path: root/stories/angular/button.stories.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'stories/angular/button.stories.ts')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stories/angular/button.stories.ts b/stories/angular/button.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582abbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stories/angular/button.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular';
+import { ButtonComponent } from '../../src/angular/buttons/button.component';
+import { ButtonFileOpenerComponent } from '../../src/angular/buttons/button-file-opener.component';
+import { moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';
+import { SvgIconModule } from '../../src/angular/svg-icon/svg-icon.module';
+import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
+import { withKnobs, text, number, boolean, array, select, color, date, button } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';
+const buttonTypes = ['primary', 'secondary', 'link', 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'info'];
+const buttonSizes = ['large', 'medium', 'small', 'x-small', 'default'];
+const positions = ['right', 'left'];
+const iconsNames = ['settings-o', 'plus-circle-o', 'plus-circle', 'caret2-right-circle-o'];
+ * There is strange behaviour with Storybook storyname, if the name is string 'aaaa', then all stories
+ * need to be string, you can not do const aaaa = 'aaaa' and pass the parameter aaaa as storyname.
+ */
+const storiesNames = {
+ defaultButton: 'Default button',
+ typesButtons: 'Button ',
+ withIcon: 'Button with icon',
+ withSpinner: 'Button with spinner',
+ buttonFileOpener: 'Button file opener'
+let stories = storiesOf('Form elements|Buttons', module)
+ moduleMetadata({
+ declarations: [
+ ButtonComponent,
+ ButtonFileOpenerComponent
+ ],
+ imports: [
+ SvgIconModule
+ ]
+ })
+stories.add(storiesNames.defaultButton, () => {
+ const _text1 = text('text', 'Default button long text');
+ const _testId1 = text('testId', 'button-test-id-1');
+ const click1 = text('(click)', 'call back function');
+ const _text2 = text('text', 'Sample button');
+ const _testId2 = text('testId', 'button-test-id-2');
+ const click2 = text('(click)', 'call back function');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ buttonClick1: action('Button 1 was clicked'),
+ buttonClick2: action('Button 2 was clicked'),
+ _text1, _testId1,
+ _text2, _testId2
+ },
+ template: `
+ <div class='storybook-component-wrapper'>
+ <div class='storybook-component-info'>With large text</div>
+ <sdc-button
+ [text]="_text1"
+ [testId]="_testId1"
+ (click)="buttonClick1()"
+ >
+ </sdc-button>
+ <div class='storybook-component-info'>With small text</div>
+ <sdc-button
+ [text]="_text2"
+ [testId]="_testId2"
+ (click)="buttonClick2()"
+ >
+ </sdc-button>
+ </div>
+ `
+ }
+ },
+ { notes: `<h2>Default button</h2>
+ Does not need to supply type or size.
+ The size of the button set to 'default' so it will shrink or expand according to the content.`
+ }
+buttonTypes.forEach((buttonType) => {
+ stories.add(storiesNames.typesButtons + buttonType, () => {
+ const _text = text('text', buttonType);
+ const _type = text('type', buttonType);
+ // Do not allow this, because we are showing each button type as different story.
+ // const _type = select('type', buttonTypes, buttonType, '');
+ const _testId = text('testId', 'button-test-id-' + buttonType);
+ // No need to add the size to prop, not using it
+ const _size = text('size', 'Avilable sizes: ' + buttonSizes);
+ const _disabled = boolean('disabled', true);
+ const click = text('(click)', 'call back function');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ buttonClick: action('Button was clicked (see in action logger tab)'),
+ _text, _testId, _type, _disabled
+ },
+ template:
+ `<div class='storybook-new-row'>` +
+ buttonSizes.map((currentSize) => `
+ <div class='storybook-component-wrapper'>
+ <div class='storybook-component-info'>${currentSize} size</div>
+ <sdc-button
+ [text]="_text"
+ [type]="_type"
+ size="${currentSize}"
+ [testId]="_testId"
+ (click)="buttonClick()">
+ </sdc-button>
+ </div>
+ `).join('\n') +
+ `</div>
+ <div class='storybook-new-row'>`
+ .concat(
+ buttonSizes.map((currentSize) => `
+ <div class='storybook-component-wrapper'>
+ <sdc-button
+ [text]="_text"
+ [type]="_type"
+ size="${currentSize}"
+ [testId]="_testId"
+ [disabled]="_disabled"
+ (click)="buttonClick()">
+ </sdc-button>
+ </div>
+ `).join('\n') +
+ '</div>'
+ )
+ };
+ });
+stories.add(storiesNames.withIcon, () => {
+ const _text = text('text', 'Sample');
+ const _testId = text('testId', 'button-test-id-with-icon');
+ const _type = select('type', buttonTypes, 'primary', '');
+ const _icon_position = select('icon_position', positions, 'left', '');
+ const _icon_name = select('icon_name', iconsNames, 'settings-o', '');
+ const click = text('(click)', 'call back function');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ buttonClick: action('Button was clicked (see in action logger tab)'),
+ _text, _testId, _type, _icon_position, _icon_name
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-button
+ [text]="_text"
+ [testId]="_testId"
+ [type]="_type"
+ [icon_name]="_icon_name"
+ [icon_position]="_icon_position"
+ (click)="buttonClick()"
+ >
+ </sdc-button>
+ `
+ };
+stories.add(storiesNames.withSpinner, () => {
+ const _text = text('text', 'Spinner button');
+ const _testId = text('testId', 'button-test-id-with-icon');
+ const _type = select('type', buttonTypes, 'primary', '');
+ const _show_spinner = boolean('show_spinner', false, '');
+ const _spinner_position = select('spinner_position', positions, 'right', '');
+ const click = text('(click)', 'call back function');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ buttonClick: (button) => {
+ button.show_spinner = true;
+ setTimeout(() => {button.show_spinner = false},2000);
+ action('Button was clicked (see in action logger tab)');
+ },
+ _text, _testId, _type, _show_spinner, _spinner_position
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-button
+ #button
+ [text]="_text"
+ [testId]="_testId"
+ [type]="_type"
+ [show_spinner]="_show_spinner"
+ [spinner_position]="_spinner_position"
+ (click)="buttonClick(button)"
+ >
+ </sdc-button>
+ `
+ };
+ });
+stories.add(storiesNames.buttonFileOpener, () => {
+ const _text = text('text', 'Open file');
+ const _testId = text('testId', 'button-test-id-file-opener');
+ const _type = select('type', buttonTypes, 'primary', '');
+ const _extensions = text('extensions', 'ts,js');
+ const fileUpload = text('(fileUpload)', 'call back function when file upload');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ fileUpload: action('File updaload action'),
+ _text, _testId, _type, _extensions
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-button-file-opener
+ #button
+ [text]="_text"
+ [testId]="_testId"
+ [type]="_type"
+ [extensions]="_extensions"
+ (fileUpload)="fileUpload($event)"
+ >
+ </sdc-button-file-opener>
+ `
+ };
+ });