diff options
authorr.bogacki <r.bogacki@samsung.com>2019-05-24 13:51:36 +0200
committerRobert Bogacki <r.bogacki@samsung.com>2019-05-29 12:29:06 +0000
commita38e3fb6be80f815a6a06748f53d67c76e56f5c3 (patch)
parent4b7ebd265366542ec872869e9ec0016a88e879b1 (diff)
JUnit tests for RestfulUtil
Increased junit tests coverage according to Sonar analyses. Added missing tests for RestfulUtil. Issue-ID: SO-1692 Signed-off-by: Robert Bogacki <r.bogacki@samsung.com> Change-Id: I8744960c0ad3a36ca4c36e23867168bfda5cbd1d
2 files changed, 159 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/main/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtil.java b/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/main/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtil.java
index 3419e6d20c..1e61d4deb2 100644
--- a/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/main/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtil.java
+++ b/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/main/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtil.java
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ public class RestfulUtil {
private Environment env;
+ @Autowired
+ private HttpClient client;
public String getMsbHost() {
// MSB_IP will be set as ONAP_IP environment parameter in install flow.
String msbIp = System.getenv().get(ONAP_IP);
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ public class RestfulUtil {
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setSocketTimeout(timeout).setConnectTimeout(timeout)
- HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(methodType)) {
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(msbUrl);
diff --git a/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/test/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtilTest.java b/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/test/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtilTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c388016ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/mso-vfc-adapter/src/test/java/org/onap/so/adapters/vfc/util/RestfulUtilTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ONAP - SO
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.so.adapters.vfc.util;
+import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
+import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
+import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
+import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.Spy;
+import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner;
+import org.onap.so.adapters.vfc.model.RestfulResponse;
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
+import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+public class RestfulUtilTest {
+ @InjectMocks
+ @Spy
+ private RestfulUtil restfulUtil;
+ @Mock
+ private HttpClient client;
+ private HttpEntity httpEntity;
+ private HttpResponse httpResponse;
+ private StatusLine statusLine;
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ httpEntity = mock(HttpEntity.class);
+ httpResponse = mock(HttpResponse.class);
+ statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class);
+ }
+ private void sendInit() throws IOException {
+ doReturn("https://testHost/").when(restfulUtil).getMsbHost();
+ when(statusLine.getStatusCode()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.OK.value());
+ when(httpResponse.getStatusLine()).thenReturn(statusLine);
+ when(httpResponse.getEntity()).thenReturn(httpEntity);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void sendGet() throws Exception {
+ sendInit();
+ ByteArrayInputStream responseStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new String("GET").getBytes());
+ when(client.execute(any(HttpGet.class))).thenReturn(httpResponse);
+ when(httpEntity.getContent()).thenReturn(responseStream);
+ RestfulResponse restfulResponse = restfulUtil.send("test", HttpMethod.GET, "some request content");
+ assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), restfulResponse.getStatus());
+ assertEquals("GET", restfulResponse.getResponseContent());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void sendPost() throws Exception {
+ sendInit();
+ ByteArrayInputStream responseStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new String("POST").getBytes());
+ when(client.execute(any(HttpPost.class))).thenReturn(httpResponse);
+ when(httpEntity.getContent()).thenReturn(responseStream);
+ RestfulResponse restfulResponse = restfulUtil.send("test", HttpMethod.POST, "some request content");
+ assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), restfulResponse.getStatus());
+ assertEquals("POST", restfulResponse.getResponseContent());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void sendPut() throws Exception {
+ sendInit();
+ ByteArrayInputStream responseStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new String("PUT").getBytes());
+ when(client.execute(any(HttpPut.class))).thenReturn(httpResponse);
+ when(httpEntity.getContent()).thenReturn(responseStream);
+ RestfulResponse restfulResponse = restfulUtil.send("test", HttpMethod.PUT, "some request content");
+ assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), restfulResponse.getStatus());
+ assertEquals("PUT", restfulResponse.getResponseContent());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void sendDelete() throws Exception {
+ sendInit();
+ ByteArrayInputStream responseStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new String("DELETE").getBytes());
+ when(client.execute(any(HttpDelete.class))).thenReturn(httpResponse);
+ when(httpEntity.getContent()).thenReturn(responseStream);
+ RestfulResponse restfulResponse = restfulUtil.send("test", HttpMethod.DELETE, "some request content");
+ assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), restfulResponse.getStatus());
+ assertEquals("DELETE", restfulResponse.getResponseContent());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void sendOptions() throws Exception {
+ doReturn("https://testHost/").when(restfulUtil).getMsbHost();
+ RestfulResponse restfulResponse = restfulUtil.send("test", HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "some request content");
+ assertEquals(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value(), restfulResponse.getStatus());
+ assertEquals("Error processing request to VFC", restfulResponse.getResponseContent());
+ }
/html/rfc8345), as the southbound interface of ONAP, in order to ensure interoperability. The SOTN NNI use-case aims to automate the design, service provision by independent operational entities within a service provider network by delivering E-Line over OTN orchestration capabilities into ONAP. SOTN NNI extends upon the CCVPN use-case by incorporating support for L1/L2 network management capabilities leveraging open standards & common data models. Frankfurt Scope and Impacted modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Frankfurt demonstration includes L1(OTN) and L2(ETH) Topology discovery from multiple domains controllers with in an operator and provide VPN service provision in OTN and ETH network. The ONAP components involved in this use case are: SDC, A&AI, UUI, SO, SDNC, OOF, MSB. Functional Test Cases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usecase specific developments have been realized in SO, OOF, AAI, SDNC and UUI ONAP components.. All test case covered by this use case: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/E-LINE+over+OTN+Inter+Domain+Test+Cases Testing Procedure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Design time SOTNVPNInfraService service design in SDC and distribute to AAI and SO. Run Time: All operation will be triggered by UUI, including service creation and termination, link management and topology network display. More details can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/E-LINE+over+OTN+Inter+Domain+Test+Cases Test status can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/2%3A+Frankfurt+Release+Integration+Testing+Status MDONS (Multi-Domain Optical Network Services) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The MDONS use-case aims to automate the design, activation & operations resulting from an optical transport (L0/L1) service request exchange between service providers and/or independent operational entities within a service provider network by delivering E2E optical orchestration capabilities into ONAP. MDONS extends upon the CCVPN use-case by incorporating support for L0/L1 network management capabilities leveraging open standards & common data models defined by OpenROADM, Transport-API & MEF. Frankfurt Scope and Impacted modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MDONS implementation for the Frankfurt release will incorporate the following: - Design & modelling of optical services based on MEF L1 subscriber & operator properties - E2E optical service workflow definitions for service instantiation & deletion - UI portal with L1 service instantiation templates - Optical Transport domain management (topology, resource onboarding) through standard models / APIs - OpenROADM, T-API Impacted ONAP modules include: A&AI, SDC, SDN-C, SO, UUI OpenROADM reference: https://github.com/OpenROADM/OpenROADM_MSA_Public ONF Transport-API (TAPI): https://github.com/OpenNetworkingFoundation/TAPI MEF: https://wiki.mef.net/display/CESG/MEF+63+-+Subscriber+Layer+1+Service+Attributes Functional/Integration Test Cases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For integration test case and description, refer to this following wiki-page: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/MDONS+Integration+Test+Case Installation Procedure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The integration test environment is established to have ONAP instance with Frankfurt release interfacing to 3rd party transport domain controllers. One controller instance manages OpenROADM OTN topology and the other 2 instances manage TAPI OTN topology. L0 infrastructure and WDM services are pre-provisioned to support L1 topology discovery and OTN service orchestration from ONAP. Testing Procedure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test environment is described in Installation Procedure section and test procedure is described in https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/MDONS+Integration+Test+Case. Update for Dublin release ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Service model optimization In Dublin release,the design of CCVPN was optimized by having support of List type of Input in SDC. During onboarding and design phase, one end to end service is created using SDC. This service is composed of these two kinds of resources: • VPN resource • Site resource You can see the details from here https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Details+of+Targeted+Service+Template 2. Closed Loop in bandwidth adjustment Simulate alarm at the edge site branch and ONAP will execute close-loop automatically and trigger bandwidth to change higher. 3. Site Change Site can be add or delete according to the requirements More information about CCVPN in Dublin release:https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=45296665 and the test case in Dublin can be found:https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Test+Cases+for+Dublin+Release And test status:https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Test+Status Note: CCVPN integration testing coversed service design, service creation and closed-loop bandwidth adjustments in Dublin release. The service termination and service change will continue to be tested in E release. During the integration testing, SDC, SO, SDC master branch are used which include the enhanced features for CCVPN use case. Service used for CCVPN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - SOTNVPNInfraService, SDWANVPNInfraService and SIteService: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Service+Design - WanConnectionService ( Another way to describe CCVPN in a single service form which based on ONF CIM ): https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Wan+Connection+Service+Design Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cross-domain, cross-layer VPN (CCVPN) is one of the use cases of the ONAP Casablanca release. This release demonstrates cross-operator ONAP orchestration and interoperability with third party SDN controllers and enables cross-domain, cross-layer and cross-operator service creation and assurance. The demonstration includes two ONAP instances, one deployed by Vodafone and one by China Mobile, both of which orchestrate the respective operator underlay OTN networks and overlay SD-WAN networks and peer to each other for cross-operator VPN service delivery. The CCVPN Use Case Wiki Page can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN%28Cross+Domain+and+Cross+Layer+VPN%29+USE+CASE. The projects covered by this use case include: SDC, A&AI, UUI, SO, SDNC, OOF, Policy, DCAE(Holmes), External API, MSB How to Use ~~~~~~~~~~ Design time SOTNVPNInfraService, SDWANVPNInfraService and SIteService service Design steps can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Service+Design WanConnectionService ( Another way to describe CCVPN in a single service form which based on ONF CIM ): https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Wan+Connection+Service+Design Run Time: All opertion will be triggerd by UUI, inlcuding service creation and termination, link management and topology network display. More details can be fonud here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Test+Guide Test Status and Plans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All test case covered by this use case: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Integration+Test+Case And the test status can be found: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN++-Test+Status Known Issues and Resolutions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) AAI-1923. Link Management, UUI can't delete the link to external onap otn domain. For the manual steps provided by A&AI team, we should follow the steps as follow the only way to delete is using the forceDeleteTool shell script in the graphadmin container. First we will need to find the vertex id, you should be able to get the id by making the following GET request. GET /aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/createAndDelete/esr-system-info/test-esr-system-info-id-val-0?format=raw .. code-block:: JSON { "results": [ { "id": "20624", "node-type": "pserver", "url": "/aai/v13/cloud-infrastructure/pservers/pserver/pserverid14503-as988q", "properties": {} } ] } Same goes for the ext-aai-network: GET /aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/createAndDelete?format=raw Retrieve the id from the above output as that will be the vertex id that you want to remove. Run the following command multiple times for both the esr-system-info and ext-aai-network: :: kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -lapp=aai-graphadmin -n onap --template 'range .items.metadata.name"\n"end' | head -1) -n onap gosu aaiadmin /opt/app/aai-graphadmin/scripts/forceDeleteTool.sh -action DELETE_NODE -userId YOUR_ID_ANY_VALUE -vertexId VERTEX_ID From the above, remove the YOUR_ID_ANY_VALUE and VERTEX_ID with your info. 2) SDC-1955. Site service Distribution To overcome the Service distribution, the SO catalog has to be populated with the model information of the services and resources. a) Refering to the Csar that is generated in the SDC designed as per the detailes mentioned in the below link: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CCVPN+Service+Design b) Download the Csar from SDC thus generated. c) copy the csar to SO sdc controller pod and bpmn pod .. code-block:: bash kubectl -n onap get pod|grep so kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-so-so-sdc-controller-c949f5fbd-qhfbl /bin/sh mkdir null/ASDC mkdir null/ASDC/1 kubectl -n onap cp service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-58796498cf-6pzmz:null/ASDC/1/service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar kubectl -n onap cp service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-58796498cf-6pzmz:ASDC/1/service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar d) populate model information to SO db: the db script example can be seen in https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Manual+steps+for+CCVPN+Integration+Testing The same would also be applicable for the integration of the client to create the service and get the details. Currently the testing has been performed using the postman calls to the corresponding APIs. 3) SDC-1955 & SDC-1958. Site serivce parsing Error UUI: stored the csar which created based on beijing release under a fixed directory, If site serive can't parsed by SDC tosca parser, UUI will parse this default csar and get the input parameter a) Make an available csar file for CCVPN use case. b) Replace uuid of available files with what existing in SDC. c) Put available csar files in UUI local path (/home/uui). 4) SO docker branch 1.3.5 has fixes for the issues 1SO-1248 After SDC distribution success, copy all csar files from so-sdc-controller: - connect to so-sdc-controller ( eg: kubectl.exe exec -it -n onap dev-so-so-sdc-controller-77df99bbc9-stqdz /bin/sh ) - find out all csar files ( eg: find / -name "\*.csar" ), the csar files should be in this path: /app/null/ASDC/ ( eg: /app/null/ASDC/1/service-Sotnvpninfraservice-csar.csar ) - exit from the so-sdc-controller ( eg: exit ) - copy all csar files to local derectory ( eg: kubectl.exe cp onap/dev-so-so-sdc-controller-6dfdbff76c-64nf9:/app/null/ASDC/tmp/service-DemoService-csar.csar service-DemoService-csar.csar -c so-sdc-controller ) Copy csar files, which got from so-sdc-controller, to so-bpmn-infra: - connect to so-bpmn-infra ( eg: kubectl.exe -n onap exec -it dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-54db5cd955-h7f5s -c so-bpmn-infra /bin/sh ) - check the /app/ASDC deretory, if doesn't exist, create it ( eg: mkdir /app/ASDC -p ) - exit from the so-bpmn-infra ( eg: exit ) - copy all csar files to so-bpmn-infra ( eg: kubectl.exe cp service-Siteservice-csar.csar onap/dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-54db5cd955-h7f5s:/app/ASDC/1/service-Siteservice-csar.csar )