path: root/onboarding
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-07-14Update version to
2023-07-10Step version to 1.13.2-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2023-07-10Update outdated/vulnerable dependenciesvasraz1-6/+5
2023-06-08Step version to 1.13.1-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2023-06-02Set version to 1.13.0-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2023-06-02Step version to 1.13.0 for MontrealMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2023-05-25Update vulnerable dependenciesvasraz1-1/+0
2023-04-03Step version to 1.12.4-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2023-03-08Update vulnerable dependency - javax.servlet:javax.servlet-apivasraz1-3/+2
2023-03-02Step version to 1.12.3-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2023-02-02Step version to 1.12.2-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-10-29Step version to 1.12.1MichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-09-29Stepping version to 1.12.0 for start of LondonMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-09-28Step version to 1.11.9-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-08-19Remove vulnerable dependencyvasraz1-0/+6
2022-08-17Update SDC version to 1.11.8-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-08-15Step version to 1.11.7-SNAPSHOT1.11.7MichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-06-24Step version to 1.11.6-SNAPSHOTandre.schmid1-1/+1
2022-06-24Step version to 1.11.5-SNAPSHOTandre.schmid1-1/+1
2022-05-27Step version to 1.11.4-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-05-18Step version to 1.11.3-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-04-25Step version to 1.11.2-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-04-08Step version to 1.11.1-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-04-01Upgrade vulnerable dependency 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore'vasraz1-1/+1
2022-03-23Step version to 1.11.0-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-03-22Step version to 1.10.3-SNAPSHOT1.10.3MichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-02-09Step version to 1.10.2-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-02-02Step version to 1.10.1-SNAPSHOTMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2022-01-05Make configurable UI versionvasraz1-3/+0
2021-11-26Revert accidentally formatted POMsvasraz1-161/+161
2021-11-22Fix test cases failing incorrectlyvasraz1-316/+317
2021-11-15Fix critical cross site scriptingvasraz1-1/+0
2021-10-01Step version for JakartaMichaelMorris1-1/+1
2021-09-20Updated SDC version to 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT1.9.2MichaelMorris1-1/+1
2021-09-13Update SDC version to 1.9.1-SNAPSHOT1.9.1MichaelMorris1-1/+1
2021-08-19Align all SDC dependencies versionsvasraz1-9/+1
2021-07-28Upgrade springframework to latest version (5.3.8)vasraz1-0/+29
2021-07-21Remove dependency vulnerabilityvasraze opened by default: * Onboard Backend - 4001 (jetty) * Backend - 4000 (jetty) * Frontend - 6000 (jetty) It's therefore possible to connect your IDE to those debug ports remotely to walk through the code and add some breakpoints. **Look at the pom.xml of the integration-tests module to have a better understanding of all the docker settings provided to start SDC.** ### Integration tests The integration are composed of 2 parts, one to test the BE Apis and another one to test the FE with selenium. The selenium tests make use of the selenium/standalone-firefox:2.53.1 container. About BE APIs tests, onboarding E2E flow : Onboarding E2E flow cover following SDC functionality: Onboard of VNF Create VF from VSP Certify VF Create Service Add VF to service Certify Service Export TOSCA and validate it structure using external TOSCA parser **as part of execution we open a connection to Titan and perform resources clean up both before and after tests execution (only resource with “ci” prefix will be deleted from the catalog) List of VNFs/PNFs that proceed by onboarding flow, located in `integration-tests/src/test/resources/Files/`) sample-signed-pnf-cms-includes-cert-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip sample-signed-pnf-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip sample-pnf-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.csar sample-pnf-custom-type.csar base_vfw.zi base_vvg.zip database-substitution-mappings.csar helm.zip Huawei_vHSS.csar Huawei_vMME.csar infra.zip resource-ZteEpcMmeVf-csar_fix.csar vbng.zip vbrgemu.zip vfw.zip vgmux.zip vgw.zip vLB.zip vLBMS.zip vSBC_update_v03.csar vsp-vgw.csar vvg.zip ZteEpcMmeVf.csar #### Start the integration tests manually Those tests execute the following There are 2 options to start them: * After having started SDC with the command `mvn clean install -P start-sdc`, run the command `mvn clean install -P run-integration-tests` * If you want to debug them and run them from your IDE, you must start them from the testNG Suites files, otherwise this won't work. The test suites are located here: * BE: `integration-tests/src/test/resources/ci/testSuites/backend` * FE: `integration-tests/src/test/resources/ci/testSuites/frontend` #### Integration tests with Helm Validator Those tests use container built externally in other ONAP repository: [sdc/sdc-helm-validator](https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/sdc/sdc-helm-validator) You can run those tests same as default integration tests by adding additional profile to maven commands: `integration-tests-with-helm-validator` * To start SDC with Helm Validator run: `mvn clean install -P start-sdc,integration-tests-with-helm-validator` * To execute tests that use Helm Validator use: `mvn clean install -P run-integration-tests,integration-tests-with-helm-validator` ## Accessing SDC UI in Dev Mode (Legacy way) In order to access the SDC UI from your dev environment you need to do the following: 1. Go to file `webpack.server.js` found under the catalog-ui folder in the main sdc project and update the "localhost" variable to be the ip of your local vagrant machine. 2. Navigate to the catalog-ui folder and run the command: `npm start -- --env.role <wanted_role>` with the wanted role to login to SDC as. ## SDC on OOM For more information regarding SDC on OOM please refer to the following page: [SDC on OOM](https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/SDC+on+OOM) ## Frontend Local Env - onboarding ### Steps: Install nodejs & gulp 1. download nodejs from here: https://nodejs.org/en/ (take the "current" version with latest features) & install it. 2. install gulp by running the following command: npm install --global gulp-cli ### Install DOX-UI a: 1. pull for latest changes 2. go to folder dox-sequence-diagram-ui 3. run npm install 4. wait for it... 5. go to folder dox-ui 6. run npm install 7. create a copy of devConfig.defaults.json file and name it devConfig.json (we already configured git to ignore it so it will not be pushed) 8. in that file, populate the fields of the IP addresses of your BE machine you'd like to connect (pay attention, it is a JSON file): For example http://<host>:<port> 9. after everything is successful, run gulp 10. after server is up, your favorite UI will wait for you at: http://localhost:9000/sdc1/proxy-designer1#/onboardVendor ### Troubleshooting: | Problem | Why is this happening | Solution | |-------------------------------|-------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | npm cannot reach destination | onboarding proxy | When within onboarding network, you should set onboarding proxy to NPM as the following: | | | | npm config set proxy http://genproxy:8080 | | | | npm config set https-proxy http://genproxy:8080 | | | | | | git protocol is blocked | onboarding network | When within onboarding network, you should set globally that when git | | and cannot connect | rules for protocols | protocol is used, it will be replaced with "https" | | | | git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git:// | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## SDC Troubleshooting In order to check the life state of SDC you can run the command `health` from inside the vagrant. Alternatively you can run the following commands to check the FE and BE status: FE - `curl http://<ip_address>:8181/sdc1/rest/healthCheck` BE - `curl http://<ip_address>:8080/sdc2/rest/healthCheck` Another method to check about problems in SDC is to look at the log files. The jetty(Applicative) are found in the respective folder according to the wanted section For example, the BE logs will found under the directory `/BE`. For more information regarding SDC Troubleshooting please refer to the following guide: [SDC Troubleshooting](https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/SDC+Troubleshooting) ## Getting Help ##### [Mailing list](mailto:onap-sdc@lists.onap.org) ##### [JIRA](http://jira.onap.org) ##### [WIKI](https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Service+Design+and+Creation+%28SDC%29+Portal)