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Diffstat (limited to 'platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src')
2 files changed, 1238 insertions, 1281 deletions
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"id":"a2e4da11.fec288", - "type":"set", - "name":"set tmp.nidx and ctx.network-data", - "xml":"<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />\n<parameter name='ctx.network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />\n", - "comments":"", - "x":4620.690635681152, - "y":690.3373107910156, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ - - ] + "id": "82ed9efc.d01f3", + "type": "set", + "name": "set tmp.nidx and ctx.network-data", + "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />\n<parameter name='ctx.network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 4669.055221557617, + "y": 782.337308883667, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [] }, { - "id":"ff0f33a8.2a294", - "type":"switchNode", - "name":"switch tmp.nidx ", - "xml":"<switch test=\"`$tmp.nidx`\">\n\n", - "comments":"", - "outputs":1, - "x":3616.079391479492, - "y":723.4276723861694, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ + "id": "8ffdffe5.986cf", + "type": "switchNode", + "name": "switch tmp.nidx ", + "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.nidx`\">\n\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 3664.443977355957, + "y": 815.4276704788208, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ [ - "8aba4dc7.d9aff" + "a08270b4.5a0dc" ] ] }, { - "id":"74581001.a829d", - "type":"returnFailure", - "name":"return failure", - "xml":"<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data\" />\n", - "comments":"", - "x":3968.9363746643066, - "y":719.1419143676758, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ - - ] + "id": "7a3310df.c618f", + "type": "returnFailure", + "name": "return failure", + "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data\" />\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 4017.3009605407715, + "y": 811.1419124603271, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [] }, { - "id":"8aba4dc7.d9aff", - 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"8688e510.ad7d88" + "47aee516.d8463c" ] ] }, { - "id":"8688e510.ad7d88", - "type":"other", - "name":"outcome Created", - "xml":"<outcome value='Created'>\n", - "comments":"", - "outputs":1, - "x":4793.111045837402, - "y":727.4444885253906, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ + "id": "47aee516.d8463c", + "type": "other", + "name": "outcome Created", + "xml": "<outcome value='Created'>\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 4841.475631713867, + "y": 819.444486618042, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ [ - "55924408.41735c" + "b5ba6fb5.02e0e" ] ] }, { - "id":"55924408.41735c", - "type":"returnFailure", - "name":"return failure", - "xml":"<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Network aready exists in Created state matching network-id ' + $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`\" />\n", - "comments":"", - "x":4997.111045837402, - 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"a2e4da11.fec288" + "82ed9efc.d01f3" ] ] }, { - "id":"1dc93ca8.c6ca53", - "type":"record", - "name":"record", - "xml":"<record plugin=\"com.att.sdnctl.sli.recording.Slf4jRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"logger\" value=\"message-log\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"__TIMESTAMP__\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API.validate-network-input\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"Network id proveded but no network exists that matches\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`\"/>\n\n\n\n", - "comments":"", - "outputs":1, - "x":3407.7777938842773, - "y":645.4444732666016, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ - [ - - ] + "id": "488942f3.44f17c", + "type": "record", + "name": "record", + "xml": "<record plugin=\"com.att.sdnctl.sli.recording.Slf4jRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"logger\" value=\"message-log\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"__TIMESTAMP__\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"GENERIC-RESOURCE-API.validate-network-input\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"Network id proveded but no network exists that matches\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`\"/>\n\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 3456.142379760742, + "y": 737.4444713592529, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ + [] ] }, { - "id":"b67ae856.729b08", - "type":"switchNode", - "name":"switch network-information.network-id", - "xml":"<switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`'>\n", - "comments":"", - "outputs":1, - "x":2251.6665115356445, - "y":562.6666736602783, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ + "id": "ad0c00ef.1fb7b", + "type": "switchNode", + "name": "switch network-information.network-id", + "xml": "<switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`'>\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 2300.0310974121094, + "y": 654.6666717529297, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ [ - "9dba4815.084fc8" + "d99ce0de.0aa67" ] ] }, { - "id":"9dba4815.084fc8", - "type":"other", - "name":"NULL", - "xml":"<outcome value=''>", - "comments":"", - "outputs":1, - "x":2480.3808364868164, - "y":564.6666736602783, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ + "id": "d99ce0de.0aa67", + "type": "other", + "name": "NULL", + "xml": "<outcome value=''>", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 2528.7454223632812, + "y": 656.6666717529297, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ [ - "cae9bfb4.2d442" + "68028a81.7e4cf4" ] ] }, { - "id":"cae9bfb4.2d442", - "type":"returnFailure", - "name":"return failure", - "xml":"<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"service-information.network-information.network-id is a required input\" />\n", - "comments":"", - "x":2644.809455871582, - "y":562.6666736602783, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ - + "id": "68028a81.7e4cf4", + "type": "returnFailure", + "name": "return failure", + "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"service-information.network-information.network-id is a required input\" />\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 2693.174041748047, + "y": 654.6666717529297, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "e6a3fc73.bccb", + "type": "other", + "name": "NULL", + "xml": "<outcome value=''>", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 2595.6980209350586, + "y": 700.9999408721924, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ + [] ] }, { - "id":"f70379ac.e82478", - "type":"other", - "name":"NULL", - "xml":"<outcome value=''>", - "comments":"", - "outputs":1, - "x":2547.3334350585938, - "y":608.999942779541, - "z":"9587f32a.6a9aa", - "wires":[ - [ - - ] + "id": "ffd7a509.990f28", + "type": "block", + "name": "block : atomic", + "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">", + "atomic": "true", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 1701.00390625, + "y": 507.00390625, + "z": "ea83c234.74a66", + "wires": [ + [] ] } ] diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_validate-network-input.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_validate-network-input.xml index 043c4940..1f70a4b7 100755 --- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_validate-network-input.xml +++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_validate-network-input.xml @@ -222,7 +222,9 @@ <outcome value="activate">
<block atomic="true">
<switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`">
- <outcome value="ActivateDCINetworkInstance" />
+ <outcome value="ActivateDCINetworkInstance">
+ <block atomic="true" />
+ </outcome>
<outcome value="CreateNetworkInstance">
<block atomic="true">
<switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">