path: root/stories/angular/validation.stories.ts
diff options
authorIsrael Lavi <il0695@att.com>2018-08-07 10:54:17 +0300
committerIsrael Lavi <il0695@att.com>2018-08-07 11:06:44 +0300
commitb2a3acea0d0f66028c9ce5fad02d4ecc64abf70c (patch)
tree8d70110f34cb845965c42a5915e950bca967d2c3 /stories/angular/validation.stories.ts
parent05b37297177e8a342668c15e5d6f738b51f7aedd (diff)
Initial commit.
Adding files needed for Linux Foundation. Change-Id: I9f2b4851a5ae01f83800c7f8bab8608a2221c730 Issue-ID: SDC-1608 Signed-off-by: Israel Lavi <il0695@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'stories/angular/validation.stories.ts')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stories/angular/validation.stories.ts b/stories/angular/validation.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1214021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stories/angular/validation.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular';
+import { withKnobs, text, number, boolean, array, select, color, date, button } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
+import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';
+import { action, configureActions } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
+import { moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';
+import { ValidationModule } from '../../src/angular/form-elements/validation/validation.module';
+import { FormElementsModule } from '../../src/angular/form-elements/form-elements.module';
+import { RegexPatterns } from '../../src/angular/common/enums';
+import { ButtonsModule } from '../../src/angular/buttons/buttons.module';
+let stories = storiesOf('Validation', module)
+ .addDecorator(withKnobs)
+ .addDecorator(withNotes)
+ .addDecorator(
+ moduleMetadata({
+ declarations: [
+ ],
+ imports: [
+ ValidationModule,
+ FormElementsModule,
+ ButtonsModule
+ ]
+ })
+ )
+ let containRequiredValid = true;
+ let containRegexValid = true;
+ let containCustomValid = true;
+ let containValidationDisabled = true;
+ let containValidatorsDisabled = true;
+ createStory(stories, "All options", containRequiredValid, containRegexValid, containCustomValid, containValidationDisabled,
+ containValidatorsDisabled, "Validations", "Full example of validation.");
+ createStory(stories, "Required validator", containRequiredValid, !containRegexValid, !containCustomValid, !containValidationDisabled,
+ !containValidatorsDisabled, "Validations", "Example of validation with required validator.");
+ createStory(stories, "Regex validator", !containRequiredValid, containRegexValid, !containCustomValid, !containValidationDisabled,
+ !containValidatorsDisabled, "Validations", "Example of validation with regex validator.");
+ createStory(stories, "Custom validator", !containRequiredValid, !containRegexValid, containCustomValid, !containValidationDisabled,
+ !containValidatorsDisabled, "Validations", "Example of validation with custom validator.");
+ createStory(stories, "Validation disabled", !containRequiredValid, !containRegexValid, !containCustomValid, containValidationDisabled,
+ !containValidatorsDisabled, "Validations", "Example of validation with validation disabled.");
+ createStory(stories, "Validator disabled", !containRequiredValid, !containRegexValid, !containCustomValid, !containValidationDisabled,
+ containValidatorsDisabled, "Validations", "Example of validation with validators disabled.");
+ let containEnterValue = true
+ createEmailStory(stories, "Email validation", !containEnterValue, "Validations", "Example of email validation.");
+ createEmailStory(stories, "Value entered", containEnterValue, "Validations", "Example of validation with value already entered.");
+ function createStory(stories, title, containRequiredValid, containRegexValid, containCustomValid, containValidationDisabled,
+ containValidatorsDisabled, notesTitle, notesText){
+ stories.add(title, () => {
+ const _validationDisabled = containValidationDisabled ? boolean('Validation disabled', false): false;
+ const _requiredMessage = containRequiredValid ? text('Required Validator message', 'Field is required!'): 'Field is required!';
+ const _regexMessage = containRegexValid ? text('Regex Validator message', 'This is not a number!'): 'This is not a number!';
+ const _customMessage = containCustomValid ? text('custom Validator message', 'The number should be 100'): 'The number should be 100';
+ const _pattern = containRegexValid ? text('Regex Validator pattern', RegexPatterns.numbers): RegexPatterns.numbers;
+ const requiredValidDisabled = containValidatorsDisabled ? boolean('Required Validator disabled', false): false;
+ const regexValidDisabled = containValidatorsDisabled ? boolean('Regex Validator disabled', false): false;
+ const customValidDisabled = containValidatorsDisabled ? boolean('Custom Validator disabled', false): false;
+ const _customCallback = containCustomValid ? text ('*(Callback)', 'User function that define a validation'): null;
+ const _validityChanged = text('*(validityChanged)', 'Event throws when validation changed, see in Action logger tab.');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ displayRequiredValid: containRequiredValid || containValidationDisabled || containValidatorsDisabled,
+ displayRegexValid: containRegexValid || containValidatorsDisabled,
+ displayCustomValid: containCustomValid || containValidatorsDisabled,
+ onChange: action('validation valids'),
+ isValueHundred: (value: any) => {
+ return (Number(value) === 100) ? true : false;
+ },
+ _validationDisabled, _requiredMessage, _regexMessage, _customMessage, _pattern,
+ requiredValidDisabled, regexValidDisabled, customValidDisabled
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-input #numberValidator label="Please enter some number" [maxLength]="10" required="true"></sdc-input>
+ <sdc-validation [validateElement]="numberValidator" (validityChanged)="onChange($event)" [disabled]="_validationDisabled">
+ <sdc-required-validator *ngIf="this.displayRequiredValid" [message]="_requiredMessage" [disabled]="requiredValidDisabled"></sdc-required-validator>
+ <sdc-regex-validator *ngIf="this.displayRegexValid" [message]="_regexMessage" [pattern]="_pattern" [disabled]="regexValidDisabled"></sdc-regex-validator>
+ <sdc-custom-validator *ngIf="this.displayCustomValid" [message]="_customMessage" [callback]="isValueHundred" [disabled]="customValidDisabled"></sdc-custom-validator>
+ </sdc-validation>
+ `
+ }
+ },
+ { notes: `<h2>` + notesTitle + `</h2>` + notesText + `<br>Use the KNOBS tab to change values.`
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ function createEmailStory(stories, title, conatainsEnterValue, notesTitle, notesText){
+ stories.add(title, () => {
+ const _message = text('Validation message','This is not a valid email!');
+ const _pattern = text('Regex validation pattern', RegexPatterns.email);
+ const validityChanged = text('*(validityChanged)', 'Event throws when validation changed, see in Action logger tab.');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ inputValue: conatainsEnterValue ? "firstName@" : "",
+ onChange: action('Email validation valids'),
+ _message, _pattern
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-input #email label="Please enter valid email address" [maxLength]="50" required="true" [value]="inputValue"></sdc-input>
+ <sdc-validation [validateElement]="email" (validityChanged)="onChange($event)">
+ <sdc-regex-validator [message]="_message" [pattern]="_pattern" ></sdc-regex-validator>
+ </sdc-validation>
+ `
+ }
+ },
+ { notes: `<h2>` + notesTitle + `</h2>` + notesText + `<br>Use the KNOBS tab to change values.`
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ stories.add('Validation in drop down', () => {
+ const validityChanged = text('*(validityChanged)', 'Event throws when validation changed, see in Action logger tab.');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ options:[
+ {
+ "label": "First Option Label",
+ "value": "firstOptionValue"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Second Option Label",
+ "value": "secondOptionValue"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Third Option Label",
+ "value": "thirdOptionValue",
+ "type": "Simple"
+ }
+ ],
+ onChange: action('Dropdown validation valids'),
+ isThirdOption: (value: any) => {
+ return value === 'thirdOptionValue';
+ }
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-dropdown #mydropdown label="Hi I am a label" placeHolder="Please choose option" [options]="options"
+ (changed)="onChange(validation.validate())"></sdc-dropdown>
+ <sdc-validation #validation [validateElement]="mydropdown" (validityChanged)="onChange($event)">
+ <sdc-required-validator message="Field is required!"></sdc-required-validator>
+ <sdc-custom-validator message="Please select the third option" [callback]="isThirdOption"></sdc-custom-validator>
+ </sdc-validation>
+ `
+ }
+{ notes: `<h2>Validation in dropdown</h2> example of validation in dropdown<br>Use the KNOBS tab to change values.`
+stories.add('Validation group', () => {
+ const validityChanged = text('*(validityChanged)', 'Event throws when validation changed, see in Action logger tab.');
+ return {
+ props: {
+ emailPattern: RegexPatterns.email,
+ numberPattern: RegexPatterns.numbers,
+ checkValidateGroup: action('Group validation valids')
+ },
+ template: `
+ <sdc-validation-group #validationGroup>
+ <sdc-input #email label="Please enter valid email address" [maxLength]="50" required="true"></sdc-input>
+ <sdc-validation [validateElement]="email">
+ <sdc-required-validator message="Field is required!"></sdc-required-validator>
+ <sdc-regex-validator message="This is not a valid email!" [pattern]="this.emailPattern"></sdc-regex-validator>
+ </sdc-validation>
+ <sdc-input #numberValidator label="Please enter some number" [maxLength]="10" required="true"></sdc-input>
+ <sdc-validation [validateElement]="numberValidator">
+ <sdc-required-validator message="Field is required!"></sdc-required-validator>
+ <sdc-regex-validator message="This is not a number!" [pattern]="this.numberPattern"></sdc-regex-validator>
+ </sdc-validation>
+ <sdc-button text="validate group" (click)="checkValidateGroup(validationGroup.validate())"></sdc-button>
+ `
+ }
+{ notes: `<h2>Validation in dropdown</h2> example of validation in dropdown<br>Use the KNOBS tab to change values.`