path: root/stories/angular/tag-cloud.stories.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stories/angular/tag-cloud.stories.ts')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stories/angular/tag-cloud.stories.ts b/stories/angular/tag-cloud.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef5748e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stories/angular/tag-cloud.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular';
+import { withKnobs, text, number, boolean, array, select, color, date, button } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';
+import { action, configureActions } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
+import { moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';
+import { TagCloudModule } from '../../src/angular/tag-cloud/tag-cloud.module';
+let stories = storiesOf('Tag Cloud', module)
+ .addDecorator(withKnobs)
+ .addDecorator(withNotes)
+ .addDecorator(
+ moduleMetadata({
+ declarations: [
+ ],
+ imports: [
+ TagCloudModule,
+ ]
+ })
+ )
+ let containsViewOnlyList = true;
+ let containsViewOnly = true;
+ let containsUniqueList = true;
+ createStory(stories, "All options", !containsViewOnlyList, containsViewOnly, containsUniqueList, "Tag cloud", "Full example of simple tag cloud.");
+ createStory(stories, "View only", !containsViewOnlyList, containsViewOnly, !containsUniqueList, "Tag cloud", "Full example of simple tag cloud with View only.");
+ createStory(stories, "View only list", containsViewOnlyList, !containsViewOnly, !containsUniqueList, "Tag cloud", "Full example of simple tag cloud with View only list.");
+ createStory(stories, "Unique list", !containsViewOnlyList, !containsViewOnly, containsUniqueList, "Tag cloud", "Full example of simple tag cloud with View unique list.");
+ function createStory(stories, title, containsViewOnlyList, containsViewOnly, containsUniqueList, notesTitle, notesText){
+ stories.add(title, () => {
+ let _label = text('label', 'Please Enter value');
+ let _list = array('List', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], ',');
+ let _isViewOnly = containsViewOnly ? boolean('View only', false) : null;
+ let _listViewOnly = containsViewOnlyList ? array('List of view only params', [0,3], ',') : null;
+ let _isUniqueList = containsUniqueList ? boolean('Unique list', false) : null;
+ let _uniqueErrorMessage = containsUniqueList ? text('Unique error message', 'Unique error') : null;
+ let _placeholder = text('place holder', 'Type a value and then click enter or');
+ let _listChanged = text('*(listChanged)', 'Event throws when tag cloud list changed, see in Action logger tab.');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ listChanged: action('tag cloud list changed'),
+ _label, _list, _isViewOnly, _listViewOnly, _isUniqueList, _uniqueErrorMessage, _placeholder,
+ containsViewOnly
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-tag-cloud
+ #tagCloud
+ [label] = "_label"
+ [(list)] = "_list"
+ [isViewOnly] = "this.containsViewOnly ? _isViewOnly : _listViewOnly"
+ [isUniqueList] = "_isUniqueList"
+ [uniqueErrorMessage] = "_uniqueErrorMessage"
+ [placeholder] = "_placeholder"
+ (listChanged)= "listChanged($event)"
+ >
+ </sdc-tag-cloud>
+ `
+ }
+ },
+ { notes: `<h2>` + notesTitle + `</h2>` + notesText + `<br>Use the KNOBS tab to change values.`
+ }
+ )
+ }