path: root/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources
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Diffstat (limited to 'jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources')
11 files changed, 5171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b12ad0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3053 @@
+Package resource API
+A resource is a logical file contained within a package, or a logical
+subdirectory thereof. The package resource API expects resource names
+to have their path parts separated with ``/``, *not* whatever the local
+path separator is. Do not use os.path operations to manipulate resource
+names being passed into the API.
+The package resource API is designed to work with normal filesystem packages,
+.egg files, and unpacked .egg files. It can also work in a limited way with
+.zip files and with custom PEP 302 loaders that support the ``get_data()``
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sys
+import os
+import io
+import time
+import re
+import imp
+import zipfile
+import zipimport
+import warnings
+import stat
+import functools
+import pkgutil
+import token
+import symbol
+import operator
+import platform
+import collections
+import plistlib
+import email.parser
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+from pkgutil import get_importer
+PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,)
+PY2 = not PY3
+if PY3:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
+if PY2:
+ from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
+if PY3:
+ string_types = str,
+ string_types = str, eval('unicode')
+iteritems = (lambda i: i.items()) if PY3 else lambda i: i.iteritems()
+# capture these to bypass sandboxing
+from os import utime
+ from os import mkdir, rename, unlink
+except ImportError:
+ # no write support, probably under GAE
+from os import open as os_open
+from os.path import isdir, split
+# Avoid try/except due to potential problems with delayed import mechanisms.
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and sys.implementation.name == "cpython":
+ import importlib._bootstrap as importlib_bootstrap
+ importlib_bootstrap = None
+ import parser
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+ import pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.version
+ import pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.specifiers
+ packaging = pkg_resources._vendor.packaging
+except ImportError:
+ # fallback to naturally-installed version; allows system packagers to
+ # omit vendored packages.
+ import packaging.version
+ import packaging.specifiers
+class PEP440Warning(RuntimeWarning):
+ """
+ Used when there is an issue with a version or specifier not complying with
+ PEP 440.
+ """
+class _SetuptoolsVersionMixin(object):
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__hash__()
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return tuple(self) < other
+ else:
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__lt__(other)
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return tuple(self) <= other
+ else:
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__le__(other)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return tuple(self) == other
+ else:
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__eq__(other)
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return tuple(self) >= other
+ else:
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__ge__(other)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return tuple(self) > other
+ else:
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__gt__(other)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return tuple(self) != other
+ else:
+ return super(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, self).__ne__(other)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return tuple(self)[key]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ component_re = re.compile(r'(\d+ | [a-z]+ | \.| -)', re.VERBOSE)
+ replace = {
+ 'pre': 'c',
+ 'preview': 'c',
+ '-': 'final-',
+ 'rc': 'c',
+ 'dev': '@',
+ }.get
+ def _parse_version_parts(s):
+ for part in component_re.split(s):
+ part = replace(part, part)
+ if not part or part == '.':
+ continue
+ if part[:1] in '0123456789':
+ # pad for numeric comparison
+ yield part.zfill(8)
+ else:
+ yield '*'+part
+ # ensure that alpha/beta/candidate are before final
+ yield '*final'
+ def old_parse_version(s):
+ parts = []
+ for part in _parse_version_parts(s.lower()):
+ if part.startswith('*'):
+ # remove '-' before a prerelease tag
+ if part < '*final':
+ while parts and parts[-1] == '*final-':
+ parts.pop()
+ # remove trailing zeros from each series of numeric parts
+ while parts and parts[-1] == '00000000':
+ parts.pop()
+ parts.append(part)
+ return tuple(parts)
+ # Warn for use of this function
+ warnings.warn(
+ "You have iterated over the result of "
+ "pkg_resources.parse_version. This is a legacy behavior which is "
+ "inconsistent with the new version class introduced in setuptools "
+ "8.0. In most cases, conversion to a tuple is unnecessary. For "
+ "comparison of versions, sort the Version instances directly. If "
+ "you have another use case requiring the tuple, please file a "
+ "bug with the setuptools project describing that need.",
+ RuntimeWarning,
+ stacklevel=1,
+ )
+ for part in old_parse_version(str(self)):
+ yield part
+class SetuptoolsVersion(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin, packaging.version.Version):
+ pass
+class SetuptoolsLegacyVersion(_SetuptoolsVersionMixin,
+ packaging.version.LegacyVersion):
+ pass
+def parse_version(v):
+ try:
+ return SetuptoolsVersion(v)
+ except packaging.version.InvalidVersion:
+ return SetuptoolsLegacyVersion(v)
+_state_vars = {}
+def _declare_state(vartype, **kw):
+ globals().update(kw)
+ _state_vars.update(dict.fromkeys(kw, vartype))
+def __getstate__():
+ state = {}
+ g = globals()
+ for k, v in _state_vars.items():
+ state[k] = g['_sget_'+v](g[k])
+ return state
+def __setstate__(state):
+ g = globals()
+ for k, v in state.items():
+ g['_sset_'+_state_vars[k]](k, g[k], v)
+ return state
+def _sget_dict(val):
+ return val.copy()
+def _sset_dict(key, ob, state):
+ ob.clear()
+ ob.update(state)
+def _sget_object(val):
+ return val.__getstate__()
+def _sset_object(key, ob, state):
+ ob.__setstate__(state)
+_sget_none = _sset_none = lambda *args: None
+def get_supported_platform():
+ """Return this platform's maximum compatible version.
+ distutils.util.get_platform() normally reports the minimum version
+ of Mac OS X that would be required to *use* extensions produced by
+ distutils. But what we want when checking compatibility is to know the
+ version of Mac OS X that we are *running*. To allow usage of packages that
+ explicitly require a newer version of Mac OS X, we must also know the
+ current version of the OS.
+ If this condition occurs for any other platform with a version in its
+ platform strings, this function should be extended accordingly.
+ """
+ plat = get_build_platform()
+ m = macosVersionString.match(plat)
+ if m is not None and sys.platform == "darwin":
+ try:
+ plat = 'macosx-%s-%s' % ('.'.join(_macosx_vers()[:2]), m.group(3))
+ except ValueError:
+ # not Mac OS X
+ pass
+ return plat
+__all__ = [
+ # Basic resource access and distribution/entry point discovery
+ 'require', 'run_script', 'get_provider', 'get_distribution',
+ 'load_entry_point', 'get_entry_map', 'get_entry_info',
+ 'iter_entry_points',
+ 'resource_string', 'resource_stream', 'resource_filename',
+ 'resource_listdir', 'resource_exists', 'resource_isdir',
+ # Environmental control
+ 'declare_namespace', 'working_set', 'add_activation_listener',
+ 'find_distributions', 'set_extraction_path', 'cleanup_resources',
+ 'get_default_cache',
+ # Primary implementation classes
+ 'Environment', 'WorkingSet', 'ResourceManager',
+ 'Distribution', 'Requirement', 'EntryPoint',
+ # Exceptions
+ 'ResolutionError', 'VersionConflict', 'DistributionNotFound',
+ 'UnknownExtra', 'ExtractionError',
+ # Warnings
+ 'PEP440Warning',
+ # Parsing functions and string utilities
+ 'parse_requirements', 'parse_version', 'safe_name', 'safe_version',
+ 'get_platform', 'compatible_platforms', 'yield_lines', 'split_sections',
+ 'safe_extra', 'to_filename', 'invalid_marker', 'evaluate_marker',
+ # filesystem utilities
+ 'ensure_directory', 'normalize_path',
+ # Distribution "precedence" constants
+ # "Provider" interfaces, implementations, and registration/lookup APIs
+ 'IMetadataProvider', 'IResourceProvider', 'FileMetadata',
+ 'PathMetadata', 'EggMetadata', 'EmptyProvider', 'empty_provider',
+ 'NullProvider', 'EggProvider', 'DefaultProvider', 'ZipProvider',
+ 'register_finder', 'register_namespace_handler', 'register_loader_type',
+ 'fixup_namespace_packages', 'get_importer',
+ # Deprecated/backward compatibility only
+ 'run_main', 'AvailableDistributions',
+class ResolutionError(Exception):
+ """Abstract base for dependency resolution errors"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__+repr(self.args)
+class VersionConflict(ResolutionError):
+ """
+ An already-installed version conflicts with the requested version.
+ Should be initialized with the installed Distribution and the requested
+ Requirement.
+ """
+ _template = "{self.dist} is installed but {self.req} is required"
+ @property
+ def dist(self):
+ return self.args[0]
+ @property
+ def req(self):
+ return self.args[1]
+ def report(self):
+ return self._template.format(**locals())
+ def with_context(self, required_by):
+ """
+ If required_by is non-empty, return a version of self that is a
+ ContextualVersionConflict.
+ """
+ if not required_by:
+ return self
+ args = self.args + (required_by,)
+ return ContextualVersionConflict(*args)
+class ContextualVersionConflict(VersionConflict):
+ """
+ A VersionConflict that accepts a third parameter, the set of the
+ requirements that required the installed Distribution.
+ """
+ _template = VersionConflict._template + ' by {self.required_by}'
+ @property
+ def required_by(self):
+ return self.args[2]
+class DistributionNotFound(ResolutionError):
+ """A requested distribution was not found"""
+class UnknownExtra(ResolutionError):
+ """Distribution doesn't have an "extra feature" of the given name"""
+_provider_factories = {}
+PY_MAJOR = sys.version[:3]
+def register_loader_type(loader_type, provider_factory):
+ """Register `provider_factory` to make providers for `loader_type`
+ `loader_type` is the type or class of a PEP 302 ``module.__loader__``,
+ and `provider_factory` is a function that, passed a *module* object,
+ returns an ``IResourceProvider`` for that module.
+ """
+ _provider_factories[loader_type] = provider_factory
+def get_provider(moduleOrReq):
+ """Return an IResourceProvider for the named module or requirement"""
+ if isinstance(moduleOrReq, Requirement):
+ return working_set.find(moduleOrReq) or require(str(moduleOrReq))[0]
+ try:
+ module = sys.modules[moduleOrReq]
+ except KeyError:
+ __import__(moduleOrReq)
+ module = sys.modules[moduleOrReq]
+ loader = getattr(module, '__loader__', None)
+ return _find_adapter(_provider_factories, loader)(module)
+def _macosx_vers(_cache=[]):
+ if not _cache:
+ version = platform.mac_ver()[0]
+ # fallback for MacPorts
+ if version == '':
+ plist = '/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist'
+ if os.path.exists(plist):
+ if hasattr(plistlib, 'readPlist'):
+ plist_content = plistlib.readPlist(plist)
+ if 'ProductVersion' in plist_content:
+ version = plist_content['ProductVersion']
+ _cache.append(version.split('.'))
+ return _cache[0]
+def _macosx_arch(machine):
+ return {'PowerPC': 'ppc', 'Power_Macintosh': 'ppc'}.get(machine, machine)
+def get_build_platform():
+ """Return this platform's string for platform-specific distributions
+ XXX Currently this is the same as ``distutils.util.get_platform()``, but it
+ needs some hacks for Linux and Mac OS X.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Python 2.7 or >=3.2
+ from sysconfig import get_platform
+ except ImportError:
+ from distutils.util import get_platform
+ plat = get_platform()
+ if sys.platform == "darwin" and not plat.startswith('macosx-'):
+ try:
+ version = _macosx_vers()
+ machine = os.uname()[4].replace(" ", "_")
+ return "macosx-%d.%d-%s" % (int(version[0]), int(version[1]),
+ _macosx_arch(machine))
+ except ValueError:
+ # if someone is running a non-Mac darwin system, this will fall
+ # through to the default implementation
+ pass
+ return plat
+macosVersionString = re.compile(r"macosx-(\d+)\.(\d+)-(.*)")
+darwinVersionString = re.compile(r"darwin-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-(.*)")
+# XXX backward compat
+get_platform = get_build_platform
+def compatible_platforms(provided, required):
+ """Can code for the `provided` platform run on the `required` platform?
+ Returns true if either platform is ``None``, or the platforms are equal.
+ XXX Needs compatibility checks for Linux and other unixy OSes.
+ """
+ if provided is None or required is None or provided==required:
+ # easy case
+ return True
+ # Mac OS X special cases
+ reqMac = macosVersionString.match(required)
+ if reqMac:
+ provMac = macosVersionString.match(provided)
+ # is this a Mac package?
+ if not provMac:
+ # this is backwards compatibility for packages built before
+ # setuptools 0.6. All packages built after this point will
+ # use the new macosx designation.
+ provDarwin = darwinVersionString.match(provided)
+ if provDarwin:
+ dversion = int(provDarwin.group(1))
+ macosversion = "%s.%s" % (reqMac.group(1), reqMac.group(2))
+ if dversion == 7 and macosversion >= "10.3" or \
+ dversion == 8 and macosversion >= "10.4":
+ return True
+ # egg isn't macosx or legacy darwin
+ return False
+ # are they the same major version and machine type?
+ if provMac.group(1) != reqMac.group(1) or \
+ provMac.group(3) != reqMac.group(3):
+ return False
+ # is the required OS major update >= the provided one?
+ if int(provMac.group(2)) > int(reqMac.group(2)):
+ return False
+ return True
+ # XXX Linux and other platforms' special cases should go here
+ return False
+def run_script(dist_spec, script_name):
+ """Locate distribution `dist_spec` and run its `script_name` script"""
+ ns = sys._getframe(1).f_globals
+ name = ns['__name__']
+ ns.clear()
+ ns['__name__'] = name
+ require(dist_spec)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
+# backward compatibility
+run_main = run_script
+def get_distribution(dist):
+ """Return a current distribution object for a Requirement or string"""
+ if isinstance(dist, string_types):
+ dist = Requirement.parse(dist)
+ if isinstance(dist, Requirement):
+ dist = get_provider(dist)
+ if not isinstance(dist, Distribution):
+ raise TypeError("Expected string, Requirement, or Distribution", dist)
+ return dist
+def load_entry_point(dist, group, name):
+ """Return `name` entry point of `group` for `dist` or raise ImportError"""
+ return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)
+def get_entry_map(dist, group=None):
+ """Return the entry point map for `group`, or the full entry map"""
+ return get_distribution(dist).get_entry_map(group)
+def get_entry_info(dist, group, name):
+ """Return the EntryPoint object for `group`+`name`, or ``None``"""
+ return get_distribution(dist).get_entry_info(group, name)
+class IMetadataProvider:
+ def has_metadata(name):
+ """Does the package's distribution contain the named metadata?"""
+ def get_metadata(name):
+ """The named metadata resource as a string"""
+ def get_metadata_lines(name):
+ """Yield named metadata resource as list of non-blank non-comment lines
+ Leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from each line, and lines
+ with ``#`` as the first non-blank character are omitted."""
+ def metadata_isdir(name):
+ """Is the named metadata a directory? (like ``os.path.isdir()``)"""
+ def metadata_listdir(name):
+ """List of metadata names in the directory (like ``os.listdir()``)"""
+ def run_script(script_name, namespace):
+ """Execute the named script in the supplied namespace dictionary"""
+class IResourceProvider(IMetadataProvider):
+ """An object that provides access to package resources"""
+ def get_resource_filename(manager, resource_name):
+ """Return a true filesystem path for `resource_name`
+ `manager` must be an ``IResourceManager``"""
+ def get_resource_stream(manager, resource_name):
+ """Return a readable file-like object for `resource_name`
+ `manager` must be an ``IResourceManager``"""
+ def get_resource_string(manager, resource_name):
+ """Return a string containing the contents of `resource_name`
+ `manager` must be an ``IResourceManager``"""
+ def has_resource(resource_name):
+ """Does the package contain the named resource?"""
+ def resource_isdir(resource_name):
+ """Is the named resource a directory? (like ``os.path.isdir()``)"""
+ def resource_listdir(resource_name):
+ """List of resource names in the directory (like ``os.listdir()``)"""
+class WorkingSet(object):
+ """A collection of active distributions on sys.path (or a similar list)"""
+ def __init__(self, entries=None):
+ """Create working set from list of path entries (default=sys.path)"""
+ self.entries = []
+ self.entry_keys = {}
+ self.by_key = {}
+ self.callbacks = []
+ if entries is None:
+ entries = sys.path
+ for entry in entries:
+ self.add_entry(entry)
+ @classmethod
+ def _build_master(cls):
+ """
+ Prepare the master working set.
+ """
+ ws = cls()
+ try:
+ from __main__ import __requires__
+ except ImportError:
+ # The main program does not list any requirements
+ return ws
+ # ensure the requirements are met
+ try:
+ ws.require(__requires__)
+ except VersionConflict:
+ return cls._build_from_requirements(__requires__)
+ return ws
+ @classmethod
+ def _build_from_requirements(cls, req_spec):
+ """
+ Build a working set from a requirement spec. Rewrites sys.path.
+ """
+ # try it without defaults already on sys.path
+ # by starting with an empty path
+ ws = cls([])
+ reqs = parse_requirements(req_spec)
+ dists = ws.resolve(reqs, Environment())
+ for dist in dists:
+ ws.add(dist)
+ # add any missing entries from sys.path
+ for entry in sys.path:
+ if entry not in ws.entries:
+ ws.add_entry(entry)
+ # then copy back to sys.path
+ sys.path[:] = ws.entries
+ return ws
+ def add_entry(self, entry):
+ """Add a path item to ``.entries``, finding any distributions on it
+ ``find_distributions(entry, True)`` is used to find distributions
+ corresponding to the path entry, and they are added. `entry` is
+ always appended to ``.entries``, even if it is already present.
+ (This is because ``sys.path`` can contain the same value more than
+ once, and the ``.entries`` of the ``sys.path`` WorkingSet should always
+ equal ``sys.path``.)
+ """
+ self.entry_keys.setdefault(entry, [])
+ self.entries.append(entry)
+ for dist in find_distributions(entry, True):
+ self.add(dist, entry, False)
+ def __contains__(self, dist):
+ """True if `dist` is the active distribution for its project"""
+ return self.by_key.get(dist.key) == dist
+ def find(self, req):
+ """Find a distribution matching requirement `req`
+ If there is an active distribution for the requested project, this
+ returns it as long as it meets the version requirement specified by
+ `req`. But, if there is an active distribution for the project and it
+ does *not* meet the `req` requirement, ``VersionConflict`` is raised.
+ If there is no active distribution for the requested project, ``None``
+ is returned.
+ """
+ dist = self.by_key.get(req.key)
+ if dist is not None and dist not in req:
+ # XXX add more info
+ raise VersionConflict(dist, req)
+ return dist
+ def iter_entry_points(self, group, name=None):
+ """Yield entry point objects from `group` matching `name`
+ If `name` is None, yields all entry points in `group` from all
+ distributions in the working set, otherwise only ones matching
+ both `group` and `name` are yielded (in distribution order).
+ """
+ for dist in self:
+ entries = dist.get_entry_map(group)
+ if name is None:
+ for ep in entries.values():
+ yield ep
+ elif name in entries:
+ yield entries[name]
+ def run_script(self, requires, script_name):
+ """Locate distribution for `requires` and run `script_name` script"""
+ ns = sys._getframe(1).f_globals
+ name = ns['__name__']
+ ns.clear()
+ ns['__name__'] = name
+ self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Yield distributions for non-duplicate projects in the working set
+ The yield order is the order in which the items' path entries were
+ added to the working set.
+ """
+ seen = {}
+ for item in self.entries:
+ if item not in self.entry_keys:
+ # workaround a cache issue
+ continue
+ for key in self.entry_keys[item]:
+ if key not in seen:
+ seen[key]=1
+ yield self.by_key[key]
+ def add(self, dist, entry=None, insert=True, replace=False):
+ """Add `dist` to working set, associated with `entry`
+ If `entry` is unspecified, it defaults to the ``.location`` of `dist`.
+ On exit from this routine, `entry` is added to the end of the working
+ set's ``.entries`` (if it wasn't already present).
+ `dist` is only added to the working set if it's for a project that
+ doesn't already have a distribution in the set, unless `replace=True`.
+ If it's added, any callbacks registered with the ``subscribe()`` method
+ will be called.
+ """
+ if insert:
+ dist.insert_on(self.entries, entry)
+ if entry is None:
+ entry = dist.location
+ keys = self.entry_keys.setdefault(entry,[])
+ keys2 = self.entry_keys.setdefault(dist.location,[])
+ if not replace and dist.key in self.by_key:
+ # ignore hidden distros
+ return
+ self.by_key[dist.key] = dist
+ if dist.key not in keys:
+ keys.append(dist.key)
+ if dist.key not in keys2:
+ keys2.append(dist.key)
+ self._added_new(dist)
+ def resolve(self, requirements, env=None, installer=None,
+ replace_conflicting=False):
+ """List all distributions needed to (recursively) meet `requirements`
+ `requirements` must be a sequence of ``Requirement`` objects. `env`,
+ if supplied, should be an ``Environment`` instance. If
+ not supplied, it defaults to all distributions available within any
+ entry or distribution in the working set. `installer`, if supplied,
+ will be invoked with each requirement that cannot be met by an
+ already-installed distribution; it should return a ``Distribution`` or
+ ``None``.
+ Unless `replace_conflicting=True`, raises a VersionConflict exception if
+ any requirements are found on the path that have the correct name but
+ the wrong version. Otherwise, if an `installer` is supplied it will be
+ invoked to obtain the correct version of the requirement and activate
+ it.
+ """
+ # set up the stack
+ requirements = list(requirements)[::-1]
+ # set of processed requirements
+ processed = {}
+ # key -> dist
+ best = {}
+ to_activate = []
+ # Mapping of requirement to set of distributions that required it;
+ # useful for reporting info about conflicts.
+ required_by = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ while requirements:
+ # process dependencies breadth-first
+ req = requirements.pop(0)
+ if req in processed:
+ # Ignore cyclic or redundant dependencies
+ continue
+ dist = best.get(req.key)
+ if dist is None:
+ # Find the best distribution and add it to the map
+ dist = self.by_key.get(req.key)
+ if dist is None or (dist not in req and replace_conflicting):
+ ws = self
+ if env is None:
+ if dist is None:
+ env = Environment(self.entries)
+ else:
+ # Use an empty environment and workingset to avoid
+ # any further conflicts with the conflicting
+ # distribution
+ env = Environment([])
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ dist = best[req.key] = env.best_match(req, ws, installer)
+ if dist is None:
+ #msg = ("The '%s' distribution was not found on this "
+ # "system, and is required by this application.")
+ #raise DistributionNotFound(msg % req)
+ # unfortunately, zc.buildout uses a str(err)
+ # to get the name of the distribution here..
+ raise DistributionNotFound(req)
+ to_activate.append(dist)
+ if dist not in req:
+ # Oops, the "best" so far conflicts with a dependency
+ dependent_req = required_by[req]
+ raise VersionConflict(dist, req).with_context(dependent_req)
+ # push the new requirements onto the stack
+ new_requirements = dist.requires(req.extras)[::-1]
+ requirements.extend(new_requirements)
+ # Register the new requirements needed by req
+ for new_requirement in new_requirements:
+ required_by[new_requirement].add(req.project_name)
+ processed[req] = True
+ # return list of distros to activate
+ return to_activate
+ def find_plugins(self, plugin_env, full_env=None, installer=None,
+ fallback=True):
+ """Find all activatable distributions in `plugin_env`
+ Example usage::
+ distributions, errors = working_set.find_plugins(
+ Environment(plugin_dirlist)
+ )
+ # add plugins+libs to sys.path
+ map(working_set.add, distributions)
+ # display errors
+ print('Could not load', errors)
+ The `plugin_env` should be an ``Environment`` instance that contains
+ only distributions that are in the project's "plugin directory" or
+ directories. The `full_env`, if supplied, should be an ``Environment``
+ contains all currently-available distributions. If `full_env` is not
+ supplied, one is created automatically from the ``WorkingSet`` this
+ method is called on, which will typically mean that every directory on
+ ``sys.path`` will be scanned for distributions.
+ `installer` is a standard installer callback as used by the
+ ``resolve()`` method. The `fallback` flag indicates whether we should
+ attempt to resolve older versions of a plugin if the newest version
+ cannot be resolved.
+ This method returns a 2-tuple: (`distributions`, `error_info`), where
+ `distributions` is a list of the distributions found in `plugin_env`
+ that were loadable, along with any other distributions that are needed
+ to resolve their dependencies. `error_info` is a dictionary mapping
+ unloadable plugin distributions to an exception instance describing the
+ error that occurred. Usually this will be a ``DistributionNotFound`` or
+ ``VersionConflict`` instance.
+ """
+ plugin_projects = list(plugin_env)
+ # scan project names in alphabetic order
+ plugin_projects.sort()
+ error_info = {}
+ distributions = {}
+ if full_env is None:
+ env = Environment(self.entries)
+ env += plugin_env
+ else:
+ env = full_env + plugin_env
+ shadow_set = self.__class__([])
+ # put all our entries in shadow_set
+ list(map(shadow_set.add, self))
+ for project_name in plugin_projects:
+ for dist in plugin_env[project_name]:
+ req = [dist.as_requirement()]
+ try:
+ resolvees = shadow_set.resolve(req, env, installer)
+ except ResolutionError as v:
+ # save error info
+ error_info[dist] = v
+ if fallback:
+ # try the next older version of project
+ continue
+ else:
+ # give up on this project, keep going
+ break
+ else:
+ list(map(shadow_set.add, resolvees))
+ distributions.update(dict.fromkeys(resolvees))
+ # success, no need to try any more versions of this project
+ break
+ distributions = list(distributions)
+ distributions.sort()
+ return distributions, error_info
+ def require(self, *requirements):
+ """Ensure that distributions matching `requirements` are activated
+ `requirements` must be a string or a (possibly-nested) sequence
+ thereof, specifying the distributions and versions required. The
+ return value is a sequence of the distributions that needed to be
+ activated to fulfill the requirements; all relevant distributions are
+ included, even if they were already activated in this working set.
+ """
+ needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
+ for dist in needed:
+ self.add(dist)
+ return needed
+ def subscribe(self, callback):
+ """Invoke `callback` for all distributions (including existing ones)"""
+ if callback in self.callbacks:
+ return
+ self.callbacks.append(callback)
+ for dist in self:
+ callback(dist)
+ def _added_new(self, dist):
+ for callback in self.callbacks:
+ callback(dist)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return (
+ self.entries[:], self.entry_keys.copy(), self.by_key.copy(),
+ self.callbacks[:]
+ )
+ def __setstate__(self, e_k_b_c):
+ entries, keys, by_key, callbacks = e_k_b_c
+ self.entries = entries[:]
+ self.entry_keys = keys.copy()
+ self.by_key = by_key.copy()
+ self.callbacks = callbacks[:]
+class Environment(object):
+ """Searchable snapshot of distributions on a search path"""
+ def __init__(self, search_path=None, platform=get_supported_platform(),
+ python=PY_MAJOR):
+ """Snapshot distributions available on a search path
+ Any distributions found on `search_path` are added to the environment.
+ `search_path` should be a sequence of ``sys.path`` items. If not
+ supplied, ``sys.path`` is used.
+ `platform` is an optional string specifying the name of the platform
+ that platform-specific distributions must be compatible with. If
+ unspecified, it defaults to the current platform. `python` is an
+ optional string naming the desired version of Python (e.g. ``'3.3'``);
+ it defaults to the current version.
+ You may explicitly set `platform` (and/or `python`) to ``None`` if you
+ wish to map *all* distributions, not just those compatible with the
+ running platform or Python version.
+ """
+ self._distmap = {}
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.python = python
+ self.scan(search_path)
+ def can_add(self, dist):
+ """Is distribution `dist` acceptable for this environment?
+ The distribution must match the platform and python version
+ requirements specified when this environment was created, or False
+ is returned.
+ """
+ return (self.python is None or dist.py_version is None
+ or dist.py_version==self.python) \
+ and compatible_platforms(dist.platform, self.platform)
+ def remove(self, dist):
+ """Remove `dist` from the environment"""
+ self._distmap[dist.key].remove(dist)
+ def scan(self, search_path=None):
+ """Scan `search_path` for distributions usable in this environment
+ Any distributions found are added to the environment.
+ `search_path` should be a sequence of ``sys.path`` items. If not
+ supplied, ``sys.path`` is used. Only distributions conforming to
+ the platform/python version defined at initialization are added.
+ """
+ if search_path is None:
+ search_path = sys.path
+ for item in search_path:
+ for dist in find_distributions(item):
+ self.add(dist)
+ def __getitem__(self, project_name):
+ """Return a newest-to-oldest list of distributions for `project_name`
+ Uses case-insensitive `project_name` comparison, assuming all the
+ project's distributions use their project's name converted to all
+ lowercase as their key.
+ """
+ distribution_key = project_name.lower()
+ return self._distmap.get(distribution_key, [])
+ def add(self, dist):
+ """Add `dist` if we ``can_add()`` it and it has not already been added
+ """
+ if self.can_add(dist) and dist.has_version():
+ dists = self._distmap.setdefault(dist.key, [])
+ if dist not in dists:
+ dists.append(dist)
+ dists.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('hashcmp'), reverse=True)
+ def best_match(self, req, working_set, installer=None):
+ """Find distribution best matching `req` and usable on `working_set`
+ This calls the ``find(req)`` method of the `working_set` to see if a
+ suitable distribution is already active. (This may raise
+ ``VersionConflict`` if an unsuitable version of the project is already
+ active in the specified `working_set`.) If a suitable distribution
+ isn't active, this method returns the newest distribution in the
+ environment that meets the ``Requirement`` in `req`. If no suitable
+ distribution is found, and `installer` is supplied, then the result of
+ calling the environment's ``obtain(req, installer)`` method will be
+ returned.
+ """
+ dist = working_set.find(req)
+ if dist is not None:
+ return dist
+ for dist in self[req.key]:
+ if dist in req:
+ return dist
+ # try to download/install
+ return self.obtain(req, installer)
+ def obtain(self, requirement, installer=None):
+ """Obtain a distribution matching `requirement` (e.g. via download)
+ Obtain a distro that matches requirement (e.g. via download). In the
+ base ``Environment`` class, this routine just returns
+ ``installer(requirement)``, unless `installer` is None, in which case
+ None is returned instead. This method is a hook that allows subclasses
+ to attempt other ways of obtaining a distribution before falling back
+ to the `installer` argument."""
+ if installer is not None:
+ return installer(requirement)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Yield the unique project names of the available distributions"""
+ for key in self._distmap.keys():
+ if self[key]:
+ yield key
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ """In-place addition of a distribution or environment"""
+ if isinstance(other, Distribution):
+ self.add(other)
+ elif isinstance(other, Environment):
+ for project in other:
+ for dist in other[project]:
+ self.add(dist)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Can't add %r to environment" % (other,))
+ return self
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ """Add an environment or distribution to an environment"""
+ new = self.__class__([], platform=None, python=None)
+ for env in self, other:
+ new += env
+ return new
+# XXX backward compatibility
+AvailableDistributions = Environment
+class ExtractionError(RuntimeError):
+ """An error occurred extracting a resource
+ The following attributes are available from instances of this exception:
+ manager
+ The resource manager that raised this exception
+ cache_path
+ The base directory for resource extraction
+ original_error
+ The exception instance that caused extraction to fail
+ """
+class ResourceManager:
+ """Manage resource extraction and packages"""
+ extraction_path = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cached_files = {}
+ def resource_exists(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name):
+ """Does the named resource exist?"""
+ return get_provider(package_or_requirement).has_resource(resource_name)
+ def resource_isdir(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name):
+ """Is the named resource an existing directory?"""
+ return get_provider(package_or_requirement).resource_isdir(
+ resource_name
+ )
+ def resource_filename(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name):
+ """Return a true filesystem path for specified resource"""
+ return get_provider(package_or_requirement).get_resource_filename(
+ self, resource_name
+ )
+ def resource_stream(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name):
+ """Return a readable file-like object for specified resource"""
+ return get_provider(package_or_requirement).get_resource_stream(
+ self, resource_name
+ )
+ def resource_string(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name):
+ """Return specified resource as a string"""
+ return get_provider(package_or_requirement).get_resource_string(
+ self, resource_name
+ )
+ def resource_listdir(self, package_or_requirement, resource_name):
+ """List the contents of the named resource directory"""
+ return get_provider(package_or_requirement).resource_listdir(
+ resource_name
+ )
+ def extraction_error(self):
+ """Give an error message for problems extracting file(s)"""
+ old_exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ cache_path = self.extraction_path or get_default_cache()
+ err = ExtractionError("""Can't extract file(s) to egg cache
+The following error occurred while trying to extract file(s) to the Python egg
+ %s
+The Python egg cache directory is currently set to:
+ %s
+Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? You can
+change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment
+variable to point to an accessible directory.
+""" % (old_exc, cache_path)
+ )
+ err.manager = self
+ err.cache_path = cache_path
+ err.original_error = old_exc
+ raise err
+ def get_cache_path(self, archive_name, names=()):
+ """Return absolute location in cache for `archive_name` and `names`
+ The parent directory of the resulting path will be created if it does
+ not already exist. `archive_name` should be the base filename of the
+ enclosing egg (which may not be the name of the enclosing zipfile!),
+ including its ".egg" extension. `names`, if provided, should be a
+ sequence of path name parts "under" the egg's extraction location.
+ This method should only be called by resource providers that need to
+ obtain an extraction location, and only for names they intend to
+ extract, as it tracks the generated names for possible cleanup later.
+ """
+ extract_path = self.extraction_path or get_default_cache()
+ target_path = os.path.join(extract_path, archive_name+'-tmp', *names)
+ try:
+ _bypass_ensure_directory(target_path)
+ except:
+ self.extraction_error()
+ self._warn_unsafe_extraction_path(extract_path)
+ self.cached_files[target_path] = 1
+ return target_path
+ @staticmethod
+ def _warn_unsafe_extraction_path(path):
+ """
+ If the default extraction path is overridden and set to an insecure
+ location, such as /tmp, it opens up an opportunity for an attacker to
+ replace an extracted file with an unauthorized payload. Warn the user
+ if a known insecure location is used.
+ See Distribute #375 for more details.
+ """
+ if os.name == 'nt' and not path.startswith(os.environ['windir']):
+ # On Windows, permissions are generally restrictive by default
+ # and temp directories are not writable by other users, so
+ # bypass the warning.
+ return
+ mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
+ if mode & stat.S_IWOTH or mode & stat.S_IWGRP:
+ msg = ("%s is writable by group/others and vulnerable to attack "
+ "when "
+ "used with get_resource_filename. Consider a more secure "
+ "location (set with .set_extraction_path or the "
+ "PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable)." % path)
+ warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
+ def postprocess(self, tempname, filename):
+ """Perform any platform-specific postprocessing of `tempname`
+ This is where Mac header rewrites should be done; other platforms don't
+ have anything special they should do.
+ Resource providers should call this method ONLY after successfully
+ extracting a compressed resource. They must NOT call it on resources
+ that are already in the filesystem.
+ `tempname` is the current (temporary) name of the file, and `filename`
+ is the name it will be renamed to by the caller after this routine
+ returns.
+ """
+ if os.name == 'posix':
+ # Make the resource executable
+ mode = ((os.stat(tempname).st_mode) | 0o555) & 0o7777
+ os.chmod(tempname, mode)
+ def set_extraction_path(self, path):
+ """Set the base path where resources will be extracted to, if needed.
+ If you do not call this routine before any extractions take place, the
+ path defaults to the return value of ``get_default_cache()``. (Which
+ is based on the ``PYTHON_EGG_CACHE`` environment variable, with various
+ platform-specific fallbacks. See that routine's documentation for more
+ details.)
+ Resources are extracted to subdirectories of this path based upon
+ information given by the ``IResourceProvider``. You may set this to a
+ temporary directory, but then you must call ``cleanup_resources()`` to
+ delete the extracted files when done. There is no guarantee that
+ ``cleanup_resources()`` will be able to remove all extracted files.
+ (Note: you may not change the extraction path for a given resource
+ manager once resources have been extracted, unless you first call
+ ``cleanup_resources()``.)
+ """
+ if self.cached_files:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't change extraction path, files already extracted"
+ )
+ self.extraction_path = path
+ def cleanup_resources(self, force=False):
+ """
+ Delete all extracted resource files and directories, returning a list
+ of the file and directory names that could not be successfully removed.
+ This function does not have any concurrency protection, so it should
+ generally only be called when the extraction path is a temporary
+ directory exclusive to a single process. This method is not
+ automatically called; you must call it explicitly or register it as an
+ ``atexit`` function if you wish to ensure cleanup of a temporary
+ directory used for extractions.
+ """
+ # XXX
+def get_default_cache():
+ """Determine the default cache location
+ This returns the ``PYTHON_EGG_CACHE`` environment variable, if set.
+ Otherwise, on Windows, it returns a "Python-Eggs" subdirectory of the
+ "Application Data" directory. On all other systems, it's "~/.python-eggs".
+ """
+ try:
+ return os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if os.name!='nt':
+ return os.path.expanduser('~/.python-eggs')
+ # XXX this may be locale-specific!
+ app_data = 'Application Data'
+ app_homes = [
+ # best option, should be locale-safe
+ (('APPDATA',), None),
+ (('USERPROFILE',), app_data),
+ (('HOMEDRIVE','HOMEPATH'), app_data),
+ (('HOMEPATH',), app_data),
+ (('HOME',), None),
+ # 95/98/ME
+ (('WINDIR',), app_data),
+ ]
+ for keys, subdir in app_homes:
+ dirname = ''
+ for key in keys:
+ if key in os.environ:
+ dirname = os.path.join(dirname, os.environ[key])
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ if subdir:
+ dirname = os.path.join(dirname, subdir)
+ return os.path.join(dirname, 'Python-Eggs')
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Please set the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE enviroment variable"
+ )
+def safe_name(name):
+ """Convert an arbitrary string to a standard distribution name
+ Any runs of non-alphanumeric/. characters are replaced with a single '-'.
+ """
+ return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '-', name)
+def safe_version(version):
+ """
+ Convert an arbitrary string to a standard version string
+ """
+ try:
+ # normalize the version
+ return str(packaging.version.Version(version))
+ except packaging.version.InvalidVersion:
+ version = version.replace(' ','.')
+ return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '-', version)
+def safe_extra(extra):
+ """Convert an arbitrary string to a standard 'extra' name
+ Any runs of non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with a single '_',
+ and the result is always lowercased.
+ """
+ return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '_', extra).lower()
+def to_filename(name):
+ """Convert a project or version name to its filename-escaped form
+ Any '-' characters are currently replaced with '_'.
+ """
+ return name.replace('-','_')
+class MarkerEvaluation(object):
+ values = {
+ 'os_name': lambda: os.name,
+ 'sys_platform': lambda: sys.platform,
+ 'python_full_version': platform.python_version,
+ 'python_version': lambda: platform.python_version()[:3],
+ 'platform_version': platform.version,
+ 'platform_machine': platform.machine,
+ 'python_implementation': platform.python_implementation,
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def is_invalid_marker(cls, text):
+ """
+ Validate text as a PEP 426 environment marker; return an exception
+ if invalid or False otherwise.
+ """
+ try:
+ cls.evaluate_marker(text)
+ except SyntaxError as e:
+ return cls.normalize_exception(e)
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def normalize_exception(exc):
+ """
+ Given a SyntaxError from a marker evaluation, normalize the error
+ message:
+ - Remove indications of filename and line number.
+ - Replace platform-specific error messages with standard error
+ messages.
+ """
+ subs = {
+ 'unexpected EOF while parsing': 'invalid syntax',
+ 'parenthesis is never closed': 'invalid syntax',
+ }
+ exc.filename = None
+ exc.lineno = None
+ exc.msg = subs.get(exc.msg, exc.msg)
+ return exc
+ @classmethod
+ def and_test(cls, nodelist):
+ # MUST NOT short-circuit evaluation, or invalid syntax can be skipped!
+ items = [
+ cls.interpret(nodelist[i])
+ for i in range(1, len(nodelist), 2)
+ ]
+ return functools.reduce(operator.and_, items)
+ @classmethod
+ def test(cls, nodelist):
+ # MUST NOT short-circuit evaluation, or invalid syntax can be skipped!
+ items = [
+ cls.interpret(nodelist[i])
+ for i in range(1, len(nodelist), 2)
+ ]
+ return functools.reduce(operator.or_, items)
+ @classmethod
+ def atom(cls, nodelist):
+ t = nodelist[1][0]
+ if t == token.LPAR:
+ if nodelist[2][0] == token.RPAR:
+ raise SyntaxError("Empty parentheses")
+ return cls.interpret(nodelist[2])
+ msg = "Language feature not supported in environment markers"
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ @classmethod
+ def comparison(cls, nodelist):
+ if len(nodelist) > 4:
+ msg = "Chained comparison not allowed in environment markers"
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ comp = nodelist[2][1]
+ cop = comp[1]
+ if comp[0] == token.NAME:
+ if len(nodelist[2]) == 3:
+ if cop == 'not':
+ cop = 'not in'
+ else:
+ cop = 'is not'
+ try:
+ cop = cls.get_op(cop)
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = repr(cop) + " operator not allowed in environment markers"
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ return cop(cls.evaluate(nodelist[1]), cls.evaluate(nodelist[3]))
+ @classmethod
+ def get_op(cls, op):
+ ops = {
+ symbol.test: cls.test,
+ symbol.and_test: cls.and_test,
+ symbol.atom: cls.atom,
+ symbol.comparison: cls.comparison,
+ 'not in': lambda x, y: x not in y,
+ 'in': lambda x, y: x in y,
+ '==': operator.eq,
+ '!=': operator.ne,
+ }
+ if hasattr(symbol, 'or_test'):
+ ops[symbol.or_test] = cls.test
+ return ops[op]
+ @classmethod
+ def evaluate_marker(cls, text, extra=None):
+ """
+ Evaluate a PEP 426 environment marker on CPython 2.4+.
+ Return a boolean indicating the marker result in this environment.
+ Raise SyntaxError if marker is invalid.
+ This implementation uses the 'parser' module, which is not implemented
+ on
+ Jython and has been superseded by the 'ast' module in Python 2.6 and
+ later.
+ """
+ return cls.interpret(parser.expr(text).totuple(1)[1])
+ @classmethod
+ def _markerlib_evaluate(cls, text):
+ """
+ Evaluate a PEP 426 environment marker using markerlib.
+ Return a boolean indicating the marker result in this environment.
+ Raise SyntaxError if marker is invalid.
+ """
+ import _markerlib
+ # markerlib implements Metadata 1.2 (PEP 345) environment markers.
+ # Translate the variables to Metadata 2.0 (PEP 426).
+ env = _markerlib.default_environment()
+ for key in env.keys():
+ new_key = key.replace('.', '_')
+ env[new_key] = env.pop(key)
+ try:
+ result = _markerlib.interpret(text, env)
+ except NameError as e:
+ raise SyntaxError(e.args[0])
+ return result
+ if 'parser' not in globals():
+ # Fall back to less-complete _markerlib implementation if 'parser' module
+ # is not available.
+ evaluate_marker = _markerlib_evaluate
+ @classmethod
+ def interpret(cls, nodelist):
+ while len(nodelist)==2: nodelist = nodelist[1]
+ try:
+ op = cls.get_op(nodelist[0])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise SyntaxError("Comparison or logical expression expected")
+ return op(nodelist)
+ @classmethod
+ def evaluate(cls, nodelist):
+ while len(nodelist)==2: nodelist = nodelist[1]
+ kind = nodelist[0]
+ name = nodelist[1]
+ if kind==token.NAME:
+ try:
+ op = cls.values[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise SyntaxError("Unknown name %r" % name)
+ return op()
+ if kind==token.STRING:
+ s = nodelist[1]
+ if not cls._safe_string(s):
+ raise SyntaxError(
+ "Only plain strings allowed in environment markers")
+ return s[1:-1]
+ msg = "Language feature not supported in environment markers"
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _safe_string(cand):
+ return (
+ cand[:1] in "'\"" and
+ not cand.startswith('"""') and
+ not cand.startswith("'''") and
+ '\\' not in cand
+ )
+invalid_marker = MarkerEvaluation.is_invalid_marker
+evaluate_marker = MarkerEvaluation.evaluate_marker
+class NullProvider:
+ """Try to implement resources and metadata for arbitrary PEP 302 loaders"""
+ egg_name = None
+ egg_info = None
+ loader = None
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ self.loader = getattr(module, '__loader__', None)
+ self.module_path = os.path.dirname(getattr(module, '__file__', ''))
+ def get_resource_filename(self, manager, resource_name):
+ return self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name)
+ def get_resource_stream(self, manager, resource_name):
+ return io.BytesIO(self.get_resource_string(manager, resource_name))
+ def get_resource_string(self, manager, resource_name):
+ return self._get(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
+ def has_resource(self, resource_name):
+ return self._has(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
+ def has_metadata(self, name):
+ return self.egg_info and self._has(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
+ if sys.version_info <= (3,):
+ def get_metadata(self, name):
+ if not self.egg_info:
+ return ""
+ return self._get(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
+ else:
+ def get_metadata(self, name):
+ if not self.egg_info:
+ return ""
+ return self._get(self._fn(self.egg_info, name)).decode("utf-8")
+ def get_metadata_lines(self, name):
+ return yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
+ def resource_isdir(self, resource_name):
+ return self._isdir(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
+ def metadata_isdir(self, name):
+ return self.egg_info and self._isdir(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
+ def resource_listdir(self, resource_name):
+ return self._listdir(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
+ def metadata_listdir(self, name):
+ if self.egg_info:
+ return self._listdir(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
+ return []
+ def run_script(self, script_name, namespace):
+ script = 'scripts/'+script_name
+ if not self.has_metadata(script):
+ raise ResolutionError("No script named %r" % script_name)
+ script_text = self.get_metadata(script).replace('\r\n', '\n')
+ script_text = script_text.replace('\r', '\n')
+ script_filename = self._fn(self.egg_info, script)
+ namespace['__file__'] = script_filename
+ if os.path.exists(script_filename):
+ source = open(script_filename).read()
+ code = compile(source, script_filename, 'exec')
+ exec(code, namespace, namespace)
+ else:
+ from linecache import cache
+ cache[script_filename] = (
+ len(script_text), 0, script_text.split('\n'), script_filename
+ )
+ script_code = compile(script_text, script_filename,'exec')
+ exec(script_code, namespace, namespace)
+ def _has(self, path):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type"
+ )
+ def _isdir(self, path):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type"
+ )
+ def _listdir(self, path):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type"
+ )
+ def _fn(self, base, resource_name):
+ if resource_name:
+ return os.path.join(base, *resource_name.split('/'))
+ return base
+ def _get(self, path):
+ if hasattr(self.loader, 'get_data'):
+ return self.loader.get_data(path)
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can't perform this operation for loaders without 'get_data()'"
+ )
+register_loader_type(object, NullProvider)
+class EggProvider(NullProvider):
+ """Provider based on a virtual filesystem"""
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ NullProvider.__init__(self, module)
+ self._setup_prefix()
+ def _setup_prefix(self):
+ # we assume here that our metadata may be nested inside a "basket"
+ # of multiple eggs; that's why we use module_path instead of .archive
+ path = self.module_path
+ old = None
+ while path!=old:
+ if path.lower().endswith('.egg'):
+ self.egg_name = os.path.basename(path)
+ self.egg_info = os.path.join(path, 'EGG-INFO')
+ self.egg_root = path
+ break
+ old = path
+ path, base = os.path.split(path)
+class DefaultProvider(EggProvider):
+ """Provides access to package resources in the filesystem"""
+ def _has(self, path):
+ return os.path.exists(path)
+ def _isdir(self, path):
+ return os.path.isdir(path)
+ def _listdir(self, path):
+ return os.listdir(path)
+ def get_resource_stream(self, manager, resource_name):
+ return open(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name), 'rb')
+ def _get(self, path):
+ with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
+ return stream.read()
+register_loader_type(type(None), DefaultProvider)
+if importlib_bootstrap is not None:
+ register_loader_type(importlib_bootstrap.SourceFileLoader, DefaultProvider)
+class EmptyProvider(NullProvider):
+ """Provider that returns nothing for all requests"""
+ _isdir = _has = lambda self, path: False
+ _get = lambda self, path: ''
+ _listdir = lambda self, path: []
+ module_path = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+empty_provider = EmptyProvider()
+class ZipManifests(dict):
+ """
+ zip manifest builder
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def build(cls, path):
+ """
+ Build a dictionary similar to the zipimport directory
+ caches, except instead of tuples, store ZipInfo objects.
+ Use a platform-specific path separator (os.sep) for the path keys
+ for compatibility with pypy on Windows.
+ """
+ with ContextualZipFile(path) as zfile:
+ items = (
+ (
+ name.replace('/', os.sep),
+ zfile.getinfo(name),
+ )
+ for name in zfile.namelist()
+ )
+ return dict(items)
+ load = build
+class MemoizedZipManifests(ZipManifests):
+ """
+ Memoized zipfile manifests.
+ """
+ manifest_mod = collections.namedtuple('manifest_mod', 'manifest mtime')
+ def load(self, path):
+ """
+ Load a manifest at path or return a suitable manifest already loaded.
+ """
+ path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime
+ if path not in self or self[path].mtime != mtime:
+ manifest = self.build(path)
+ self[path] = self.manifest_mod(manifest, mtime)
+ return self[path].manifest
+class ContextualZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile):
+ """
+ Supplement ZipFile class to support context manager for Python 2.6
+ """
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ self.close()
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Construct a ZipFile or ContextualZipFile as appropriate
+ """
+ if hasattr(zipfile.ZipFile, '__exit__'):
+ return zipfile.ZipFile(*args, **kwargs)
+ return super(ContextualZipFile, cls).__new__(cls)
+class ZipProvider(EggProvider):
+ """Resource support for zips and eggs"""
+ eagers = None
+ _zip_manifests = MemoizedZipManifests()
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ EggProvider.__init__(self, module)
+ self.zip_pre = self.loader.archive+os.sep
+ def _zipinfo_name(self, fspath):
+ # Convert a virtual filename (full path to file) into a zipfile subpath
+ # usable with the zipimport directory cache for our target archive
+ if fspath.startswith(self.zip_pre):
+ return fspath[len(self.zip_pre):]
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "%s is not a subpath of %s" % (fspath, self.zip_pre)
+ )
+ def _parts(self, zip_path):
+ # Convert a zipfile subpath into an egg-relative path part list.
+ # pseudo-fs path
+ fspath = self.zip_pre+zip_path
+ if fspath.startswith(self.egg_root+os.sep):
+ return fspath[len(self.egg_root)+1:].split(os.sep)
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "%s is not a subpath of %s" % (fspath, self.egg_root)
+ )
+ @property
+ def zipinfo(self):
+ return self._zip_manifests.load(self.loader.archive)
+ def get_resource_filename(self, manager, resource_name):
+ if not self.egg_name:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "resource_filename() only supported for .egg, not .zip"
+ )
+ # no need to lock for extraction, since we use temp names
+ zip_path = self._resource_to_zip(resource_name)
+ eagers = self._get_eager_resources()
+ if '/'.join(self._parts(zip_path)) in eagers:
+ for name in eagers:
+ self._extract_resource(manager, self._eager_to_zip(name))
+ return self._extract_resource(manager, zip_path)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_date_and_size(zip_stat):
+ size = zip_stat.file_size
+ # ymdhms+wday, yday, dst
+ date_time = zip_stat.date_time + (0, 0, -1)
+ # 1980 offset already done
+ timestamp = time.mktime(date_time)
+ return timestamp, size
+ def _extract_resource(self, manager, zip_path):
+ if zip_path in self._index():
+ for name in self._index()[zip_path]:
+ last = self._extract_resource(
+ manager, os.path.join(zip_path, name)
+ )
+ # return the extracted directory name
+ return os.path.dirname(last)
+ timestamp, size = self._get_date_and_size(self.zipinfo[zip_path])
+ raise IOError('"os.rename" and "os.unlink" are not supported '
+ 'on this platform')
+ try:
+ real_path = manager.get_cache_path(
+ self.egg_name, self._parts(zip_path)
+ )
+ if self._is_current(real_path, zip_path):
+ return real_path
+ outf, tmpnam = _mkstemp(".$extract", dir=os.path.dirname(real_path))
+ os.write(outf, self.loader.get_data(zip_path))
+ os.close(outf)
+ utime(tmpnam, (timestamp, timestamp))
+ manager.postprocess(tmpnam, real_path)
+ try:
+ rename(tmpnam, real_path)
+ except os.error:
+ if os.path.isfile(real_path):
+ if self._is_current(real_path, zip_path):
+ # the file became current since it was checked above,
+ # so proceed.
+ return real_path
+ # Windows, del old file and retry
+ elif os.name=='nt':
+ unlink(real_path)
+ rename(tmpnam, real_path)
+ return real_path
+ raise
+ except os.error:
+ # report a user-friendly error
+ manager.extraction_error()
+ return real_path
+ def _is_current(self, file_path, zip_path):
+ """
+ Return True if the file_path is current for this zip_path
+ """
+ timestamp, size = self._get_date_and_size(self.zipinfo[zip_path])
+ if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ return False
+ stat = os.stat(file_path)
+ if stat.st_size!=size or stat.st_mtime!=timestamp:
+ return False
+ # check that the contents match
+ zip_contents = self.loader.get_data(zip_path)
+ with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
+ file_contents = f.read()
+ return zip_contents == file_contents
+ def _get_eager_resources(self):
+ if self.eagers is None:
+ eagers = []
+ for name in ('native_libs.txt', 'eager_resources.txt'):
+ if self.has_metadata(name):
+ eagers.extend(self.get_metadata_lines(name))
+ self.eagers = eagers
+ return self.eagers
+ def _index(self):
+ try:
+ return self._dirindex
+ except AttributeError:
+ ind = {}
+ for path in self.zipinfo:
+ parts = path.split(os.sep)
+ while parts:
+ parent = os.sep.join(parts[:-1])
+ if parent in ind:
+ ind[parent].append(parts[-1])
+ break
+ else:
+ ind[parent] = [parts.pop()]
+ self._dirindex = ind
+ return ind
+ def _has(self, fspath):
+ zip_path = self._zipinfo_name(fspath)
+ return zip_path in self.zipinfo or zip_path in self._index()
+ def _isdir(self, fspath):
+ return self._zipinfo_name(fspath) in self._index()
+ def _listdir(self, fspath):
+ return list(self._index().get(self._zipinfo_name(fspath), ()))
+ def _eager_to_zip(self, resource_name):
+ return self._zipinfo_name(self._fn(self.egg_root, resource_name))
+ def _resource_to_zip(self, resource_name):
+ return self._zipinfo_name(self._fn(self.module_path, resource_name))
+register_loader_type(zipimport.zipimporter, ZipProvider)
+class FileMetadata(EmptyProvider):
+ """Metadata handler for standalone PKG-INFO files
+ Usage::
+ metadata = FileMetadata("/path/to/PKG-INFO")
+ This provider rejects all data and metadata requests except for PKG-INFO,
+ which is treated as existing, and will be the contents of the file at
+ the provided location.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.path = path
+ def has_metadata(self, name):
+ return name=='PKG-INFO'
+ def get_metadata(self, name):
+ if name=='PKG-INFO':
+ with open(self.path,'rU') as f:
+ metadata = f.read()
+ return metadata
+ raise KeyError("No metadata except PKG-INFO is available")
+ def get_metadata_lines(self, name):
+ return yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
+class PathMetadata(DefaultProvider):
+ """Metadata provider for egg directories
+ Usage::
+ # Development eggs:
+ egg_info = "/path/to/PackageName.egg-info"
+ base_dir = os.path.dirname(egg_info)
+ metadata = PathMetadata(base_dir, egg_info)
+ dist_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(egg_info))[0]
+ dist = Distribution(basedir, project_name=dist_name, metadata=metadata)
+ # Unpacked egg directories:
+ egg_path = "/path/to/PackageName-ver-pyver-etc.egg"
+ metadata = PathMetadata(egg_path, os.path.join(egg_path,'EGG-INFO'))
+ dist = Distribution.from_filename(egg_path, metadata=metadata)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, egg_info):
+ self.module_path = path
+ self.egg_info = egg_info
+class EggMetadata(ZipProvider):
+ """Metadata provider for .egg files"""
+ def __init__(self, importer):
+ """Create a metadata provider from a zipimporter"""
+ self.zip_pre = importer.archive+os.sep
+ self.loader = importer
+ if importer.prefix:
+ self.module_path = os.path.join(importer.archive, importer.prefix)
+ else:
+ self.module_path = importer.archive
+ self._setup_prefix()
+_declare_state('dict', _distribution_finders = {})
+def register_finder(importer_type, distribution_finder):
+ """Register `distribution_finder` to find distributions in sys.path items
+ `importer_type` is the type or class of a PEP 302 "Importer" (sys.path item
+ handler), and `distribution_finder` is a callable that, passed a path
+ item and the importer instance, yields ``Distribution`` instances found on
+ that path item. See ``pkg_resources.find_on_path`` for an example."""
+ _distribution_finders[importer_type] = distribution_finder
+def find_distributions(path_item, only=False):
+ """Yield distributions accessible via `path_item`"""
+ importer = get_importer(path_item)
+ finder = _find_adapter(_distribution_finders, importer)
+ return finder(importer, path_item, only)
+def find_eggs_in_zip(importer, path_item, only=False):
+ """
+ Find eggs in zip files; possibly multiple nested eggs.
+ """
+ if importer.archive.endswith('.whl'):
+ # wheels are not supported with this finder
+ # they don't have PKG-INFO metadata, and won't ever contain eggs
+ return
+ metadata = EggMetadata(importer)
+ if metadata.has_metadata('PKG-INFO'):
+ yield Distribution.from_filename(path_item, metadata=metadata)
+ if only:
+ # don't yield nested distros
+ return
+ for subitem in metadata.resource_listdir('/'):
+ if subitem.endswith('.egg'):
+ subpath = os.path.join(path_item, subitem)
+ for dist in find_eggs_in_zip(zipimport.zipimporter(subpath), subpath):
+ yield dist
+register_finder(zipimport.zipimporter, find_eggs_in_zip)
+def find_nothing(importer, path_item, only=False):
+ return ()
+register_finder(object, find_nothing)
+def find_on_path(importer, path_item, only=False):
+ """Yield distributions accessible on a sys.path directory"""
+ path_item = _normalize_cached(path_item)
+ if os.path.isdir(path_item) and os.access(path_item, os.R_OK):
+ if path_item.lower().endswith('.egg'):
+ # unpacked egg
+ yield Distribution.from_filename(
+ path_item, metadata=PathMetadata(
+ path_item, os.path.join(path_item,'EGG-INFO')
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ # scan for .egg and .egg-info in directory
+ for entry in os.listdir(path_item):
+ lower = entry.lower()
+ if lower.endswith('.egg-info') or lower.endswith('.dist-info'):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(path_item, entry)
+ if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ # egg-info directory, allow getting metadata
+ metadata = PathMetadata(path_item, fullpath)
+ else:
+ metadata = FileMetadata(fullpath)
+ yield Distribution.from_location(
+ path_item, entry, metadata, precedence=DEVELOP_DIST
+ )
+ elif not only and lower.endswith('.egg'):
+ dists = find_distributions(os.path.join(path_item, entry))
+ for dist in dists:
+ yield dist
+ elif not only and lower.endswith('.egg-link'):
+ with open(os.path.join(path_item, entry)) as entry_file:
+ entry_lines = entry_file.readlines()
+ for line in entry_lines:
+ if not line.strip():
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(path_item, line.rstrip())
+ dists = find_distributions(path)
+ for item in dists:
+ yield item
+ break
+register_finder(pkgutil.ImpImporter, find_on_path)
+if importlib_bootstrap is not None:
+ register_finder(importlib_bootstrap.FileFinder, find_on_path)
+_declare_state('dict', _namespace_handlers={})
+_declare_state('dict', _namespace_packages={})
+def register_namespace_handler(importer_type, namespace_handler):
+ """Register `namespace_handler` to declare namespace packages
+ `importer_type` is the type or class of a PEP 302 "Importer" (sys.path item
+ handler), and `namespace_handler` is a callable like this::
+ def namespace_handler(importer, path_entry, moduleName, module):
+ # return a path_entry to use for child packages
+ Namespace handlers are only called if the importer object has already
+ agreed that it can handle the relevant path item, and they should only
+ return a subpath if the module __path__ does not already contain an
+ equivalent subpath. For an example namespace handler, see
+ ``pkg_resources.file_ns_handler``.
+ """
+ _namespace_handlers[importer_type] = namespace_handler
+def _handle_ns(packageName, path_item):
+ """Ensure that named package includes a subpath of path_item (if needed)"""
+ importer = get_importer(path_item)
+ if importer is None:
+ return None
+ loader = importer.find_module(packageName)
+ if loader is None:
+ return None
+ module = sys.modules.get(packageName)
+ if module is None:
+ module = sys.modules[packageName] = imp.new_module(packageName)
+ module.__path__ = []
+ _set_parent_ns(packageName)
+ elif not hasattr(module,'__path__'):
+ raise TypeError("Not a package:", packageName)
+ handler = _find_adapter(_namespace_handlers, importer)
+ subpath = handler(importer, path_item, packageName, module)
+ if subpath is not None:
+ path = module.__path__
+ path.append(subpath)
+ loader.load_module(packageName)
+ for path_item in path:
+ if path_item not in module.__path__:
+ module.__path__.append(path_item)
+ return subpath
+def declare_namespace(packageName):
+ """Declare that package 'packageName' is a namespace package"""
+ imp.acquire_lock()
+ try:
+ if packageName in _namespace_packages:
+ return
+ path, parent = sys.path, None
+ if '.' in packageName:
+ parent = '.'.join(packageName.split('.')[:-1])
+ declare_namespace(parent)
+ if parent not in _namespace_packages:
+ __import__(parent)
+ try:
+ path = sys.modules[parent].__path__
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise TypeError("Not a package:", parent)
+ # Track what packages are namespaces, so when new path items are added,
+ # they can be updated
+ _namespace_packages.setdefault(parent,[]).append(packageName)
+ _namespace_packages.setdefault(packageName,[])
+ for path_item in path:
+ # Ensure all the parent's path items are reflected in the child,
+ # if they apply
+ _handle_ns(packageName, path_item)
+ finally:
+ imp.release_lock()
+def fixup_namespace_packages(path_item, parent=None):
+ """Ensure that previously-declared namespace packages include path_item"""
+ imp.acquire_lock()
+ try:
+ for package in _namespace_packages.get(parent,()):
+ subpath = _handle_ns(package, path_item)
+ if subpath:
+ fixup_namespace_packages(subpath, package)
+ finally:
+ imp.release_lock()
+def file_ns_handler(importer, path_item, packageName, module):
+ """Compute an ns-package subpath for a filesystem or zipfile importer"""
+ subpath = os.path.join(path_item, packageName.split('.')[-1])
+ normalized = _normalize_cached(subpath)
+ for item in module.__path__:
+ if _normalize_cached(item)==normalized:
+ break
+ else:
+ # Only return the path if it's not already there
+ return subpath
+register_namespace_handler(pkgutil.ImpImporter, file_ns_handler)
+register_namespace_handler(zipimport.zipimporter, file_ns_handler)
+if importlib_bootstrap is not None:
+ register_namespace_handler(importlib_bootstrap.FileFinder, file_ns_handler)
+def null_ns_handler(importer, path_item, packageName, module):
+ return None
+register_namespace_handler(object, null_ns_handler)
+def normalize_path(filename):
+ """Normalize a file/dir name for comparison purposes"""
+ return os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(filename))
+def _normalize_cached(filename, _cache={}):
+ try:
+ return _cache[filename]
+ except KeyError:
+ _cache[filename] = result = normalize_path(filename)
+ return result
+def _set_parent_ns(packageName):
+ parts = packageName.split('.')
+ name = parts.pop()
+ if parts:
+ parent = '.'.join(parts)
+ setattr(sys.modules[parent], name, sys.modules[packageName])
+def yield_lines(strs):
+ """Yield non-empty/non-comment lines of a string or sequence"""
+ if isinstance(strs, string_types):
+ for s in strs.splitlines():
+ s = s.strip()
+ # skip blank lines/comments
+ if s and not s.startswith('#'):
+ yield s
+ else:
+ for ss in strs:
+ for s in yield_lines(ss):
+ yield s
+# whitespace and comment
+LINE_END = re.compile(r"\s*(#.*)?$").match
+# line continuation
+CONTINUE = re.compile(r"\s*\\\s*(#.*)?$").match
+# Distribution or extra
+DISTRO = re.compile(r"\s*((\w|[-.])+)").match
+# ver. info
+VERSION = re.compile(r"\s*(<=?|>=?|===?|!=|~=)\s*((\w|[-.*_!+])+)").match
+# comma between items
+COMMA = re.compile(r"\s*,").match
+OBRACKET = re.compile(r"\s*\[").match
+CBRACKET = re.compile(r"\s*\]").match
+MODULE = re.compile(r"\w+(\.\w+)*$").match
+EGG_NAME = re.compile(
+ r"""
+ (?P<name>[^-]+) (
+ -(?P<ver>[^-]+) (
+ -py(?P<pyver>[^-]+) (
+ -(?P<plat>.+)
+ )?
+ )?
+ )?
+ """,
+class EntryPoint(object):
+ """Object representing an advertised importable object"""
+ def __init__(self, name, module_name, attrs=(), extras=(), dist=None):
+ if not MODULE(module_name):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid module name", module_name)
+ self.name = name
+ self.module_name = module_name
+ self.attrs = tuple(attrs)
+ self.extras = Requirement.parse(("x[%s]" % ','.join(extras))).extras
+ self.dist = dist
+ def __str__(self):
+ s = "%s = %s" % (self.name, self.module_name)
+ if self.attrs:
+ s += ':' + '.'.join(self.attrs)
+ if self.extras:
+ s += ' [%s]' % ','.join(self.extras)
+ return s
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "EntryPoint.parse(%r)" % str(self)
+ def load(self, require=True, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Require packages for this EntryPoint, then resolve it.
+ """
+ if not require or args or kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Parameters to load are deprecated. Call .resolve and "
+ ".require separately.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ if require:
+ self.require(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.resolve()
+ def resolve(self):
+ """
+ Resolve the entry point from its module and attrs.
+ """
+ module = __import__(self.module_name, fromlist=['__name__'], level=0)
+ try:
+ return functools.reduce(getattr, self.attrs, module)
+ except AttributeError as exc:
+ raise ImportError(str(exc))
+ def require(self, env=None, installer=None):
+ if self.extras and not self.dist:
+ raise UnknownExtra("Can't require() without a distribution", self)
+ reqs = self.dist.requires(self.extras)
+ items = working_set.resolve(reqs, env, installer)
+ list(map(working_set.add, items))
+ pattern = re.compile(
+ r'\s*'
+ r'(?P<name>.+?)\s*'
+ r'=\s*'
+ r'(?P<module>[\w.]+)\s*'
+ r'(:\s*(?P<attr>[\w.]+))?\s*'
+ r'(?P<extras>\[.*\])?\s*$'
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, src, dist=None):
+ """Parse a single entry point from string `src`
+ Entry point syntax follows the form::
+ name = some.module:some.attr [extra1, extra2]
+ The entry name and module name are required, but the ``:attrs`` and
+ ``[extras]`` parts are optional
+ """
+ m = cls.pattern.match(src)
+ if not m:
+ msg = "EntryPoint must be in 'name=module:attrs [extras]' format"
+ raise ValueError(msg, src)
+ res = m.groupdict()
+ extras = cls._parse_extras(res['extras'])
+ attrs = res['attr'].split('.') if res['attr'] else ()
+ return cls(res['name'], res['module'], attrs, extras, dist)
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_extras(cls, extras_spec):
+ if not extras_spec:
+ return ()
+ req = Requirement.parse('x' + extras_spec)
+ if req.specs:
+ raise ValueError()
+ return req.extras
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_group(cls, group, lines, dist=None):
+ """Parse an entry point group"""
+ if not MODULE(group):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid group name", group)
+ this = {}
+ for line in yield_lines(lines):
+ ep = cls.parse(line, dist)
+ if ep.name in this:
+ raise ValueError("Duplicate entry point", group, ep.name)
+ this[ep.name]=ep
+ return this
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_map(cls, data, dist=None):
+ """Parse a map of entry point groups"""
+ if isinstance(data, dict):
+ data = data.items()
+ else:
+ data = split_sections(data)
+ maps = {}
+ for group, lines in data:
+ if group is None:
+ if not lines:
+ continue
+ raise ValueError("Entry points must be listed in groups")
+ group = group.strip()
+ if group in maps:
+ raise ValueError("Duplicate group name", group)
+ maps[group] = cls.parse_group(group, lines, dist)
+ return maps
+def _remove_md5_fragment(location):
+ if not location:
+ return ''
+ parsed = urlparse(location)
+ if parsed[-1].startswith('md5='):
+ return urlunparse(parsed[:-1] + ('',))
+ return location
+class Distribution(object):
+ """Wrap an actual or potential sys.path entry w/metadata"""
+ def __init__(self, location=None, metadata=None, project_name=None,
+ version=None, py_version=PY_MAJOR, platform=None,
+ precedence=EGG_DIST):
+ self.project_name = safe_name(project_name or 'Unknown')
+ if version is not None:
+ self._version = safe_version(version)
+ self.py_version = py_version
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.location = location
+ self.precedence = precedence
+ self._provider = metadata or empty_provider
+ @classmethod
+ def from_location(cls, location, basename, metadata=None,**kw):
+ project_name, version, py_version, platform = [None]*4
+ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
+ if ext.lower() in _distributionImpl:
+ # .dist-info gets much metadata differently
+ match = EGG_NAME(basename)
+ if match:
+ project_name, version, py_version, platform = match.group(
+ 'name','ver','pyver','plat'
+ )
+ cls = _distributionImpl[ext.lower()]
+ return cls(
+ location, metadata, project_name=project_name, version=version,
+ py_version=py_version, platform=platform, **kw
+ )
+ @property
+ def hashcmp(self):
+ return (
+ self.parsed_version,
+ self.precedence,
+ self.key,
+ _remove_md5_fragment(self.location),
+ self.py_version or '',
+ self.platform or '',
+ )
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.hashcmp)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.hashcmp < other.hashcmp
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self.hashcmp <= other.hashcmp
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self.hashcmp > other.hashcmp
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self.hashcmp >= other.hashcmp
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ # It's not a Distribution, so they are not equal
+ return False
+ return self.hashcmp == other.hashcmp
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ # These properties have to be lazy so that we don't have to load any
+ # metadata until/unless it's actually needed. (i.e., some distributions
+ # may not know their name or version without loading PKG-INFO)
+ @property
+ def key(self):
+ try:
+ return self._key
+ except AttributeError:
+ self._key = key = self.project_name.lower()
+ return key
+ @property
+ def parsed_version(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_parsed_version"):
+ self._parsed_version = parse_version(self.version)
+ return self._parsed_version
+ def _warn_legacy_version(self):
+ LV = packaging.version.LegacyVersion
+ is_legacy = isinstance(self._parsed_version, LV)
+ if not is_legacy:
+ return
+ # While an empty version is techincally a legacy version and
+ # is not a valid PEP 440 version, it's also unlikely to
+ # actually come from someone and instead it is more likely that
+ # it comes from setuptools attempting to parse a filename and
+ # including it in the list. So for that we'll gate this warning
+ # on if the version is anything at all or not.
+ if not self.version:
+ return
+ tmpl = textwrap.dedent("""
+ '{project_name} ({version})' is being parsed as a legacy,
+ non PEP 440,
+ version. You may find odd behavior and sort order.
+ In particular it will be sorted as less than 0.0. It
+ is recommend to migrate to PEP 440 compatible
+ versions.
+ """).strip().replace('\n', ' ')
+ warnings.warn(tmpl.format(**vars(self)), PEP440Warning)
+ @property
+ def version(self):
+ try:
+ return self._version
+ except AttributeError:
+ for line in self._get_metadata(self.PKG_INFO):
+ if line.lower().startswith('version:'):
+ self._version = safe_version(line.split(':',1)[1].strip())
+ return self._version
+ else:
+ tmpl = "Missing 'Version:' header and/or %s file"
+ raise ValueError(tmpl % self.PKG_INFO, self)
+ @property
+ def _dep_map(self):
+ try:
+ return self.__dep_map
+ except AttributeError:
+ dm = self.__dep_map = {None: []}
+ for name in 'requires.txt', 'depends.txt':
+ for extra, reqs in split_sections(self._get_metadata(name)):
+ if extra:
+ if ':' in extra:
+ extra, marker = extra.split(':', 1)
+ if invalid_marker(marker):
+ # XXX warn
+ reqs=[]
+ elif not evaluate_marker(marker):
+ reqs=[]
+ extra = safe_extra(extra) or None
+ dm.setdefault(extra,[]).extend(parse_requirements(reqs))
+ return dm
+ def requires(self, extras=()):
+ """List of Requirements needed for this distro if `extras` are used"""
+ dm = self._dep_map
+ deps = []
+ deps.extend(dm.get(None, ()))
+ for ext in extras:
+ try:
+ deps.extend(dm[safe_extra(ext)])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise UnknownExtra(
+ "%s has no such extra feature %r" % (self, ext)
+ )
+ return deps
+ def _get_metadata(self, name):
+ if self.has_metadata(name):
+ for line in self.get_metadata_lines(name):
+ yield line
+ def activate(self, path=None):
+ """Ensure distribution is importable on `path` (default=sys.path)"""
+ if path is None:
+ path = sys.path
+ self.insert_on(path)
+ if path is sys.path:
+ fixup_namespace_packages(self.location)
+ for pkg in self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'):
+ if pkg in sys.modules:
+ declare_namespace(pkg)
+ def egg_name(self):
+ """Return what this distribution's standard .egg filename should be"""
+ filename = "%s-%s-py%s" % (
+ to_filename(self.project_name), to_filename(self.version),
+ self.py_version or PY_MAJOR
+ )
+ if self.platform:
+ filename += '-' + self.platform
+ return filename
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.location:
+ return "%s (%s)" % (self, self.location)
+ else:
+ return str(self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ try:
+ version = getattr(self, 'version', None)
+ except ValueError:
+ version = None
+ version = version or "[unknown version]"
+ return "%s %s" % (self.project_name, version)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ """Delegate all unrecognized public attributes to .metadata provider"""
+ if attr.startswith('_'):
+ raise AttributeError(attr)
+ return getattr(self._provider, attr)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_filename(cls, filename, metadata=None, **kw):
+ return cls.from_location(
+ _normalize_cached(filename), os.path.basename(filename), metadata,
+ **kw
+ )
+ def as_requirement(self):
+ """Return a ``Requirement`` that matches this distribution exactly"""
+ if isinstance(self.parsed_version, packaging.version.Version):
+ spec = "%s==%s" % (self.project_name, self.parsed_version)
+ else:
+ spec = "%s===%s" % (self.project_name, self.parsed_version)
+ return Requirement.parse(spec)
+ def load_entry_point(self, group, name):
+ """Return the `name` entry point of `group` or raise ImportError"""
+ ep = self.get_entry_info(group, name)
+ if ep is None:
+ raise ImportError("Entry point %r not found" % ((group, name),))
+ return ep.load()
+ def get_entry_map(self, group=None):
+ """Return the entry point map for `group`, or the full entry map"""
+ try:
+ ep_map = self._ep_map
+ except AttributeError:
+ ep_map = self._ep_map = EntryPoint.parse_map(
+ self._get_metadata('entry_points.txt'), self
+ )
+ if group is not None:
+ return ep_map.get(group,{})
+ return ep_map
+ def get_entry_info(self, group, name):
+ """Return the EntryPoint object for `group`+`name`, or ``None``"""
+ return self.get_entry_map(group).get(name)
+ def insert_on(self, path, loc = None):
+ """Insert self.location in path before its nearest parent directory"""
+ loc = loc or self.location
+ if not loc:
+ return
+ nloc = _normalize_cached(loc)
+ bdir = os.path.dirname(nloc)
+ npath= [(p and _normalize_cached(p) or p) for p in path]
+ for p, item in enumerate(npath):
+ if item == nloc:
+ break
+ elif item == bdir and self.precedence == EGG_DIST:
+ # if it's an .egg, give it precedence over its directory
+ if path is sys.path:
+ self.check_version_conflict()
+ path.insert(p, loc)
+ npath.insert(p, nloc)
+ break
+ else:
+ if path is sys.path:
+ self.check_version_conflict()
+ path.append(loc)
+ return
+ # p is the spot where we found or inserted loc; now remove duplicates
+ while True:
+ try:
+ np = npath.index(nloc, p+1)
+ except ValueError:
+ break
+ else:
+ del npath[np], path[np]
+ # ha!
+ p = np
+ return
+ def check_version_conflict(self):
+ if self.key == 'setuptools':
+ # ignore the inevitable setuptools self-conflicts :(
+ return
+ nsp = dict.fromkeys(self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'))
+ loc = normalize_path(self.location)
+ for modname in self._get_metadata('top_level.txt'):
+ if (modname not in sys.modules or modname in nsp
+ or modname in _namespace_packages):
+ continue
+ if modname in ('pkg_resources', 'setuptools', 'site'):
+ continue
+ fn = getattr(sys.modules[modname], '__file__', None)
+ if fn and (normalize_path(fn).startswith(loc) or
+ fn.startswith(self.location)):
+ continue
+ issue_warning(
+ "Module %s was already imported from %s, but %s is being added"
+ " to sys.path" % (modname, fn, self.location),
+ )
+ def has_version(self):
+ try:
+ self.version
+ except ValueError:
+ issue_warning("Unbuilt egg for " + repr(self))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def clone(self,**kw):
+ """Copy this distribution, substituting in any changed keyword args"""
+ names = 'project_name version py_version platform location precedence'
+ for attr in names.split():
+ kw.setdefault(attr, getattr(self, attr, None))
+ kw.setdefault('metadata', self._provider)
+ return self.__class__(**kw)
+ @property
+ def extras(self):
+ return [dep for dep in self._dep_map if dep]
+class DistInfoDistribution(Distribution):
+ """Wrap an actual or potential sys.path entry w/metadata, .dist-info style"""
+ EQEQ = re.compile(r"([\(,])\s*(\d.*?)\s*([,\)])")
+ @property
+ def _parsed_pkg_info(self):
+ """Parse and cache metadata"""
+ try:
+ return self._pkg_info
+ except AttributeError:
+ metadata = self.get_metadata(self.PKG_INFO)
+ self._pkg_info = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(metadata)
+ return self._pkg_info
+ @property
+ def _dep_map(self):
+ try:
+ return self.__dep_map
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.__dep_map = self._compute_dependencies()
+ return self.__dep_map
+ def _preparse_requirement(self, requires_dist):
+ """Convert 'Foobar (1); baz' to ('Foobar ==1', 'baz')
+ Split environment marker, add == prefix to version specifiers as
+ necessary, and remove parenthesis.
+ """
+ parts = requires_dist.split(';', 1) + ['']
+ distvers = parts[0].strip()
+ mark = parts[1].strip()
+ distvers = re.sub(self.EQEQ, r"\1==\2\3", distvers)
+ distvers = distvers.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
+ return (distvers, mark)
+ def _compute_dependencies(self):
+ """Recompute this distribution's dependencies."""
+ from _markerlib import compile as compile_marker
+ dm = self.__dep_map = {None: []}
+ reqs = []
+ # Including any condition expressions
+ for req in self._parsed_pkg_info.get_all('Requires-Dist') or []:
+ distvers, mark = self._preparse_requirement(req)
+ parsed = next(parse_requirements(distvers))
+ parsed.marker_fn = compile_marker(mark)
+ reqs.append(parsed)
+ def reqs_for_extra(extra):
+ for req in reqs:
+ if req.marker_fn(override={'extra':extra}):
+ yield req
+ common = frozenset(reqs_for_extra(None))
+ dm[None].extend(common)
+ for extra in self._parsed_pkg_info.get_all('Provides-Extra') or []:
+ extra = safe_extra(extra.strip())
+ dm[extra] = list(frozenset(reqs_for_extra(extra)) - common)
+ return dm
+_distributionImpl = {
+ '.egg': Distribution,
+ '.egg-info': Distribution,
+ '.dist-info': DistInfoDistribution,
+ }
+def issue_warning(*args,**kw):
+ level = 1
+ g = globals()
+ try:
+ # find the first stack frame that is *not* code in
+ # the pkg_resources module, to use for the warning
+ while sys._getframe(level).f_globals is g:
+ level += 1
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ warnings.warn(stacklevel=level + 1, *args, **kw)
+def parse_requirements(strs):
+ """Yield ``Requirement`` objects for each specification in `strs`
+ `strs` must be a string, or a (possibly-nested) iterable thereof.
+ """
+ # create a steppable iterator, so we can handle \-continuations
+ lines = iter(yield_lines(strs))
+ def scan_list(ITEM, TERMINATOR, line, p, groups, item_name):
+ items = []
+ while not TERMINATOR(line, p):
+ if CONTINUE(line, p):
+ try:
+ line = next(lines)
+ p = 0
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "\\ must not appear on the last nonblank line"
+ )
+ match = ITEM(line, p)
+ if not match:
+ msg = "Expected " + item_name + " in"
+ raise ValueError(msg, line, "at", line[p:])
+ items.append(match.group(*groups))
+ p = match.end()
+ match = COMMA(line, p)
+ if match:
+ # skip the comma
+ p = match.end()
+ elif not TERMINATOR(line, p):
+ msg = "Expected ',' or end-of-list in"
+ raise ValueError(msg, line, "at", line[p:])
+ match = TERMINATOR(line, p)
+ # skip the terminator, if any
+ if match:
+ p = match.end()
+ return line, p, items
+ for line in lines:
+ match = DISTRO(line)
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError("Missing distribution spec", line)
+ project_name = match.group(1)
+ p = match.end()
+ extras = []
+ match = OBRACKET(line, p)
+ if match:
+ p = match.end()
+ line, p, extras = scan_list(
+ DISTRO, CBRACKET, line, p, (1,), "'extra' name"
+ )
+ line, p, specs = scan_list(VERSION, LINE_END, line, p, (1, 2),
+ "version spec")
+ specs = [(op, val) for op, val in specs]
+ yield Requirement(project_name, specs, extras)
+class Requirement:
+ def __init__(self, project_name, specs, extras):
+ """DO NOT CALL THIS UNDOCUMENTED METHOD; use Requirement.parse()!"""
+ self.unsafe_name, project_name = project_name, safe_name(project_name)
+ self.project_name, self.key = project_name, project_name.lower()
+ self.specifier = packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet(
+ ",".join(["".join([x, y]) for x, y in specs])
+ )
+ self.specs = specs
+ self.extras = tuple(map(safe_extra, extras))
+ self.hashCmp = (
+ self.key,
+ self.specifier,
+ frozenset(self.extras),
+ )
+ self.__hash = hash(self.hashCmp)
+ def __str__(self):
+ extras = ','.join(self.extras)
+ if extras:
+ extras = '[%s]' % extras
+ return '%s%s%s' % (self.project_name, extras, self.specifier)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, Requirement) and
+ self.hashCmp == other.hashCmp
+ )
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ def __contains__(self, item):
+ if isinstance(item, Distribution):
+ if item.key != self.key:
+ return False
+ item = item.version
+ # Allow prereleases always in order to match the previous behavior of
+ # this method. In the future this should be smarter and follow PEP 440
+ # more accurately.
+ return self.specifier.contains(item, prereleases=True)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.__hash
+ def __repr__(self): return "Requirement.parse(%r)" % str(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(s):
+ reqs = list(parse_requirements(s))
+ if reqs:
+ if len(reqs) == 1:
+ return reqs[0]
+ raise ValueError("Expected only one requirement", s)
+ raise ValueError("No requirements found", s)
+def _get_mro(cls):
+ """Get an mro for a type or classic class"""
+ if not isinstance(cls, type):
+ class cls(cls, object): pass
+ return cls.__mro__[1:]
+ return cls.__mro__
+def _find_adapter(registry, ob):
+ """Return an adapter factory for `ob` from `registry`"""
+ for t in _get_mro(getattr(ob, '__class__', type(ob))):
+ if t in registry:
+ return registry[t]
+def ensure_directory(path):
+ """Ensure that the parent directory of `path` exists"""
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+def _bypass_ensure_directory(path):
+ """Sandbox-bypassing version of ensure_directory()"""
+ raise IOError('"os.mkdir" not supported on this platform.')
+ dirname, filename = split(path)
+ if dirname and filename and not isdir(dirname):
+ _bypass_ensure_directory(dirname)
+ mkdir(dirname, 0o755)
+def split_sections(s):
+ """Split a string or iterable thereof into (section, content) pairs
+ Each ``section`` is a stripped version of the section header ("[section]")
+ and each ``content`` is a list of stripped lines excluding blank lines and
+ comment-only lines. If there are any such lines before the first section
+ header, they're returned in a first ``section`` of ``None``.
+ """
+ section = None
+ content = []
+ for line in yield_lines(s):
+ if line.startswith("["):
+ if line.endswith("]"):
+ if section or content:
+ yield section, content
+ section = line[1:-1].strip()
+ content = []
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid section heading", line)
+ else:
+ content.append(line)
+ # wrap up last segment
+ yield section, content
+def _mkstemp(*args,**kw):
+ old_open = os.open
+ try:
+ # temporarily bypass sandboxing
+ os.open = os_open
+ return tempfile.mkstemp(*args,**kw)
+ finally:
+ # and then put it back
+ os.open = old_open
+# Silence the PEP440Warning by default, so that end users don't get hit by it
+# randomly just because they use pkg_resources. We want to append the rule
+# because we want earlier uses of filterwarnings to take precedence over this
+# one.
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=PEP440Warning, append=True)
+# Set up global resource manager (deliberately not state-saved)
+_manager = ResourceManager()
+def _initialize(g):
+ for name in dir(_manager):
+ if not name.startswith('_'):
+ g[name] = getattr(_manager, name)
+# Prepare the master working set and make the ``require()`` API available
+working_set = WorkingSet._build_master()
+_declare_state('object', working_set=working_set)
+require = working_set.require
+iter_entry_points = working_set.iter_entry_points
+add_activation_listener = working_set.subscribe
+run_script = working_set.run_script
+# backward compatibility
+run_main = run_script
+# Activate all distributions already on sys.path, and ensure that
+# all distributions added to the working set in the future (e.g. by
+# calling ``require()``) will get activated as well.
+add_activation_listener(lambda dist: dist.activate())
+# match order
+list(map(working_set.add_entry, sys.path))
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__init__.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__init__.py
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f1a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__all__ = [
+ "__title__", "__summary__", "__uri__", "__version__", "__author__",
+ "__email__", "__license__", "__copyright__",
+__title__ = "packaging"
+__summary__ = "Core utilities for Python packages"
+__uri__ = "https://github.com/pypa/packaging"
+__version__ = "15.0"
+__author__ = "Donald Stufft"
+__email__ = "donald@stufft.io"
+__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014 %s" % __author__
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c39a8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from .__about__ import (
+ __author__, __copyright__, __email__, __license__, __summary__, __title__,
+ __uri__, __version__
+__all__ = [
+ "__title__", "__summary__", "__uri__", "__version__", "__author__",
+ "__email__", "__license__", "__copyright__",
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c396ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import sys
+PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
+PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
+# flake8: noqa
+if PY3:
+ string_types = str,
+ string_types = basestring,
+def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
+ """
+ Create a base class with a metaclass.
+ """
+ # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy
+ # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with
+ # the actual metaclass.
+ class metaclass(meta):
+ def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d):
+ return meta(name, bases, d)
+ return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae9bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+class Infinity(object):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Infinity"
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(repr(self))
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return False
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __neg__(self):
+ return NegativeInfinity
+Infinity = Infinity()
+class NegativeInfinity(object):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "-Infinity"
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(repr(self))
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return False
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return False
+ def __neg__(self):
+ return Infinity
+NegativeInfinity = NegativeInfinity()
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import abc
+import functools
+import itertools
+import re
+from ._compat import string_types, with_metaclass
+from .version import Version, LegacyVersion, parse
+class InvalidSpecifier(ValueError):
+ """
+ An invalid specifier was found, users should refer to PEP 440.
+ """
+class BaseSpecifier(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Returns the str representation of this Specifier like object. This
+ should be representative of the Specifier itself.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a hash value for this Specifier like object.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """
+ Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier like
+ objects are equal.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """
+ Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier like
+ objects are not equal.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractproperty
+ def prereleases(self):
+ """
+ Returns whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed by this
+ specifier.
+ """
+ @prereleases.setter
+ def prereleases(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed by this
+ specifier.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def contains(self, item, prereleases=None):
+ """
+ Determines if the given item is contained within this specifier.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None):
+ """
+ Takes an iterable of items and filters them so that only items which
+ are contained within this specifier are allowed in it.
+ """
+class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier):
+ _operators = {}
+ def __init__(self, spec="", prereleases=None):
+ match = self._regex.search(spec)
+ if not match:
+ raise InvalidSpecifier("Invalid specifier: '{0}'".format(spec))
+ self._spec = (
+ match.group("operator").strip(),
+ match.group("version").strip(),
+ )
+ # Store whether or not this Specifier should accept prereleases
+ self._prereleases = prereleases
+ def __repr__(self):
+ pre = (
+ ", prereleases={0!r}".format(self.prereleases)
+ if self._prereleases is not None
+ else ""
+ )
+ return "<{0}({1!r}{2})>".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ str(self),
+ pre,
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{0}{1}".format(*self._spec)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self._spec)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, string_types):
+ try:
+ other = self.__class__(other)
+ except InvalidSpecifier:
+ return NotImplemented
+ elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._spec == other._spec
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, string_types):
+ try:
+ other = self.__class__(other)
+ except InvalidSpecifier:
+ return NotImplemented
+ elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._spec != other._spec
+ def _get_operator(self, op):
+ return getattr(self, "_compare_{0}".format(self._operators[op]))
+ def _coerce_version(self, version):
+ if not isinstance(version, (LegacyVersion, Version)):
+ version = parse(version)
+ return version
+ @property
+ def prereleases(self):
+ return self._prereleases
+ @prereleases.setter
+ def prereleases(self, value):
+ self._prereleases = value
+ def contains(self, item, prereleases=None):
+ # Determine if prereleases are to be allowed or not.
+ if prereleases is None:
+ prereleases = self.prereleases
+ # Normalize item to a Version or LegacyVersion, this allows us to have
+ # a shortcut for ``"2.0" in Specifier(">=2")
+ item = self._coerce_version(item)
+ # Determine if we should be supporting prereleases in this specifier
+ # or not, if we do not support prereleases than we can short circuit
+ # logic if this version is a prereleases.
+ if item.is_prerelease and not prereleases:
+ return False
+ # Actually do the comparison to determine if this item is contained
+ # within this Specifier or not.
+ return self._get_operator(self._spec[0])(item, self._spec[1])
+ def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None):
+ yielded = False
+ found_prereleases = []
+ kw = {"prereleases": prereleases if prereleases is not None else True}
+ # Attempt to iterate over all the values in the iterable and if any of
+ # them match, yield them.
+ for version in iterable:
+ parsed_version = self._coerce_version(version)
+ if self.contains(parsed_version, **kw):
+ # If our version is a prerelease, and we were not set to allow
+ # prereleases, then we'll store it for later incase nothing
+ # else matches this specifier.
+ if (parsed_version.is_prerelease
+ and not (prereleases or self.prereleases)):
+ found_prereleases.append(version)
+ # Either this is not a prerelease, or we should have been
+ # accepting prereleases from the begining.
+ else:
+ yielded = True
+ yield version
+ # Now that we've iterated over everything, determine if we've yielded
+ # any values, and if we have not and we have any prereleases stored up
+ # then we will go ahead and yield the prereleases.
+ if not yielded and found_prereleases:
+ for version in found_prereleases:
+ yield version
+class LegacySpecifier(_IndividualSpecifier):
+ _regex = re.compile(
+ r"""
+ ^
+ \s*
+ (?P<operator>(==|!=|<=|>=|<|>))
+ \s*
+ (?P<version>
+ [^\s]* # We just match everything, except for whitespace since this
+ # is a "legacy" specifier and the version string can be just
+ # about anything.
+ )
+ \s*
+ $
+ """,
+ )
+ _operators = {
+ "==": "equal",
+ "!=": "not_equal",
+ "<=": "less_than_equal",
+ ">=": "greater_than_equal",
+ "<": "less_than",
+ ">": "greater_than",
+ }
+ def _coerce_version(self, version):
+ if not isinstance(version, LegacyVersion):
+ version = LegacyVersion(str(version))
+ return version
+ def _compare_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective == self._coerce_version(spec)
+ def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective != self._coerce_version(spec)
+ def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective <= self._coerce_version(spec)
+ def _compare_greater_than_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective >= self._coerce_version(spec)
+ def _compare_less_than(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective < self._coerce_version(spec)
+ def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective > self._coerce_version(spec)
+def _require_version_compare(fn):
+ @functools.wraps(fn)
+ def wrapped(self, prospective, spec):
+ if not isinstance(prospective, Version):
+ return False
+ return fn(self, prospective, spec)
+ return wrapped
+class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier):
+ _regex = re.compile(
+ r"""
+ ^
+ \s*
+ (?P<operator>(~=|==|!=|<=|>=|<|>|===))
+ (?P<version>
+ (?:
+ # The identity operators allow for an escape hatch that will
+ # do an exact string match of the version you wish to install.
+ # This will not be parsed by PEP 440 and we cannot determine
+ # any semantic meaning from it. This operator is discouraged
+ # but included entirely as an escape hatch.
+ (?<====) # Only match for the identity operator
+ \s*
+ [^\s]* # We just match everything, except for whitespace
+ # since we are only testing for strict identity.
+ )
+ |
+ (?:
+ # The (non)equality operators allow for wild card and local
+ # versions to be specified so we have to define these two
+ # operators separately to enable that.
+ (?<===|!=) # Only match for equals and not equals
+ \s*
+ v?
+ (?:[0-9]+!)? # epoch
+ [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)* # release
+ (?: # pre release
+ [-_\.]?
+ (a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview)
+ [-_\.]?
+ [0-9]*
+ )?
+ (?: # post release
+ (?:-[0-9]+)|(?:[-_\.]?(post|rev|r)[-_\.]?[0-9]*)
+ )?
+ # You cannot use a wild card and a dev or local version
+ # together so group them with a | and make them optional.
+ (?:
+ (?:[-_\.]?dev[-_\.]?[0-9]*)? # dev release
+ (?:\+[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*)? # local
+ |
+ \.\* # Wild card syntax of .*
+ )?
+ )
+ |
+ (?:
+ # The compatible operator requires at least two digits in the
+ # release segment.
+ (?<=~=) # Only match for the compatible operator
+ \s*
+ v?
+ (?:[0-9]+!)? # epoch
+ [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)+ # release (We have a + instead of a *)
+ (?: # pre release
+ [-_\.]?
+ (a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview)
+ [-_\.]?
+ [0-9]*
+ )?
+ (?: # post release
+ (?:-[0-9]+)|(?:[-_\.]?(post|rev|r)[-_\.]?[0-9]*)
+ )?
+ (?:[-_\.]?dev[-_\.]?[0-9]*)? # dev release
+ )
+ |
+ (?:
+ # All other operators only allow a sub set of what the
+ # (non)equality operators do. Specifically they do not allow
+ # local versions to be specified nor do they allow the prefix
+ # matching wild cards.
+ (?<!==|!=|~=) # We have special cases for these
+ # operators so we want to make sure they
+ # don't match here.
+ \s*
+ v?
+ (?:[0-9]+!)? # epoch
+ [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)* # release
+ (?: # pre release
+ [-_\.]?
+ (a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview)
+ [-_\.]?
+ [0-9]*
+ )?
+ (?: # post release
+ (?:-[0-9]+)|(?:[-_\.]?(post|rev|r)[-_\.]?[0-9]*)
+ )?
+ (?:[-_\.]?dev[-_\.]?[0-9]*)? # dev release
+ )
+ )
+ \s*
+ $
+ """,
+ )
+ _operators = {
+ "~=": "compatible",
+ "==": "equal",
+ "!=": "not_equal",
+ "<=": "less_than_equal",
+ ">=": "greater_than_equal",
+ "<": "less_than",
+ ">": "greater_than",
+ "===": "arbitrary",
+ }
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_compatible(self, prospective, spec):
+ # Compatible releases have an equivalent combination of >= and ==. That
+ # is that ~=2.2 is equivalent to >=2.2,==2.*. This allows us to
+ # implement this in terms of the other specifiers instead of
+ # implementing it ourselves. The only thing we need to do is construct
+ # the other specifiers.
+ # We want everything but the last item in the version, but we want to
+ # ignore post and dev releases and we want to treat the pre-release as
+ # it's own separate segment.
+ prefix = ".".join(
+ list(
+ itertools.takewhile(
+ lambda x: (not x.startswith("post")
+ and not x.startswith("dev")),
+ _version_split(spec),
+ )
+ )[:-1]
+ )
+ # Add the prefix notation to the end of our string
+ prefix += ".*"
+ return (self._get_operator(">=")(prospective, spec)
+ and self._get_operator("==")(prospective, prefix))
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ # We need special logic to handle prefix matching
+ if spec.endswith(".*"):
+ # Split the spec out by dots, and pretend that there is an implicit
+ # dot in between a release segment and a pre-release segment.
+ spec = _version_split(spec[:-2]) # Remove the trailing .*
+ # Split the prospective version out by dots, and pretend that there
+ # is an implicit dot in between a release segment and a pre-release
+ # segment.
+ prospective = _version_split(str(prospective))
+ # Shorten the prospective version to be the same length as the spec
+ # so that we can determine if the specifier is a prefix of the
+ # prospective version or not.
+ prospective = prospective[:len(spec)]
+ # Pad out our two sides with zeros so that they both equal the same
+ # length.
+ spec, prospective = _pad_version(spec, prospective)
+ else:
+ # Convert our spec string into a Version
+ spec = Version(spec)
+ # If the specifier does not have a local segment, then we want to
+ # act as if the prospective version also does not have a local
+ # segment.
+ if not spec.local:
+ prospective = Version(prospective.public)
+ return prospective == spec
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return not self._compare_equal(prospective, spec)
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective <= Version(spec)
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_greater_than_equal(self, prospective, spec):
+ return prospective >= Version(spec)
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_less_than(self, prospective, spec):
+ # Convert our spec to a Version instance, since we'll want to work with
+ # it as a version.
+ spec = Version(spec)
+ # Check to see if the prospective version is less than the spec
+ # version. If it's not we can short circuit and just return False now
+ # instead of doing extra unneeded work.
+ if not prospective < spec:
+ return False
+ # This special case is here so that, unless the specifier itself
+ # includes is a pre-release version, that we do not accept pre-release
+ # versions for the version mentioned in the specifier (e.g. <3.1 should
+ # not match 3.1.dev0, but should match 3.0.dev0).
+ if not spec.is_prerelease and prospective.is_prerelease:
+ if Version(prospective.base_version) == Version(spec.base_version):
+ return False
+ # If we've gotten to here, it means that prospective version is both
+ # less than the spec version *and* it's not a pre-release of the same
+ # version in the spec.
+ return True
+ @_require_version_compare
+ def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective, spec):
+ # Convert our spec to a Version instance, since we'll want to work with
+ # it as a version.
+ spec = Version(spec)
+ # Check to see if the prospective version is greater than the spec
+ # version. If it's not we can short circuit and just return False now
+ # instead of doing extra unneeded work.
+ if not prospective > spec:
+ return False
+ # This special case is here so that, unless the specifier itself
+ # includes is a post-release version, that we do not accept
+ # post-release versions for the version mentioned in the specifier
+ # (e.g. >3.1 should not match 3.0.post0, but should match 3.2.post0).
+ if not spec.is_postrelease and prospective.is_postrelease:
+ if Version(prospective.base_version) == Version(spec.base_version):
+ return False
+ # Ensure that we do not allow a local version of the version mentioned
+ # in the specifier, which is techincally greater than, to match.
+ if prospective.local is not None:
+ if Version(prospective.base_version) == Version(spec.base_version):
+ return False
+ # If we've gotten to here, it means that prospective version is both
+ # greater than the spec version *and* it's not a pre-release of the
+ # same version in the spec.
+ return True
+ def _compare_arbitrary(self, prospective, spec):
+ return str(prospective).lower() == str(spec).lower()
+ @property
+ def prereleases(self):
+ # If there is an explicit prereleases set for this, then we'll just
+ # blindly use that.
+ if self._prereleases is not None:
+ return self._prereleases
+ # Look at all of our specifiers and determine if they are inclusive
+ # operators, and if they are if they are including an explicit
+ # prerelease.
+ operator, version = self._spec
+ if operator in ["==", ">=", "<=", "~="]:
+ # The == specifier can include a trailing .*, if it does we
+ # want to remove before parsing.
+ if operator == "==" and version.endswith(".*"):
+ version = version[:-2]
+ # Parse the version, and if it is a pre-release than this
+ # specifier allows pre-releases.
+ if parse(version).is_prerelease:
+ return True
+ return False
+ @prereleases.setter
+ def prereleases(self, value):
+ self._prereleases = value
+_prefix_regex = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)((?:a|b|c|rc)[0-9]+)$")
+def _version_split(version):
+ result = []
+ for item in version.split("."):
+ match = _prefix_regex.search(item)
+ if match:
+ result.extend(match.groups())
+ else:
+ result.append(item)
+ return result
+def _pad_version(left, right):
+ left_split, right_split = [], []
+ # Get the release segment of our versions
+ left_split.append(list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x.isdigit(), left)))
+ right_split.append(list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x.isdigit(), right)))
+ # Get the rest of our versions
+ left_split.append(left[len(left_split):])
+ right_split.append(left[len(right_split):])
+ # Insert our padding
+ left_split.insert(
+ 1,
+ ["0"] * max(0, len(right_split[0]) - len(left_split[0])),
+ )
+ right_split.insert(
+ 1,
+ ["0"] * max(0, len(left_split[0]) - len(right_split[0])),
+ )
+ return (
+ list(itertools.chain(*left_split)),
+ list(itertools.chain(*right_split)),
+ )
+class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier):
+ def __init__(self, specifiers="", prereleases=None):
+ # Split on , to break each indidivual specifier into it's own item, and
+ # strip each item to remove leading/trailing whitespace.
+ specifiers = [s.strip() for s in specifiers.split(",") if s.strip()]
+ # Parsed each individual specifier, attempting first to make it a
+ # Specifier and falling back to a LegacySpecifier.
+ parsed = set()
+ for specifier in specifiers:
+ try:
+ parsed.add(Specifier(specifier))
+ except InvalidSpecifier:
+ parsed.add(LegacySpecifier(specifier))
+ # Turn our parsed specifiers into a frozen set and save them for later.
+ self._specs = frozenset(parsed)
+ # Store our prereleases value so we can use it later to determine if
+ # we accept prereleases or not.
+ self._prereleases = prereleases
+ def __repr__(self):
+ pre = (
+ ", prereleases={0!r}".format(self.prereleases)
+ if self._prereleases is not None
+ else ""
+ )
+ return "<SpecifierSet({0!r}{1})>".format(str(self), pre)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ",".join(sorted(str(s) for s in self._specs))
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self._specs)
+ def __and__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, string_types):
+ other = SpecifierSet(other)
+ elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet):
+ return NotImplemented
+ specifier = SpecifierSet()
+ specifier._specs = frozenset(self._specs | other._specs)
+ if self._prereleases is None and other._prereleases is not None:
+ specifier._prereleases = other._prereleases
+ elif self._prereleases is not None and other._prereleases is None:
+ specifier._prereleases = self._prereleases
+ elif self._prereleases == other._prereleases:
+ specifier._prereleases = self._prereleases
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot combine SpecifierSets with True and False prerelease "
+ "overrides."
+ )
+ return specifier
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, string_types):
+ other = SpecifierSet(other)
+ elif isinstance(other, _IndividualSpecifier):
+ other = SpecifierSet(str(other))
+ elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._specs == other._specs
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, string_types):
+ other = SpecifierSet(other)
+ elif isinstance(other, _IndividualSpecifier):
+ other = SpecifierSet(str(other))
+ elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._specs != other._specs
+ @property
+ def prereleases(self):
+ # If we have been given an explicit prerelease modifier, then we'll
+ # pass that through here.
+ if self._prereleases is not None:
+ return self._prereleases
+ # Otherwise we'll see if any of the given specifiers accept
+ # prereleases, if any of them do we'll return True, otherwise False.
+ # Note: The use of any() here means that an empty set of specifiers
+ # will always return False, this is an explicit design decision.
+ return any(s.prereleases for s in self._specs)
+ @prereleases.setter
+ def prereleases(self, value):
+ self._prereleases = value
+ def contains(self, item, prereleases=None):
+ # Ensure that our item is a Version or LegacyVersion instance.
+ if not isinstance(item, (LegacyVersion, Version)):
+ item = parse(item)
+ # We can determine if we're going to allow pre-releases by looking to
+ # see if any of the underlying items supports them. If none of them do
+ # and this item is a pre-release then we do not allow it and we can
+ # short circuit that here.
+ # Note: This means that 1.0.dev1 would not be contained in something
+ # like >=1.0.devabc however it would be in >=1.0.debabc,>0.0.dev0
+ if (not (self.prereleases or prereleases)) and item.is_prerelease:
+ return False
+ # Determine if we're forcing a prerelease or not, we bypass
+ # self.prereleases here and use self._prereleases because we want to
+ # only take into consideration actual *forced* values. The underlying
+ # specifiers will handle the other logic.
+ # The logic here is: If prereleases is anything but None, we'll just
+ # go aheand and continue to use that. However if
+ # prereleases is None, then we'll use whatever the
+ # value of self._prereleases is as long as it is not
+ # None itself.
+ if prereleases is None and self._prereleases is not None:
+ prereleases = self._prereleases
+ # We simply dispatch to the underlying specs here to make sure that the
+ # given version is contained within all of them.
+ # Note: This use of all() here means that an empty set of specifiers
+ # will always return True, this is an explicit design decision.
+ return all(
+ s.contains(item, prereleases=prereleases)
+ for s in self._specs
+ )
+ def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None):
+ # Determine if we're forcing a prerelease or not, we bypass
+ # self.prereleases here and use self._prereleases because we want to
+ # only take into consideration actual *forced* values. The underlying
+ # specifiers will handle the other logic.
+ # The logic here is: If prereleases is anything but None, we'll just
+ # go aheand and continue to use that. However if
+ # prereleases is None, then we'll use whatever the
+ # value of self._prereleases is as long as it is not
+ # None itself.
+ if prereleases is None and self._prereleases is not None:
+ prereleases = self._prereleases
+ # If we have any specifiers, then we want to wrap our iterable in the
+ # filter method for each one, this will act as a logical AND amongst
+ # each specifier.
+ if self._specs:
+ for spec in self._specs:
+ iterable = spec.filter(iterable, prereleases=prereleases)
+ return iterable
+ # If we do not have any specifiers, then we need to have a rough filter
+ # which will filter out any pre-releases, unless there are no final
+ # releases, and which will filter out LegacyVersion in general.
+ else:
+ filtered = []
+ found_prereleases = []
+ for item in iterable:
+ # Ensure that we some kind of Version class for this item.
+ if not isinstance(item, (LegacyVersion, Version)):
+ parsed_version = parse(item)
+ else:
+ parsed_version = item
+ # Filter out any item which is parsed as a LegacyVersion
+ if isinstance(parsed_version, LegacyVersion):
+ continue
+ # Store any item which is a pre-release for later unless we've
+ # already found a final version or we are accepting prereleases
+ if parsed_version.is_prerelease and not prereleases:
+ if not filtered:
+ found_prereleases.append(item)
+ else:
+ filtered.append(item)
+ # If we've found no items except for pre-releases, then we'll go
+ # ahead and use the pre-releases
+ if not filtered and found_prereleases and prereleases is None:
+ return found_prereleases
+ return filtered
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py
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index 0000000..cf8afb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import collections
+import itertools
+import re
+from ._structures import Infinity
+__all__ = [
+ "parse", "Version", "LegacyVersion", "InvalidVersion", "VERSION_PATTERN"
+_Version = collections.namedtuple(
+ "_Version",
+ ["epoch", "release", "dev", "pre", "post", "local"],
+def parse(version):
+ """
+ Parse the given version string and return either a :class:`Version` object
+ or a :class:`LegacyVersion` object depending on if the given version is
+ a valid PEP 440 version or a legacy version.
+ """
+ try:
+ return Version(version)
+ except InvalidVersion:
+ return LegacyVersion(version)
+class InvalidVersion(ValueError):
+ """
+ An invalid version was found, users should refer to PEP 440.
+ """
+class _BaseVersion(object):
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self._key)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o)
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o)
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s >= o)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s > o)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s != o)
+ def _compare(self, other, method):
+ if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return method(self._key, other._key)
+class LegacyVersion(_BaseVersion):
+ def __init__(self, version):
+ self._version = str(version)
+ self._key = _legacy_cmpkey(self._version)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self._version
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<LegacyVersion({0})>".format(repr(str(self)))
+ @property
+ def public(self):
+ return self._version
+ @property
+ def base_version(self):
+ return self._version
+ @property
+ def local(self):
+ return None
+ @property
+ def is_prerelease(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def is_postrelease(self):
+ return False
+_legacy_version_component_re = re.compile(
+ r"(\d+ | [a-z]+ | \.| -)", re.VERBOSE,
+_legacy_version_replacement_map = {
+ "pre": "c", "preview": "c", "-": "final-", "rc": "c", "dev": "@",
+def _parse_version_parts(s):
+ for part in _legacy_version_component_re.split(s):
+ part = _legacy_version_replacement_map.get(part, part)
+ if not part or part == ".":
+ continue
+ if part[:1] in "0123456789":
+ # pad for numeric comparison
+ yield part.zfill(8)
+ else:
+ yield "*" + part
+ # ensure that alpha/beta/candidate are before final
+ yield "*final"
+def _legacy_cmpkey(version):
+ # We hardcode an epoch of -1 here. A PEP 440 version can only have a epoch
+ # greater than or equal to 0. This will effectively put the LegacyVersion,
+ # which uses the defacto standard originally implemented by setuptools,
+ # as before all PEP 440 versions.
+ epoch = -1
+ # This scheme is taken from pkg_resources.parse_version setuptools prior to
+ # it's adoption of the packaging library.
+ parts = []
+ for part in _parse_version_parts(version.lower()):
+ if part.startswith("*"):
+ # remove "-" before a prerelease tag
+ if part < "*final":
+ while parts and parts[-1] == "*final-":
+ parts.pop()
+ # remove trailing zeros from each series of numeric parts
+ while parts and parts[-1] == "00000000":
+ parts.pop()
+ parts.append(part)
+ parts = tuple(parts)
+ return epoch, parts
+# Deliberately not anchored to the start and end of the string, to make it
+# easier for 3rd party code to reuse
+ v?
+ (?:
+ (?:(?P<epoch>[0-9]+)!)? # epoch
+ (?P<release>[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*) # release segment
+ (?P<pre> # pre-release
+ [-_\.]?
+ (?P<pre_l>(a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview))
+ [-_\.]?
+ (?P<pre_n>[0-9]+)?
+ )?
+ (?P<post> # post release
+ (?:-(?P<post_n1>[0-9]+))
+ |
+ (?:
+ [-_\.]?
+ (?P<post_l>post|rev|r)
+ [-_\.]?
+ (?P<post_n2>[0-9]+)?
+ )
+ )?
+ (?P<dev> # dev release
+ [-_\.]?
+ (?P<dev_l>dev)
+ [-_\.]?
+ (?P<dev_n>[0-9]+)?
+ )?
+ )
+ (?:\+(?P<local>[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*))? # local version
+class Version(_BaseVersion):
+ _regex = re.compile(
+ r"^\s*" + VERSION_PATTERN + r"\s*$",
+ )
+ def __init__(self, version):
+ # Validate the version and parse it into pieces
+ match = self._regex.search(version)
+ if not match:
+ raise InvalidVersion("Invalid version: '{0}'".format(version))
+ # Store the parsed out pieces of the version
+ self._version = _Version(
+ epoch=int(match.group("epoch")) if match.group("epoch") else 0,
+ release=tuple(int(i) for i in match.group("release").split(".")),
+ pre=_parse_letter_version(
+ match.group("pre_l"),
+ match.group("pre_n"),
+ ),
+ post=_parse_letter_version(
+ match.group("post_l"),
+ match.group("post_n1") or match.group("post_n2"),
+ ),
+ dev=_parse_letter_version(
+ match.group("dev_l"),
+ match.group("dev_n"),
+ ),
+ local=_parse_local_version(match.group("local")),
+ )
+ # Generate a key which will be used for sorting
+ self._key = _cmpkey(
+ self._version.epoch,
+ self._version.release,
+ self._version.pre,
+ self._version.post,
+ self._version.dev,
+ self._version.local,
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Version({0})>".format(repr(str(self)))
+ def __str__(self):
+ parts = []
+ # Epoch
+ if self._version.epoch != 0:
+ parts.append("{0}!".format(self._version.epoch))
+ # Release segment
+ parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self._version.release))
+ # Pre-release
+ if self._version.pre is not None:
+ parts.append("".join(str(x) for x in self._version.pre))
+ # Post-release
+ if self._version.post is not None:
+ parts.append(".post{0}".format(self._version.post[1]))
+ # Development release
+ if self._version.dev is not None:
+ parts.append(".dev{0}".format(self._version.dev[1]))
+ # Local version segment
+ if self._version.local is not None:
+ parts.append(
+ "+{0}".format(".".join(str(x) for x in self._version.local))
+ )
+ return "".join(parts)
+ @property
+ def public(self):
+ return str(self).split("+", 1)[0]
+ @property
+ def base_version(self):
+ parts = []
+ # Epoch
+ if self._version.epoch != 0:
+ parts.append("{0}!".format(self._version.epoch))
+ # Release segment
+ parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self._version.release))
+ return "".join(parts)
+ @property
+ def local(self):
+ version_string = str(self)
+ if "+" in version_string:
+ return version_string.split("+", 1)[1]
+ @property
+ def is_prerelease(self):
+ return bool(self._version.dev or self._version.pre)
+ @property
+ def is_postrelease(self):
+ return bool(self._version.post)
+def _parse_letter_version(letter, number):
+ if letter:
+ # We consider there to be an implicit 0 in a pre-release if there is
+ # not a numeral associated with it.
+ if number is None:
+ number = 0
+ # We normalize any letters to their lower case form
+ letter = letter.lower()
+ # We consider some words to be alternate spellings of other words and
+ # in those cases we want to normalize the spellings to our preferred
+ # spelling.
+ if letter == "alpha":
+ letter = "a"
+ elif letter == "beta":
+ letter = "b"
+ elif letter in ["c", "pre", "preview"]:
+ letter = "rc"
+ return letter, int(number)
+ if not letter and number:
+ # We assume if we are given a number, but we are not given a letter
+ # then this is using the implicit post release syntax (e.g. 1.0-1)
+ letter = "post"
+ return letter, int(number)
+_local_version_seperators = re.compile(r"[\._-]")
+def _parse_local_version(local):
+ """
+ Takes a string like abc.1.twelve and turns it into ("abc", 1, "twelve").
+ """
+ if local is not None:
+ return tuple(
+ part.lower() if not part.isdigit() else int(part)
+ for part in _local_version_seperators.split(local)
+ )
+def _cmpkey(epoch, release, pre, post, dev, local):
+ # When we compare a release version, we want to compare it with all of the
+ # trailing zeros removed. So we'll use a reverse the list, drop all the now
+ # leading zeros until we come to something non zero, then take the rest
+ # re-reverse it back into the correct order and make it a tuple and use
+ # that for our sorting key.
+ release = tuple(
+ reversed(list(
+ itertools.dropwhile(
+ lambda x: x == 0,
+ reversed(release),
+ )
+ ))
+ )
+ # We need to "trick" the sorting algorithm to put 1.0.dev0 before 1.0a0.
+ # We'll do this by abusing the pre segment, but we _only_ want to do this
+ # if there is not a pre or a post segment. If we have one of those then
+ # the normal sorting rules will handle this case correctly.
+ if pre is None and post is None and dev is not None:
+ pre = -Infinity
+ # Versions without a pre-release (except as noted above) should sort after
+ # those with one.
+ elif pre is None:
+ pre = Infinity
+ # Versions without a post segment should sort before those with one.
+ if post is None:
+ post = -Infinity
+ # Versions without a development segment should sort after those with one.
+ if dev is None:
+ dev = Infinity
+ if local is None:
+ # Versions without a local segment should sort before those with one.
+ local = -Infinity
+ else:
+ # Versions with a local segment need that segment parsed to implement
+ # the sorting rules in PEP440.
+ # - Alpha numeric segments sort before numeric segments
+ # - Alpha numeric segments sort lexicographically
+ # - Numeric segments sort numerically
+ # - Shorter versions sort before longer versions when the prefixes
+ # match exactly
+ local = tuple(
+ (i, "") if isinstance(i, int) else (-Infinity, i)
+ for i in local
+ )
+ return epoch, release, pre, post, dev, local
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/__init__.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/__init__.py
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index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/test_pkg_resources.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/test_pkg_resources.py
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index 0000000..564d7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/test_pkg_resources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import os
+import zipfile
+import datetime
+import time
+import subprocess
+import pkg_resources
+ unicode
+except NameError:
+ unicode = str
+def timestamp(dt):
+ """
+ Return a timestamp for a local, naive datetime instance.
+ """
+ try:
+ return dt.timestamp()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Python 3.2 and earlier
+ return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())
+class EggRemover(unicode):
+ def __call__(self):
+ if self in sys.path:
+ sys.path.remove(self)
+ if os.path.exists(self):
+ os.remove(self)
+class TestZipProvider(object):
+ finalizers = []
+ ref_time = datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 12, 13, 25, 0)
+ "A reference time for a file modification"
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(cls):
+ "create a zip egg and add it to sys.path"
+ egg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.egg', delete=False)
+ zip_egg = zipfile.ZipFile(egg, 'w')
+ zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo()
+ zip_info.filename = 'mod.py'
+ zip_info.date_time = cls.ref_time.timetuple()
+ zip_egg.writestr(zip_info, 'x = 3\n')
+ zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo()
+ zip_info.filename = 'data.dat'
+ zip_info.date_time = cls.ref_time.timetuple()
+ zip_egg.writestr(zip_info, 'hello, world!')
+ zip_egg.close()
+ egg.close()
+ sys.path.append(egg.name)
+ cls.finalizers.append(EggRemover(egg.name))
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(cls):
+ for finalizer in cls.finalizers:
+ finalizer()
+ def test_resource_filename_rewrites_on_change(self):
+ """
+ If a previous call to get_resource_filename has saved the file, but
+ the file has been subsequently mutated with different file of the
+ same size and modification time, it should not be overwritten on a
+ subsequent call to get_resource_filename.
+ """
+ import mod
+ manager = pkg_resources.ResourceManager()
+ zp = pkg_resources.ZipProvider(mod)
+ filename = zp.get_resource_filename(manager, 'data.dat')
+ actual = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime)
+ assert actual == self.ref_time
+ f = open(filename, 'w')
+ f.write('hello, world?')
+ f.close()
+ ts = timestamp(self.ref_time)
+ os.utime(filename, (ts, ts))
+ filename = zp.get_resource_filename(manager, 'data.dat')
+ f = open(filename)
+ assert f.read() == 'hello, world!'
+ manager.cleanup_resources()
+class TestResourceManager(object):
+ def test_get_cache_path(self):
+ mgr = pkg_resources.ResourceManager()
+ path = mgr.get_cache_path('foo')
+ type_ = str(type(path))
+ message = "Unexpected type from get_cache_path: " + type_
+ assert isinstance(path, (unicode, str)), message
+class TestIndependence:
+ """
+ Tests to ensure that pkg_resources runs independently from setuptools.
+ """
+ def test_setuptools_not_imported(self):
+ """
+ In a separate Python environment, import pkg_resources and assert
+ that action doesn't cause setuptools to be imported.
+ """
+ lines = (
+ 'import pkg_resources',
+ 'import sys',
+ 'assert "setuptools" not in sys.modules, '
+ '"setuptools was imported"',
+ )
+ cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', '; '.join(lines)]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/test_resources.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/test_resources.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55478a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/test_resources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import string
+import pytest
+import pkg_resources
+from pkg_resources import (parse_requirements, VersionConflict, parse_version,
+ Distribution, EntryPoint, Requirement, safe_version, safe_name,
+ WorkingSet)
+packaging = pkg_resources.packaging
+def safe_repr(obj, short=False):
+ """ copied from Python2.7"""
+ try:
+ result = repr(obj)
+ except Exception:
+ result = object.__repr__(obj)
+ if not short or len(result) < pkg_resources._MAX_LENGTH:
+ return result
+ return result[:pkg_resources._MAX_LENGTH] + ' [truncated]...'
+class Metadata(pkg_resources.EmptyProvider):
+ """Mock object to return metadata as if from an on-disk distribution"""
+ def __init__(self, *pairs):
+ self.metadata = dict(pairs)
+ def has_metadata(self, name):
+ return name in self.metadata
+ def get_metadata(self, name):
+ return self.metadata[name]
+ def get_metadata_lines(self, name):
+ return pkg_resources.yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
+dist_from_fn = pkg_resources.Distribution.from_filename
+class TestDistro:
+ def testCollection(self):
+ # empty path should produce no distributions
+ ad = pkg_resources.Environment([], platform=None, python=None)
+ assert list(ad) == []
+ assert ad['FooPkg'] == []
+ ad.add(dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.3_1.egg"))
+ ad.add(dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.4-py2.4-win32.egg"))
+ ad.add(dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.2-py2.4.egg"))
+ # Name is in there now
+ assert ad['FooPkg']
+ # But only 1 package
+ assert list(ad) == ['foopkg']
+ # Distributions sort by version
+ assert [dist.version for dist in ad['FooPkg']] == ['1.4','1.3-1','1.2']
+ # Removing a distribution leaves sequence alone
+ ad.remove(ad['FooPkg'][1])
+ assert [dist.version for dist in ad['FooPkg']] == ['1.4','1.2']
+ # And inserting adds them in order
+ ad.add(dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.9.egg"))
+ assert [dist.version for dist in ad['FooPkg']] == ['1.9','1.4','1.2']
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ foo12 = dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.2-py2.4.egg")
+ foo14 = dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.4-py2.4-win32.egg")
+ req, = parse_requirements("FooPkg>=1.3")
+ # Nominal case: no distros on path, should yield all applicable
+ assert ad.best_match(req, ws).version == '1.9'
+ # If a matching distro is already installed, should return only that
+ ws.add(foo14)
+ assert ad.best_match(req, ws).version == '1.4'
+ # If the first matching distro is unsuitable, it's a version conflict
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ ws.add(foo12)
+ ws.add(foo14)
+ with pytest.raises(VersionConflict):
+ ad.best_match(req, ws)
+ # If more than one match on the path, the first one takes precedence
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ ws.add(foo14)
+ ws.add(foo12)
+ ws.add(foo14)
+ assert ad.best_match(req, ws).version == '1.4'
+ def checkFooPkg(self,d):
+ assert d.project_name == "FooPkg"
+ assert d.key == "foopkg"
+ assert d.version == "1.3.post1"
+ assert d.py_version == "2.4"
+ assert d.platform == "win32"
+ assert d.parsed_version == parse_version("1.3-1")
+ def testDistroBasics(self):
+ d = Distribution(
+ "/some/path",
+ project_name="FooPkg",version="1.3-1",py_version="2.4",platform="win32"
+ )
+ self.checkFooPkg(d)
+ d = Distribution("/some/path")
+ assert d.py_version == sys.version[:3]
+ assert d.platform == None
+ def testDistroParse(self):
+ d = dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.3.post1-py2.4-win32.egg")
+ self.checkFooPkg(d)
+ d = dist_from_fn("FooPkg-1.3.post1-py2.4-win32.egg-info")
+ self.checkFooPkg(d)
+ def testDistroMetadata(self):
+ d = Distribution(
+ "/some/path", project_name="FooPkg", py_version="2.4", platform="win32",
+ metadata = Metadata(
+ ('PKG-INFO',"Metadata-Version: 1.0\nVersion: 1.3-1\n")
+ )
+ )
+ self.checkFooPkg(d)
+ def distRequires(self, txt):
+ return Distribution("/foo", metadata=Metadata(('depends.txt', txt)))
+ def checkRequires(self, dist, txt, extras=()):
+ assert list(dist.requires(extras)) == list(parse_requirements(txt))
+ def testDistroDependsSimple(self):
+ for v in "Twisted>=1.5", "Twisted>=1.5\nZConfig>=2.0":
+ self.checkRequires(self.distRequires(v), v)
+ def testResolve(self):
+ ad = pkg_resources.Environment([])
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ # Resolving no requirements -> nothing to install
+ assert list(ws.resolve([], ad)) == []
+ # Request something not in the collection -> DistributionNotFound
+ with pytest.raises(pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound):
+ ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo"), ad)
+ Foo = Distribution.from_filename(
+ "/foo_dir/Foo-1.2.egg",
+ metadata=Metadata(('depends.txt', "[bar]\nBaz>=2.0"))
+ )
+ ad.add(Foo)
+ ad.add(Distribution.from_filename("Foo-0.9.egg"))
+ # Request thing(s) that are available -> list to activate
+ for i in range(3):
+ targets = list(ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo"), ad))
+ assert targets == [Foo]
+ list(map(ws.add,targets))
+ with pytest.raises(VersionConflict):
+ ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo==0.9"), ad)
+ ws = WorkingSet([]) # reset
+ # Request an extra that causes an unresolved dependency for "Baz"
+ with pytest.raises(pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound):
+ ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo[bar]"), ad)
+ Baz = Distribution.from_filename(
+ "/foo_dir/Baz-2.1.egg", metadata=Metadata(('depends.txt', "Foo"))
+ )
+ ad.add(Baz)
+ # Activation list now includes resolved dependency
+ assert list(ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo[bar]"), ad)) ==[Foo,Baz]
+ # Requests for conflicting versions produce VersionConflict
+ with pytest.raises(VersionConflict) as vc:
+ ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo==1.2\nFoo!=1.2"), ad)
+ msg = 'Foo 0.9 is installed but Foo==1.2 is required'
+ assert vc.value.report() == msg
+ def testDistroDependsOptions(self):
+ d = self.distRequires("""
+ Twisted>=1.5
+ [docgen]
+ ZConfig>=2.0
+ docutils>=0.3
+ [fastcgi]
+ fcgiapp>=0.1""")
+ self.checkRequires(d,"Twisted>=1.5")
+ self.checkRequires(
+ d,"Twisted>=1.5 ZConfig>=2.0 docutils>=0.3".split(), ["docgen"]
+ )
+ self.checkRequires(
+ d,"Twisted>=1.5 fcgiapp>=0.1".split(), ["fastcgi"]
+ )
+ self.checkRequires(
+ d,"Twisted>=1.5 ZConfig>=2.0 docutils>=0.3 fcgiapp>=0.1".split(),
+ ["docgen","fastcgi"]
+ )
+ self.checkRequires(
+ d,"Twisted>=1.5 fcgiapp>=0.1 ZConfig>=2.0 docutils>=0.3".split(),
+ ["fastcgi", "docgen"]
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(pkg_resources.UnknownExtra):
+ d.requires(["foo"])
+class TestWorkingSet:
+ def test_find_conflicting(self):
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ Foo = Distribution.from_filename("/foo_dir/Foo-1.2.egg")
+ ws.add(Foo)
+ # create a requirement that conflicts with Foo 1.2
+ req = next(parse_requirements("Foo<1.2"))
+ with pytest.raises(VersionConflict) as vc:
+ ws.find(req)
+ msg = 'Foo 1.2 is installed but Foo<1.2 is required'
+ assert vc.value.report() == msg
+ def test_resolve_conflicts_with_prior(self):
+ """
+ A ContextualVersionConflict should be raised when a requirement
+ conflicts with a prior requirement for a different package.
+ """
+ # Create installation where Foo depends on Baz 1.0 and Bar depends on
+ # Baz 2.0.
+ ws = WorkingSet([])
+ md = Metadata(('depends.txt', "Baz==1.0"))
+ Foo = Distribution.from_filename("/foo_dir/Foo-1.0.egg", metadata=md)
+ ws.add(Foo)
+ md = Metadata(('depends.txt', "Baz==2.0"))
+ Bar = Distribution.from_filename("/foo_dir/Bar-1.0.egg", metadata=md)
+ ws.add(Bar)
+ Baz = Distribution.from_filename("/foo_dir/Baz-1.0.egg")
+ ws.add(Baz)
+ Baz = Distribution.from_filename("/foo_dir/Baz-2.0.egg")
+ ws.add(Baz)
+ with pytest.raises(VersionConflict) as vc:
+ ws.resolve(parse_requirements("Foo\nBar\n"))
+ msg = "Baz 1.0 is installed but Baz==2.0 is required by {'Bar'}"
+ if pkg_resources.PY2:
+ msg = msg.replace("{'Bar'}", "set(['Bar'])")
+ assert vc.value.report() == msg
+class TestEntryPoints:
+ def assertfields(self, ep):
+ assert ep.name == "foo"
+ assert ep.module_name == "pkg_resources.tests.test_resources"
+ assert ep.attrs == ("TestEntryPoints",)
+ assert ep.extras == ("x",)
+ assert ep.load() is TestEntryPoints
+ expect = "foo = pkg_resources.tests.test_resources:TestEntryPoints [x]"
+ assert str(ep) == expect
+ def setup_method(self, method):
+ self.dist = Distribution.from_filename(
+ "FooPkg-1.2-py2.4.egg", metadata=Metadata(('requires.txt','[x]')))
+ def testBasics(self):
+ ep = EntryPoint(
+ "foo", "pkg_resources.tests.test_resources", ["TestEntryPoints"],
+ ["x"], self.dist
+ )
+ self.assertfields(ep)
+ def testParse(self):
+ s = "foo = pkg_resources.tests.test_resources:TestEntryPoints [x]"
+ ep = EntryPoint.parse(s, self.dist)
+ self.assertfields(ep)
+ ep = EntryPoint.parse("bar baz= spammity[PING]")
+ assert ep.name == "bar baz"
+ assert ep.module_name == "spammity"
+ assert ep.attrs == ()
+ assert ep.extras == ("ping",)
+ ep = EntryPoint.parse(" fizzly = wocka:foo")
+ assert ep.name == "fizzly"
+ assert ep.module_name == "wocka"
+ assert ep.attrs == ("foo",)
+ assert ep.extras == ()
+ # plus in the name
+ spec = "html+mako = mako.ext.pygmentplugin:MakoHtmlLexer"
+ ep = EntryPoint.parse(spec)
+ assert ep.name == 'html+mako'
+ reject_specs = "foo", "x=a:b:c", "q=x/na", "fez=pish:tush-z", "x=f[a]>2"
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("reject_spec", reject_specs)
+ def test_reject_spec(self, reject_spec):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ EntryPoint.parse(reject_spec)
+ def test_printable_name(self):
+ """
+ Allow any printable character in the name.
+ """
+ # Create a name with all printable characters; strip the whitespace.
+ name = string.printable.strip()
+ spec = "{name} = module:attr".format(**locals())
+ ep = EntryPoint.parse(spec)
+ assert ep.name == name
+ def checkSubMap(self, m):
+ assert len(m) == len(self.submap_expect)
+ for key, ep in pkg_resources.iteritems(self.submap_expect):
+ assert repr(m.get(key)) == repr(ep)
+ submap_expect = dict(
+ feature1=EntryPoint('feature1', 'somemodule', ['somefunction']),
+ feature2=EntryPoint('feature2', 'another.module', ['SomeClass'], ['extra1','extra2']),
+ feature3=EntryPoint('feature3', 'this.module', extras=['something'])
+ )
+ submap_str = """
+ # define features for blah blah
+ feature1 = somemodule:somefunction
+ feature2 = another.module:SomeClass [extra1,extra2]
+ feature3 = this.module [something]
+ """
+ def testParseList(self):
+ self.checkSubMap(EntryPoint.parse_group("xyz", self.submap_str))
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ EntryPoint.parse_group("x a", "foo=bar")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ EntryPoint.parse_group("x", ["foo=baz", "foo=bar"])
+ def testParseMap(self):
+ m = EntryPoint.parse_map({'xyz':self.submap_str})
+ self.checkSubMap(m['xyz'])
+ assert list(m.keys()) == ['xyz']
+ m = EntryPoint.parse_map("[xyz]\n"+self.submap_str)
+ self.checkSubMap(m['xyz'])
+ assert list(m.keys()) == ['xyz']
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ EntryPoint.parse_map(["[xyz]", "[xyz]"])
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ EntryPoint.parse_map(self.submap_str)
+class TestRequirements:
+ def testBasics(self):
+ r = Requirement.parse("Twisted>=1.2")
+ assert str(r) == "Twisted>=1.2"
+ assert repr(r) == "Requirement.parse('Twisted>=1.2')"
+ assert r == Requirement("Twisted", [('>=','1.2')], ())
+ assert r == Requirement("twisTed", [('>=','1.2')], ())
+ assert r != Requirement("Twisted", [('>=','2.0')], ())
+ assert r != Requirement("Zope", [('>=','1.2')], ())
+ assert r != Requirement("Zope", [('>=','3.0')], ())
+ assert r != Requirement.parse("Twisted[extras]>=1.2")
+ def testOrdering(self):
+ r1 = Requirement("Twisted", [('==','1.2c1'),('>=','1.2')], ())
+ r2 = Requirement("Twisted", [('>=','1.2'),('==','1.2c1')], ())
+ assert r1 == r2
+ assert str(r1) == str(r2)
+ assert str(r2) == "Twisted==1.2c1,>=1.2"
+ def testBasicContains(self):
+ r = Requirement("Twisted", [('>=','1.2')], ())
+ foo_dist = Distribution.from_filename("FooPkg-1.3_1.egg")
+ twist11 = Distribution.from_filename("Twisted-1.1.egg")
+ twist12 = Distribution.from_filename("Twisted-1.2.egg")
+ assert parse_version('1.2') in r
+ assert parse_version('1.1') not in r
+ assert '1.2' in r
+ assert '1.1' not in r
+ assert foo_dist not in r
+ assert twist11 not in r
+ assert twist12 in r
+ def testOptionsAndHashing(self):
+ r1 = Requirement.parse("Twisted[foo,bar]>=1.2")
+ r2 = Requirement.parse("Twisted[bar,FOO]>=1.2")
+ assert r1 == r2
+ assert r1.extras == ("foo","bar")
+ assert r2.extras == ("bar","foo") # extras are normalized
+ assert hash(r1) == hash(r2)
+ assert (
+ hash(r1)
+ ==
+ hash((
+ "twisted",
+ packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet(">=1.2"),
+ frozenset(["foo","bar"]),
+ ))
+ )
+ def testVersionEquality(self):
+ r1 = Requirement.parse("foo==0.3a2")
+ r2 = Requirement.parse("foo!=0.3a4")
+ d = Distribution.from_filename
+ assert d("foo-0.3a4.egg") not in r1
+ assert d("foo-0.3a1.egg") not in r1
+ assert d("foo-0.3a4.egg") not in r2
+ assert d("foo-0.3a2.egg") in r1
+ assert d("foo-0.3a2.egg") in r2
+ assert d("foo-0.3a3.egg") in r2
+ assert d("foo-0.3a5.egg") in r2
+ def testSetuptoolsProjectName(self):
+ """
+ The setuptools project should implement the setuptools package.
+ """
+ assert (
+ Requirement.parse('setuptools').project_name == 'setuptools')
+ # setuptools 0.7 and higher means setuptools.
+ assert (
+ Requirement.parse('setuptools == 0.7').project_name == 'setuptools')
+ assert (
+ Requirement.parse('setuptools == 0.7a1').project_name == 'setuptools')
+ assert (
+ Requirement.parse('setuptools >= 0.7').project_name == 'setuptools')
+class TestParsing:
+ def testEmptyParse(self):
+ assert list(parse_requirements('')) == []
+ def testYielding(self):
+ for inp,out in [
+ ([], []), ('x',['x']), ([[]],[]), (' x\n y', ['x','y']),
+ (['x\n\n','y'], ['x','y']),
+ ]:
+ assert list(pkg_resources.yield_lines(inp)) == out
+ def testSplitting(self):
+ sample = """
+ x
+ [Y]
+ z
+ a
+ [b ]
+ # foo
+ c
+ [ d]
+ [q]
+ v
+ """
+ assert (
+ list(pkg_resources.split_sections(sample))
+ ==
+ [
+ (None, ["x"]),
+ ("Y", ["z", "a"]),
+ ("b", ["c"]),
+ ("d", []),
+ ("q", ["v"]),
+ ]
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ list(pkg_resources.split_sections("[foo"))
+ def testSafeName(self):
+ assert safe_name("adns-python") == "adns-python"
+ assert safe_name("WSGI Utils") == "WSGI-Utils"
+ assert safe_name("WSGI Utils") == "WSGI-Utils"
+ assert safe_name("Money$$$Maker") == "Money-Maker"
+ assert safe_name("peak.web") != "peak-web"
+ def testSafeVersion(self):
+ assert safe_version("1.2-1") == "1.2.post1"
+ assert safe_version("1.2 alpha") == "1.2.alpha"
+ assert safe_version("2.3.4 20050521") == ""
+ assert safe_version("Money$$$Maker") == "Money-Maker"
+ assert safe_version("peak.web") == "peak.web"
+ def testSimpleRequirements(self):
+ assert (
+ list(parse_requirements('Twis-Ted>=1.2-1'))
+ ==
+ [Requirement('Twis-Ted',[('>=','1.2-1')], ())]
+ )
+ assert (
+ list(parse_requirements('Twisted >=1.2, \ # more\n<2.0'))
+ ==
+ [Requirement('Twisted',[('>=','1.2'),('<','2.0')], ())]
+ )
+ assert (
+ Requirement.parse("FooBar==1.99a3")
+ ==
+ Requirement("FooBar", [('==','1.99a3')], ())
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Requirement.parse(">=2.3")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Requirement.parse("x\\")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Requirement.parse("x==2 q")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Requirement.parse("X==1\nY==2")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Requirement.parse("#")
+ def testVersionEquality(self):
+ def c(s1,s2):
+ p1, p2 = parse_version(s1),parse_version(s2)
+ assert p1 == p2, (s1,s2,p1,p2)
+ c('1.2-rc1', '1.2rc1')
+ c('0.4', '0.4.0')
+ c('', '0.4.0')
+ c('0.4.0-0', '0.4-0')
+ c('0post1', '0.0post1')
+ c('0pre1', '0.0c1')
+ c('0.0.0preview1', '0c1')
+ c('0.0c1', '0-rc1')
+ c('1.2a1', '1.2.a.1')
+ c('1.2.a', '1.2a')
+ def testVersionOrdering(self):
+ def c(s1,s2):
+ p1, p2 = parse_version(s1),parse_version(s2)
+ assert p1<p2, (s1,s2,p1,p2)
+ c('2.1','2.1.1')
+ c('2a1','2b0')
+ c('2a1','2.1')
+ c('2.3a1', '2.3')
+ c('2.1-1', '2.1-2')
+ c('2.1-1', '2.1.1')
+ c('2.1', '2.1post4')
+ c('2.1a0-20040501', '2.1')
+ c('1.1', '02.1')
+ c('3.2', '3.2.post0')
+ c('3.2post1', '3.2post2')
+ c('0.4', '4.0')
+ c('0.0.4', '0.4.0')
+ c('0post1', '0.4post1')
+ c('2.1.0-rc1','2.1.0')
+ c('2.1dev','2.1a0')
+ torture ="""
+ 0.80.1-3 0.80.1-2 0.80.1-1 0.79.9999+0.80.0pre4-1
+ 0.79.9999+0.80.0pre2-3 0.79.9999+0.80.0pre2-2
+ 0.77.2-1 0.77.1-1 0.77.0-1
+ """.split()
+ for p,v1 in enumerate(torture):
+ for v2 in torture[p+1:]:
+ c(v2,v1)
+ def testVersionBuildout(self):
+ """
+ Buildout has a function in it's bootstrap.py that inspected the return
+ value of parse_version. The new parse_version returns a Version class
+ which needs to support this behavior, at least for now.
+ """
+ def buildout(parsed_version):
+ _final_parts = '*final-', '*final'
+ def _final_version(parsed_version):
+ for part in parsed_version:
+ if (part[:1] == '*') and (part not in _final_parts):
+ return False
+ return True
+ return _final_version(parsed_version)
+ assert buildout(parse_version("1.0"))
+ assert not buildout(parse_version("1.0a1"))
+ def testVersionIndexable(self):
+ """
+ Some projects were doing things like parse_version("v")[0], so we'll
+ support indexing the same as we support iterating.
+ """
+ assert parse_version("1.0")[0] == "00000001"
+ def testVersionTupleSort(self):
+ """
+ Some projects expected to be able to sort tuples against the return
+ value of parse_version. So again we'll add a warning enabled shim to
+ make this possible.
+ """
+ assert parse_version("1.0") < tuple(parse_version("2.0"))
+ assert parse_version("1.0") <= tuple(parse_version("2.0"))
+ assert parse_version("1.0") == tuple(parse_version("1.0"))
+ assert parse_version("3.0") > tuple(parse_version("2.0"))
+ assert parse_version("3.0") >= tuple(parse_version("2.0"))
+ assert parse_version("3.0") != tuple(parse_version("2.0"))
+ assert not (parse_version("3.0") != tuple(parse_version("3.0")))
+ def testVersionHashable(self):
+ """
+ Ensure that our versions stay hashable even though we've subclassed
+ them and added some shim code to them.
+ """
+ assert (
+ hash(parse_version("1.0"))
+ ==
+ hash(parse_version("1.0"))
+ )
+class TestNamespaces:
+ def setup_method(self, method):
+ self._ns_pkgs = pkg_resources._namespace_packages.copy()
+ self._tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="tests-setuptools-")
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs"))
+ self._prev_sys_path = sys.path[:]
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs"))
+ def teardown_method(self, method):
+ shutil.rmtree(self._tmpdir)
+ pkg_resources._namespace_packages = self._ns_pkgs.copy()
+ sys.path = self._prev_sys_path[:]
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(os.path.islink(tempfile.gettempdir()),
+ reason="Test fails when /tmp is a symlink. See #231")
+ def test_two_levels_deep(self):
+ """
+ Test nested namespace packages
+ Create namespace packages in the following tree :
+ site-packages-1/pkg1/pkg2
+ site-packages-2/pkg1/pkg2
+ Check both are in the _namespace_packages dict and that their __path__
+ is correct
+ """
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs2"))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs", "pkg1", "pkg2"))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs2", "pkg1", "pkg2"))
+ ns_str = "__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)\n"
+ for site in ["site-pkgs", "site-pkgs2"]:
+ pkg1_init = open(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, site,
+ "pkg1", "__init__.py"), "w")
+ pkg1_init.write(ns_str)
+ pkg1_init.close()
+ pkg2_init = open(os.path.join(self._tmpdir, site,
+ "pkg1", "pkg2", "__init__.py"), "w")
+ pkg2_init.write(ns_str)
+ pkg2_init.close()
+ import pkg1
+ assert "pkg1" in pkg_resources._namespace_packages
+ # attempt to import pkg2 from site-pkgs2
+ import pkg1.pkg2
+ # check the _namespace_packages dict
+ assert "pkg1.pkg2" in pkg_resources._namespace_packages
+ assert pkg_resources._namespace_packages["pkg1"] == ["pkg1.pkg2"]
+ # check the __path__ attribute contains both paths
+ expected = [
+ os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs", "pkg1", "pkg2"),
+ os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "site-pkgs2", "pkg1", "pkg2"),
+ ]
+ assert pkg1.pkg2.__path__ == expected