path: root/csit/tests/sdnr/functional/devicemanager/_templates/20_pnfRegistration
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'csit/tests/sdnr/functional/devicemanager/_templates/20_pnfRegistration')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/csit/tests/sdnr/functional/devicemanager/_templates/20_pnfRegistration/pnfRegistration.robot b/csit/tests/sdnr/functional/devicemanager/_templates/20_pnfRegistration/pnfRegistration.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fadf223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/tests/sdnr/functional/devicemanager/_templates/20_pnfRegistration/pnfRegistration.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Set VES collector endpoint details in NTS manager
+... VES endpooint Details and NTS manager information are stored in test environemnt variable file <environment>
+... as dictionary NETWORK_FUNCTIONS = {}, VESCOLLECTOR ={}
+... change number devices on command line with --variable DEVICE_TYPE:ORAN
+Library ConnectLibrary
+Library String
+Library SDNCBaseLibrary
+Library SDNCRestconfLibrary
+Library NTSimManagerNG
+Library SDNCDataProvider
+Library ConnectApp
+Suite Setup global suite setup &{GLOBAL_SUITE_SETUP_CONFIG}
+Suite Teardown global suite teardown
+*** Variables ***
+*** Test Cases ***
+Setup NTS function
+ [Tags] nts bringup
+ [Documentation] configure NTS manager to support restconf registration
+ Add Network Element Connection ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']} ${True}
+ ... Connected
+ SDNCRestconfLibrary.Should Be Equal Connection Status Until Time ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']} Connected
+Start pnf ves registration from NTS function
+ [Tags] nts bringup
+ [Documentation] scales number of simulated devices per device type to '0'
+ ... set details for VES endpoint
+ ... scales number of simulated devices per device type
+ Stop Network Function Feature ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['O_RAN_FH']['NAME']} ves-pnf-registration
+ NTSimManagerNG.set_ves_endpoint_details_nf ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']}
+ ... ves-endpoint-protocol=${VESCOLLECTOR}[SCHEME]
+ ... ves-endpoint-ip=${VESCOLLECTOR}[IP]
+ ... ves-endpoint-port=${VESCOLLECTOR}[PORT]
+ ... ves-endpoint-auth-method=${VESCOLLECTOR}[AUTHMETHOD]
+ ... ves-endpoint-username=${VESCOLLECTOR}[USERNAME]
+ ... ves-endpoint-password=${VESCOLLECTOR}[PASSWORD]
+ Start Network Function Feature ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['O_RAN_FH']['NAME']} ves-pnf-registration
+ NTSimManagerNG.set_ves_config_nf ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']}
+ ... pnf-registration=${True}
+ sleep 10s reason=Wait before start network function
+# Log console=True message=Wait some time ${PNF_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT} till request sent by NTSim
+# ConnectApp.should_be_equal_connection_status_until_time ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']} Connected ${180}
+Verify connection status SSH
+ [Tags] pnfregistration dm-lifecycle SSH
+ sleep 5s reason=Wait for processing of simulated device
+ @{pnf_list}= NTSimManagerNG.get_simulated_pnfs_nf ${DEVICE_TYPE} protocol=SSH
+ ${length} = Get Length ${pnf_list}
+ Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${length} 0 msg=No network functions created
+ Log to console ${pnf_list}
+ FOR ${device} IN @{pnf_list}
+ ${node_id}= set variable ${device["node-id"]}
+ ${port}= set variable ${device["port"]}
+ Log console=True message=Verify connection status: ${node_id}
+ Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ConnectApp.Should Be Equal connection status until time
+ ... ${node_id} Connected ${PNF_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT}
+ SDNCRestconfLibrary.Should Be Equal Connection Status Until Time ${node_id} connected ${5}
+ ConnectApp.should_be_equal_network_element_connection_details ${node_id}
+ ... node-id=${node_id}
+ ... is-required=${False}
+ ... status=Connected
+ ... port=${port}
+ ... core-model-capability=${CORE_MODEL}
+ ... device-type=${DEVICE_TYPE_GUI}
+Verify connection status TLS
+ [Tags] pnfregistration dm-lifecycle TLS
+ @{pnf_list}= NTSimManagerNG.get_simulated_pnfs_nf ${DEVICE_TYPE} protocol=TLS
+ Log to console ${pnf_list}
+ ${length} = Get Length ${pnf_list}
+ Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${length} 0 msg=No network functions created
+ FOR ${device} IN @{pnf_list}
+ ${node_id}= set variable ${device["node-id"]}
+ ${port}= set variable ${device["port"]}
+ Log console=True message=Verify connection status: ${node_id}
+ Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ConnectApp.Should Be Equal connection status until time
+ ... ${node_id} Connected ${PNF_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT}
+ SDNCRestconfLibrary.Should Be Equal Connection Status Until Time ${node_id} connected ${5}
+ ConnectApp.should_be_equal_network_element_connection_details ${node_id}
+ ... node-id=${node_id}
+ ... is-required=${False}
+ ... status=Connected
+ ... port=${port}
+ ... core-model-capability=${CORE_MODEL}
+ ... device-type=${DEVICE_TYPE_GUI}
+Remove all networkelement connections
+ [Documentation] Delete all network element connections, should not fail if the connection is not there
+ [Tags] restconf dm-lifecycle
+ Stop Network Function Feature ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['O_RAN_FH']['NAME']} ves-pnf-registration
+ @{pnf_list}= NTSimManagerNG.get_simulated_pnfs_nf ${DEVICE_TYPE}
+ FOR ${device} IN @{pnf_list}
+ ${node_id}= set variable ${device["node-id"]}
+ Run Keyword And Ignore Error ConnectApp.remove network element connection filtered validate=${True} node-id=${node_id}
+ NTSimManagerNG.set_ves_config_nf ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']}
+ ... pnf-registration=${False}
+ ConnectApp.Remove Network Element Connection ${NETWORK_FUNCTIONS['${DEVICE_TYPE}']['NAME']}