path: root/openecomp-be/backend/openecomp-sdc-conflict-manager
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-05-07Update SDC version 1.5.0Sonsino, Ofir (os0695)1-1/+1
2018-11-15update sdc version in masterMichael Lando1-1/+1
2018-11-05bump sdc version to 1.3.3Michael Lando1-1/+1
2018-11-01update sdc to version 1.3.2Michael Lando1-1/+1
2018-10-24update sdc version to 1.3.1Michael Lando1-1/+1
2018-06-18Revert "SonarQube coverage"ayalaben1-5/+0
2018-06-02update sdc versionMichael Lando1-1/+1
2018-05-27SonarQube coverageayalaben1-0/+5
2018-05-27Revert "update sdc version"Michael Lando1-1/+1
2018-05-26update sdc versionMichael Lando1-1/+1
2017-12-21Add collaboration featuretalig6-0/+234
href='#n256'>256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413

title v13 Active and Available Inventory Relationships Class Diagram
class Inventory
class business
class connectors
class connector
class metadata
class metadatum
class customers
class customer
class service-subscriptions
class service-subscription
class service-instances
class service-instance
class allotted-resources
class allotted-resource
class tunnel-xconnects
class tunnel-xconnect
class lines-of-business
class line-of-business
class owning-entities
class owning-entity
class platforms
class platform
class projects
class project
class cloud-infrastructure
class cloud-regions
class cloud-region
class availability-zones
class availability-zone
class dvs-switches
class dvs-switch
class esr-system-info-list
class esr-system-info
class flavors
class flavor
class hpa-capabilities
class hpa-capability
class hpa-feature-attributes
class group-assignments
class group-assignment
class images
class image
class oam-networks
class oam-network
class snapshots
class snapshot
class tenants
class tenant
class vservers
class vserver
class l-interfaces
class l-interface
class l3-interface-ipv4-address-list
class l3-interface-ipv6-address-list
class sriov-vfs
class sriov-vf
class vlans
class vlan
class volumes
class volume
class vip-ipv4-address-list
class vip-ipv6-address-list
class volume-groups
class volume-group
class complexes
class complex
class ctag-pools
class ctag-pool
class network-profiles
class network-profile
class operational-environments
class operational-environment
class pservers
class pserver
class lag-interfaces
class lag-interface
class p-interfaces
class p-interface
class sriov-pfs
class sriov-pf
class virtual-data-centers
class virtual-data-center
class external-system
class esr-ems-list
class esr-ems
class esr-thirdparty-sdnc-list
class esr-thirdparty-sdnc
class esr-vnfm-list
class esr-vnfm
class network
class collections
class collection
class configurations
class configuration
class evcs
class evc
class forwarder-evcs
class forwarder-evc
class forwarding-paths
class forwarding-path
class forwarders
class forwarder
class generic-vnfs
class generic-vnf
class entitlements
class entitlement
class licenses
class license
class vf-modules
class vf-module
class instance-groups
class instance-group
class ipsec-configurations
class ipsec-configuration
class vig-servers
class vig-server
class l3-networks
class l3-network
class ctag-assignments
class ctag-assignment
class segmentation-assignments
class segmentation-assignment
class subnets
class subnet
class host-routes
class host-route
class lag-links
class lag-link
class logical-links
class logical-link
class multicast-configurations
class multicast-configuration
class network-policies
class network-policy
class newvces
class newvce
class physical-links
class physical-link
class pnfs
class pnf
class route-table-references
class route-table-reference
class site-pair-sets
class site-pair-set
class routing-instances
class routing-instance
class site-pairs
class site-pair
class classes-of-service
class class-of-service
class vces
class vce
class port-groups
class port-group
class cvlan-tags
class cvlan-tag-entry
class vnfcs
class vnfc
class vpls-pes
class vpls-pe
class vpn-bindings
class vpn-binding
class route-targets
class route-target
class zones
class zone
class service-design-and-creation
class models
class model
class model-vers
class model-ver
class model-elements
class model-element
class model-constraints
class model-constraint
class constrained-element-sets
class constrained-element-set
class element-choice-sets
class element-choice-set
class named-queries
class named-query
class named-query-elements
class named-query-element
class property-constraints
class property-constraint
class related-lookups
class related-lookup
class service-capabilities
class service-capability
class services
class service
class vnf-images
class vnf-image
"Inventory" *-- "business"
"Inventory" *-- "cloud-infrastructure"
"Inventory" *-- "common"
"Inventory" *-- "external-system"
"Inventory" *-- "network"
"Inventory" *-- "service-design-and-creation"
"business" *-- "connectors"
"connectors" *-- "connector"
"connector" *-- "metadata"
"metadata" *-- "metadatum"
"business" *-- "customers"
"customers" *-- "customer"
"customer" *-- "service-subscriptions"
"service-subscriptions" *-- "service-subscription"
"service-subscription" *-- "service-instances"
"service-instances" *-- "service-instance"
"service-instance" *-- "allotted-resources"
"allotted-resources" *-- "allotted-resource"
"allotted-resource" *-- "tunnel-xconnects"
"tunnel-xconnects" *-- "tunnel-xconnect"
"service-instance" *-- "metadata"
"business" *-- "lines-of-business"
"lines-of-business" *-- "line-of-business"
"business" *-- "owning-entities"
"owning-entities" *-- "owning-entity"
"business" *-- "platforms"
"platforms" *-- "platform"
"business" *-- "projects"
"projects" *-- "project"
"cloud-infrastructure" *-- "cloud-regions"
"cloud-regions" *-- "cloud-region"
"cloud-region" *-- "availability-zones"
"availability-zones" *-- "availability-zone"
"cloud-region" *-- "dvs-switches"
"dvs-switches" *-- "dvs-switch"
"cloud-region" *-- "esr-system-info-list"
"esr-system-info-list" *-- "esr-system-info"
"cloud-region" *-- "flavors"
"flavors" *-- "flavor"
"flavor" *-- "hpa-capabilities"
"hpa-capabilities" *-- "hpa-capability"
"hpa-capability" *-- "hpa-feature-attributes"
"cloud-region" *-- "group-assignments"
"group-assignments" *-- "group-assignment"
"cloud-region" *-- "hpa-capabilities"
"cloud-region" *-- "images"
"images" *-- "image"
"image" *-- "metadata"
"cloud-region" *-- "oam-networks"
"oam-networks" *-- "oam-network"
"cloud-region" *-- "snapshots"
"snapshots" *-- "snapshot"
"cloud-region" *-- "tenants"
"tenants" *-- "tenant"
"tenant" *-- "vservers"
"vservers" *-- "vserver"
"vserver" *-- "l-interfaces"
"l-interfaces" *-- "l-interface"
"l-interface" *-- "l3-interface-ipv4-address-list"
"l-interface" *-- "l3-interface-ipv6-address-list"
"l-interface" *-- "sriov-vfs"
"sriov-vfs" *-- "sriov-vf"
"l-interface" *-- "vlans"
"vlans" *-- "vlan"
"vlan" *-- "l3-interface-ipv4-address-list"
"vlan" *-- "l3-interface-ipv6-address-list"
"vserver" *-- "volumes"
"volumes" *-- "volume"
"cloud-region" *-- "vip-ipv4-address-list"
"cloud-region" *-- "vip-ipv6-address-list"
"cloud-region" *-- "volume-groups"
"volume-groups" *-- "volume-group"
"cloud-infrastructure" *-- "complexes"
"complexes" *-- "complex"
"complex" *-- "ctag-pools"
"ctag-pools" *-- "ctag-pool"
"cloud-infrastructure" *-- "network-profiles"
"network-profiles" *-- "network-profile"
"cloud-infrastructure" *-- "operational-environments"
"operational-environments" *-- "operational-environment"
"cloud-infrastructure" *-- "pservers"
"pservers" *-- "pserver"
"pserver" *-- "lag-interfaces"
"lag-interfaces" *-- "lag-interface"
"lag-interface" *-- "l-interfaces"
"pserver" *-- "p-interfaces"
"p-interfaces" *-- "p-interface"
"p-interface" *-- "l-interfaces"
"p-interface" *-- "sriov-pfs"
"sriov-pfs" *-- "sriov-pf"
"cloud-infrastructure" *-- "virtual-data-centers"
"virtual-data-centers" *-- "virtual-data-center"
"external-system" *-- "esr-ems-list"
"esr-ems-list" *-- "esr-ems"
"esr-ems" *-- "esr-system-info-list"
"external-system" *-- "esr-thirdparty-sdnc-list"
"esr-thirdparty-sdnc-list" *-- "esr-thirdparty-sdnc"
"esr-thirdparty-sdnc" *-- "esr-system-info-list"
"external-system" *-- "esr-vnfm-list"
"esr-vnfm-list" *-- "esr-vnfm"
"esr-vnfm" *-- "esr-system-info-list"
"network" *-- "collections"
"collections" *-- "collection"
"network" *-- "configurations"
"configurations" *-- "configuration"
"configuration" *-- "evcs"
"evcs" *-- "evc"
"configuration" *-- "forwarder-evcs"
"forwarder-evcs" *-- "forwarder-evc"
"configuration" *-- "metadata"
"network" *-- "forwarding-paths"
"forwarding-paths" *-- "forwarding-path"
"forwarding-path" *-- "forwarders"
"forwarders" *-- "forwarder"
"network" *-- "generic-vnfs"
"generic-vnfs" *-- "generic-vnf"
"generic-vnf" *-- "entitlements"
"entitlements" *-- "entitlement"
"generic-vnf" *-- "l-interfaces"
"generic-vnf" *-- "lag-interfaces"
"generic-vnf" *-- "licenses"
"licenses" *-- "license"
"generic-vnf" *-- "vf-modules"
"vf-modules" *-- "vf-module"
"network" *-- "instance-groups"
"instance-groups" *-- "instance-group"
"network" *-- "ipsec-configurations"
"ipsec-configurations" *-- "ipsec-configuration"
"ipsec-configuration" *-- "vig-servers"
"vig-servers" *-- "vig-server"
"network" *-- "l3-networks"
"l3-networks" *-- "l3-network"
"l3-network" *-- "ctag-assignments"
"ctag-assignments" *-- "ctag-assignment"
"l3-network" *-- "segmentation-assignments"
"segmentation-assignments" *-- "segmentation-assignment"
"l3-network" *-- "subnets"
"subnets" *-- "subnet"
"subnet" *-- "host-routes"
"host-routes" *-- "host-route"
"network" *-- "lag-links"
"lag-links" *-- "lag-link"
"network" *-- "logical-links"
"logical-links" *-- "logical-link"
"network" *-- "multicast-configurations"
"multicast-configurations" *-- "multicast-configuration"
"network" *-- "network-policies"
"network-policies" *-- "network-policy"
"network" *-- "newvces"
"newvces" *-- "newvce"
"newvce" *-- "l-interfaces"
"network" *-- "physical-links"
"physical-links" *-- "physical-link"
"network" *-- "pnfs"
"pnfs" *-- "pnf"
"pnf" *-- "lag-interfaces"
"pnf" *-- "p-interfaces"
"network" *-- "route-table-references"
"route-table-references" *-- "route-table-reference"
"network" *-- "site-pair-sets"
"site-pair-sets" *-- "site-pair-set"
"site-pair-set" *-- "routing-instances"
"routing-instances" *-- "routing-instance"
"routing-instance" *-- "site-pairs"
"site-pairs" *-- "site-pair"
"site-pair" *-- "classes-of-service"
"classes-of-service" *-- "class-of-service"
"network" *-- "vces"
"vces" *-- "vce"
"vce" *-- "entitlements"
"vce" *-- "licenses"
"vce" *-- "port-groups"
"port-groups" *-- "port-group"
"port-group" *-- "cvlan-tags"
"cvlan-tags" *-- "cvlan-tag-entry"
"network" *-- "vnfcs"
"vnfcs" *-- "vnfc"
"vnfc" *-- "l3-interface-ipv4-address-list"
"vnfc" *-- "l3-interface-ipv6-address-list"
"network" *-- "vpls-pes"
"vpls-pes" *-- "vpls-pe"
"vpls-pe" *-- "lag-interfaces"
"vpls-pe" *-- "p-interfaces"
"network" *-- "vpn-bindings"
"vpn-bindings" *-- "vpn-binding"
"vpn-binding" *-- "route-targets"
"route-targets" *-- "route-target"
"network" *-- "zones"
"zones" *-- "zone"
"service-design-and-creation" *-- "models"
"models" *-- "model"
"model" *-- "model-vers"
"model-vers" *-- "model-ver"
"model-ver" *-- "metadata"
"model-ver" *-- "model-elements"
"model-elements" *-- "model-element"
"model-element" *-- "model-constraints"
"model-constraints" *-- "model-constraint"
"model-constraint" *-- "constrained-element-sets"
"constrained-element-sets" *-- "constrained-element-set"
"constrained-element-set" *-- "element-choice-sets"
"element-choice-sets" *-- "element-choice-set"
"service-design-and-creation" *-- "named-queries"
"named-queries" *-- "named-query"
"named-query" *-- "named-query-elements"
"named-query-elements" *-- "named-query-element"
"named-query-element" *-- "property-constraints"
"property-constraints" *-- "property-constraint"
"named-query-element" *-- "related-lookups"
"related-lookups" *-- "related-lookup"
"service-design-and-creation" *-- "service-capabilities"
"service-capabilities" *-- "service-capability"
"service-design-and-creation" *-- "services"
"services" *-- "service"
"service-design-and-creation" *-- "vnf-images"
"vnf-images" *-- "vnf-image"