path: root/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils.ts')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils.ts b/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils.ts
index 79769e21b5..dfde2a40b2 100644
--- a/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils.ts
+++ b/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils.ts
@@ -1,78 +1,154 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { DataTypeModel, PropertyFEModel, PropertyBEModel, InstanceBePropertiesMap, InstanceFePropertiesMap, SchemaProperty, DerivedFEProperty, DerivedFEPropertyMap, DerivedPropertyType, InputFEModel} from "app/models";
import { DataTypeService } from "app/ng2/services/data-type.service";
+import { PropertiesService } from "app/ng2/services/properties.service";
import { PROPERTY_TYPES } from "app/utils";
import { UUID } from "angular2-uuid";
export class PropertiesUtils {
- constructor(private dataTypeService:DataTypeService) {}
+ constructor(private dataTypeService:DataTypeService, private propertiesService: PropertiesService) {}
* Entry point when getting properties from server
- * Returning InstanceFePropertiesMap
+ * For each instance, loop through each property, and:
+ * 1. Create flattened children
+ * 2. Check against inputs to see if any props are declared and disable them
+ * 3. Initialize valueObj (which also creates any new list/map flattened children as needed)
+ * Returns InstanceFePropertiesMap
- public convertPropertiesMapToFEAndCreateChildren = (instancePropertiesMap:InstanceBePropertiesMap): InstanceFePropertiesMap => {
+ public convertPropertiesMapToFEAndCreateChildren = (instancePropertiesMap:InstanceBePropertiesMap, inputs:Array<InputFEModel>): InstanceFePropertiesMap => {
let instanceFePropertiesMap:InstanceFePropertiesMap = new InstanceFePropertiesMap();
angular.forEach(instancePropertiesMap, (properties:Array<PropertyBEModel>, instanceName:string) => {
- instanceFePropertiesMap[instanceName] = this.convertPropertiesToFEAndCreateChildren(properties);
+ let instanceInputs: Array<InputFEModel> = inputs.filter(input => input.instanceName == instanceName.split('.').pop());
+ let propertyFeArray: Array<PropertyFEModel> = [];
+ _.forEach(properties, (property: PropertyBEModel) => {
+ if (!this.dataTypeService.getDataTypeByTypeName(property.type)) { // if type not exist in data types remove property from list
+ console.log("ERROR: missing type " + property.type + " in dataTypes , of property ", property);
+ } else {
+ let newFEProp: PropertyFEModel = new PropertyFEModel(property); //Convert property to FE
+ if (newFEProp.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.COMPLEX) { //Create children if prop is not simple, list, or map.
+ newFEProp.flattenedChildren = this.createFlattenedChildren(newFEProp.type,;
+ }
+ if (instanceInputs.length) { //if this prop (or any children) are declared, set isDeclared and disable checkbox on parents/children
+ instanceInputs.filter(input => input.propertyName == => {
+ newFEProp.setAsDeclared(input.inputPath); //if a path was sent, its a child prop. this param is optional
+ this.propertiesService.disableRelatedProperties(newFEProp, input.inputPath);
+ });
+ }
+ this.initValueObjectRef(newFEProp); //initialize valueObj.
+ propertyFeArray.push(newFEProp);
+ newFEProp.updateExpandedChildPropertyId(; //display only the first level of children
+ }
+ });
+ instanceFePropertiesMap[instanceName] = propertyFeArray;
return instanceFePropertiesMap;
+ private createListOrMapChildrenFromValueObj = (property: PropertyFEModel) => {
+ if ((property.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.LIST || property.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.MAP)
+ && Object.keys(property.valueObj).length) {
- /**
- * Convert the properties Array<PropertyBEModel> to Array<PropertyFEModel>
- */
- private convertPropertiesToFEAndCreateChildren = (properties: Array<PropertyBEModel>): Array<PropertyFEModel> => {
- let propertyFeArray: Array<PropertyFEModel> = [];
- _.forEach(properties, (property: PropertyBEModel, index: number) => {
- //console.log("=======" + + "========");
- if(!this.dataTypeService.getDataTypeByTypeName(property.type)){ // if type not exist in data types remove property from list
- console.log("ERROR: missing type " + property.type + " in dataTypes , of property ",property);
- return;
- }
- let propertyFe:PropertyFEModel = new PropertyFEModel(property);
- if (propertyFe.isDataType) { //prop is not simple, list, or map. Need to create children.
- let tempProps: Array<DerivedFEProperty> = [];
- let dataTypeObj: DataTypeModel = this.dataTypeService.getDataTypeByTypeName(propertyFe.type);
- this.dataTypeService.getDerivedDataTypeProperties(dataTypeObj, tempProps,;
- propertyFe.flattenedChildren = tempProps;
- propertyFe.expandedChildPropertyId =;
- this.initValueObjectRef(propertyFe);
- }
- propertyFeArray.push(propertyFe);
+ Object.keys(property.valueObj).forEach((key) => {
+ let newProps: Array<DerivedFEProperty> = this.createListOrMapChildren(property, key, property.valueObj[key]);
+ property.flattenedChildren.push(...newProps);
+ });
+ }
+ }
- });
- return propertyFeArray;
+ public createListOrMapChildren = (property:PropertyBEModel, key: string, valueObj: any): Array<DerivedFEProperty> => {
+ let newProps: Array<DerivedFEProperty> = [];
+ let parentProp = new DerivedFEProperty(property, property.propertiesName, true, key, valueObj);
+ newProps.push(parentProp);
- //TODO: need to look at schema to create the nested properties for the following cases:
- // 1 - when value is populated for a complex type (list or map)
- // 2 - when adding new entries to a complex type (eg. adding a new entry to a list of AddressRequirements)
+ if (! {
+ let additionalChildren:Array<DerivedFEProperty> = this.createFlattenedChildren(, parentProp.propertiesName);
+ this.assignFlattenedChildrenValues(parentProp.valueObj, additionalChildren, parentProp.propertiesName);
+ additionalChildren.forEach(prop => prop.canBeDeclared = false);
+ newProps.push(...additionalChildren);
+ }
+ return newProps;
+ /**
+ * Creates derivedFEProperties of a specified type and returns them.
+ */
+ private createFlattenedChildren = (type: string, parentName: string):Array<DerivedFEProperty> => {
+ let tempProps: Array<DerivedFEProperty> = [];
+ let dataTypeObj: DataTypeModel = this.dataTypeService.getDataTypeByTypeName(type);
+ this.dataTypeService.getDerivedDataTypeProperties(dataTypeObj, tempProps, parentName);
+ return tempProps;
+ }
+ /* Sets the valueObj of parent property and its children.
+ * Note: This logic is different than assignflattenedchildrenvalues - here we merge values, there we pick either the parents value, props value, or default value - without merging.
+ */
public initValueObjectRef = (property: PropertyFEModel): void => {
- //console.log("Property " + + " has value: " + property.value);
- if (!property.isDataType || property.isDeclared) { //if property is declared, it gets a simple input instead. List and map values and pseudo-children will be handled in property component
- property.value = property.value || property.defaultValue;
- } else if (property.value){ //we have a complex property with a value. Lets parse property.value and populate our flattened children with those values
- this.assignValuesRecursively(JSON.parse(property.value), property.flattenedChildren,;
+ if (property.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.SIMPLE || property.isDeclared) { //if property is declared, it gets a simple input instead. List and map values and pseudo-children will be handled in property component
+ property.valueObj = property.value || property.defaultValue;
+ if (property.isDeclared && typeof property.valueObj == 'object') property.valueObj = JSON.stringify(property.valueObj);
+ } else {
+ if (property.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.LIST) {
+ property.valueObj = _.merge([], JSON.parse(property.defaultValue || '[]'), JSON.parse(property.value || '[]')); //value object should be merged value and default value. Value takes higher precendence. Set valueObj to empty obj if undefined.
+ } else {
+ property.valueObj = _.merge({}, JSON.parse(property.defaultValue || '{}'), JSON.parse(property.value || '{}')); //value object should be merged value and default value. Value takes higher precendence. Set valueObj to empty obj if undefined.
+ }
+ if (property.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.COMPLEX) {
+ this.assignFlattenedChildrenValues(property.valueObj, property.flattenedChildren,;
+ } else {
+ this.createListOrMapChildrenFromValueObj(property);
+ }
- public assignValuesRecursively = (valueJSON: any, derivedPropArray: Array<DerivedFEProperty>, propName: string) => {
- if (valueJSON && Object.keys(valueJSON)) {
- Object.keys(valueJSON).forEach(valueKey => {
- let childProp: DerivedFEProperty = derivedPropArray.find(prop => prop.propertiesName == propName + "#" + valueKey);
- if (!childProp) return;
- if (childProp.isDeclared || (childProp.derivedDataType != DerivedPropertyType.COMPLEX && !_.isEmpty(valueJSON[valueKey]))) {
- childProp.value = (typeof valueJSON[valueKey] === 'object')? JSON.stringify(valueJSON[valueKey]) : valueJSON[valueKey];
- } else {
- this.assignValuesRecursively(valueJSON[valueKey], derivedPropArray, childProp.propertiesName)
+ /*
+ * Loops through flattened properties array and to assign values
+ * Then, convert any neccessary strings to objects, and vis-versa
+ * For list or map property, creates new children props if valueObj has values
+ */
+ public assignFlattenedChildrenValues = (parentValueJSON: any, derivedPropArray: Array<DerivedFEProperty>, parentName: string) => {
+ if (!derivedPropArray || !parentName) return;
+ derivedPropArray.forEach((prop, index) => {
+ let propNameInObj = prop.propertiesName.substring(prop.propertiesName.indexOf(parentName) + parentName.length + 1).split('#').join('.'); //extract everything after parent name
+ prop.valueObj = _.get(parentValueJSON, propNameInObj, prop.value || prop.defaultValue); //assign value -first value of parent if exists. If not, prop.value if not, prop.defaultvalue
+ if ((prop.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.SIMPLE || prop.isDeclared) && typeof prop.valueObj == 'object') { //Stringify objects that should be strings
+ prop.valueObj = JSON.stringify(prop.valueObj);
+ } else { //parse strings that should be objects
+ if ((prop.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.COMPLEX || prop.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.MAP) && typeof prop.valueObj != 'object') {
+ prop.valueObj = JSON.parse(prop.valueObj || '{}');
+ } else if (prop.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.LIST && typeof prop.valueObj != 'object') {
+ prop.valueObj = JSON.parse(prop.valueObj || '[]');
- });
+ if ((prop.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.LIST || prop.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.MAP) && Object.keys(prop.valueObj).length) {
+ let newProps: Array<DerivedFEProperty> = [];
+ Object.keys(prop.valueObj).forEach((key) => {
+ newProps.push(...this.createListOrMapChildren(prop, key, prop.valueObj[key]));//create new children, assign their values, and then add to array
+ });
+ derivedPropArray.splice(index + 1, 0, ...newProps);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public resetPropertyValue = (property: PropertyFEModel, newValue: string, inputPath?: string): void => {
+ property.value = newValue;
+ if (inputPath) {
+ let newProp = property.flattenedChildren.find(prop => prop.propertiesName == inputPath);
+ newProp && this.assignFlattenedChildrenValues(JSON.parse(newValue), [newProp],;
+ } else {
+ this.initValueObjectRef(property);