path: root/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pip/basecommand.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pip/basecommand.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pip/basecommand.py b/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pip/basecommand.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8de1246..0000000
--- a/jython-tosca-parser/src/main/resources/Lib/site-packages/pip/basecommand.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-"""Base Command class, and related routines"""
-import os
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-import time
-import optparse
-from pip import cmdoptions
-from pip.locations import running_under_virtualenv
-from pip.log import logger
-from pip.download import PipSession
-from pip.exceptions import (BadCommand, InstallationError, UninstallationError,
- CommandError, PreviousBuildDirError)
-from pip.backwardcompat import StringIO
-from pip.baseparser import ConfigOptionParser, UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter
-from pip.status_codes import (
-from pip.util import get_prog
-__all__ = ['Command']
-class Command(object):
- name = None
- usage = None
- hidden = False
- def __init__(self):
- parser_kw = {
- 'usage': self.usage,
- 'prog': '%s %s' % (get_prog(), self.name),
- 'formatter': UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(),
- 'add_help_option': False,
- 'name': self.name,
- 'description': self.__doc__,
- }
- self.parser = ConfigOptionParser(**parser_kw)
- # Commands should add options to this option group
- optgroup_name = '%s Options' % self.name.capitalize()
- self.cmd_opts = optparse.OptionGroup(self.parser, optgroup_name)
- # Add the general options
- gen_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group(
- cmdoptions.general_group,
- self.parser,
- )
- self.parser.add_option_group(gen_opts)
- def _build_session(self, options):
- session = PipSession(retries=options.retries)
- # Handle custom ca-bundles from the user
- if options.cert:
- session.verify = options.cert
- # Handle SSL client certificate
- if options.client_cert:
- session.cert = options.client_cert
- # Handle timeouts
- if options.timeout:
- session.timeout = options.timeout
- # Handle configured proxies
- if options.proxy:
- session.proxies = {
- "http": options.proxy,
- "https": options.proxy,
- }
- # Determine if we can prompt the user for authentication or not
- session.auth.prompting = not options.no_input
- return session
- def setup_logging(self):
- pass
- def parse_args(self, args):
- # factored out for testability
- return self.parser.parse_args(args)
- def main(self, args):
- options, args = self.parse_args(args)
- level = 1 # Notify
- level += options.verbose
- level -= options.quiet
- level = logger.level_for_integer(4 - level)
- complete_log = []
- logger.add_consumers(
- (level, sys.stdout),
- (logger.DEBUG, complete_log.append),
- )
- if options.log_explicit_levels:
- logger.explicit_levels = True
- self.setup_logging()
- # TODO: try to get these passing down from the command?
- # without resorting to os.environ to hold these.
- if options.no_input:
- os.environ['PIP_NO_INPUT'] = '1'
- if options.exists_action:
- os.environ['PIP_EXISTS_ACTION'] = ' '.join(options.exists_action)
- if options.require_venv:
- # If a venv is required check if it can really be found
- if not running_under_virtualenv():
- logger.fatal(
- 'Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).'
- )
- if options.log:
- log_fp = open_logfile(options.log, 'a')
- logger.add_consumers((logger.DEBUG, log_fp))
- else:
- log_fp = None
- exit = SUCCESS
- store_log = False
- try:
- status = self.run(options, args)
- # FIXME: all commands should return an exit status
- # and when it is done, isinstance is not needed anymore
- if isinstance(status, int):
- exit = status
- except PreviousBuildDirError as exc:
- logger.fatal(str(exc))
- logger.info('Exception information:\n%s' % format_exc())
- store_log = True
- except (InstallationError, UninstallationError) as exc:
- logger.fatal(str(exc))
- logger.info('Exception information:\n%s' % format_exc())
- store_log = True
- exit = ERROR
- except BadCommand as exc:
- logger.fatal(str(exc))
- logger.info('Exception information:\n%s' % format_exc())
- store_log = True
- exit = ERROR
- except CommandError as exc:
- logger.fatal('ERROR: %s' % exc)
- logger.info('Exception information:\n%s' % format_exc())
- exit = ERROR
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- logger.fatal('Operation cancelled by user')
- logger.info('Exception information:\n%s' % format_exc())
- store_log = True
- exit = ERROR
- except:
- logger.fatal('Exception:\n%s' % format_exc())
- store_log = True
- if store_log:
- log_file_fn = options.log_file
- text = '\n'.join(complete_log)
- try:
- log_file_fp = open_logfile(log_file_fn, 'w')
- except IOError:
- temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
- log_file_fn = temp.name
- log_file_fp = open_logfile(log_file_fn, 'w')
- logger.fatal('Storing debug log for failure in %s' % log_file_fn)
- log_file_fp.write(text)
- log_file_fp.close()
- if log_fp is not None:
- log_fp.close()
- return exit
-def format_exc(exc_info=None):
- if exc_info is None:
- exc_info = sys.exc_info()
- out = StringIO()
- traceback.print_exception(*exc_info, **dict(file=out))
- return out.getvalue()
-def open_logfile(filename, mode='a'):
- """Open the named log file in append mode.
- If the file already exists, a separator will also be printed to
- the file to separate past activity from current activity.
- """
- filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- exists = os.path.exists(filename)
- log_fp = open(filename, mode)
- if exists:
- log_fp.write('%s\n' % ('-' * 60))
- log_fp.write('%s run on %s\n' % (sys.argv[0], time.strftime('%c')))
- return log_fp