name: A string describing the resource.
+ :param payload: The payload.
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Avoid failing if a developer inadvertently passes a
+ # non-NodeInstanceContext
+ if getattr(ctx, 'instance'):
+ if resource_name not in ctx.instance.runtime_properties.keys():
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[resource_name] = {}
+ for key, value in payload.items():
+ if key != 'user_data' and key != 'adminPass':
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[resource_name][key] = value
+def get_relationships_by_relationship_type(ctx, type_name):
+ """
+ Get cloudify relationships by relationship type.
+ Follows the inheritance tree.
+ :param ctx: Cloudify NodeInstanceContext
+ :param type_name: desired relationship type derived
+ from cloudify.relationships.depends_on.
+ :return: list of RelationshipSubjectContext
+ """
+ return [rel for rel in ctx.instance.relationships if
+ type_name in rel.type_hierarchy]
+def get_attribute_of_connected_nodes_by_relationship_type(ctx,
+ type_name,
+ attribute_name):
+ """
+ Returns a list of OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY from a list of
+ Cloudify RelationshipSubjectContext.
+ :param ctx: Cloudify NodeInstanceContext
+ :param type_name: desired relationship type derived
+ from cloudify.relationships.depends_on.
+ :param attribute_name: usually either
+ :return:
+ """
+ return [rel.target.instance.runtime_properties[attribute_name]
+ for rel in get_relationships_by_relationship_type(ctx, type_name)]
+def get_relationships_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name):
+ return [rel for rel in ctx.instance.relationships
+ if rel.target.instance.runtime_properties.get(
+def get_connected_nodes_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name):
+ return [rel.target.node
+ for rel in get_relationships_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name)]
+def get_openstack_ids_of_connected_nodes_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name):
+ return [rel.target.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY]
+ for rel in get_relationships_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name)
+ ]
+def get_openstack_names_of_connected_nodes_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name):
+ return [rel.target.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_NAME_PROPERTY]
+ for rel in get_relationships_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name)
+ ]
+def get_single_connected_node_by_openstack_type(
+ ctx, type_name, if_exists=False):
+ nodes = get_connected_nodes_by_openstack_type(ctx, type_name)
+ check = len(nodes) > 1 if if_exists else len(nodes) != 1
+ if check:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ 'Expected {0} one {1} node. got {2}'.format(
+ 'at most' if if_exists else 'exactly', type_name, len(nodes)))
+ return nodes[0] if nodes else None
+def get_openstack_id_of_single_connected_node_by_openstack_type(
+ ctx, type_name, if_exists=False):
+ ids = get_openstack_ids_of_connected_nodes_by_openstack_type(ctx,
+ type_name)
+ check = len(ids) > 1 if if_exists else len(ids) != 1
+ if check:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ 'Expected {0} one {1} capability. got {2}'.format(
+ 'at most' if if_exists else 'exactly', type_name, len(ids)))
+ return ids[0] if ids else None
+def get_resource_id(ctx, type_name):
+ if ctx.node.properties['resource_id']:
+ return ctx.node.properties['resource_id']
+ return "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(type_name, ctx.deployment.id, ctx.instance.id)
+def transform_resource_name(ctx, res):
+ if isinstance(res, basestring):
+ res = {'name': res}
+ if not isinstance(res, dict):
+ raise ValueError("transform_resource_name() expects either string or "
+ "dict as the first parameter")
+ pfx = ctx.bootstrap_context.resources_prefix
+ if not pfx:
+ return res['name']
+ name = res['name']
+ res['name'] = pfx + name
+ if name.startswith(pfx):
+ ctx.logger.warn("Prefixing resource '{0}' with '{1}' but it "
+ "already has this prefix".format(name, pfx))
+ else:
+ ctx.logger.info("Transformed resource name '{0}' to '{1}'".format(
+ name, res['name']))
+ return res['name']
+def _get_resource_by_name_or_id_from_ctx(ctx, name_field_name, openstack_type,
+ sugared_client):
+ resource_id = ctx.node.properties['resource_id']
+ if not resource_id:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "Can't set '{0}' to True without supplying a value for "
+ "'resource_id'".format(USE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_PROPERTY))
+ return get_resource_by_name_or_id(resource_id, openstack_type,
+ sugared_client, True, name_field_name)
+def get_resource_by_name_or_id(
+ resource_id, openstack_type, sugared_client,
+ raise_if_not_found=True, name_field_name='name'):
+ # search for resource by name (or name-equivalent field)
+ search_param = {name_field_name: resource_id}
+ resource = sugared_client.cosmo_get_if_exists(openstack_type,
+ **search_param)
+ if not resource:
+ # fallback - search for resource by id
+ resource = sugared_client.cosmo_get_if_exists(
+ openstack_type, id=resource_id)
+ if not resource and raise_if_not_found:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ MISSING_RESOURCE_MESSAGE.format(openstack_type, resource_id))
+ return resource
+def use_external_resource(ctx, sugared_client, openstack_type,
+ name_field_name='name'):
+ if not is_external_resource(ctx):
+ return None
+ try:
+ resource = _get_resource_by_name_or_id_from_ctx(
+ ctx, name_field_name, openstack_type, sugared_client)
+ except NonRecoverableError:
+ if is_create_if_missing(ctx):
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[CONDITIONALLY_CREATED] = True
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY] = \
+ sugared_client.get_id_from_resource(resource)
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_TYPE_PROPERTY] = openstack_type
+ from openstack_plugin_common.floatingip import FLOATINGIP_OPENSTACK_TYPE
+ # store openstack name runtime property, unless it's a floating IP type,
+ # in which case the ip will be stored in the runtime properties instead.
+ if openstack_type != FLOATINGIP_OPENSTACK_TYPE:
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_NAME_PROPERTY] = \
+ sugared_client.get_name_from_resource(resource)
+ ctx.logger.info('Using external resource {0}: {1}'.format(
+ openstack_type, ctx.node.properties['resource_id']))
+ return resource
+def validate_resource(ctx, sugared_client, openstack_type,
+ name_field_name='name'):
+ ctx.logger.debug('validating resource {0} (node {1})'.format(
+ openstack_type, ctx.node.id))
+ openstack_type_plural = sugared_client.cosmo_plural(openstack_type)
+ resource = None
+ if is_external_resource(ctx):
+ try:
+ # validate the resource truly exists
+ resource = _get_resource_by_name_or_id_from_ctx(
+ ctx, name_field_name, openstack_type, sugared_client)
+ ctx.logger.debug('OK: {0} {1} found in pool'.format(
+ openstack_type, ctx.node.properties['resource_id']))
+ except NonRecoverableError as e:
+ if not is_create_if_missing(ctx):
+ ctx.logger.error('VALIDATION ERROR: ' + str(e))
+ resource_list = list(sugared_client.cosmo_list(openstack_type))
+ if resource_list:
+ ctx.logger.info('list of existing {0}: '.format(
+ openstack_type_plural))
+ for resource in resource_list:
+ ctx.logger.info(' {0:>10} - {1}'.format(
+ sugared_client.get_id_from_resource(resource),
+ sugared_client.get_name_from_resource(resource)))
+ else:
+ ctx.logger.info('there are no existing {0}'.format(
+ openstack_type_plural))
+ raise
+ if not resource:
+ if isinstance(sugared_client, NovaClientWithSugar):
+ # not checking quota for Nova resources due to a bug in Nova client
+ return
+ # validate available quota for provisioning the resource
+ resource_list = list(sugared_client.cosmo_list(openstack_type))
+ resource_amount = len(resource_list)
+ resource_quota = sugared_client.get_quota(openstack_type)
+ if resource_amount < resource_quota \
+ or resource_quota == INFINITE_RESOURCE_QUOTA:
+ ctx.logger.debug(
+ 'OK: {0} (node {1}) can be created. provisioned {2}: {3}, '
+ 'quota: {4}'
+ .format(openstack_type, ctx.node.id, openstack_type_plural,
+ resource_amount, resource_quota))
+ else:
+ err = ('{0} (node {1}) cannot be created due to quota limitations.'
+ ' provisioned {2}: {3}, quota: {4}'
+ .format(openstack_type, ctx.node.id, openstack_type_plural,
+ resource_amount, resource_quota))
+ ctx.logger.error('VALIDATION ERROR:' + err)
+ raise NonRecoverableError(err)
+def delete_resource_and_runtime_properties(ctx, sugared_client,
+ runtime_properties_keys):
+ node_openstack_type = ctx.instance.runtime_properties[
+ if not is_external_resource(ctx):
+ ctx.logger.info('deleting {0}'.format(node_openstack_type))
+ sugared_client.cosmo_delete_resource(
+ node_openstack_type,
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY])
+ else:
+ ctx.logger.info('not deleting {0} since an external {0} is '
+ 'being used'.format(node_openstack_type))
+ delete_runtime_properties(ctx, runtime_properties_keys)
+def is_external_resource(ctx):
+ return is_external_resource_by_properties(ctx.node.properties)
+def is_external_resource_not_conditionally_created(ctx):
+ return is_external_resource_by_properties(ctx.node.properties) and \
+ not ctx.instance.runtime_properties.get(CONDITIONALLY_CREATED)
+def is_external_relationship_not_conditionally_created(ctx):
+ return is_external_resource_by_properties(ctx.source.node.properties) and \
+ is_external_resource_by_properties(ctx.target.node.properties) and \
+ not ctx.source.instance.runtime_properties.get(
+ ctx.target.instance.runtime_properties.get(CONDITIONALLY_CREATED)
+def is_create_if_missing(ctx):
+ return is_create_if_missing_by_properties(ctx.node.properties)
+def is_external_relationship(ctx):
+ return is_external_resource_by_properties(ctx.source.node.properties) and \
+ is_external_resource_by_properties(ctx.target.node.properties)
+def is_external_resource_by_properties(properties):
+ return USE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_PROPERTY in properties and \
+def is_create_if_missing_by_properties(properties):
+ return CREATE_IF_MISSING_PROPERTY in properties and \
+def delete_runtime_properties(ctx, runtime_properties_keys):
+ for runtime_prop_key in runtime_properties_keys:
+ if runtime_prop_key in ctx.instance.runtime_properties:
+ del ctx.instance.runtime_properties[runtime_prop_key]
+def validate_ip_or_range_syntax(ctx, address, is_range=True):
+ range_suffix = ' range' if is_range else ''
+ ctx.logger.debug('checking whether {0} is a valid address{1}...'
+ .format(address, range_suffix))
+ try:
+ IP(address)
+ ctx.logger.debug('OK:'
+ '{0} is a valid address{1}.'.format(address,
+ range_suffix))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ err = ('{0} is not a valid address{1}; {2}'.format(
+ address, range_suffix, e.message))
+ ctx.logger.error('VALIDATION ERROR:' + err)
+ raise NonRecoverableError(err)
+class Config(object):
+ OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT_PATH = '~/openstack_config.json'
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def get(cls):
+ static_config = cls._build_config_from_env_variables()
+ default_location_tpl = cls.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT_PATH
+ default_location = os.path.expanduser(default_location_tpl)
+ config_path = os.getenv(env_name, default_location)
+ try:
+ with open(config_path) as f:
+ cls.update_config(static_config, json.loads(f.read()))
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ return static_config
+ @classmethod
+ def _build_config_from_env_variables(cls):
+ return {v.lstrip(cls.OPENSTACK_ENV_VAR_PREFIX).lower(): os.environ[v]
+ for v in cls.OPENSTACK_SUPPORTED_ENV_VARS if v in os.environ}
+ @staticmethod
+ def update_config(overridden_cfg, overriding_cfg):
+ """ this method is like dict.update() only that it doesn't override
+ with (or set new) empty values (e.g. empty string) """
+ for k, v in overriding_cfg.iteritems():
+ if v:
+ overridden_cfg[k] = v
+class OpenStackClient(object):
+ COMMON = {'username', 'password', 'auth_url'}
+ COMMON | {'tenant_name'},
+ COMMON | {'project_id', 'user_domain_name'},
+ COMMON | {'project_id', 'project_name', 'user_domain_name'},
+ COMMON | {'project_name', 'user_domain_name', 'project_domain_name'},
+ ]
+ OPTIONAL_AUTH_PARAMS = {'insecure'}
+ def __init__(self, client_name, client_class, config=None, *args, **kw):
+ cfg = Config.get()
+ if config:
+ Config.update_config(cfg, config)
+ v3 = '/v3' in cfg['auth_url']
+ # Newer libraries expect the region key to be `region_name`, not
+ # `region`.
+ region = cfg.pop('region', None)
+ if v3 and region:
+ cfg['region_name'] = region
+ cfg = self._merge_custom_configuration(cfg, client_name)
+ auth_params, client_params = OpenStackClient._split_config(cfg)
+ OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params(auth_params)
+ if v3:
+ # keystone v3 complains if these aren't set.
+ for key in 'user_domain_name', 'project_domain_name':
+ auth_params.setdefault(key, 'default')
+ client_params['session'] = self._authenticate(auth_params)
+ self._client = client_class(**client_params)
+ @classmethod
+ def _validate_auth_params(cls, params):
+ if set(params.keys()) - cls.OPTIONAL_AUTH_PARAMS in cls.AUTH_SETS:
+ return
+ def set2str(s):
+ return '({})'.format(', '.join(sorted(s)))
+ received_params = set2str(params)
+ valid_auth_sets = map(set2str, cls.AUTH_SETS)
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "{} is not valid set of auth params. Expected to find parameters "
+ "either as environment variables, in a JSON file (at either a "
+ "path which is set under the environment variable {} or at the "
+ "default location {}), or as nested properties under an "
+ "'{}' property. Valid auth param sets are: {}."
+ .format(received_params,
+ ', '.join(valid_auth_sets)))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _merge_custom_configuration(cfg, client_name):
+ config = cfg.copy()
+ mapping = {
+ 'nova_url': 'nova_client',
+ 'neutron_url': 'neutron_client'
+ }
+ for key in 'nova_url', 'neutron_url':
+ val = config.pop(key, None)
+ if val is not None:
+ ctx.logger.warn(
+ "'{}' property is deprecated. Use `custom_configuration"
+ ".{}.endpoint_override` instead.".format(
+ key, mapping[key]))
+ if mapping.get(key, None) == client_name:
+ config['endpoint_override'] = val
+ if 'custom_configuration' in cfg:
+ del config['custom_configuration']
+ config.update(cfg['custom_configuration'].get(client_name, {}))
+ return config
+ @classmethod
+ def _split_config(cls, cfg):
+ all = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, cls.AUTH_SETS)
+ auth, misc = {}, {}
+ for param, value in cfg.items():
+ if param in all:
+ auth[param] = value
+ else:
+ misc[param] = value
+ return auth, misc
+ @staticmethod
+ def _authenticate(cfg):
+ verify = True
+ if 'insecure' in cfg:
+ cfg = cfg.copy()
+ # NOTE: Next line will evaluate to False only when insecure is set
+ # to True. Any other value (string etc.) will force verify to True.
+ # This is done on purpose, since we do not wish to use insecure
+ # connection by mistake.
+ verify = not (cfg['insecure'] is True)
+ del cfg['insecure']
+ loader = loading.get_plugin_loader("password")
+ auth = loader.load_from_options(**cfg)
+ sess = session.Session(auth=auth, verify=verify)
+ return sess
+ # Proxy any unknown call to base client
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._client, attr)
+ # Sugar, common to all clients
+ def cosmo_plural(self, obj_type_single):
+ return obj_type_single + 's'
+ def cosmo_get_named(self, obj_type_single, name, **kw):
+ return self.cosmo_get(obj_type_single, name=name, **kw)
+ def cosmo_get(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ return self._cosmo_get(obj_type_single, False, **kw)
+ def cosmo_get_if_exists(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ return self._cosmo_get(obj_type_single, True, **kw)
+ def _cosmo_get(self, obj_type_single, if_exists, **kw):
+ ls = list(self.cosmo_list(obj_type_single, **kw))
+ check = len(ls) > 1 if if_exists else len(ls) != 1
+ if check:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "Expected {0} one object of type {1} "
+ "with match {2} but there are {3}".format(
+ 'at most' if if_exists else 'exactly',
+ obj_type_single, kw, len(ls)))
+ return ls[0] if ls else None
+class GlanceClient(OpenStackClient):
+ # Can't glance_url be figured out from keystone
+ ['username', 'password', 'tenant_name', 'auth_url']
+ def connect(self, cfg):
+ loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
+ auth = loader.load_from_options(
+ auth_url=cfg['auth_url'],
+ username=cfg['username'],
+ password=cfg['password'],
+ tenant_name=cfg['tenant_name'])
+ sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
+ client_kwargs = dict(
+ session=sess,
+ )
+ if cfg.get('glance_url'):
+ client_kwargs['endpoint'] = cfg['glance_url']
+ return GlanceClientWithSugar(**client_kwargs)
+# Decorators
+def _find_instanceof_in_kw(cls, kw):
+ ret = [v for v in kw.values() if isinstance(v, cls)]
+ if not ret:
+ return None
+ if len(ret) > 1:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "Expected to find exactly one instance of {0} in "
+ "kwargs but found {1}".format(cls, len(ret)))
+ return ret[0]
+def _find_context_in_kw(kw):
+ return _find_instanceof_in_kw(cloudify.context.CloudifyContext, kw)
+def with_neutron_client(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ _put_client_in_kw('neutron_client', NeutronClientWithSugar, kw)
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kw)
+ except neutron_exceptions.NeutronClientException, e:
+ if e.status_code in _non_recoverable_error_codes:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=False, status_code=e.status_code)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+def with_nova_client(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ _put_client_in_kw('nova_client', NovaClientWithSugar, kw)
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kw)
+ except nova_exceptions.OverLimit, e:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=True, retry_after=e.retry_after)
+ except nova_exceptions.ClientException, e:
+ if e.code in _non_recoverable_error_codes:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=False, status_code=e.code)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+def with_cinder_client(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ _put_client_in_kw('cinder_client', CinderClientWithSugar, kw)
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kw)
+ except cinder_exceptions.ClientException, e:
+ if e.code in _non_recoverable_error_codes:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=False, status_code=e.code)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+def with_glance_client(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ _put_client_in_kw('glance_client', GlanceClientWithSugar, kw)
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kw)
+ except glance_exceptions.ClientException, e:
+ if e.code in _non_recoverable_error_codes:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=False, status_code=e.code)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+def with_keystone_client(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ _put_client_in_kw('keystone_client', KeystoneClientWithSugar, kw)
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kw)
+ except keystone_exceptions.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.http_status in _non_recoverable_error_codes:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=False, status_code=e.http_status)
+ else:
+ raise
+ except keystone_exceptions.ClientException, e:
+ _re_raise(e, recoverable=False)
+ return wrapper
+def _put_client_in_kw(client_name, client_class, kw):
+ if client_name in kw:
+ return
+ ctx = _find_context_in_kw(kw)
+ if ctx.type == context.NODE_INSTANCE:
+ config = ctx.node.properties.get(CONFIG_PROPERTY)
+ rt_config = ctx.instance.runtime_properties.get(
+ elif ctx.type == context.RELATIONSHIP_INSTANCE:
+ config = ctx.source.node.properties.get(CONFIG_PROPERTY)
+ rt_config = ctx.source.instance.runtime_properties.get(
+ if not config:
+ config = ctx.target.node.properties.get(CONFIG_PROPERTY)
+ rt_config = ctx.target.instance.runtime_properties.get(
+ else:
+ config = None
+ rt_config = None
+ # Overlay with configuration from runtime property, if any.
+ if rt_config:
+ if config:
+ config = config.copy()
+ config.update(rt_config)
+ else:
+ config = rt_config
+ if CONFIG_INPUT in kw:
+ if config:
+ config = config.copy()
+ config.update(kw[CONFIG_INPUT])
+ else:
+ config = kw[CONFIG_INPUT]
+ kw[client_name] = client_class(config=config)
+_non_recoverable_error_codes = [400, 401, 403, 404, 409]
+def _re_raise(e, recoverable, retry_after=None, status_code=None):
+ exc_type, exc, traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ message = e.message
+ if status_code is not None:
+ message = '{0} [status_code={1}]'.format(message, status_code)
+ if recoverable:
+ if retry_after == 0:
+ retry_after = None
+ raise RecoverableError(
+ message=message,
+ retry_after=retry_after), None, traceback
+ else:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(message), None, traceback
+# Sugar for clients
+class NovaClientWithSugar(OpenStackClient):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ config = kw['config']
+ if config.get('nova_url'):
+ config['endpoint_override'] = config.pop('nova_url')
+ super(NovaClientWithSugar, self).__init__(
+ 'nova_client', partial(nova_client.Client, '2'), *args, **kw)
+ def cosmo_list(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ """ Sugar for xxx.findall() - not using xxx.list() because findall
+ can receive filtering parameters, and it's common for all types"""
+ obj_type_plural = self._get_nova_field_name_for_type(obj_type_single)
+ for obj in getattr(self, obj_type_plural).findall(**kw):
+ yield obj
+ def cosmo_delete_resource(self, obj_type_single, obj_id):
+ obj_type_plural = self._get_nova_field_name_for_type(obj_type_single)
+ getattr(self, obj_type_plural).delete(obj_id)
+ def get_id_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.id
+ def get_name_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.name
+ def get_quota(self, obj_type_single):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Retrieving quotas from Nova service is currently unsupported '
+ 'due to a bug in Nova python client')
+ # we're already authenticated, but the following call will make
+ # 'service_catalog' available under 'client', through which we can
+ # extract the tenant_id (Note that self.client.tenant_id might be
+ # None if project_id (AKA tenant_name) was used instead; However the
+ # actual tenant_id must be used to retrieve the quotas)
+ self.client.authenticate()
+ tenant_id = self.client.service_catalog.get_tenant_id()
+ quotas = self.quotas.get(tenant_id)
+ return getattr(quotas, self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single))
+ def _get_nova_field_name_for_type(self, obj_type_single):
+ from openstack_plugin_common.floatingip import \
+ if obj_type_single == FLOATINGIP_OPENSTACK_TYPE:
+ # since we use the same 'openstack type' property value for both
+ # neutron and nova floating-ips, this adjustment must be made
+ # for nova client, as fields names differ between the two clients
+ obj_type_single = 'floating_ip'
+ return self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+class NeutronClientWithSugar(OpenStackClient):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super(NeutronClientWithSugar, self).__init__(
+ 'neutron_client', neutron_client.Client, *args, **kw)
+ def cosmo_list(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ """ Sugar for list_XXXs()['XXXs'] """
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ for obj in getattr(self, 'list_' + obj_type_plural)(**kw)[
+ obj_type_plural]:
+ yield obj
+ def cosmo_delete_resource(self, obj_type_single, obj_id):
+ getattr(self, 'delete_' + obj_type_single)(obj_id)
+ def get_id_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource['id']
+ def get_name_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource['name']
+ def get_quota(self, obj_type_single):
+ tenant_id = self.get_quotas_tenant()['tenant']['tenant_id']
+ quotas = self.show_quota(tenant_id)['quota']
+ return quotas[obj_type_single]
+ def cosmo_list_prefixed(self, obj_type_single, name_prefix):
+ for obj in self.cosmo_list(obj_type_single):
+ if obj['name'].startswith(name_prefix):
+ yield obj
+ def cosmo_delete_prefixed(self, name_prefix):
+ # Cleanup all neutron.list_XXX() objects with names starting
+ # with self.name_prefix
+ for obj_type_single in 'port', 'router', 'network', 'subnet',\
+ 'security_group':
+ for obj in self.cosmo_list_prefixed(obj_type_single, name_prefix):
+ if obj_type_single == 'router':
+ ports = self.cosmo_list('port', device_id=obj['id'])
+ for port in ports:
+ try:
+ self.remove_interface_router(
+ port['device_id'],
+ {'port_id': port['id']})
+ except neutron_exceptions.NeutronClientException:
+ pass
+ getattr(self, 'delete_' + obj_type_single)(obj['id'])
+ def cosmo_find_external_net(self):
+ """ For tests of floating IP """
+ nets = self.list_networks()['networks']
+ ls = [net for net in nets if net.get('router:external')]
+ if len(ls) != 1:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "Expected exactly one external network but found {0}".format(
+ len(ls)))
+ return ls[0]
+class CinderClientWithSugar(OpenStackClient):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super(CinderClientWithSugar, self).__init__(
+ 'cinder_client', partial(cinder_client.Client, '2'), *args, **kw)
+ def cosmo_list(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ for obj in getattr(self, obj_type_plural).findall(**kw):
+ yield obj
+ def cosmo_delete_resource(self, obj_type_single, obj_id):
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ getattr(self, obj_type_plural).delete(obj_id)
+ def get_id_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.id
+ def get_name_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.name
+ def get_quota(self, obj_type_single):
+ # we're already authenticated, but the following call will make
+ # 'service_catalog' available under 'client', through which we can
+ # extract the tenant_id (Note that self.client.tenant_id might be
+ # None if project_id (AKA tenant_name) was used instead; However the
+ # actual tenant_id must be used to retrieve the quotas)
+ self.client.authenticate()
+ project_id = self.client.session.get_project_id()
+ quotas = self.quotas.get(project_id)
+ return getattr(quotas, self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single))
+class KeystoneClientWithSugar(OpenStackClient):
+ # keystone does not have resource quota
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super(KeystoneClientWithSugar, self).__init__(
+ 'keystone_client', keystone_client.Client, *args, **kw)
+ def cosmo_list(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ for obj in getattr(self, obj_type_plural).list(**kw):
+ yield obj
+ def cosmo_delete_resource(self, obj_type_single, obj_id):
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ getattr(self, obj_type_plural).delete(obj_id)
+ def get_id_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.id
+ def get_name_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.name
+ def get_quota(self, obj_type_single):
+class GlanceClientWithSugar(OpenStackClient):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super(GlanceClientWithSugar, self).__init__(
+ 'glance_client', partial(glance_client.Client, '2'), *args, **kw)
+ def cosmo_list(self, obj_type_single, **kw):
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ return getattr(self, obj_type_plural).list(filters=kw)
+ def cosmo_delete_resource(self, obj_type_single, obj_id):
+ obj_type_plural = self.cosmo_plural(obj_type_single)
+ getattr(self, obj_type_plural).delete(obj_id)
+ def get_id_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.id
+ def get_name_from_resource(self, resource):
+ return resource.name
+ def get_quota(self, obj_type_single):
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/floatingip.py b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/floatingip.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe5896520b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/floatingip.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+from cloudify import ctx
+from openstack_plugin_common import (
+ delete_resource_and_runtime_properties,
+ use_external_resource,
+ validate_resource,
+# Runtime properties
+IP_ADDRESS_PROPERTY = 'floating_ip_address' # the actual ip address
+def use_external_floatingip(client, ip_field_name, ext_fip_ip_extractor):
+ external_fip = use_external_resource(
+ ctx, client, FLOATINGIP_OPENSTACK_TYPE, ip_field_name)
+ if external_fip:
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[IP_ADDRESS_PROPERTY] = \
+ ext_fip_ip_extractor(external_fip)
+ return True
+ return False
+def set_floatingip_runtime_properties(fip_id, ip_address):
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY] = fip_id
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_TYPE_PROPERTY] = \
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[IP_ADDRESS_PROPERTY] = ip_address
+def delete_floatingip(client, **kwargs):
+ delete_resource_and_runtime_properties(ctx, client,
+def floatingip_creation_validation(client, ip_field_name, **kwargs):
+ validate_resource(ctx, client, FLOATINGIP_OPENSTACK_TYPE,
+ ip_field_name)
+def get_server_floating_ip(neutron_client, server_id):
+ floating_ips = neutron_client.list_floatingips()
+ floating_ips = floating_ips.get('floatingips')
+ if not floating_ips:
+ return None
+ for floating_ip in floating_ips:
+ port_id = floating_ip.get('port_id')
+ if not port_id:
+ # this floating ip is not attached to any port
+ continue
+ port = neutron_client.show_port(port_id)['port']
+ device_id = port.get('device_id')
+ if not device_id:
+ # this port is not attached to any server
+ continue
+ if server_id == device_id:
+ return floating_ip
+ return None
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/security_group.py b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/security_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fa21aa149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/security_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+import copy
+import re
+from cloudify import ctx
+from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError
+from openstack_plugin_common import (
+ get_resource_id,
+ use_external_resource,
+ delete_resource_and_runtime_properties,
+ validate_resource,
+ validate_ip_or_range_syntax,
+# Runtime properties
+NODE_NAME_RE = re.compile('^(.*)_.*$') # Anything before last underscore
+def build_sg_data(args=None):
+ security_group = {
+ 'description': None,
+ 'name': get_resource_id(ctx, SECURITY_GROUP_OPENSTACK_TYPE),
+ }
+ args = args or {}
+ security_group.update(ctx.node.properties['security_group'], **args)
+ return security_group
+def process_rules(client, sgr_default_values, cidr_field_name,
+ remote_group_field_name, min_port_field_name,
+ max_port_field_name):
+ rules_to_apply = ctx.node.properties['rules']
+ security_group_rules = []
+ for rule in rules_to_apply:
+ security_group_rules.append(
+ _process_rule(rule, client, sgr_default_values, cidr_field_name,
+ remote_group_field_name, min_port_field_name,
+ max_port_field_name))
+ return security_group_rules
+def use_external_sg(client):
+ return use_external_resource(ctx, client,
+def set_sg_runtime_properties(sg, client):
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY] =\
+ client.get_id_from_resource(sg)
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_TYPE_PROPERTY] =\
+ ctx.instance.runtime_properties[OPENSTACK_NAME_PROPERTY] = \
+ client.get_name_from_resource(sg)
+def delete_sg(client, **kwargs):
+ delete_resource_and_runtime_properties(ctx, client,
+def sg_creation_validation(client, cidr_field_name, **kwargs):
+ validate_resource(ctx, client, SECURITY_GROUP_OPENSTACK_TYPE)
+ ctx.logger.debug('validating CIDR for rules with a {0} field'.format(
+ cidr_field_name))
+ for rule in ctx.node.properties['rules']:
+ if cidr_field_name in rule:
+ validate_ip_or_range_syntax(ctx, rule[cidr_field_name])
+def _process_rule(rule, client, sgr_default_values, cidr_field_name,
+ remote_group_field_name, min_port_field_name,
+ max_port_field_name):
+ ctx.logger.debug(
+ "Security group rule before transformations: {0}".format(rule))
+ sgr = copy.deepcopy(sgr_default_values)
+ if 'port' in rule:
+ rule[min_port_field_name] = rule['port']
+ rule[max_port_field_name] = rule['port']
+ del rule['port']
+ sgr.update(rule)
+ if (remote_group_field_name in sgr) and sgr[remote_group_field_name]:
+ sgr[cidr_field_name] = None
+ elif ('remote_group_node' in sgr) and sgr['remote_group_node']:
+ _, remote_group_node = _capabilities_of_node_named(
+ sgr['remote_group_node'])
+ sgr[remote_group_field_name] = remote_group_node[OPENSTACK_ID_PROPERTY]
+ del sgr['remote_group_node']
+ sgr[cidr_field_name] = None
+ elif ('remote_group_name' in sgr) and sgr['remote_group_name']:
+ sgr[remote_group_field_name] = \
+ client.get_id_from_resource(
+ client.cosmo_get_named(
+ SECURITY_GROUP_OPENSTACK_TYPE, sgr['remote_group_name']))
+ del sgr['remote_group_name']
+ sgr[cidr_field_name] = None
+ ctx.logger.debug(
+ "Security group rule after transformations: {0}".format(sgr))
+ return sgr
+def _capabilities_of_node_named(node_name):
+ result = None
+ caps = ctx.capabilities.get_all()
+ for node_id in caps:
+ match = NODE_NAME_RE.match(node_id)
+ if match:
+ candidate_node_name = match.group(1)
+ if candidate_node_name == node_name:
+ if result:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "More than one node named '{0}' "
+ "in capabilities".format(node_name))
+ result = (node_id, caps[node_id])
+ if not result:
+ raise NonRecoverableError(
+ "Could not find node named '{0}' "
+ "in capabilities".format(node_name))
+ return result
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/__init__.py b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/openstack_client_tests.py b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/openstack_client_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27d443c2e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/openstack_client_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+import os
+import unittest
+import tempfile
+import json
+import __builtin__ as builtins
+import mock
+from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError
+from cloudify.mocks import MockCloudifyContext
+import openstack_plugin_common as common
+class ConfigTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True)
+ def test__build_config_from_env_variables_empty(self):
+ cfg = common.Config._build_config_from_env_variables()
+ self.assertEqual({}, cfg)
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True,
+ OS_AUTH_URL='test_url')
+ def test__build_config_from_env_variables_single(self):
+ cfg = common.Config._build_config_from_env_variables()
+ self.assertEqual({'auth_url': 'test_url'}, cfg)
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True,
+ OS_AUTH_URL='test_url',
+ OS_PASSWORD='pass',
+ OS_REGION_NAME='region')
+ def test__build_config_from_env_variables_multiple(self):
+ cfg = common.Config._build_config_from_env_variables()
+ self.assertEqual({
+ 'auth_url': 'test_url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'region_name': 'region',
+ }, cfg)
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True,
+ OS_INVALID='invalid',
+ PASSWORD='pass',
+ os_region_name='region')
+ def test__build_config_from_env_variables_all_ignored(self):
+ cfg = common.Config._build_config_from_env_variables()
+ self.assertEqual({}, cfg)
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True,
+ OS_AUTH_URL='test_url',
+ OS_PASSWORD='pass',
+ OS_REGION_NAME='region',
+ OS_INVALID='invalid',
+ PASSWORD='pass',
+ os_region_name='region')
+ def test__build_config_from_env_variables_extract_valid(self):
+ cfg = common.Config._build_config_from_env_variables()
+ self.assertEqual({
+ 'auth_url': 'test_url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'region_name': 'region',
+ }, cfg)
+ def test_update_config_empty_target(self):
+ target = {}
+ override = {'k1': 'u1'}
+ result = override.copy()
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ def test_update_config_empty_override(self):
+ target = {'k1': 'v1'}
+ override = {}
+ result = target.copy()
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ def test_update_config_disjoint_configs(self):
+ target = {'k1': 'v1'}
+ override = {'k2': 'u2'}
+ result = target.copy()
+ result.update(override)
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ def test_update_config_do_not_remove_empty_from_target(self):
+ target = {'k1': ''}
+ override = {}
+ result = target.copy()
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ def test_update_config_no_empty_in_override(self):
+ target = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
+ override = {'k1': 'u2'}
+ result = target.copy()
+ result.update(override)
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ def test_update_config_all_empty_in_override(self):
+ target = {'k1': '', 'k2': 'v2'}
+ override = {'k1': '', 'k3': ''}
+ result = target.copy()
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ def test_update_config_misc(self):
+ target = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
+ override = {'k1': '', 'k2': 'u2', 'k3': '', 'k4': 'u4'}
+ result = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'u2', 'k4': 'u4'}
+ common.Config.update_config(target, override)
+ self.assertEqual(result, target)
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, 'update_config')
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, '_build_config_from_env_variables',
+ return_value={})
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True,
+ values={common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR:
+ '/this/should/not/exist.json'})
+ def test_get_missing_static_config_missing_file(self, from_env, update):
+ cfg = common.Config.get()
+ self.assertEqual({}, cfg)
+ from_env.assert_called_once_with()
+ update.assert_not_called()
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, 'update_config')
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, '_build_config_from_env_variables',
+ return_value={})
+ def test_get_empty_static_config_present_file(self, from_env, update):
+ file_cfg = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
+ env_var = common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ json.dump(file_cfg, file)
+ file.close()
+ with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {env_var: file.name}, clear=True):
+ common.Config.get()
+ os.unlink(file.name)
+ from_env.assert_called_once_with()
+ update.assert_called_once_with({}, file_cfg)
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, 'update_config')
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, '_build_config_from_env_variables',
+ return_value={'k1': 'v1'})
+ def test_get_present_static_config_empty_file(self, from_env, update):
+ file_cfg = {}
+ env_var = common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ json.dump(file_cfg, file)
+ file.close()
+ with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {env_var: file.name}, clear=True):
+ common.Config.get()
+ os.unlink(file.name)
+ from_env.assert_called_once_with()
+ update.assert_called_once_with({'k1': 'v1'}, file_cfg)
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, 'update_config')
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, '_build_config_from_env_variables',
+ return_value={'k1': 'v1'})
+ @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', clear=True,
+ values={common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR:
+ '/this/should/not/exist.json'})
+ def test_get_present_static_config_missing_file(self, from_env, update):
+ cfg = common.Config.get()
+ self.assertEqual({'k1': 'v1'}, cfg)
+ from_env.assert_called_once_with()
+ update.assert_not_called()
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, 'update_config')
+ @mock.patch.object(common.Config, '_build_config_from_env_variables',
+ return_value={'k1': 'v1'})
+ def test_get_all_present(self, from_env, update):
+ file_cfg = {'k2': 'u2'}
+ env_var = common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ json.dump(file_cfg, file)
+ file.close()
+ with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {env_var: file.name}, clear=True):
+ common.Config.get()
+ os.unlink(file.name)
+ from_env.assert_called_once_with()
+ update.assert_called_once_with({'k1': 'v1'}, file_cfg)
+class OpenstackClientTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test__merge_custom_configuration_no_custom_cfg(self):
+ cfg = {'k1': 'v1'}
+ new = common.OpenStackClient._merge_custom_configuration(cfg, "dummy")
+ self.assertEqual(cfg, new)
+ def test__merge_custom_configuration_client_present(self):
+ cfg = {
+ 'k1': 'v1',
+ 'k2': 'v2',
+ 'custom_configuration': {
+ 'dummy': {
+ 'k2': 'u2',
+ 'k3': 'u3'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = {
+ 'k1': 'v1',
+ 'k2': 'u2',
+ 'k3': 'u3'
+ }
+ bak = cfg.copy()
+ new = common.OpenStackClient._merge_custom_configuration(cfg, "dummy")
+ self.assertEqual(result, new)
+ self.assertEqual(cfg, bak)
+ def test__merge_custom_configuration_client_missing(self):
+ cfg = {
+ 'k1': 'v1',
+ 'k2': 'v2',
+ 'custom_configuration': {
+ 'dummy': {
+ 'k2': 'u2',
+ 'k3': 'u3'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = {
+ 'k1': 'v1',
+ 'k2': 'v2'
+ }
+ bak = cfg.copy()
+ new = common.OpenStackClient._merge_custom_configuration(cfg, "baddy")
+ self.assertEqual(result, new)
+ self.assertEqual(cfg, bak)
+ def test__merge_custom_configuration_multi_client(self):
+ cfg = {
+ 'k1': 'v1',
+ 'k2': 'v2',
+ 'custom_configuration': {
+ 'dummy': {
+ 'k2': 'u2',
+ 'k3': 'u3'
+ },
+ 'bummy': {
+ 'k1': 'z1'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = {
+ 'k1': 'z1',
+ 'k2': 'v2',
+ }
+ bak = cfg.copy()
+ new = common.OpenStackClient._merge_custom_configuration(cfg, "bummy")
+ self.assertEqual(result, new)
+ self.assertEqual(cfg, bak)
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'ctx')
+ def test__merge_custom_configuration_nova_url(self, mock_ctx):
+ cfg = {
+ 'nova_url': 'gopher://nova',
+ }
+ bak = cfg.copy()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ common.OpenStackClient._merge_custom_configuration(
+ cfg, 'nova_client'),
+ {'endpoint_override': 'gopher://nova'},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ common.OpenStackClient._merge_custom_configuration(
+ cfg, 'dummy'),
+ {},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(cfg, bak)
+ mock_ctx.logger.warn.assert_has_calls([
+ mock.call(
+ "'nova_url' property is deprecated. Use `custom_configuration."
+ "nova_client.endpoint_override` instead."),
+ mock.call(
+ "'nova_url' property is deprecated. Use `custom_configuration."
+ "nova_client.endpoint_override` instead."),
+ ])
+ @mock.patch('keystoneauth1.session.Session')
+ def test___init___multi_region(self, m_session):
+ mock_client_class = mock.MagicMock()
+ cfg = {
+ 'auth_url': 'test-auth_url/v3',
+ 'region': 'test-region',
+ }
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ builtins, 'open',
+ mock.mock_open(
+ read_data="""
+ {
+ "region": "region from file",
+ "other": "this one should get through"
+ }
+ """
+ ),
+ create=True,
+ ):
+ common.OpenStackClient('fred', mock_client_class, cfg)
+ mock_client_class.assert_called_once_with(
+ region_name='test-region',
+ other='this one should get through',
+ session=m_session.return_value,
+ )
+ def test__validate_auth_params_missing(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(NonRecoverableError):
+ common.OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params({})
+ def test__validate_auth_params_too_much(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(NonRecoverableError):
+ common.OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params({
+ 'auth_url': 'url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'username': 'user',
+ 'tenant_name': 'tenant',
+ 'project_id': 'project_test',
+ })
+ def test__validate_auth_params_v2(self):
+ common.OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params({
+ 'auth_url': 'url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'username': 'user',
+ 'tenant_name': 'tenant',
+ })
+ def test__validate_auth_params_v3(self):
+ common.OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params({
+ 'auth_url': 'url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'username': 'user',
+ 'project_id': 'project_test',
+ 'user_domain_name': 'user_domain',
+ })
+ def test__validate_auth_params_v3_mod(self):
+ common.OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params({
+ 'auth_url': 'url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'username': 'user',
+ 'user_domain_name': 'user_domain',
+ 'project_name': 'project_test_name',
+ 'project_domain_name': 'project_domain',
+ })
+ def test__validate_auth_params_skip_insecure(self):
+ common.OpenStackClient._validate_auth_params({
+ 'auth_url': 'url',
+ 'password': 'pass',
+ 'username': 'user',
+ 'user_domain_name': 'user_domain',
+ 'project_name': 'project_test_name',
+ 'project_domain_name': 'project_domain',
+ 'insecure': True
+ })
+ def test__split_config(self):
+ auth = {'auth_url': 'url', 'password': 'pass'}
+ misc = {'misc1': 'val1', 'misc2': 'val2'}
+ all = dict(auth)
+ all.update(misc)
+ a, m = common.OpenStackClient._split_config(all)
+ self.assertEqual(auth, a)
+ self.assertEqual(misc, m)
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'loading')
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'session')
+ def test__authenticate_secure(self, mock_session, mock_loading):
+ auth_params = {'k1': 'v1'}
+ common.OpenStackClient._authenticate(auth_params)
+ loader = mock_loading.get_plugin_loader.return_value
+ loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(k1='v1')
+ auth = loader.load_from_options.return_value
+ mock_session.Session.assert_called_once_with(auth=auth, verify=True)
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'loading')
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'session')
+ def test__authenticate_secure_explicit(self, mock_session, mock_loading):
+ auth_params = {'k1': 'v1', 'insecure': False}
+ common.OpenStackClient._authenticate(auth_params)
+ loader = mock_loading.get_plugin_loader.return_value
+ loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(k1='v1')
+ auth = loader.load_from_options.return_value
+ mock_session.Session.assert_called_once_with(auth=auth, verify=True)
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'loading')
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'session')
+ def test__authenticate_insecure(self, mock_session, mock_loading):
+ auth_params = {'k1': 'v1', 'insecure': True}
+ common.OpenStackClient._authenticate(auth_params)
+ loader = mock_loading.get_plugin_loader.return_value
+ loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(k1='v1')
+ auth = loader.load_from_options.return_value
+ mock_session.Session.assert_called_once_with(auth=auth, verify=False)
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'loading')
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'session')
+ def test__authenticate_secure_misc(self, mock_session, mock_loading):
+ params = {'k1': 'v1'}
+ tests = ('', 'a', [], {}, set(), 4, 0, -1, 3.14, 0.0, None)
+ for test in tests:
+ auth_params = params.copy()
+ auth_params['insecure'] = test
+ common.OpenStackClient._authenticate(auth_params)
+ loader = mock_loading.get_plugin_loader.return_value
+ loader.load_from_options.assert_called_with(**params)
+ auth = loader.load_from_options.return_value
+ mock_session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=auth, verify=True)
+ @mock.patch.object(common, 'cinder_client')
+ def test_cinder_client_get_name_from_resource(self, cc_mock):
+ ccws = common.CinderClientWithSugar()
+ mock_volume = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertIs(
+ mock_volume.name,
+ ccws.get_name_from_resource(mock_volume))
+class ClientsConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ json.dump(self.get_file_cfg(), file)
+ file.close()
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink, file.name)
+ env_cfg = self.get_env_cfg()
+ env_cfg[common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR] = file.name
+ mock.patch.dict('os.environ', env_cfg, clear=True).start()
+ self.loading = mock.patch.object(common, 'loading').start()
+ self.session = mock.patch.object(common, 'session').start()
+ self.nova = mock.patch.object(common, 'nova_client').start()
+ self.neutron = mock.patch.object(common, 'neutron_client').start()
+ self.cinder = mock.patch.object(common, 'cinder_client').start()
+ self.addCleanup(mock.patch.stopall)
+ self.loader = self.loading.get_plugin_loader.return_value
+ self.auth = self.loader.load_from_options.return_value
+class CustomConfigFromInputs(ClientsConfigTest):
+ def get_file_cfg(self):
+ return {
+ 'username': 'file-username',
+ 'password': 'file-password',
+ 'tenant_name': 'file-tenant-name',
+ 'custom_configuration': {
+ 'nova_client': {
+ 'username': 'custom-username',
+ 'password': 'custom-password',
+ 'tenant_name': 'custom-tenant-name'
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ def get_inputs_cfg(self):
+ return {
+ 'auth_url': 'envar-auth-url',
+ 'username': 'inputs-username',
+ 'custom_configuration': {
+ 'neutron_client': {
+ 'password': 'inputs-custom-password'
+ },
+ 'cinder_client': {
+ 'password': 'inputs-custom-password',
+ 'auth_url': 'inputs-custom-auth-url',
+ 'extra_key': 'extra-value'
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ def get_env_cfg(self):
+ return {
+ 'OS_USERNAME': 'envar-username',
+ 'OS_PASSWORD': 'envar-password',
+ 'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'envar-tenant-name',
+ 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'envar-auth-url',
+ common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR: file.name
+ }
+ def test_nova(self):
+ common.NovaClientWithSugar(config=self.get_inputs_cfg())
+ self.loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(
+ username='inputs-username',
+ password='file-password',
+ tenant_name='file-tenant-name',
+ auth_url='envar-auth-url'
+ )
+ self.session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=self.auth, verify=True)
+ self.nova.Client.assert_called_once_with(
+ '2', session=self.session.Session.return_value)
+ def test_neutron(self):
+ common.NeutronClientWithSugar(config=self.get_inputs_cfg())
+ self.loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(
+ username='inputs-username',
+ password='inputs-custom-password',
+ tenant_name='file-tenant-name',
+ auth_url='envar-auth-url'
+ )
+ self.session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=self.auth, verify=True)
+ self.neutron.Client.assert_called_once_with(
+ session=self.session.Session.return_value)
+ def test_cinder(self):
+ common.CinderClientWithSugar(config=self.get_inputs_cfg())
+ self.loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(
+ username='inputs-username',
+ password='inputs-custom-password',
+ tenant_name='file-tenant-name',
+ auth_url='inputs-custom-auth-url'
+ )
+ self.session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=self.auth, verify=True)
+ self.cinder.Client.assert_called_once_with(
+ '2', session=self.session.Session.return_value,
+ extra_key='extra-value')
+class CustomConfigFromFile(ClientsConfigTest):
+ def get_file_cfg(self):
+ return {
+ 'username': 'file-username',
+ 'password': 'file-password',
+ 'tenant_name': 'file-tenant-name',
+ 'custom_configuration': {
+ 'nova_client': {
+ 'username': 'custom-username',
+ 'password': 'custom-password',
+ 'tenant_name': 'custom-tenant-name'
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ def get_inputs_cfg(self):
+ return {
+ 'auth_url': 'envar-auth-url',
+ 'username': 'inputs-username',
+ }
+ def get_env_cfg(self):
+ return {
+ 'OS_USERNAME': 'envar-username',
+ 'OS_PASSWORD': 'envar-password',
+ 'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'envar-tenant-name',
+ 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'envar-auth-url',
+ common.Config.OPENSTACK_CONFIG_PATH_ENV_VAR: file.name
+ }
+ def test_nova(self):
+ common.NovaClientWithSugar(config=self.get_inputs_cfg())
+ self.loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(
+ username='custom-username',
+ password='custom-password',
+ tenant_name='custom-tenant-name',
+ auth_url='envar-auth-url'
+ )
+ self.session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=self.auth, verify=True)
+ self.nova.Client.assert_called_once_with(
+ '2', session=self.session.Session.return_value)
+ def test_neutron(self):
+ common.NeutronClientWithSugar(config=self.get_inputs_cfg())
+ self.loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(
+ username='inputs-username',
+ password='file-password',
+ tenant_name='file-tenant-name',
+ auth_url='envar-auth-url'
+ )
+ self.session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=self.auth, verify=True)
+ self.neutron.Client.assert_called_once_with(
+ session=self.session.Session.return_value)
+ def test_cinder(self):
+ common.CinderClientWithSugar(config=self.get_inputs_cfg())
+ self.loader.load_from_options.assert_called_once_with(
+ username='inputs-username',
+ password='file-password',
+ tenant_name='file-tenant-name',
+ auth_url='envar-auth-url'
+ )
+ self.session.Session.assert_called_with(auth=self.auth, verify=True)
+ self.cinder.Client.assert_called_once_with(
+ '2', session=self.session.Session.return_value)
+class PutClientInKwTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_override_prop_empty_ctx(self):
+ props = {}
+ ctx = MockCloudifyContext(node_id='a20846', properties=props)
+ kwargs = {
+ 'ctx': ctx,
+ 'openstack_config': {
+ 'p1': 'v1'
+ }
+ }
+ expected_cfg = kwargs['openstack_config']
+ client_class = mock.MagicMock()
+ common._put_client_in_kw('mock_client', client_class, kwargs)
+ client_class.assert_called_once_with(config=expected_cfg)
+ def test_override_prop_nonempty_ctx(self):
+ props = {
+ 'openstack_config': {
+ 'p1': 'u1',
+ 'p2': 'u2'
+ }
+ }
+ props_copy = props.copy()
+ ctx = MockCloudifyContext(node_id='a20846', properties=props)
+ kwargs = {
+ 'ctx': ctx,
+ 'openstack_config': {
+ 'p1': 'v1',
+ 'p3': 'v3'
+ }
+ }
+ expected_cfg = {
+ 'p1': 'v1',
+ 'p2': 'u2',
+ 'p3': 'v3'
+ }
+ client_class = mock.MagicMock()
+ common._put_client_in_kw('mock_client', client_class, kwargs)
+ client_class.assert_called_once_with(config=expected_cfg)
+ # Making sure that _put_client_in_kw will not modify
+ # 'openstack_config' property of a node.
+ self.assertEqual(props_copy, ctx.node.properties)
+ def test_override_runtime_prop(self):
+ props = {
+ 'openstack_config': {
+ 'p1': 'u1',
+ 'p2': 'u2'
+ }
+ }
+ runtime_props = {
+ 'openstack_config': {
+ 'p1': 'u3'
+ }
+ }
+ props_copy = props.copy()
+ runtime_props_copy = runtime_props.copy()
+ ctx = MockCloudifyContext(node_id='a20847', properties=props,
+ runtime_properties=runtime_props)
+ kwargs = {
+ 'ctx': ctx
+ }
+ expected_cfg = {
+ 'p1': 'u3',
+ 'p2': 'u2'
+ }
+ client_class = mock.MagicMock()
+ common._put_client_in_kw('mock_client', client_class, kwargs)
+ client_class.assert_called_once_with(config=expected_cfg)
+ self.assertEqual(props_copy, ctx.node.properties)
+ self.assertEqual(runtime_props_copy, ctx.instance.runtime_properties)
+class ResourceQuotaTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _test_quota_validation(self, amount, quota, failure_expected):
+ ctx = MockCloudifyContext(node_id='node_id', properties={})
+ client = mock.MagicMock()
+ def mock_cosmo_list(_):
+ return [x for x in range(0, amount)]
+ client.cosmo_list = mock_cosmo_list
+ def mock_get_quota(_):
+ return quota
+ client.get_quota = mock_get_quota
+ if failure_expected:
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+ NonRecoverableError,
+ 'cannot be created due to quota limitations',
+ common.validate_resource,
+ ctx=ctx, sugared_client=client,
+ openstack_type='openstack_type')
+ else:
+ common.validate_resource(
+ ctx=ctx, sugared_client=client,
+ openstack_type='openstack_type')
+ def test_equals_quotas(self):
+ self._test_quota_validation(3, 3, True)
+ def test_exceeded_quota(self):
+ self._test_quota_validation(5, 3, True)
+ def test_infinite_quota(self):
+ self._test_quota_validation(5, -1, False)
+class UseExternalResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _test_use_external_resource(self,
+ is_external,
+ create_if_missing,
+ exists):
+ properties = {'create_if_missing': create_if_missing,
+ 'use_external_resource': is_external,
+ 'resource_id': 'resource_id'}
+ client_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+ os_type = 'test'
+ def _raise_error(*_):
+ raise NonRecoverableError('Error')
+ def _return_something(*_):
+ return mock.MagicMock()
+ return_value = _return_something if exists else _raise_error
+ if exists:
+ properties.update({'resource_id': 'rid'})
+ node_context = MockCloudifyContext(node_id='a20847',
+ properties=properties)
+ with mock.patch(
+ 'openstack_plugin_common._get_resource_by_name_or_id_from_ctx',
+ new=return_value):
+ return common.use_external_resource(node_context,
+ client_mock, os_type)
+ def test_use_existing_resource(self):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self._test_use_external_resource(True, True,
+ True))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self._test_use_external_resource(True, False,
+ True))
+ def test_create_resource(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(self._test_use_external_resource(False, True, False))
+ self.assertIsNone(self._test_use_external_resource(False, False,
+ False))
+ self.assertIsNone(self._test_use_external_resource(True, True, False))
+ def test_raise_error(self):
+ # If exists and shouldn't it is checked in resource
+ # validation so below scenario is not tested here
+ self.assertRaises(NonRecoverableError,
+ self._test_use_external_resource,
+ is_external=True,
+ create_if_missing=False,
+ exists=False)
+class ValidateResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _test_validate_resource(self,
+ is_external,
+ create_if_missing,
+ exists,
+ client_mock_provided=None):
+ properties = {'create_if_missing': create_if_missing,
+ 'use_external_resource': is_external,
+ 'resource_id': 'resource_id'}
+ client_mock = client_mock_provided or mock.MagicMock()
+ os_type = 'test'
+ def _raise_error(*_):
+ raise NonRecoverableError('Error')
+ def _return_something(*_):
+ return mock.MagicMock()
+ return_value = _return_something if exists else _raise_error
+ if exists:
+ properties.update({'resource_id': 'rid'})
+ node_context = MockCloudifyContext(node_id='a20847',
+ properties=properties)
+ with mock.patch(
+ 'openstack_plugin_common._get_resource_by_name_or_id_from_ctx',
+ new=return_value):
+ return common.validate_resource(node_context, client_mock, os_type)
+ def test_use_existing_resource(self):
+ self._test_validate_resource(True, True, True)
+ self._test_validate_resource(True, False, True)
+ def test_create_resource(self):
+ client_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+ client_mock.cosmo_list.return_value = ['a', 'b', 'c']
+ client_mock.get_quota.return_value = 5
+ self._test_validate_resource(False, True, False, client_mock)
+ self._test_validate_resource(False, False, False, client_mock)
+ self._test_validate_resource(True, True, False, client_mock)
+ def test_raise_error(self):
+ # If exists and shouldn't it is checked in resource
+ # validation so below scenario is not tested here
+ self.assertRaises(NonRecoverableError,
+ self._test_validate_resource,
+ is_external=True,
+ create_if_missing=False,
+ exists=False)
+ def test_raise_quota_error(self):
+ client_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+ client_mock.cosmo_list.return_value = ['a', 'b', 'c']
+ client_mock.get_quota.return_value = 3
+ self.assertRaises(NonRecoverableError,
+ self._test_validate_resource,
+ is_external=True,
+ create_if_missing=True,
+ exists=False,
+ client_mock_provided=client_mock)
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/provider-context.json b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/provider-context.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7e20e4ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/provider-context.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "context": {
+ "resources": {
+ "management_keypair": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-manager-kp-ilya",
+ "id": "p2_cloudify-manager-kp-ilya",
+ "type": "keypair",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "router": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-router",
+ "id": "856f9fb8-6676-4b99-b64d-b76874b30abf",
+ "type": "router",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "subnet": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-admin-network-subnet",
+ "id": "dd193491-d728-4e3e-8199-27eec0ba18e4",
+ "type": "subnet",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "int_network": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-admin-network",
+ "id": "27ef2770-5219-4bb1-81d4-14ed450c5181",
+ "type": "network",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "management_server": {
+ "name": "p2_cfy-mgr-ilya-2014-06-01-11:59",
+ "id": "be9991da-9c34-4f7c-9c33-5e04ad2d5b3e",
+ "type": "server",
+ "external_resource": false
+ },
+ "agents_security_group": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-sg-agents",
+ "id": "d52280aa-0e79-4697-bd08-baf3f84e2a10",
+ "type": "neutron security group",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "agents_keypair": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-agents-kp-ilya",
+ "id": "p2_cloudify-agents-kp-ilya",
+ "type": "keypair",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "management_security_group": {
+ "name": "p2_cloudify-sg-management",
+ "id": "5862e0d2-8f28-472e-936b-d2da9cb935b3",
+ "type": "neutron security group",
+ "external_resource": true
+ },
+ "floating_ip": {
+ "external_resource": true,
+ "id": "None",
+ "type": "floating ip",
+ "ip": "CENSORED"
+ },
+ "ext_network": {
+ "name": "Ext-Net",
+ "id": "7da74520-9d5e-427b-a508-213c84e69616",
+ "type": "network",
+ "external_resource": true
+ }
+ },
+ "cloudify": {
+ "resources_prefix": "p2_",
+ "cloudify_agent": {
+ "user": "ubuntu",
+ "agent_key_path": "/PATH/CENSORED/p2_cloudify-agents-kp-ilya.pem",
+ "min_workers": 2,
+ "max_workers": 5,
+ "remote_execution_port": 22
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "cloudify_openstack"
diff --git a/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/test.py b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13099292ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aria/multivim-plugin/openstack_plugin_common/tests/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import json
+import os
+from cloudify.context import BootstrapContext
+from cloudify.mocks import MockCloudifyContext
+# Time during which no retry could possibly happen.
+ {
+ },
+ {
+ 'resources_prefix': ''
+ },
+ {
+ 'resources_prefix': None
+ },
+def set_mock_provider_context(ctx, provider_context):
+ def mock_provider_context(provider_name_unused):
+ return provider_context
+ ctx.get_provider_context = mock_provider_context
+def create_mock_ctx_with_provider_info(*args, **kw):
+ cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ full_file_name = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'provider-context.json')
+ with open(full_file_name) as f:
+ provider_context = json.loads(f.read())['context']
+ kw['provider_context'] = provider_context
+ kw['bootstrap_context'] = BootstrapContext(provider_context['cloudify'])
+ return MockCloudifyContext(*args, **kw)