path: root/ms/generic-resource-api/src/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ms/generic-resource-api/src/main')
1 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ms/generic-resource-api/src/main/java/org/onap/sdnc/apps/ms/gra/controllers/ b/ms/generic-resource-api/src/main/java/org/onap/sdnc/apps/ms/gra/controllers/
index 5695cfc..581f0c7 100644
--- a/ms/generic-resource-api/src/main/java/org/onap/sdnc/apps/ms/gra/controllers/
+++ b/ms/generic-resource-api/src/main/java/org/onap/sdnc/apps/ms/gra/controllers/
@@ -44,11 +44,14 @@ import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.validation.Valid;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"*"})
@@ -797,4 +800,735 @@ public class ConfigApiController implements ConfigApi {
+ /**
+ * Deletes VNF data from the Config table specified Service Instance.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to perform the delete on
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to delete
+ * @return HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204) on successful delete
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400) if unmarshalling Service Data from
+ * the database fails, there is no VNF data for {@code vnfId}, or
+ * writing Service Data back to the database fails.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND (404) if {@code serviceInstanceId} does
+ * not exist.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<Void> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdDelete(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId) throws RestException {
+"DELETE | VNF Data for ({})", vnfId);
+ /* The logic may need to be moved inside of this check or this check
+ * may need to be removed.
+ */
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+"Something with header.");
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ ConfigServices data;
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+"Could not find data for ({}).", serviceInstanceId);
+ // Or throw the data not found error?
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "Service Instance ID not found.", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ } else {
+ data = services.get(0);
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(data.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ // Or throw the data not found error?
+ log.error("Could not map service data for ({})", serviceInstanceId);
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ if(svcData == null) {
+ // Or throw the data not found error?
+"Could not find Service Data for ({}).", serviceInstanceId);
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "Service data not found.", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs vnfs = svcData.getVnfs();
+ if(vnfs == null) {
+ // Or throw the data not found error?
+"VNF List not found for ({}).", serviceInstanceId);
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "VNFs not found.", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ Stream<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnfStream = svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().stream();
+ if(vnfStream.noneMatch(targetVnf -> targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))) {
+ // Data was not found
+ log.error("Did not find VNF ({}) in data.", vnfId);
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "VNF ID not found.", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ // Recreate the stream per Sonar?
+ vnfStream = svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().stream();
+ svcData.getVnfs().setVnf(vnfStream.filter(targetVnf -> !targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+ // Map and save the new data
+ try {
+ data.setSvcData(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(svcData));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error mapping object to JSON", e);
+ // Should probably be a 500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR
+ throw new RestProtocolException("internal-service-error", "Failed to save data.", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts VNF data from the Config table specified Service Instance.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to lookup data for
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to return
+ * @return HttpStatus.OK (200) if the data is found.
+ * @throws RestException if the data does not exist.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdGet(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId) throws RestException {
+"GET | VNF Data for ({})", vnfId);
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+ if(getAcceptHeader().get().contains("application/json")) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "No service entry found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnf = getVnfObject(services.get(0), vnfId);
+ if(vnf.isPresent()) {
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(vnf.get(), HttpStatus.OK);
+ } else {
+"No information found for {}", vnfId);
+ throw new RestApplicationException("data-missing", "Request could not be completed because the relevant data model content does not exist", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates VNF data in the Config table for a specified Service
+ * Instance. If it is a new Service Instance or a new VNF, creates all
+ * necessary parent data containers, then performs the updates.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to perform the delete on
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to delete
+ * @param genericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfBodyParam the playload
+ * @return HttpStatus.CREATED (201) on successful create
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204) on successful update
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400) if {@code vnfId} does not match
+ * what is specified in the
+ * {@code genericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfBodyParam}
+ * , or if updating the database fails.
+ * @throws RestException
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<Void> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdPut(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf genericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfBodyParam) throws RestException {
+"PUT | VNF Data for ({})", vnfId);
+ if(!vnfId.equals(genericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfBodyParam.getVnfId())) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("bad-attribute", "vnf-id mismatch", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value());
+ }
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+"Something with header");
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ ConfigServices data;
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+"Could not find data for ({}). Creating new Service Object.", serviceInstanceId);
+ data = new ConfigServices();
+ data.setSvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ } else {
+ data = services.get(0);
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData = null;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(data.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Could not map service data for ({})", serviceInstanceId);
+ }
+ if(svcData == null) {
+"Could not find Service Data for ({}). Creating new Service Data Container", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData();
+ }
+ if(svcData.getVnfs() == null) {
+"VNF List not found for ({}). Creating new VNF List Container.", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData.setVnfs(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs());
+ svcData.getVnfs().setVnf(new ArrayList<>());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs vnflist = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs();
+ HttpStatus responseStatus = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
+ if(svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().isEmpty()) {
+"Creating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(genericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfBodyParam);
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ } else {
+"Updating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ // Filter out all of the other vnf objects into a new VNF List
+ // Replace if a delete method exists
+ svcData.getVnfs()
+ .getVnf()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(targetVnf -> !targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))
+ .forEach(vnflist::addVnfItem);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(genericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfBodyParam);
+ }
+ svcData.setVnfs(vnflist);
+ // Map and save the new data
+ try {
+ data.setSvcData(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(svcData));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(responseStatus);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error mapping object to JSON", e);
+ // Should probably be a 500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts VNF Topology data from the Config table specified Service
+ * Instance and VNF ID.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/vnf-data/vnf-topology/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to lookup data for
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to extract topology data from.
+ * @return HttpStatus.OK (200) if the data is found.
+ * @throws RestException if the data does not exist.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdVnfDataVnfTopologyGet(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId) throws RestException {
+"GET | VNF Topology for ({})", vnfId);
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+ if (getAcceptHeader().get().contains("application/json")) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "No service entry found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnf = getVnfObject(services.get(0), vnfId);
+ // Drill down to find the data
+ if(vnf.isPresent()
+ && vnf.get().getVnfData() != null
+ && vnf.get().getVnfData().getVnfTopology() != null) {
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(vnf.get().getVnfData().getVnfTopology(), HttpStatus.OK);
+ } else {
+"No information found for {}", vnfId);
+ throw new RestApplicationException("data-missing", "Request could not be completed because the relevant data model content does not exist", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates VNF Level Operation Status data in the Config table
+ * for a specified Service Instance. If it is a new Service Instance or a
+ * new VNF, creates all necessary parent data containers, then performs the
+ * updates.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/vnf-data/vnf-level-oper-status/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to perform the delete on
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to delete
+ * @param genericResourceApiOperStatusDataBodyParam the payload
+ * @return HttpStatus.CREATED (201) on successful create.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204) on successful update.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400) if updating the database fails.
+ * @throws RestException
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<Void> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdVnfDataVnfLevelOperStatusPut(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, GenericResourceApiOperStatusData genericResourceApiOperStatusDataBodyParam) throws RestException {
+"PUT | VNF Level Oper Status ({})", vnfId);
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ ConfigServices data;
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+"Could not find data for ({}). Creating new Service Object.", serviceInstanceId);
+ data = new ConfigServices();
+ data.setSvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ } else {
+ data = services.get(0);
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData = null;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(data.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Could not map service data for ({})", serviceInstanceId);
+ }
+ if(svcData == null) {
+"Could not find Service Data for ({}). Creating new Service Data Container", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData();
+ }
+ if(svcData.getVnfs() == null) {
+"VNF List not found for ({}). Creating new VNF List Container.", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData.setVnfs(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs());
+ svcData.getVnfs().setVnf(new ArrayList<>());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs vnflist = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs();
+ HttpStatus responseStatus = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
+ if(svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().isEmpty()) {
+"Creating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ vnf.setVnfId(vnfId);
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfLevelOperStatus(genericResourceApiOperStatusDataBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ } else {
+"Updating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ // Filter out all of the other vnf objects into a new VNF List
+ // Replace if a delete method exists
+ svcData.getVnfs()
+ .getVnf()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(targetVnf -> !targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))
+ .forEach(vnflist::addVnfItem);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ // If the vnf exists, set it up with new data
+ Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnfOptional = getVnfObject(data, vnfId);
+ if(vnfOptional.isPresent()) {
+ vnf = vnfOptional.get();
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData() == null) {
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ }
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfLevelOperStatus(genericResourceApiOperStatusDataBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ }
+ svcData.setVnfs(vnflist);
+ // Map and save the new data
+ try {
+ data.setSvcData(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(svcData));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(responseStatus);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error mapping object to JSON", e);
+ // Should probably be a 500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates VNF Onap Model Information data in the Config table
+ * for a specified Service Instance. If it is a new Service Instance or a
+ * new VNF, creates all necessary parent data containers, then performs the
+ * updates.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/vnf-data/vnf-topology/onap-model-information/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to perform the delete on
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to delete
+ * @param genericResourceApiOnapmodelinformationOnapModelInformationBodyParam the payload
+ * @return HttpStatus.CREATED (201) on successful create.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204) on successful update.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400) if updating the database fails.
+ * @throws RestException
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<Void> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdVnfDataVnfTopologyOnapModelInformationPut(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, GenericResourceApiOnapmodelinformationOnapModelInformation genericResourceApiOnapmodelinformationOnapModelInformationBodyParam) throws RestException {
+"PUT | VNF Topology Onap Model Information ({})", vnfId);
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ ConfigServices data;
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+"Could not find data for ({}). Creating new Service Object.", serviceInstanceId);
+ data = new ConfigServices();
+ data.setSvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ } else {
+ data = services.get(0);
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData = null;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(data.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Could not map service data for ({})", serviceInstanceId);
+ }
+ if(svcData == null) {
+"Could not find Service Data for ({}). Creating new Service Data Container", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData();
+ }
+ if(svcData.getVnfs() == null) {
+"VNF List not found for ({}). Creating new VNF List Container.", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData.setVnfs(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs());
+ svcData.getVnfs().setVnf(new ArrayList<>());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs vnflist = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs();
+ HttpStatus responseStatus = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
+ if(svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().isEmpty()) {
+"Creating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ vnf.setVnfId(vnfId);
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfTopology(new GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().setOnapModelInformation(genericResourceApiOnapmodelinformationOnapModelInformationBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ } else {
+"Updating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ // Filter out all of the other vnf objects into a new VNF List
+ // Replace if a delete method exists
+ svcData.getVnfs()
+ .getVnf()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(targetVnf -> !targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))
+ .forEach(vnflist::addVnfItem);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ // If the vnf exists, set it up with new data
+ Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnfOptional = getVnfObject(data, vnfId);
+ if(vnfOptional.isPresent()) {
+ vnf = vnfOptional.get();
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData() == null) {
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology() == null) {
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfTopology(new GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology());
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ }
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().setOnapModelInformation(genericResourceApiOnapmodelinformationOnapModelInformationBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ }
+ svcData.setVnfs(vnflist);
+ // Map and save the new data
+ try {
+ data.setSvcData(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(svcData));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(responseStatus);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error mapping object to JSON", e);
+ // Should probably be a 500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates VNF Network data in the Config table for a specified
+ * Service Instance. If it is a new Service Instance or a new VNF, creates
+ * all necessary parent data containers, then performs the updates.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/vnf-data/vnf-topology/vnf-resource-assignments/vnf-networks/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to perform the delete on
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to delete
+ * @param genericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworksBodyParam the payload
+ * @return HttpStatus.CREATED (201) on successful create.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204) on successful update.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400) if updating the database fails.
+ * @throws RestException
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<Void> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdVnfDataVnfTopologyVnfResourceAssignmentsVnfNetworksPut(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworks genericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworksBodyParam) throws RestException {
+"PUT | VNF Topology VNF Resource Assignments VNF Networks ({})", vnfId);
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ ConfigServices data;
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+"Could not find data for ({}). Creating new Service Object.", serviceInstanceId);
+ data = new ConfigServices();
+ data.setSvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ } else {
+ data = services.get(0);
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData = null;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(data.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Could not map service data for ({})", serviceInstanceId);
+ }
+ if(svcData == null) {
+"Could not find Service Data for ({}). Creating new Service Data Container", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData();
+ }
+ if(svcData.getVnfs() == null) {
+"VNF List not found for ({}). Creating new VNF List Container.", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData.setVnfs(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs());
+ svcData.getVnfs().setVnf(new ArrayList<>());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs vnflist = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs();
+ HttpStatus responseStatus = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
+ if(svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().isEmpty()) {
+"Creating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ vnf.setVnfId(vnfId);
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfTopology(new GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().setVnfResourceAssignments(new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfResourceAssignments());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().setVnfNetworks(genericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworksBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ } else {
+"Updating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ // Filter out all of the other vnf objects into a new VNF List
+ // Replace if a delete method exists
+ svcData.getVnfs()
+ .getVnf()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(targetVnf -> !targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))
+ .forEach(vnflist::addVnfItem);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ // If the vnf exists, set it up with new data
+ Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnfOptional = getVnfObject(data, vnfId);
+ if(vnfOptional.isPresent()) {
+ vnf = vnfOptional.get();
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData() == null) {
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology() == null) {
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfTopology(new GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology());
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments() == null) {
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().setVnfResourceAssignments(new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfResourceAssignments());
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ }
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().setVnfNetworks(genericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworksBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ }
+ svcData.setVnfs(vnflist);
+ // Map and save the new data
+ try {
+ data.setSvcData(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(svcData));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(responseStatus);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error mapping object to JSON", e);
+ // Should probably be a 500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates VNF Network Role data in the Config table for a
+ * specified Service Instance. If it is a new Service Instance or a new
+ * VNF, creates all necessary parent data containers, then performs the
+ * updates.
+ * <p>
+ * Maps to /config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:services/service/{service-instance-id}/service-data/vnfs/vnf/{vnf-id}/vnf-data/vnf-topology/vnf-resource-assignments/vnf-networks/vnf-network/{network-role}/
+ * @param serviceInstanceId the Service Instance ID to perform the delete on
+ * @param vnfId the VNF ID of the VNF to delete
+ * @param genericResourceApiVnfNetworkDataBodyParam the payload
+ * @return HttpStatus.CREATED (201) on successful create.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204) on successful update.
+ * <p>
+ * HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400) if updating the database fails.
+ * @throws RestException
+ */
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<Void> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataVnfsVnfVnfIdVnfDataVnfTopologyVnfResourceAssignmentsVnfNetworksVnfNetworkNetworkRolePut(String serviceInstanceId, String vnfId, String networkRole, GenericResourceApiVnfNetworkData genericResourceApiVnfNetworkDataBodyParam) throws RestException {
+"PUT | VNF Network Network Role ({})", vnfId);
+ if(!networkRole.equals(genericResourceApiVnfNetworkDataBodyParam.getNetworkRole())) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("bad-attribute", "network-role mismatch", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value());
+ }
+ if(getObjectMapper().isPresent() && getAcceptHeader().isPresent()) {
+ } else {
+ log.warn("ObjectMapper or HttpServletRequest not configured in default ConfigApi interface so no example is generated");
+ }
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ ConfigServices data;
+ if((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+"Could not find data for ({}). Creating new Service Object.", serviceInstanceId);
+ data = new ConfigServices();
+ data.setSvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ } else {
+ data = services.get(0);
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData = null;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(data.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Could not map service data for ({})", serviceInstanceId);
+ }
+ if(svcData == null) {
+"Could not find Service Data for ({}). Creating new Service Data Container", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData();
+ }
+ if(svcData.getVnfs() == null) {
+"VNF List not found for ({}). Creating new VNF List Container.", serviceInstanceId);
+ svcData.setVnfs(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs());
+ svcData.getVnfs().setVnf(new ArrayList<>());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs vnflist = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfs();
+ HttpStatus responseStatus = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
+ if(svcData.getVnfs().getVnf().isEmpty()) {
+"Creating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ vnf.setVnfId(vnfId);
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfTopology(new GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().setVnfResourceAssignments(new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfResourceAssignments());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().setVnfNetworks(new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworks());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks().setVnfNetwork(new ArrayList<>());
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks().addVnfNetworkItem(genericResourceApiVnfNetworkDataBodyParam);
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ } else {
+"Updating VNF data for ({})", vnfId);
+ // Filter out all of the other vnf objects into a new VNF List
+ // Replace if a delete method exists
+ svcData.getVnfs()
+ .getVnf()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(targetVnf -> !targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))
+ .forEach(vnflist::addVnfItem);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf vnf = new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf();
+ // If the vnf exists, set it up with new data
+ Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> vnfOptional = getVnfObject(data, vnfId);
+ if(vnfOptional.isPresent()) {
+ vnf = vnfOptional.get();
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData() == null) {
+ vnf.setVnfData(new GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnfVnfData());
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology() == null) {
+ vnf.getVnfData().setVnfTopology(new GenericResourceApiVnftopologyVnfTopology());
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments() == null) {
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().setVnfResourceAssignments(new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfResourceAssignments());
+ }
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks() == null) {
+"Creating new VnfNetworks");
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().setVnfNetworks(new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworks());
+ }
+ GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworks networkList = new GenericResourceApiVnfresourceassignmentsVnfresourceassignmentsVnfNetworks();
+ if(vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks().getVnfNetwork().isEmpty()) {
+"First entry into network info.");
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks().addVnfNetworkItem(genericResourceApiVnfNetworkDataBodyParam);
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ } else {
+"Found networks. Filtering.");
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks().getVnfNetwork().stream()
+ .filter(targetNetwork -> !targetNetwork.getNetworkRole().equals(networkRole))
+ .forEach(networkList::addVnfNetworkItem);
+ networkList.addVnfNetworkItem(genericResourceApiVnfNetworkDataBodyParam);
+ if(networkList.getVnfNetwork().size() != vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().getVnfNetworks().getVnfNetwork().size()) {
+"Added a new Item");
+ responseStatus = HttpStatus.CREATED;
+ }
+ vnf.getVnfData().getVnfTopology().getVnfResourceAssignments().setVnfNetworks(networkList);
+ }
+ vnflist.addVnfItem(vnf);
+ }
+ svcData.setVnfs(vnflist);
+ // Map and save the new data
+ try {
+ data.setSvcData(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(svcData));
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(responseStatus);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error mapping object to JSON", e);
+ // Should probably be a 500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts a VNF object from the database,
+ * @param configServices A Config Services option created from a Service
+ * Instance ID
+ * @param vnfId the target VNF ID
+ * @return An empty Optional if the Service Data does not exist, an empty
+ * Optional if the VNF is not found, or an optional containing the
+ * found VNF.
+ */
+ private Optional<GenericResourceApiServicedataServicedataVnfsVnf> getVnfObject(ConfigServices configServices, String vnfId) {
+ // Map the Marshall the JSON String into a Java Object
+"Getting VNF Data for ({})", vnfId);
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData svcData;
+ try {
+ svcData = objectMapper.readValue(configServices.getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ } catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Error", e);
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ /*Get a stream of the VNF Objects and return the target if it's found,
+ * assuming that each VNF ID is unique within a Service Instance Object
+ */
+ return svcData.getVnfs().getVnf()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(targetVnf -> targetVnf.getVnfId().equals(vnfId))
+ .findFirst();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ResponseEntity<GenericResourceApiServicetopologyServiceTopology> configGENERICRESOURCEAPIservicesServiceServiceInstanceIdServiceDataServiceTopologyGet(String serviceInstanceId) throws RestApplicationException, RestProtocolException {
+ GenericResourceApiServicetopologyServiceTopology serviceTopology = null;
+ GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData serviceData = null;
+ List<ConfigServices> services = configServicesRepository.findBySvcInstanceId(serviceInstanceId);
+ if ((services == null) || (services.isEmpty())) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "No service entry found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ try {
+ if ( services.get(0).getSvcData().isEmpty()) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "No service-data entry found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ } else {
+ serviceData = objectMapper.readValue(services.get(0).getSvcData(), GenericResourceApiServicedataServiceData.class);
+ serviceTopology = serviceData.getServiceTopology();
+ }
+ if (serviceTopology == null) {
+ throw new RestProtocolException("data-missing", "No service-topology entry found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value());
+ }
+ return new ResponseEntity<>(serviceTopology, HttpStatus.OK);
+ } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("Could not parse service data", e);
+ throw new RestApplicationException("data-conversion", "Request could not be completed due to internal error", e, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value());
+ }
+ }