path: root/catalog-model/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/model/jsontitan/operations/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-model/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/model/jsontitan/operations/')
1 files changed, 1316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-model/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/model/jsontitan/operations/ b/catalog-model/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/model/jsontitan/operations/
new file mode 100644
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+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.jsongraph.util.CommonUtility;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.jsongraph.util.CommonUtility.LogLevelEnum;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertex;
+ * public abstract class BaseOperation provides base operation functionality and common fields
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class BaseOperation {
+ private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseOperation.class.getName());
+ public static final String VF_MODULE = "org.openecomp.groups.VfModule";
+ @Autowired
+ protected TitanDao titanDao;
+ @Autowired
+ protected NodeTypeOperation nodeTypeOperation;
+ @Autowired
+ protected TopologyTemplateOperation topologyTemplateOperation;
+ /**
+ * Returns reference to appropriate toscaTemplateOperation
+ *
+ * @param componentType
+ * @return
+ */
+ public ToscaElementOperation getToscaElementOperation(ComponentTypeEnum componentType) {
+ ToscaElementOperation operation;
+ switch (componentType) {
+ case SERVICE:
+ case RESOURCE:
+ operation = topologyTemplateOperation;
+ break;
+ default:
+ operation = nodeTypeOperation;
+ break;
+ }
+ return operation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns reference to appropriate toscaTemplateOperation
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementType
+ * @return
+ */
+ public ToscaElementOperation getToscaElementOperation(ToscaElementTypeEnum toscaElementType) {
+ ToscaElementOperation operation;
+ switch (toscaElementType) {
+ case TopologyTemplate:
+ operation = topologyTemplateOperation;
+ break;
+ case NodeType:
+ operation = nodeTypeOperation;
+ break;
+ default:
+ operation = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ return operation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns reference to appropriate toscaTemplateOperation
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementType
+ * @return
+ */
+ public ToscaElementOperation getToscaElementOperation(VertexTypeEnum toscaElementType) {
+ ToscaElementOperation operation;
+ switch (toscaElementType) {
+ operation = topologyTemplateOperation;
+ break;
+ case NODE_TYPE:
+ operation = nodeTypeOperation;
+ break;
+ default:
+ operation = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ return operation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts received vertex to User object
+ *
+ * @param ownerV
+ * @return
+ */
+ public User convertToUser(Vertex ownerV) {
+ User owner = new User();
+ owner.setUserId((String);
+ VertexProperty<Object> property =;
+ if(property != null && property.isPresent() ){
+ owner.setRole((String) property.value());
+ }
+ property =;
+ if(property != null && property.isPresent() ){
+ owner.setFirstName((String);
+ }
+ property =;
+ if( property != null && property.isPresent() ){
+ owner.setLastName((String);
+ }
+ property =;
+ if( property != null && property.isPresent() ){
+ owner.setEmail((String);
+ }
+ property =;
+ if( property != null && property.isPresent() ){
+ owner.setLastLoginTime((Long);
+ }
+ return owner;
+ }
+ protected <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> Either<Map<String, T>, TitanOperationStatus> getDataFromGraph(GraphVertex componentV, EdgeLabelEnum edgelabel) {
+ Either<Pair<GraphVertex, Map<String, T>>, TitanOperationStatus> dataVertex = getDataAndVertexFromGraph(componentV, edgelabel);
+ if (dataVertex.isRight()) {
+ return Either.right(dataVertex.right().value());
+ }
+ Map<String, T> properties = dataVertex.left().value().getRight();
+ return Either.left(properties);
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ protected <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> Either<Pair<GraphVertex, Map<String, T>>, TitanOperationStatus> getDataAndVertexFromGraph(GraphVertex componentV, EdgeLabelEnum edgelabel) {
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> dataVertex = getDataVertex(componentV, edgelabel);
+ if (dataVertex.isRight()) {
+ return Either.right(dataVertex.right().value());
+ }
+ GraphVertex propV = dataVertex.left().value();
+ Map<String, T> properties = (Map<String, T>) propV.getJson();
+ Pair<GraphVertex, Map<String, T>> pair = new ImmutablePair<GraphVertex, Map<String, T>>(propV, properties);
+ return Either.left(pair);
+ }
+ protected <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getDataVertex(GraphVertex componentV, EdgeLabelEnum edgelabel) {
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> childVertex = titanDao.getChildVertex(componentV, edgelabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (childVertex.isRight()) {
+ if (childVertex.right().value() != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
+ logger.debug("failed to fetch {} for tosca element with id {}, error {}", edgelabel, componentV.getUniqueId(), childVertex.right().value());
+ }
+ return Either.right(childVertex.right().value());
+ }
+ GraphVertex propV = childVertex.left().value();
+ return Either.left(propV);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns tosca data belonging to tosca element specified by uid according received label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgelabel
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> Either<Map<String, T>, TitanOperationStatus> getDataFromGraph(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgelabel) {
+ Either<Map<String, T>, TitanOperationStatus> result = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon getting tosca data from graph. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ result = Either.right(status);
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = getDataFromGraph(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgelabel);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> findUserVertex(String userId) {
+ return titanDao.getVertexByPropertyAndLabel(GraphPropertyEnum.USERID, userId, VertexTypeEnum.USER, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param elemementId
+ * @param label
+ * @return
+ */
+ public Either<Boolean, StorageOperationStatus> isCloneNeeded(String elemementId, EdgeLabelEnum label) {
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> vertexById = titanDao.getVertexById(elemementId);
+ if (vertexById.isRight()) {
+ logger.debug("Failed to fetch element by id {} error {}", elemementId, vertexById.right().value());
+ return Either.right(DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(vertexById.right().value()));
+ }
+ GraphVertex toscaElementVertex = vertexById.left().value();
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> childVertex = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElementVertex, label, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (childVertex.isRight()) {
+ if (childVertex.right().value() != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
+ logger.debug("failed to fetch {} for tosca element with id {}, error {}", label, toscaElementVertex.getUniqueId(), childVertex.right().value());
+ return Either.right(DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(childVertex.right().value()));
+ }
+ return Either.left(Boolean.FALSE);
+ }
+ GraphVertex dataVertex = childVertex.left().value();
+ Iterator<Edge> edges = dataVertex.getVertex().edges(Direction.IN,;
+ int edgeCount = 0;
+ while (edges.hasNext()) {
+ ++edgeCount;
+ }
+ if (edgeCount > 1) {
+ return Either.left(Boolean.TRUE);
+ } else {
+ return Either.left(Boolean.FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ protected Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> updateOrCopyOnUpdate(GraphVertex dataVertex, GraphVertex toscaElementVertex, EdgeLabelEnum label) {
+ Iterator<Edge> edges = dataVertex.getVertex().edges(Direction.IN,;
+ int edgeCount = 0;
+ Edge edgeToRemove = null;
+ while (edges.hasNext()) {
+ Edge edge =;
+ ++edgeCount;
+ Vertex outVertex = edge.outVertex();
+ String outId = (String) titanDao.getProperty((TitanVertex) outVertex, GraphPropertyEnum.UNIQUE_ID.getProperty());
+ if (toscaElementVertex.getUniqueId().equals(outId)) {
+ edgeToRemove = edge;
+ }
+ }
+ if (edgeToRemove == null) {
+ logger.debug("No edges {} from vertex {} to vertex {}", label, toscaElementVertex.getUniqueId(), dataVertex.getUniqueId());
+ return Either.right(TitanOperationStatus.GENERAL_ERROR);
+ }
+ switch (edgeCount) {
+ case 0:
+ // error
+ logger.debug("No edges {} to vertex {}", label, dataVertex.getUniqueId());
+ return Either.right(TitanOperationStatus.GENERAL_ERROR);
+ case 1:
+ // update
+ logger.trace("Only one edge {} to vertex {}. Update vertex", label, dataVertex.getUniqueId());
+ return titanDao.updateVertex(dataVertex);
+ default:
+ // copy on update
+ logger.trace("More than one edge {} to vertex {}. Need to clone vertex", label, dataVertex.getUniqueId());
+ return cloneDataVertex(dataVertex, toscaElementVertex, label, edgeToRemove);
+ }
+ }
+ private Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> cloneDataVertex(GraphVertex dataVertex, GraphVertex toscaElementVertex, EdgeLabelEnum label, Edge edgeToRemove) {
+ GraphVertex newDataVertex = new GraphVertex(dataVertex.getLabel());
+ String id = IdBuilderUtils.generateChildId(toscaElementVertex.getUniqueId(), dataVertex.getLabel());
+ newDataVertex.setUniqueId(id);
+ newDataVertex.cloneData(dataVertex);
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> createVertex = titanDao.createVertex(newDataVertex);
+ if (createVertex.isRight()) {
+ logger.debug("Failed to clone data vertex for {} error {}", dataVertex.getUniqueId(), createVertex.right().value());
+ return createVertex;
+ }
+ newDataVertex = createVertex.left().value();
+ TitanOperationStatus createEdge = titanDao.createEdge(toscaElementVertex, newDataVertex, label, titanDao.getEdgeProperties(edgeToRemove));
+ if (createEdge != TitanOperationStatus.OK) {
+ logger.debug("Failed to associate vertex {} to vertex {}, error {}", toscaElementVertex.getUniqueId(), newDataVertex.getUniqueId(), createEdge);
+ return Either.right(createEdge);
+ }
+ edgeToRemove.remove();
+ return Either.left(newDataVertex);
+ }
+ public Either<GraphVertex, StorageOperationStatus> assosiateElementToData(GraphVertex element, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, Map<String, ? extends ToscaDataDefinition> data) {
+ GraphVertex dataV = new GraphVertex(vertexLabel);
+ String id = IdBuilderUtils.generateChildId(element.getUniqueId(), vertexLabel);
+ dataV.setUniqueId(id);
+ dataV.setJson(data);
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> createVertex = titanDao.createVertex(dataV);
+ if (createVertex.isRight()) {
+ logger.trace("Failed to create {} vertex for type node {}", vertexLabel, element.getUniqueId());
+ return Either.right(DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(createVertex.right().value()));
+ }
+ dataV = createVertex.left().value();
+ TitanOperationStatus createEdgeStatus = titanDao.createEdge(element.getVertex(), dataV.getVertex(), edgeLabel, new HashMap<>());
+ if (createEdgeStatus != TitanOperationStatus.OK) {
+ logger.trace("Failed to create {} vertex for type node {}", vertexLabel, element.getUniqueId());
+ return Either.right(DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(createEdgeStatus));
+ }
+ return Either.left(dataV);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds tosca data element to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return addToscaDataToToscaElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds tosca data deep element to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts recieved map of tosca data deep elements to list and adds it to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataMap
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, Map<String, T> toscaDataMap, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ if (toscaDataMap != null) {
+ return addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()), pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ return StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds list of tosca data deep elements to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ return updateOrAddToscaDataDeepElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates list of tosca data elements of tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates tosca data deep element of tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataDeepElementOfToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return updateToscaDataDeepElementsOfToscaElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates tosca data deep elements of tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataDeepElementsOfToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ return updateOrAddToscaDataDeepElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds tosca data element to tosca element with specified uid according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataToToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return addToscaDataToToscaElement(toscaElementUid, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds tosca data deep element to tosca element with specified uid according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementToToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(toscaElementUid, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataDeepElementOfToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return updateToscaDataDeepElementsOfToscaElement(toscaElementUid, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataDeepElementsOfToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(toscaDataList)) {
+ statusRes = updateToscaDataDeepElementsOfToscaElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds list of tosca data deep elements to tosca element with specified uid according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(toscaDataList)) {
+ statusRes = addToscaDataDeepElementsToToscaElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataDeepElementsBlockToToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, String key) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = deleteToscaDataDeepElementsBlockToToscaElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, key);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataDeepElementsBlockToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, String key) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ result = deleteDeepElementsBlock(toscaDataVertex, key);
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> updateOrCopyRes = updateOrCopyOnUpdate(toscaDataVertex, toscaElement, edgeLabel);
+ if (updateOrCopyRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = updateOrCopyRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to delete tosca data block {} from the tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", edgeLabel, toscaElement.getUniqueId(), status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementsBlockToToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, MapDataDefinition toscaDataMap, String key) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null && toscaDataMap != null) {
+ statusRes = addToscaDataDeepElementsBlockToToscaElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataMap, key);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataDeepElementsBlockToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, MapDataDefinition toscaDataMap, String key) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight() && toscaDataVertexRes.right().value() != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isLeft()) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ result = addDeepElementsBlock(toscaDataVertex, toscaDataMap, key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ if (toscaDataVertex != null) {
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> updateOrCopyRes = updateOrCopyOnUpdate(toscaDataVertex, toscaElement, edgeLabel);
+ if (updateOrCopyRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = updateOrCopyRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to add tosca data {} to the tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", edgeLabel, toscaElement.getUniqueId(), status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Map<String, MapDataDefinition> data = new HashMap<>();
+ data.put(key, toscaDataMap);
+ Either<GraphVertex, StorageOperationStatus> createRes = assosiateElementToData(toscaElement, vertexLabel, edgeLabel, data);
+ if (createRes.isRight()) {
+ StorageOperationStatus status = createRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to assosiate tosca data {} of the tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", edgeLabel, toscaElement.getUniqueId(), status);
+ result = status;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates tosca data element of tosca element by specified uid according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaData
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, T toscaData, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<T> toscaDataList = new ArrayList<>();
+ toscaDataList.add(toscaData);
+ return updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(toscaElementUid, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates list of tosca data elements belonging to tosca element with specified uid according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(toscaDataList)) {
+ statusRes = updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds list of tosca data elements to tosca element with specified uid according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataToToscaElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(toscaDataList)) {
+ statusRes = addToscaDataToToscaElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == null) {
+ statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts recieved map of tosca data elements to list and adds it to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataMap
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, Map<String, T> toscaDataMap, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ return addToscaDataToToscaElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()), mapKeyField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds list of tosca data elements to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addToscaDataToToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ return updateOrAddToscaData(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates list of tosca data elements belonging to tosca element according received labels
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param toscaDataList
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateToscaDataOfToscaElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ return updateOrAddToscaData(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, toscaDataList, mapKeyField, true);
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateOrAddToscaData(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<T> toscaDataList, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField, boolean isUpdate) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex = null;
+ Map<String, T> existingToscaDataMap = null;
+ Either<Map<String, T>, StorageOperationStatus> validateRes = null;
+ Map<String, T> mergedToscaDataMap;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight() && toscaDataVertexRes.right().value() != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isLeft()) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ existingToscaDataMap = (Map<String, T>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ }
+ validateRes = validateMergeToscaData(toscaElement, toscaDataList, mapKeyField, existingToscaDataMap, isUpdate);
+ if (validateRes.isRight()) {
+ result = validateRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed validate tosca data upon adding to tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ mergedToscaDataMap = validateRes.left().value();
+ result = handleToscaData(toscaElement, vertexLabel, edgeLabel, toscaDataVertex, mergedToscaDataMap);
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateFullToscaData(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, Map<String, T> toscaData) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex = null;
+ Map<String, T> existingToscaDataMap = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight() && toscaDataVertexRes.right().value() != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isLeft()) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ existingToscaDataMap = (Map<String, T>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = handleToscaData(toscaElement, vertexLabel, edgeLabel, toscaDataVertex, toscaData);
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
+ private <T, K extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus updateOrAddToscaDataDeepElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<K> toscaDataList, List<String> pathKeys,
+ JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField, boolean isUpdate) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex = null;
+ Map<String, K> existingDeepElementsMap = null;
+ Either<Map<String, K>, StorageOperationStatus> validateRes = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight() && toscaDataVertexRes.right().value() != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isLeft()) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ existingDeepElementsMap = getDeepElements(toscaDataVertex, pathKeys);
+ }
+ validateRes = validateMergeToscaData(toscaElement, toscaDataList, mapKeyField, existingDeepElementsMap, isUpdate);
+ if (validateRes.isRight()) {
+ result = validateRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed validate tosca data upon adding to tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ updateDeepElements(toscaDataVertex, validateRes.left().value(), pathKeys);
+ Map<String, K> toscaDataToHandle;
+ if(toscaDataVertex == null){
+ toscaDataToHandle = new HashMap<>();
+ Map<String, K> currMap = toscaDataToHandle;
+ for (int i = 1; i < pathKeys.size()-1; ++i) {
+ currMap.put(pathKeys.get(i), (K) new MapDataDefinition());
+ currMap = (Map<String, K>) ((MapDataDefinition) currMap).getMapToscaDataDefinition().get(pathKeys.get(i));
+ }
+ toscaDataToHandle.put(pathKeys.get(pathKeys.size()-1), (K) new MapDataDefinition(validateRes.left().value()));
+ } else {
+ toscaDataToHandle = (Map<String, K>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ }
+ result = handleToscaData(toscaElement, vertexLabel, edgeLabel, toscaDataVertex, toscaDataToHandle);
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
+ private <T, K extends ToscaDataDefinition> void updateDeepElements(GraphVertex toscaDataVertex, Map<String, K> mergedDeepElementMap, List<String> pathKeys) {
+ if (toscaDataVertex != null && MapUtils.isNotEmpty(mergedDeepElementMap)) {
+ Map<String, MapDataDefinition> currMap = (Map<String, MapDataDefinition>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ if(!currMap.containsKey(pathKeys.get(0))){
+ currMap.put(pathKeys.get(0), new MapDataDefinition<>());
+ }
+ MapDataDefinition currDeepElement = currMap.get(pathKeys.get(0));
+ for (int i = 1; i < pathKeys.size(); ++i) {
+ if(currDeepElement.findByKey(pathKeys.get(i)) == null){
+ currDeepElement.put(pathKeys.get(i), new MapDataDefinition<>());
+ }
+ currDeepElement = (MapDataDefinition) currDeepElement.findByKey(pathKeys.get(i));
+ }
+ if(currDeepElement != null){
+ for (Map.Entry<String, K> elementEntry : mergedDeepElementMap.entrySet()) {
+ currDeepElement.put(elementEntry.getKey(), elementEntry.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
+ private <T, K extends ToscaDataDefinition> Map<String, K> getDeepElements(GraphVertex toscaDataVertex, List<String> pathKeys) {
+ Map<String, K> result = null;
+ Map<String, T> currMap = (Map<String, T>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ MapDataDefinition currDeepElement = (MapDataDefinition) currMap.get(pathKeys.get(0));
+ for (int i = 1; i < pathKeys.size(); ++i) {
+ currDeepElement = (MapDataDefinition) currDeepElement.findByKey(pathKeys.get(i));
+ }
+ if(currDeepElement != null){
+ result = (Map<String, K>) currDeepElement.getMapToscaDataDefinition();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus addDeepElementsBlock(GraphVertex toscaDataVertex, T toscaDataBlock, String key) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ Map<String, T> currMap = (Map<String, T>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ if (currMap.containsKey(key)) {
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to add block of deep tosca data elements by label {}." + " The block element with the same key {} already exists. ", toscaDataVertex.getLabel(), key);
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS;
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ currMap.put(key, toscaDataBlock);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus deleteDeepElementsBlock(GraphVertex toscaDataVertex, String key) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ Map<String, T> currMap = (Map<String, T>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ if (!currMap.containsKey(key)) {
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to delete block of deep tosca data elements by label {}." + " The block element with the same key {} doesn't exist. ", toscaDataVertex.getLabel(), key);
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ currMap.remove(key);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes tosca data vertex belonging to tosca element specified by uid according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus removeToscaData(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ statusRes = removeToscaDataVertex(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel);
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes tosca data vertex belonging to tosca element according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus removeToscaDataVertex(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex = null;
+ Iterator<Edge> edges = null;
+ int edgeCounter = 0;
+ Edge edge = null;
+ Edge edgeToDelete = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed remove tosca data vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ edges = toscaDataVertex.getVertex().edges(Direction.IN);
+ if (edges == null || !edges.hasNext()) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND;
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed remove tosca data vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ while (edges.hasNext()) {
+ ++edgeCounter;
+ edge =;
+ if (edge.outVertex().id().equals(toscaElement.getVertex().id())) {
+ edgeToDelete = edge;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (edgeToDelete == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND;
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed remove tosca data vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ if (edgeCounter > 1) {
+ edgeToDelete.remove();
+ } else {
+ toscaDataVertex.getVertex().remove();
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes tosca data elements belonging to tosca element specified by uid according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param uniqueKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataElements(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<String> uniqueKeys, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ statusRes = deleteToscaDataElements(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, uniqueKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes tosca data element belonging to tosca element specified by uid according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param uniqueKey
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, String uniqueKey, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ statusRes = deleteToscaDataElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, uniqueKey, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes tosca data deep element belonging to tosca element specified by uid according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElementUid
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param uniqueKey
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataDeepElement(String toscaElementUid, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, String uniqueKey, List<String> pathKeys, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus statusRes = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> getToscaElementRes;
+ getToscaElementRes = titanDao.getVertexById(toscaElementUid, JsonParseFlagEnum.NoParse);
+ if (getToscaElementRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = getToscaElementRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get tosca element {} upon adding the properties. Status is {}. ", toscaElementUid, status);
+ statusRes = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ if (statusRes == StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ statusRes = deleteToscaDataDeepElement(getToscaElementRes.left().value(), edgeLabel, vertexLabel, uniqueKey, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ return statusRes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes tosca data deep element belonging to tosca element according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param uniqueKey
+ * @param pathKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataDeepElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, String uniqueKey, List<String> pathKeys, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<String> uniqueKeys = new ArrayList<>();
+ uniqueKeys.add(uniqueKey);
+ return deleteToscaDataDeepElements(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, uniqueKeys, pathKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataDeepElements(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<String> uniqueKeys, List<String> pathKeys, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex;
+ Map<String, ToscaDataDefinition> existingToscaDataMap = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ existingToscaDataMap = (Map<String, ToscaDataDefinition>) getDeepElements(toscaDataVertexRes.left().value(), pathKeys);
+ for (String uniqueKey : uniqueKeys) {
+ result = removeToscaDataElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, uniqueKey, toscaDataVertex, existingToscaDataMap);
+ if (result != StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes tosca data element belonging to tosca element according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param uniqueKey
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, String uniqueKey, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ List<String> uniqueKeys = new ArrayList<>();
+ uniqueKeys.add(uniqueKey);
+ return deleteToscaDataElements(toscaElement, edgeLabel, vertexLabel, uniqueKeys, mapKeyField);
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ /**
+ * Deletes tosca data elements belonging to tosca element according label
+ *
+ * @param toscaElement
+ * @param edgeLabel
+ * @param vertexLabel
+ * @param uniqueKeys
+ * @param mapKeyField
+ * @return
+ */
+ public StorageOperationStatus deleteToscaDataElements(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, List<String> uniqueKeys, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ GraphVertex toscaDataVertex;
+ Map<String, ToscaDataDefinition> existingToscaDataMap = null;
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> toscaDataVertexRes = titanDao.getChildVertex(toscaElement, edgeLabel, JsonParseFlagEnum.ParseJson);
+ if (toscaDataVertexRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = toscaDataVertexRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to get child vertex of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(toscaDataVertexRes.right().value());
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ toscaDataVertex = toscaDataVertexRes.left().value();
+ existingToscaDataMap = (Map<String, ToscaDataDefinition>) toscaDataVertex.getJson();
+ for (String uniqueKey : uniqueKeys) {
+ result = removeToscaDataElement(toscaElement, edgeLabel, uniqueKey, toscaDataVertex, existingToscaDataMap);
+ if (result != StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == null) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus removeToscaDataElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, String uniqueKey, GraphVertex toscaDataVertex, Map<String, T> existingToscaDataMap) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ if (!existingToscaDataMap.containsKey(uniqueKey)) {
+ result = StorageOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND;
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to delete tosca data element of the tosca element {} by label {}. Status is {}. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), edgeLabel, result);
+ } else {
+ existingToscaDataMap.remove(uniqueKey);
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> updateOrCopyRes = updateOrCopyOnUpdate(toscaDataVertex, toscaElement, edgeLabel);
+ if (updateOrCopyRes.isRight()) {
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(updateOrCopyRes.right().value());
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to update tosca data {} of the tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", edgeLabel, toscaElement.getUniqueId(), result);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private <K extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus handleToscaData(GraphVertex toscaElement, VertexTypeEnum vertexLabel, EdgeLabelEnum edgeLabel, GraphVertex toscaDataVertex, Map<String, K> mergedToscaDataMap) {
+ StorageOperationStatus result = null;
+ if (toscaDataVertex == null) {
+ Either<GraphVertex, StorageOperationStatus> createRes = assosiateElementToData(toscaElement, vertexLabel, edgeLabel, mergedToscaDataMap);
+ if (createRes.isRight()) {
+ StorageOperationStatus status = createRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to assosiate tosca data {} of the tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", edgeLabel, toscaElement.getUniqueId(), status);
+ result = status;
+ }
+ } else {
+ toscaDataVertex.setJson(mergedToscaDataMap);
+ Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> updateOrCopyRes = updateOrCopyOnUpdate(toscaDataVertex, toscaElement, edgeLabel);
+ if (updateOrCopyRes.isRight()) {
+ TitanOperationStatus status = updateOrCopyRes.right().value();
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to add tosca data {} to the tosca element {}. Status is {}. ", edgeLabel, toscaElement.getUniqueId(), status);
+ result = DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(status);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> Either<Map<String, T>, StorageOperationStatus> validateMergeToscaData(GraphVertex toscaElement, List<T> toscaDataList, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField, Map<String, T> existingToscaDataMap,
+ boolean isUpdate) {
+ Map<String, T> mergedToscaDataMap = new HashMap<>();
+ StorageOperationStatus status;
+ Either<Map<String, T>, StorageOperationStatus> result = Either.left(mergedToscaDataMap);
+ if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(existingToscaDataMap)) {
+ mergedToscaDataMap.putAll(existingToscaDataMap);
+ }
+ for (T toscaDataElement : toscaDataList) {
+ status = handleToscaDataElement(toscaElement, mapKeyField, mergedToscaDataMap, toscaDataElement, isUpdate);
+ if (status != StorageOperationStatus.OK) {
+ result = Either.right(status);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private <T extends ToscaDataDefinition> StorageOperationStatus handleToscaDataElement(GraphVertex toscaElement, JsonPresentationFields mapKeyField, Map<String, T> mergedToscaDataMap, T toscaDataElement, boolean isUpdate) {
+ StorageOperationStatus status = StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+ String currKey = (String) toscaDataElement.getToscaPresentationValue(mapKeyField);
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currKey)) {
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to add tosca data to tosca element {}. The key is empty. ");
+ status = StorageOperationStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
+ } else if (!isUpdate && mergedToscaDataMap.containsKey(currKey)) {
+ CommonUtility.addRecordToLog(logger, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "Failed to add tosca data to tosca element {}. The element with the same key {} already exists. ", toscaElement.getUniqueId(), currKey);
+ status = StorageOperationStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
+ }
+ mergedToscaDataMap.put(currKey, toscaDataElement);
+ return status;
+ }
+// public StorageOperationStatus updateDataOnGraph(GraphVertex dataVertex) {
+// Either<GraphVertex, TitanOperationStatus> updateVertex = titanDao.updateVertex(dataVertex);
+// if (updateVertex.isRight()) {
+// return DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(updateVertex.right().value());
+// }
+// return StorageOperationStatus.OK;
+// }