path: root/catalog-ui/src/app/view-models/workspace/tabs/general/general-view-model.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-ui/src/app/view-models/workspace/tabs/general/general-view-model.ts')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/src/app/view-models/workspace/tabs/general/general-view-model.ts b/catalog-ui/src/app/view-models/workspace/tabs/general/general-view-model.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44953985fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-ui/src/app/view-models/workspace/tabs/general/general-view-model.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+'use strict';
+import {ModalsHandler, ValidationUtils, EVENTS, CHANGE_COMPONENT_CSAR_VERSION_FLAG, ComponentType, DEFAULT_ICON,
+ ResourceType} from "app/utils";
+import {CacheService, EventListenerService, ProgressService} from "app/services";
+import {IAppConfigurtaion, Product, IValidate, IMainCategory, Resource, ISubCategory,Service} from "app/models";
+import {IWorkspaceViewModelScope} from "app/view-models/workspace/workspace-view-model";
+export class Validation {
+ componentNameValidationPattern:RegExp;
+ contactIdValidationPattern:RegExp;
+ tagValidationPattern:RegExp;
+ vendorValidationPattern:RegExp;
+ commentValidationPattern:RegExp;
+ projectCodeValidationPattern:RegExp;
+export class componentCategories {//categories field bind to this obj in order to solve this bug: DE242059
+ selectedCategory:string;
+export interface IGeneralScope extends IWorkspaceViewModelScope {
+ validation:Validation;
+ editForm:ng.IFormController;
+ categories:Array<IMainCategory>;
+ latestCategoryId:string;
+ latestVendorName:string;
+ importedFileExtension:any;
+ isCreate:boolean;
+ isShowFileBrowse:boolean;
+ isShowOnboardingSelectionBrowse:boolean;
+ importedToscaBrowseFileText:string;
+ importCsarProgressKey:string;
+ browseFileLabel:string;
+ componentCategories:componentCategories;
+ onToscaFileChange():void
+ validateField(field:any):boolean;
+ validateName(isInit:boolean):void;
+ calculateUnique(mainCategory:string, subCategory:string):string; // Build unique string from main and sub category
+ onVendorNameChange(oldVendorName:string):void;
+ convertCategoryStringToOneArray(category:string, subcategory:string):Array<IMainCategory>;
+ onCategoryChange():void;
+ onEcompGeneratedNamingChange():void;
+ openOnBoardingModal():void;
+ initCategoreis():void;
+export class GeneralViewModel {
+ static '$inject' = [
+ '$scope',
+ 'Sdc.Services.CacheService',
+ 'ComponentNameValidationPattern',
+ 'ContactIdValidationPattern',
+ 'TagValidationPattern',
+ 'VendorValidationPattern',
+ 'CommentValidationPattern',
+ 'ValidationUtils',
+ 'sdcConfig',
+ 'ProjectCodeValidationPattern',
+ '$state',
+ 'ModalsHandler',
+ 'EventListenerService',
+ 'Notification',
+ 'Sdc.Services.ProgressService',
+ '$interval',
+ '$filter',
+ '$timeout'
+ ];
+ constructor(private $scope:IGeneralScope,
+ private cacheService:CacheService,
+ private ComponentNameValidationPattern:RegExp,
+ private ContactIdValidationPattern:RegExp,
+ private TagValidationPattern:RegExp,
+ private VendorValidationPattern:RegExp,
+ private CommentValidationPattern:RegExp,
+ private ValidationUtils:ValidationUtils,
+ private sdcConfig:IAppConfigurtaion,
+ private ProjectCodeValidationPattern:RegExp,
+ private $state:ng.ui.IStateService,
+ private ModalsHandler:ModalsHandler,
+ private EventListenerService:EventListenerService,
+ private Notification:any,
+ private progressService:ProgressService,
+ protected $interval:any,
+ private $filter:ng.IFilterService,
+ private $timeout:ng.ITimeoutService) {
+ this.initScopeValidation();
+ this.initScopeMethods();
+ this.initScope();
+ this.$scope.updateSelectedMenuItem();
+ }
+ private initScopeValidation = ():void => {
+ this.$scope.validation = new Validation();
+ this.$scope.validation.componentNameValidationPattern = this.ComponentNameValidationPattern;
+ this.$scope.validation.contactIdValidationPattern = this.ContactIdValidationPattern;
+ this.$scope.validation.tagValidationPattern = this.TagValidationPattern;
+ this.$scope.validation.vendorValidationPattern = this.VendorValidationPattern;
+ this.$scope.validation.commentValidationPattern = this.CommentValidationPattern;
+ this.$scope.validation.projectCodeValidationPattern = this.ProjectCodeValidationPattern;
+ };
+ private initScope = ():void => {
+ // Work around to change the csar version
+ if (this.cacheService.get(CHANGE_COMPONENT_CSAR_VERSION_FLAG)) {
+ (<Resource>this.$scope.component).csarVersion = this.cacheService.get(CHANGE_COMPONENT_CSAR_VERSION_FLAG);
+ }
+ this.$scope.importedToscaBrowseFileText = this.$ + " (" + (<Resource>this.$scope.component).csarVersion + ")";
+ this.$scope.importCsarProgressKey = "importCsarProgressKey";
+ this.$scope.browseFileLabel = this.$scope.component.isResource() && (<Resource>this.$scope.component).resourceType === ResourceType.VF ? "Upload file" : "Upload VFC";
+ this.$scope.progressService = this.progressService;
+ this.$scope.componentCategories = new componentCategories();
+ this.$scope.componentCategories.selectedCategory = this.$scope.component.selectedCategory;
+ // Workaround to short vendor name to 25 chars
+ // Amdocs send 27 chars, and the validation pattern is 25 chars.
+ if (this.$scope.component.vendorName) {
+ this.$scope.component.vendorName = this.$scope.component.vendorName.substr(0, 25);
+ }
+ // Init UIModel
+ this.$scope.component.tags = _.without(this.$scope.component.tags, this.$;
+ // Init categories
+ this.$scope.initCategoreis();
+ // Init the decision if to show file browse.
+ this.$scope.isShowFileBrowse = false;
+ if (this.$scope.component.isResource()) {
+ let resource:Resource = <Resource>this.$scope.component;
+ console.log( + ": " + resource.csarUUID);
+ if (resource.importedFile) { // Component has imported file.
+ this.$scope.isShowFileBrowse = true;
+ }
+ if (this.$scope.isEditMode() && resource.resourceType == ResourceType.VF && !resource.csarUUID) {
+ this.$scope.isShowFileBrowse = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ // Init the decision if to show onboarding
+ this.$scope.isShowOnboardingSelectionBrowse = false;
+ if (this.$scope.component.isResource() &&
+ this.$scope.isEditMode() &&
+ (<Resource>this.$scope.component).resourceType == ResourceType.VF &&
+ (<Resource>this.$scope.component).csarUUID) {
+ this.$scope.isShowOnboardingSelectionBrowse = true;
+ }
+ //init file extensions based on the file that was imported.
+ if (this.$scope.component.isResource() && (<Resource>this.$scope.component).importedFile) {
+ let fileName:string = (<Resource>this.$scope.component).importedFile.filename;
+ let fileExtension:string = fileName.split(".").pop();
+ if (this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension.indexOf(fileExtension.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
+ this.$scope.importedFileExtension = this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension;
+ (<Resource>this.$scope.component).importedFile.filetype = "csar";
+ } else if (this.sdcConfig.toscaFileExtension.indexOf(fileExtension.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
+ (<Resource>this.$scope.component).importedFile.filetype = "yaml";
+ this.$scope.importedFileExtension = this.sdcConfig.toscaFileExtension;
+ }
+ } else if (this.$scope.isEditMode() && (<Resource>this.$scope.component).resourceType === ResourceType.VF) {
+ this.$scope.importedFileExtension = this.sdcConfig.csarFileExtension;
+ //(<Resource>this.$scope.component).importedFile.filetype="csar";
+ }
+ this.$scope.setValidState(true);
+ this.$scope.calculateUnique = (mainCategory:string, subCategory:string):string => {
+ let uniqueId:string = mainCategory;
+ if (subCategory) {
+ uniqueId += "_#_" + subCategory; // Set the select category combobox to show the selected category.
+ }
+ return uniqueId;
+ };
+ //TODO remove this after handling contact in UI
+ if (this.$scope.component.isProduct() && this.$scope.isCreateMode()) {
+ (<Product>this.$scope.component).contacts = [];
+ (<Product>this.$scope.component).contacts.push(this.cacheService.get("user").userId);
+ } else if (this.$scope.isCreateMode()) {
+ this.$scope.component.contactId = this.cacheService.get("user").userId;
+ }
+ };
+ // Convert category string MainCategory_#_SubCategory to Array with one item (like the server except)
+ private convertCategoryStringToOneArray = ():Array<IMainCategory> => {
+ let tmp = this.$scope.component.selectedCategory.split("_#_");
+ let mainCategory = tmp[0];
+ let subCategory = tmp[1];
+ // Find the selected category and add the relevant sub category.
+ let selectedMainCategory:IMainCategory = <IMainCategory>_.find(this.$scope.categories, function (item) {
+ return item["name"] === mainCategory;
+ });
+ let mainCategoryClone = angular.copy(selectedMainCategory);
+ if (subCategory) {
+ let selectedSubcategory = <ISubCategory>_.find(selectedMainCategory.subcategories, function (item) {
+ return item["name"] === subCategory;
+ });
+ mainCategoryClone['subcategories'] = [angular.copy(selectedSubcategory)];
+ }
+ let tmpSelected = <IMainCategory> mainCategoryClone;
+ let result:Array<IMainCategory> = [];
+ result.push(tmpSelected);
+ return result;
+ };
+ private updateComponentNameInBreadcrumbs = ():void => {
+ //update breadcrum after changing name
+ this.$scope.breadcrumbsModel[1].updateSelectedMenuItemText(this.$scope.component.getComponentSubType() + ': ' + this.$;
+ this.$scope.updateMenuComponentName(this.$;
+ };
+ private initScopeMethods = ():void => {
+ this.$scope.initCategoreis = ():void => {
+ if (this.$scope.componentType === ComponentType.RESOURCE) {
+ this.$scope.categories = this.cacheService.get('resourceCategories');
+ }
+ if (this.$scope.componentType === ComponentType.SERVICE) {
+ this.$scope.categories = this.cacheService.get('serviceCategories');
+ }
+ };
+ this.$scope.validateField = (field:any):boolean => {
+ if (field && field.$dirty && field.$invalid) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ this.$scope.openOnBoardingModal = ():void => {
+ let csarUUID = (<Resource>this.$scope.component).csarUUID;
+ this.ModalsHandler.openOnboadrdingModal('Update', csarUUID).then(()=> {
+ // OK
+ this.$scope.uploadFileChangedInGeneralTab();
+ }, ()=> {
+ // ERROR
+ });
+ };
+ this.$scope.validateName = (isInit:boolean):void => {
+ if (isInit === undefined) {
+ isInit = false;
+ }
+ let name = this.$;
+ if (!name || name === "") {
+ if (this.$scope.editForm
+ && this.$scope.editForm["componentName"]
+ && this.$scope.editForm["componentName"].$error) {
+ // Clear the error name already exists
+ this.$scope.editForm["componentName"].$setValidity('nameExist', true);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //?????????????????????????
+ let subtype:string = ComponentType.RESOURCE == this.$scope.componentType ? this.$scope.component.getComponentSubType() : undefined;
+ let onFailed = (response) => {
+ //'onFaild', response);
+ //this.$scope.isLoading = false;
+ };
+ let onSuccess = (validation:IValidate) => {
+ this.$scope.editForm["componentName"].$setValidity('nameExist', validation.isValid);
+ if (validation.isValid) {
+ //update breadcrumb after changing name
+ this.updateComponentNameInBreadcrumbs();
+ }
+ };
+ if (isInit) {
+ // When page is init after update
+ if (this.$ !== this.$ {
+ if (!(this.$scope.componentType === ComponentType.RESOURCE && (<Resource>this.$scope.component).csarUUID !== undefined)
+ ) {
+ this.$scope.component.validateName(name, subtype).then(onSuccess, onFailed);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Validating on change (has debounce)
+ if (this.$scope.editForm
+ && this.$scope.editForm["componentName"]
+ && this.$scope.editForm["componentName"].$error
+ && !this.$scope.editForm["componentName"].$error.pattern
+ && (!this.$ || this.$ !== this.$
+ ) {
+ if (!(this.$scope.componentType === ComponentType.RESOURCE && (<Resource>this.$scope.component).csarUUID !== undefined)
+ ) {
+ this.$scope.component.validateName(name, subtype).then(onSuccess, onFailed);
+ }
+ } else if (this.$ && this.$ === this.$ {
+ // Clear the error
+ this.$scope.editForm["componentName"].$setValidity('nameExist', true);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.$scope.$watchCollection('', (newData:any):void => {
+ this.$scope.validateName(false);
+ });
+ // Notify the parent if this step valid or not.
+ this.$scope.$watch("editForm.$valid", (newVal, oldVal) => {
+ this.$scope.setValidState(newVal);
+ });
+ this.$scope.$watch("editForm.$dirty", (newVal, oldVal) => {
+ if (newVal !== oldVal) {
+ this.$ = newVal && !this.$scope.isCreateMode();
+ }
+ });
+ this.$scope.onCategoryChange = ():void => {
+ this.$scope.component.selectedCategory = this.$scope.componentCategories.selectedCategory;
+ this.$scope.component.categories = this.convertCategoryStringToOneArray();
+ this.$scope.component.icon = DEFAULT_ICON;
+ };
+ this.$scope.onEcompGeneratedNamingChange = ():void =>{
+ if(!(<Service>this.$scope.component).ecompGeneratedNaming){
+ (<Service>this.$scope.component).namingPolicy = '';
+ }
+ };
+ this.$scope.onVendorNameChange = (oldVendorName:string):void => {
+ if (this.$scope.component.icon === oldVendorName) {
+ this.$scope.component.icon = DEFAULT_ICON;
+ }
+ };
+ };