path: root/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/composition/graph/utils/composition-graph-nodes-utils.spec.ts
blob: 9dcc47f7cc33a7455f985212e3f43066f387c1ee (plain)

@media only all and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
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.highlight .l { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal */
.highlight .n { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name */
.highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */
.highlight .p { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Punctuation */
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.highlight .cm { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Multiline */
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.highlight .vc { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
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.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
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import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { SdcUiServices } from 'onap-ui-angular';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx';
import CollectionNodes = Cy.CollectionNodes;
import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery';
import { ComponentInstance } from '../../../../../models';
import { ComponentMetadata } from '../../../../../models/component-metadata';
import { Resource } from '../../../../../models/components/resource';
import { CompositionCiNodeCp } from '../../../../../models/graph/nodes/composition-graph-nodes/composition-ci-node-cp';
import { CompositionCiNodeVl } from '../../../../../models/graph/nodes/composition-graph-nodes/composition-ci-node-vl';
import { EventListenerService } from '../../../../../services';
import CollectionEdges = Cy.CollectionEdges;
import { GRAPH_EVENTS } from '../../../../../utils/constants';
import { ServiceServiceNg2 } from '../../../../services/component-services/service.service';
import { TopologyTemplateService } from '../../../../services/component-services/topology-template.service';
import { ComponentGenericResponse } from '../../../../services/responses/component-generic-response';
import { QueueServiceUtils } from '../../../../utils/queue-service-utils';
import { WorkspaceService } from '../../../workspace/workspace.service';
import { CompositionService } from '../../composition.service';
import { CommonGraphUtils } from '../common/common-graph-utils';
import { CompositionGraphGeneralUtils } from './composition-graph-general-utils';
import { CompositionGraphNodesUtils } from './composition-graph-nodes-utils';

describe('composition graph nodes utils', () => {

    const CP_TO_DELETE_ID = 'cp1';
    const VL_TO_DELETE_ID = 'vl';
    const CP2_ID = 'cp2';

    let loaderServiceMock: Partial<SdcUiServices.LoaderService>;
    let service: CompositionGraphNodesUtils;
    let topologyServiceMock: TopologyTemplateService;
    let queueServiceMock: QueueServiceUtils;
    let workspaceServiceMock: WorkspaceService;
    let compositionServiceMock: CompositionService;
    let eventListenerServiceMock: EventListenerService;
    const cpInstanceMock: ComponentInstance = Mock.of<ComponentInstance>({
        uniqueId: CP_TO_DELETE_ID,
        isVl: () => false
    const vlInstanceMock: ComponentInstance = Mock.of<ComponentInstance>({
        uniqueId: VL_TO_DELETE_ID,
        isVl: () => true
    const cp2InstanceMock: ComponentInstance = Mock.of<ComponentInstance>({
        uniqueId: CP2_ID,
        isVl: () => false

    const cyMock = Mock.of<Cy.Instance>({
        remove: jest.fn(),
        collection: jest.fn()

    const serviceServiceMock = Mock.of<ServiceServiceNg2>({
        getComponentCompositionData : () => Observable.of(Mock.of<ComponentGenericResponse>())

    // Instances on the graph cp, vl, cp2
    const cp = Mock.from<CompositionCiNodeCp>({ id: CP_TO_DELETE_ID, componentInstance: cpInstanceMock });
    const vl = Mock.from<CompositionCiNodeVl>({ id: VL_TO_DELETE_ID, componentInstance: vlInstanceMock });
    const cp2 = Mock.from<CompositionCiNodeCp>({ id: CP2_ID, componentInstance: cp2InstanceMock });

    beforeEach(() => {

        loaderServiceMock = {
            activate: jest.fn(),
            deactivate: jest.fn()

        topologyServiceMock = Mock.of<TopologyTemplateService>({
            deleteComponentInstance : () => Observable.of(cpInstanceMock)

        queueServiceMock = Mock.of<QueueServiceUtils>({
            addBlockingUIAction : ( (f) => f() )

        workspaceServiceMock = Mock.of<WorkspaceService>({
            metadata: Mock.of<ComponentMetadata>( { uniqueId: 'topologyTemplateUniqueId' } )

        compositionServiceMock = Mock.of<CompositionService>({
            deleteComponentInstance : jest.fn()

        eventListenerServiceMock = Mock.of<EventListenerService>({
            notifyObservers : jest.fn()

            imports: [],
            providers: [
                {provide: WorkspaceService, useValue: workspaceServiceMock},
                {provide: TopologyTemplateService, useValue: topologyServiceMock},
                {provide: CompositionService, useValue: compositionServiceMock},
                {provide: CompositionGraphGeneralUtils, useValue: {}},
                {provide: CommonGraphUtils, useValue: {}},
                {provide: EventListenerService, useValue: eventListenerServiceMock},
                {provide: QueueServiceUtils, useValue: queueServiceMock},
                {provide: ServiceServiceNg2, useValue: serviceServiceMock},
                {provide: SdcUiServices.LoaderService, useValue: loaderServiceMock}
        service = TestBed.get(CompositionGraphNodesUtils);

    it('When a CP is deleted which is connected to a VL that has another leg to another CP, the VL is deleted as well', () => {
        // Prepare a VL that is connected to both CP and CP2
        const vlToDelete = Mock.of<CollectionNodes>({
            data:  () => vl,
            connectedEdges: () => Mock.of<CollectionEdges>({
                length: 2,
                connectedNodes: () => [cp, cp2] as CollectionNodes

        // Prepare a CP which is connected to a VL
        const cpToDelete = Mock.of<CollectionNodes>({
            data:  () => cp,
            connectedEdges: () => Mock.of<CollectionEdges>({
                length: 1,
                connectedNodes: () => [vlToDelete] as CollectionNodes
        service.deleteNode(cyMock, Mock.of<Resource>(), cpToDelete);
        expect(eventListenerServiceMock.notifyObservers).toHaveBeenCalledWith(GRAPH_EVENTS.ON_DELETE_COMPONENT_INSTANCE, VL_TO_DELETE_ID);
        expect(eventListenerServiceMock.notifyObservers).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(GRAPH_EVENTS.ON_DELETE_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_SUCCESS, CP_TO_DELETE_ID);

    it('When a CP is deleted which is solely connected to another VL the VL is not deleted', () => {
        // Prepare a VL that is connected only to 1 CP
        const vlToDelete = Mock.of<CollectionNodes>({
            data:  () => vl,
            connectedEdges: () => Mock.of<CollectionEdges>({
                length: 1,
                connectedNodes: () => [cp] as CollectionNodes

        // Prepare a CP which is connected to a VL
        const cpToDelete = Mock.of<CollectionNodes>({
            data:  () => cp,
            connectedEdges: () => Mock.of<CollectionEdges>({
                length: 1,
                connectedNodes: () => [vlToDelete] as CollectionNodes
        service.deleteNode(cyMock, Mock.of<Resource>(), cpToDelete);
        expect(eventListenerServiceMock.notifyObservers).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(GRAPH_EVENTS.ON_DELETE_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_SUCCESS, CP_TO_DELETE_ID);