diff options
22 files changed, 12350 insertions, 10400 deletions
diff --git a/docs/installation.rst b/docs/installation.rst
index dfff7be4..6d441153 100644
--- a/docs/installation.rst
+++ b/docs/installation.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The purpose of this document is to explain how to build an ONAP SDNC Instance on
The document begins with creation of a network, and a VM.
Then, the document explains how to run the installation scripts on the VM.
Finally, the document shows how to check that the SDNC installation was completed successfully.
-This document and logs were created on 14 November, 2017.
+This document and logs were created on 22 November, 2018.
Infrastructure setup on OpenStack
@@ -138,38 +138,104 @@ Add the security group to the VM in order to open needed ports for SDNC like por
Installing SDNC
-Connect to the new VM and change to user "root", and run the following commands to start the installation (the full logs are listed in the attached text file):
+Connect to the new VM and change to user "root", and run the following commands to start the installation:
- cloud@vm1-sdnc:~$ sudo -i
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# mkdir -p /opt/config
- root@vm1-sdnc:~#
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "nexus3.onap.org:10001" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "docker" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "docker" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# wget https://git.onap.org/integration/plain/version-manifest/src/main/resources/docker-manifest.csv
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# DOCKER_SDNC_VERSION=$(grep onap/sdnc-image docker-manifest.csv | awk '{v=$1; gsub(".*/*,","",$1); print ($1) }')
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo $DOCKER_SDNC_VERSION > /opt/config/docker_version.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "master" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "openstack" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "" > /opt/config/external_dns.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo "http://gerrit.onap.org/r/sdnc/oam.git" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# DOCKER_BUILDER_VERSION=$(grep dgbuilder docker-manifest.csv | awk '{v=$1; gsub(".*/*,","",$1); print ($1) }')
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# echo $DOCKER_BUILDER_VERSION > /opt/config/dgbuilder_version.txt
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# curl -k https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw/org.onap.demo/boot/1.1.0-
- SNAPSHOT/sdnc_install.sh -o /opt/sdnc_install.sh
- % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
+ # Login as root
+ sudo -i
+ # Clone Casablanca branch for demo Repo
+ root@sdnc-test:~# git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/demo -b casablanca
+ Cloning into 'demo'...
+ remote: Counting objects: 10, done
+ remote: Finding sources: 100% (10/10)
+ remote: Total 9562 (delta 0), reused 9562 (delta 0)
+ Receiving objects: 100% (9562/9562), 43.00 MiB | 13.84 MiB/s, done.
+ Resolving deltas: 100% (5922/5922), done.
+ Checking connectivity... done.
+ root@sdnc-test:~#
+Use below commands to update installation environment
+ # Create Configuration directory
+ mkdir -p /opt/config
+ # Update configuration folder with variables used during the installation
+ awk '$1 == "artifacts_version:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt
+ awk '$1 == "sdnc_repo:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt
+ awk '$1 == "sdnc_branch:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt
+ echo "no_proxy" > /opt/config/http_proxy.txt
+ echo "no_proxy" > /opt/config/https_proxy.txt
+ echo "https://nexus.onap.org" > /opt/config/nexus_artifact_repo.txt
+ echo "" > /opt/config/external_dns.txt
+ awk '$1 == "dns_ip_addr:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt
+ awk '$1 == "nexus_username:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt
+ awk '$1 == "nexus_password:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt
+ awk '$1 == "nexus_docker_repo:" {print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt
+ awk '$1 == "sdnc_docker:" {gsub("\"","",$2);print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/docker_version.txt
+ awk '$1 == "dgbuilder_docker:" {gsub("\"","",$2);print $2}' /root/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env > /opt/config/dgbuilder_version.txt
+ # Add host name to /etc/host to avoid warnings in openstack images
+ echo $(hostname) >> /etc/hosts
+ # Install additional components
+ apt update
+ apt-get install -y linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget git ntp ntpdate make jq unzip
+ # Enable autorestart when VM reboots
+ chmod +x /root/demo/heat/ONAP/cloud-config/serv.sh
+ cp /root/demo/heat/ONAP/cloud-config/serv.sh /etc/init.d
+ update-rc.d serv.sh defaults
+Install docker engine
+ echo "deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated docker-engine
+Install docker-compose & complete docker configuration
+ root@sdnc-test:~# mkdir -p /opt/docker
+ root@sdnc-test:~# curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.16.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" > /opt/docker/docker-compose
+ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
- 100 3701 100 3701 0 0 5196 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5190
- root@vm1-sdnc:~# cd /opt
- root@vm1-sdnc:/opt# chmod +x sdnc_install.sh
- root@vm1-sdnc:/opt# ./sdnc_install.sh
- cp: cannot stat ‘/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys’: No such file or directory
- Get:1 http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security InRelease [65.9 kB]
+ 100 8648k 100 8648k 0 0 3925k 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 10.3M
+ root@sdnc-test:~# chmod +x /opt/docker/docker-compose
+ # Set the MTU size of docker containers to the minimum MTU size supported by vNICs
+ root@sdnc-test:~# MTU=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep MTU | sed 's/.*MTU://' | sed 's/ .*//' | sort -n | head -1)
+ root@sdnc-test:~# echo "DOCKER_OPTS=\"$DNS_FLAG--mtu=$MTU\"" >> /etc/default/docker
+ root@sdnc-test:~# cp /lib/systemd/system/docker.service /etc/systemd/system
+ root@sdnc-test:~# sed -i "/ExecStart/s/$/ --mtu=$MTU/g" /etc/systemd/system/docker.service
+ root@sdnc-test:~# systemctl daemon-reload
+ root@sdnc-test:~# service docker restart
+ # DNS IP address configuration
+ root@sdnc-test:~# echo "nameserver $(cat /opt/config/external_dns.txt)" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
+ root@sdnc-test:~# resolvconf -u
+Copy & run installation scripts
+ # Copy installation scripts to opt directory
+ root@sdnc-test:~# cp /root/demo/heat/ONAP/cloud-config/sdnc_install.sh /opt/sdnc_install.sh
+ root@sdnc-test:~# cp /root/demo/heat/ONAP/cloud-config/sdnc_vm_init.sh /opt/sdnc_vm_init.sh
+ # Run installation script
+ root@sdnc-test:~# cd /opt
+ root@sdnc-test:~# chmod +x sdnc_install.sh
+ root@sdnc-test:~# chmod +x sdnc_vm_init.sh
+ root@sdnc-test:~# ./sdnc_install.sh
+ Cloning into 'sdnc'...
+ remote: Finding sources: 100% (8962/8962)
+ remote: Total 8962 (delta 3999), reused 8956 (delta 3999)
+ Receiving objects: 100% (8962/8962), 702.76 MiB | 19.20 MiB/s, done.
+ Resolving deltas: 100% (3999/3999), done.
+ Checking connectivity... done.
+ Already up-to-date.
+ Login Succeeded
+ 1.4-STAGING-latest: Pulling from onap/sdnc-image
+ 18d680d61657: Pull complete
… output truncated …
The following install logs shows the containers are coming up, meaning a successful deployment of the SDNC:
@@ -177,28 +243,37 @@ The following install logs shows the containers are coming up, meaning a success
... truncated output ...
+ d3565df0a804: Pull complete
+ Digest: sha256:0ba03586c705ca8f79030586a579001c4fab3d6fa8c388b6c1c37c695645b78e
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql/mysql-server:5.6
- Creating sdnc_db_container
- Creating sdnc_controller_container
+ Creating sdnc_db_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_db_container ... done
+ Creating sdnc_ansible_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_ansible_container ... done
+ Creating sdnc_controller_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_controller_container ... done
+ Creating sdnc_ueblistener_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_portal_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_dgbuilder_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_dmaaplistener_container ...
+ Creating sdnc_ueblistener_container
Creating sdnc_portal_container
- Creating sdnc_dgbuilder_container
Creating sdnc_dmaaplistener_container
- Creating sdnc_ueblistener_container
- root@vm1-sdnc:/opt#
+ Creating sdnc_dgbuilder_container ... done
Check that the containers are up and running:
- cloud@vm1-sdnc:~$ sudo docker container list
- 30fd20166145 onap/sdnc-dmaap-listener-image:latest "/opt/onap/sdnc/dm..." 25 minutes ago Up 25 minutes sdnc_dmaaplistener_container
- 484220f3b38a onap/sdnc-ueb-listener-image:latest "/opt/onap/sdnc/ue..." 25 minutes ago Up 25 minutes sdnc_ueblistener_container
- 674ad3ff7f24 onap/ccsdk-dgbuilder-image:latest "/bin/bash -c 'cd ..." 25 minutes ago Up 25 minutes>3100/tcp sdnc_dgbuilder_container
- d2a915c8e2e5 onap/admportal-sdnc-image:latest "/bin/bash -c 'cd ..." 25 minutes ago Up 25 minutes>8843/tcp sdnc_portal_container
- a65b7fb486e7 onap/sdnc-image:latest "/opt/onap/sdnc/bi..." 25 minutes ago Up 25 minutes>8101/tcp,>8181/tcp sdnc_controller_container
- 2b9b2f5a79f8 mysql/mysql-server:5.6 "/entrypoint.sh my..." 25 minutes ago Up 25 minutes (healthy)>3306/tcp sdnc_db_container
- cloud@vm1-sdnc:~$
+ root@sdnc-test:/opt# docker container list
+ 9de71aea163a onap/ccsdk-dgbuilder-image:latest "/bin/bash -c 'cd ..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes>3100/tcp sdnc_dgbuilder_container
+ adffc0e70758 onap/sdnc-dmaap-listener-image:latest "/opt/onap/sdnc/dm..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes sdnc_dmaaplistener_container
+ 53bfa2e31c44 onap/admportal-sdnc-image:latest "/bin/bash -c 'cd ..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes>8843/tcp sdnc_portal_container
+ 2fd18ceb09de onap/sdnc-image:latest "/opt/onap/sdnc/bi..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes>8181/tcp sdnc_controller_container
+ 3ddb85174acb onap/sdnc-ansible-server-image:latest "/opt/onap/ccsdk/s..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes>8000/tcp sdnc_ansible_container
+ 4a11c393ffa3 mysql/mysql-server:5.6 "/entrypoint.sh my..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes (healthy)>3306/tcp sdnc_db_container
+ root@sdnc-test:/opt#
Login into APIDOC Explorer and check that you can see Swagger UI interface with all the APIs:
@@ -213,5 +288,3 @@ Login into DG Builder and check that you can see the GUI:
DG Builder URL: http://dguser:test123@{SDNC-IP}:3000
diff --git a/docs/release-notes.rst b/docs/release-notes.rst
index 2ed8095c..75796044 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/release-notes.rst
@@ -3,8 +3,51 @@
Release Notes
+Version: 1.4.3
+:Release Date: 2018-11-30
+**New Features**
+The Casablanca release of SDNC introduces the following new features:
+ - Network Discovery, in support of POMBA
+ - Support for CCVPN use case
+ - Change Management enhancements
+**Bug Fixes**
+The list of bugs fixed in the SDNC Casablanca release may be found in the ONAP Jira at <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=11544>
+**Known Issues**
+The list of known issues in the SDNC project may be found in the ONAP Jira at <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=11119>
+**Security Notes**
+SDNC code has been formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and all Critical vulnerabilities have been addressed, items that remain open have been assessed for risk and determined to be false positive. The SDNC open Critical security vulnerabilities and their risk assessment have been documented as part of the `project <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=45307811>`_.
+Quick Links:
+- `SDNC project page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Software+Defined+Network+Controller+Project>`_
+- `Passing Badge information for SDNC <https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/projects/1703>`_
+- `Project Vulnerability Review Table for Casablanca Release <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=45307811>`_
+**Upgrade Notes**
+ NA
+**Deprecation Notes**
+ NA
+ NA
Version: 1.3.4
:Release Date: 2018-07-06
@@ -14,13 +57,14 @@ Version: 1.3.4
The full list of SDNC Beijing Epics and user stories can be found in the ONAP Jira at <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=10791>. The
following table lists the major features included in the Beijing release.
-| Jira # | Abstract |
-| [SDNC-278] | Change management in-place software upgrade execution using Ansible <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-278> |
-| [SDNC-163] | Deploy a SDN-C high availability environment - Kubernetes <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-163> |
+| Jira # | Abstract |
+| [SDNC-278] | Change management in-place software upgrade execution using Ansible <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-278> |
+| [SDNC-163] | Deploy a SDN-C high availability environment - Kubernetes <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-163> |
**Bug Fixes**
@@ -47,6 +91,7 @@ The list of bugs fixed in the SDNC Beijing release may be found in the ONAP Jira
| [SDNC-64] | SDNC is not setting FromApp identifier in logging MDC <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-64> |
**Security Notes**
SDNC code has been formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and all Critical vulnerabilities have been addressed, items that remain open have been assessed for risk and determined to be false positive. The SDNC open Critical security vulnerabilities and their risk assessment have been documented as part of the `project <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=28379582>`_.
diff --git a/installation/src/main/properties/generic-resource-api-dg.properties b/installation/src/main/properties/generic-resource-api-dg.properties
index f7fd5657..16d5987f 100644
--- a/installation/src/main/properties/generic-resource-api-dg.properties
+++ b/installation/src/main/properties/generic-resource-api-dg.properties
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ restapi.trustStoreFileName=/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.openecomp.clien
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.json b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.json
index 0a979d10..f0e80c3a 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.json
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.json
@@ -1,1570 +1,1969 @@
- "id": "cda9cb25.008878",
- "type": "dgstart",
- "name": "DGSTART",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 116.00390625,
- "y": 127.00390625,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["62bd4bd7.3ee3c4"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "62bd4bd7.3ee3c4",
- "type": "service-logic",
- "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
- "version": "${project.version}",
- "comments": "",
- "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 197.95626831054688,
- "y": 167.242018699646,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["92bec9ff.3ca028"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "92bec9ff.3ca028",
- "type": "method",
- "name": "network-topology-operation",
- "xml": "<method rpc='network-topology-operation' mode='sync'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 177.4325408935547,
- "y": 218.0039119720459,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["787d9954.38bba8"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "648b626a.56b11c",
- "type": "comment",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 510.34876251220703,
- "y": 74.59025001525879,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": []
-}, {
- "id": "787d9954.38bba8",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 230.00393676757812,
- "y": 290.44738960266113,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["fa0c17ce.6e7bc8", "fadbb13.7d2dd5", "dc48dc75.75815", "7270aff7.976ff"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "fa0c17ce.6e7bc8",
- "type": "returnSuccess",
- "name": "return success",
- "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 434.0873107910156,
- "y": 1316.5400428771973,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": []
-}, {
- "id": "fadbb13.7d2dd5",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch svc-action",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 456.7181701660156,
- "y": 520.861083984375,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["c05cc8a9.a87538", "8c9c980d.ccc4f8", "8bf526ae.923e18", "7de8f4ae.cff8ac", "26afc371.40355c", "bb05b811.ebde68", "1a44c3fe.115f5c", "315bf1cb.32141e"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "c05cc8a9.a87538",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "assign",
- "xml": "<outcome value='assign'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 671.194408416748,
- "y": 293.1467628479004,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["5bf1acae.be9164"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "5bf1acae.be9164",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 843.4325790405273,
- "y": 291.1468915939331,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["e342989e.94fd28"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "dc48dc75.75815",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:validate-network-input",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='validate-network-input' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 567.0038948059082,
- "y": 231.0039131641388,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "8c9c980d.ccc4f8",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "activate",
- "xml": "<outcome value='activate'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 674.0039482116699,
- "y": 383.0039005279541,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["e028738c.44a5e"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "647e7eaa.31279",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1129.2422637939453,
- "y": 468.00415229797363,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["794617b.1131ce8", "ba635494.f7cda8", "5f3efec5.a1f4d"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "b8d794c5.efea38",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:network-topology-operation-activate",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2321.063835144043,
- "y": 971.6111488342285,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "8bf526ae.923e18",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "deactivate",
- "xml": "<outcome value='deactivate'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 668.0039405822754,
- "y": 615.0038986206055,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["cf3c1895.618e38"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "55cb30ff.95ca3",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1105.2422409057617,
- "y": 855.0042123794556,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["794617b.1131ce8", "7bec74e2.e8459c", "5f3efec5.a1f4d"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "7bec74e2.e8459c",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:network-topology-operation-deactivate",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1649.2304382324219,
- "y": 1059.8611965179443,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "7de8f4ae.cff8ac",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "unassign",
- "xml": "<outcome value='unassign'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 665.0039596557617,
- "y": 867.0039482116699,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": [
- ["cc00dd86.d7918"]
- ]
-}, {
- "id": "cc00dd86.d7918",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
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- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:network-topology-operation-unassign",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-unassign' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "name": "return failure",
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- "name": "Set final indicator to Y",
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- "comments": "",
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- "y": 1275.6983814239502,
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- "xml": "<for index='nidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.networks.network_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2185.734363555908,
- "y": 509.7658576965332,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
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- "name": "switch service-data.networks.network_length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.networks.network_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1463.1985206604004,
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- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
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- "name": "outcome Null",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1762.448398590088,
- "y": 476.33724784851074,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
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- "name": "switch networkid found",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`\">\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 509.01594161987305,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
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- "wires": [
- ["db34e276.b7ef7"]
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- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />\n<parameter name='network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />\n",
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- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Find the index to service data for this network - save id in tmp.nidx, save service-data",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1613.559814453125,
- "y": 443.33726978302,
- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
- "wires": []
-}, {
- "id": "faca6d42.ad164",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "service-data will not be stored until we have a network-id",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1181.6707000732422,
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- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
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- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data\" />\n",
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- "y": 474.22624588012695,
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- "wires": []
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- "atomic": "true",
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- "x": 1883.7183952331543,
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- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch tmp.nidx ",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.nidx`\">\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data\" />\n",
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- "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Network is not in appropriate state for activate. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`\" />",
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- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-assign' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1817.0041007995605,
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- "comments": "",
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- "comments": "",
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- "z": "6262cf90.82826",
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- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='wan-connection-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "type": "set",
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- "comments": "",
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+ "xml": "<method rpc='network-topology-operation' mode='sync'>\n",
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+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ {
+ "id": "852074bb.b92d38",
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+ "name": "return success",
+ "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
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+ "name": "switch svc-action",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 485.6349239349365,
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+ "id": "a9b65525.597998",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:validate-network-input",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='validate-network-input' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
+ "wires": [
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+ "id": "60aaff20.5a112",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:network-topology-operation-activate",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2361.059928894043,
+ "y": 936.38498878479,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ []
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+ "id": "5471c0fe.38f1d",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "id": "1d230c90.43d433",
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+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:network-topology-operation-deactivate",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1689.2265319824219,
+ "y": 1024.6350364685059,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ "type": "other",
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+ "type": "call",
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+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-unassign' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2356.8097915649414,
+ "y": 1129.884958267212,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b262823a.325c8",
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+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"sdnc-request-header.svc-action is a required input\" />\n",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d2f271fb.1251e",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "Set final indicator to Y",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"Y\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 493.11109924316406,
+ "y": 1240.4722213745117,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f1cdaba4.4b1468",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for nidx..service-data.networks.network[]",
+ "xml": "<for index='nidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.networks.network_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2225.730457305908,
+ "y": 474.5396976470947,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1ce3aa4.6cf4256"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "510a8ba.2d0a674",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch service-data.networks.network_length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.networks.network_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1503.1946144104004,
+ "y": 442.8610897064209,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ "name": "outcome Null",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1802.444492340088,
+ "y": 441.11108779907227,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ "name": "other",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1756.444522857666,
+ "y": 474.1111087799072,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f1ccef3b.7d9c6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1ce3aa4.6cf4256",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch networkid found",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`\">\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2516.159008026123,
+ "y": 473.78978157043457,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ "702929b4.6bd008"
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+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ "46381e91.19efd"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "46381e91.19efd",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.nidx and network-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />\n<parameter name='network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2938.6431312561035,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1e4f1e53.bd5ab2",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Find the index to service data for this network - save id in tmp.nidx, save service-data",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1653.555908203125,
+ "y": 408.11110973358154,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3eb7337.d523acc",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "service-data will not be stored until we have a network-id",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1221.6667938232422,
+ "y": 37,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6f9c2eea.df9cc",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
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+ "x": 1923.7144889831543,
+ "y": 473.6656856536865,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b70c43a4.8f446",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch tmp.nidx ",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.nidx`\">\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2152.7820014953613,
+ "y": 524.0228967666626,
+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f043129c.def34",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data\" />\n",
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+ "z": "b2ff82f0.56033",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f9fd607e.a7a39",
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+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2324.210536956787,
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+ "f043129c.def34"
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c320966e.dcfd18",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch network-level-oper-status",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`'>\n",
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+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-network-topology-operation-reoptimize' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1955,
+ "y": 1779,
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+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-netbox-ip-assign.json
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
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"type": "method",
"name": "method self-serve-netbox-ip-assign",
"xml": "<method rpc='self-serve-netbox-ip-assign' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 247.7857208251953,
- "y": 110.69842147827148,
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"xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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"name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
@@ -59,1727 +59,1791 @@
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status=\"failure\">\n\t<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"Y\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\"/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"ss.capability-name is null\" />\n",
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"xml": "<switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 276.82143688201904,
- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status=\"failure\">\n\t<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"Y\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\"/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"ss.capability-action is null\" />\n",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "7e104793.732a5",
"type": "call",
"name": "call self-serve-capability-param-resolution",
"xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-capability-param-resolution' mode='sync' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 453.41680908203125,
- "y": 351.82147216796875,
- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 757.6667060852051,
- "y": 353.821475982666,
- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
+ "x": 745.6667060852051,
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status=\"failure\">\n\t<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"Y\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\"/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Not all assignments are resolved' + $error-message`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"wires": []
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"type": "for",
"name": "for pidx in param_length",
"xml": "<for index=\"pidx\" start=\"0\" end=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param_length`\">",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "switch: capability-name - ss vs param",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.ss.param.capability-name == $ss.capability-name`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "service-instance-id",
"xml": "<outcome value='service-instance-id'>\n",
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"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />\n",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set service-data...param[].value = ip-address",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].value' \n\tvalue='`$ip[0]`' />\n",
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"xml": "<get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'\n\tkey='SELECT * from IPAM_IP_ASSIGNEMENT \n\t\tWHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key\n\t\tAND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id' >",
"comments": "",
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"type": "not-found",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"xml": "<for index=\"kidx\" start=\"0\" end=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`\">",
"comments": "",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block",
"xml": "<block>\n",
"atomic": "false",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource\" resource=\"SQL\"\n\tkey=\"UPDATE IPAM_IP_ASSIGNEMENT set ip_status = $tmp.status \n\t\tWHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key\n\t\tAND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id\" >",
"comments": "",
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"name": "set status = PENDING_DELETE",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
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"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Error updating NETBOX_IP_ASSIGNMENTS table to unassign ip with external_key=' + $tmp.ss.external-key + ' and service_instance_id=' + $tmp.ss.service-instance-id`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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+ "id": "2ba87204.72c89e",
"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Netbox unassign IP addresses",
"xml": "<execute plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient\" method=\"unassignIpAddress\">\n<parameter name=\"service_instance_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"external_key\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.external-key`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3178.416848182678,
- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
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+ "id": "d761dd7d.5daac",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Error in NetboxClient#unassignIPAddress with external-key='+ $tmp.ss.external-key`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
"atomic": "true",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2018.9087219238281,
- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
+ "x": 849.3414611816406,
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"xml": "<outcome value='vf-module-id'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1954.000228881836,
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"name": "set tmp.ss.vf-module-id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ss.vf-module-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />\n",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "ae56d16c.edce5",
"type": "set",
"name": "set resource-resolution-data.status = DELETED",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status' \n\tvalue='DELETED' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "8556b639.07cc4",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "prefix-id",
"xml": "<outcome value='prefix-id'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1943.055892944336,
- "y": 2385.135218143463,
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+ "x": 1931.055892944336,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set prefix-id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />\n",
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+ "x": 2177.555892944336,
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+ "z": "1e0169fe.460196",
"wires": []
- "id": "5ddc29c0.4ba838",
+ "id": "d994622b.100b98",
"type": "execute",
"name": "execute NetboxClient assignIpAddress",
"xml": "<execute plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient\" method=\"assignIpAddress\">\n<parameter name=\"service_instance_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"vf_module_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.vf-module-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"prefix_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.prefix-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"resource_name\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.param.name`\" />\n<parameter name=\"external_key\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.external-key`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1724.9526672363281,
- "y": 2699.655068397522,
- "z": "9db1531d.07a1a",
+ "x": 2204.38134765625,
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+ "id": "5fcd5073.23e8c8",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set resource-resolution-data.status = FAILED",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value='' />\n",
"comments": "",
- "x": 2464.3335876464844,
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "8459943a.0741",
"type": "set",
"name": "set resource-resolution-data.status = SUCCESS",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status' \n\tvalue='SUCCESS' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<outcome value='ip-address-id'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<outcome value='external_key'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set external-key",
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"name": "set tmp.ss.param.name",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ss.param.name' \n\tvalue='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].name`' />\n",
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"wires": []
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- "type": "not-found",
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- "comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2695.738320350647,
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"name": "switch capability-type. vnf",
"xml": "<switch test=\"`$ss.capability-type == 'vnf'`\">\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "switch capability-type vf-module",
"xml": "<switch test=\"`$ss.capability-type == 'vf-module'`\">\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"xml": "<for index='i' start='0' end='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "switch: capability-name - ss vs param",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.ss.param.capability-name == $ss.capability-name`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set tmp.ss.service-instance-id",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"name": "for kidx in resource-key_length",
"xml": "<for index=\"kidx\" start=\"0\" end=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`\">",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block",
"xml": "<block>\n",
"atomic": "false",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource\" resource=\"SQL\"\n\tkey=\"UPDATE IPAM_IP_ASSIGNEMENT set ip_status = $tmp.status \n\t\tWHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key\n\t\tAND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id\" >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.status' value=\"PENDING_DELETE\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Error updating NETBOX_IP_ASSIGNMENTS table to unassign ip with external_key=' + $tmp.ss.external-key + ' and service_instance_id=' + $tmp.ss.service-instance-id`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Netbox unassign IP addresses",
"xml": "<execute plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient\" method=\"unassignIpAddress\">\n<parameter name=\"service_instance_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"external_key\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.external-key`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Error in NetboxClient#unassignIPAddress with external-key='+ $tmp.ss.external-key`\" />\n",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status' \n\tvalue='DELETED' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "prefix-id",
"xml": "<outcome value='prefix-id'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1904.496109008789,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set prefix-id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />\n",
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"wires": []
- "id": "cb98d7d9.b5a08",
+ "id": "3246d2cf.e446ce",
"type": "execute",
"name": "execute NetboxClient assignIpAddress",
"xml": "<execute plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient\" method=\"assignIpAddress\">\n<parameter name=\"service_instance_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"vf_module_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.vnf-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"prefix_id\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.prefix-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"resource_name\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.param.name`\" />\n<parameter name=\"external_key\" value=\"`$tmp.ss.external-key`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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@@ -1 +1,457 @@
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "block",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 586.6425437927246,
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+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.exist.sdnc-model-name == 'true' and $tmp.exist.vf_module_label == 'true'`\">\n",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ {
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+ "name": "return failure",
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@@ -1 +1,791 @@
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+ "y": 257.16367530822754,
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+ },
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+ ]
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "43688a60.e15ccc",
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+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"There are no VNFs in MD-SAL\" />\n",
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+ "id": "230a1984.7eb2de",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f6710847.bb5d",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"'Could not find VNF ' + $vnf-topology-operation-input.vnf-information.vnf-id + ' in MD-SAL'\" />\n",
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+ },
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+ "id": "8ffa54f2.b78158",
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+ "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
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+ "xml": "<for index='idx' start='`$vnf-index + 1`' end='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1674.8546524047852,
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+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
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+ "c8a587bb.5748d8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3f28287f.120ca",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Remove VNF from service data",
+ "info": "",
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+ "y": 826.155974149704,
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+ },
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+ "name": "Remove vnfs",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cd8767d7.87479",
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+ "xml": "<set>\n\t<parameter name=\"service-data.vnfs.vnf_length\" value=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf_length - 1`\"/>\n\n\t\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e2f2c18b.32612",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "Remove the last vnf in the list",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6c7a81eb.1c4e68",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Cannot delete a VNF in a Created state\" />\n",
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+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module_length`\">\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7cec3149.76d4d",
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+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Cannot delete the VNF because there are VFs defined\" />\n",
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+ {
+ "id": "88d07f29.c5dc6",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:naming-policy-generate-name",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='naming-policy-generate-name' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1302.5197067260742,
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+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
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+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b74c2ae7.ae87a",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set variables for deleting name",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='naming-policy-generate-name-input.naming-type' value='VNF' />\n<parameter name='naming-policy-generate-name-input.context-id' value='`$vnf-topology-operation-input.vnf-information.vnf-id`' />\n<parameter name='naming-policy-generate-name-input.action' value='DELETE' />\n",
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+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "check removed with US622450",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "91a3386a.faef3",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call self-serve-vnf-forking-logic",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vnf-forking-logic' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 548.3572998046875,
+ "y": 722.4999084472656,
+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
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+ []
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "12606f3f.12bf41",
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+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$ss.self-serve-flag`\">\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ {
+ "id": "f6d24b45.0d4258",
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+ "name": "call self-serve-vnf-unassign",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vnf-unassign' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 1224.4642741680145,
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+ ]
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+ {
+ "id": "f989b85.ea14548",
+ "type": "returnSuccess",
+ "name": "return success",
+ "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
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+ "type": "outcomeTrue",
+ "name": "true",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 735.6785621643066,
+ "y": 1224.8928534984589,
+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
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+ ]
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a2ededb3.20eb68",
+ "type": "get-resource",
+ "name": "get VF_MODEL.sdnc_model_name",
+ "xml": "<get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'\n key='SELECT * from VF_MODEL WHERE customization_uuid = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid'\n pfx='db.vf-model'>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 563.75,
+ "y": 655,
+ "z": "b679ce73.4725c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
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+] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.json b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.json
index bd279399..8dd29ed3 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.json
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.json
@@ -1,1305 +1,1320 @@
- {
- "id": "ad2ef973.e6a378",
- "type": "dgstart",
- "name": "DGSTART",
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- "y": 55,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
- "version": "${project.version}",
- "comments": "",
- "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 314.00000381469727,
- "y": 129.000018119812,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- },
- {
- "id": "89afc74f.956348",
- "type": "method",
- "name": "sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create",
- "xml": "<method rpc='sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create' mode='sync'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 302.0001220703125,
- "y": 217.00000095367432,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
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- "comments": "",
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- "id": "74beb7.011b0148",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Set allotted resource id if not sent by SO",
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- "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 652.0000305175781,
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- },
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- "id": "eef884cd.26a128",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1047.000015258789,
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- "wires": []
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- "id": "f8c6b86f.980db8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.self-link' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:connection-attachment-allotted-resources/connection-attachment-allotted-resource/'\n + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\n + '/allotted-resource-data/connection-attachment-topology/'` \" />\n\n",
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- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "655b6d38.675514",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute Properties",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 620.2618713378906,
- "y": 484.6667814254761,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "87b8ca30.cf86e8",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "generate allotted-resource tmp.ar-url",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 673.2619323730469,
- "y": 571.6666994094849,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "63eb9d84.765954",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='generateUUID' >\n<parameter name=\"ctx-destination\" value=\"tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1065.0000953674316,
- "y": 152.9999876022339,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- "id": "7fcc0333.e4b76c",
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- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1283.0001373291016,
- "y": 152.99995136260986,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "dc8faa82.0a80d8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value=\"An error occured while generation allotted resource ID\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1449.0000915527344,
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- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "83948a24.3af768",
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- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1179.0002307891846,
- "y": 643.7778720855713,
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- "id": "fd6c452f.f52a18",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Existing connection attachment allotted resource\" />\n \n",
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- },
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- "id": "df1c313d.a9cf4",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Check for non existence of allotted resource",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1035.0001525878906,
- "y": 577.7779388427734,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- "type": "for",
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- "xml": "<for index='cidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1555.6666984558105,
- "y": 788.0000512599945,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 737.6660232543945,
- "y": 764.7140836715698,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- "id": "98246edb.9d503",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "outcome Null",
- "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1041.8089218139648,
- "y": 733.5715208053589,
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- "name": "other",
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- "x": 1018.8089714050293,
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- "id": "b930de42.50a21",
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- "x": 1178.9360618591309,
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- "id": "1bc15eed.fd45b1",
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- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cidx' value=\"`0`\" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length' value=\"1\" />\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- {
- "id": "15c0d821.288668",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set consumed allotted resources",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$tmp.cidx].allotted-resource-id' value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id` \" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$tmp.cidx].allotted-resource-type' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type` \" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$tmp.cidx].allotted-resource-pointer' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link` \" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length' value='`$tmp.cidx + 1`' />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "7d532296.0d9bfc",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch tmp.found-cidx",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.found-cidx`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1368.0511093139648,
- "y": 824.708975315094,
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- "id": "106270aa.e9c6ff",
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- "name": "false",
- "xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1558.0510635375977,
- "y": 824.7089123725891,
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- "id": "e1144596.6d5ba8",
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- "name": "block : atomic",
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- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1724.0510635375977,
- "y": 824.7089123725891,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "e0e0a661.74b9e8",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$cidx].allotted-resource-id == $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\">\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1972.7783279418945,
- "y": 785.000078201294,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- ]
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- {
- "id": "326d00a0.76b6c",
- "type": "outcomeTrue",
- "name": "true",
- "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2154.587902069092,
- "y": 785.4645252227783,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "b93f3869.6459e8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.cidx",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cidx' value='`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1885.924446105957,
- "y": 824.2206134796143,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "9dc9afd9.071d8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Add to consumed service consumed-allotted-resources in mdsal",
- "info": "Prepare data and add to service-data",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 758.667236328125,
- "y": 695.0000476837158,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "79d72e28.e5bf",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "This set resource will be added to MDSAL by provider code",
- "info": "Below we add to service-data.consumed-allotted-resource at last index",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 746.0001525878906,
- "y": 833.7781400680542,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "7ee858c0.930c58",
- "type": "update",
- "name": "save AAI allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<save plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"allotted-resource\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id AND\n\t\t\tallotted-resource.id = $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"\n pfx='pfx' local-only='false' force='false'>\n <parameter name=\"id\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"role\" value=\"`$prop.connection-attachment.role`\" />\t\n <parameter name=\"vpn-name\" value=\"`$prop.connection-attachment.sdwanVpnName`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"selflink\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-invariant-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-version-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"operational-status\" value=\"Created\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 656.6908569335938,
- "y": 1793.531904220581,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
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- "291816ed.18393a"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "54e2f563.b3af5c",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 851.4527931213379,
- "y": 1784.4845056533813,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "a3778d99.3c015"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "a3778d99.3c015",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1017.9766731262207,
- "y": 1796.1035766601562,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "291816ed.18393a",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 858.5480804443359,
- "y": 1817.246473312378,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
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- },
- {
- "id": "ac365c56.4b2",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Save Resource to AAI",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 690.5005340576172,
- "y": 1761.833875656128,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "81ef7e04.cd917",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Set allotted resource type if not sent by SO",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 692,
- "y": 235.00000095367432,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "3718c342.00f4ac",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch allotted-resource-type",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 653.9233093261719,
- "y": 275.5660572052002,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "64aa0e9c.b1d09",
- "7800ea8d.a7f124"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "64aa0e9c.b1d09",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "NULL",
- "xml": "<outcome value=''>",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 856.9234619140625,
- "y": 260.56606006622314,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "f530af4a.706e5"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7800ea8d.a7f124",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 849.9232902526855,
- "y": 300.5660800933838,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "7a986711.0ca2d8"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7a986711.0ca2d8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1081.9232749938965,
- "y": 300.56608486175537,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "369cb772.706cb8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "For storage in AAI connection-attachment-topology",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 716.9999618530273,
- "y": 370.0000009536743,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "492255d4.2adf4c",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc",
- "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 691.9999465942383,
- "y": 451.8889102935791,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ddea3893.c96cd8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Used for Put AR by id to MDSAL",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 658.0000305175781,
- "y": 540.8889274597168,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "a440e95e.3176f8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Obtain the last index in services",
- "info": "ServiceData is added by Provider code",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 659.4444732666016,
- "y": 726.8888721466064,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "a79587b.c624178",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set output to api handler",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='allotted-resource-id' value='`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-object-path' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\"/>\n<parameter name='service-object-path' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/'\n + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id\n + '/service-data/service-topology/'`\"/>\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 642.2681427001953,
- "y": 1700.359203338623,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "9d0211a4.58ce8",
- "type": "returnSuccess",
- "name": "return success",
- "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 610.6812286376953,
- "y": 1862.9749298095703,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "f530af4a.706e5",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type' value=\"SDWANAttachmentInstance\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1096.0001487731934,
- "y": 260.99998664855957,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "30825693.105b0a",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.sdwan-attachment.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 693.0002746582031,
- "y": 1634.00013256073,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "7725804e.b7ea",
- "ff126c78.d9f65",
- "34ce7aa1.c96186"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7725804e.b7ea",
- "type": "not-found",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 942.6416282653809,
- "y": 1672.3314628601074,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "d7cd6db2.d2286"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "ff126c78.d9f65",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 933.6416778564453,
- "y": 1640.831488609314,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "d7cd6db2.d2286"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "34ce7aa1.c96186",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 937.391716003418,
- "y": 1611.1885934844613,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "6ccc24c6.03b4dc"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "d7cd6db2.d2286",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1103.391716003418,
- "y": 1641.5815124511719,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "6ccc24c6.03b4dc",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
- "xml": "<block>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1079.0476837158203,
- "y": 1607.3807626739144,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7c0d6a4c.141ba4",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - Update parent provided service AR",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.parentsvc.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.parent-ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"parent\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 757.9999542236328,
- "y": 1150.000165939331,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
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- "227c3021.44dc4",
- "ff8b452c.8d9bc8"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "494a716e.866ba",
- "type": "not-found",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1066.3080139160156,
- "y": 1181.998441696167,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "aaeb645f.80fed8"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "227c3021.44dc4",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1057.30806350708,
- "y": 1150.4984674453735,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "aaeb645f.80fed8"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "ff8b452c.8d9bc8",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1061.0581016540527,
- "y": 1120.8555723205209,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
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- "74f3a310.0128fc"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "aaeb645f.80fed8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1227.0581016540527,
- "y": 1151.2484912872314,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "74f3a310.0128fc",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
- "xml": "<block>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1202.714069366455,
- "y": 1117.047741509974,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "9405156b.c649a8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Put the parent allotted resource in mdsal",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 686.9999008178711,
- "y": 1112.000072479248,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "cf809c65.e205f",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set connection-attachment-ar-identifiers",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.consuming-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.parent-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.allotted-resource-type' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.allotted-resource-id' value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id` \" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 683.3570861816406,
- "y": 1314.5716915130615,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "605ed84a.e90ef8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set ar-data",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-id' value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-name' value=\"connection-attachment-topology-operation\" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.service-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.allotted-resource-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.connection-attachment-request-input.` \" />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 603.2139129638672,
- "y": 1282.381194114685,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "5ffc39de.e33178",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set identifiers in overall structure",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.allotted-resource-identifiers.' \nvalue=\"`$connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.`\" />\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 662.1668853759766,
- "y": 1348.6668767929077,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "b70e6d89.61807",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute getTime",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='setTime' >\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.current-time\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 614.4997253417969,
- "y": 1422.0004043579102,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "2fe0bf35.0314b",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set allotted-resource-oper-status",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status' value='Created' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.create-timestamp' value='`$tmp.current-time`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 665.4867630004883,
- "y": 1477.9516372680664,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "4b90a515.ea737c",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set model-data",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.onap-model-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.` \" />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 610.0553817749023,
- "y": 1383.5557622909546,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "a3fd3ef0.9cf2",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Prepare data for allotted-resource addition to MDSAL",
- "info": "This will add to allotted-resource which is present inside service.",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 727.3888702392578,
- "y": 1248.5556087493896,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "aec371b2.f4eb6",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "generate parent-ar url - replace allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.parent-ar-url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.parent-ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 722.5000152587891,
- "y": 1076.0000114440918,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "cc1d8a7e.c8e908",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "generate parent-ar url - replace service-instance-id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.parent-provided-resource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.parent-ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{service-instance-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 718.4999389648438,
- "y": 1033.000147819519,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "af622d17.e96e6",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Prepare Parent AR URL",
- "info": "Preparation to set provided-allotted-resource in parent service instance",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 636.5003967285156,
- "y": 962.0001010894775,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "99b25b64.985da8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id` \" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 675.5001907348633,
- "y": 995.5000405311584,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "cec76fbc.ec734",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource as cosumed allotted resource already exists.\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2232.7569732666016,
- "y": 833.645830154419,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "6dd5cf93.f0258",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.found-cidx",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.found-cidx' value=\"`false`\" />\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1358.6461448669434,
- "y": 745.3125731945038,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "fcf58d3f.726c9",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Add to parent services provided-allotted-resources in mdsal",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 747.2015075683594,
- "y": 929.9792575836182,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "edb39741.2151b8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Add to allotted-resources in mdsal",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 667.9686965942383,
- "y": 1215.9689378738403,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "64a66d0e.2cab24",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1341.000051498413,
- "y": 643.2777614593506,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "c5b1dd9f.c626c"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "c5b1dd9f.c626c",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch cr length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1528.8574314117432,
- "y": 643.8968968391418,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "dea64b0a.33d1a8"
- ]
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- },
- {
- "id": "dea64b0a.33d1a8",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "outcome 1",
- "xml": "<outcome value='1'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1728.1905536651611,
- "y": 643.896975517273,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "fd6c452f.f52a18"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "5c590a79.9e0264",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 813.0000534057617,
- "y": 638.0000371932983,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "83948a24.3af768",
- "a688402e.6a3a9"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "a688402e.6a3a9",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1181.0000839233398,
- "y": 608.0000352859497,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "a6697dc2.ce9f3"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "a6697dc2.ce9f3",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
- "xml": "<block>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1333.0000839233398,
- "y": 607.0000352859497,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "adeabb6e.cf7758",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 619.0039215087891,
- "y": 1553.2500038146973,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "96f36120.1f9af",
- "6b505cd5.c78924"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "96f36120.1f9af",
- "type": "for",
- "name": "for each sdwan-get-request-input-param",
- "xml": "<for index='i' start='0' end='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.param_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 954.0041198730469,
- "y": 1499.2501260638237,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "7401fe63.179e9"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "4e61fb49.c94114",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Required for filling template values",
- "info": "This is done because connection-attachment is generic resource and doesn't have specific parameters",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 976.4486236572266,
- "y": 1533.0832867622375,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "d4660c0f.147f3",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Remove VNFC prefix",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1037.003963470459,
- "y": 1455.6944618225098,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "7401fe63.179e9",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1201.0039672851562,
- "y": 1500.6943712234497,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- [
- "6a638cf5.ebb554",
- "3e399a15.de4336"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "50ce4566.040d7c",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Take the parameter names by removing prefix",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1469.0038146972656,
- "y": 1416.250369310379,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "6a638cf5.ebb554",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute split parameterName",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split' >\n<parameter name=\"original_string\" value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.param[$i].name`'/>\n<parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"_\"/>\n<parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"param-prefix\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1420.0384826660156,
- "y": 1451.2294654846191,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "3e399a15.de4336",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set parameterName",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"`connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.param[$i].name`\" value='`$param-prefix[$param-prefix_length -1]`'/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1408.4829559326172,
- "y": 1555.2294359207153,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "6b505cd5.c78924",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sdwan-get-saved-ar-param",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sdwan-get-saved-ar-param' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 995.0039672851562,
- "y": 1573.2500658035278,
- "z": "77e7049e.a5a37c",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- }
+ {
+ "id": "41a7b6d3.f9b528",
+ "type": "dgstart",
+ "name": "DGSTART",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 104.03125,
+ "y": 62.99999749660492,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f309be9c.cefce"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f309be9c.cefce",
+ "type": "service-logic",
+ "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
+ "version": "${project.version}",
+ "comments": "",
+ "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 287.03125381469727,
+ "y": 137.00001561641693,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "63686a7b.f7aa94"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "63686a7b.f7aa94",
+ "type": "method",
+ "name": "sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create",
+ "xml": "<method rpc='sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create' mode='sync'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 275.0313720703125,
+ "y": 224.99999845027924,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "445b402d.36165"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "445b402d.36165",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 195.03130340576172,
+ "y": 974.0002464056015,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "57abe88c.4f1e28",
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+ "279d04d9.311b7c",
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+ "d28d77a4.947808",
+ "b3ca8b3e.e57468",
+ "4f85eb.0fdeca14",
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+ "936a519f.07274"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f44d3a22.e968a8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Set allotted resource id if not sent by SO",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 679.1080017089844,
+ "y": 134.43391740322113,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "57abe88c.4f1e28",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 625.0312805175781,
+ "y": 189.9999908208847,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "4ebc9e25.f0a41",
+ "c5e852a7.8a1b7"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4ebc9e25.f0a41",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "NULL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 823.0313682556152,
+ "y": 159.9999793767929,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "80de8467.db5608"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c5e852a7.8a1b7",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 822.0312767028809,
+ "y": 196.9999898672104,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f37c96f7.6c5a88"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f37c96f7.6c5a88",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1020.0312652587891,
+ "y": 194.00000894069672,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "da2ee563.ca49c8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.self-link' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:connection-attachment-allotted-resources/connection-attachment-allotted-resource/'\n + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\n + '/allotted-resource-data/connection-attachment-topology/'` \" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 593.0312042236328,
+ "y": 411.00009763240814,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d7db7598.ec6a58",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute Properties",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 593.2931213378906,
+ "y": 492.666778922081,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b1a31713.a74f68",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate allotted-resource tmp.ar-url",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 646.2931823730469,
+ "y": 579.6666969060898,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "80de8467.db5608",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='generateUUID' >\n<parameter name=\"ctx-destination\" value=\"tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1038.0313453674316,
+ "y": 160.9999850988388,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "827e9a97.124e48"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "827e9a97.124e48",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1256.0313873291016,
+ "y": 160.99994885921478,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "153037d4.5daa68"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "153037d4.5daa68",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value=\"An error occured while generation allotted resource ID\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1422.0313415527344,
+ "y": 160.99996316432953,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8fcb37f5.98d048",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1152.0314807891846,
+ "y": 651.7778695821762,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "91db96ee.5f5ab8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bc59ed7b.1de9c",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Existing connection attachment allotted resource\" />\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1885.5498600006104,
+ "y": 652.8439410924911,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b0f210fa.eabdf",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Check for non existence of allotted resource",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1008.0314025878906,
+ "y": 585.7779363393784,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a2101ce1.011fb",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for cidx..service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[]",
+ "xml": "<for index='cidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1528.6979484558105,
+ "y": 796.0000487565994,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f78e26b6.71e388"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e248322d.07f73",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch service-data.consumed-allotted-resources_length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 710.6972732543945,
+ "y": 772.7140811681747,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "30dfa22f.78a2de",
+ "3fbb9163.26209e"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30dfa22f.78a2de",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "outcome Null",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1014.8401718139648,
+ "y": 741.5715183019638,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "a8a680b4.767d6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3fbb9163.26209e",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 991.8402214050293,
+ "y": 802.5714734792709,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c3b51f9c.33bcc"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c3b51f9c.33bcc",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1151.9673118591309,
+ "y": 800.6974500417709,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "a2101ce1.011fb",
+ "e3a80e4a.14e7d",
+ "6c9a2abd.a627f4"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a8a680b4.767d6",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set cidx",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cidx' value=\"`0`\" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length' value=\"1\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1164.6971549987793,
+ "y": 739.2855685949326,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e3ed6a01.033e28",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set consumed allotted resources",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$tmp.cidx].allotted-resource-id' value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id` \" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$tmp.cidx].allotted-resource-type' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type` \" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$tmp.cidx].allotted-resource-pointer' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link` \" />\n<parameter name='service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length' value='`$tmp.cidx + 1`' />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 639.5545654296875,
+ "y": 876.2856458425522,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e3a80e4a.14e7d",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch tmp.found-cidx",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.found-cidx`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1341.0823593139648,
+ "y": 832.7089728116989,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "cbb92020.3ddcd"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cbb92020.3ddcd",
+ "type": "outcomeTrue",
+ "name": "false",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1531.0823135375977,
+ "y": 832.708909869194,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "808efd55.65f55"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "808efd55.65f55",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1697.0823135375977,
+ "y": 832.708909869194,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "6d2d79a2.093ad8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f78e26b6.71e388",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[$cidx].allotted-resource-id == $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\">\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1945.8095779418945,
+ "y": 793.0000756978989,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "b1c9d43a.bd2f08"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b1c9d43a.bd2f08",
+ "type": "outcomeTrue",
+ "name": "true",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2127.619152069092,
+ "y": 793.4645227193832,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1288ae5b.1e1ce2"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6d2d79a2.093ad8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.cidx",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cidx' value='`$service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource_length`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1858.955696105957,
+ "y": 832.2206109762192,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8e24c24b.d6fc2",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Add to consumed service consumed-allotted-resources in mdsal",
+ "info": "Prepare data and add to service-data",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 731.698486328125,
+ "y": 703.0000451803207,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2cffaf1f.4fc49",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "This set resource will be added to MDSAL by provider code",
+ "info": "Below we add to service-data.consumed-allotted-resource at last index",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 719.0314025878906,
+ "y": 841.7781375646591,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "571ae355.45c2fc",
+ "type": "update",
+ "name": "save AAI allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<save plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"allotted-resource\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id AND\n\t\t\tallotted-resource.id = $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"\n pfx='pfx' local-only='false' force='false'>\n <parameter name=\"id\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"role\" value=\"`$prop.connection-attachment.role`\" />\t\n <parameter name=\"vpn-name\" value=\"`$prop.connection-attachment.sdwanVpnName`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"selflink\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-invariant-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-version-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"operational-status\" value=\"Created\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 629.7221069335938,
+ "y": 1801.531901717186,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "bad0c727.d486c8",
+ "6744df38.44f3c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bad0c727.d486c8",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 824.4840431213379,
+ "y": 1792.4845031499863,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "be610d32.68478"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "be610d32.68478",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 991.0079231262207,
+ "y": 1804.1035741567612,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6744df38.44f3c",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 831.5793304443359,
+ "y": 1825.2464708089828,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "be610d32.68478"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7ddcb0e1.3b36d",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Save Resource to AAI",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 663.5317840576172,
+ "y": 1769.8338731527328,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "42977fdb.9150a",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Set allotted resource type if not sent by SO",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 665.03125,
+ "y": 242.99999845027924,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bb52c8b.9210938",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch allotted-resource-type",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 626.9545593261719,
+ "y": 283.5660547018051,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "ebcdd7cc.5ddb28",
+ "5e1b4704.ff03b8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ebcdd7cc.5ddb28",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "NULL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 829.9547119140625,
+ "y": 268.56605756282806,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "e292f924.218148"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "5e1b4704.ff03b8",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 822.9545402526855,
+ "y": 308.5660775899887,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "bc4b0c6b.6b5dc"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bc4b0c6b.6b5dc",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1054.9545249938965,
+ "y": 308.5660823583603,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e49aa8f1.f12588",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "For storage in AAI connection-attachment-topology",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 690.0312118530273,
+ "y": 377.99999845027924,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c0fccf31.3b1b7",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc",
+ "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 665.0311965942383,
+ "y": 459.888907790184,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "100bd889.c313d7",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Used for Put AR by id to MDSAL",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 631.0312805175781,
+ "y": 548.8889249563217,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "18c10c65.2f90b4",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Obtain the last index in services",
+ "info": "ServiceData is added by Provider code",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 632.4757232666016,
+ "y": 734.8888696432114,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4f85eb.0fdeca14",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set output to api handler",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='allotted-resource-id' value='`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-object-path' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\"/>\n<parameter name='service-object-path' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/'\n + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id\n + '/service-data/service-topology/'`\"/>\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 615.2993927001953,
+ "y": 1708.359200835228,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4b8ef133.24669",
+ "type": "returnSuccess",
+ "name": "return success",
+ "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 583.7125244140625,
+ "y": 1957.974946975708,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e292f924.218148",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-type' value=\"SDWANAttachmentInstance\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1069.0313987731934,
+ "y": 268.9999841451645,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b3ca8b3e.e57468",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.sdwan-attachment.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 666.0315246582031,
+ "y": 1642.000130057335,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "891b6f50.0b8ca",
+ "17f28b89.81c5a4",
+ "6238cca6.7c6784"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "891b6f50.0b8ca",
+ "type": "not-found",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 915.6728782653809,
+ "y": 1680.3314603567123,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c7ada304.940bb"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "17f28b89.81c5a4",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 906.6729278564453,
+ "y": 1648.8314861059189,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c7ada304.940bb"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6238cca6.7c6784",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 910.422966003418,
+ "y": 1619.1885909810662,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "9d842474.1d5df8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c7ada304.940bb",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1076.422966003418,
+ "y": 1649.5815099477768,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9d842474.1d5df8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1052.0789337158203,
+ "y": 1615.3807601705194,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6737ccd9.1b9484",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - Update parent provided service AR",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.parentsvc.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.parent-ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"parent\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 731.0312042236328,
+ "y": 1158.000163435936,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "ce9d67c0.fef428",
+ "32ea0966.e31a46",
+ "8052d936.8da758"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ce9d67c0.fef428",
+ "type": "not-found",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1039.3392639160156,
+ "y": 1189.998439192772,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "cecd64fe.528bd8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "32ea0966.e31a46",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1030.33931350708,
+ "y": 1158.4984649419785,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "cecd64fe.528bd8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8052d936.8da758",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1034.0893516540527,
+ "y": 1128.8555698171258,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c4a631eb.caa38"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cecd64fe.528bd8",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1200.0893516540527,
+ "y": 1159.2484887838364,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c4a631eb.caa38",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1175.745319366455,
+ "y": 1125.047739006579,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9c5665b2.ee98f8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Put the parent allotted resource in mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 660.0311508178711,
+ "y": 1120.000069975853,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "279d04d9.311b7c",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set connection-attachment-ar-identifiers",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.consuming-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.parent-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.allotted-resource-type' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.allotted-resource-id' value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id` \" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 656.3883361816406,
+ "y": 1322.5716890096664,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3d98ece2.536f54",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set ar-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-id' value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-name' value=\"connection-attachment-topology-operation\" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.service-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.allotted-resource-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.connection-attachment-request-input.` \" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 576.2451629638672,
+ "y": 1290.38119161129,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bd2101b.463ff",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set identifiers in overall structure",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.allotted-resource-identifiers.' \nvalue=\"`$connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.`\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 635.1981353759766,
+ "y": 1356.6668742895126,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a593e64c.edffe8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute getTime",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='setTime' >\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.current-time\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 587.5309753417969,
+ "y": 1430.000401854515,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ad258829.1a9fb8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set allotted-resource-oper-status",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status' value='Created' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.create-timestamp' value='`$tmp.current-time`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 638.5180130004883,
+ "y": 1485.9516347646713,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d28d77a4.947808",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set model-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.onap-model-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.` \" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 583.0866317749023,
+ "y": 1391.5557597875595,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "23859bfe.f043f4",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Prepare data for allotted-resource addition to MDSAL",
+ "info": "This will add to allotted-resource which is present inside service.",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 700.4201202392578,
+ "y": 1256.5556062459946,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "fff0be1d.b2bcf",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate parent-ar url - replace allotted-resource-id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.parent-ar-url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.parent-ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 695.5312652587891,
+ "y": 1084.0000089406967,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e7fc7beb.0c2218",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate parent-ar url - replace service-instance-id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.parent-provided-resource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.parent-ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{service-instance-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 691.5311889648438,
+ "y": 1041.000145316124,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "80cf2b3b.3e92b8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Prepare Parent AR URL",
+ "info": "Preparation to set provided-allotted-resource in parent service instance",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 609.5316467285156,
+ "y": 970.0000985860825,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "49207aa3.305be4",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id` \" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 648.5314407348633,
+ "y": 1003.5000380277634,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1288ae5b.1e1ce2",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource as cosumed allotted resource already exists.\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2205.7882232666016,
+ "y": 841.6458276510239,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6c9a2abd.a627f4",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.found-cidx",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.found-cidx' value=\"`false`\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1331.6773948669434,
+ "y": 753.3125706911087,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "57452405.e26b5c",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Add to parent services provided-allotted-resources in mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 720.2327575683594,
+ "y": 937.9792550802231,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6013a8b1.8cfec8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Add to allotted-resources in mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 640.9999465942383,
+ "y": 1223.9689353704453,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "91db96ee.5f5ab8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1314.031301498413,
+ "y": 651.2777589559555,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "d36cd8c7.bbc8c8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d36cd8c7.bbc8c8",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch cr length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1501.8886814117432,
+ "y": 651.8968943357468,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c670c701.c3ff18"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c670c701.c3ff18",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "outcome 1",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='1'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1701.2218036651611,
+ "y": 651.8969730138779,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "bc59ed7b.1de9c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3a0fc26c.48c2fe",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 786.0313034057617,
+ "y": 646.0000346899033,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "8fcb37f5.98d048",
+ "230adea5.52af62"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "230adea5.52af62",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1154.0313339233398,
+ "y": 616.0000327825546,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f02fcbfc.47bf28"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f02fcbfc.47bf28",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1306.0313339233398,
+ "y": 615.0000327825546,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "13f594ad.41064b",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 592.0351715087891,
+ "y": 1561.2500013113022,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c4d3876.e194578",
+ "a56d9e1e.69cb5"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c4d3876.e194578",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for each sdwan-get-request-input-param",
+ "xml": "<for index='i' start='0' end='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.param_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 927.0353698730469,
+ "y": 1507.2501235604286,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c009da24.7d2598"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "654cbf55.2b8ad",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Required for filling template values",
+ "info": "This is done because connection-attachment is generic resource and doesn't have specific parameters",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 949.4798736572266,
+ "y": 1541.0832842588425,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "eaf3595.bafe4a8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Remove VNFC prefix",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1010.035213470459,
+ "y": 1463.6944593191147,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c009da24.7d2598",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1174.0352172851562,
+ "y": 1508.6943687200546,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "447c6486.c17b2c",
+ "fb95c554.72d748"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6b76a58c.b29a1c",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Take the parameter names by removing prefix",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1442.0350646972656,
+ "y": 1424.250366806984,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "447c6486.c17b2c",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute split parameterName",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split' >\n<parameter name=\"original_string\" value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.param[$i].name`'/>\n<parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"_\"/>\n<parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"param-prefix\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1393.0697326660156,
+ "y": 1459.229462981224,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "fb95c554.72d748",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set parameterName",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"`connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.connection-attachment-request-input.param[$i].name`\" value='`$param-prefix[$param-prefix_length -1]`'/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1381.5142059326172,
+ "y": 1563.2294334173203,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a56d9e1e.69cb5",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sdwan-get-saved-ar-param",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sdwan-get-saved-ar-param' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 968.0352172851562,
+ "y": 1581.2500633001328,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "936a519f.07274",
+ "type": "save",
+ "name": "save allotted relationship in AAI",
+ "xml": "<save plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" resource=\"service-instance:relationship-list\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id\" \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"allotted-resource\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/business/customers/customer/' + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id + '/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/' + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type + '/service-instances/service-instance/' + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id + '/allotted-resources/allotted-resource/' + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"allotted-resource.id\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\" />\n\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 641.0312767028809,
+ "y": 1884.531162261963,
+ "z": "588621bb.e9fef",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.json b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.json
index 919c397a..d0888583 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.json
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.json
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
- {
- "id": "30fe9468.76f32c",
- "type": "get-resource",
- "name": "get-resource service-subscription",
- "xml": "<get-resource plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"service-subscription\" \n key= 'service-subscription.service-type = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$tmp.vidx].vnf-data.service-information.subscription-service-type \n AND customer.global-customer-id = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$tmp.vidx].vnf-data.service-information.global-customer-id'\n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data-tenant\">\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 632.8652648925781,
- "y": 374.2938051223755,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "a889eb39.2fcd08",
- "483504b1.ecba4c"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "516f9f53.00463",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch temp-ub-sub-account-id",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.AnAI-data-tenant.temp-ub-sub-account-id`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1044.8653564453125,
- "y": 339.0438861846924,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "f1e993a3.ae05f",
- "6af3c030.9694c"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "f1e993a3.ae05f",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "NULL",
- "xml": "<outcome value=''>",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1237.5798072814941,
- "y": 313.043927192688,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "be0f95e9.861918"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "6af3c030.9694c",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "Other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1237.8653717041016,
- "y": 368.04388999938965,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "3bf7a2b9.96247e"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "a889eb39.2fcd08",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 843.3651275634766,
- "y": 347.0398635864258,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "516f9f53.00463"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "483504b1.ecba4c",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 837.0437164306641,
- "y": 399.2541751861572,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "212060fe.4fc32"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "212060fe.4fc32",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 989.7937164306641,
- "y": 399.0042362213135,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "b6a8c3c7.8bc03",
- "type": "service-logic",
- "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
- "version": "${project.version}",
- "comments": "",
- "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 212.86526489257812,
- "y": 101.43669128417969,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "68fe5032.b2685"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "f788aa3b.dab3e8",
- "type": "dgstart",
- "name": "DGSTART",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 133.57955932617188,
- "y": 39.19858169555664,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "b6a8c3c7.8bc03"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "672a5bc8.7ace04",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 366.81766510009766,
- "y": 338.0081157684326,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "30fe9468.76f32c",
- "ef87bbc7.0bf428"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "68fe5032.b2685",
- "type": "method",
- "name": "method sdwan-get-tenant-auth",
- "xml": "<method rpc='sdwan-get-tenant-auth' mode='sync'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 224.57955932617188,
- "y": 195.7849235534668,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- [
- "672a5bc8.7ace04"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "3bf7a2b9.96247e",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set prop.tenant-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.tenant-id' value='`$tmp.AnAI-data-tenant.temp-ub-sub-account-id`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1415.7224426269531,
- "y": 367.15094566345215,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ef87bbc7.0bf428",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant auth",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 660.3652954101562,
- "y": 477.1866149902344,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "be0f95e9.861918",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1420.0080490112305,
- "y": 312.86523628234863,
- "z": "97aa802d.404bc",
- "wires": []
- }
+ {
+ "id": "b8581db5.dbca7",
+ "type": "get-resource",
+ "name": "get-resource service-subscription",
+ "xml": "<get-resource plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"service-subscription\" \n key= 'service-subscription.service-type = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$tmp.vidx].vnf-data.service-information.subscription-service-type \n AND customer.global-customer-id = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$tmp.vidx].vnf-data.service-information.global-customer-id'\n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data-tenant\">\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 597,
+ "y": 418.09522092342377,
+ "z": "a703782b.2992b8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1a771e75.f79d12",
+ "ac62029.181ce"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "5d45ba87.92c374",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch temp-ub-sub-account-id",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.AnAI-data-tenant.temp-ub-sub-account-id`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1009.0000915527344,
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+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
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+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
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+ "name": "DGSTART",
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+ "x": 97.71429443359375,
+ "y": 82.99999749660492,
+ "z": "a703782b.2992b8",
+ "wires": [
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+ "4bd31b43.411d14"
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+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
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+ "id": "d79d2c6f.11854",
+ "type": "method",
+ "name": "method sdwan-get-tenant-auth",
+ "xml": "<method rpc='sdwan-get-tenant-auth' mode='sync'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 188.71429443359375,
+ "y": 239.58633935451508,
+ "z": "a703782b.2992b8",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e1a74ece.52f65",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set prop.tenant-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.tenant-id' value='`$tmp.AnAI-data-tenant.temp-ub-sub-account-id`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1379.857177734375,
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+ "z": "a703782b.2992b8",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c8c0bf77.157a7",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant auth",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "a703782b.2992b8",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "831b80bb.e08e8",
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+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
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index 3f7cbdc4..9d8b0292 100644
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+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate.json
@@ -1,847 +1,847 @@
- {
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- "type": "dgstart",
- "name": "DGSTART",
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- "x": 93,
- "y": 47,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
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- "f1013e83.11195"
- ]
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- "4636719f.41274"
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "4636719f.41274",
- "type": "method",
- "name": "method sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate",
- "xml": "<method rpc='sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 267.0001220703125,
- "y": 207,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 441.00001525878906,
- "y": 315.0000591278076,
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- },
- {
- "id": "98d3b92f.70fc48",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:validate-sdwan-network-input-parameters",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='validate-sdwan-network-input-parameters' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 899.3889007568359,
- "y": 64,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
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- "name": "record",
- "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/svclogic.log\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"__TIMESTAMP__\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"SDWAN-Activate\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 699.5555992126465,
- "y": 117.77785301208496,
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- ]
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- "id": "e988ff0f.b5aae",
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- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='networkId' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"network-object-path\" value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/' + $network-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id + '/service-data/networks/network/' + $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id + '/network-data/'` \" />",
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- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "e4aad21c.e7ff7",
- "type": "returnSuccess",
- "name": "return success",
- "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "id": "39e02c84.3177e4",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set network-level-oper-status",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status' value='Active' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.last-action' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "b96459be.6fd7a8",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute Properties",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 731.8577041625977,
- "y": 170.77788925170898,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "747d96dd.f43d58",
- "type": "update",
- "name": "update SDWAN VPN status to AAI",
- "xml": "<update plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='sdwan-vpn' \n key='sdwan-vpn.sdwan-vpn-id = $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id' >\n<parameter name='sdwan-vpn-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`' />\n<parameter name='operational-status' value='Active' />\n<parameter name='tenanat-id' value='`$prop.tenant-id`' />\n<parameter name='vpn-id' value='`$prop.vpn-id`' />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 770.6635093688965,
- "y": 1164.2388553619385,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "39860903.53b456",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set network in service-data",
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- "id": "69af4cc7.202f04",
- "type": "for",
- "name": "for each network-input-parameters",
- "xml": "<for index='idx' start='0' end='`$ctx.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 784,
- "y": 241.00390753149986,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
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- "name": "switch name",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$ctx.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$idx].name == 'name'`\">\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1231.8334922790527,
- "y": 171.33729109168053,
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- "type": "set",
- "name": "set name",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 778,
- "y": 350.00390625,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
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- "name": "success",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1023,
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
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- "id": "5db3feca.9679c",
- "type": "not-found",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1026.490966796875,
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- },
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- "id": "ea674168.c4155",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'An error occurred while querying esr-thirdparty-sdnc from AnAI with thirdparty-sdnc-id = ' + $tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id`\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "wires": []
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- {
- "id": "95ebd94d.24be88",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying esr-thirdparty-sdnc from AnAI with thirdparty-sdnc-id = ' + $tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id`\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "3eb35468.4702ac",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Get token",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/v2/tokens'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"token-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
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- "x": 786,
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "d801cca4.51d79",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
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- "comments": "",
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "c1258051.e7f45",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "wires": [
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- "comments": "",
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "d37810c8.811c7",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
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- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch topology",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$ctx.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$idx].name == 'topology'`\">\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1230.25,
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "cfe36c58.4801f",
- "type": "outcomeTrue",
- "name": "true",
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- ]
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- {
- "id": "7110150.fd1e8ec",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create network orchestration",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-network-orchestration.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/sdwan/net/network-orchestration-resources'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"orchestration-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1028.2501525878906,
- "y": 696.0041122436523,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 769.0039575994015,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
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- {
- "id": "4d96e12b.86876",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create vpn",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-vpn-create.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/sdwan/overlay-network/vpn'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 981.7500610351562,
- "y": 759.0040815770626,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "39c058d0.1d59d8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set prop.vpn-id and prop.vpn1Id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.vpn-id' value='`$vpn-result.success[0].id`' />\n<parameter name='prop.vpn1Id' value='`$vpn-result.success[0].id`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "50f144c4.b6b2ac",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create vpn topology",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-vpn-topology-create.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/sdwan/overlay-network/' + $prop.vpn-id + '/topology'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1009.2500648498535,
- "y": 863.0039558410645,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
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- "id": "29cb6e2b.ecafd2",
- "type": "set",
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- "comments": "",
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- "name": "switch temp-ub-sub-account-id",
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- "comments": "",
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- "comments": "",
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- "id": "d533a7b3.2b7aa8",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-tenant.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1776.8929138183594,
- "y": 491.89675521850586,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
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- "id": "68abe37a.a97c3c",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set prop.tenant-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.tenant-id' value='`$tenant-result.data.tenantId`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1729.7502326965332,
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ebb2a924.447738",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant auth",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1797.250228881836,
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- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "df370d35.edba",
- "type": "get-resource",
- "name": "update-resource customer-id in service-subscription",
- "xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"service-subscription\" \n key= 'service-subscription.service-type = $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.service-information.subscription-service-type \n AND customer.global-customer-id = $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.service-information.global-customer-id'>\n<parameter name='temp-ub-sub-account-id' value='`$tenant-result.data.tenantId`' />\n<!--parameter name='temp-ub-sub-account-id' value='`$prop.customer-id`' /-->\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1821.1786041259766,
- "y": 552.8968715667725,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
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- {
- "id": "fbe99e6e.4017e",
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- "x": 972.571403503418,
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- "id": "457e75b8.5e8e7c",
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- "wires": [
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- "df05b13b.b352c"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "df05b13b.b352c",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "id": "73dbb3c3.f1d1fc",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set vpn-id to service-data",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length].name' value='vpn-id' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length].value' value='`$prop.vpn-id`' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length + 1`' />",
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
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- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1425.7224044799805,
- "y": 688.5795984268188,
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- "wires": [
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- },
- {
- "id": "75fd5cb0.1720a4",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant auth",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1697.1510009765625,
- "y": 737.1510009765625,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "5f23c930.bf33c8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set prop.userAccount",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.userAccount' value='`$tmp.userAccountEmail`' />\n<parameter name='prop.userEmail' value='`$tmp.userAccountEmail`' />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1718,
- "y": 439,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "d5098f7f.2d7c",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute concat customer-id and @test.com",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='concat' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value='`$prop.customer-id`'/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.userAccountEmail\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"@test.com\"/>\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1793.0038757324219,
- "y": 403.003942489624,
- "z": "4c287bc.f107e84",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
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+ "name": "DGSTART",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
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+ "id": "95ab199b.094c18",
+ "type": "method",
+ "name": "method sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate",
+ "xml": "<method rpc='sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 281.0313720703125,
+ "y": 191.03125190734863,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ {
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+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:validate-sdwan-network-input-parameters",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='validate-sdwan-network-input-parameters' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "id": "17e80004.9e42d",
+ "type": "returnSuccess",
+ "name": "return success",
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+ {
+ "id": "620b9b98.d14b04",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute Properties",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 745.8889541625977,
+ "y": 154.80914115905762,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8b0e2661.6611b8",
+ "type": "update",
+ "name": "update SDWAN VPN status to AAI",
+ "xml": "<update plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='sdwan-vpn' \n key='sdwan-vpn.sdwan-vpn-id = $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id' >\n<parameter name='sdwan-vpn-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`' />\n<parameter name='operational-status' value='Active' />\n<parameter name='tenanat-id' value='`$prop.tenant-id`' />\n<parameter name='vpn-id' value='`$prop.vpn-id`' />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set network in service-data",
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+ "name": "for each network-input-parameters",
+ "xml": "<for index='idx' start='0' end='`$ctx.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
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+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
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+ "x": 1037.03125,
+ "y": 280.0351594388485,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "name": "not-found",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "returnFailure",
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+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'An error occurred while querying esr-thirdparty-sdnc from AnAI with thirdparty-sdnc-id = ' + $tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id`\" />\n\n",
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+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying esr-thirdparty-sdnc from AnAI with thirdparty-sdnc-id = ' + $tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id`\" />\n\n",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9311c45c.c481e8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Get token",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/v2/tokens'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"token-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 800.03125,
+ "y": 445.03515815734863,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ {
+ "id": "e9b6301b.a1571",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1039.031322479248,
+ "y": 423.0351896286011,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "id": "27918c6e.3a59a4",
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+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "id": "5b42d4fd.ac727c",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$ctx.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$idx].name == 'topology'`\">\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1244.28125,
+ "y": 208.0351594388485,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "be08c0ea.c5f31"
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "be08c0ea.c5f31",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create network orchestration",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-network-orchestration.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/sdwan/net/network-orchestration-resources'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"orchestration-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1042.2814025878906,
+ "y": 680.035364151001,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
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+ "y": 753.0352095067501,
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+ {
+ "id": "8dc97b4a.332098",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create vpn",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-vpn-create.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/sdwan/overlay-network/vpn'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 995.7813110351562,
+ "y": 743.0353334844112,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
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+ "id": "7ec8c1c5.bf91a",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set prop.vpn-id and prop.vpn1Id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.vpn-id' value='`$vpn-result.success[0].id`' />\n<parameter name='prop.vpn1Id' value='`$vpn-result.success[0].id`' />\n",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cd1c7839.bb73a8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create vpn topology",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-vpn-topology-create.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/sdwan/overlay-network/' + $prop.vpn-id + '/topology'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1023.2813148498535,
+ "y": 847.0352077484131,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e079dd14.d6c7f",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tenant-id to service-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length].name' value='tenant-id' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length].value' value='`$prop.tenant-id`' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length + 1`' />",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 776.1027908325195,
+ "y": 595.713773727417,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch temp-ub-sub-account-id",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.AnAI-data.temp-ub-sub-account-id`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1188.102882385254,
+ "y": 560.4638547897339,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ "id": "caa8d5b4.0ad2b8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sdwan-tenant.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1790.9241638183594,
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
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+ "id": "a7278d93.3720c",
+ "type": "set",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ },
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+ "id": "160a6c8c.918963",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant auth",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "416c4dbb.36fe64",
+ "type": "get-resource",
+ "name": "update-resource customer-id in service-subscription",
+ "xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"service-subscription\" \n key= 'service-subscription.service-type = $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.service-information.subscription-service-type \n AND customer.global-customer-id = $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.service-information.global-customer-id'>\n<parameter name='temp-ub-sub-account-id' value='`$tenant-result.data.tenantId`' />\n<!--parameter name='temp-ub-sub-account-id' value='`$prop.customer-id`' /-->\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1835.2098541259766,
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bbcbdc4.862f32",
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+ "x": 986.602653503418,
+ "y": 568.4598321914673,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4736bcfb.a0c9e4",
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+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 980.2812423706055,
+ "y": 620.6741437911987,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f07e116f.03b5",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9cac03d4.f972",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set vpn-id to service-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length].name' value='vpn-id' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length].value' value='`$prop.vpn-id`' />\n<parameter name='service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param_length + 1`' />",
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1439.7536544799805,
+ "y": 672.6108503341675,
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+ {
+ "id": "a2f6331e.2d634",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create tenant auth",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"put\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"tenant-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1711.1822509765625,
+ "y": 721.1822528839111,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4cac2ec3.0933d",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set prop.userAccount",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.userAccount' value='`$tmp.userAccountEmail`' />\n<parameter name='prop.userEmail' value='`$tmp.userAccountEmail`' />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "33b241ad.e4aa3e",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute concat customer-id and @test.com",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='concat' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value='`$prop.customer-id`'/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.userAccountEmail\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"@test.com\"/>\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1807.0351257324219,
+ "y": 387.03519439697266,
+ "z": "b086040b.a7e558",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ }
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+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate.json
@@ -1,2997 +1,3087 @@
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- "id": "510329fc.5eb288",
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- "name": "DGSTART",
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- "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
- "version": "${project.version}",
- "comments": "",
- "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
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- "y": 123.0000171661377,
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- "5324d186.c424e"
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- },
- {
- "id": "5324d186.c424e",
- "type": "method",
- "name": "sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate",
- "xml": "<method rpc='sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 292.0001220703125,
- "y": 211,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
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- "c4ade364.dff4"
- ]
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- },
- {
- "id": "50fa98f0.7c4998",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id,etc",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id`' />\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 704.9935607910156,
- "y": 164.9934868812561,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "d87c2a28.d4a808",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "set tmp ar-id to fetch resource from MDSAL",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 733.9538726806641,
- "y": 129.02528285980225,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "6f233fc4.4456d",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.self-link' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:connection-attachment-allotted-resources/connection-attachment-allotted-resource/'\n + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\n + '/allotted-resource-data/connection-attachment-topology/'` \" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 658.9934997558594,
- "y": 257.99349212646484,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "b2920bb5.1af8e8",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute Properties",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 665.2553901672363,
- "y": 345.6602210998535,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "8ef678b.4678d88",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "generate allotted-resource tmp.ar-url",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 712.2554473876953,
- "y": 433.6602249145508,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "2c8ad64b.5a9c0a",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "GET connection-attachment-allotted-resource from mdsal",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 758.8083801269531,
- "y": 564.5386590957642,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "3f345735.382a78",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Used for setting output to API Handler",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 712.9935302734375,
- "y": 224.993501663208,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "dc7c3756.7911f8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc",
- "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 730.9934959411621,
- "y": 310.8823823928833,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "385fcb45.8d58e4",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Used to Get AR by id to MDSAL, same as self-link",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 756.9935150146484,
- "y": 397.8823413848877,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "fb3f3db1.2e857",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1218.6667919158936,
- "y": 581.9999847412109,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "7924d66d.1039e8",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1362.6668701171875,
- "y": 539.4999027252197,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "id": "2e9884a4.fb6aac",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch cr length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1531.5242938995361,
- "y": 537.1190738677979,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1686.8574295043945,
- "y": 509.1189889907837,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "dc7b8304.a3929",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic='true'>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1845.381233215332,
- "y": 507.02383613586426,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "57e48b3f.e4d594",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Connection attachment resource not exist\" />\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1785.5191650390625,
- "y": 614.0660705566406,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
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- "type": "other",
- "name": "other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1210.5185947418213,
- "y": 617.0660696029663,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "13c58b6.0463e75",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1390.5185451507568,
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "a75f121c.781a7",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "other",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1678.185432434082,
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- },
- {
- "id": "2e53bf10.53616",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set connection-attachment-ar from get",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.' value='$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource[0].' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2092.4446868896484,
- "y": 480.00008821487427,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "16d5ef9e.67621",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set oper-status",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2026.4447174072266,
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "4d06247.7481adc",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch order-status",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2036.4444961547852,
- "y": 519.0000247955322,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- [
- "13c3c1da.98e52e",
- "c01b9863.c31138",
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- },
- {
- "id": "13c3c1da.98e52e",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "outcome Created",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Created'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2272.044578552246,
- "y": 513.0000557899475,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- },
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- "id": "c01b9863.c31138",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "outcome Other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2265.759078979492,
- "y": 593.4286904335022,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "name": "block",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2430.515251159668,
- "y": 513.37571144104,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "869d355f.ff5a28",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" \n value=\"`'Existing connection-attachment-allotted-resource with order status of ' + $connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status + '.'`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2441.666893005371,
- "y": 592.0000896453857,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "4c9dfad4.b5cb94",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sotn-get-saved-ar-param",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-get-saved-ar-param' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 929.303050994873,
- "y": 664.4936046600342,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- },
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- "id": "525ecaee.ee9b24",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 623.3091506958008,
- "y": 665.4999752044678,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- [
- "4c9dfad4.b5cb94"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "f0374b61.7fdcc8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "GET parent-service-data from mdsal to check existence of other End point",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 811.00048828125,
- "y": 710.5317525863647,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ee77ccab.555f2",
- "type": "for",
- "name": "for pidx..mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[]",
- "xml": "<for index='pidx' start='0' end='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1702.1851959228516,
- "y": 863.0042300224304,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "41e3aa85.858d54",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources_length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 786.1842193603516,
- "y": 970.7182664871216,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- {
- "id": "227fe562.bef93a",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1114.3272399902344,
- "y": 1043.5755405426025,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "id": "d8325992.1c7e08",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1298.454502105713,
- "y": 902.7015495300293,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- },
- {
- "id": "1d8e18c9.612a97",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[$pidx].allotted-resource-id == $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\">\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2142.2965240478516,
- "y": 860.0040321350098,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "id": "d475cadd.1a2f78",
- "type": "outcomeTrue",
- "name": "true",
- "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
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- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2315.1067390441895,
- "y": 831.4686470031738,
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- "wires": [
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- {
- "id": "7b37e59c.23ec7c",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2463.8672103881836,
- "y": 888.3257341384888,
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- },
- {
- "id": "102e4d37.8fb7c3",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.pidx and ptx.consumed-ar",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.pidx' value='`$pidx`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.provided-ar.' value='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[$pidx].`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.found-in-ar' value='true' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ep-available' value='true' />",
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- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "82ecf3e0.5c52b",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Check existence of other AR in parent service data",
- "info": "Check if other allotted resource is available.",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 733.9626579284668,
- "y": 875.8929615020752,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "30f6347f.71f27c",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "outcome 1",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1128.9797096252441,
- "y": 982.6772241592407,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "2cd6df64.b8473"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "70131877.497ee8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: End points not available\" />\n \n",
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- "id": "8d3aa09e.93736",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1123.9795227050781,
- "y": 903.6772499084473,
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- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "id": "4ae70fe8.b24e9",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
- "xml": "<block>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2473.0909538269043,
- "y": 830.6773900985718,
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- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "id": "4ec4a51f.47decc",
- "type": "outcomeTrue",
- "name": "false",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2322.0905952453613,
- "y": 887.6772499084473,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7fdc18ff.582858",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch tmp.found-in-ar",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.found-in-ar`'>\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1510.9794998168945,
- "y": 956.4550676345825,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "92b2633f.8d761",
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- "name": "true",
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- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1681.97953414917,
- "y": 957.5662889480591,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- ]
- ]
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- "id": "c3df20e.333b9e",
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- "name": "block : atomic",
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- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1830.9796295166016,
- "y": 957.5662879943848,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "id": "642168d6.c96a08",
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- "name": "If other EP exists set destination end point",
- "info": "Check if other allotted resource is available.",
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- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ep.parameters",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ep.parameters.' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "wires": []
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- "id": "17f7ba24.7fa566",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set dst-access-node-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.remote.connection-attachment.access-ltp-id' value='`$tmp.ep.parameters.param[$idx].value`' />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2032.9689350128174,
- "y": 1331.0003151893616,
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- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "b4e0c929.110668",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set dst-clientSignal",
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- "comments": "",
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- "type": "set",
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- "comments": "",
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- "wires": []
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- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Get controller info and send request",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1899.968807220459,
- "y": 1885.000153541565,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "e5ca51fb.cb5be",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Create ethernet Service",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sotn-ethernet-service.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"patch\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
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- "y": 2159.001121520996,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2229.9690704345703,
- "y": 2188.001244544983,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "434af439.625b6c",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing Create vpn rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
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- "x": 2220.969009399414,
- "y": 2133.0011825561523,
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- "id": "c4aa74e4.35ca78",
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- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
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- "type": "failure",
- "name": "not-found",
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- "comments": "",
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- "y": 2156.715551376343,
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- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Save Resource to AAI",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 645.7788181304932,
- "y": 2097.3028717041016,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "id": "c4803883.47c5a8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set output to api handler",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='allotted-resource-id' value='`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-object-path' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\"/>\n<parameter name='service-object-path' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/'\n + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id\n + '/service-data/service-topology/'`\"/>\n \n",
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "c4ade364.dff4",
- "type": "returnSuccess",
- "name": "return success",
- "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
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- "id": "21b8bdc2.b30a32",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.sotn-attachment.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 1943.4692058563232,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "type": "not-found",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 967.9200191497803,
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- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 969.9200420379639,
- "y": 1946.3005641922355,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- },
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- "id": "4377487a.aa9b58",
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- "name": "success",
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- "x": 973.6701259613037,
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- {
- "id": "3aa37f14.b2a12",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
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- "x": 1101.3260707855225,
- "y": 1899.8498849868774,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "33c05db5.bb8532",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set ar-data",
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "3d236d8e.1a1ed2",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute getTime",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='setTime' >\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.current-time\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 632.77805519104,
- "y": 1850.4697046279907,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "9dd9851c.cc5e08",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set allotted-resource-oper-status",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status' value='Active' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.create-timestamp' value='`$tmp.current-time`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 682.7651348114014,
- "y": 1887.4207849502563,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "dde46f65.1623c",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set model-data",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.onap-model-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.` \" />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 629.3337535858154,
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "c0243700.483a78",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Prepare data for allotted-resource addition to MDSAL",
- "info": "This will add to allotted-resource which is present inside service.",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 742.66721534729,
- "y": 1738.0247094631195,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "b128777a.bf8ad8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Add to allotted-resources in mdsal",
- "info": "",
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- "x": 684.2470417022705,
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- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ad2575da.f719b8",
- "type": "update",
- "name": "update AAI allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"allotted-resource\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id AND\n\t\t\tallotted-resource.id = $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"\n pfx='pfx' local-only='false' force='false'>\n\t<parameter name=\"description\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"selflink\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-invariant-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-version-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"operational-status\" value=\"Active\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 672.2230968475342,
- "y": 2134.7550144195557,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- },
- {
- "id": "73456eef.45eac",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode getPath from OOF",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.oof-getpath.templatefile`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-oof-url`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.oof.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.oof.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"oof\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1480.973056793213,
- "y": 1697.2546663284302,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "473a6700.6236e8",
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- "id": "473a6700.6236e8",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1720.9731979370117,
- "y": 1721.254635810852,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "cafce3b5.74fb5"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "dc79f611.cf4238",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing OOF api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1859.973232269287,
- "y": 1670.2547273635864,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "5286278b.3b3cd8",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1719.9729843139648,
- "y": 1670.254726409912,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- [
- "dc79f611.cf4238"
- ]
- ]
- },
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- "id": "deb094f6.e597f8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Get VPNs from OOF",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1466.976978302002,
- "y": 1664.2586660385132,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "da1582e5.d9e86",
- "type": "for",
- "name": "for vidx..oof.vpns_length[]",
- "xml": "<for index='vidx' start='0' end='`$oof.vpns_length`' >",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1420.972900390625,
- "y": 1779.50439453125,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- [
- "b2ef8ded.b479a"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "c9df49cc.0e8008",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Loop through VPN and configure them",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1466.9733505249023,
- "y": 1914.0047721862793,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "477598ab.94c4f8",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch name",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'name'`\">\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2660.757080078125,
- "y": 1251.121826171875,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "id": "7c0be7f6.9e8c58",
- "type": "outcomeTrue",
- "name": "true",
- "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2849.757049560547,
- "y": 1251.121811389923,
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- "1cf5a70.cc26659"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "1cf5a70.cc26659",
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- "4d6a36cc.899768"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "e55b495c.733518",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'An error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2177.597255706787,
- "y": 1808.5373249053955,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "4d6a36cc.899768",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2175.1312866210938,
- "y": 1842.023959159851,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "7e1d241.12440dc",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id' value=\"`$tmp.aai.pnf.relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2214.5347290039062,
- "y": 1770.6774616241455,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "9df363c3.42e7",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "get domain controller information",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1898.0385971069336,
- "y": 1793.6811847686768,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "2e8e574c.c64e68",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set oof.vpn",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='oof.vpn.' value='`$oof.vpns[$vidx].`' />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1859.534683227539,
- "y": 1747.7883129119873,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "f4e8e4f3.f6e418",
- "type": "save",
- "name": "save VPN resource in AAI",
- "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' >\n<parameter name='vpn-id' value='`$tmp.vpnName`' />\n<parameter name='vpn-name' value='`$tmp.vpnName`' />\n<parameter name='access-provider-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-provider-id`' />\n<parameter name='access-client-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-client-id`' />\n<parameter name='access-topology-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-topology-id`' />\n<parameter name='src-access-node-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />\n<parameter name='src-access-ltp-id' value='`$oof.vpn.src-access-ltp-id`' />\n<parameter name='dst-access-node-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />\n<parameter name='dst-access-ltp-id' value='`$oof.vpn.dst-access-ltp-id`' />\n<parameter name='vpn-type' value='`$prop.global.sotn.vpnType`' />\n<parameter name='operational-status' value='Created' />\n<parameter name='model-customization-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid`' />\n<parameter name='model-invariant-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`' />\n<parameter name='model-version-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`' />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1874.0001602172852,
- "y": 2324.7506742477417,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "dea701ef.7abc9",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.vpnName",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.vpnName' value=\"`$oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-' + $prop.global.sotn.etht-svc-name`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1850.5001602172852,
- "y": 2277.250370979309,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "644c2300.fecafc",
- "type": "save",
- "name": "save connectivity relationship in AAI",
- "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding:relationship-list' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"connectivity\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/network/connectivities/connectivity/' + $mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network[0].network-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"connectivity.connectivity-id\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network[0].network-id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1909.0001602172852,
- "y": 2369.7504301071167,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "ce418ee5.81a4e",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "save vpn and its relation to AAI",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1892.000358581543,
- "y": 2238.7506399154663,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "ca8a96be.c9e6a8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set src-ltpId dst-ltpId",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='src-ltpId' value=\"`'nodeId-' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-ltpId-' + $oof.vpn.src-access-ltp-id`\" />\n<parameter name='dst-ltpId' value=\"`'nodeId-' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-ltpId-' + $oof.vpn.dst-access-ltp-id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1861.0001907348633,
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- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "8bddc111.2e08f",
- "type": "save",
- "name": "save srcLTP relationship in AAI",
- "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding:relationship-list' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"p-interface\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/network/pnfs/pnf/' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '/p-interfaces/p-interface/' + $src-ltpId`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"p-interface.interface-name\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$src-ltpId`\" />\n\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1895.0004425048828,
- "y": 2449.500759124756,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "981ad4ae.e983a8",
- "type": "save",
- "name": "save dstLTP relationship in AAI",
- "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding:relationship-list' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"p-interface\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/network/pnfs/pnf/' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '/p-interfaces/p-interface/' + $dst-ltpId`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"p-interface.interface-name\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$dst-ltpId`\" />",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1893.0002746582031,
- "y": 2495.2505979537964,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "id": "b13bf095.cdea1",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 839.0039367675781,
- "y": 600.0039119720459,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- "id": "dcca5b8a.14d818",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource parent service data",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url-psd`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-psd\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 766.0040893554688,
- "y": 827.004075050354,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "5d5e7f8f.d3d28",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "get parent-service-data url",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"/restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url-psd\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{service-instance-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 666.0039978027344,
- "y": 790.0039081573486,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "8c502b5e.ba0e48",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "generate tmp.ar-other-url-connection",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-other-url-connection\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.provided-ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n \n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2080.0003509521484,
- "y": 946.3334693908691,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
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- "id": "b7c302f0.0eaa4",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-other-url-connection`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-other-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 988.8333339691162,
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1842.0002708435059,
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- ]
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- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "outcome PendingDelete",
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- "comments": "",
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- "y": 552.0312976837158,
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- "id": "44575632.3edd28",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
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- "comments": "",
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- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "b731c6a4.c3a218",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Get token",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/v2/tokens'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"token-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1922.5039367675781,
- "y": 2044.003927230835,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
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- {
- "id": "ce234ab1.289298",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2157.503936767578,
- "y": 2022.003927230835,
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- "id": "b6c8858.bd95c78",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2149.753936767578,
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "82c72a3.d7e47d8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "id": "98d09cc3.1216f",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set token-id",
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- "comments": "",
- "x": 2311.503936767578,
- "y": 2023.003927230835,
- "z": "f24fb736.66a428",
- "wires": []
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+ "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
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+ "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
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+ },
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+ "id": "42cf8419.06f25c",
+ "type": "method",
+ "name": "sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate",
+ "xml": "<method rpc='sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 170,
+ "y": 592.4548645019531,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 186,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ba9e8375.777f",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id,etc",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id`' />\n\n\n",
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8dfc51c4.4907a",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "set tmp ar-id to fetch resource from MDSAL",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 597.4536285400391,
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+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.self-link' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:connection-attachment-allotted-resources/connection-attachment-allotted-resource/'\n + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\n + '/allotted-resource-data/connection-attachment-topology/'` \" />\n\n",
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "id": "47caa47d.16426c",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute Properties",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 543.2552680969238,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a32bd31f.e0ecd",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate allotted-resource tmp.ar-url",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 590.2553253173828,
+ "y": 815.1150894165039,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "722a6658.bf16e8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "GET connection-attachment-allotted-resource from mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 622.3081359863281,
+ "y": 934.9935235977173,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f15283c1.aa42d",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Used for setting output to API Handler",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 576.4932861328125,
+ "y": 595.4483661651611,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "56bc8415.3a63fc",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc",
+ "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 594.4932518005371,
+ "y": 681.3372468948364,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d454f4dd.1be708",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Used to Get AR by id to MDSAL, same as self-link",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 620.4932708740234,
+ "y": 768.3372058868408,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "860a625.2d0bba",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1096.666669845581,
+ "y": 963.4548492431641,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "23f7f9e5.e74c26"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "23f7f9e5.e74c26",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1240.666748046875,
+ "y": 920.9547672271729,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "50c8dc73.ad5724"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "50c8dc73.ad5724",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch cr length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1409.5241718292236,
+ "y": 918.573938369751,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "id": "c054c953.458078",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "outcome 1",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='1'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1564.857307434082,
+ "y": 890.5738534927368,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "46a60f4d.34912"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "46a60f4d.34912",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic='true'>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1723.3811111450195,
+ "y": 888.4787006378174,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "df6acc2d.ff6de",
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+ "cfe330b5.d7e03"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bb2fd456.9a1798",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Connection attachment resource not exist\" />\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1663.51904296875,
+ "y": 995.5209350585938,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "db78a108.063fb",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1088.5184726715088,
+ "y": 998.5209341049194,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "333707db.05b3b8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "333707db.05b3b8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1268.5184230804443,
+ "y": 999.1874847412109,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ },
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+ "id": "79145839.1bfe98",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1556.1853103637695,
+ "y": 949.8542280197144,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ [
+ "bb2fd456.9a1798"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "df6acc2d.ff6de",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set connection-attachment-ar from get",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.' value='$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource[0].' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1970.444564819336,
+ "y": 861.4549527168274,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cfe330b5.d7e03",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set oper-status",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1904.444595336914,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "612880e0.04607",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch order-status",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1914.4443740844727,
+ "y": 900.4548892974854,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ [
+ "59d3ffeb.34439",
+ "b4436494.1a02b8",
+ "3d1a678c.8bbdd8"
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+ "id": "59d3ffeb.34439",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "outcome Created",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Created'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2150.0444564819336,
+ "y": 894.4549202919006,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
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+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "outcome Other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2143.7589569091797,
+ "y": 974.8835549354553,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ },
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 894.8305759429932,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "29c5c973.948626",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" \n value=\"`'Existing connection-attachment-allotted-resource with order status of ' + $connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status + '.'`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2319.6667709350586,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e7c9e6c8.22ec78",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sotn-get-saved-ar-param",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-get-saved-ar-param' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 807.3029289245605,
+ "y": 1045.9484691619873,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "759ba274.db6d0c",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 501.3090286254883,
+ "y": 1046.954839706421,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ [
+ "e7c9e6c8.22ec78"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a3f3b1ad.b0019",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "GET parent-service-data from mdsal to check existence of other End point",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 674.500244140625,
+ "y": 1080.9866170883179,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ {
+ "id": "76fcae92.3eed7",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for pidx..mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[]",
+ "xml": "<for index='pidx' start='0' end='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1580.185073852539,
+ "y": 1244.4590945243835,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d86c13ce.944c4",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources_length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 664.1840972900391,
+ "y": 1352.1731309890747,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "name": "other",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 1425.0304050445557,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "id": "70b1403b.56bf6",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
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+ "atomic": "true",
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+ "x": 1176.4543800354004,
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+ {
+ "id": "d5a80521.4971a8",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[$pidx].allotted-resource-id == $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\">\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2020.296401977539,
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+ "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
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+ "x": 2193.106616973877,
+ "y": 1212.923511505127,
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+ "id": "ca9dd6b1.dea908",
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+ "name": "block : atomic",
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+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2341.867088317871,
+ "y": 1269.780598640442,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "74d65b2c.e08474",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.pidx and ptx.consumed-ar",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.pidx' value='`$pidx`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.provided-ar.' value='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[$pidx].`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.found-in-ar' value='true' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ep-available' value='true' />",
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f9f17725.c60488",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Check existence of other AR in parent service data",
+ "info": "Check if other allotted resource is available.",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 597.4624137878418,
+ "y": 1246.3478260040283,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
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+ "type": "other",
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+ "x": 1006.9795875549316,
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e73ccbba.1ddf58",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: End points not available\" />\n \n",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d1d91e32.6cacd",
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+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2351.090831756592,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ []
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+ },
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+ "type": "outcomeTrue",
+ "name": "false",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2200.090473175049,
+ "y": 1269.1321144104004,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4ca6c420.3d4d6c",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch tmp.found-in-ar",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.found-in-ar`'>\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1388.979377746582,
+ "y": 1337.9099321365356,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "de2c4f3e.58ca2",
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+ "name": "true",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1559.9794120788574,
+ "y": 1339.0211534500122,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ [
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "81e5e824.bbde88",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
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+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1708.979507446289,
+ "y": 1339.021152496338,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "id": "a5795c00.0454b8",
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+ "name": "success",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2455.0973320007324,
+ "y": 1355.2500066757202,
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+ ]
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+ "type": "other",
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+ "x": 2446.94913482666,
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7afdbce8.a487b4",
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+ "name": "switch mdsal-psd.service-data.networks_length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1452.3128814697266,
+ "y": 1439.354772567749,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "41cb4081.5cc8b"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "41cb4081.5cc8b",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Incorrect state found more then 1 network\" />\n \n",
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+ "name": "GET connection-attachment-ar to store AR data from mdsal",
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+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Set source end point",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 509.4724884033203,
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+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id` \" />\n\n",
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+ "id": "61c0c66f.9cb2e8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "If other EP exists set destination end point",
+ "info": "Check if other allotted resource is available.",
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+ "id": "8b8a921e.bd895",
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+ },
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+ "id": "8ac4c29d.af442",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Get controller info and send request",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1736,
+ "y": 2300,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
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+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 749.7310523986816,
+ "y": 2490.4085731506348,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
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+ ]
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b5950a83.64a2e8",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "wires": []
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+ "id": "3b646004.2813c",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 751.8262805938721,
+ "y": 2538.170415878296,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "804e67f7.f5fcb8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Save Resource to AAI",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 509.27857398986816,
+ "y": 2467.7577362060547,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e4d724bf.bef2c8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set output to api handler",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='allotted-resource-id' value='`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-object-path' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\"/>\n<parameter name='service-object-path' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/'\n + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id\n + '/service-data/service-topology/'`\"/>\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 538.5463924407959,
+ "y": 2400.2832174301147,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a54e0786.d45e68",
+ "type": "returnSuccess",
+ "name": "return success",
+ "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "be2b6004.6abeb",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.sotn-attachment.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 591.2784748077393,
+ "y": 2324.9240703582764,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ "7647bebc.d34c5",
+ "f09cf18.f872f1"
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+ "type": "not-found",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 845.9198970794678,
+ "y": 2369.255464553833,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 847.9199199676514,
+ "y": 2327.7554286941886,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ [
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 851.6700038909912,
+ "y": 2279.1125812530518,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "6472d85a.5caad8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a250aba9.a5bd58",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "id": "6472d85a.5caad8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 979.32594871521,
+ "y": 2281.3047494888306,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6927072b.434fa8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set ar-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-name' value=\"connection-attachment-topology-operation\" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.service-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.allotted-resource-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.` \" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "71a15b15.32e354",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute getTime",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='setTime' >\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.current-time\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 510.77793312072754,
+ "y": 2231.924569129944,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7f03f367.f1262c",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set allotted-resource-oper-status",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status' value='Active' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.create-timestamp' value='`$tmp.current-time`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 560.7650127410889,
+ "y": 2268.8756494522095,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ },
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+ "id": "fecc8e1.3af3a7",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set model-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.onap-model-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.` \" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 507.33363151550293,
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "185d06d5.752689",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Prepare data for allotted-resource addition to MDSAL",
+ "info": "This will add to allotted-resource which is present inside service.",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 606.166971206665,
+ "y": 2108.4795739650726,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "5da46f5f.98698",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Add to allotted-resources in mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 547.7467975616455,
+ "y": 2075.8928756713867,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2c5393b4.18384c",
+ "type": "update",
+ "name": "update AAI allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"allotted-resource\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id AND\n\t\t\tallotted-resource.id = $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"\n pfx='pfx' local-only='false' force='false'>\n\t<parameter name=\"description\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"selflink\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-invariant-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-version-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"operational-status\" value=\"Active\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 550.2229747772217,
+ "y": 2516.209878921509,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "43e51eef.5c25b",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode getPath from OOF",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.oof-getpath.templatefile`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-oof-url`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.oof.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.oof.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"oof\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1358.9729347229004,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1598.9730758666992,
+ "y": 2102.709500312805,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b48e311d.c6bea",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing OOF api\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "id": "cb8b1fc5.da16f",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1597.9728622436523,
+ "y": 2051.7095909118652,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "916454e5.0a4a68",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Get VPNs from OOF",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1330.476734161377,
+ "y": 2034.7135305404663,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "402ffb02.0bfaf4",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for vidx..oof.vpns_length[]",
+ "xml": "<for index='vidx' start='0' end='`$oof.vpns_length`' >",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1298.9727783203125,
+ "y": 2160.959259033203,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "6b7692da.e3386c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e2733493.b8ec78",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Loop through VPN and configure them",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1330.4731063842773,
+ "y": 2284.4596366882324,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
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+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch name",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'name'`\">\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2538.7569580078125,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cebd51a0.93918",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set etht-svc-name & bandwidth-profile-name",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='ietf-etht-instance0' value='ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc.etht-svc-instances[0].' />\n<parameter name='ietf-bw-profile0' value='ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc.globals.etht-svc-bandwidth-profiles[0].' />\n<parameter name='ietf-etht-svc-name' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-name'`\" value='`$ietf-etht-svc-name`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'bandwidth-profile-name'`\" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].ingress-egress-bandwidth-profile-name'`\" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].ingress-egress-bandwidth-profile-name'`\" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2551.596836090088,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "x": 2726.5969009399414,
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "159dd4c7.a1cdeb",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set etht-svc-descr",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.global.sotn.etht-svc-descr' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />\n",
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+ {
+ "id": "eec873e9.819a7",
+ "type": "switchNode",
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+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'tenantId'`\">\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2546.9790992736816,
+ "y": 1700.9101758003235,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tenantId",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.global.sotn.tenantId' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />\n",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2529.8186988830566,
+ "y": 1773.9101309776306,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
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+ "name": "Get other global parameters from network",
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+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
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+ {
+ "id": "b2fced81.55aa5",
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+ {
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+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "get domain controller information",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 2180,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1d2e0089.80d0ff",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set oof.vpn",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1663,
+ "y": 2140,
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+ "id": "a7c30844.d5a778",
+ "type": "save",
+ "name": "save VPN resource in AAI",
+ "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' >\n<parameter name='vpn-id' value='`$tmp.vpnName`' />\n<parameter name='vpn-name' value='`$tmp.vpnName`' />\n<parameter name='access-provider-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-provider-id`' />\n<parameter name='access-client-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-client-id`' />\n<parameter name='access-topology-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-topology-id`' />\n<parameter name='src-access-node-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />\n<parameter name='src-access-ltp-id' value='`$oof.vpn.src-access-ltp-id`' />\n<parameter name='dst-access-node-id' value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />\n<parameter name='dst-access-ltp-id' value='`$oof.vpn.dst-access-ltp-id`' />\n<parameter name='vpn-type' value='`$prop.global.sotn.vpnType`' />\n<parameter name='operational-status' value='Created' />\n<parameter name='model-customization-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid`' />\n<parameter name='model-invariant-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`' />\n<parameter name='model-version-id' value='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`' />",
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+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7ac9bf5f.eb2bb",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.vpnName",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.vpnName' value=\"`$oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-' + $ietf-etht-svc-name`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "save",
+ "name": "save connectivity relationship in AAI",
+ "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding:relationship-list' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"connectivity\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/network/connectivities/connectivity/' + $mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network[0].network-id`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"connectivity.connectivity-id\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network[0].network-id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1740,
+ "y": 2740,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "10a67ef2.fe14c1",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set src-ltpId dst-ltpId",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='src-ltpId' value=\"`'nodeId-' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-ltpId-' + $oof.vpn.src-access-ltp-id`\" />\n<parameter name='dst-ltpId' value=\"`'nodeId-' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-ltpId-' + $oof.vpn.dst-access-ltp-id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a76f6a40.d4cee8",
+ "type": "save",
+ "name": "save srcLTP relationship in AAI",
+ "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding:relationship-list' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"p-interface\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/network/pnfs/pnf/' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '/p-interfaces/p-interface/' + $src-ltpId`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"p-interface.interface-name\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$src-ltpId`\" />\n\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1725,
+ "y": 2820,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "edafd0b0.6224d",
+ "type": "save",
+ "name": "save dstLTP relationship in AAI",
+ "xml": "<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding:relationship-list' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' \n force=\"true\" pfx=\"tmp.AnAI-data\">\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to\" value=\"p-interface\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link\" value=\"`'/network/pnfs/pnf/' + $oof.vpn.access-node-id + '/p-interfaces/p-interface/' + $dst-ltpId`\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key\" value=\"p-interface.interface-name\" />\n<parameter name=\"relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value\" value=\"`$dst-ltpId`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1725,
+ "y": 2860,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b571fb6b.8ab608",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 717.0038146972656,
+ "y": 981.458776473999,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ "db78a108.063fb"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b52dba2d.a71bc8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource parent service data",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url-psd`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-psd\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 644.0039672851562,
+ "y": 1208.4589395523071,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "b078a619.3c13b8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "76fbe2f6.cb133c",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "get parent-service-data url",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"/restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url-psd\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{service-instance-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 544.0038757324219,
+ "y": 1171.4587726593018,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ef83619e.fcadf",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate tmp.ar-other-url-connection",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-other-url-connection\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.provided-ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n \n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1958.000228881836,
+ "y": 1327.7883338928223,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "70f5ae0d.ee9ea",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-other-url-connection`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-other-ar\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2095.0008697509766,
+ "y": 1370.2881984710693,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1720.0001487731934,
+ "y": 2093.4549837112427,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "2222673c.9be3c8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1096.9687614440918,
+ "y": 2118.4551677703857,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ "402ffb02.0bfaf4"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b4436494.1a02b8",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "outcome PendingDelete",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='PendingDelete'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2171.031219482422,
+ "y": 933.486162185669,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2355.0312309265137,
+ "y": 929.486162185669,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3cad4115.c1792e",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set attachment_param",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'access-provider-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.access-provider-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'access-client-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.access-client-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'access-topology-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.access-topology-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].access-node-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].access-ltp-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.src-access-ltp-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].access-node-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].access-ltp-id'`\" value='`$oof.vpn.dst-access-ltp-id`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 2540,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "961fa84a.89d648",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set sotn_value",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'bandwidth-profile-type'`\" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:mef-10-bwp' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-type'`\" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:p2p-svc' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'admin-status'`\" value='ietf-te-types:tunnel-state-up' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].access-port-id'`\" value='0' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].service-classification-type'`\" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:port-classification' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].access-port-id'`\" value='1' />\n<parameter name=\"`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].service-classification-type'`\" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:port-classification' />",
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "64d85461.e5001c",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Get token",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/v2/tokens'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"token-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1740.5,
+ "y": 2440,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
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+ "id": "a0d2cca5.2d5be",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1974,
+ "y": 2420,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
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+ },
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+ "id": "c52b8c6d.ecc5c",
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+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1970,
+ "y": 2460,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f8066f4a.4c47c"
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f8066f4a.4c47c",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3e07440b.43da4c",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set token-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.sdncRestApi.token_id' value='`$token-result.data.token_id`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2124.5,
+ "y": 2420,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "50328916.399a68",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestconfApiCallNode Create ethernet Service with token",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restconfapicall.RestconfApiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"patch\"/>\n<parameter name='dirPath' value=\"/opt/sdnc/restapi/yang\" />\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2250.5,
+ "y": 2600,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
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+ "aefb806d.da2a4",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aefb806d.da2a4",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2594,
+ "y": 2600,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
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+ "8e77bda1.dcd9a"
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2751.5,
+ "y": 2600,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "23ed7381.faa5dc",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing Create vpn rest api\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 2560,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1cddc506.88b81b",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2590,
+ "y": 2560,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "23ed7381.faa5dc"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "62b19acd.4aec84",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch prop.sdncRestApi.token_id",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\">\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1733.5,
+ "y": 2580,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "ab1d58b3.091298",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ab1d58b3.091298",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "Null",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1946.3438301086426,
+ "y": 2560.121898651123,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6b742a39.c27114",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1950,
+ "y": 2600,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "50328916.399a68"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c3954e01.62cf4",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestconfApiCallNode Create ethernet Service without token",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restconfapicall.RestconfApiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"patch\"/>\n<parameter name='dirPath' value=\"/opt/sdnc/restapi/yang\" />\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2260.5,
+ "y": 2560,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1cddc506.88b81b",
+ "aefb806d.da2a4"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "47c68bcd.5a1f24",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "save vpn and its relation to AAI",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1721.5,
+ "y": 2620,
+ "z": "457a744e.ed1b4c",
+ "wires": []
+ }
+] \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate.json
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate.json
@@ -1,2017 +1,2087 @@
- {
- "id": "b0d71f3f.58b13",
- "type": "dgstart",
- "name": "DGSTART",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 123,
- "y": 32,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "962f9112.e764e"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "962f9112.e764e",
- "type": "service-logic",
- "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
- "version": "${project.version}",
- "comments": "",
- "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 304.00000381469727,
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- "id": "87a8de44.934de",
- "type": "method",
- "name": "sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate",
- "xml": "<method rpc='sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 292.0001220703125,
- "y": 180,
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- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
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- "x": 308.0001220703125,
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- },
- {
- "id": "6613ec86.694124",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id,etc",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id`' />\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 704.9935607910156,
- "y": 133.9934868812561,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "c64c0419.fa25b8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "set tmp ar-id to fetch resource from MDSAL",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 733.9538726806641,
- "y": 98.02528285980225,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "f6decbbf.dd5e18",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.self-link' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:connection-attachment-allotted-resources/connection-attachment-allotted-resource/'\n + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\n + '/allotted-resource-data/connection-attachment-topology/'` \" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 658.9934997558594,
- "y": 226.99349212646484,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "1c40b1f3.81976e",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute Properties",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 665.2553901672363,
- "y": 314.6602210998535,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "1fbc45c.0ff5aba",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "generate allotted-resource tmp.ar-url",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 715.2554931640625,
- "y": 401.66022205352783,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "61a9d102.2b159",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "GET connection-attachment-allotted-resource from mdsal",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 758.8084869384766,
- "y": 472.53876876831055,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "e3f68d6f.a262e",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Used for setting output to API Handler",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 712.9935302734375,
- "y": 193.993501663208,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "b492f1ea.34bc2",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc",
- "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 730.9934959411621,
- "y": 279.8823823928833,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "d53312d8.be37d",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Used to Get AR by id to MDSAL, same as self-link",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 756.9935150146484,
- "y": 366.8823413848877,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "e963cad3.e8d6c8",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1199.6668281555176,
- "y": 520.0000286102295,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "8ab48cf9.6862d",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1368.6668319702148,
- "y": 518.4999294281006,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- },
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- "id": "46b50e5a.245ae",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch cr length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1541.5241012573242,
- "y": 456.11909198760986,
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- "comments": "",
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- "id": "2fbac1bd.15b6ee",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic='true'>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1963.3812351226807,
- "y": 431.02387619018555,
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "6cd8cd98.bbac14",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: SOTN resource not found\" />\n \n",
- "comments": "",
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- "wires": []
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- "name": "other",
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- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1191.5186309814453,
- "y": 555.0661134719849,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "6d0a26d5.df63e8",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1371.5185813903809,
- "y": 555.7326641082764,
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- "id": "30d435f0.aca96a",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1767.1852989196777,
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "5bdbcf18.37ca8",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set connection-attachment-ar from get",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.' value='$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource[0].' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2209.444793701172,
- "y": 391.0001058578491,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "a9187100.e70c6",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set oper-status",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2142.4447898864746,
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "cbe39501.d4aef8",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch order-status",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2153.444625854492,
- "y": 435.0001096725464,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "1d7c3fd4.3573f",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "outcome Active",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Active'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2360.044574737549,
- "y": 425.0001096725464,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "id": "34a89ac4.b608e6",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "outcome Other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2359.7590942382812,
- "y": 467.4287004470825,
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- "name": "block",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2512.5151290893555,
- "y": 423.3757600784302,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "31994932.765476",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" \n value=\"`'Existing connection-attachment-allotted-resource with order status of ' + $connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status + '.'`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2532.6669845581055,
- "y": 464.000111579895,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ade228e6.1238f8",
- "type": "call",
- "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sotn-get-saved-ar-param",
- "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-get-saved-ar-param' mode='sync' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 920.3031158447266,
- "y": 616.4935908317566,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "4f9b598.14771a8",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block: atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 617.3092803955078,
- "y": 617.4999389648438,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "ade228e6.1238f8"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "2ee127b4.83e818",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "GET parent-service-data from mdsal to check existence of other End point",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 799.0004425048828,
- "y": 678.5316982269287,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ac0c0701.4d5818",
- "type": "for",
- "name": "for pidx..mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[]",
- "xml": "<for index='pidx' start='0' end='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1689.1849975585938,
- "y": 882.0040826797485,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "cf2de8b0.5bcd28",
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- "name": "other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1095.3269691467285,
- "y": 1014.5755434036255,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
- },
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- "id": "2c958bf6.015ea4",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
- "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1286.4543704986572,
- "y": 879.7015712037683,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "6de65a21.ad20a4",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch allotted-resource-id",
- "xml": "<switch test=\"`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[$pidx].allotted-resource-id == $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\">\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2124.296398162842,
- "y": 882.0039796829224,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "id": "9440a4ce.27b3b8",
- "type": "outcomeTrue",
- "name": "true",
- "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2333.106746673584,
- "y": 862.4684362411499,
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- "wires": [
- [
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
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- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2481.867500305176,
- "y": 898.3256177902222,
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- ]
- ]
- },
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- "id": "12052b78.fd51b5",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.pidx and ptx.consumed-ar",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.pidx' value='`$pidx`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.provided-ar.' value='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[$pidx].`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.found-in-ar' value='true' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ep-available' value='true' />",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2716.724937438965,
- "y": 896.8971490859985,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "2107b4e5.fcdf0c",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Check existence of other AR in parent service data",
- "info": "Check if other allotted resource is available.",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 722.9628448486328,
- "y": 848.8929204940796,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
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- "type": "other",
- "name": "outcome 1",
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- "x": 1105.9793167114258,
- "y": 949.677264213562,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "75a0a72c.5c3178",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: SOTN resource not found\" />\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1267.9793128967285,
- "y": 1013.677285194397,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "id": "4057b675.85b588",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "outcome 2",
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- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1111.9793910980225,
- "y": 880.6772715821862,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "ce614dfc.389e4",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
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- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
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- "wires": [
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- "id": "44e5c372.52cc1c",
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- "xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2333.0907974243164,
- "y": 896.6771802902222,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- },
- {
- "id": "4960bf69.46744",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch mdsal-psd.networks_length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1518.3129959106445,
- "y": 952.8997611999512,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "id": "fd1b6df1.cb9a8",
- "type": "other",
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- "name": "If other EP exists delete from domain controller",
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- "name": "not-found",
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- "comments": "",
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- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying esr-thirdparty-sdnc from AnAI with thirdparty-sdnc-id = ' + $tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id`\" />\n\n",
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- "id": "6b2117db.4230f8",
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- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'An error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
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- "id": "c5a2b6cb.8de6a8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
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- "id": "addfa25b.c3718",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id",
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- "type": "comment",
- "name": "get domain controller information",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "id": "7164fdca.4a0d84",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Delete ethernet Service",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc/etht-svc-instances=' + $tmp.actual.vpn-name`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"delete\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2308.969596862793,
- "y": 1681.0005912780762,
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- "name": "success",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2595.9695358276367,
- "y": 1704.0005912780762,
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- "id": "9ab48a6d.252ca8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing Create vpn rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
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- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2598.9694747924805,
- "y": 1663.0005912780762,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
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- ]
- ]
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- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- },
- {
- "id": "4d3bfe83.8ac38",
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- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "type": "failure",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 940.8260345458984,
- "y": 1710.7147578001022,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "4d3bfe83.8ac38"
- ]
- ]
- },
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- "id": "65a9cdb6.115924",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Save Resource to AAI",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 652.7784614562988,
- "y": 1660.3021783828735,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "a3a48876.1d8a18",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set output to api handler",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='allotted-resource-id' value='`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-object-path' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\"/>\n<parameter name='service-object-path' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/'\n + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id\n + '/service-data/service-topology/'`\"/>\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 667.5461578369141,
- "y": 1581.8276596069336,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "7ccf367e.a869f8",
- "type": "returnSuccess",
- "name": "return success",
- "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 635.9592399597168,
- "y": 1742.4434118270874,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "d3793c0a.e76dd",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.sotn-attachment.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 717.2782592773438,
- "y": 1489.468433380127,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- {
- "id": "c94958cd.0f7e08",
- "type": "not-found",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 985.9196357727051,
- "y": 1540.799845121801,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "5e263814.55f358",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 976.9196853637695,
- "y": 1509.2998708710074,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
- },
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- "id": "1ecab8f8.94f047",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 980.6697235107422,
- "y": 1479.6569757461548,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "916b12ec.48653",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 1510.0498947128654,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "9a61150.9613ce8",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
- "xml": "<block>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1122.3256912231445,
- "y": 1475.849144935608,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- },
- {
- "id": "683cb14.3ce605",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set ar-data",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-name' value=\"connection-attachment-topology-operation\" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.service-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.allotted-resource-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.` \" />",
- "comments": "",
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
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- "id": "802f8ef7.b6731",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute getTime",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='setTime' >\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.current-time\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 634.7777214050293,
- "y": 1412.4689540863037,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- },
- {
- "id": "5c1eba3c.5a3914",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set allotted-resource-oper-status",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status' value='PendingDelete' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.create-timestamp' value='`$tmp.current-time`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 689.764778137207,
- "y": 1450.4200916290283,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "c2e56bca.b33d78",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set model-data",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.onap-model-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.` \" />",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 1379.024006843567,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ae41f871.b43fa8",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Prepare data for allotted-resource addition to MDSAL",
- "info": "This will add to allotted-resource which is present inside service.",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 744.6668815612793,
- "y": 1300.0239589214325,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "e752535c.aeb57",
- "type": "comment",
- "name": "Add to allotted-resources in mdsal",
- "info": "",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 686.2467079162598,
- "y": 1267.4372606277466,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "2c211a2d.e90676",
- "type": "update",
- "name": "update AAI allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"allotted-resource\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id AND\n\t\t\tallotted-resource.id = $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"\n pfx='pfx' local-only='false' force='false'>\n\t<parameter name=\"description\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"selflink\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-invariant-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-version-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"operational-status\" value=\"PendingDelete\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 679.2227401733398,
- "y": 1697.7543210983276,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "id": "d5bc9567.22f988",
- "type": "get-resource",
- "name": "get-resource connectivity",
- "xml": "<get-resource plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"connectivity\" \n\t\tkey=\"connectivity.connectivity-id = $mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network[0].network-id AND \n\t\t depth = '1'\"\n pfx='tmp.connectivity' local-only='false' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1213.0005645751953,
- "y": 1175.5044269561768,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "block : atomic",
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- "atomic": "true",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1986.1178741455078,
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "id": "d567023b.2d9f",
- "type": "outcome",
- "name": "vpn-binding",
- "xml": "<outcome value='vpn-binding'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1812.286392211914,
- "y": 1374.8260831832886,
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- "41a48915.ce4758"
- ]
- ]
- },
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- "id": "de835816.465b48",
- "type": "for",
- "name": "for each relationship",
- "xml": "<for silentFailure='true' index='vidx' start='0' end='`$tmp.connectivity.relationship-list.relationship_length`' >\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1434.0003356933594,
- "y": 1373.0043096542358,
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- "id": "a2ccacd2.b0dbc",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch related-to",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.connectivity.relationship-list.relationship[$vidx].related-to`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1646.0003471374512,
- "y": 1374.0043096542358,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- },
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- "id": "3c342d96.9776c2",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.vpn-name",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.vpn-name' value=\"`$tmp.connectivity.relationship-list.relationship[$vidx].relationship-data[0].relationship-value` \" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2219.0005416870117,
- "y": 1086.004626274109,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ae412232.e0411",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "split vpnName to find nodeId",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split' >\n<parameter name=\"original_string\" value='`$tmp.vpn-name`'/>\n<parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"-\"/>\n<parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"route1\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2255.0004959106445,
- "y": 1187.0039930343628,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- "60767ce2.3ab0a4"
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- ]
- },
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- "id": "60767ce2.3ab0a4",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 2456.000686645508,
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- ]
- },
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- "id": "bf10a60c.fdea98",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set tmp.node-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.node-id' value='`$route1[0]`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.actual.vpn-name' value='`$route1[1]`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2609.000846862793,
- "y": 1162.0039863586426,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "a5afcc72.d877b",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value=\"An error occured while splitting sna1_route\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2593.001012802124,
- "y": 1211.0039882659912,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "ae670977.becbb8",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2453.00066947937,
- "y": 1212.0039901733398,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- ]
- ]
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- "id": "7024d4cd.1a62bc",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1394.0001640319824,
- "y": 1210.0000715255737,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- ]
- ]
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- "id": "cf432033.112d9",
- "type": "other",
- "name": "other",
- "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1396.851894378662,
- "y": 1137.0663166046143,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "801260ca.47a9"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "801260ca.47a9",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Connectivity resource not found\" />\n \n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 1539.0006637573242,
- "y": 1137.3337268829346,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
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- },
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- "id": "ea43f44.e748208",
- "type": "block",
- "name": "block",
- "xml": "<block>\n",
- "atomic": "false",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1396.0001754760742,
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- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "de835816.465b48"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "693977cc.87d158",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 832.3339538574219,
- "y": 536.4999494552612,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
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- "489ff5d2.164b7c"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "c0b8662.2083398",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "get parent-service-data tmp.ar-url-psd",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"/restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url-psd\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{service-instance-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id`\"/>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 686.0001983642578,
- "y": 745.0002107620239,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- []
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "fada7ab3.d1d4e8",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource parent service data",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url-psd`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-psd\" />\n\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 753.0001602172852,
- "y": 780.0002946853638,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- "be2f70a0.4132d"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "cfef8c40.7d401",
- "type": "switchNode",
- "name": "switch mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources_length",
- "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 769.1842803955078,
- "y": 954.7181224822998,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
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- },
- {
- "id": "dda1ddc2.84784",
- "type": "update",
- "name": "delete AAI vpn-binding",
- "xml": "<delete plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpn-name' >",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2239.999954223633,
- "y": 1784.0001649856567,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
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- "b99e2363.4f50b"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "c726da18.1fa408",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2494.5079612731934,
- "y": 1764.1986340284348,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "53701c4b.a688d4"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "b99e2363.4f50b",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "not-found",
- "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2501.6032485961914,
- "y": 1796.9606016874313,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "53701c4b.a688d4"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "53701c4b.a688d4",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2661.031841278076,
- "y": 1775.8177050352097,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "f1f4e6ef.143a68",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Get token",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/v2/tokens'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"token-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2279.7541580200195,
- "y": 1564.254002571106,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "f8436b41.519d68",
- "9d9f79f.4a7c888"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "f8436b41.519d68",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2514.7541580200195,
- "y": 1542.254002571106,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
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- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "9d9f79f.4a7c888",
- "type": "failure",
- "name": "failure",
- "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 2507.0041580200195,
- "y": 1595.8968858718872,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": [
- [
- "6534e8a7.2122d8"
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "6534e8a7.2122d8",
- "type": "returnFailure",
- "name": "return failure",
- "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing get token rest api\" />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2659.7541580200195,
- "y": 1595.6469469070435,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- },
- {
- "id": "1076a472.b53e4c",
- "type": "set",
- "name": "set token-id",
- "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.sdncRestApi.token_id' value='`$token-result.data.token_id`' />\n",
- "comments": "",
- "x": 2668.7541580200195,
- "y": 1543.254002571106,
- "z": "ed10e8c7.d58f28",
- "wires": []
- }
+ {
+ "id": "ff549c79.63961",
+ "type": "dgstart",
+ "name": "DGSTART",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 94.03125,
+ "y": 49.00012397766113,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "a05176da.ae3e48"
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a05176da.ae3e48",
+ "type": "service-logic",
+ "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}",
+ "version": "${project.version}",
+ "comments": "",
+ "xml": "<service-logic xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 275.03125381469727,
+ "y": 109.00014114379883,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "fe524cbe.32e62"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "fe524cbe.32e62",
+ "type": "method",
+ "name": "sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate",
+ "xml": "<method rpc='sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 263.0313720703125,
+ "y": 197.00012397766113,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
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+ "437c9c25.6eb2d4"
+ ]
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+ },
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+ "id": "437c9c25.6eb2d4",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 279.0313720703125,
+ "y": 752.0003685951233,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
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+ "f0fb1a1c.cc2828"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a802b53.c930648",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id,etc",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id`' />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 676.0248107910156,
+ "y": 150.99361085891724,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "88124680.e6b8a8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "set tmp ar-id to fetch resource from MDSAL",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 704.9851226806641,
+ "y": 115.02540683746338,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1068510.ffabdaf",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.self-link' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:connection-attachment-allotted-resources/connection-attachment-allotted-resource/'\n + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\n + '/allotted-resource-data/connection-attachment-topology/'` \" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 630.0247497558594,
+ "y": 243.99361610412598,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f6798703.c71c48",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute Properties",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='%SDNC_CONFIG_DIR%/generic-resource-api-dg.properties' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 636.2866401672363,
+ "y": 331.66034507751465,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "90b4d4b2.478c88",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate allotted-resource tmp.ar-url",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.connection-attachment-allottedresource`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{allotted-resource-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 686.2867431640625,
+ "y": 418.66034603118896,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "182d3b03.4e2c15",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "GET connection-attachment-allotted-resource from mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 729.8397369384766,
+ "y": 489.5388927459717,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bbe52b99.83dd68",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Used for setting output to API Handler",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 684.0247802734375,
+ "y": 210.99362564086914,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "dce4912.220bb7",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc",
+ "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 702.0247459411621,
+ "y": 296.88250637054443,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "66940a34.fde394",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Used to Get AR by id to MDSAL, same as self-link",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 728.0247650146484,
+ "y": 383.8824653625488,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "55776be8.abf844",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1170.6980781555176,
+ "y": 537.0001525878906,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "5a06af0c.5db4c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "5a06af0c.5db4c",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1339.6980819702148,
+ "y": 535.5000534057617,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "faae066.03a7ef8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "faae066.03a7ef8",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch cr length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1512.5553512573242,
+ "y": 473.119215965271,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
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+ "74bd4c84.2a01f4",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "74bd4c84.2a01f4",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "outcome 1",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='1'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1749.8885955810547,
+ "y": 451.11916637420654,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "932b115b.ef744"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "932b115b.ef744",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic='true'>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1934.4124851226807,
+ "y": 448.0240001678467,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "d5b08a67.3e5c48",
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+ "fa1f1660.477578"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1d1825f2.925d0a",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: SOTN resource not found\" />\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1858.5503273010254,
+ "y": 573.0662412643433,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2f2bf02.ca60d1",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1162.5498809814453,
+ "y": 572.066237449646,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "82e6da2.ad6fd28"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "82e6da2.ad6fd28",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1342.5498313903809,
+ "y": 572.7327880859375,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6215df1.a21872",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1738.2165489196777,
+ "y": 488.39952659606934,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1d1825f2.925d0a"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d5b08a67.3e5c48",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set connection-attachment-ar from get",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.' value='$mdsal-ar.connection-attachment-allotted-resource[0].' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2180.476043701172,
+ "y": 408.00022983551025,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "fa1f1660.477578",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set oper-status",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2113.4760398864746,
+ "y": 498.42878437042236,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "5ce1e592.04689c",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch order-status",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2124.475875854492,
+ "y": 452.0002336502075,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "46412cb7.a5f6f4",
+ "b5fc3d64.54bed"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "46412cb7.a5f6f4",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "outcome Active",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Active'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2331.075824737549,
+ "y": 442.0002336502075,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "11963437.b728dc"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b5fc3d64.54bed",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "outcome Other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2330.7903442382812,
+ "y": 484.42882442474365,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1c1d147e.4224ac"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "11963437.b728dc",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2483.5463790893555,
+ "y": 440.3758840560913,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1c1d147e.4224ac",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" \n value=\"`'Existing connection-attachment-allotted-resource with order status of ' + $connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status + '.'`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2503.6982345581055,
+ "y": 481.00023555755615,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6ad0e2bd.71bc3c",
+ "type": "call",
+ "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:sotn-get-saved-ar-param",
+ "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-get-saved-ar-param' mode='sync' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 891.3343658447266,
+ "y": 633.4937148094177,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "74b419be.6c1dc8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block: atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 588.3405303955078,
+ "y": 634.5000629425049,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "6ad0e2bd.71bc3c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8a5e890a.680be8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "GET parent-service-data from mdsal to check existence of other End point",
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+ "xml": "<for index='pidx' start='0' end='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`' >\n",
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+ "id": "b3d0356b.e2dd48",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Check existence of other AR in parent service data",
+ "info": "Check if other allotted resource is available.",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "GET connection-attachment-ar to store AR data from mdsal",
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+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Set source end point",
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+ "name": "set tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id` \" />\n\n",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 776.0003318786621,
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+ },
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+ "id": "8fc6baf4.1c66d8",
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+ "name": "set tmp.found-in-ar tmp.found-in-network tmp.ep-available to false",
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+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "If other EP exists delete from domain controller",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set controller data",
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+ "id": "ff817e6a.4c262",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "f3622c21.50f46",
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+ },
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+ "type": "not-found",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2479.99178314209,
+ "y": 1444.57474899292,
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+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying esr-thirdparty-sdnc from AnAI with thirdparty-sdnc-id = ' + $tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id`\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2663.0973472595215,
+ "y": 1481.3472547531128,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ },
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+ "id": "993c0a9c.fa2968",
+ "type": "get-resource",
+ "name": "get-resource pnf",
+ "xml": "<get-resource plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"pnf\" \n\t\tkey=\"pnf.pnf-name = $tmp.node-id \n\t\tAND depth = '0'\"\n pfx='tmp.aai.pnf' local-only='false' >\n\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2187.0009841918945,
+ "y": 1336.000542640686,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "6cbbdc6c.177994",
+ "d6b323fb.dd5df",
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "id": "6cbbdc6c.177994",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2375.0009994506836,
+ "y": 1282.0005350112915,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f3a2b0cc.a6cd3"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d6b323fb.dd5df",
+ "type": "not-found",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2380.492046356201,
+ "y": 1324.5744314193726,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
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+ "44a433a2.c4cb1c"
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+ },
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+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2366.825054168701,
+ "y": 1362.9077672958374,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "44a433a2.c4cb1c",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'An error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2534.063346862793,
+ "y": 1314.8602380752563,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a204db7f.ac39f8",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`'Unexpected error occurred while querying pnf from AnAI with pnf-name = ' + $prop.connection-attachement.access-node-id`\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2530.597526550293,
+ "y": 1354.3470573425293,
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f3a2b0cc.a6cd3",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.thirdparty-sdnc-id' value=\"`$tmp.aai.pnf.relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2575.0010147094727,
+ "y": 1277.0005350112915,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d61e54ea.0473f8",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "get domain controller information",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2230.5048904418945,
+ "y": 1305.0045099258423,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "10d17cd1.f30ab3",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Delete ethernet Service",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc/etht-svc-instances=' + $tmp.actual.vpn-name`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"delete\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value=\"`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2761.001152038574,
+ "y": 1730.000747680664,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "94d88f9c.771f9",
+ "f2badd12.3e9c1"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "94d88f9c.771f9",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 3107.000801086426,
+ "y": 1714.0007457733154,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1c7ac915.f6a6b7"
+ ]
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 3277.0007400512695,
+ "y": 1717.0007457733154,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "73cc424c.c105bc",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error executing Create vpn rest api\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 3277.000862121582,
+ "y": 1673.0007457733154,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
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+ "id": "f2badd12.3e9c1",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 3110.0007400512695,
+ "y": 1673.0007457733154,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ [
+ "73cc424c.c105bc"
+ ]
+ ]
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+ "id": "4d3c7e74.2037b",
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+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 904.7619972229004,
+ "y": 1694.9529141187668,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "9a2c9c7c.b67bf"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9a2c9c7c.b67bf",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1071.2858772277832,
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+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
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+ "id": "76fdd751.58a9d8",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 911.8572845458984,
+ "y": 1727.7148817777634,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4fec1ce6.1b1a34",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Save Resource to AAI",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 623.8097114562988,
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+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d507ebff.314fd8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set output to api handler",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='allotted-resource-id' value='`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-object-path' value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\"/>\n<parameter name='service-object-path' value=\"`'restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/'\n + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id\n + '/service-data/service-topology/'`\"/>\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 638.5774078369141,
+ "y": 1598.8277835845947,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9f388371.4f18e",
+ "type": "returnSuccess",
+ "name": "return success",
+ "xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 606.9904899597168,
+ "y": 1759.4435358047485,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8e1d23f5.d1706",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='templateFileName' value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/' + $prop.restapi.sotn-attachment.templatefile`\" />\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='PUT' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 688.3095092773438,
+ "y": 1506.468557357788,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e11c7417.4fa658",
+ "type": "not-found",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 956.9508857727051,
+ "y": 1557.799969099462,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "14bdf473.21930c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "64cfcda1.4c2f84",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 947.9509353637695,
+ "y": 1526.2999948486686,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "14bdf473.21930c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c55d4506.901118",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 951.7009735107422,
+ "y": 1496.657099723816,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "82c892ac.f910d"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "14bdf473.21930c",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error updating md-sal for connection-attachment-allotted-resource\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1117.7009735107422,
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+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "82c892ac.f910d",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1093.3569412231445,
+ "y": 1492.849268913269,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bd5b936a.6f494",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set ar-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-name' value=\"connection-attachment-topology-operation\" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-status.rpc-action' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.request-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.sdnc-request-header.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.service-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.` \" />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-operation-information.allotted-resource-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.` \" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 588.5231285095215,
+ "y": 1356.8494803905487,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "754f8876.c41b88",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute getTime",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='setTime' >\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.current-time\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 605.8089714050293,
+ "y": 1429.4690780639648,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1fa63937.8805f7",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set allotted-resource-oper-status",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.order-status' value='PendingDelete' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-rpc-action' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.last-svc-request-id' value='`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-request-id`' />\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.allotted-resource-oper-status.create-timestamp' value='`$tmp.current-time`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 660.796028137207,
+ "y": 1467.4202156066895,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1ecf912a.ad8d5f",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set model-data",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='connection-attachment-ar.allotted-resource-data.connection-attachment-topology.onap-model-information.' value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.` \" />",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 602.3646697998047,
+ "y": 1396.024130821228,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3d5eb994.20a306",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Prepare data for allotted-resource addition to MDSAL",
+ "info": "This will add to allotted-resource which is present inside service.",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 715.6981315612793,
+ "y": 1317.0240828990936,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "35db93ec.682e9c",
+ "type": "comment",
+ "name": "Add to allotted-resources in mdsal",
+ "info": "",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 657.2779579162598,
+ "y": 1284.4373846054077,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "31cf3c93.494fc4",
+ "type": "update",
+ "name": "update AAI allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<update plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"allotted-resource\" \n\t\tkey=\"customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND\n\t\t\tservice-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND\n\t\t\tservice-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id AND\n\t\t\tallotted-resource.id = $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id\"\n pfx='pfx' local-only='false' force='false'>\n\t<parameter name=\"description\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.allotted-resource-type`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"selflink\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.self-link`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-invariant-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-invariant-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"model-version-id\" value=\"`$connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.onap-model-information.model-uuid`\" />\n\t<parameter name=\"operational-status\" value=\"PendingDelete\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 650.2539901733398,
+ "y": 1714.7544450759888,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ [
+ "4d3c7e74.2037b",
+ "76fdd751.58a9d8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "be61dd8a.9e196",
+ "type": "get-resource",
+ "name": "get-resource connectivity",
+ "xml": "<get-resource plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService\" \n\t\tresource=\"connectivity\" \n\t\tkey=\"connectivity.connectivity-id = $mdsal-psd.service-data.networks.network[0].network-id AND \n\t\t depth = '1'\"\n pfx='tmp.connectivity' local-only='false' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1184.0318145751953,
+ "y": 1192.504550933838,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "ec3a781a.b17a88",
+ "13bcbf26.d71d71"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3730ddb4.d493b2",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1957.1491241455078,
+ "y": 1389.3446836471558,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2d7c3367.b4917c",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "vpn-binding",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='vpn-binding'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1783.317642211914,
+ "y": 1391.8262071609497,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "95f1a2bf.0b285",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for each relationship",
+ "xml": "<for silentFailure='true' index='vidx' start='0' end='`$tmp.connectivity.relationship-list.relationship_length`' >\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1405.0315856933594,
+ "y": 1390.004433631897,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "68b3b3fe.7b312c",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch related-to",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.connectivity.relationship-list.relationship[$vidx].related-to`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1617.0315971374512,
+ "y": 1391.004433631897,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ddc37a19.aa1838",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.vpn-name",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.vpn-name' value=\"`$tmp.connectivity.relationship-list.relationship[$vidx].relationship-data[0].relationship-value` \" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2190.0317916870117,
+ "y": 1103.00475025177,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "76aabffd.38e",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "split vpnName to find nodeId",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split' >\n<parameter name=\"original_string\" value='`$tmp.vpn-name`'/>\n<parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"-\"/>\n<parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"route1\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2226.0317459106445,
+ "y": 1204.004117012024,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "78a77003.35ea4",
+ "637ec688.c44a88"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "637ec688.c44a88",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2427.031936645508,
+ "y": 1181.0041093826294,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "b87e837.b66ce8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b87e837.b66ce8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp.node-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.node-id' value='`$route1[0]`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.actual.vpn-name' value='`$route1[1]`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2580.032096862793,
+ "y": 1179.0041103363037,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "857b862a.e6a0b8",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value=\"An error occured while splitting sna1_route\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2564.032262802124,
+ "y": 1228.0041122436523,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "78a77003.35ea4",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2424.03191947937,
+ "y": 1229.004114151001,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "857b862a.e6a0b8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ec3a781a.b17a88",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1365.0314140319824,
+ "y": 1227.0001955032349,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "8cc479bc.b82368"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "13bcbf26.d71d71",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1367.883144378662,
+ "y": 1154.0664405822754,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c5f74144.ebbac"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c5f74144.ebbac",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"404\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error: Connectivity resource not found\" />\n \n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1510.0319137573242,
+ "y": 1154.3338508605957,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8cc479bc.b82368",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1367.0314254760742,
+ "y": 1305.000361442566,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "95f1a2bf.0b285"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "61d4f147.44641",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource connection-attachment-allotted-resource",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-ar\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 803.3652038574219,
+ "y": 553.5000734329224,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "55776be8.abf844",
+ "2f2bf02.ca60d1"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7bc058aa.42a598",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "get parent-service-data tmp.ar-url-psd",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"/restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.ar-url-psd\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{service-instance-id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 657.0314483642578,
+ "y": 762.0003347396851,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7c847f3c.b2ac4",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource parent service data",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n <parameter name='restapiUrl' value='`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.ar-url-psd`' />\n <parameter name='restapiUser' value='`$prop.controller.user`' />\n <parameter name='restapiPassword' value='`$prop.controller.pwd`' />\n <parameter name='format' value='json' />\n <parameter name='httpMethod' value='GET' />\n <parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"mdsal-psd\" />\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 724.0314102172852,
+ "y": 797.0004186630249,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "5d8dc0c4.ff757",
+ "83b7907.b55937"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f0fb1a1c.cc2828",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources_length",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource_length`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 740.2155303955078,
+ "y": 971.7182464599609,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f3fcb7.3cb38348",
+ "31b6e940.d005b6",
+ "998ab047.1d3cb"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d2c267be.388018",
+ "type": "update",
+ "name": "delete AAI vpn-binding",
+ "xml": "<delete plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding' \n key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpn-name' >",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2211.031204223633,
+ "y": 1801.0002889633179,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "e8b749f3.e275f8",
+ "ef20a9a9.f1fb18"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e8b749f3.e275f8",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2465.5392112731934,
+ "y": 1781.1987580060959,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "b53766de.89b208"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ef20a9a9.f1fb18",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "not-found",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='not-found'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2472.6344985961914,
+ "y": 1813.9607256650925,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "b53766de.89b208"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b53766de.89b208",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"AAI failed\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2632.063091278076,
+ "y": 1792.8178290128708,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4ec4550f.fd160c",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Get token",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/v2/tokens'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"post\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"token-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2250.7854080200195,
+ "y": 1581.254126548767,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "d144148d.dc75b8",
+ "6622df6c.28bd"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d144148d.dc75b8",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2485.7854080200195,
+ "y": 1559.254126548767,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "11df681e.1cd4c8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6622df6c.28bd",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2478.0354080200195,
+ "y": 1612.8970098495483,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "a07b50ef.81562"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "11df681e.1cd4c8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set token-id",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='prop.sdncRestApi.token_id' value='`$token-result.data.token_id`' />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 2639.7854080200195,
+ "y": 1560.254126548767,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "767b76a3.973bd8",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch prop.sdncRestApi.token_id",
+ "xml": "<switch test=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`\">\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2257.031126022339,
+ "y": 1686.5312061309814,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "647e08e2.0afec8",
+ "4b8f5cd7.3f8294"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4b8f5cd7.3f8294",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "other",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2477.0312519073486,
+ "y": 1726.031084060669,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "10d17cd1.f30ab3"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "647e08e2.0afec8",
+ "type": "other",
+ "name": "Null",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2483.031373977661,
+ "y": 1662.5310831069946,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "e34fee1b.784d2"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a07b50ef.81562",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2623.0311431884766,
+ "y": 1610.5309600830078,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e34fee1b.784d2",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "execute RestApiCallNode Delete ethernet Service",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc/etht-svc-instances=' + $tmp.actual.vpn-name`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`\" />\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"delete\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"vpn-result\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks\"/>\n<parameter name=\"trustStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStoreFileName\" value=\"/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12\"/>\n<parameter name=\"keyStorePassword\" value=\"adminadmin\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2762.03125,
+ "y": 1659.5311279296875,
+ "z": "f47a0348.da1fc",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f2badd12.3e9c1",
+ "94d88f9c.771f9"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.xml
index f2e71fad..663135a2 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_network-topology-operation.xml
@@ -1,443 +1,452 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<service-logic xmlns="http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd" module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" version="${project.version}">
- <method rpc="network-topology-operation" mode="sync">
- <block atomic="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="validate-network-input" mode="sync"></call>
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`">
- <outcome value="assign">
- <block atomic="true">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`">
- <outcome value="Created">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for assign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="PendingDelete">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for assign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="PendingCreate">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for assign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-assign" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="activate">
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`">
- <outcome value="ActivateSOTNConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sotn-network-topology-operation-activate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="ActivateDCINetworkInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="dci-connects-network-topology-operation-activate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="ActivateSDWANConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="other">
- <execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils" method="contains">
- <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
- <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
- <outcome value="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="wan-connection-topology-operation-activate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="false">
- <block atomic="true">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="nidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.nidx" value="`$nidx`"/>
- <parameter name="network-data." value="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
+ xmlns='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic'
+ xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.onap.org/sdnc/svclogic ./svclogic.xsd' module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' version='${project.version}'>
+ <method rpc='network-topology-operation' mode='sync'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='validate-network-input' mode='sync' ></call>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.sdnc-request-header.svc-action`'>
+ <outcome value='assign'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`'>
+ <outcome value='Created'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for assign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`" />
+ </return>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <set>
- <parameter name="nidx" value="`$tmp.nidx`"/>
- </set>
+ <outcome value='PendingDelete'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for assign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`" />
+ </return>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="success"></return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block>
- <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-instance-group-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
+ <outcome value='PendingCreate'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for assign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`" />
+ </return>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="ngidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$nidx].network-instance-group-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <block atomic="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.ngidx" value="`$ngidx`"/>
- <parameter name="ctx.network-instance-group-data." value="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$ngidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- </block>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-assign' mode='sync' ></call>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`">
- <outcome value="PendingCreate">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-activate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for activate. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
- </execute>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="changeassign">
- <block atomic="true">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="nidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.nidx" value="`$nidx`"/>
- <parameter name="network-data." value="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </outcome>
+ <outcome value='activate'>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`'>
+ <outcome value='ActivateSOTNConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='ActivateDCINetworkInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='dci-connects-network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='ActivateSDWANConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='other'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='contains' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='wan-connection-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='false'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='nidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.networks.network_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />
+ <parameter name='network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='nidx' value='`$tmp.nidx`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='success'></return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-instance-group-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='ngidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$nidx].network-instance-group-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ngidx' value='`$ngidx`' />
+ <parameter name='ctx.network-instance-group-data.' value='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$ngidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`'>
+ <outcome value='PendingCreate'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-activate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for activate. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </outcome>
- </for>
- <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <set>
- <parameter name="nidx" value="`$tmp.nidx`"/>
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-changeassign" mode="sync"></call>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="deactivate">
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`">
- <outcome value="DeactivateSOTNConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sotn-network-topology-operation-deactivate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="DeActivateDCINetworkInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="dci-connects-network-topology-operation-deactivate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="DeactivateSDWANConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sdwan-network-topology-operation-deactivate" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils" method="contains">
- <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
- <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
- <outcome value="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="wan-connection-topology-operation-deactivate" mode="sync"></call>
- <outcome value="false">
- <block atomic="true">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="nidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.nidx" value="`$nidx`"/>
- <parameter name="network-data." value="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
+ <outcome value='changeassign'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <set>
- <parameter name="nidx" value="`$tmp.nidx`"/>
- </set>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='nidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.networks.network_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />
+ <parameter name='network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='nidx' value='`$tmp.nidx`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-changeassign' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='deactivate'>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`'>
+ <outcome value='DeactivateSOTNConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-network-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='DeActivateDCINetworkInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='dci-connects-network-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='DeactivateSDWANConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sdwan-network-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='contains' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='wan-connection-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='false'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='nidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.networks.network_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />
+ <parameter name='network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='nidx' value='`$tmp.nidx`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='success'></return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-instance-group-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='ngidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$nidx].network-instance-group-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ngidx' value='`$ngidx`' />
+ <parameter name='ctx.network-instance-group-data.' value='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$ngidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </outcome>
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="success"></return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block>
- <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-instance-group-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='unassign'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="ngidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$nidx].network-instance-group-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <block atomic="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.ngidx" value="`$ngidx`"/>
- <parameter name="ctx.network-instance-group-data." value="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$ngidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- </block>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='nidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.networks.network_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.nidx' value='`$nidx`' />
+ <parameter name='network-data.' value='`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='nidx' value='`$tmp.nidx`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-deactivate" mode="sync"></call>
- </block>
+ </switch>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='success'></return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group_length`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-instance-group-id not found in service-data" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <for index='ngidx' start='0' end='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-_length`' >
+ <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$nidx].network-instance-group-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ngidx' value='`$ngidx`' />
+ <parameter name='ctx.network-instance-group-data.' value='`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$ngidx].`' />
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`'>
+ <outcome value='PendingCreate'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-unassign' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='PendingDelete'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-unassign' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for unassign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
- </execute>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="unassign">
- <block atomic="true">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="nidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.networks.network_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].network-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.nidx" value="`$nidx`"/>
- <parameter name="network-data." value="`$service-data.networks.network[$nidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </outcome>
+ <outcome value='create'>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`'>
+ <outcome value='CreateSOTNConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-network-topology-operation-create' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='CreateSDWANConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sdwan-network-topology-operation-create' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='other'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='contains' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='wan-connection-topology-operation-create' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='false'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-create' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </outcome>
- </for>
- <switch test="`$tmp.nidx`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <set>
- <parameter name="nidx" value="`$tmp.nidx`"/>
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="success"></return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block>
- <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group_length`">
- <outcome value="">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="network-topology-operation-input.network-request-input.network-instance-group-id not found in service-data"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <block atomic="true">
- <for index="ngidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-_length`">
- <switch test="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$nidx].network-instance-group-id == $network-topology-operation-input.network-information.network-instance-group-id`">
- <outcome value="true">
- <block atomic="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name="tmp.ngidx" value="`$ngidx`"/>
- <parameter name="ctx.network-instance-group-data." value="`$service-data.network-instance-groups.network-instance-group[$ngidx].`"/>
- </set>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <switch test="`$service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`">
- <outcome value="PendingCreate">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-unassign" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="PendingDelete">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-unassign" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Network is not in appropriate state for unassign. Current state is ' + $service-data.networks.network[$tmp.nidx].network-data.network-level-oper-status.order-status`"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="create">
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`">
- <outcome value="CreateSOTNConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sotn-network-topology-operation-create" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="CreateSDWANConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sdwan-network-topology-operation-create" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="other">
- <execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils" method="contains">
- <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
- <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
- <outcome value="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="wan-connection-topology-operation-create" mode="sync"></call>
- <outcome value="false">
- <block atomic="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-create" mode="sync"></call>
- </block>
+ <outcome value='delete'>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`'>
+ <outcome value='DeleteSOTNConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-network-topology-operation-delete' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='DeleteSDWANConnectivityInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sdwan-network-topology-operation-delete' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='other'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='contains' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='wan-connection-topology-operation-deactivate' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='false'>
+ <block atomic="true">
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='network-topology-operation-delete' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
- </execute>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="delete">
- <switch test="`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`">
- <outcome value="DeleteSOTNConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sotn-network-topology-operation-delete" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="DeleteSDWANConnectivityInstance">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="sdwan-network-topology-operation-delete" mode="sync"></call>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="other">
- <execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils" method="contains">
- <parameter name="source" value="`$network-topology-operation-input.service-information.onap-model-information.model-name`"/>
- <parameter name="target" value="wan-connection"/>
- <outcome value="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="wan-connection-topology-operation-deactivate" mode="sync"></call>
+ <outcome value='reoptimize'>
+ <switch test='`$network-topology-operation-input.request-information.request-action`'>
+ <outcome value='ReoptimizeSOTNInstance'>
+ <call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='sotn-network-topology-operation-reoptimize' mode='sync' ></call>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
- <outcome value="false">
- <block atomic="true">
- <call module="GENERIC-RESOURCE-API" rpc="network-topology-operation-delete" mode="sync"></call>
- </block>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="sdnc-request-header.svc-action is a required input" />
+ </return>
- </execute>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value="Other">
- <return status="failure">
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="sdnc-request-header.svc-action is a required input"/>
- </return>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- <set>
- <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
- </set>
- <return status="success">
- <parameter name="ack-final-indicator" value="Y"/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="200"/>
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`$error-message`"/>
- </return>
- </block>
- </method>
+ </switch>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="ack-final" value="Y"/>
+ </set>
+ <return status='success'>
+ <parameter name="ack-final-indicator" value="Y" />
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="200" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="`$error-message`" />
+ </return>
+ </block>
+ </method>
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-netbox-ip-assign.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-netbox-ip-assign.xml
index 3d9d0bb9..85522cf6 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-netbox-ip-assign.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-netbox-ip-assign.xml
@@ -44,35 +44,35 @@
<switch test='`$tmp.ss.param.capability-name == $ss.capability-name`'>
<outcome value='true'>
- <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status`'>
- <outcome value='FAILED'>
- <block>
- <for index="kidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`">
- <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].name`'>
- <outcome value='service-instance-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='vnf-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.vnf-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='prefix-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='external_key'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.external-key' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- <switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>
- <outcome value='assign'>
+ <block>
+ <for index="kidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].name`'>
+ <outcome value='service-instance-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='vnf-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.vnf-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='prefix-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='external_key'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.external-key' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ <switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>
+ <outcome value='assign'>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status`'>
+ <outcome value='FAILED'>
<block atomic='true'>
<execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient" method="assignIpAddress">
<parameter name="service_instance_id" value="`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
@@ -111,85 +111,7 @@
- <outcome value='unassign'>
- <block atomic="true">
- <get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'
- WHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key
- AND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id' >
- <outcome value='not-found'>
- <block></block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='success'>
- <block atomic="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.status' value="PENDING_DELETE" />
- </set>
- <update plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource" resource="SQL"
- key="UPDATE IPAM_IP_ASSIGNEMENT set ip_status = $tmp.status
- WHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key
- AND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id" >
- <outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Error updating NETBOX_IP_ASSIGNMENTS table to unassign ip with external_key=' + $tmp.ss.external-key + ' and service_instance_id=' + $tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
- </return>
- </outcome>
- </update>
- <execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient" method="unassignIpAddress">
- <parameter name="service_instance_id" value="`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
- <parameter name="external_key" value="`$tmp.ss.external-key`" />
- <outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Error in NetboxClient#unassignIPAddress with external-key='+ $tmp.ss.external-key`" />
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='success'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status'
- value='DELETED' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </execute>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </get-resource>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='PENDING'>
- <block>
- <for index="kidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`">
- <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].name`'>
- <outcome value='service-instance-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='vnf-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.vnf-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='prefix-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='external_key'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.external-key' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- <switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>
- <outcome value='assign'>
+ <outcome value='PENDING'>
<block atomic='true'>
<execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient" method="assignIpAddress">
<parameter name="service_instance_id" value="`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
@@ -228,7 +150,11 @@
- <outcome value='unassign'>
+ </switch>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='unassign'>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.vnf-parameters-data.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status`'>
+ <outcome value='SUCCESS'>
<block atomic="true">
<get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'
@@ -277,9 +203,9 @@
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
@@ -305,40 +231,40 @@
<switch test='`$tmp.ss.param.capability-name == $ss.capability-name`'>
<outcome value='true'>
- <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status`'>
- <outcome value='FAILED'>
- <block>
- <for index="kidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`">
- <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].name`'>
- <outcome value='service-instance-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='vf-module-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.vf-module-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='prefix-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='ip-address-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.ip-address-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='external_key'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.external-key' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- <switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>
- <outcome value='assign'>
+ <block>
+ <for index="kidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`">
+ <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].name`'>
+ <outcome value='service-instance-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='vf-module-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.vf-module-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='prefix-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='ip-address-id'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.ip-address-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='external_key'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.ss.external-key' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </for>
+ <switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>
+ <outcome value='assign'>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status`'>
+ <outcome value='FAILED'>
<block atomic='true'>
<execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient" method="assignIpAddress">
<parameter name="service_instance_id" value="`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
@@ -377,90 +303,7 @@
- <outcome value='unassign'>
- <block atomic="true">
- <get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'
- WHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key
- AND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id' >
- <outcome value='not-found'>
- <block></block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='success'>
- <block atomic="true">
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.status' value="PENDING_DELETE" />
- </set>
- <update plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource" resource="SQL"
- key="UPDATE IPAM_IP_ASSIGNEMENT set ip_status = $tmp.status
- WHERE external_key = $tmp.ss.external-key
- AND service_instance_id = $tmp.ss.service-instance-id" >
- <outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Error updating NETBOX_IP_ASSIGNMENTS table to unassign ip with external_key=' + $tmp.ss.external-key + ' and service_instance_id=' + $tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
- </return>
- </outcome>
- </update>
- <execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient" method="unassignIpAddress">
- <parameter name="service_instance_id" value="`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
- <parameter name="external_key" value="`$tmp.ss.external-key`" />
- <outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="`'Error in NetboxClient#unassignIPAddress with external-key='+ $tmp.ss.external-key`" />
- </return>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='success'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status'
- value='DELETED' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </execute>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </get-resource>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </block>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='PENDING'>
- <block>
- <for index="kidx" start="0" end="`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key_length`">
- <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].name`'>
- <outcome value='service-instance-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.service-instance-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='vf-module-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.vf-module-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='prefix-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.prefix-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='ip-address-id'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.ip-address-id' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- <outcome value='external_key'>
- <set>
- <parameter name='tmp.ss.external-key' value='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.resource-key[$kidx].value`' />
- </set>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
- </for>
- <switch test='`$ss.capability-action`'>
- <outcome value='assign'>
+ <outcome value='PENDING'>
<block atomic='true'>
<execute plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.netbox.api.NetboxClient" method="assignIpAddress">
<parameter name="service_instance_id" value="`$tmp.ss.service-instance-id`" />
@@ -499,7 +342,11 @@
- <outcome value='unassign'>
+ </switch>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='unassign'>
+ <switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module[$vf-module-index].vf-module-data.vf-module-topology.vf-module-parameters.param[$pidx].resource-resolution-data.status`'>
+ <outcome value='SUCCESS'>
<block atomic="true">
<get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'
@@ -548,9 +395,9 @@
- </block>
- </outcome>
- </switch>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-vf-module-forking-logic.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-vf-module-forking-logic.xml
index bbec5b34..1c5e0770 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-vf-module-forking-logic.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_self-serve-vf-module-forking-logic.xml
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<outcome value='success'>
<get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'
key='SELECT vf_module_label from VF_MODULE_MODEL
- WHERE vf_customization_uuid = $vf-module-topology-operation-input.vnf-information.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid
+ WHERE vf_customization_uuid = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-information.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid
AND vf_module_label is not null '
<outcome value='success'>
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_vnf-topology-operation-unassign.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_vnf-topology-operation-unassign.xml
index 1b3ff069..725e64f4 100755..100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_vnf-topology-operation-unassign.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_vnf-topology-operation-unassign.xml
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
+ <get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'
+ key='SELECT * from VF_MODEL WHERE customization_uuid = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid'
+ pfx='db.vf-model'></get-resource>
<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vnf-forking-logic' mode='sync' ></call>
<switch test="`$ss.self-serve-flag`">
<outcome value='false'>
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.xml
index 4ce82b1c..2b20f06e 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-attachment-topology-operation-create.xml
@@ -265,6 +265,16 @@ value="`$connection-attachment-ar-identifiers.`" />
+ <save plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService" resource="service-instance:relationship-list"
+ key="customer.global-customer-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id AND
+ service-subscription.service-type = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type AND
+ service-instance.service-instance-id = $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.allotted-resource-information.parent-service-instance-id"
+ force="true" pfx="tmp.AnAI-data">
+ <parameter name="relationship-list.relationship[0].related-to" value="allotted-resource" />
+ <parameter name="relationship-list.relationship[0].related-link" value="`'/business/customers/customer/' + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.global-customer-id + '/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/' + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.subscription-service-type + '/service-instances/service-instance/' + $connection-attachment-topology-operation-input.service-information.service-instance-id + '/allotted-resources/allotted-resource/' + $tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`" />
+ <parameter name="relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-key" value="allotted-resource.id" />
+ <parameter name="relationship-list.relationship[0].relationship-data[0].relationship-value" value="`$tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id`" />
+ </save>
<return status='success'>
<parameter name="ack-final-indicator" value="Y" />
<parameter name="error-code" value="200" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.xml
index 98d8bc9e..7fffebd5 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-get-tenant-auth.xml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`" />
<parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`" />
<parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
<parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate.xml
index ffd5ee73..db4a18c4 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sdwan/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sdwan-network-topology-operation-activate.xml
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
<parameter name='prop.tenant-id' value='`$tenant-result.data.tenantId`' />
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`" />
<parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`" />
<parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
<parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
@@ -148,6 +149,7 @@
<parameter name='prop.tenant-id' value='`$tmp.AnAI-data.temp-ub-sub-account-id`' />
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/actokentemplate.json'`" />
<parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/controller/campus/v1/baseservice/tenants/authorization/' + $prop.tenant-id`" />
<parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
<parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate.xml
index ef9278b9..58bfc12e 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-activate.xml
@@ -188,8 +188,13 @@
<switch test="`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'name'`">
<outcome value='true'>
- <parameter name='prop.global.sotn.etht-svc-name' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
- <parameter name='prop.global.sotn.bandwidth-profile-name' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name='ietf-etht-instance0' value='ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc.etht-svc-instances[0].' />
+ <parameter name='ietf-bw-profile0' value='ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc.globals.etht-svc-bandwidth-profiles[0].' />
+ <parameter name='ietf-etht-svc-name' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-name'`" value='`$ietf-etht-svc-name`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'bandwidth-profile-name'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].ingress-egress-bandwidth-profile-name'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].ingress-egress-bandwidth-profile-name'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
@@ -217,28 +222,28 @@
<switch test="`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'cir'`">
<outcome value='true'>
- <parameter name='prop.sotn.cir' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'CIR'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
<switch test="`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'eir'`">
<outcome value='true'>
- <parameter name='prop.global.sotn.eir' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'EIR'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
<switch test="`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'colorAware'`">
<outcome value='true'>
- <parameter name='prop.global.sotn.colorAware' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'color-aware'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
<switch test="`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].name == 'couplingFlag'`">
<outcome value='true'>
- <parameter name='prop.global.sotn.couplingFlag' value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'coupling-flag'`" value='`$tmp.network.network-data.network-request-input.network-input-parameters.param[$nidx].value`' />
@@ -454,32 +459,79 @@
- <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
- <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/sotn-ethernet-service.json'`" />
- <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc'`" />
- <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
- <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
- <parameter name="format" value="json"/>
- <parameter name="httpMethod" value="patch"/>
- <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="vpn-result"/>
- <parameter name="trustStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks"/>
- <parameter name="trustStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
- <parameter name="keyStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12"/>
- <parameter name="keyStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
- <parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value="`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`" />
- <outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing Create vpn rest api" />
- </return>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-bw-profile0 + 'bandwidth-profile-type'`" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:mef-10-bwp' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-type'`" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:p2p-svc' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'admin-status'`" value='ietf-te-types:tunnel-state-up' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].access-port-id'`" value='0' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].service-classification-type'`" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:port-classification' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].access-port-id'`" value='1' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].service-classification-type'`" value='ietf-eth-tran-types:port-classification' />
+ </set>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'access-provider-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.access-provider-id`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'access-client-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.access-client-id`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'access-topology-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.access-topology-id`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].access-node-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[0].access-ltp-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.src-access-ltp-id`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].access-node-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.access-node-id`' />
+ <parameter name="`$ietf-etht-instance0 + 'etht-svc-access-ports[1].access-ltp-id'`" value='`$oof.vpn.dst-access-ltp-id`' />
+ </set>
+ <switch test="`$prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`">
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restconfapicall.RestconfApiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc'`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
+ <parameter name="format" value="json"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="patch"/>
+ <parameter name='dirPath' value="/opt/sdnc/restapi/yang" />
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="vpn-result"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing Create vpn rest api" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block atomic="true"></block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
- <outcome value='success'>
- <block atomic="true"></block>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restconfapicall.RestconfApiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc'`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
+ <parameter name="format" value="json"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="patch"/>
+ <parameter name='dirPath' value="/opt/sdnc/restapi/yang" />
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="vpn-result"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value="`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`" />
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing Create vpn rest api" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block atomic="true"></block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
- </execute>
+ </switch>
- <parameter name='tmp.vpnName' value="`$oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-' + $prop.global.sotn.etht-svc-name`" />
+ <parameter name='tmp.vpnName' value="`$oof.vpn.access-node-id + '-' + $ietf-etht-svc-name`" />
<save plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding'
key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpnName' >
diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate.xml b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate.xml
index 4626b3c3..9a334655 100644
--- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/sotn/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_sotn-attachment-topology-operation-deactivate.xml
@@ -291,36 +291,60 @@
<outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing get token rest api" />
- </return>
+ <block></block>
- <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
- <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc/etht-svc-instances=' + $tmp.actual.vpn-name`" />
- <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
- <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
- <parameter name="format" value="json"/>
- <parameter name="httpMethod" value="delete"/>
- <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="vpn-result"/>
- <parameter name="trustStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks"/>
- <parameter name="trustStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
- <parameter name="keyStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12"/>
- <parameter name="keyStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
- <parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value="`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`" />
- <outcome value='failure'>
- <return status='failure'>
- <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
- <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
- <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing Create vpn rest api" />
- </return>
+ <switch test="`$prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`">
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc/etht-svc-instances=' + $tmp.actual.vpn-name`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
+ <parameter name="format" value="json"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="delete"/>
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="vpn-result"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing Create vpn rest api" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block atomic="true"></block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
- <outcome value='success'>
- <block atomic="true"></block>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.url + '/restconf/data/ietf-eth-tran-service:etht-svc/etht-svc-instances=' + $tmp.actual.vpn-name`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.user`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.sdncRestApi.thirdpartySdnc.password`" />
+ <parameter name="format" value="json"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="delete"/>
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="vpn-result"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/truststore.onap.client.jks"/>
+ <parameter name="trustStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStoreFileName" value="/opt/onap/sdnc/data/stores/sdnc.p12"/>
+ <parameter name="keyStorePassword" value="adminadmin"/>
+ <parameter name='customHttpHeaders' value="`'X-ACCESS-TOKEN=' + $prop.sdncRestApi.token_id`" />
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error executing Create vpn rest api" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block atomic="true"></block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
- </execute>
+ </switch>
<delete plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.aai.AAIService' resource='vpn-binding'
key='vpn-binding.vpn-id = $tmp.vpn-name' >
<outcome value='failure'>
diff --git a/platform-logic/restapi-templates/src/main/json/lcm-dmaap-publish-template.json b/platform-logic/restapi-templates/src/main/json/lcm-dmaap-publish-template.json
index a061f634..67d8b1d4 100644
--- a/platform-logic/restapi-templates/src/main/json/lcm-dmaap-publish-template.json
+++ b/platform-logic/restapi-templates/src/main/json/lcm-dmaap-publish-template.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"rpc-name": ${lcm-dmaap.rpc-name},
"type": ${lcm-dmaap.type},
"body": {
- "input": {
+ "output": {
"common-header": {
"api-ver": ${lcm-dmaap.api-ver},
"flags": {