path: root/catalog-ui/src/app/services/sdc-version-service.ts
blob: 47001e9c9cb7a52f5aec309a8894a7b18c21f863 (plain)
'use strict';
import {Distribution} from "../models/distribution";
import {IAppConfigurtaion, IApi} from "../models/app-config";

export interface ISdcVersionService {
export class SdcVersionService implements ISdcVersionService {

    static '$inject' = ['$http', '$q', 'sdcConfig'];
    private api:IApi;

    constructor(private $http:ng.IHttpService, private $q:ng.IQService, sdcConfig:IAppConfigurtaion) {
        this.api = sdcConfig.api;

    public getVersion():ng.IPromise<any> {
        let defer = this.$q.defer<Array<Distribution>>();
        this.$http.get(this.api.root + this.api.GET_SDC_Version)
            .then((version:any) => {
        return defer.promise;
n448' href='#n448'>448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515
 * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
 * SDC
 * ================================================================================
 * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
 * ================================================================================
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
// Type definitions for Jasmine 2.2
// Project:
// Definitions by: Boris Yankov <>, Theodore Brown <>, David Pärsson <>
// Definitions:

// For ddescribe / iit use :

declare function describe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): void;
declare function fdescribe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): void;
declare function xdescribe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): void;

declare function it(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function it(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function fit(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function fit(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function xit(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function xit(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;

/** If you call the function pending anywhere in the spec body, no matter the expectations, the spec will be marked pending. */
declare function pending(reason?: string): void;

declare function beforeEach(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function beforeEach(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function afterEach(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function afterEach(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;

declare function beforeAll(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function beforeAll(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function afterAll(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
declare function afterAll(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;

declare function expect(spy: Function): jasmine.Matchers;
declare function expect(actual: any): jasmine.Matchers;

declare function fail(e?: any): void;

declare function spyOn(object: any, method: string): jasmine.Spy;

declare function runs(asyncMethod: Function): void;
declare function waitsFor(latchMethod: () => boolean, failureMessage?: string, timeout?: number): void;
declare function waits(timeout?: number): void;

declare module jasmine {

    var clock: () => Clock;

    function any(aclass: any): Any;
    function anything(): Any;
    function arrayContaining(sample: any[]): ArrayContaining;
    function objectContaining(sample: any): ObjectContaining;
    function createSpy(name: string, originalFn?: Function): Spy;
    function createSpyObj(baseName: string, methodNames: any[]): any;
    function createSpyObj<T>(baseName: string, methodNames: any[]): T;
    function pp(value: any): string;
    function getEnv(): Env;
    function addCustomEqualityTester(equalityTester: CustomEqualityTester): void;
    function addMatchers(matchers: CustomMatcherFactories): void;
    function stringMatching(str: string): Any;
    function stringMatching(str: RegExp): Any;

    interface Any {

        new (expectedClass: any): any;

        jasmineMatches(other: any): boolean;
        jasmineToString(): string;

    // taken from TypeScript lib.core.es6.d.ts, applicable to CustomMatchers.contains()
    interface ArrayLike<T> {
        length: number;
        [n: number]: T;

    interface ArrayContaining {
        new (sample: any[]): any;

        asymmetricMatch(other: any): boolean;
        jasmineToString(): string;

    interface ObjectContaining {
        new (sample: any): any;

        jasmineMatches(other: any, mismatchKeys: any[], mismatchValues: any[]): boolean;
        jasmineToString(): string;

    interface Block {

        new (env: Env, func: SpecFunction, spec: Spec): any;

        execute(onComplete: () => void): void;

    interface WaitsBlock extends Block {
        new (env: Env, timeout: number, spec: Spec): any;

    interface WaitsForBlock extends Block {
        new (env: Env, timeout: number, latchFunction: SpecFunction, message: string, spec: Spec): any;

    interface Clock {
        install(): void;
        uninstall(): void;
        /** Calls to any registered callback are triggered when the clock is ticked forward via the jasmine.clock().tick function, which takes a number of milliseconds. */
        tick(ms: number): void;
        mockDate(date?: Date): void;

    interface CustomEqualityTester {
        (first: any, second: any): boolean;

    interface CustomMatcher {
        compare<T>(actual: T, expected: T): CustomMatcherResult;
        compare(actual: any, expected: any): CustomMatcherResult;

    interface CustomMatcherFactory {
        (util: MatchersUtil, customEqualityTesters: Array<CustomEqualityTester>): CustomMatcher;

    interface CustomMatcherFactories {
        [index: string]: CustomMatcherFactory;

    interface CustomMatcherResult {
        pass: boolean;
        message: string;

    interface MatchersUtil {
        equals(a: any, b: any, customTesters?: Array<CustomEqualityTester>): boolean;
        contains<T>(haystack: ArrayLike<T> | string, needle: any, customTesters?: Array<CustomEqualityTester>): boolean;
        buildFailureMessage(matcherName: string, isNot: boolean, actual: any, ...expected: Array<any>): string;

    interface Env {
        setTimeout: any;
        clearTimeout: void;
        setInterval: any;
        clearInterval: void;
        updateInterval: number;

        currentSpec: Spec;

        matchersClass: Matchers;

        version(): any;
        versionString(): string;
        nextSpecId(): number;
        addReporter(reporter: Reporter): void;
        execute(): void;
        describe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): Suite;
        // ddescribe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): Suite; Not a part of jasmine. Angular team adds these
        beforeEach(beforeEachFunction: () => void): void;
        beforeAll(beforeAllFunction: () => void): void;
        currentRunner(): Runner;
        afterEach(afterEachFunction: () => void): void;
        afterAll(afterAllFunction: () => void): void;
        xdescribe(desc: string, specDefinitions: () => void): XSuite;
        it(description: string, func: () => void): Spec;
        // iit(description: string, func: () => void): Spec; Not a part of jasmine. Angular team adds these
        xit(desc: string, func: () => void): XSpec;
        compareRegExps_(a: RegExp, b: RegExp, mismatchKeys: string[], mismatchValues: string[]): boolean;
        compareObjects_(a: any, b: any, mismatchKeys: string[], mismatchValues: string[]): boolean;
        equals_(a: any, b: any, mismatchKeys: string[], mismatchValues: string[]): boolean;
        contains_(haystack: any, needle: any): boolean;
        addCustomEqualityTester(equalityTester: CustomEqualityTester): void;
        addMatchers(matchers: CustomMatcherFactories): void;
        specFilter(spec: Spec): boolean;

    interface FakeTimer {

        new (): any;

        reset(): void;
        tick(millis: number): void;
        runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis: number, nowMillis: number): void;
        scheduleFunction(timeoutKey: any, funcToCall: () => void, millis: number, recurring: boolean): void;

    interface HtmlReporter {
        new (): any;

    interface HtmlSpecFilter {
        new (): any;

    interface Result {
        type: string;

    interface NestedResults extends Result {
        description: string;

        totalCount: number;
        passedCount: number;
        failedCount: number;

        skipped: boolean;

        rollupCounts(result: NestedResults): void;
        log(values: any): void;
        getItems(): Result[];
        addResult(result: Result): void;
        passed(): boolean;

    interface MessageResult extends Result  {
        values: any;
        trace: Trace;

    interface ExpectationResult extends Result  {
        matcherName: string;
        passed(): boolean;
        expected: any;
        actual: any;
        message: string;
        trace: Trace;

    interface Trace {
        name: string;
        message: string;
        stack: any;

    interface PrettyPrinter {

        new (): any;

        format(value: any): void;
        iterateObject(obj: any, fn: (property: string, isGetter: boolean) => void): void;
        emitScalar(value: any): void;
        emitString(value: string): void;
        emitArray(array: any[]): void;
        emitObject(obj: any): void;
        append(value: any): void;

    interface StringPrettyPrinter extends PrettyPrinter {

    interface Queue {

        new (env: any): any;

        env: Env;
        ensured: boolean[];
        blocks: Block[];
        running: boolean;
        index: number;
        offset: number;
        abort: boolean;

        addBefore(block: Block, ensure?: boolean): void;
        add(block: any, ensure?: boolean): void;
        insertNext(block: any, ensure?: boolean): void;
        start(onComplete?: () => void): void;
        isRunning(): boolean;
        next_(): void;
        results(): NestedResults;

    interface Matchers {

        new (env: Env, actual: any, spec: Env, isNot?: boolean): any;

        env: Env;
        actual: any;
        spec: Env;
        isNot?: boolean;
        message(): any;

        toBe(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toEqual(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toMatch(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeDefined(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeUndefined(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeNull(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeNaN(): boolean;
        toBeTruthy(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeFalsy(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toHaveBeenCalled(): boolean;
        toHaveBeenCalledWith(...params: any[]): boolean;
        toContain(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeLessThan(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeGreaterThan(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toBeCloseTo(expected: any, precision: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
        toContainHtml(expected: string): boolean;
        toContainText(expected: string): boolean;
        toThrow(expected?: any): boolean;
        toThrowError(expected?: any, message?: string): boolean;
        not: Matchers;

        Any: Any;

    interface Reporter {
        reportRunnerStarting(runner: Runner): void;
        reportRunnerResults(runner: Runner): void;
        reportSuiteResults(suite: Suite): void;
        reportSpecStarting(spec: Spec): void;
        reportSpecResults(spec: Spec): void;
        log(str: string): void;

    interface MultiReporter extends Reporter {
        addReporter(reporter: Reporter): void;

    interface Runner {

        new (env: Env): any;

        execute(): void;
        beforeEach(beforeEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        afterEach(afterEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        beforeAll(beforeAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        afterAll(afterAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        finishCallback(): void;
        addSuite(suite: Suite): void;
        add(block: Block): void;
        specs(): Spec[];
        suites(): Suite[];
        topLevelSuites(): Suite[];
        results(): NestedResults;

    interface SpecFunction {
        (spec?: Spec): void;

    interface SuiteOrSpec {
        id: number;
        env: Env;
        description: string;
        queue: Queue;

    interface Spec extends SuiteOrSpec {

        new (env: Env, suite: Suite, description: string): any;

        suite: Suite;

        afterCallbacks: SpecFunction[];
        spies_: Spy[];

        results_: NestedResults;
        matchersClass: Matchers;

        getFullName(): string;
        results(): NestedResults;
        log(arguments: any): any;
        runs(func: SpecFunction): Spec;
        addToQueue(block: Block): void;
        addMatcherResult(result: Result): void;
        expect(actual: any): any;
        waits(timeout: number): Spec;
        waitsFor(latchFunction: SpecFunction, timeoutMessage?: string, timeout?: number): Spec;
        fail(e?: any): void;
        getMatchersClass_(): Matchers;
        addMatchers(matchersPrototype: CustomMatcherFactories): void;
        finishCallback(): void;
        finish(onComplete?: () => void): void;
        after(doAfter: SpecFunction): void;
        execute(onComplete?: () => void): any;
        addBeforesAndAftersToQueue(): void;
        explodes(): void;
        spyOn(obj: any, methodName: string, ignoreMethodDoesntExist: boolean): Spy;
        removeAllSpies(): void;

    interface XSpec {
        id: number;
        runs(): void;

    interface Suite extends SuiteOrSpec {

        new (env: Env, description: string, specDefinitions: () => void, parentSuite: Suite): any;

        parentSuite: Suite;

        getFullName(): string;
        finish(onComplete?: () => void): void;
        beforeEach(beforeEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        afterEach(afterEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        beforeAll(beforeAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        afterAll(afterAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
        results(): NestedResults;
        add(suiteOrSpec: SuiteOrSpec): void;
        specs(): Spec[];
        suites(): Suite[];
        children(): any[];
        execute(onComplete?: () => void): void;

    interface XSuite {
        execute(): void;

    interface Spy {
        (...params: any[]): any;

        identity: string;
        and: SpyAnd;
        calls: Calls;
        mostRecentCall: { args: any[]; };
        argsForCall: any[];
        wasCalled: boolean;

    interface SpyAnd {
        /** By chaining the spy with and.callThrough, the spy will still track all calls to it but in addition it will delegate to the actual implementation. */
        callThrough(): Spy;
        /** By chaining the spy with and.returnValue, all calls to the function will return a specific value. */
        returnValue(val: any): void;
        /** By chaining the spy with and.callFake, all calls to the spy will delegate to the supplied function. */
        callFake(fn: Function): Spy;
        /** By chaining the spy with and.throwError, all calls to the spy will throw the specified value. */
        throwError(msg: string): void;
        /** When a calling strategy is used for a spy, the original stubbing behavior can be returned at any time with and.stub. */
        stub(): Spy;

    interface Calls {
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.any(), will return false if the spy has not been called at all, and then true once at least one call happens. **/
        any(): boolean;
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.count(), will return the number of times the spy was called **/
        count(): number;
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.argsFor(), will return the arguments passed to call number index **/
        argsFor(index: number): any[];
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.allArgs(), will return the arguments to all calls **/
        allArgs(): any[];
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.all(), will return the context (the this) and arguments passed all calls **/
        all(): CallInfo[];
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.mostRecent(), will return the context (the this) and arguments for the most recent call **/
        mostRecent(): CallInfo;
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.first(), will return the context (the this) and arguments for the first call **/
        first(): CallInfo;
        /** By chaining the spy with calls.reset(), will clears all tracking for a spy **/
        reset(): void;

    interface CallInfo {
        /** The context (the this) for the call */
        object: any;
        /** All arguments passed to the call */
        args: any[];

    interface Util {
        inherit(childClass: Function, parentClass: Function): any;
        formatException(e: any): any;
        htmlEscape(str: string): string;
        argsToArray(args: any): any;
        extend(destination: any, source: any): any;

    interface JsApiReporter extends Reporter {

        started: boolean;
        finished: boolean;
        result: any;
        messages: any;

        new (): any;

        suites(): Suite[];
        summarize_(suiteOrSpec: SuiteOrSpec): any;
        results(): any;
        resultsForSpec(specId: any): any;
        log(str: any): any;
        resultsForSpecs(specIds: any): any;
        summarizeResult_(result: any): any;

    interface Jasmine {
        Spec: Spec;
        clock: Clock;
        util: Util;

    export var HtmlReporter: HtmlReporter;
    export var HtmlSpecFilter: HtmlSpecFilter;
    export var DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL: number;