path: root/catalog-ui/src/typings/angular-ui-bootstrap
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1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/src/typings/angular-ui-bootstrap/angular-ui-bootstrap.d.ts b/catalog-ui/src/typings/angular-ui-bootstrap/angular-ui-bootstrap.d.ts
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+++ b/catalog-ui/src/typings/angular-ui-bootstrap/angular-ui-bootstrap.d.ts
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * SDC
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+// Type definitions for Angular UI Bootstrap 0.11.0
+// Project:
+// Definitions by: Brian Surowiec <>
+// Definitions:
+/// <reference path="../angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
+declare module angular.ui.bootstrap {
+ interface IAccordionConfig {
+ /**
+ * Controls whether expanding an item will cause the other items to close.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ closeOthers?: boolean;
+ }
+ interface IButtonConfig {
+ /**
+ * @default: 'active'
+ */
+ activeClass?: string;
+ /**
+ * @default: 'Click'
+ */
+ toggleEvent?: string;
+ }
+ interface IDatepickerConfig {
+ /**
+ * Format of day in month.
+ *
+ * @default 'dd'
+ */
+ dayFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * Format of month in year.
+ *
+ * @default 'MMM'
+ */
+ monthFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * Format of year in year range.
+ *
+ * @default 'yyyy'
+ */
+ yearFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * Format of day in week header.
+ *
+ * @default 'EEE'
+ */
+ dayHeaderFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * Format of title when selecting day.
+ *
+ * @default 'MMM yyyy'
+ */
+ dayTitleFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * Format of title when selecting month.
+ *
+ * @default 'yyyy'
+ */
+ monthTitleFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * Whether to display week numbers.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ showWeeks?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Starting day of the week from 0-6 where 0=Sunday and 6=Saturday.
+ *
+ * @default 0
+ */
+ startingDay?: number;
+ /**
+ * Number of years displayed in year selection.
+ *
+ * @default 20
+ */
+ yearRange?: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the minimum available date.
+ *
+ * @default null
+ */
+ minDate?: any;
+ /**
+ * Defines the maximum available date.
+ *
+ * @default null
+ */
+ maxDate?: any;
+ }
+ interface IDatepickerPopupConfig {
+ /**
+ * The format for displayed dates.
+ *
+ * @default 'yyyy-MM-dd'
+ */
+ dateFormat?: string;
+ /**
+ * The text to display for the current day button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Today'
+ */
+ currentText?: string;
+ /**
+ * The text to display for the toggling week numbers button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Weeks'
+ */
+ toggleWeeksText?: string;
+ /**
+ * The text to display for the clear button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Clear'
+ */
+ clearText?: string;
+ /**
+ * The text to display for the close button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Done'
+ */
+ closeText?: string;
+ /**
+ * Whether to close calendar when a date is chosen.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ closeOnDateSelection?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Append the datepicker popup element to `body`, rather than inserting after `datepicker-popup`.
+ *
+ * @default false
+ */
+ appendToBody?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether to display a button bar underneath the datepicker.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ showButtonBar?: boolean;
+ }
+ interface IModalService {
+ /**
+ * @param {IModalSettings} options
+ * @returns {IModalServiceInstance}
+ */
+ open(options: IModalSettings): IModalServiceInstance;
+ }
+ interface IModalServiceInstance {
+ /**
+ * a method that can be used to close a modal, passing a result
+ */
+ close(result?: any): void;
+ /**
+ * a method that can be used to dismiss a modal, passing a reason
+ */
+ dismiss(reason?: any): void;
+ /**
+ * a promise that is resolved when a modal is closed and rejected when a modal is dismissed
+ */
+ result: angular.IPromise<any>;
+ /**
+ * a promise that is resolved when a modal gets opened after downloading content's template and resolving all variables
+ */
+ opened: angular.IPromise<any>;
+ }
+ interface IModalScope extends angular.IScope {
+ /**
+ * Those methods make it easy to close a modal window without a need to create a dedicated controller
+ */
+ /**
+ * Dismiss the dialog without assigning a value to the promise output
+ */
+ $dismiss(reason?: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Close the dialog resolving the promise to the given value
+ */
+ $close(result?: any): void;
+ }
+ interface IModalSettings {
+ /**
+ * a path to a template representing modal's content
+ */
+ templateUrl?: string;
+ /**
+ * inline template representing the modal's content
+ */
+ template?: string;
+ /**
+ * a scope instance to be used for the modal's content (actually the $modal service is going to create a child scope of a provided scope).
+ * Defaults to `$rootScope`.
+ */
+ scope?: angular.IScope|IModalScope;
+ /**
+ * a controller for a modal instance - it can initialize scope used by modal.
+ * A controller can be injected with `$uibModalInstance`
+ */
+ controller?: any;
+ /**
+ * an alternative to the controller-as syntax, matching the API of directive definitions.
+ * Requires the controller option to be provided as well
+ */
+ controllerAs?: string;
+ /**
+ * members that will be resolved and passed to the controller as locals; it is equivalent of the `resolve` property for AngularJS routes
+ */
+ resolve?: any;
+ /**
+ * controls the presence of a backdrop
+ * Allowed values:
+ * - true (default)
+ * - false (no backdrop)
+ * - 'static' backdrop is present but modal window is not closed when clicking outside of the modal window
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ backdrop?: any;
+ /**
+ * indicates whether the dialog should be closable by hitting the ESC key, defaults to true
+ */
+ keyboard?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * additional CSS class(es) to be added to a modal window template
+ */
+ windowClass?: string;
+ /**
+ * optional size of modal window. Allowed values: 'sm' (small) or 'lg' (large). Requires Bootstrap 3.1.0 or later
+ */
+ size?: string;
+ /**
+ * a path to a template overriding modal's window template
+ */
+ windowTemplateUrl?: string;
+ }
+ interface IModalStackService {
+ /**
+ * Opens a new modal instance.
+ */
+ open(modalInstance: IModalServiceInstance, modal: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Closes a modal instance with an optional result.
+ */
+ close(modalInstance: IModalServiceInstance, result?: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Dismisses a modal instance with an optional reason.
+ */
+ dismiss(modalInstance: IModalServiceInstance, reason?: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Dismiss all open modal instances with an optional reason that will be passed to each instance.
+ */
+ dismissAll(reason?: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Gets the topmost modal instance that is open.
+ */
+ getTop(): IModalStackedMapKeyValuePair;
+ }
+ interface IModalStackedMapKeyValuePair {
+ key: IModalServiceInstance;
+ value: any;
+ }
+ interface IPaginationConfig {
+ /**
+ * Current page number. First page is 1.
+ */
+ page?: number;
+ /**
+ * Total number of items in all pages.
+ */
+ totalItems?: number;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of items per page. A value less than one indicates all items on one page.
+ *
+ * @default 10
+ */
+ itemsPerPage?: number;
+ /**
+ * Limit number for pagination size.
+ *
+ * @default: null
+ */
+ maxSize?: number;
+ /**
+ * An optional expression assigned the total number of pages to display.
+ *
+ * @default angular.noop
+ */
+ numPages?: number;
+ /**
+ * Whether to keep current page in the middle of the visible ones.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ rotate?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * An optional expression called when a page is selected having the page number as argument.
+ *
+ * @default null
+ */
+ onSelectPage?(page: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Whether to display Previous / Next buttons.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ directionLinks?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Text for Previous button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Previous'
+ */
+ previousText?: string;
+ /**
+ * Text for Next button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Next'
+ */
+ nextText?: string;
+ /**
+ * Whether to display First / Last buttons.
+ *
+ * @default false
+ */
+ boundaryLinks?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Text for First button.
+ *
+ * @default 'First'
+ */
+ firstText?: string;
+ /**
+ * Text for Last button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Last'
+ */
+ lastText?: string;
+ }
+ interface IPagerConfig {
+ /**
+ * Whether to align each link to the sides.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ align?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Current page number. First page is 1.
+ */
+ page?: number;
+ /**
+ * Total number of items in all pages.
+ */
+ totalItems?: number;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of items per page. A value less than one indicates all items on one page.
+ *
+ * @default 10
+ */
+ itemsPerPage?: number;
+ /**
+ * An optional expression assigned the total number of pages to display.
+ *
+ * @default angular.noop
+ */
+ numPages?: number;
+ /**
+ * An optional expression called when a page is selected having the page number as argument.
+ *
+ * @default null
+ */
+ onSelectPage?(page: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Text for Previous button.
+ *
+ * @default '« Previous'
+ */
+ previousText?: string;
+ /**
+ * Text for Next button.
+ *
+ * @default 'Next »'
+ */
+ nextText?: string;
+ }
+ interface IPositionCoordinates {
+ width?: number;
+ height?: number;
+ top?: number;
+ left?: number;
+ }
+ interface IPositionService {
+ /**
+ * Provides a read-only equivalent of jQuery's position function.
+ */
+ position(element: JQuery): IPositionCoordinates;
+ /**
+ * Provides a read-only equivalent of jQuery's offset function.
+ */
+ offset(element: JQuery): IPositionCoordinates;
+ }
+ interface IProgressConfig {
+ /**
+ * Whether bars use transitions to achieve the width change.
+ *
+ * @default: true
+ */
+ animate?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * A number that specifies the total value of bars that is required.
+ *
+ * @default: 100
+ */
+ max?: number;
+ }
+ interface IRatingConfig {
+ /**
+ * Changes the number of icons.
+ *
+ * @default: 5
+ */
+ max?: number;
+ /**
+ * A variable used in the template to specify the state for selected icons.
+ *
+ * @default: null
+ */
+ stateOn?: string;
+ /**
+ * A variable used in the template to specify the state for unselected icons.
+ *
+ * @default: null
+ */
+ stateOff?: string;
+ }
+ interface ITimepickerConfig {
+ /**
+ * Number of hours to increase or decrease when using a button.
+ *
+ * @default 1
+ */
+ hourStep?: number;
+ /**
+ * Number of minutes to increase or decrease when using a button.
+ *
+ * @default 1
+ */
+ minuteStep?: number;
+ /**
+ * Whether to display 12H or 24H mode.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ showMeridian?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Meridian labels based on locale. To override you must supply an array like ['AM', 'PM'].
+ *
+ * @default null
+ */
+ meridians?: Array<string>;
+ /**
+ * Whether the user can type inside the hours & minutes input.
+ *
+ * @default false
+ */
+ readonlyInput?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether the user can scroll inside the hours & minutes input to increase or decrease it's values.
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ mousewheel?: boolean;
+ }
+ interface ITooltipOptions {
+ /**
+ * Where to place it? Defaults to 'top', but also accepts 'right', 'bottom', or 'left'.
+ *
+ * @default 'top'
+ */
+ placement?: string;
+ /**
+ * Should it fade in and out?
+ *
+ * @default true
+ */
+ animation?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * For how long should the user have to have the mouse over the element before the tooltip shows (in milliseconds)?
+ *
+ * @default 0
+ */
+ popupDelay?: number;
+ /**
+ * Should the tooltip be appended to `$body` instead of the parent element?
+ *
+ * @default false
+ */
+ appendtoBody?: boolean;
+ }
+ interface ITooltipProvider {
+ /**
+ * Provide a set of defaults for certain tooltip and popover attributes.
+ */
+ options(value: ITooltipOptions): void;
+ /**
+ * Extends the default trigger mappings with mappings of your own. E.g. `{ 'openTrigger': 'closeTrigger' }`.
+ */
+ setTriggers(triggers: Object): void;
+ }
+ interface ITransitionService {
+ /**
+ * The browser specific animation event name.
+ */
+ animationEndEventName: string;
+ /**
+ * The browser specific transition event name.
+ */
+ transitionEndEventName: string;
+ /**
+ * Provides a consistent interface to trigger CSS 3 transitions and to be informed when they complete.
+ *
+ * @param element The DOMElement that will be animated
+ * @param trigger The thing that will cause the transition to start:
+ * - As a string, it represents the css class to be added to the element.
+ * - As an object, it represents a hash of style attributes to be applied to the element.
+ * - As a function, it represents a function to be called that will cause the transition to occur.
+ * @param options Optional settings for the transition.
+ *
+ * @return A promise that is resolved when the transition finishes.
+ */
+ (element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery, trigger: any, options?: ITransitionServiceOptions): angular.IPromise<angular.IAugmentedJQuery>;
+ }
+ interface ITransitionServiceOptions {
+ animation?: boolean;
+ }