path: root/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config
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Diffstat (limited to 'test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 3224 deletions
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/configuration1.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/configuration1.yaml
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index 12ab2c777f..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/configuration1.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-version: 1.0
-released: 2012-11-30
-# Connection parameters
- url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db
- poolSize: 5
-# Protocols
- - http
- - https
-# Users
- tom: passwd
- bob: passwd \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/elasticsearch.yml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/elasticsearch.yml
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index a6a2c1b950..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/elasticsearch.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-cluster.name: elasticsearch_1_5_2
-discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
-discovery.zen.ping.unicast.enabled: true
-discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: elasticsearch_host
-##################### Elasticsearch Configuration Example #####################
-# This file contains an overview of various configuration settings,
-# targeted at operations staff. Application developers should
-# consult the guide at <http://elasticsearch.org/guide>.
-# The installation procedure is covered at
-# <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup.html>.
-# Elasticsearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings,
-# so you can try it out without bothering with configuration.
-# Most of the time, these defaults are just fine for running a production
-# cluster. If you're fine-tuning your cluster, or wondering about the
-# effect of certain configuration option, please _do ask_ on the
-# mailing list or IRC channel [http://elasticsearch.org/community].
-# Any element in the configuration can be replaced with environment variables
-# by placing them in ${...} notation. For example:
-# node.rack: ${RACK_ENV_VAR}
-# For information on supported formats and syntax for the config file, see
-# <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-configuration.html>
-################################### Cluster ###################################
-# Cluster name identifies your cluster for auto-discovery. If you're running
-# multiple clusters on the same network, make sure you're using unique names.
-# cluster.name: elasticsearch
-#################################### Node #####################################
-# Node names are generated dynamically on startup, so you're relieved
-# from configuring them manually. You can tie this node to a specific name:
-# node.name: "Franz Kafka"
-# Every node can be configured to allow or deny being eligible as the master,
-# and to allow or deny to store the data.
-# Allow this node to be eligible as a master node (enabled by default):
-# node.master: true
-# Allow this node to store data (enabled by default):
-# node.data: true
-# You can exploit these settings to design advanced cluster topologies.
-# 1. You want this node to never become a master node, only to hold data.
-# This will be the "workhorse" of your cluster.
-# node.master: false
-# node.data: true
-# 2. You want this node to only serve as a master: to not store any data and
-# to have free resources. This will be the "coordinator" of your cluster.
-# node.master: true
-# node.data: false
-# 3. You want this node to be neither master nor data node, but
-# to act as a "search load balancer" (fetching data from nodes,
-# aggregating results, etc.)
-# node.master: false
-# node.data: false
-# Use the Cluster Health API [http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health], the
-# Node Info API [http://localhost:9200/_nodes] or GUI tools
-# such as <http://www.elasticsearch.org/overview/marvel/>,
-# <http://github.com/karmi/elasticsearch-paramedic>,
-# <http://github.com/lukas-vlcek/bigdesk> and
-# <http://mobz.github.com/elasticsearch-head> to inspect the cluster state.
-# A node can have generic attributes associated with it, which can later be used
-# for customized shard allocation filtering, or allocation awareness. An attribute
-# is a simple key value pair, similar to node.key: value, here is an example:
-# node.rack: rack314
-# By default, multiple nodes are allowed to start from the same installation location
-# to disable it, set the following:
-# node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
-#################################### Index ####################################
-# You can set a number of options (such as shard/replica options, mapping
-# or analyzer definitions, translog settings, ...) for indices globally,
-# in this file.
-# Note, that it makes more sense to configure index settings specifically for
-# a certain index, either when creating it or by using the index templates API.
-# See <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/index-modules.html> and
-# <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-create-index.html>
-# for more information.
-# Set the number of shards (splits) of an index (5 by default):
-# index.number_of_shards: 5
-# Set the number of replicas (additional copies) of an index (1 by default):
-# index.number_of_replicas: 1
-# Note, that for development on a local machine, with small indices, it usually
-# makes sense to "disable" the distributed features:
-index.number_of_shards: 1
-index.number_of_replicas: 0
-# These settings directly affect the performance of index and search operations
-# in your cluster. Assuming you have enough machines to hold shards and
-# replicas, the rule of thumb is:
-# 1. Having more *shards* enhances the _indexing_ performance and allows to
-# _distribute_ a big index across machines.
-# 2. Having more *replicas* enhances the _search_ performance and improves the
-# cluster _availability_.
-# The "number_of_shards" is a one-time setting for an index.
-# The "number_of_replicas" can be increased or decreased anytime,
-# by using the Index Update Settings API.
-# Elasticsearch takes care about load balancing, relocating, gathering the
-# results from nodes, etc. Experiment with different settings to fine-tune
-# your setup.
-# Use the Index Status API (<http://localhost:9200/A/_status>) to inspect
-# the index status.
-#################################### Paths ####################################
-# Path to directory containing configuration (this file and logging.yml):
-path.conf: /src/test/resources
-# Path to directory where to store index data allocated for this node.
-path.data: target/esdata
-# Can optionally include more than one location, causing data to be striped across
-# the locations (a la RAID 0) on a file level, favouring locations with most free
-# space on creation. For example:
-# path.data: /path/to/data1,/path/to/data2
-# Path to temporary files:
-path.work: /target/eswork
-# Path to log files:
-path.logs: /target/eslogs
-# Path to where plugins are installed:
-# path.plugins: /path/to/plugins
-#################################### Plugin ###################################
-# If a plugin listed here is not installed for current node, the node will not start.
-# plugin.mandatory: mapper-attachments,lang-groovy
-################################### Memory ####################################
-# Elasticsearch performs poorly when JVM starts swapping: you should ensure that
-# it _never_ swaps.
-# Set this property to true to lock the memory:
-# bootstrap.mlockall: true
-# Make sure that the ES_MIN_MEM and ES_MAX_MEM environment variables are set
-# to the same value, and that the machine has enough memory to allocate
-# for Elasticsearch, leaving enough memory for the operating system itself.
-# You should also make sure that the Elasticsearch process is allowed to lock
-# the memory, eg. by using `ulimit -l unlimited`.
-############################## Network And HTTP ###############################
-# Elasticsearch, by default, binds itself to the address, and listens
-# on port [9200-9300] for HTTP traffic and on port [9300-9400] for node-to-node
-# communication. (the range means that if the port is busy, it will automatically
-# try the next port).
-# Set the bind address specifically (IPv4 or IPv6):
-# network.bind_host:
-# Set the address other nodes will use to communicate with this node. If not
-# set, it is automatically derived. It must point to an actual IP address.
-# network.publish_host:
-# Set both 'bind_host' and 'publish_host':
-# network.host:
-# Set a custom port for the node to node communication (9300 by default):
-# transport.tcp.port: 9300
-# Enable compression for all communication between nodes (disabled by default):
-# transport.tcp.compress: true
-# Set a custom port to listen for HTTP traffic:
-# http.port: 9200
-# Set a custom allowed content length:
-# http.max_content_length: 100mb
-# Disable HTTP completely:
-# http.enabled: false
-################################### Gateway ###################################
-# The gateway allows for persisting the cluster state between full cluster
-# restarts. Every change to the state (such as adding an index) will be stored
-# in the gateway, and when the cluster starts up for the first time,
-# it will read its state from the gateway.
-# There are several types of gateway implementations. For more information, see
-# <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-gateway.html>.
-# The default gateway type is the "local" gateway (recommended):
-# gateway.type: local
-# Settings below control how and when to start the initial recovery process on
-# a full cluster restart (to reuse as much local data as possible when using shared
-# gateway).
-# Allow recovery process after N nodes in a cluster are up:
-gateway.recover_after_nodes: 1
-# Set the timeout to initiate the recovery process, once the N nodes
-# from previous setting are up (accepts time value):
-# gateway.recover_after_time: 5m
-# Set how many nodes are expected in this cluster. Once these N nodes
-# are up (and recover_after_nodes is met), begin recovery process immediately
-# (without waiting for recover_after_time to expire):
-gateway.expected_nodes: 1
-############################# Recovery Throttling #############################
-# These settings allow to control the process of shards allocation between
-# nodes during initial recovery, replica allocation, rebalancing,
-# or when adding and removing nodes.
-# Set the number of concurrent recoveries happening on a node:
-# 1. During the initial recovery
-# cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries: 4
-# 2. During adding/removing nodes, rebalancing, etc
-# cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries: 2
-# Set to throttle throughput when recovering (eg. 100mb, by default 20mb):
-# indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec: 20mb
-# Set to limit the number of open concurrent streams when
-# recovering a shard from a peer:
-# indices.recovery.concurrent_streams: 5
-################################## Discovery ##################################
-# Discovery infrastructure ensures nodes can be found within a cluster
-# and master node is elected. Multicast discovery is the default.
-# Set to ensure a node sees N other master eligible nodes to be considered
-# operational within the cluster. Its recommended to set it to a higher value
-# than 1 when running more than 2 nodes in the cluster.
-# discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
-# Set the time to wait for ping responses from other nodes when discovering.
-# Set this option to a higher value on a slow or congested network
-# to minimize discovery failures:
-# discovery.zen.ping.timeout: 3s
-# For more information, see
-# <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-discovery-zen.html>
-# Unicast discovery allows to explicitly control which nodes will be used
-# to discover the cluster. It can be used when multicast is not present,
-# or to restrict the cluster communication-wise.
-# 1. Disable multicast discovery (enabled by default):
-# discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
-# 2. Configure an initial list of master nodes in the cluster
-# to perform discovery when new nodes (master or data) are started:
-# discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["host1", "host2:port"]
-# EC2 discovery allows to use AWS EC2 API in order to perform discovery.
-# You have to install the cloud-aws plugin for enabling the EC2 discovery.
-# For more information, see
-# <http://elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-discovery-ec2.html>
-# See <http://elasticsearch.org/tutorials/elasticsearch-on-ec2/>
-# for a step-by-step tutorial.
-# GCE discovery allows to use Google Compute Engine API in order to perform discovery.
-# You have to install the cloud-gce plugin for enabling the GCE discovery.
-# For more information, see <https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-gce>.
-# Azure discovery allows to use Azure API in order to perform discovery.
-# You have to install the cloud-azure plugin for enabling the Azure discovery.
-# For more information, see <https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-azure>.
-################################## Slow Log ##################################
-# Shard level query and fetch threshold logging.
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.warn: 10s
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.info: 5s
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.debug: 2s
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.trace: 500ms
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.warn: 1s
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.info: 800ms
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.debug: 500ms
-#index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.trace: 200ms
-#index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn: 10s
-#index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.info: 5s
-#index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.debug: 2s
-#index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.trace: 500ms
-################################## GC Logging ################################
-#monitor.jvm.gc.young.warn: 1000ms
-#monitor.jvm.gc.young.info: 700ms
-#monitor.jvm.gc.young.debug: 400ms
-#monitor.jvm.gc.old.warn: 10s
-#monitor.jvm.gc.old.info: 5s
-#monitor.jvm.gc.old.debug: 2s
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/DME2preferredRouter.txt b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/DME2preferredRouter.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/DME2preferredRouter.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/configuration.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/configuration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6943e9b024..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/configuration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-# catalog backend hostname
-beFqdn: localhost
-# sdccatalog.att.com
-# catalog backend http port
-beHttpPort: 8080
-# catalog backend http context
-beContext: /sdc/rest/config/get
-# catalog backend protocol
-beProtocol: http
-# catalog backend ssl port
-beSslPort: 8443
-version: 1.1.0
-released: 2012-11-30
-toscaConformanceLevel: 8.0
-minToscaConformanceLevel: 3.0
-janusGraphCfgFile: /home/vagrant/catalog-be/config/catalog-be/janusgraph.properties
-janusGraphInMemoryGraph: false
-janusGraphLockTimeout: 1800
-# The interval to try and reconnect to janusGraph DB when it is down during ASDC startup:
-janusGraphReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 3
-# The read timeout towards JanusGraph DB when health check is invoked:
-janusGraphHealthCheckReadTimeout: 1
-# The interval to try and reconnect to Elasticsearch when it is down during ASDC startup:
-esReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 3
-uebHealthCheckReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 15
-uebHealthCheckReadTimeout: 4
-# Protocols
- - http
- - https
-# Default imports
- - nodes:
- file: nodes.yml
- - datatypes:
- file: data.yml
- - capabilities:
- file: capabilities.yml
- - relationships:
- file: relationships.yml
- - groups:
- file: groups.yml
- - policies:
- file: policies.yml
-# Users
- tom: passwd
- bob: passwd
- host: neo4jhost
- port: 7474
- user: neo4j
- password: "Pass"
- cassandraHosts: ['localhost']
- localDataCenter: datacenter1
- reconnectTimeout : 30000
- authenticate: false
- username: koko
- password: "Pass"
- ssl: false
- truststorePath : /path/path
- truststorePassword : "Pass"
- keySpaces:
- - { name: sdcaudit, replicationStrategy: SimpleStrategy, replicationInfo: ['1']}
- - { name: sdcartifact, replicationStrategy: SimpleStrategy, replicationInfo: ['1']}
- - { name: sdccomponent, replicationStrategy: SimpleStrategy, replicationInfo: ['1']}
- - { name: sdcrepository, replicationStrategy: SimpleStrategy, replicationInfo: ['1']}
-#Application-specific settings of ES
- # Mapping of index prefix to time-based frame. For example, if below is configured:
- #
- # - indexPrefix: auditingevents
- # creationPeriod: minute
- #
- # then ES object of type which is mapped to "auditingevents-*" template, and created on 2015-12-23 13:24:54, will enter "auditingevents-2015-12-23-13-24" index.
- # Another object created on 2015-12-23 13:25:54, will enter "auditingevents-2015-12-23-13-25" index.
- # If creationPeriod: month, both of the above will enter "auditingevents-2015-12" index.
- #
- # PLEASE NOTE: the timestamps are created in UTC/GMT timezone! This is needed so that timestamps will be correctly presented in Kibana.
- #
- # Legal values for creationPeriod - year, month, day, hour, minute, none (meaning no time-based behaviour).
- #
- # If no creationPeriod is configured for indexPrefix, default behavour is creationPeriod: month.
- indicesTimeFrequency:
- - indexPrefix: auditingevents
- creationPeriod: month
- - indexPrefix: monitoring_events
- creationPeriod: month
- - User
- - Installation
- - CPU
-#Deployment artifacts placeHolder
-resourceTypes: &allResourceTypes
- - VFC
- - CP
- - VL
- - VF
- - Abstract
- - CVFC
-# validForResourceTypes usage
-# validForResourceTypes:
-# - VF
-# - VL
-# heat:
-# displayName: "Base HEAT Template"
-# type: HEAT
-# validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes
-# heatVol:
-# displayName: "Volume HEAT Template"
-# type: HEAT_VOL
-# validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes
-# heatNet:
-# displayName: "Network HEAT Template"
-# type: HEAT_NET
-# validForResourceTypes: *allResourceTypes
- heatEnv:
- displayName: "HEAT ENV"
- type: HEAT_ENV
- description: "Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact"
- fileExtension: "env"
- VfHeatEnv:
- displayName: "VF HEAT ENV"
- type: HEAT_ENV
- description: "VF Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact"
- fileExtension: "env"
-#tosca artifacts placeholders
- assetToscaTemplate:
- artifactName: -template.yml
- displayName: Tosca Template
- description: TOSCA representation of the asset
- assetToscaCsar:
- artifactName: -csar.csar
- displayName: Tosca Model
- type: TOSCA_CSAR
- description: TOSCA definition package of the asset
-#Informational artifacts placeHolder
- - Generic
- - PNF
- features:
- displayName: Features
- type: OTHER
- capacity:
- displayName: Capacity
- type: OTHER
- vendorTestResult:
- displayName: Vendor Test Result
- type: OTHER
- testScripts:
- displayName: Test Scripts
- type: OTHER
- CloudQuestionnaire:
- displayName: Cloud Questionnaire (completed)
- type: OTHER
- HEATTemplateFromVendor:
- displayName: HEAT Template from Vendor
- type: HEAT
- resourceSecurityTemplate:
- displayName: Resource Security Template
- type: OTHER
- serviceArtifactPlan:
- displayName: Service Artifact Plan
- type: OTHER
- summaryOfImpactsToECOMPElements:
- displayName: Summary of impacts to ECOMP elements,OSSs, BSSs
- type: OTHER
- controlLoopFunctions:
- displayName: Control Loop Functions
- type: OTHER
- dimensioningInfo:
- displayName: Dimensioning Info
- type: OTHER
- affinityRules:
- displayName: Affinity Rules
- type: OTHER
- operationalPolicies:
- displayName: Operational Policies
- type: OTHER
- serviceSpecificPolicies:
- displayName: Service-specific Policies
- type: OTHER
- engineeringRules:
- displayName: Engineering Rules (ERD)
- type: OTHER
- distributionInstructions:
- displayName: Distribution Instructions
- type: OTHER
- certificationTestResults:
- displayName: TD Certification Test Results
- type: OTHER
- deploymentVotingRecord:
- displayName: Deployment Voting Record
- type: OTHER
- serviceQuestionnaire:
- displayName: Service Questionnaire
- type: OTHER
- serviceSecurityTemplate:
- displayName: Service Security Template
- type: OTHER
- configuration:
- displayName: Configuration
- type: OTHER
- instantiation:
- displayName: Instantiation
- type: OTHER
- monitoring:
- displayName: Monitoring
- type: OTHER
- reporting:
- displayName: Reporting
- type: OTHER
- logging:
- displayName: Logging
- type: OTHER
- testing:
- displayName: Testing
- type: OTHER
-additionalInformationMaxNumberOfKeys: 50
- enabled: false
- isProxy: false
- probeIntervalInSeconds: 15
-defaultHeatArtifactTimeoutMinutes: 60
- - /sdc2/rest/healthCheck
- cleanIntervalInMinutes: 1440
- componentsToClean:
- - Resource
- - Service
-artifactsIndex: resources
-heatEnvArtifactHeader: ""
-heatEnvArtifactFooter: ""
- protocol: http
- host: localhost
- port: 8080
- downloadCsarUri: "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-software-products/packages"
- healthCheckUri: "/onboarding-api/v1.0/healthcheck"
- protocol: http
- host:
- port: 8080
- healthCheckUri: "/dcae/healthCheck"
- gBeFqdn: Onap
- gFeFqdn: Onap
- beVip:
- feVip:
- beResolveAttempts: 3
- feResolveAttempts: 3
- enabled: false
- interval: 60
- changePriorityUser: Onap.Sdc
- changePriorityPassword: "Pass"
- publishNetworkUrl: "http://xxx.com/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/update_network?user=root"
- publishNetworkBody: '{"note":"publish network"}'
- groups:
- beSet: { changePriorityUrl: "http://xxx.com/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/sites/AIO-BE.ecomp.idns.com?user=root",
- changePriorityBody: '{"name":"AIO-BE.ecomp.idns.com","uri":"/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/sites/AIO-BE.ecomp.idns.com","no_ad_redirection":false,"v4groups":{"failover_groups":["/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/groups/group_mg_be","/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/groups/group_bs_be"],"failover_policy":["FAILALL"]},"comment":"AIO BE G-fqdn","intended_app_proto":"DNS"}'}
- feSet: { changePriorityUrl: "http://xxx.com/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/sites/AIO-FE.ecomp.idns.com?user=root",
- changePriorityBody: '{"comment":"AIO G-fqdn","name":"AIO-FE.ecomp.idns.com","v4groups":{"failover_groups":["/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/groups/group_mg_fe","/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/groups/group_bs_fe"],"failover_policy":["FAILALL"]},"no_ad_redirection":false,"intended_app_proto":"DNS","uri":"/crt/CipDomain.ECOMP-ASDC-DEVST/config/sites/AIO-FE.ecomp.idns.com"}'}
- datatypes:
- enabled: true
- firstRunDelay: 10
- pollIntervalInSec: 60
- enabled: true
- catalogL1Cache:
- enabled: true
- resourcesSizeInCache: 300
- servicesSizeInCache: 200
- productsSizeInCache: 100
- queue:
- syncIntervalInSecondes: 43200
- waitOnShutDownInMinutes: 10
- numberOfCacheWorkers: 4
- stringMaxLength: 2500
-disableAudit: false
- min_vf_module_instances:
- forBaseModule: 1
- forNonBaseModule: 0
- max_vf_module_instances:
- forBaseModule: 1
- forNonBaseModule:
- initial_count:
- forBaseModule: 1
- forNonBaseModule: 0
- vf_module_type:
- forBaseModule: Base
- forNonBaseModule: Expansion
- VFC: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VFC
- CVFC: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VFC
- VF : org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VF
- PNF: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.PNF
- Service: org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.service
-workloadContext: Production
- defaultValue: General_Revenue-Bearing
- validValues:
- - Critical_Revenue-Bearing
- - Vital_Revenue-Bearing
- - Essential_Revenue-Bearing
- - Important_Revenue-Bearing
- - Needed_Revenue-Bearing
- - Useful_Revenue-Bearing
- - General_Revenue-Bearing
- - Critical_Non-Revenue
- - Vital_Non-Revenue
- - Essential_Non-Revenue
- - Important_Non-Revenue
- - Needed_Non-Revenue
- - Useful_Non-Revenue
- - General_Non-Revenue
- hosts: Demo.onap.org
- consumerGroup: asdc
- consumerId: mama
- timeoutMs: 15000
- limit: 1
- pollingInterval: 2
- topic: com.att.sdc.23911-SDCforTestDev-v001
- latitude: 32.109333
- longitude: 34.855499
- version: 1.0
- serviceName: dmaap.onap.org/events
- environment: TEST
- partner: BOT_R
- routeOffer: MR1
- protocol: https
- contenttype: application/json
- dme2TraceOn: true
- aftEnvironment: AFTUAT
- aftDme2ConnectionTimeoutMs: 15000
- aftDme2RoundtripTimeoutMs: 240000
- aftDme2ReadTimeoutMs: 50000
- dme2preferredRouterFilePath: DME2preferredRouter.txt
- timeLimitForNotificationHandleMs: 0
- credential:
- username: Onap_demo
- password: Pass
- lookupUriFormat: "http://DME2RESOLVE/service=%s/version=1.0.0/envContext=%s/routeOffer=DEFAULT"
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/distribution-engine-configuration.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/distribution-engine-configuration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ae8f59c0..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/distribution-engine-configuration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- - uebsb91kcdc.it.att.com
- - uebsb92kcdc.it.att.com
-# - uebsb93kcdc.it.att.com
-uebPublicKey: 8F3MDAtMSBwwpSMy
-uebSecretKey: gzFmsTxSCtO5RQfAccM6PqqX
-distributionNotifTopicName: ASDC-DISTR-NOTIF-TOPIC
-distributionStatusTopicName: ASDC-DISTR-STATUS-TOPIC
-initRetryIntervalSec: 5
-initMaxIntervalSec: 60
- info:
- lifecycle:
- - HEAT
- - DG-XML
- - PROD
- pollingIntervalSec: 60
- fetchTimeSec: 15
- consumerGroup: asdc
- consumerId: asdc-id
- minThreadPoolSize: 0
- maxThreadPoolSize: 10
- maxWaitingAfterSendingSeconds: 5
- partitionCount: 1
- replicationCount: 1
-startDistributionEngine: true
- serverRootUrl:
- resourceNamespaces:
- operationalEnvironments: /aai/cloud-infrastructure/operational-environments
- httpRequestConfig:
- readTimeoutMs: 5000
- connectTimeoutMs: 1000
- maxReadConnectionRetry: 3
- userName: abcd
- password: hmXYcznAljMSisdy8zgcag==
- clientSslAuthentication: false
- keyStore: opt/app/catalog-be/cert/.keystore
- keyStorePassword: hmXYcznAljMSisdy8zgcag==
- httpRequestHeaders:
- XFromAppId: asdc
-opEnvRecoveryIntervalSec: 180
-allowedTimeBeforeStaleSec: 300
- serverRootUrl:
- resourceNamespaces:
- distributions: /distributions
- httpClientConfig:
- readTimeout: 2000
- connectTimeout: 500
- numOfRetries: 3
- userName: asdc
- password: OTLEp5lfVhYdyw5EAtTUBQ== \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/ecomp-error-configuration.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/ecomp-error-configuration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7cd74a2b..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/ecomp-error-configuration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-# Note the conventions of the field values:
-# severity can be one of: WARN, ERROR, FATAL
-# code is a unique integer in range of 3003-9999 (3000-3002 are occupied for internal usage)
-# The above enumeration values are out-of-the-box and can be changed in code.
-# In case of config and code mismatch, the appropriate error will be printed to log
-## Range of BE codes - 3010-7999
- BeRestApiGeneralError: {
- code: ASDC_4000,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Unexpected error during BE REST API execution",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeHealthCheckError: {
- code: ASDC_3010,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Error during BE Health Check",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeInitializationError: {
- code: ASDC_4019,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Catalog-BE was not initialized properly",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeResourceMissingError: {
- code: ASDC_3011,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Mandatory resource %s cannot be found in repository",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeServiceMissingError: {
- code: ASDC_3012,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Mandatory service %s cannot be found in repository",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedAddingResourceInstanceError: {
- code: ASDC_3013,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to add resource instance of resource %s to service %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeIncorrectServiceError: {
- code: ASDC_3014,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Service %s is not valid",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeRepositoryDeleteError: {
- code: ASDC_3015,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to delete object %s from repository",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeRepositoryQueryError: {
- code: ASDC_3016,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to fetch from repository %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeInvalidConfigurationError: {
- code: ASDC_3017,
- severity: FATAL,
- description: "Configuration parameter %s is invalid. Value configured is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeUebConnectionError: {
- code: ASDC_4001,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Connection problem towards U-EB server. Reason: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeUebSystemError: {
- code: ASDC_3019,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Error occured during access to U-EB Server. Operation: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeUebObjectNotFoundError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4005,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Error occured during access to U-EB Server. Data not found: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeDistributionEngineSystemError: {
- code: ASDC_3021,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Error occured in Distribution Engine. Failed operation: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeUebAuthenticationError: {
- code: ASDC_4003,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Authentication problem towards U-EB server. Reason: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeUebUnkownHostError: {
- code: ASDC_4002,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Connection problem towards U-EB server. Cannot reach host %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeDistributionEngineInvalidArtifactType: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4006,
- severity: WARN,
- description: "The artifact type %s does not appear in the list of valid artifacts %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeInvalidTypeError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4008,
- severity: WARN,
- description: "The type %s of %s is invalid",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeInvalidValueError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_3028,
- severity: WARN,
- description: "The value %s of %s from type %s is invalid",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedDeletingResourceInstanceError: {
- code: ASDC_3029,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to delete resource instance %s from service %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeMissingConfigurationError: {
- code: ASDC_3030,
- severity: FATAL,
- description: "Configuration parameter %s is missing",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeConfigurationInvalidListSizeError: {
- code: ASDC_3031,
- severity: FATAL,
- description: "Configuration parameter %s is invalid. At least %s values shall be configured",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- ErrorConfigFileFormat: {
- code: ASDC_3032,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Error element not found in YAML name: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeMissingArtifactInformationError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4010,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Artifact uploaded has missing information. Missing %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeArtifactMissingError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4011,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Artifact %s requested is not found",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeArtifactPayloadInvalid: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4012,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Payload of artifact uploaded is invalid (invalid MD5 or encryption)",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeUserMissingError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4009,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "User %s requested is not found",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeArtifactInformationInvalidError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4013,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Input for artifact metadata is invalid",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedAddingCapabilityTypeError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4015,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed adding capability type",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeCapabilityTypeMissingError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4016,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Capability Type %s not found",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeInterfaceMissingError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4020,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Interface %s required is missing",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeDaoSystemError: {
- code: ASDC_4014,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Operation towards database failed",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeSystemError: {
- code: ASDC_4017,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Unexpected error during operation",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeFailedLockObjectError: {
- code: ASDC_4007,
- severity: WARN,
- description: "Failed to lock object for update",
- alarmSeverity: CRITICAL
- }
- BeInvalidJsonInput: {
- code: ASDC_4018,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to convert json input to object",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeDistributionMissingError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_4021,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Distribution %s required is missing",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeHealthCheckRecovery: {
- type: RECOVERY,
- code: ASDC_4022,
- severity: INFO,
- description: "BE Health Check Recovery",
- alarmSeverity: INFORMATIONAL
- }
- BeFailedCreateNodeError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6000,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to create node %s on graph. status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedUpdateNodeError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6001,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to update node %s on graph. Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedDeleteNodeError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6002,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to delete node %s on graph. Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedRetrieveNodeError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6003,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to retrieve node %s from graph. Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeExecuteRollbackError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6004,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Going to execute rollback on graph.",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedFindParentError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6005,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to find parent node %s on graph. Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedFindAllNodesError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6006,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Failed to fetch all nodes with type %s of parent node %s . Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedFindAssociationError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6007,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Cannot find node with type %s associated with node %s . Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeFailedFindAssociationError: {
- type: DATA_ERROR,
- code: ASDC_6008,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Cannot find node with type %s associated with node %s . Status is %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- BeComponentCleanerSystemError: {
- code: ASDC_6009,
- severity: ERROR,
- description: "Error occured in Component Cleaner Task. Failed operation: %s",
- alarmSeverity: MAJOR
- }
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/error-configuration.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/error-configuration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 268c440222..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/error-configuration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1883 +0,0 @@
-# Errors
- OK: {
- code: 200,
- message: "OK"
- }
- code: 201,
- message: "OK"
- }
- code: 202,
- message: "Accepted"
- }
- code: 204,
- message: "No Content"
- }
- code: 405,
- message: "Error: Method not allowed.",
- messageId: "POL4050"
- }
- code: 500,
- message: "Error: Internal Server Error. Please try again later.",
- messageId: "POL5000"
- }
- code: 400 ,
- message: "Error: Missing 'X-ECOMP-InstanceID' HTTP header.",
- messageId: "POL5001"
- }
- code: 401 ,
- message: "Error: Authentication is required to use the API.",
- messageId: "POL5002"
- }
- code: 403 ,
- message: "Error: Not authorized to use the API.",
- messageId: "POL5003"
- }
- code: 400 ,
- message: "Error: Missing 'USER_ID' HTTP header.",
- messageId: "POL5004"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content.",
- messageId: "SVC4000"
- }
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Missing information.",
- messageId: "SVC4002"
- }
-# %1 - Users's ID
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: User '%1' was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4003"
- }
-# %1 - Users's email address
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid email address '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4004"
- }
-# %1 - role
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid role '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4005"
- }
-# %1 - Users's USER_ID
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: User with '%1' ID already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4006"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: An administrator can only be deleted by another administrator.",
- messageId: "SVC4007"
- }
-# %1 - Users's userId
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid userId '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4008"
- }
-# %1 - service/resource
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 contact.",
- messageId: "SVC4051"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource/Additional parameter
-# %2 - service/resource/label name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: %1 with name '%2' already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4050"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 category.",
- messageId: "SVC4051"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. At least one tag has to be specified.",
- messageId: "SVC4052"
- }
-# %1 - service/resource
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 description.",
- messageId: "SVC4053"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Value %1 for the field Category is invalid.",
- messageId: "SVC4054"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing vendor name.",
- messageId: "SVC4055"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing vendor release.",
- messageId: "SVC4056"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing derived from template specification.",
- messageId: "SVC4057"
- }
-# %1 - service/resource
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 icon.",
- messageId: "SVC4058"
- }
-# %1 - service/resource
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Invalid %1 icon.",
- messageId: "SVC4059"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Derived from resource template was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4060"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Multiple derived from resource template is not allowed.",
- messageId: "SVC4061"
- }
-# %1 - service/resource
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing %1 name.",
- messageId: "SVC4062"
- }
- #%1  -  resource/service name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' resource was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4063"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource/Property
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 description contains non-english characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4064"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource/Property
-# %2 - max resource/service name length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 description exceeds limit of %2 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4065"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Tags overall length exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4066"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Vendor name exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4067"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Vendor release exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4068"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource/Product
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 Contact Id should be in format 'mnnnnnn' or 'aannna' or 'aannnn', where m=m ,a=a-zA-Z and n=0-9",
- messageId: "SVC4069"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Value %1 for Component name is invalid. Only alphanumeric characters and regular spaces are allowed.',
- messageId: "SVC4070"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Value %1 for the field Vendor name is invalid. Only alphanumeric characters and regular spaces are allowed.',
- messageId: "SVC4071"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Value %1 for the field Vendor release is invalid. Only alphanumeric characters and regular spaces are allowed.',
- messageId: "SVC4072"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource
-# %2 - max resource/service name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 name exceeds limit of %2 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4073"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service name
-# %2 - resource/service
-# %3 - First name of last modifier
-# %4 - Last name of last modifier
-# %5 - USER_ID of last modifier
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is locked for modification by %3 %4(%5).",
- messageId: "SVC4080"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service name
-# %2 - resource/service
-# %3 - First name of last modifier
-# %4 - Last name of last modifier
-# %5 - USER_ID of last modifier
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is locked for certification by %3 %4(%5).",
- messageId: "SVC4081"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service name
-# %2 - resource/service
-# %3 - First name of last modifier
-# %4 - Last name of last modifier
-# %5 - USER_ID of last modifier
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is sent for certification by %3 %4(%5).",
- messageId: "SVC4082"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Version of this %1 was already promoted.",
- messageId: "SVC4083"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service/product name
-# %2 - resource/service/product
-# %3 - First name of last modifier
-# %4 - Last name of last modifier
-# %5 - USER_ID of last modifier
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: The current version of '%1' %2 was already checked-in by %3 %4(%5).",
- messageId: "SVC4084"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service/product name
-# %2 - resource/service/product
-# %3 - First name of last modifier
-# %4 - Last name of last modifier
-# %5 - USER_ID of last modifier
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: %1 %2 has already been checked out by %3 %4(%5).",
- messageId: "SVC4085"
- }
-# %1  - resource/service name
-# %2  - resource/service
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is in use by another user.",
- messageId: "SVC4086"
- }
-# %1 - component name
-# %2 - resource/service/product
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Checking out of the requested version of the '%1' %2 is not allowed as a newer version exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4087"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service name
-# %2 - resource/service
-# %3 - First name of last modifier
-# %4 - Last name of last modifier
-# %5 - USER_ID of last modifier
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested %1 %2 has already been certified by %3 %4(%5).",
- messageId: "SVC4088"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service name
-# %2 - resource/service
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is not ready for certification.",
- messageId: "SVC4089"
- }
-#%1 - property name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' property was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4100"
- }
-#%1 - property name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Property with '%1' name already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4101"
- }
-# %1 - capability type name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Capability Type with name '%1' already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4102"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Authorization header.",
- messageId: "SVC4114"
- }
-# %1 - capability type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing Capability Type '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4115"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content.",
- messageId: "SVC4116"
- }
-# %1 - resource instance name
-# %2 - resource instance name
-# %3 - requirement name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Match not found between resource instance '%1' and resource instance '%2' for requirement '%3'.",
- messageId: "SVC4117"
- }
-# %1 - resource instance name
-# %2 - resource instance name
-# %3 - requirement name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Resource instances '%1' and '%2' are already associated with requirement '%3'.",
- messageId: "SVC4118"
- }
-# %1 - resource instance name
-# %2 - resource instance name
-# %3 - requirement name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: No relation found between resource instances '%1' and '%2' for requirement '%3'.",
- messageId: "SVC4119"
- }
-# %1 - User's USER_ID
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: User %1 was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4120"
- }
-# %1 - User's USER_ID
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: User with %1 ID can not be deleted since it has active elements(resources/services/artifacts).",
- messageId: "SVC4121"
- }
-# %1 - artifact type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid artifact type '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4122"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Artifact logical name cannot be changed.",
- messageId: "SVC4123"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Missing artifact type.",
- messageId: "SVC4124"
- }
-# %1-artifact name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Artifact '%1' already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4125"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service/product/...
-# %2 - field (tag, vendor name...)
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 %2 format.",
- messageId: "SVC4126"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid artifact checksum.",
- messageId: "SVC4127"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content. Missing artifact name.",
- messageId: "SVC4128"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing PROJECT_CODE number.",
- messageId: "SVC4129"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. PROJECT_CODE must be from 3 up to 50 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4130"
- }
-# %1-resource/service
-# %2-srtifact/artifacts
-# %3-semicolomn separated list of artifact
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Missing mandatory informational %1 %2: [%3].",
- messageId: "SVC4131"
- }
-# %1 - lifecycle type name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Lifecycle Type with name '%1' already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4132"
- }
-# %1 - service version
-# %2 - service name
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Version %1 of '%2' service is not available for distribution.",
- messageId: "SVC4133"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing interface life-cycle type.",
- messageId: "SVC4134"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Service category cannot be changed once the service is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4135"
- }
-# %1 - distribution environment name
- code: 500,
- message: "Error: Requested distribution environment '%1' is not available.",
- messageId: "SVC4136"
- }
-# %1 - distribution environment name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Requested distribution environment '%1' was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4137"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid distribution environment.",
- messageId: "SVC4138"
- }
-# %1 - service name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Service '%1' cannot be distributed due to missing deployment artifacts.",
- messageId: "SVC4139"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource
-# %2 - max icon name length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 icon name exceeds limit of %2 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4200"
- }
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Restricted access.",
- messageId: "SVC4300"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Restricted operation.",
- messageId: "SVC4301"
- }
- code: 400 ,
- message: "Error: Missing request body.",
- messageId: "SVC4500"
- }
- code: 400 ,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing mandatory parameter 'apiPublicKey'." ,
- messageId: "SVC4501"
- }
- code: 400 ,
- message: "Error: Invalid Body : Missing mandatory parameter 'distrEnvName'." ,
- messageId: "SVC4502"
- }
-# %1 - service name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' service was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4503"
- }
-# %1 - Service/Resource
-# %2 - service/resource version
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: %1 version %2 was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4504"
- }
- #%1-artifact name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Artifact '%1' was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4505"
- }
- code: 400 ,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing mandatory parameter 'distrEnvName'.",
- messageId: "SVC4506"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. One of the tags should be the component name.",
- messageId: "SVC4507"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Service name cannot be changed once the service is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4508"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Icon cannot be changed once the service is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4509"
- }
-# %1 - icon name max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Icon name exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4510"
- }
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested distribution was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4511"
- }
-# %1 - Distribution ID
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested distribution '%1' failed.",
- messageId: "SVC4512"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Resource category cannot be changed once the resource is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4513"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Resource name cannot be changed once the resource is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4514"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Icon cannot be changed once the resource is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4515"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Vendor name cannot be changed once the resource is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4516"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Derived from resource template cannot be changed once the resource is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4517"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Single tag exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4518"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: mismatch in data-type occurred for property %1. data type is %2 and default value found is %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4519"
- }
-# %1 - service or resource
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Maximal number of additional %1 parameters was reached.",
- messageId: "SVC4520"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The Additional information label and value cannot be empty.",
- messageId: "SVC4521"
- }
-# %1 - label/value
-# %2 - Maximal length of %1
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Additional information %1 exceeds limit of %2 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4522"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Additional information label is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.',
- messageId: "SVC4523"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Requested additional information was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4524"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Additional information contains non-english characters.',
- messageId: "SVC4525"
- }
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' resource instance was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4526"
- }
- code: 500,
- message: 'Error: ASDC version cannot be displayed.',
- messageId: "SVC4527"
- }
-# %1-artifact url/artifact label/artifact description/VNF Service Indicator
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content. Missing %1.",
- messageId: "SVC4528"
- }
-# %1-artifact url/artifact label/artifact description/artifact name
-# %2 - Maximal length of %1
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. %1 exceeds limit of %2 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4529"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Artifact Timeout should be set to valid positive non-zero number of minutes.",
- messageId: "SVC4530"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: VNF Indicator cannot be updated for certified service.",
- messageId: "SVC4531"
- }
- #---------SVC4532------------------------------
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' resource instance was not found on the service '%2.",
- messageId: "SVC4532"
- }
- #---------SVC4533------------------------------
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid file extension for %1 artifact type.",
- messageId: "SVC4533"
- }
-# %1 - "HEAT"/"HEAT_ENV"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Uploaded YAML file for %1 artifact is invalid.",
- messageId: "SVC4534"
- }
-# %1 - "HEAT"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 artifact.",
- messageId: "SVC4535"
- }
-# %1 - "Resource"/"Service"
-# %2 - resource/service name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: %1 '%2' already has a deployment artifact of %3 type .Please delete or update an existing %4 artifact.",
- messageId: "SVC4536"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Missing HEAT artifact. HEAT_ENV artifact cannot be uploaded without corresponding HEAT template.",
- messageId: "SVC4537"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid artifact content. Parameter's set in HEAT_ENV '%1' artifact doesn't match the parameters in HEAT '%2' artifact.",
- messageId: "SVC4538"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid resource payload.",
- messageId: "SVC4539"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid file extension for TOSCA template.",
- messageId: "SVC4540"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid YAML file.",
- messageId: "SVC4541"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid TOSCA template.",
- messageId: "SVC4542"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Imported Service TOSCA template.",
- messageId: "SVC4543"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Imported TOSCA template should contain one resource definition.",
- messageId: "SVC4544"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid resource namespace.",
- messageId: "SVC4545"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Imported resource already exists in ASDC Catalog.",
- messageId: "SVC4546"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid resource checksum.",
- messageId: "SVC4549"
- }
- #%1  -  Consumer salt
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 length.",
- messageId: "SVC4550"
- }
- #---------SVC4551------------------------------
- #%1  -  ECOMP User name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: ECOMP User '%1' was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4551"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: ECOMP User already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4552"
- }
- #%1  -  Consumer name / Consumer password/ Consumer salt
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: %1 is invalid.",
- messageId: "SVC4553"
- }
- #---------SVC4554------------------------------
-# %1 - "Resource"/"Service"
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested artifact doesn't belong to specified %1.",
- messageId: "SVC4554"
- }
-# %1 - "Service name"
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' service is not ready for certification. Service has to have at least one deployment artifact.",
- messageId: "SVC4554"
- }
-#%1 - "Resource"/"Service"/"Product"
-#%2 - "category"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 %2 name length.",
- messageId: "SVC4555"
- }
-#%1 - "Resource"/"Service"/"Product"
-#%2 - "category"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 %2 name format.",
- messageId: "SVC4556"
- }
-#%1 - "Resource"/"Service"/"Product"
-#%2 - "category name"
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: %1 category name '%2' already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4557"
- }
-# %1 - "service"/"VF"
-# %2 - "Resource name"
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Submit for Testing is not permitted as your '%1' includes non-validated '%2' resource.",
- messageId: "SVC4558"
- }
-# %1 - "service"/"VF"
-# %2 - "Resource name"
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Submit for Testing is not permitted as your '%1' includes non-validated '%2' resource. Please use already available validated resource version.",
- messageId: "SVC4559"
- }
-# %1 - "service"/"VF"
-# %2 - "Resource name"
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Submit for Testing is not permitted as your '%1' includes non-validated '%2' resource. Please use one of available validated resource versions.",
- messageId: "SVC4560"
- }
-# %1 - "resource"/"product"
-# %2 - "category"
-# %3 - "category name"
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested %1 %2 '%3' was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4561"
- }
-# %1 - "Resource"/"Product"
-# %2 - "sub-category name"
-# %3 - "category name"
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: %1 sub-category '%2' already exists under '%3' category.",
- messageId: "SVC4562"
- }
-# %1 - "Product"
-# %2 - "grouping name"
-# %3 - "sub-category name"
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: %1 grouping '%2' already exists under '%3' sub-category.",
- messageId: "SVC4563"
- }
-# %1 - product name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' product was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4564"
- }
-# %1 - "HEAT"
-# %2 - parameter type ("string" , "boolean" , "number")
-# %3 - parameter name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 artifact. Invalid %2 value set for '%3' parameter.",
- messageId: "SVC4565"
- }
-# %1 - "HEAT"
-# %2 - parameter type ("string" , "boolean" , "number")
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid %1 artifact. Unsupported '%2' parameter type.",
- messageId: "SVC4566"
- }
-# %1 - "YANG_XML"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Uploaded XML file for %1 artifact is invalid.",
- messageId: "SVC4567"
- }
-# %1 - "User Name and UserId"
-# %2 -"checked-out"/"in-certification"
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: User cannot be deleted. User '%1' has %2 projects.",
- messageId: "SVC4567"
- }
-# %1 - "User Name and UserId"
-# %2 -"checked-out"/"in-certification"
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Role cannot be changed. User '%1' has %2 projects.",
- messageId: "SVC4568"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: An administrator is not allowed to change his/her role.",
- messageId: "SVC4570"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Sub category cannot be defined for service",
- messageId: "SVC4571"
- }
-# %1 - "Resource"/"Service"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: %1 must have only 1 category",
- messageId: "SVC4572"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Resource must have only 1 sub category",
- messageId: "SVC4574"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Missing sub category",
- messageId: "SVC4575"
- }
- #---------SVC4576------------------------------
-# %1 - "component type"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error : Requested component type %1 is unsupported.",
- messageId: "SVC4576"
- }
- #---------SVC4577------------------------------
-# %1 - "resource type"
- code: 409,
- message: "Error : Resource of type %1 cannot contain resource instances.",
- messageId: "SVC4577"
- }
-# %1 - "Resource"/"Service"
-# %2 - resource/service name
-# %3 - "artifact name"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: %1 '%2' already has a deployment artifact named '%3'.",
- messageId: "SVC4578"
- }
-# %1 - "Category"/"Sub-Category"/"Group"
-# %2 - category/sub-category/grouping name.
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid group association. %1 '%2' was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4579"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content. At least one Product Contact has to be specified.",
- messageId: "SVC4580"
- }
-# %1 - UserId
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content. User '%1' cannot be set as Product Contact.",
- messageId: "SVC4581"
- }
-# %1 - Product
-# %2 - "abbreviated"/"full"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content. Missing %1 %2 name.",
- messageId: "SVC4582"
- }
-# %1 - "Icon"
-# %2 - "resource"/"service"/"product"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: %1 cannot be changed once the %2 is certified.",
- messageId: "SVC4583"
- }
-# %1 - service/VF name
-# %2 - "service" /"VF"
-# %3 - resource instance origin type
-# %4 - resource instance name
-# %5 - requirement/capability
-# %6 - requirement/capability name
-# %7 - "fulfilled" (for req)/"consumed (for cap)"
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 is not ready for certification. %3 '%4' has to have %5 '%6' %7.",
- messageId: "SVC4584"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid occurrences format.",
- messageId: "SVC4585"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Service API URL. Please check whether your URL has a valid domain extension and does not contain the following characters - #?&@%+;,=$<>~^`\[]{}|"*!',
- messageId: "SVC4586"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 409,
- message: 'Error: Data type %1 already exists.',
- messageId: "SVC4587"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Data type %1. Data type must have either a valid derived from declaration or at least one valid property',
- messageId: "SVC4588"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Data type %1. 'properties' parameter cannot be empty if provided.",
- messageId: "SVC4589"
- }
-# %1 - Property type name
-# %2 - Property name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Property type %1 in property %2.",
- messageId: "SVC4590"
- }
-# %1 - Property inner type
-# %2 - Property name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid property inner type %1, in property %2",
- messageId: "SVC4591"
- }
-# %1 - component instance name
-# %2 - "resource instance"/"service instance"
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4592"
- }
-# %1 - component instance name
-# %2 - "resource instance"/"service instance"
-# %3 - "resource/"service"/"product"
-# %4 - container name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' %2 was not found on the %3 '%4'.",
- messageId: "SVC4593"
- }
-#%1 - requirement / capability
-#%2 - requirement name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Imported TOSCA template contains more than one %1 named '%2'.",
- messageId: "SVC4594"
- }
-#%1 - requirement / capability
-#%2 - requirement name
-#%3 - parent containing the requirement
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Imported TOSCA template contains %1 '%2' that is already defined by derived template %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4595"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The ancestor data type %1 cannot be found in the system.",
- messageId: "SVC4596"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
-# %2 - Property names
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 contains properties named %2 which are already defined in one of its ancestors.",
- messageId: "SVC4597"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 contains duplicate property.",
- messageId: "SVC4598"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
-# %2 - Property names
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 contains properties %2 which their type is this data type.",
- messageId: "SVC4599"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The data type %1 cannot have properties since it is of type scalar",
- messageId: "SVC4600"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: TOSCA yaml file %1 cannot be modeled to VF as it does not contain 'topology_template.",
- messageId: "SVC4601"
- }
-# %1 - yaml file name
-# %2 - node_template label
-# %3 - node_template type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: TOSCA yaml file '%1' contains node_template '%2' of type '%3' that does not represent existing VFC/CP/VL",
- messageId: "SVC4602"
- }
-# %1 - component type
-# %2 - component name
-# %3 - state
- code: 403,
- message: "Error: Component instance of %1 can not be created because the component '%2' is in an illegal state %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4603"
- }
-# %1 - csar file name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: TOSCA CSAR '%1' is invalid. 'TOSCA-Metadata/Tosca.meta' file must be provided.",
- messageId: "SVC4604"
- }
-# %1 - csar file name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: TOSCA CSAR '%1' is invalid. Invalid 'TOSCA-Metadata/Tosca.meta' file format.",
- messageId: "SVC4605"
- }
-# %1 - property name
-# %2 - property type
-# %3 - property innerType
-# %4 - default value is
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid default value of property %1. Data type is %2 with inner type %3 and default value found is %4.",
- messageId: "SVC4606"
- }
-# %1 - csar file name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: TOSCA CSAR '%1' is not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4607"
- }
-# %1 - artifact name
-# %2 - component type
-# %3 - actual component type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Artifact %1 is only compatible with component of type %2, but component type is %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4608"
- }
-# %1 - "INVALID_JSON"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Uploaded JSON file for %1 artifact is invalid.",
- messageId: "SVC4609"
- }
-# %1 - csar file name
-# %2 - missing file name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error - TOSCA CSAR %1 is invalid. TOSCA-Metadata/Tosca.meta refers to file %2 that is not provided.",
- messageId: "SVC4610"
- }
-# %1 - group name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Group %1 member list was provided but does not have values",
- messageId: "SVC4611"
- }
-# %1 - group name
- code: 409,
- message: 'Error: Group type %1 already exists.',
- messageId: "SVC4612"
- }
-# %1 - group name
-# %2 - VF name(component name)
-# %3 - actual component type [VF]
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Group with name '%1' already exists in %2 %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4613"
- }
-# %1 - group type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid content. Group type %1 does not exist",
- messageId: "SVC4614"
- }
-# %1 - group name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Missing Group Type for group '%1'",
- messageId: "SVC4615"
- }
-# %1 - member name
-# %2 - group name
-# %3 - VF name
-# %4 - component type [VF ]
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Member '%1' listed in group '%2' is not part of '%3' %4.",
- messageId: "SVC4616"
- }
-# %1 - member name
-# %2 - group name
-# %3 - group type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: member %1 listed in group %2 is not part of allowed members of group type %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4617"
- }
-# %1 - missing file name
-# %2 - csar file name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: artifact %1 is defined in CSAR %2 manifest but is not provided",
- messageId: "SVC4618"
- }
-# %1 - artifact name
-# %2 - artifact type
-# %3 - existing artifact type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: artifact %1 in type %2 already exists in type %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4619"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Failed to retrieve list of suported artifact types.",
- messageId: "SVC4620"
- }
-# %1 - artifact name
-# %2 - master
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: artifact %1 already exists in master %2 .",
- messageId: "SVC4621"
- }
-# %1 - artifact name
-# %2 - artifact type
-# %3 - master name
-# %4 - master type
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: artifact %1 in type %2 can not be exists under master %3 in type %4.",
- messageId: "SVC4622"
- }
-# %1 - artifact name
-# %2 - artifact type
-# %3 - env name
-# %4 - existing env
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Artifact %1 in type %2 with env %3 already exists with another env %4",
- messageId: "SVC4623"
- }
-# %1 - groups names
-# %2 - VF name
-# %3 - component type [VF ]
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. The groups '%1' cannot be found under %2 %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4624"
- }
-# %1 - groups name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Artifact already associated to group '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4625"
- }
-# %1 - groups name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Artifact already dissociated from group '%1'.",
- messageId: "SVC4626"
- }
-# %1 - property name
-# %2 - group name
-# %3 - group type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: property %1 listed in group %2 is not exist in group type %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4627"
- }
-# %1 - csarUUID
-# %2 - VF name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: The VSP with UUID %1 was already imported for VF %2. Please select another or update the existing VF.",
- messageId: "SVC4628"
- }
-# %1 - VF name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: The Csar UUID or payload name is missing for VF %1.",
- messageId: "SVC4629"
- }
-# %1 - VF name
-# %2 - new csarUUID
-# %3 - old csarUUID
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Resource %1 cannot be updated using CsarUUID %2 since the resource is linked to a different VSP with csarUUID %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4630"
- }
-# %1 - policy name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Policy type %1 already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4631"
- }
-# %1 - target name
-# %2 - policy type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: target %1 listed in policy type %2 is not a group or resource.",
- messageId: "SVC4632"
- }
-# %1 - policy name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Policy %1 target list was provided but does not have values",
- messageId: "SVC4633"
- }
- code: 500,
- message: "Error: Data types are empty. Please import the data types.",
- messageId: "SVC4634"
- }
-# %1 - csar uuid
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: resource from csar uuid %1 not found",
- messageId: "SVC4635"
- }
-# %1 - Data type name
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Data type %1 cannot be upgraded. The new data type does not contain old properties or the type of one of the properties has been changed.',
- messageId: "SVC4636"
- }
-#%1 - attribute name
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested '%1' attribute was not found.",
- messageId: "SVC4637"
- }
-#%1 - attribute name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Attribute with '%1' name already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4638"
- }
-#%1 - property name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Property with '%1' name and different type already exists.",
- messageId: "SVC4639"
- }
-#%1 - property name
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Invalid property received.",
- messageId: "SVC4640"
- }
-#%1 - invalid filter
-#%2 - valid filters
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: The filter %1 is not applicable. Please use one of the following filters: %2",
- messageId: "SVC4641"
- }
-#%1 - asset type
-#%2 - filter
- code: 404,
- message: "No %1 were found to match criteria %2",
- messageId: "SVC4642"
- }
-# %1 - "Resource"/"Product"
-# %2 - "sub-category name"
-# %3 - "category name"
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: %1 sub-category '%2' not found under category '%3'.",
- messageId: "SVC4643"
- }
-# %1 - Format
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: %1 format is corrupted.",
- messageId: "SVC4644"
- }
-# %1 - "groupType"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid group type '%1' (should be VfModule).",
- messageId: "SVC4645"
- }
-# %1 - "groupName"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. VF Module name '%1' contains invalid characters",
- messageId: "SVC4646"
- }
-# %1 - "modifiedName"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid VF Module name modification, can not modify '%1'",
- messageId: "SVC4647"
- }
-# %1 - "inputId"
-# %2 - "componentId"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Input id: '%1' is not child of component id: '%2'",
- messageId: "SVC4648"
- }
-# %1 - "groupName"
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: The group '%1' has cyclic dependency",
- messageId: "SVC4649"
- }
-# %1 - "Component Type"
-# %2 - <ServiceName>
-# %3 - error description
- code: 500,
- message: "Error: %1 %2 automatic generation of artifacts failed. Description: %3",
- messageId: "SVC4650"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Once resource is certified, derived_from can be changed only to a sibling",
- messageId: "SVC4651"
- }
-# %1 - resource/service
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Invalid %1 sub category.",
- messageId: "SVC4652"
- }
-# %1 - group instance uniqueId
-# %2 - service uniqueId
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested group instance %1 was not found on component %2.",
- messageId: "SVC4653"
- }
-# %1 - group property name
-# %2 - valid min limit value
-# %3 - valid max limit value
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Value of %1 must be not higher than %2, and not lower than %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4654"
- }
-# %1 - group property name
-# %2 - valid min limit value
-# %3 - valid max limit value
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Value of %1 must be between %2 and %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4655"
- }
-# %1 - group property name
-# %2 - lower/higher
-# %3 - valid max/min value
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Value of %1 must be %2 or equals to %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4656"
- }
-# %1 - certificationRequest / startTesting
- code: 400,
- message: "Error - Lifecycle state %1 is not valid for resource of type VFCMT",
- messageId: "SVC4657"
- }
-# %1 – asset type [service / resource ]
-# %2 – main asset uuid
-# %3 – not found asset type [service / resource]
-# %4 – not found asset name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed for %1 %2. %3 %4 was not found",
- messageId: "SVC4658"
- }
-# %1 – asset type [service / resource ]
-# %2 – main asset uuid
-# %3 – Artifact name
-# %4 – Artifact uuid
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed for %1 %2. Artifact %3 [%4] was not found",
- messageId: "SVC4659"
- }
-# %1 - assetType
-# %2 - matching generic node type name
- code: 404,
- message: "Creation of %1 failed. Generic type %2 was not found",
- messageId: "SVC4660"
- }
-# %1 - assetType
-# %2 - matching generic node type name
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed. TOSCA schema files for SDC-Version: %1 and Conformance-Level %2 were not found",
- messageId: "SVC4661"
- }
-# %1 - file name
-# %2 - parser error
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid TOSCA template in file %1. %2",
- messageId: "SVC4662"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Resource vendor model number exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4663"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Resource vendor model number is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.',
- messageId: "SVC4664"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Service type exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4665"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Serivce type is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.',
- messageId: "SVC4666"
- }
-# %1 - max length
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid Content. Service role exceeds limit of %1 characters.",
- messageId: "SVC4667"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: Invalid Content. Service role is not allowed to contain characters like <>:"\/|?* and space characters other than regular space.',
- messageId: "SVC4668"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Invalid resource type.",
- messageId: "SVC4669"
- }
- code: 400,
- message: "Error: Artifact name is invalid.",
- messageId: "SVC4670"
- }
-# %1 - VSP name
-# %2 - VFC name
- code: 400,
- message: 'Error: VSP %1 cannot be imported. The VSP contains internal loop in VFC %2',
- messageId: "SVC4671"
- }
-# %1 - capability uniqueId
-# %2 - instance uniqueId
-# %3 - container uniqueId
- code: 404,
- message: "Error: Requested capability %1 of instance %2 was not found on the container %3.",
- messageId: "SVC4672"
- }
- code: 409,
- message: "Error: Invalid service state. Expected state: %1, actual state: %2",
- messageId: "SVC4673"
- }
- code: 502,
- message: "Error: The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server",
- messageId: "SVC4674"
- } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/neo4j-errors-configuration.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/neo4j-errors-configuration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a0d6dbfd4..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/neo4j-errors-configuration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Errors
- Neo_ClientError_General_ReadOnly: "This is a read only database, writing or modifying the database is not allowed."
- Neo_ClientError_LegacyIndex_NoSuchIndex: "The request (directly or indirectly) referred to a index that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Request_Invalid: "The client provided an invalid Request."
- Neo_ClientError_Request_InvalidFormat: "The client provided a request that was missing required fields, or had values that are not allowed."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_ConstraintAlreadyExists: "Unable to perform operation because it would clash with a pre-existing constraint."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_ConstraintVerificationFailure: "Unable to create constraint because data that exists in the database violates it."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_ConstraintViolation: "A constraint imposed by the database was violated."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_IllegalTokenName: "A token name, such as a label, relationship type or property key, used is not valid. Tokens cannot be empty strings and cannot be null."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_IndexAlreadyExists: "Unable to perform operation because it would clash with a pre-existing index."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_IndexBelongsToConstraint: "A requested operation can not be performed on the specified index because the index is part of a constraint. If you want to drop the index, for instance, you must drop the constraint."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_IndexLimitReached: "The maximum number of index entries supported has been reached, no more entities can be indexed."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_LabelLimitReached: "The maximum number of labels supported has been reached, no more labels can be created."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_NoSuchConstraint: "The request (directly or indirectly) referred to a constraint that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Schema_NoSuchIndex: "The request (directly or indirectly) referred to an index that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Security_AuthenticationFailed: "The client provided an incorrect username and/or password."
- Neo_ClientError_Security_AuthenticationRateLimit: "The client has provided incorrect authentication details too many times in a row."
- Neo_ClientError_Security_AuthorizationFailed: "The client does not have privileges to perform the operation requested."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_ArithmeticError: "Invalid use of arithmetic, such as dividing by zero."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_ConstraintViolation: "A constraint imposed by the statement is violated by the data in the database."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_EntityNotFound: "The statement is directly referring to an entity that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_InvalidArguments: "The statement is attempting to perform operations using invalid arguments"
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_InvalidSemantics: "The statement is syntactically valid, but expresses something that the database cannot do."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_InvalidSyntax: "The statement contains invalid or unsupported syntax."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_InvalidType: "The statement is attempting to perform operations on values with types that are not supported by the operation."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_NoSuchLabel: "The statement is referring to a label that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_NoSuchProperty: "The statement is referring to a property that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Statement_ParameterMissing: "The statement is referring to a parameter that was not provided in the Request."
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_ConcurrentRequest: "There were concurrent requests accessing the same transaction, which is not allowed."
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_EventHandlerThrewException: "A transaction event handler threw an exception. The transaction will be rolled back."
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_HookFailed: "Transaction hook failure."
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_InvalidType: "The transaction is of the wrong type to service the Request_ For instance, a transaction that has had schema modifications performed in it cannot be used to subsequently perform data operations, and vice versa."
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_MarkedAsFailed: "Transaction was marked as both successful and failed. Failure takes precedence and so this transaction was rolled back although it may have looked like it was going to be committed"
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_UnknownId: "The request referred to a transaction that does not exist."
- Neo_ClientError_Transaction_ValidationFailed: "Transaction changes did not pass validation checks"
- Neo_DatabaseError_General_CorruptSchemaRule: "A malformed schema rule was encountered. Please contact your support representative."
- Neo_DatabaseError_General_FailedIndex: "The request (directly or indirectly) referred to an index that is in a failed state. The index needs to be dropped and recreated manually."
- Neo_DatabaseError_General_UnknownFailure: "An unknown failure occurred."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_ConstraintCreationFailure: "Creating a requested constraint failed."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_ConstraintDropFailure: "The database failed to drop a requested constraint."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_IndexCreationFailure: "Failed to create an index."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_IndexDropFailure: "The database failed to drop a requested index."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_NoSuchLabel: "The request accessed a label that did not exist."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_NoSuchPropertyKey: "The request accessed a property that does not exist."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_NoSuchRelationshipType: "The request accessed a relationship type that does not exist."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Schema_NoSuchSchemaRule: "The request referred to a schema rule that does not exist."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Statement_ExecutionFailure: "The database was unable to execute the Statement."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Transaction_CouldNotBegin: "The database was unable to start the Transaction."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Transaction_CouldNotCommit: "The database was unable to commit the Transaction."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Transaction_CouldNotRollback: "The database was unable to roll back the Transaction."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Transaction_CouldNotWriteToLog: "The database was unable to write transaction to log."
- Neo_DatabaseError_Transaction_ReleaseLocksFailed: "The transaction was unable to release one or more of its locks."
- Neo_TransientError_General_DatabaseUnavailable: "The database is not currently available to serve your request, refer to the database logs for more details. Retrying your request at a later time may succeed."
- Neo_TransientError_Network_UnknownFailure: "An unknown network failure occurred, a retry may resolve the issue."
- Neo_TransientError_Schema_ModifiedConcurrently: "The database schema was modified while this transaction was running, the transaction should be retried."
- Neo_TransientError_Security_ModifiedConcurrently: "The user was modified concurrently to this Request."
- Neo_TransientError_Statement_ExternalResourceFailure: "The external resource is not available"
- Neo_TransientError_Transaction_AcquireLockTimeout: "The transaction was unable to acquire a lock, for instance due to a timeout or the transaction thread being interrupted."
- Neo_TransientError_Transaction_DeadlockDetected: "This transaction, and at least one more transaction, has acquired locks in a way that it will wait indefinitely, and the database has aborted it. Retrying this transaction will most likely be successful." \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/users-configuration.yaml b/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/users-configuration.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c23653f0..0000000000
--- a/test-apis-ci/src/test/resources/config/test-apis-ci/users-configuration.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- ci: 2a1f887d607d4515d4066fe0f5452a50:0a0dc557c3bf594b1a48030e3e99227580168b21f44e285c69740b8d5b13e33b \ No newline at end of file