path: root/common-be/src/main
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-09-13ComponentBaseTest.java enhancement andIdan Amit3-1/+19
2017-07-20[SDC] 1710 rebase + pom modificationsMichael Lando2-86/+86
2017-07-17[SDC] rebase 1710 codeMichael Lando11-24/+119
2017-07-12[sdc] rebase updateMichael Lando19-0/+380
2017-07-03[sdc] - last merges before moving to LFTal Gitelman1-1/+2
2017-06-29[SDC] rebase codeTal Gitelman2-4/+52
2017-06-18[sdc] update code of sdcMichael Lando3-11/+3
2017-06-11[SDC-29] rebase continue work to align sourceMichael Lando9-316/+110
2017-06-09[SDC-29] catalog 1707 rebase commit.Michael Lando56-611/+3445
2017-02-19Initial OpenECOMP SDC commitMichael Lando37-0/+4936
='n127' href='#n127'>127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.onap.policy.pdp.xacml.application.common.std;

import com.att.research.xacml.api.Advice;
import com.att.research.xacml.api.DataTypeException;
import com.att.research.xacml.api.Identifier;
import com.att.research.xacml.api.Obligation;
import com.att.research.xacml.api.Request;
import com.att.research.xacml.api.XACML3;
import com.att.research.xacml.std.annotations.RequestParser;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.AnyOfType;
import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.EffectType;
import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.MatchType;
import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.PolicyType;
import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.RuleType;
import oasis.names.tc.xacml._3_0.core.schema.wd_17.TargetType;
import org.onap.policy.common.utils.coder.CoderException;
import org.onap.policy.common.utils.coder.StandardCoder;
import org.onap.policy.models.decisions.concepts.DecisionRequest;
import org.onap.policy.models.decisions.concepts.DecisionResponse;
import org.onap.policy.models.tosca.authorative.concepts.ToscaPolicy;
import org.onap.policy.pdp.xacml.application.common.OnapObligation;
import org.onap.policy.pdp.xacml.application.common.ToscaDictionary;
import org.onap.policy.pdp.xacml.application.common.ToscaPolicyConversionException;
import org.onap.policy.pdp.xacml.application.common.ToscaPolicyTranslatorUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class StdCombinedPolicyResultsTranslator extends StdBaseTranslator {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StdCombinedPolicyResultsTranslator.class);

    public StdCombinedPolicyResultsTranslator() {

    public PolicyType convertPolicy(ToscaPolicy toscaPolicy) throws ToscaPolicyConversionException {
        // Sanity checks
        if (toscaPolicy == null) {
            throw new ToscaPolicyConversionException("Cannot convert a NULL policy");
        if (toscaPolicy.getMetadata() == null) {
            throw new ToscaPolicyConversionException("Cannot convert a policy with missing metadata section");
        // Get the policy Id
        String policyId = toscaPolicy.getMetadata().get(POLICY_ID);
        // Set it as the policy ID
        PolicyType newPolicyType = new PolicyType();
        // Optional description
        // There should be a metadata section
        this.fillMetadataSection(newPolicyType, toscaPolicy.getMetadata());
        // Set the combining rule
        // Generate the TargetType
        TargetType target = this.generateTargetType(policyId, toscaPolicy.getType(), toscaPolicy.getVersion());
        // Now create the Permit Rule
        // No target since the policy has a target
        // With obligations.
        RuleType rule = new RuleType();
        rule.setDescription("Default is to PERMIT if the policy matches.");
        rule.setRuleId(policyId + ":rule");
        rule.setTarget(new TargetType());
        // Now represent the policy as Json
        StandardCoder coder = new StandardCoder();
        String jsonPolicy;
        try {
            jsonPolicy = coder.encode(toscaPolicy);
        } catch (CoderException e) {
            throw new ToscaPolicyConversionException(e);
        addObligation(rule, policyId, jsonPolicy, null, toscaPolicy.getType());
        // Add the rule to the policy
        // Return our new policy
        return newPolicyType;

    public Request convertRequest(DecisionRequest request) throws ToscaPolicyConversionException {
        LOGGER.info("Converting Request {}", request);
        try {
            return RequestParser.parseRequest(StdCombinedPolicyRequest.createInstance(request));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | DataTypeException e) {
            throw new ToscaPolicyConversionException("Failed to parse request", e);

     * scanObligations - scans the list of obligations and make appropriate method calls to process
     * obligations.
     * @param obligations Collection of obligation objects
     * @param decisionResponse DecisionResponse object used to store any results from obligations.
    protected void scanObligations(Collection<Obligation> obligations, DecisionResponse decisionResponse) {
        for (Obligation obligation : obligations) {
            Identifier obligationId = obligation.getId();
            LOGGER.info("Obligation: {}", obligationId);
            if (ToscaDictionary.ID_OBLIGATION_REST_BODY.equals(obligationId)) {
                scanContentObligation(obligation, decisionResponse);

     * scanAdvice - not implemented in this class.
     * @param advice Collection of advice objects
     * @param DecisionResponse DecisionResponse object
    protected void scanAdvice(Collection<Advice> advice, DecisionResponse decisionResponse) {
        // By default there are no advice supported in this object. Please override and provide
        // any needed functionality.
        LOGGER.warn("Advice found - not supported in this class {}", this.getClass());

     * scanContentObligation - scans the specific obligation for policy-id and policy-content.
     * @param obligation Obligation incoming obligation object
     * @param decisionResponse DecisionResponse object
    protected void scanContentObligation(Obligation obligation, DecisionResponse decisionResponse) {
        // Create our OnapObligation which will scan for attributes
        OnapObligation onapObligation = new OnapObligation(obligation);
        // Get the attributes we care about
        String policyId = onapObligation.getPolicyId();
        Map<String, Object> policyContent = onapObligation.getPolicyContentAsMap();
        // Sanity check that we got the attributes we care about. NOTE: This translator
        // ensures that these are set when convertPolicy is called.
        if (! Strings.isNullOrEmpty(policyId) && policyContent != null) {
            decisionResponse.getPolicies().put(policyId, policyContent);
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("Missing obligation policyId {} or policyContent {}", policyId,
                    policyContent == null ? "null" : policyContent.size());

     * generateTargetType - Generates a TargetType object for the policy-id and policy-type.
     * @param policyId String policy-id
     * @param policyType String policy type
     * @param policyTypeVersion String policy type version
     * @return TargetType object
    protected TargetType generateTargetType(String policyId, String policyType, String policyTypeVersion) {
        // Create all the match's that are possible
        // This is for the Policy Id
        MatchType matchPolicyId = ToscaPolicyTranslatorUtils.buildMatchTypeDesignator(
        // This is for the Policy Type
        MatchType matchPolicyType = ToscaPolicyTranslatorUtils.buildMatchTypeDesignator(
        // This is for the Policy Type version
        MatchType matchPolicyTypeVersion = ToscaPolicyTranslatorUtils.buildMatchTypeDesignator(
        // This is our outer AnyOf - which is an OR
        AnyOfType anyOf = new AnyOfType();
        // Create AllOf (AND) of just Policy Id
        // Create AllOf (AND) of just Policy Type
        // Create AllOf (AND) of Policy Type and Policy Type Version
        anyOf.getAllOf().add(ToscaPolicyTranslatorUtils.buildAllOf(matchPolicyType, matchPolicyTypeVersion));
        // Now we can create the TargetType, add the top-level anyOf (OR),
        // and return the value.
        TargetType target = new TargetType();
        return target;
