path: root/catalog-be/src/test/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/components/impl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-be/src/test/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/components/impl/')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/test/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/components/impl/ b/catalog-be/src/test/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/components/impl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15487d7ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-be/src/test/java/org/openecomp/sdc/be/components/impl/
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.ElementOperationMock;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.api.ArtifactGroupTypeEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.api.Constants;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.api.UploadArtifactInfo;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.exception.ResponseFormat;
+import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
+import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
+import java.util.*;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Java6Assertions.assertThat;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.*;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+public class ServiceImportBussinessLogicBaseTestSetup extends BaseBusinessLogicMock {
+ protected ServiceImportBusinessLogic sIB1;
+ protected static final String SERVICE_CATEGORY = "Mobility";
+ protected static final String INSTANTIATION_TYPE = "A-la-carte";
+ protected final ServletContext servletContext = Mockito.mock(ServletContext.class);
+ protected UserBusinessLogic mockUserAdmin = Mockito.mock(UserBusinessLogic.class);
+ protected WebAppContextWrapper webAppContextWrapper = Mockito.mock(WebAppContextWrapper.class);
+ protected WebApplicationContext webAppContext = Mockito.mock(WebApplicationContext.class);
+ protected ResponseFormatManager responseManager = null;
+ protected ComponentsUtils componentsUtils = new ComponentsUtils(Mockito.mock(AuditingManager.class));
+ protected AuditCassandraDao auditingDao = Mockito.mock(AuditCassandraDao.class);
+ protected ArtifactsBusinessLogic artifactBl = Mockito.mock(ArtifactsBusinessLogic.class);
+ protected GraphLockOperation graphLockOperation = Mockito.mock(GraphLockOperation.class);
+ protected JanusGraphDao mockJanusGraphDao = Mockito.mock(JanusGraphDao.class);
+ protected ToscaOperationFacade toscaOperationFacade = Mockito.mock(ToscaOperationFacade.class);
+ protected CsarArtifactsAndGroupsBusinessLogic csarArtifactsAndGroupsBusinessLogic = Mockito.mock(CsarArtifactsAndGroupsBusinessLogic.class);
+ protected GenericTypeBusinessLogic genericTypeBusinessLogic = Mockito.mock(GenericTypeBusinessLogic.class);
+ protected UserValidations userValidations = Mockito.mock(UserValidations.class);
+ protected ResourceAdminEvent auditArchive1 = Mockito.mock(ResourceAdminEvent.class);
+ protected CatalogOperation catalogOperation = Mockito.mock(CatalogOperation.class);
+ protected ResourceAdminEvent auditArchive2 = Mockito.mock(ResourceAdminEvent.class);
+ protected ResourceAdminEvent auditRestore = Mockito.mock(ResourceAdminEvent.class);
+ protected ServiceImportParseLogic serviceImportParseLogic = Mockito.mock(ServiceImportParseLogic.class);
+ IElementOperation mockElementDao = new ElementOperationMock();
+ DistributionEngine distributionEngine = Mockito.mock(DistributionEngine.class);
+ ServiceDistributionValidation serviceDistributionValidation = Mockito.mock(ServiceDistributionValidation.class);
+ ComponentInstanceBusinessLogic componentInstanceBusinessLogic = Mockito.mock(ComponentInstanceBusinessLogic.class);
+ ForwardingPathValidator forwardingPathValidator = Mockito.mock(ForwardingPathValidator.class);
+ UiComponentDataConverter uiComponentDataConverter = Mockito.mock(UiComponentDataConverter.class);
+ NodeFilterOperation serviceFilterOperation = Mockito.mock(NodeFilterOperation.class);
+ NodeFilterValidator serviceFilterValidator = Mockito.mock(NodeFilterValidator.class);
+ protected ServiceTypeValidator serviceTypeValidator = new ServiceTypeValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ServiceCategoryValidator serviceCategoryValidator = new ServiceCategoryValidator(componentsUtils, mockElementDao);
+ protected ServiceRoleValidator serviceRoleValidator = new ServiceRoleValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ServiceFunctionValidator serviceFunctionValidator = new ServiceFunctionValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ServiceInstantiationTypeValidator serviceInstantiationTypeValidator = new ServiceInstantiationTypeValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ComponentDescriptionValidator componentDescriptionValidator = new ComponentDescriptionValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ComponentProjectCodeValidator componentProjectCodeValidator = new ComponentProjectCodeValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ComponentIconValidator componentIconValidator = new ComponentIconValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ComponentContactIdValidator componentContactIdValidator = new ComponentContactIdValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ComponentTagsValidator componentTagsValidator = new ComponentTagsValidator(componentsUtils);
+ protected ComponentNameValidator componentNameValidator = new ComponentNameValidator(componentsUtils, toscaOperationFacade);
+ protected final ComponentValidator componentValidator = Mockito.mock(ComponentValidator.class);
+ protected ServiceValidator serviceValidator = createServiceValidator();
+ protected User user = null;
+ protected Resource genericService = null;
+ private static final String RESOURCE_NAME = "My-Resource_Name with space";
+ private static final String RESOURCE_TOSCA_NAME = "My-Resource_Tosca_Name";
+ private static final String RESOURCE_CATEGORY1 = "Network Layer 2-3";
+ private static final String RESOURCE_SUBCATEGORY = "Router";
+ protected static final String CERTIFIED_VERSION = "1.0";
+ protected static final String UNCERTIFIED_VERSION = "0.2";
+ protected static final String COMPONNET_ID = "myUniqueId";
+ protected static final String GENERIC_SERVICE_NAME = "org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.service";
+ protected static final String SERVICE_ROLE = JsonPresentationFields.SERVICE_ROLE.getPresentation();
+ protected static final String SERVICE_TYPE = JsonPresentationFields.SERVICE_TYPE.getPresentation();
+ protected static final String SERVICE_FUNCTION = JsonPresentationFields.SERVICE_FUNCTION.getPresentation();
+ public ServiceImportBussinessLogicBaseTestSetup() {
+ }
+ protected ServiceValidator createServiceValidator() {
+ List<ComponentFieldValidator> componentFieldValidators = Arrays.asList(componentContactIdValidator,
+ componentDescriptionValidator,
+ componentIconValidator, componentNameValidator,
+ new ComponentProjectCodeValidator(componentsUtils),
+ componentTagsValidator);
+ List<ServiceFieldValidator> serviceFieldValidators = Arrays.asList(serviceCategoryValidator, new ServiceEnvironmentContextValidator(),
+ serviceInstantiationTypeValidator, new ServiceNamingPolicyValidator(componentsUtils),
+ serviceRoleValidator, serviceTypeValidator);
+ return new ServiceValidator(componentsUtils, componentFieldValidators, serviceFieldValidators);
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void setup() {
+ // Elements
+ IElementOperation mockElementDao = new ElementOperationMock();
+ // User data and management
+ user = new User();
+ user.setUserId("jh0003");
+ user.setFirstName("Jimmi");
+ user.setLastName("Hendrix");
+ user.setRole(;
+ when(mockUserAdmin.getUser("jh0003", false)).thenReturn(user);
+ when(userValidations.validateUserExists(eq("jh0003"))).thenReturn(user);
+ when(userValidations.validateUserNotEmpty(eq(user), anyString())).thenReturn(user);
+// when(userValidations.validateUserRole(user))
+ // Servlet Context attributes
+ when(servletContext.getAttribute(Constants.CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_ATTR)).thenReturn(configurationManager);
+// when(servletContext.getAttribute(Constants.SERVICE_OPERATION_MANAGER)).thenReturn(new ServiceOperation());
+ when(servletContext.getAttribute(Constants.WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_WRAPPER_ATTR)).thenReturn(webAppContextWrapper);
+ when(webAppContextWrapper.getWebAppContext(servletContext)).thenReturn(webAppContext);
+ when(webAppContext.getBean(IElementOperation.class)).thenReturn(mockElementDao);
+ when(graphLockOperation.lockComponent(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.eq(NodeTypeEnum.Service))).thenReturn(StorageOperationStatus.OK);
+ when(graphLockOperation.lockComponentByName(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.eq(NodeTypeEnum.Service))).thenReturn(StorageOperationStatus.OK);
+ when(catalogOperation.updateCatalog(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any())).thenReturn(ActionStatus.OK);
+ // artifact bussinesslogic
+ ArtifactDefinition artifactDef = new ArtifactDefinition();
+ when(artifactBl.createArtifactPlaceHolderInfo(Mockito.any(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyMap(), Mockito.any(User.class), Mockito.any(ArtifactGroupTypeEnum.class))).thenReturn(artifactDef);
+ // createService
+ Service serviceResponse = createServiceObject(true);
+ Either<Component, StorageOperationStatus> eitherCreate = Either.left(serviceResponse);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.createToscaComponent(Mockito.any(Component.class))).thenReturn(eitherCreate);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.getToscaElement(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(eitherCreate);
+ Either<Boolean, StorageOperationStatus> eitherCount = Either.left(false);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.validateComponentNameExists("Service", null, ComponentTypeEnum.SERVICE)).thenReturn(eitherCount);
+ Either<Boolean, StorageOperationStatus> eitherCountExist = Either.left(true);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.validateComponentNameExists("alreadyExist", null, ComponentTypeEnum.SERVICE)).thenReturn(eitherCountExist);
+ when(userValidations.validateUserExists(user)).thenReturn(user);
+ // createResource
+ Resource resourceRsponse = createParseResourceObject(true);
+ Either<Component, StorageOperationStatus> eitherResourceCreate = Either.left(resourceRsponse);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.createToscaComponent(Mockito.any(Component.class))).thenReturn(eitherResourceCreate);
+ Either<Component, StorageOperationStatus> eitherResourceRes = Either.left(resourceRsponse);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.getToscaFullElement(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(eitherResourceRes);
+ Either<Boolean, StorageOperationStatus> eitherResourceCount = Either.left(false);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.validateComponentNameExists("Resource", null, ComponentTypeEnum.RESOURCE)).thenReturn(eitherResourceCount);
+ Either<Boolean, StorageOperationStatus> eitherResourceCountExist = Either.left(true);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.validateComponentNameExists("alreadyExist", null, ComponentTypeEnum.RESOURCE)).thenReturn(eitherResourceCountExist);
+ genericService = setupGenericServiceMock();
+ Either<Resource, StorageOperationStatus> findLatestGeneric = Either.left(genericService);
+ when(toscaOperationFacade.getLatestCertifiedNodeTypeByToscaResourceName(GENERIC_SERVICE_NAME)).thenReturn(findLatestGeneric);
+ when(serviceImportParseLogic.isArtifactDeletionRequired(anyString(),any(),anyBoolean())).thenReturn(true);
+ Either<Boolean, ResponseFormat> validateCGD = Either.left(true);
+ when(serviceImportParseLogic.validateCyclicGroupsDependencies(any())).thenReturn(validateCGD);
+ sIB1 = new ServiceImportBusinessLogic(elementDao, groupOperation, groupInstanceOperation,
+ groupTypeOperation, groupBusinessLogic, interfaceOperation, interfaceLifecycleTypeOperation,
+ artifactBl, distributionEngine, componentInstanceBusinessLogic,
+ serviceDistributionValidation, forwardingPathValidator, uiComponentDataConverter, serviceFilterOperation,
+ serviceFilterValidator, artifactToscaOperation, componentContactIdValidator,
+ componentNameValidator, componentTagsValidator, componentValidator,
+ componentIconValidator, componentProjectCodeValidator, componentDescriptionValidator);
+ mockAbstract();
+ responseManager = ResponseFormatManager.getInstance();
+ }
+ protected Service createServiceObject(boolean afterCreate) {
+ Service service = new Service();
+ service.setUniqueId("sid");
+ service.setName("Service");
+ CategoryDefinition category = new CategoryDefinition();
+ category.setName(SERVICE_CATEGORY);
+ category.setIcons(Collections.singletonList("defaulticon"));
+ List<CategoryDefinition> categories = new ArrayList<>();
+ categories.add(category);
+ service.setCategories(categories);
+ service.setInstantiationType(INSTANTIATION_TYPE);
+ service.setDescription("description");
+ List<String> tgs = new ArrayList<>();
+ tgs.add(service.getName());
+ service.setTags(tgs);
+ // service.setVendorName("Motorola");
+ // service.setVendorRelease("1.0.0");
+ service.setIcon("defaulticon");
+ // service.setState(LifecycleStateEnum.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT);
+ service.setContactId("aa1234");
+ service.setProjectCode("12345");
+ service.setEcompGeneratedNaming(true);
+ if (afterCreate) {
+ service.setVersion("0.1");
+ service.setUniqueId(service.getName() + ":" + service.getVersion());
+ service.setCreatorUserId(user.getUserId());
+ service.setCreatorFullName(user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName());
+ }
+ return service;
+ }
+ protected Resource createResourceObject(boolean afterCreate) {
+ Resource resource = new Resource();
+ resource.setUniqueId("sid");
+ resource.setName("Service");
+ CategoryDefinition category = new CategoryDefinition();
+ category.setName(SERVICE_CATEGORY);
+ category.setIcons(Collections.singletonList("defaulticon"));
+ List<CategoryDefinition> categories = new ArrayList<>();
+ categories.add(category);
+ resource.setCategories(categories);
+ resource.setDescription("description");
+ List<String> tgs = new ArrayList<>();
+ tgs.add(resource.getName());
+ resource.setTags(tgs);
+ resource.setIcon("defaulticon");
+ resource.setContactId("aa1234");
+ resource.setProjectCode("12345");
+ if (afterCreate) {
+ resource.setVersion("0.1");
+ resource.setUniqueId(resource.getName() + ":" + resource.getVersion());
+ resource.setCreatorUserId(user.getUserId());
+ resource.setCreatorFullName(user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName());
+ }
+ return resource;
+ }
+protected Resource createParseResourceObject(boolean afterCreate) {
+ Resource resource = new Resource();
+ resource.setName(RESOURCE_NAME);
+ resource.setToscaResourceName(RESOURCE_TOSCA_NAME);
+ resource.setDescription("My short description");
+ List<String> tgs = new ArrayList<>();
+ tgs.add("test");
+ tgs.add(resource.getName());
+ resource.setTags(tgs);
+ List<String> template = new ArrayList<>();
+ template.add("tosca.nodes.Root");
+ resource.setDerivedFrom(template);
+ resource.setVendorName("Motorola");
+ resource.setVendorRelease("1.0.0");
+ resource.setContactId("ya5467");
+ resource.setIcon("defaulticon");
+ Map<String, List<RequirementDefinition>> requirements = new HashMap<>();
+ List<RequirementDefinition> requirementDefinitionList= new ArrayList<>();
+ requirements.put("test", requirementDefinitionList);
+ resource.setRequirements(requirements);
+ if (afterCreate) {
+ resource.setName(resource.getName());
+ resource.setVersion("0.1");
+ resource.setUniqueId(resource.getName()
+ .toLowerCase() + ":" + resource.getVersion());
+ resource.setCreatorUserId(user.getUserId());
+ resource.setCreatorFullName(user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName());
+ resource.setLifecycleState(LifecycleStateEnum.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT);
+ }
+ return resource;
+ }
+ protected Resource setupGenericServiceMock() {
+ Resource genericService = new Resource();
+ genericService.setVersion("1.0");
+ genericService.setToscaResourceName(GENERIC_SERVICE_NAME);
+ return genericService;
+ }
+ protected UploadComponentInstanceInfo createUploadComponentInstanceInfo(){
+ UploadComponentInstanceInfo uploadComponentInstanceInfo = new UploadComponentInstanceInfo();
+ uploadComponentInstanceInfo.setName("UploadComponentInstanceInfo");
+ return uploadComponentInstanceInfo;
+ }
+ private void mockAbstract() {
+ checkCreateAbstract();
+ checkCreateOther();
+ checkCreateFile();
+ }
+ private void checkCreateAbstract(){
+ AbstractResourceInfo abstractResourceInfo = new AbstractResourceInfo();
+ List<RequirementCapabilityRelDef> componentInstancesRelations = new ArrayList<>();
+ abstractResourceInfo.setComponentInstancesRelations(componentInstancesRelations);
+ abstractResourceInfo.setAbstractResourceUniqueId("abstractResourceUniqueId");
+ abstractResourceInfo.setAbstractResourceName("abstractResourceName");
+ abstractResourceInfo.setAbstractResourceUUid("abstractResourceUUid");
+ AbstractResourceInfo getAbstractResourceInfo = new AbstractResourceInfo();
+ getAbstractResourceInfo.getAbstractResourceName();
+ getAbstractResourceInfo.getAbstractResourceUniqueId();
+ getAbstractResourceInfo.getAbstractResourceUUid();
+ getAbstractResourceInfo.getComponentInstancesRelations();
+ AbstractTemplateInfo createAbstractTemplateInfo = new AbstractTemplateInfo();
+ List<AbstractResourceInfo> abstractResourceInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
+ abstractResourceInfoList.add(abstractResourceInfo);
+ createAbstractTemplateInfo.setAbstractResourceInfoList(abstractResourceInfoList);
+ createAbstractTemplateInfo.setServiceUniqueId("serviceUniqueId");
+ createAbstractTemplateInfo.setIsAbstractTemplate(true);
+ createAbstractTemplateInfo.setServiceUUid("serviceUUid");
+ AbstractTemplateInfo getAbstractTemplateInfo = new AbstractTemplateInfo();
+ getAbstractTemplateInfo.getAbstractResourceInfoList();
+ getAbstractTemplateInfo.getIsAbstractTemplate();
+ getAbstractTemplateInfo.getServiceUniqueId();
+ getAbstractTemplateInfo.getServiceUUid();
+ CopyServiceInfo copyServiceInfo = new CopyServiceInfo();
+ copyServiceInfo.setNewServiceName("newServiceName");
+ copyServiceInfo.setNewServiceUUid("serviceUUid");
+ copyServiceInfo.setOldServiceUUid("oldServiceUUid");
+ CopyServiceInfo getCopyServiceInfo = new CopyServiceInfo();
+ getCopyServiceInfo.getNewServiceName();
+ getCopyServiceInfo.getNewServiceUUid();
+ getCopyServiceInfo.getOldServiceUUid();
+ ReplaceVNFInfo replaceVNFInfo = new ReplaceVNFInfo();
+ ComponentInstance realVNFComponentInstance = new ComponentInstance();
+ replaceVNFInfo.setAbstractResourceUniqueId("abstractResourceUniqueId");
+ replaceVNFInfo.setRealVNFComponentInstance(realVNFComponentInstance);
+ replaceVNFInfo.setServiceUniqueId("serviceUniqueId");
+ ReplaceVNFInfo getReplaceVNFInfo = new ReplaceVNFInfo();
+ getReplaceVNFInfo.getServiceUniqueId();
+ getReplaceVNFInfo.getAbstractResourceUniqueId();
+ getReplaceVNFInfo.getRealVNFComponentInstance();
+ }
+ private void checkCreateOther(){
+ ResourceInstanceMetadata resourceInstanceMetadata = new ResourceInstanceMetadata();
+ List<ArtifactMetadata> artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setArtifacts(artifacts);
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setResoucreType("resoucreType");
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setResourceInstanceName("resourceInstanceName");
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setResourceInvariantUUID("resourceInvariantUUID");
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setResourceName("resourceName");
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setResourceUUID("resourceUUID");
+ resourceInstanceMetadata.setResourceVersion("resourceVersion");
+ ResourceInstanceMetadata getResourceInstanceMetadata = new ResourceInstanceMetadata();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getArtifacts();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getResoucreType();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getResourceInstanceName();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getResourceInvariantUUID();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getResourceName();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getResourceUUID();
+ getResourceInstanceMetadata.getResourceVersion();
+ UploadServiceInfo uploadServiceInfo = new UploadServiceInfo();
+ List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<CategoryDefinition> categories = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<UploadArtifactInfo> artifactList = new ArrayList<>();
+ uploadServiceInfo.setProjectCode("projectCode");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setCategories(categories);
+ uploadServiceInfo.setServiceType("");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setServiceVendorModelNumber("serviceVendorModelNumber");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setVendorRelease("vendorRelease");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setVendorName("vendorName");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setServiceIconPath("serviceIconPath");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setName("uploadServiceInfo");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setContactId("contactId");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setIcon("icon");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setNamingPolicy("namingPolicy");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setEcompGeneratedNaming("ecompGeneratedNaming");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setServiceEcompNaming("serviceEcompNaming");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setServiceRole("serviceRole");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setSubcategory("subcategory");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setCategory("category");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setType("type");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setUUID("UUID");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setInvariantUUID("invariantUUID");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setResourceVendorRelease("resourceVendorRelease");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setResourceVendor("resourceVendor");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setDescription("description");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setTags(tags);
+ uploadServiceInfo.setArtifactList(artifactList);
+ uploadServiceInfo.setPayloadName("payloadName");
+ uploadServiceInfo.setPayloadData("payloadData");
+ }
+ protected void checkGetUploadServiceInfo(){
+ UploadServiceInfo uploadServiceInfo = new UploadServiceInfo();
+ List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<CategoryDefinition> categories = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<UploadArtifactInfo> artifactList = new ArrayList<>();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getProjectCode();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getCategories();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getServiceType();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getServiceVendorModelNumber();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getVendorRelease();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getVendorName();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getServiceIconPath();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getName();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getContactId();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getIcon();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getNamingPolicy();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getEcompGeneratedNaming();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getServiceEcompNaming();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getServiceRole();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getSubcategory();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getCategory();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getType();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getUUID();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getInvariantUUID();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getResourceVendorRelease();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getResourceVendor();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getDescription();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getTags();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getArtifactList();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getPayloadName();
+ uploadServiceInfo.getPayloadData();
+ }
+ private void checkCreateFile(){
+ CreateServiceFromYamlParameter csfp = new CreateServiceFromYamlParameter();
+ Map<String, NodeTypeInfo> nodeTypesInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ ParsedToscaYamlInfo parsedToscaYamlInfo = new ParsedToscaYamlInfo();
+ List<ArtifactDefinition> createdArtifacts = new ArrayList<>();
+ CsarInfo csarInfo = getCsarInfo();
+ csfp.setYamlName("yamlName");
+ csfp.setNodeTypesInfo(nodeTypesInfo);
+ csfp.setParsedToscaYamlInfo(parsedToscaYamlInfo);
+ csfp.setCsarInfo(csarInfo);
+ csfp.setCreatedArtifacts(createdArtifacts);
+ csfp.setYamlName("yamlName");
+ csfp.setShouldLock(true);
+ csfp.setInTransaction(true);
+ csfp.setNodeName("nodeName");
+ CreateServiceFromYamlParameter getCsfy = new CreateServiceFromYamlParameter();
+ getCsfy.getYamlName();
+ getCsfy.getNodeTypesInfo();
+ getCsfy.getParsedToscaYamlInfo();
+ getCsfy.getCsarInfo();
+ getCsfy.getCreatedArtifacts();
+ getCsfy.getYamlName();
+ getCsfy.isShouldLock();
+ getCsfy.isInTransaction();
+ getCsfy.getNodeName();
+ }
+ protected CsarInfo getCsarInfo ()
+ {
+ String csarUuid = "0010";
+ User user = new User();
+ Map<String, byte[]> csar = crateCsarFromPayload();
+ String vfReousrceName = "resouceName";
+ String mainTemplateName = "mainTemplateName";
+ String mainTemplateContent = getMainTemplateContent();
+ final Service service = createServiceObject(false);
+ CsarInfo csarInfo = new CsarInfo(user, csarUuid, csar, vfReousrceName, mainTemplateName, mainTemplateContent, false);
+ return csarInfo;
+ }
+ protected Map<String, byte[]> crateCsarFromPayload() {
+ String payloadName = "valid_vf.csar";
+ byte[] data = new byte[1024];
+ Map<String, byte[]> returnValue = new HashMap<>();
+ returnValue.put(payloadName,data);
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+ protected String getGroupsYaml(){
+ return "zxjTestImportServiceAb 0:\n" +
+ " type: org.openecomp.resource.vf.Zxjtestimportserviceab\n" +
+ " metadata:\n" +
+ " invariantUUID: 41474f7f-3195-443d-a0a2-eb6020a56279\n" +
+ " UUID: 92e32e49-55f8-46bf-984d-a98c924037ec\n" +
+ " customizationUUID: 40286158-96d0-408e-9f27-21d43817d37c\n" +
+ " version: '1.0'\n" +
+ " name: zxjTestImportServiceAb\n" +
+ " description: zxjTestImportServiceAbstract\n" +
+ " type: VF\n" +
+ " category: Generic\n" +
+ " subcategory: Abstract\n" +
+ " resourceVendor: zxjImportService\n" +
+ " resourceVendorRelease: '1.0'\n" +
+ " resourceVendorModelNumber: ''\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " skip_post_instantiation_configuration: true\n" +
+ " nf_naming:\n" +
+ " ecomp_generated_naming: true\n" +
+ " multi_stage_design: 'false'\n" +
+ " controller_actor: SO-REF-DATA\n" +
+ " availability_zone_max_count: 1\n" +
+ " requirements:\n" +
+ " - imagefile.dependency:\n" +
+ " capability: feature\n" +
+ " node: ext ZTE VL 0\n" +
+ " - mme_ipu_vdu.dependency:\n" +
+ " capability: feature\n" +
+ " node: ExtCP 0\n" +
+ " capabilities:\n" +
+ " mme_ipu_vdu.scalable:\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " max_instances: 1\n" +
+ " min_instances: 1\n" +
+ " mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute:\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " num_cpus: '2'\n" +
+ " flavor_extra_specs: {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " mem_size: '8192'";
+ }
+ protected String getYamlFileContent(){
+ return "tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1\n" +
+ "imports:\n" +
+ "- data.yml\n" +
+ "group_types:\n" +
+ " tosca.groups.Root:\n" +
+ " description: The TOSCA Group Type all other TOSCA Group Types derive from\n" +
+ " interfaces:\n" +
+ " Standard:\n" +
+ " type: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard\n" +
+ " org.openecomp.groups.heat.HeatStack:\n" +
+ " derived_from: tosca.groups.Root\n" +
+ " description: Grouped all heat resources which are in the same heat stack\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " heat_file:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " description: Heat file which associate to this group/heat stack\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " status: supported\n" +
+ " description:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " description: group description\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " status: supported\n" +
+ " org.openecomp.groups.VfModule:\n" +
+ " derived_from: tosca.groups.Root\n" +
+ " description: Grouped all heat resources which are in the same VF Module\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " isBase:\n" +
+ " type: boolean\n" +
+ " description: Whether this module should be deployed before other modules\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " default: false\n" +
+ " status: supported\n" +
+ " vf_module_label:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: |\n" +
+ " Alternate textual key used to reference this VF-Module model. Must be unique within the VNF model\n" +
+ " vf_module_description:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: |\n" +
+ " Description of the VF-modules contents and purpose (e.g. \"Front-End\" or \"Database Cluster\")\n" +
+ " min_vf_module_instances:\n" +
+ " type: integer\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: The minimum instances of this VF-Module\n" +
+ " max_vf_module_instances:\n" +
+ " type: integer\n" +
+ " required: false\n" +
+ " description: The maximum instances of this VF-Module\n" +
+ " initial_count:\n" +
+ " type: integer\n" +
+ " required: false\n" +
+ " description: |\n" +
+ " The initial count of instances of the VF-Module. The value must be in the range between min_vfmodule_instances and max_vfmodule_instances. If no value provided the initial count is the min_vfmodule_instances.\n" +
+ " vf_module_type:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " constraint:\n" +
+ " - valid_values:\n" +
+ " - Base\n" +
+ " - Expansion\n" +
+ " volume_group:\n" +
+ " type: boolean\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " default: false\n" +
+ " description: |\n" +
+ " \"true\" indicates that this VF Module model requires attachment to a Volume Group. VID operator must select the Volume Group instance to attach to a VF-Module at deployment time.\n" +
+ " availability_zone_count:\n" +
+ " type: integer\n" +
+ " required: false\n" +
+ " description: |\n" +
+ " Quantity of Availability Zones needed for this VF-Module (source: Extracted from VF-Module HEAT template)\n" +
+ " vfc_list:\n" +
+ " type: map\n" +
+ " entry_schema:\n" +
+ " description: <vfc_id>:<count>\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: false\n" +
+ " description: |\n" +
+ " Identifies the set of VM types and their count included in the VF-Module\n" +
+ " org.openecomp.groups.NetworkCollection:\n" +
+ " derived_from: tosca.groups.Root\n" +
+ " description: groups l3-networks in network collection\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " network_collection_function:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: network collection function\n" +
+ " network_collection_description:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: network collection description, free format text\n" +
+ " org.openecomp.groups.VfcInstanceGroup:\n" +
+ " derived_from: tosca.groups.Root\n" +
+ " description: groups VFCs with same parent port role\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " vfc_instance_group_function:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: function of this VFC group\n" +
+ " vfc_parent_port_role:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: common role of parent ports of VFCs in this group\n" +
+ " network_collection_function:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: network collection function assigned to this group\n" +
+ " subinterface_role:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " description: common role of subinterfaces of VFCs in this group, criteria the group is created\n" +
+ " capabilities:\n" +
+ " vlan_assignment:\n" +
+ " type: org.openecomp.capabilities.VLANAssignment\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " vfc_instance_group_reference:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " tosca.groups.nfv.PlacementGroup:\n" +
+ " derived_from: tosca.groups.Root\n" +
+ " description: PlacementGroup is used for describing the affinity or anti-affinity relationship applicable between the virtualization containers to be created based on different VDUs, or between internal VLs to be created based on different VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s)\n" +
+ " properties:\n" +
+ " description:\n" +
+ " type: string\n" +
+ " description: Human readable description of the group\n" +
+ " required: true\n" +
+ " members:\n" +
+ " - tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute\n" +
+ " - tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink";
+ }
+ public String getMainTemplateContent(){
+ return "tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1\n"
+ + "metadata:\n"
+ + " invariantUUID: 6d17f281-683b-4198-a676-0faeecdc9025\n"
+ + " UUID: bfeab6b4-199b-4a2b-b724-de416c5e9811\n"
+ + " name: ser09080002\n"
+ + " description: ser09080002\n"
+ + " type: Service\n"
+ + " category: E2E Service\n"
+ + " serviceType: ''\n"
+ + " serviceRole: ''\n"
+ + " instantiationType: A-la-carte\n"
+ + " serviceEcompNaming: true\n"
+ + " ecompGeneratedNaming: true\n"
+ + " namingPolicy: ''\n"
+ + " environmentContext: General_Revenue-Bearing\n"
+ + " serviceFunction: ''\n"
+ + "imports:\n"
+ + "- nodes:\n"
+ + " file: nodes.yml\n"
+ + "- datatypes:\n"
+ + " file: data.yml\n"
+ + "- capabilities:\n"
+ + " file: capabilities.yml\n"
+ + "- relationships:\n"
+ + " file: relationships.yml\n"
+ + "- groups:\n"
+ + " file: groups.yml\n"
+ + "- policies:\n"
+ + " file: policies.yml\n"
+ + "- annotations:\n"
+ + " file: annotations.yml\n"
+ + "- service-ser09080002-interface:\n"
+ + " file: service-Ser09080002-template-interface.yml\n"
+ + "- resource-ExtCP:\n"
+ + " file: resource-Extcp-template.yml\n"
+ + "- resource-zxjTestImportServiceAb:\n"
+ + " file: resource-Zxjtestimportserviceab-template.yml\n"
+ + "- resource-zxjTestImportServiceAb-interface:\n"
+ + " file: resource-Zxjtestimportserviceab-template-interface.yml\n"
+ + "- resource-zxjTestServiceNotAbatract:\n"
+ + " file: resource-Zxjtestservicenotabatract-template.yml\n"
+ + "- resource-zxjTestServiceNotAbatract-interface:\n"
+ + " file: resource-Zxjtestservicenotabatract-template-interface.yml\n"
+ + "- resource-ext ZTE VL:\n"
+ + " file: resource-ExtZteVl-template.yml\n"
+ + "topology_template:\n"
+ + " inputs:\n"
+ + " skip_post_instantiation_configuration:\n"
+ + " default: true\n"
+ + " type: boolean\n"
+ + " required: false\n"
+ + " controller_actor:\n"
+ + " default: SO-REF-DATA\n"
+ + " type: string\n"
+ + " required: false\n"
+ + " cds_model_version:\n"
+ + " type: string\n"
+ + " required: false\n"
+ + " cds_model_name:\n"
+ + " type: string\n"
+ + " required: false\n"
+ + " node_templates:\n"
+ + " ext ZTE VL 0:\n"
+ + " type: tosca.nodes.nfv.ext.zte.VL\n"
+ + " metadata:\n"
+ + " invariantUUID: 27ab7610-1a97-4daa-938a-3b48e7afcfd0\n"
+ + " UUID: 9ea63e2c-4b8a-414f-93e3-5703ca5cee0d\n"
+ + " customizationUUID: e45e79b0-07ab-46b4-ac26-1e9f155ce53c\n"
+ + " version: '1.0'\n"
+ + " name: ext ZTE VL\n"
+ + " description: Ext ZTE VL\n"
+ + " type: VL\n"
+ + " category: Generic\n"
+ + " subcategory: Network Elements\n"
+ + " resourceVendor: ONAP (Tosca)\n"
+ + " resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03\n"
+ + " resourceVendorModelNumber: ''\n"
+ + " zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0:\n"
+ + " type: org.openecomp.resource.vf.Zxjtestservicenotabatract\n"
+ + " metadata:\n"
+ + " invariantUUID: ce39ce8d-6f97-4e89-8555-ae6789cdcf1c\n"
+ + " UUID: 4ac822be-f1ae-4ace-a4b8-bf6b5d977005\n"
+ + " customizationUUID: ee34e1e8-68e2-480f-8ba6-f257bbe90d6a\n"
+ + " version: '1.0'\n"
+ + " name: zxjTestServiceNotAbatract\n"
+ + " description: zxjTestServiceNotAbatract\n"
+ + " type: VF\n"
+ + " category: Network L4+\n"
+ + " subcategory: Common Network Resources\n"
+ + " resourceVendor: zxjImportService\n"
+ + " resourceVendorRelease: '1.0'\n"
+ + " resourceVendorModelNumber: ''\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " nf_naming:\n"
+ + " ecomp_generated_naming: true\n"
+ + " skip_post_instantiation_configuration: true\n"
+ + " multi_stage_design: 'false'\n"
+ + " controller_actor: SO-REF-DATA\n"
+ + " availability_zone_max_count: 1\n"
+ + " capabilities:\n"
+ + " mme_ipu_vdu.scalable:\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " max_instances: 1\n"
+ + " min_instances: 1\n"
+ + " mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute:\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " num_cpus: '2'\n"
+ + " flavor_extra_specs: {\n"
+ + " }\n"
+ + " mem_size: '8192'\n"
+ + " ExtCP 0:\n"
+ + " type: org.openecomp.resource.cp.extCP\n"
+ + " metadata:\n"
+ + " invariantUUID: 9b772728-93f5-424f-bb07-f4cae2783614\n"
+ + " UUID: 424ac220-4864-453e-b757-917fe4568ff8\n"
+ + " customizationUUID: 6e65d8a8-4379-4693-87aa-82f9e34b92fd\n"
+ + " version: '1.0'\n"
+ + " name: ExtCP\n"
+ + " description: The AT&T Connection Point base type all other CP derive from\n"
+ + " type: CP\n"
+ + " category: Generic\n"
+ + " subcategory: Network Elements\n"
+ + " resourceVendor: ONAP (Tosca)\n"
+ + " resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03\n"
+ + " resourceVendorModelNumber: ''\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " mac_requirements:\n"
+ + " mac_count_required:\n"
+ + " is_required: false\n"
+ + " exCP_naming:\n"
+ + " ecomp_generated_naming: true\n"
+ + " zxjTestImportServiceAb 0:\n"
+ + " type: org.openecomp.resource.vf.Zxjtestimportserviceab\n"
+ + " metadata:\n"
+ + " invariantUUID: 41474f7f-3195-443d-a0a2-eb6020a56279\n"
+ + " UUID: 92e32e49-55f8-46bf-984d-a98c924037ec\n"
+ + " customizationUUID: 98c7a6c7-a867-45fb-8597-dd464f98e4aa\n"
+ + " version: '1.0'\n"
+ + " name: zxjTestImportServiceAb\n"
+ + " description: zxjTestImportServiceAbstract\n"
+ + " type: VF\n"
+ + " category: Generic\n"
+ + " subcategory: Abstract\n"
+ + " resourceVendor: zxjImportService\n"
+ + " resourceVendorRelease: '1.0'\n"
+ + " resourceVendorModelNumber: ''\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " nf_naming:\n"
+ + " ecomp_generated_naming: true\n"
+ + " skip_post_instantiation_configuration: true\n"
+ + " multi_stage_design: 'false'\n"
+ + " controller_actor: SO-REF-DATA\n"
+ + " availability_zone_max_count: 1\n"
+ + " requirements:\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.dependency:\n"
+ + " capability: feature\n"
+ + " node: ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.dependency:\n"
+ + " capability: feature\n"
+ + " node: ext ZTE VL 0\n"
+ + " capabilities:\n"
+ + " mme_ipu_vdu.scalable:\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " max_instances: 1\n"
+ + " min_instances: 1\n"
+ + " mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute:\n"
+ + " properties:\n"
+ + " num_cpus: '2'\n"
+ + " flavor_extra_specs: {\n"
+ + " }\n"
+ + " mem_size: '8192'\n"
+ + " substitution_mappings:\n"
+ + " node_type: org.openecomp.service.Ser09080002\n"
+ + " capabilities:\n"
+ + " extcp0.feature:\n"
+ + " - ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.monitoring_parameter:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.monitoring_parameter\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.imagefile.guest_os:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.guest_os\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.imagefile.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.imagefile.guest_os:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.guest_os\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.ipu_cpd.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.virtualbinding:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.virtualbinding\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.feature\n"
+ + " extztevl0.feature:\n"
+ + " - ext ZTE VL 0\n"
+ + " - feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.imagefile.image_fle:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.image_fle\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.monitoring_parameter:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.monitoring_parameter\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.ipu_cpd.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.scalable:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.scalable\n"
+ + " extcp0.internal_connectionPoint:\n"
+ + " - ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - internal_connectionPoint\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.virtualbinding:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.virtualbinding\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.imagefile.image_fle:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.image_fle\n"
+ + " extztevl0.virtual_linkable:\n"
+ + " - ext ZTE VL 0\n"
+ + " - virtual_linkable\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.imagefile.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.localstorage.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - localstorage.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.localstorage.local_attachment:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - localstorage.local_attachment\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.scalable:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.scalable\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.localstorage.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - localstorage.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.nfv_compute\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.localstorage.local_attachment:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - localstorage.local_attachment\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.feature:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.feature\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.ipu_cpd.forwarder:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.forwarder\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.ipu_cpd.forwarder:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.forwarder\n"
+ + " requirements:\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.imagefile.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.local_storage:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.local_storage\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.ipu_cpd.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.volume_storage:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.volume_storage\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.ipu_cpd.virtualbinding:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.virtualbinding\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.localstorage.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - localstorage.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.imagefile.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - imagefile.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.volume_storage:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.volume_storage\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.ipu_cpd.virtualbinding:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.virtualbinding\n"
+ + " extcp0.virtualLink:\n"
+ + " - ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - virtualLink\n"
+ + " extcp0.virtualBinding:\n"
+ + " - ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - virtualBinding\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.guest_os:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.guest_os\n"
+ + " extcp0.dependency:\n"
+ + " - ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.localstorage.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - localstorage.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.ipu_cpd.virtualLink:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.virtualLink\n"
+ + " extztevl0.dependency:\n"
+ + " - ext ZTE VL 0\n"
+ + " - dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.ipu_cpd.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.dependency:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.dependency\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.mme_ipu_vdu.local_storage:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.local_storage\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.ipu_cpd.virtualLink:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.virtualLink\n"
+ + " extcp0.external_virtualLink:\n"
+ + " - ExtCP 0\n"
+ + " - external_virtualLink\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.mme_ipu_vdu.guest_os:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - mme_ipu_vdu.guest_os\n"
+ + " zxjtestimportserviceab0.ipu_cpd.forwarder:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestImportServiceAb 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.forwarder\n"
+ + " zxjtestservicenotabatract0.ipu_cpd.forwarder:\n"
+ + " - zxjTestServiceNotAbatract 0\n"
+ + " - ipu_cpd.forwarder\n";
+ }
+ protected void assertComponentException(ComponentException e, ActionStatus expectedStatus, String... variables) {
+ ResponseFormat actualResponse = e.getResponseFormat() != null ?
+ e.getResponseFormat() : componentsUtils.getResponseFormat(e.getActionStatus(), e.getParams());
+ assertResponse(actualResponse, expectedStatus, variables);
+ }
+ protected void assertResponse(ResponseFormat actualResponse, ActionStatus expectedStatus, String... variables) {
+ ResponseFormat expectedResponse = responseManager.getResponseFormat(expectedStatus, variables);
+ assertEquals(expectedResponse.getStatus(), actualResponse.getStatus());
+ assertEquals("assert error description", expectedResponse.getFormattedMessage(), actualResponse.getFormattedMessage());
+ }