path: root/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/automated-upgrade/automated-upgrade.service.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/automated-upgrade/automated-upgrade.service.ts')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/automated-upgrade/automated-upgrade.service.ts b/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/automated-upgrade/automated-upgrade.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0acfececaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-ui/src/app/ng2/pages/automated-upgrade/automated-upgrade.service.ts
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+import {SdcUiComponents} from "sdc-ui/lib/angular";
+import {Injectable, Inject} from "@angular/core";
+import {IModalConfig} from "sdc-ui/lib/angular/modals/models/modal-config";
+import {AutomatedUpgradeComponent} from "./automated-upgrade.component";
+import {Component} from "../../../models/components/component";
+import {ComponentServiceNg2} from "../../services/component-services/component.service";
+import {GeneralStatus, ComponentType} from "../../../utils/constants";
+import {IDependenciesServerResponse} from "../../services/responses/dependencies-server-response";
+import {AutomatedUpgradeStatusComponent} from "./automated-upgrade-status/automated-upgrade-status.component";
+import {AutomatedUpgradeStatusResponse} from "../../services/responses/automated-upgrade-response";
+import Dictionary = _.Dictionary;
+import {TranslateService, ITranslateArgs} from "../../shared/translator/translate.service";
+import {
+ ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject,
+ AllottedResourceInstanceUiObject, VspInstanceUiObject
+} from "./automated-upgrade-models/ui-component-to-upgrade";
+export interface IAutomatedUpgradeRequestObj {
+ serviceId:string;
+ resourceId?:string;
+export enum Placement {
+ left = "left"
+export class AutomatedUpgradeService {
+ private vspComponent:Component;
+ private uiComponentsToUpgrade:Array<ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject>;
+ private componentType:string;
+ constructor(private modalService:SdcUiComponents.ModalService,
+ private componentService:ComponentServiceNg2,
+ private translateService:TranslateService) {
+ }
+ public convertToServerRequest = (selectedServices:Array<string>):Array<IAutomatedUpgradeRequestObj> => {
+ let automatedRequest:Array<IAutomatedUpgradeRequestObj> = [];
+ _.forEach(selectedServices, (serviceId:string) => {
+ let serviceToUpgrade:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject = _.find(this.uiComponentsToUpgrade, (service:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => {
+ return serviceId === service.uniqueId;
+ });
+ if (serviceToUpgrade.vspInstances[0] instanceof AllottedResourceInstanceUiObject) { // If this is allotted resource instances, we need to take the origin vf id (all the instances have the save origin vspId
+ automatedRequest.push({
+ serviceId: serviceId,
+ resourceId: (<AllottedResourceInstanceUiObject> serviceToUpgrade.vspInstances[0]).originVfId
+ });
+ } else {
+ automatedRequest.push({serviceId: serviceId});
+ }
+ });
+ return automatedRequest;
+ }
+ private getStatusText = (statusMap:Dictionary<AutomatedUpgradeStatusResponse>):string => {
+ let failedUpgraded = _.filter(_.flatMap(statusMap), (upgradeStatus:AutomatedUpgradeStatusResponse) => {
+ return upgradeStatus.status !== GeneralStatus.OK
+ });
+ if (failedUpgraded.length > 0) {
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_UPGRADE_STATUS_FAIL");
+ }
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_UPGRADE_STATUS_SUCCESS");
+ }
+ private disabledAllModalButtons = ():void => {
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().innerModalContent.instance.disabled = true;
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().buttons[0].show_spinner = true;
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().buttons[1].disabled = true;
+ }
+ public changeUpgradeButtonState = (isDisabled:boolean):void => {
+ if (this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().buttons[0].disabled !== isDisabled) {
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().buttons[0].disabled = isDisabled;
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO We will need to replace this function after sdc-ui modal new design, this is just a workaround
+ public automatedUpgrade = ():void => {
+ let selectedServices = this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().innerModalContent.instance.selectedComponentsToUpgrade;
+ this.disabledAllModalButtons();
+ this.componentService.automatedUpgrade(this.vspComponent.componentType, this.vspComponent.uniqueId, this.convertToServerRequest(selectedServices)).subscribe((automatedUpgradeStatus:any) => {
+ if (automatedUpgradeStatus.status === GeneralStatus.OK) {
+ let statusMap:Dictionary<AutomatedUpgradeStatusResponse> = _.keyBy(automatedUpgradeStatus.componentToUpgradeStatus, 'name');
+ // In the status modal we only showing the upgraded component that the user selected, not the entire list
+ let upgradedComponent:Array<ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject> = _.filter(this.uiComponentsToUpgrade, (component:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => {
+ return selectedServices.indexOf(component.uniqueId) > -1;
+ });
+ _.forEach(upgradedComponent, (upgradedComponent:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => { // If upgrade success we need to upgrade the version all success
+ if (statusMap[upgradedComponent.name].status === GeneralStatus.OK) {
+ upgradedComponent.version = statusMap[upgradedComponent.name].version;
+ _.forEach(upgradedComponent.vspInstances, (instance:VspInstanceUiObject) => {
+ instance.vspVersion = this.vspComponent.version;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ let statusModalTitle = this.getTextByComponentType("_UPGRADE_STATUS_TITLE");
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().setTitle(statusModalTitle);
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().getButtons().splice(0, 1); // Remove the upgrade button
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().buttons[0].disabled = false; // enable close again
+ this.modalService.getCurrentInstance().innerModalContent.destroy();
+ this.modalService.createInnnerComponent(AutomatedUpgradeStatusComponent, {
+ upgradedComponentsList: upgradedComponent,
+ upgradeStatusMap: statusMap,
+ statusText: this.getStatusText(statusMap)
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public isAlreadyAdded = (uniqueId:string):ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject => {
+ let componentToUpgrade = _.find(this.uiComponentsToUpgrade, (componentToUpgrade:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => {
+ return componentToUpgrade.uniqueId === uniqueId;
+ });
+ return componentToUpgrade;
+ }
+ public initVfUpgradeData = (serviceToUpgrade:IDependenciesServerResponse, vsp:IDependenciesServerResponse) => {
+ let existed = this.isAlreadyAdded(serviceToUpgrade.uniqueId);
+ if (existed) { // We will take the VF with the lower version existed - only one exist all the time in vf upgrade
+ if (vsp.version < existed.vspInstances[0].vspVersion) {
+ existed.vspInstances = [];
+ existed.addVfInstance(vsp, this.vspComponent.version);
+ }
+ } else {
+ let dependencyUiObj:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject = new ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject(serviceToUpgrade);
+ dependencyUiObj.addVfInstance(vsp, this.vspComponent.version);
+ this.uiComponentsToUpgrade.push(dependencyUiObj);
+ }
+ }
+ // Service data will create instances of proxy or allotted resources
+ public initServiceUpgradeData = (serviceToUpgrade:IDependenciesServerResponse, vsp:IDependenciesServerResponse, instanceNames:Array<string>, allottedOriginVf?:IDependenciesServerResponse) => {
+ let existedService = this.isAlreadyAdded(serviceToUpgrade.uniqueId);
+ if (existedService) {
+ existedService.addMultipleInstances(vsp, this.vspComponent.version, instanceNames, allottedOriginVf);
+ }
+ else {
+ let dependencyUiObj:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject = new ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject(serviceToUpgrade);
+ dependencyUiObj.addMultipleInstances(vsp, this.vspComponent.version, instanceNames, allottedOriginVf);
+ this.uiComponentsToUpgrade.push(dependencyUiObj);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ The server return response of 3 level nested object
+ First level - Vsp data by version
+ Each vsp have a decencies (the services contains the vsp - By default this is vf upgrade
+ If instancesNames exist - this can be proxy or allotted
+ If we have second layer of dependencies than this is allotted
+ Since we display the data the opposite way the BE return, this function will order the data in order to display it
+ */
+ public convertToComponentsToUpgradeUiObjArray = (dependenciesServerResponse:Array<IDependenciesServerResponse>):void => {
+ this.uiComponentsToUpgrade = [];
+ _.forEach(dependenciesServerResponse, (vsp:IDependenciesServerResponse) => { // 3 nested levels - 1 level for vf, 2 level proxy, 3 levels allotted
+ if (vsp.dependencies) {
+ _.forEach(vsp.dependencies, (dependency:IDependenciesServerResponse) => {
+ if (dependency.instanceNames) { // Init service upgrade data
+ if (dependency.dependencies) {
+ _.forEach(dependency.dependencies, (serviceContainer:IDependenciesServerResponse) => { // Initiate allotted_resource instances
+ this.initServiceUpgradeData(serviceContainer, vsp, dependency.instanceNames, dependency);
+ });
+ } else { //Init service_proxy instances
+ this.initServiceUpgradeData(dependency, vsp, dependency.instanceNames);
+ }
+ } else { // Init vf upgrade data
+ this.initVfUpgradeData(dependency, vsp);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public isAllComponentsUpgraded = ():boolean => {
+ let isAllComponentUpgrade = _.filter(this.uiComponentsToUpgrade, (component:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => {
+ return !component.isAlreadyUpgrade;
+ });
+ return isAllComponentUpgrade.length === 0;
+ }
+ public isAllComponentsLocked = ():boolean => {
+ let unLockedComponents = _.filter(this.uiComponentsToUpgrade, (component:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => {
+ return !component.isLock;
+ });
+ return unLockedComponents.length === 0;
+ }
+ public isUpgradeNeeded = ():boolean => {
+ let neededUpgradeList = _.filter(this.uiComponentsToUpgrade, (component:ServiceContainerToUpgradeUiObject) => {
+ return !component.isLock && !component.isAlreadyUpgrade;
+ });
+ return neededUpgradeList.length > 0;
+ }
+ private getTextByComponentType (textLabel: string, params?:ITranslateArgs) {
+ return this.translateService.translate(this.componentType + textLabel, params);
+ }
+ public getInformationTextToDisplay = ():string => {
+ let isAllComponentsUpgraded = this.isAllComponentsUpgraded();
+ let isAllComponentsLocked = this.isAllComponentsLocked();
+ let params = {vspName: this.vspComponent.name, vspVersion: this.vspComponent.version};
+ if (this.uiComponentsToUpgrade.length === 0) {
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_NOTHING_TO_UPGRADE", params);
+ }
+ switch (true) {
+ case this.isUpgradeNeeded():
+ {
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_AUTOMATED_UPGRADE_WITH_COMPONENTS_TO_UPGRADE", params);
+ }
+ case !this.isUpgradeNeeded() && isAllComponentsLocked:
+ {
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_AUTOMATED_UPGRADE_ALL_COMPONENTS_LOCKED", params);
+ }
+ case !this.isUpgradeNeeded() && !isAllComponentsLocked && isAllComponentsUpgraded:
+ {
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_AUTOMATED_UPGRADE_ALL_COMPONENTS_UPGRADED", params);
+ }
+ case !this.isUpgradeNeeded() && !isAllComponentsLocked && !isAllComponentsUpgraded:
+ {
+ return this.getTextByComponentType("_AUTOMATED_UPGRADE_ALL_COMPONENTS_LOCKED", params);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public openAutomatedUpgradeModal = (componentsToUpgrade:Array<IDependenciesServerResponse>, component:Component, isAfterCertification?:boolean):void => {
+ this.vspComponent = component;
+ this.componentType = this.vspComponent.isResource() ? ComponentType.RESOURCE : ComponentType.SERVICE;
+ this.convertToComponentsToUpgradeUiObjArray(componentsToUpgrade);
+ let informationalText = this.getInformationTextToDisplay();
+ let modalTitle = this.getTextByComponentType("_UPGRADE_TITLE");
+ let certificationText = isAfterCertification ? this.getTextByComponentType("_CERTIFICATION_STATUS_TEXT", {resourceName: this.vspComponent.name}) : undefined;
+ let upgradeVspModalConfig:IModalConfig = {
+ title: modalTitle,
+ size: "md",
+ type: "custom",
+ testId: "upgradeVspModal",
+ buttons: [
+ {
+ text: this.vspComponent.isResource() ? "UPGRADE" : "UPDATE",
+ spinner_position: Placement.left,
+ size: 'sm',
+ callback: this.automatedUpgrade,
+ closeModal: false,
+ disabled: !this.isUpgradeNeeded(),
+ },
+ {text: 'CLOSE', size: 'sm', closeModal: true, type: 'secondary'}
+ ]
+ };
+ this.modalService.openCustomModal(upgradeVspModalConfig, AutomatedUpgradeComponent, {
+ componentsToUpgrade: this.uiComponentsToUpgrade,
+ informationText: informationalText,
+ certificationStatusText: certificationText
+ });
+ }